I think this may have happened with Bioshock Infinite for me. Mostly because Bioshock 1 was one of my favorite games of all time and 2 was not far behind it's glory. Infinite just took the whole vibe and flipped it upside down. It just wasn't underwater, eery, creepy vibe that made me love the game anymore. It was just a complete different game. Not a bad game by any means but just not bioshock to me.
I kind of feel the same. Infinite was much more a standard shooter, complete with cover regenerating health. It also forwent the slight exploratory nature of the original, as well as largely did away with the RPG elements. Basically, the things that made Bioshock special game play wise where severely lessened and the atmosphere and story where also less enjoyable to me.
I've got a few examples...
I bring this one up a lot because it was a real disappointment because it causes me to miss out on so much content... and that is The Witcher 3. Open world RPGs with big explorable worlds are by far the most amazing games to me, so it really hurts that I cannot stand the way Combat works in the Witcher 3. I tried to look past it to enjoy the big world, but I just couldn't. My go-to comparison is that I like the much maligned Two Worlds much more as it hits all the right spots even if it is far less polished.
A more recent example is A Hat In Time. It is a common meme for people who want to rag on Yooka-Laylee to say AHIT is better... but it is certainly not! AHIT is more polished, but as a collect-a-thon it is severely lacking, bordering on just being a standard 3D platformer which I like way less. The first level in AHIT is the best one, with the second level not even being an open connected world... it was bleg. The third level was better, but still not as good as the first. Fourth level had nothing in it, assume it opens up at a certain point, but I was tired of playing by then. In the end, it didn't give me what I wanted while Yooka did. Luckily Odyssey came around to scratch more of that collect-a-thon itch! Another game on Steam called Freeze Me I also enjoyed much more, and it seemed ike a very limited project. Regardless of enjoying it, I am still glad to have supported Gears For Breakfast by buying it. It's quirky overload is cute and all story stuff was better than Yooka. The main thing it has over Playtonic is they didn't removed their JonTron cameo for some weak-ass virtue signalling.