Author Topic: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?  (Read 2414 times)

Hello Everyone :D

Lately I have been having my ear to the pulse if you will, been on the beat as a rook in the whole VG scene. And it's vicious in these theoretical video game streets for an on duty officer of the hype  :D.   For the past few months in media and news their has been this surge of pure gaming hype from celebrities to talk shows to everyone in between all playing 2 games but most specifically fortnite probably because it's free and at first I thought it was a niche but it seems like it refuses to die.  This game is HUGE!!!  I mean everyone is playing it.  :)   Even Drake played it.

On my friends list it's literally over a dozen people playing fortnite battle royale.  Every YouTuber sees the dollar signs and is all of a sudden a Fortnite streamer. It seems like i'm the one person in the universe who hasn't been consumed by the bug yet.  Which was how I was with minecraft for almost a decade lol.  I just wonder how epic it really is because I really don't remember myself liking many games that rely heavily on online to push their fun.  I never am good and rather enjoy an amazing plot and story. cod being the exception.

Fortnite is entering another galaxy of hype in which ive never seen before. It's beyond this plain of existence.    I remember seeing it announced long ago, and thinking "wow that game looks lame"   but boy was I wrong :).     It really has taking the game scene by storm.   

PUBG as well garnered some hype before Fortnite went full rage mode with marketing and power.  I do know they are very different and like apples and oranges but from my understand they are both open world multiplayer games.   Do you find it crazy that modern gaming has moved to online specific games like PUBG, Fortnite and Overwatch to be the holy grails.   How do you think this will effect how people look back on this gen when servers go down and nobody can play these games 30 years from now?

Have you been consumed by the big hype tornado taking over VG county.  Or have you been one of the ones who has seeked shelter until the hype calms down a bit :).

What are your thoughts on these modern giants of the gaming industry and do you think their hype will be long lasting or just a amazing faze?   For everyone Minecraft (long lasting legacy) their is a Tonk Hawk's pro skater or Guitar Hero.   Games that seemed to take over the world but were short lived after maybe one dominant generation :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2018, 01:31:37 pm »
Haven't played either, especially glad I didn't pay for PUBG. PUBG is basically an unfinished, full-priced game that will only get worse... I read about the controversy where people wanted regional servers because of lag, cheating and language barrier yet instead of meeting this reasonable request the creator called these people 'xenophobic' in the most current year tactic possible.... surely because of morals and not how much business comes from China. Not to mention them trying to sue everyone for the most ludicrous reasons. I'm glad Fortnite is moving from being a slice of the pie to having seemingly most of it, everyone involved at PUBG seem to be clownshoes morons.

As for Fortnite itself, meh. Maybe I'll try one day if it's free. It like PUBG wants to be a stupid e-sport, so it'll probably decline in quality.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2018, 02:39:49 pm »
Although I'm complaining about games I haven't played, I'm really not a fan. They look pretty bad. I like the concept, but I think it would work better as a multiplayer mode in a game like Battlefield 1 or Grand Theft Auto V.

Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2018, 03:26:39 pm »
Fortnite is free and pub g is $29 on xbox one.
I wasn't a fan at first, but my son and his friends play constantly on fortnight.  I joined in a few times when he asked me to and i didn't like it at first.  The controls were strange and the concept was odd given I grew up in the Atari era.
Once i played a bit and stopped being frustrated the controls and concepts, it became quite fun.  It's far more fun playing with my son and I only play with him so maybe that's the appeal.

I later purchased pubg for both of us even though he was perfectly happy with fortnite.  We like that together even more now because we don't have to build stuff, just focus on the survival and chicken dinner :)
Mobile is quite fun too. 

Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2018, 03:38:33 pm »
I actually totally get the appeal of something like Fortnite, but its just not a game I'm interested in myself. It seems like it would be really fun for the people who are good at FPSs but for me ill stick to my same old turn based RPGs...

Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2018, 04:10:53 pm »
PUBG is good, been playing it for months now.  It's not the second coming as it's made out to be, but I like the idea of the game.  Can't really think of a shooter that has had the same level of tension this offers.

Fortnite I don't actually like.  I'm fine with the cartoony action and style, but the gunplay kinda drives me nuts and I hate the building mechanics.  Fire at people and then they just start spamming walls and ramps everywhere, it's stupidly annoying.

Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2018, 11:16:37 pm »
This is essentially the game that kids and tweens will obsess over for the next year or so until the next shallow, overhyped, mediocre game comes their way.


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2018, 02:44:10 am »
Haven't played it, I'd probably like it, It kinda reminds me of Team Fortress 2 and I was addicted to that game a few years ago!
I just spend too much time playing 2k to even think about getting into that game lol


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2018, 06:32:46 am »
I'm interested in giving PUBG a try but not for that pricetag. In fact I don't think I'd pay anything for it, it looks like a game that should be free to play.

Fortnite I've somehow managed to avoid any real knowledge of so I don't know much about it. I think it's basically PUBG with building right?


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2018, 09:38:26 am »
I have not played Fortnite, PUBG or Isles of Nine. I have only played H1Z1/King of the Kill. Of the 3 popular BR style games (not counting AutoRoyale mode in H1Z1), it is typically understoof that H1Z1 is a lot harder than PUBG, and then Fortnite is the easiest... at least until just recently. I still have never won at H1Z1, my best finish was 2nd place and I basically got it by hiding in the woods for the whole match. I also recall my first kill in H1 came maybe 4 hours of playtime in, an accidental throwaway shot I made when retreating in a town. It wasn't even a real kill, it was early in the game and I think the other guy bled out.


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2018, 01:42:11 pm »
No, pretty much no interest in either of them.


Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2018, 11:59:51 am »
I play Fortnite with my nephew.  He’s good at it, but I’m pretty terrible at it since it’s not really my kind of game. I’m just glad it was free, I’d be pretty disappointed if I had to pay for it.
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Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2018, 06:49:28 pm »
I've played a small amount of Fornite...I think just the tutorial, because it was free. I may or may not ever revisit it. Doesn't seem that special. I enjoy watching people play PUBG, but have no interest in playing it myself. I'd rather play Day-Z

Re: Thoughts on Fortnite & PUBG. Have you been hit by the hype train?
« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2018, 01:21:36 pm »
Not my style of game. Playing King of the Hill with my friends on OG Halo was a blast, but not for the same reasons this would be.

I'm atrocious at these kinds of games anyhow. Being that they're not my style, I just don't have the interest, time, or energy to put into being good enough at them to actually enjoy them.

These are the same reasons I haven't picked up Splatoon. No couch multiplayer, no go for me.

I get it though. If I were younger and had tons of school friends to play with regularly, I'd probably be all over this.