Author Topic: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks  (Read 3175 times)


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Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« on: March 28, 2018, 12:07:31 pm »
I just ordered a copy of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy for PS2, which is a game I remember thoroughly enjoying years ago (and which I strangely thought I owned already; apparently I only rented it before). After watching some gameplay videos, I remembered how much I enjoyed the music, and I actually find it somewhat surprising how good the music is, since it’s not really the type of game you’d expect it from (honestly, the game’s entire sound design is very impressive). I especially enjoy the almost folk-music rendition of the classic Gauntlet theme in Sumner’s tower.

So I got to thinking, what are some other games that have unexpectedly good music?
Off the top of my head, I can think of Sunsoft NES games like Journey to Silius, Gremlins 2, and Fester’s Quest. Journey to Silius in particular has an unbelievable score for an NES game, especially for a fairly nondescript run-n-gun.
Another example: Gradius Interstellar Assault on GB. Impressive soundtrack for a GB game, and for a shmup that most people don’t talk much about.

Basically, this thread is not for the exceptional soundtracks we always hear about, like Castlevania SOTN or Streets of Rage, but for the music we likely haven’t heard and are missing out on.
So, what other examples are there?


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2018, 12:28:19 pm »
The OST for Evergrace comes to mind. That thing is a mess to say the least, and I absolutely love it.

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2018, 12:44:18 pm »
Elder Scrolls series


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Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2018, 12:49:09 pm »
Brutal Legend. No other soundtrack comes close! \m/

As for unlicensed soundtracks, I really like the Lords of the Thunder soundtrack. Some scorching guitars solos throughout, a metal-heads dream soundtrack for a shoot-em up. And it really drives the frantic shoot-em up action, and works great against the fantasy setting. Just check this track out if you don't believe me:

And while not quite the soundtrack, I always mention this gem: A beautiful masterpiece of a tribute to the Chrono Trigger soundtrack. This one get heavy rotation in my playlist. This guy is amazingly talented, just an orgasm for the ears:
« Last Edit: March 29, 2018, 09:40:40 pm by burningdoom »


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Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2018, 01:51:45 pm »
I thought of a couple more:
The first 2 Battle Arena Toshinden games have really cool music. The games themselves have not aged well at all and the franchise is defunct, but the music is still fun to listen to. Sofia’s stage theme from BAT2 is one of my all-time favorite tracks. Sho’s stage theme from the first game is another cool one.


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2018, 02:16:53 pm »
X-Day 2/ Ace Driver: Victory Lap/ Fighter & Attacker/ Verytex/Super Monkey Ball 2 not to mention countless more. I should probably make a list of my reccs.


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Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2018, 04:32:26 pm »
« Last Edit: September 11, 2018, 12:47:53 pm by totallycrushed »

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2018, 07:42:51 pm »
Sin and Punishment; one of the best OST on the N64 which is saying a lot
Waterworld (SNES); no kidding, this OST is on par with Chrono Trigger and DKC in terms of quality. Too bad the game sucks lol
Battle Garegga; probably one of the best, if not the best shmup ost. So good!

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2018, 08:55:43 pm »
Friday the 13th for NES Crystal Lake Camp Map

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2018, 09:23:09 pm »
Brutal Legend. No other soundtrack comes close! \m/

Nothing else compares, it's just 100+ good metal songs, alongside a good OST also.  SO GOOD.

Well, now I'm reinstalling the game to play this again as it's been a year or so lol


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2018, 10:31:15 pm »
I think nowadays it's common knowledge that the music is great but when I first played them I was shocked at how great the music in both Splatoon games is. I normally associate Nintendo games with fairly run-of-the-mill soundtracks that don't do much to excite but I LOVE Splatoon's music. The original game had major early 2000's vibes which I always love, second game's standard music isn't as exciting in my opinion but the Splatfest music in 2 is S U P R E M E.
1: The one everyone already probably knows I FEEL LIKE IT'S 2002 AGAIN
1: MORE 2002 VIBES
1: Squid Sisters were the best thing about the first game, prove me wrong
1: Team Callie represent
2: But then the second game has Off the Hook omfg
2: Something about the way this song assaults you as soon as the match starts instead of the usual buildup just gets me
2: ok last one

I don't know if this fits the thread or not, but Final Fantasy XIII. It's not Uematsu, sure. And yes, Final Fantasy XIII is an awful game. But the soundtrack is gorgeous, man. I feel like it doesn't get enough credit. It's one of the few saving graces the game has.
Though I'm ashamed to put any non-Uematsu FF music above his, easily my favourite battle theme in the series.

Alien Trilogy also has a great OST. It's essentially a Doom clone based loosely on the story on the second and third Alien films, but both the game and its soundtrack are surprisingly awesome.
There's something really iconic about the main menu theme, I feel like it should've been made a staple of the Alien franchise somehow idk
I just love the vibes of this one, it gives every level it plays in a great feel
The boss theme basically says "lol good luck bro see you at the game over screen"

I could go on for hours but I feel like I'm putting in too many links so that's enough from me.


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2018, 07:38:54 pm »
Original Tekken, Arcade or PS version, they both resonate near and dear to my heart. 

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2018, 08:15:52 pm »
I feel as when people think of excellent soundtracks, the Game Boy is not a system that pops to mind, but there have been some fantastic OSTs out there for that little device.

Probably my favorite for the system would be Final Fantasy Legend II, which does a great job in capturing the epicness of the game.


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2018, 11:29:40 am »
The entire Ace Combat series has excellent music. Really can't pick a favorite OST from that series to be honest.
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Read Only Memories: Neurodiver (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2018, 12:59:32 pm »
I feel as when people think of excellent soundtracks, the Game Boy is not a system that pops to mind, but there have been some fantastic OSTs out there for that little device.

Probably my favorite for the system would be Final Fantasy Legend II, which does a great job in capturing the epicness of the game.
Exactly. GB games could have great soundtracks too.
I already mentioned Gradius Interstellar Assault. GB Batman and TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan are other examples with good music.
Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge has great music, but I don’t know if it fits in the scope of this thread because a Castlevania game with great music isn’t exactly unexpected :p