Call of Duty: Black Ops II (PS3)[EU]
Original one had "map pack included" in description so I made new entry for standard edition and edited the tittle of old one to include information of map pack.
This edit got rejected and old entry was converted to standard version. Now there's two entries of standard version of the game.
We must have crossed paths on that entry. I had found it and changed the front art because it had a watermark on it. Then I had to look it up and there appears to be at least 3 BLOPSII (in UK at least), one of which is just a regular, one that has Nuketown on the back and one with another type of map referenced on the back. So I had to pull the description on that entry and delete the back image, because another user tried to convert that entry into the "Nuketown" version. No fault to them, as this entry was one of those "frankenstein" entries with mismatched images and info. Alas it is back to being the regular (first) release as it should be, so any of those other versions probably need to be added if so inclined.