Hello everyone!

. Today on facebook marketplace I stumbled onto an interesting debate many people were having with this seller. He was selling an Xbox One (standard version with dust) for 700 USD lol. Not so bad though because he said it came with 300 games. 300!!! Holy cow. I was estatic to see if I could negotiate and aquire such a set

. But than came to find the wool had been pulled over my eyes by yet another digital library guy.

I sat anxiously waiting for the pictures of the big beautiful green plastic stacks of current gen goodness but ending up getting cell phone shots of a TV screen with all those free games Xbox gives every month that he decided to download for 4 years and now he's trying to act like his Xbox comes with 300 "games". All completely digital games. Not an ounce of hard copy

. And part of my soul shattered

I actually decided to argue with him a bit. I told him the digital games are not physical copies and that the Xbox's value isn't effected by digital media. He said he had spent over 3,000 dollars on the digital games. After a while of conversating with him he did the common "don't like it, don't buy it" so I left him alone and went on my way.
But it does bring up an interesting debate that sparked a huge 200+ comment argument on the marketplace. I started to think about it more and more and i'm starting to think maybe I was short sighted and the past of how gaming was corrupted how I thought of the here and now. I think maybe I was wrong. With games going in the direction of digital only so rapidly. Is someone selling their digital copies as an added bonus to their hardware really that far fetch'd? I wasn't the only one to give him a hard time about the digital games. So many people said they added no value. But how didn't they? Aren't they still games?

What are your thoughts on selling digital games with your console in the future. Do they add value to your units for having them on the HDD?

If so how much value do they add. How can we gauge it?
For example say you had a switch. With all the best games, 20+ amazing 1st party titles from Mario to Splatoon to Zelda and arms. All digital. But than you decided to sell the console. Would you post it for 250 or 2,500? All those amazing games are still on the SD. They still came out of your wallet and the buyer will still get to play them. Where do you stand on this debate?