Nothing personal, but, if you don't like my posts on this subject then don't pay any attention to it. Problem solved.
I asked a legitimate question around an issue that is currently a point of contention with the industry and its consumers in today's environment. I'm compiling a case study right now on this issue, mostly because I work in market research and because it fascinates me. Second, if you don't think R* will at some point add even more monetization with the addition of the lootbox then you're naive because Take 2 will demand it at some point. Publishers and developers are out to make money, they are businesses, so do not forget that fact. Just look at the paid mods thing Bethesda has done which has alienated their fan base--me included. They used to be pro-consumer but they are now straying from that path with the paid mods thing. Even consumer friendly companies can and will do it. Another example is Bungie, just look at Destiny 2 and the sh*tstorm that is that game right now. My co-workers who are hardcore fans are now even questioning if they will even give Activision/Blizzard and Bungie any more of their money in the future. Also just because it is a single player game doesn't mean you won't get this stuff either, AAA publishers are actively perusing ways to monetize every facet of the gaming experience to make more money. Hell EA and Activision/Blizzard have already gone out of their way to come up with ways to make this even worse. If you don't believe me then you need to search youtube about it because it is everywhere. 
No sweat of my back. If it is riddle full of them to the point of pay to win and or if lootboxes are put in then I won't buy it. Pretty easy decision. I've got over 1,000 games I haven't played that I own so I won't be hurting for games to play and of course I can always play Borderlands 2 and its DLC. 
Not naive, just not a conspiracy theorist jackass who expects the worst in everyone. Rockstar already saw how much money they could make through GTAO, so they will likely continue that path because it was profitable. Thinking that a company will automatically take it steps too far because it COULD make them more money is just plain stupid, especially during the current consumer climate and what the world did to Battlefront 2. If you did research or knew anything, you'd know companies do risk models and make decisions based on what is good for the company in the long run. Rockstar is not Activision/Blizzard or EA... both world renowned for being greedy jackasses.
Bethesda didn't betray anyone with what they did with paid mods, there are still plenty of free mods and they aren't in any way necessary for the game to play, they just facilitated a way from content creators to make money off of their hard work, if you are against that, then you are just a shitty person who feels entitled to all content at no cost. If a mod maker makes a fantastic mod and wants you to pay for it and Bethesda has facilitated a way for that to be done, kudos to them, they deserve what money they will receive. Many companies started out as mod makers and made their way to full fledged development companies. That's how Tripwire interactive came to be. Essentially if you are against what Bethesda has done, you are anti-indie dev scene. You're the equivalent of the folks who think all artists should provide work free of charge or for "exposure".
Also, Borderlands 2 already has lootboxes with the golden loot chest. Had they made it where you could buy golden keys, it'd be the same thing. Only 1 step off from that.