As someone who only has a ps4, are there any Xbox One exclusives that make the console worth buying if you have a ps4?
So far I've been looking into Sunset Overdrive and Rare Replay.
Here is a list of some of the pros to owning an Xbox One or One X along side your PS4 as unbiased as I can.

Remember these are just my opinions. But I do think the Xbox has selling points that make it a must have.

1. The controller.... The controller warrants out of body phenomenons that this planet can't even fathom, it's a van gough, it's a picasso, it's just pure divine excellence. Ergonomically it's better for FPS, and especially racers imo. It's better than Pizza, it's slightly better than love. I could sit here and make a novel of how great the controller is but that wouldn't be enough to convey it anyway. It's like witnessing two galaxies collide and form one giant black holes that sucks you in, but instead of bursting from hydrophobic combustion you sparkle like the vampires in twilight and become god everytime you hold it.

It's the best controller my hands have ever touched. I doubt it will ever be topped imo.
2. Next is the Forza franchise

. Critical acclaim and community thoughts of it is that it has easily been the best racing simulator (arcade if you include the incredible open world horizon games) of the past decade. Mostly because while Gran Turismo has spent the past 10 years selling their consumer a demo for 60 dollars and having the sheer nerve to call it a game (GT SPORT) or just having such dated, inferior and lackluster game engines that have been inferior to Forza for quite some time Forza has been innovating and hitting home runs. Which is why GT Sport and GT6 both had mediocre reviews from most racing lovers. Forza on the other hand is almost worth buying the console alone. If you love racers, they really set the bar for sims and open world racers. They are awesome.
Some awesome games you can look forward too1. Cuphead
2. Halo Master Chief Collection
3. Gears of War 4/ Collection
4. Forza 6,7, soon to be 8, Horizon 2 and 3 soon to be 4
5. Sunset Overdrive
6. Crack down 3 coming soon
7. Rare Replay
8. Halo 5 Guardians
9. Pub G (Shooting game of the year)
All great exclusives. Their are much more too.

Now granted I will admit. PS4 has a night and day superior line up of exclusives. I'm not saying it's close. It's not close. And that's coming from a Xbox One fan. PS4 has countless 1st party exclusives that I envy. But in my opinion I think Xbox One, especially the One X handle 3rd party games much better and has a much better controller. which is why I prefer it.
I think just for the games for mentioned, the controller, and the graphical superiority of the One X (4k 60 fps) makes it worth giving it a shot.
I think if you can you should try to aquire it and than have both and make your own judgement from there. But I do think it has much to offer to make it not a waste of money or time. Just off graphical excellence, Xbox One X is the most powerful home console ever made. It really does handle 3rd party games much better than even a PS4 pro can dream of.
I think if you like shooters and racing games it's essential to give it a shot. Hope this helps.