Author Topic: Monster Hunter: World  (Read 3512 times)


Monster Hunter: World
« on: February 05, 2018, 02:27:51 pm »
Just figured I'd have a MHW thread since a few of us have been talking about it in the general section. Please be careful of spoilers in this thread!

I've been playing pretty much nonstop since it came out but I'm only at HR 12, I think. Taking my time is nice! I like pushing the story but also am happy to gather things and farm monsters with folks.

My PSN is Deso31 in case anyone needs any help!

I don't want to get into too many spoilers here - I know folks are at all different levels, and I love the surprises the game has in store.

If anything, I'm still having a hard time finding the grimalkynes and the poogie outfits! I've found a few outfits but am wondering if there aren't more.

I wonder if this is a good way to kinda/sorta hide spoilers.  :-X
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2018, 03:42:19 pm »
This is a must have game for me since I really enjoyed MH3. Looking forward to playing it sometime soon! I just need a PS4 lol
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Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2018, 03:47:14 pm »
I've never played a Monster Hunter game.  I own a couple, but I've never played.  Don't really know where to start.

I think I have 3, 4, and Generations.


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Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2018, 04:34:05 pm »
My first Monster Hunter and it is a terrific game. I’ve put in nearly 50 hours now and progress has slowed as the monsters have got tougher.

I’ve just beaten the first really tough monster and am now having to think hard about builds.

I am hoping I can beat the main story  :)


Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 05:08:52 pm »
I've never played a Monster Hunter game.  I own a couple, but I've never played.  Don't really know where to start.

I think I have 3, 4, and Generations.

I played MH4U and have Generations but put very little time into both. I got the general gist of it but didn't like to play it for very long stints. I didn't think it was because of it being on the 3DS and the limitations that come with that, but now that I'm playing MH:W on PS4, I can easily play it for hours at a time, wasting the whole day.

I've heard from a lot of veterans that it's very difficult to start with one Monster Hunter and go backwards since they keep making improvements with each game.

If you have a PS4, I'd say RedBox or rent it to see if you'd like it and go from there :)
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2018, 05:23:13 pm »
I've never played a Monster Hunter game.  I own a couple, but I've never played.  Don't really know where to start.

I think I have 3, 4, and Generations.

I played MH4U and have Generations but put very little time into both. I got the general gist of it but didn't like to play it for very long stints. I didn't think it was because of it being on the 3DS and the limitations that come with that, but now that I'm playing MH:W on PS4, I can easily play it for hours at a time, wasting the whole day.

I've heard from a lot of veterans that it's very difficult to start with one Monster Hunter and go backwards since they keep making improvements with each game.

If you have a PS4, I'd say RedBox or rent it to see if you'd like it and go from there :)
Right, but if it's hard to go backwards, I should start with 3 and move forward.  Plus... money.

Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2018, 05:25:08 pm »
This is my first Monster Hunter too.  I tried once or twice in the past, but I always thought the games were clunky and eventually became very outdated in their design.  I've gone and put something like 80 hours into the game.  I think I'm coming up towards the end of the story, I just need to get grinding to max out some gear defense to handle some of these final fights.  I'm really hooked on the insect glaive right now, because it's really fun just bouncing around the monsters, with dual blades as my secondary.  Usually in RPG's and action games, I like to play heavier builds, built around withstanding damage and big swords, but I actually prefer mobility more in this.


Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2018, 05:31:34 pm »
I've never played a Monster Hunter game.  I own a couple, but I've never played.  Don't really know where to start.

I think I have 3, 4, and Generations.

I played MH4U and have Generations but put very little time into both. I got the general gist of it but didn't like to play it for very long stints. I didn't think it was because of it being on the 3DS and the limitations that come with that, but now that I'm playing MH:W on PS4, I can easily play it for hours at a time, wasting the whole day.

I've heard from a lot of veterans that it's very difficult to start with one Monster Hunter and go backwards since they keep making improvements with each game.

If you have a PS4, I'd say RedBox or rent it to see if you'd like it and go from there :)
Right, but if it's hard to go backwards, I should start with 3 and move forward.  Plus... money.

Yup! I haven't played 3 but have heard good things about it. But yeah, I hear that about the money...

This is my first Monster Hunter too.  I tried once or twice in the past, but I always thought the games were clunky and eventually became very outdated in their design.  I've gone and put something like 80 hours into the game.  I think I'm coming up towards the end of the story, I just need to get grinding to max out some gear defense to handle some of these final fights.  I'm really hooked on the insect glaive right now, because it's really fun just bouncing around the monsters, with dual blades as my secondary.  Usually in RPG's and action games, I like to play heavier builds, built around withstanding damage and big swords, but I actually prefer mobility more in this.

I've been maining insect glaive lately, too. Hunting horn is my backup but I started to try out the dual blades last night. I've put maybe... 50 hours into the game? Very early on in the story, I think, still. But yeah, like you, I'm enjoying the mobility! I used to play more ranged in the past, but I love running around the monsters in this one since I can actually see what I'm doing, haha.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2018, 05:36:06 pm by desocietas »
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2018, 05:40:10 pm »
I do like bows, they basically wreck creatures that take to the air I've found if you just spam spike balls, though it's a low damage weapon I feel.  I like bowguns, but their damage always feels kinda low to me and their lack of mobility makes it tough.  Seem more like weapons to use in multiplayer, which I haven't done yet.


Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2018, 05:44:01 pm »
I'm loving MHW. Ton of people getting in with this one too, nice to see!

Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2018, 04:36:03 am »
Not sure what counts as a spoiler, but if even knowing the name of a high rank monster is a spoiler, then just ignore below. I don't spoil anything specific otherwise.

Anyone far enough into the games story to know if there's a point where Bazelgeuse learns to freaking chill and not appear in damn near every investigation I do?  It was terrifying the first few times, but it's like the 30th time he's shown up and I can't keep dung pods stocked up fast enough to keep shooing him away.  Sometimes it's badass when multiple monsters show up as you fight, but he shows up in every map and guarantees he'll interject himself into nearly every fight.  Do I have to do his optional mission to make him stop? If I beat these last story fights, does he stop? Go away you stupid monster!
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 04:39:09 am by kamikazekeeg »


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Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2018, 05:05:58 am »
Not sure what counts as a spoiler, but if even knowing the name of a high rank monster is a spoiler, then just ignore below. I don't spoil anything specific otherwise.

Anyone far enough into the games story to know if there's a point where Bazelgeuse learns to freaking chill and not appear in damn near every investigation I do?  It was terrifying the first few times, but it's like the 30th time he's shown up and I can't keep dung pods stocked up fast enough to keep shooing him away.  Sometimes it's badass when multiple monsters show up as you fight, but he shows up in every map and guarantees he'll interject himself into nearly every fight.  Do I have to do his optional mission to make him stop? If I beat these last story fights, does he stop? Go away you stupid monster!

That's interesting cos he has shown up in my last two investigations. I am nowhere near enough geared to handle him yet!


hey Kamikazekee, I've just unlocked the Nergigante hunt, how long did it take you to get where you are from here?

Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #12 on: February 06, 2018, 05:29:25 am »
That's interesting cos he has shown up in my last two investigations. I am nowhere near enough geared to handle him yet!


hey Kamikazekee, I've just unlocked the Nergigante hunt, how long did it take you to get where you are from here?

I could probably take him now, just been to focused on other fights to even try fighting him properly and usually I'm doing investigations now to try and build up armor upgrade points so I can get my gear ready for the final fights.  But if I'm trying to more quickly grind out monsters, there's always an extra minute or two trying to deal with Bazelgeuse showing up.  It's really annoying.

I'm in the fights that come up after Nergigante, which I don't know if they are the last ones or not story wise.  They show up right after you beat Nergigante and do track hunting again, so I'm not that far ahead story wise, but I've put 90 hours into the game with optional quests and investigation missions to get gear and upgrade it.  Nearly have a windproof set ready to handle one of the fights.  Nergigante is still the craziest thing I've fought in the game though.  He's like a final boss that isn't the final boss.  His speed, range, and hitbox is kinda nuts.

Random sidenote, but I was curious if this was just a female armor issue, or something the men were afflicted with to, but as a female character, there are a number of armor sets that have the ugliest, poofiest, umbrella-like, victorian era-like, skirts/dresses possible.  Some have some smaller parts, and are fine, but others look ridiculous.

This is just a picture of the Rathian armor from an older game, but it's basically the same in World, it's so ugly lol
« Last Edit: February 06, 2018, 05:44:42 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2018, 11:38:24 am »
This is just a picture of the Rathian armor from an older game, but it's basically the same in World, it's so ugly lol

Hahaha, yeah, I think they're pretty unattractive as well, but I think it's just a callback to the old outfits from the previous games. The Rathian armor has always been kinda poofy for the female avatars, and Capcom doesn't shy from including things outside of the MH aesthetic, too... the 8-bit Mega Man costume coming up for your Palico, for instance.

Yeah, as for the one monster that just shows up randomly *everywhere* to rain on your parade... My biggest gripe is that, so far, the NPCs say *nothing* about him! Like he's just some random small monster that doesn't need to be talked about.

I find that it's helpful to start using them now at my HR - dung pods. I'm not good about using slinger ammo, but the dung pods are helpful because they'll encourage a monster to leave the area. Very useful if you're just trying to focus on one monster or if you're just gathering and don't feel like fighting something.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Re: Monster Hunter: World
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2018, 01:02:06 pm »
This is just a picture of the Rathian armor from an older game, but it's basically the same in World, it's so ugly lol

Hahaha, yeah, I think they're pretty unattractive as well, but I think it's just a callback to the old outfits from the previous games. The Rathian armor has always been kinda poofy for the female avatars, and Capcom doesn't shy from including things outside of the MH aesthetic, too... the 8-bit Mega Man costume coming up for your Palico, for instance.

Yeah, as for the one monster that just shows up randomly *everywhere* to rain on your parade... My biggest gripe is that, so far, the NPCs say *nothing* about him! Like he's just some random small monster that doesn't need to be talked about.

I find that it's helpful to start using them now at my HR - dung pods. I'm not good about using slinger ammo, but the dung pods are helpful because they'll encourage a monster to leave the area. Very useful if you're just trying to focus on one monster or if you're just gathering and don't feel like fighting something.

I just discovered dung pods too! Poor monsters, if I’m not smashing them in the head with a hammer, I’m throwing Dino-poo at them!