Author Topic: Whiny ass gamers ....  (Read 4337 times)


Whiny ass gamers ....
« on: April 13, 2018, 11:30:16 pm »
I read forums/twitter every day even if I dont respond all the time. Lately its been the same thing "Where is the Switch version?" "How come no Vita?" "Why not the 3DS?" "When is the Xbox edition?" ... like wtf? When did every gamer decide to be so entitled that they think their beloved ass console will receive every single title? DQ XI and Shenmue 1&2 remaster announcements have brought me over the edge of silence. Its fucking sad lately.


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2018, 12:17:04 am »
Was just looking at the NISA post about Metal Max and 95% of the posts following it are the same "OMG, no vita, Im gonna die" ...


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2018, 12:43:14 am »
Vita is a dead console. I mean to be fair, they have been whiny for years. Now I dont know what the landscape has been since I stop going to gaming message boards except this one but in my final days on the Gamefaqs forum, it was PC master race this, anything score that is below a 9 is a flop and just all around negativity and if I am correct, I think I left just before the whole SJW bullshit blew up so theres that. But yeah, whiny is the name of the game and I cant believe they think the Vita is getting anymore support, thats cute.


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2018, 12:58:03 am »
I'll always love the PS Vita, but it isn't a moneymaker for companies. The only companies that are making games for it anymore are gear towards the Japanese niche crowd. Not counting the releases from LimitedRunGames.

I've honestly taken a huge step back from collecting and have been playing the Project 1999 EverQuest server.

As for messageboards, apart from this one and cheapassgamer, I avoid them.


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2018, 06:05:15 am »
Usally it is the children that wine the most, and teenagers, because they got nothing else to do except wine and complain, but not all of them
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2018, 08:45:07 am »
I'm thinking the same thing, constant whining over this and that. Why isn't X game released for my favourite system, why is the price so high, why does the collector box not include this or that merchandise, why are all other forum members against me, why are so many games released that I can't afford them all, everything is unfair to li'l ole me, blablabla...

It's pretty interesting though... I collect all sorts of geeky shit, vinyl records, action figures, comic books, VHS tapes, laserdisc, video games, etc, and only in the video game online community do I see this level of bitching and moaning. It puzzles me, seriously, I have no explanation for it.


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2018, 09:01:17 am »

It's pretty interesting though... I collect all sorts of geeky shit, vinyl records, action figures, comic books, VHS tapes, laserdisc, video games, etc, and only in the video game online community do I see this level of bitching and moaning. It puzzles me, seriously, I have no explanation for it.

It's pretty simple, videogames attract a very wide audience pretty much everyone played them at some point in time.

The other things that are mentioned is a pretty selective group of people that could be interested in that. It's pretty niche in comparison. Not many people collect for them as a result and only the very rare stuff is actually valuable since in all honesty even the cheap stuff is not easy to find in that department if were looking for action figures.

Do you really think that geeks where the ones that played the arcade games back than no it is not, Pretty much everyone would play them back than it was a cool thing to do. the collectors of today is a very wide spread thanks to that.

I guess for comic books there are less people who complain because of the many reprints wich give the exact same experience and are very cheap and plentifull. the original is not really needed only for the die hards who accept the prices. still though I'm pretty sure that comics of superman etc are still very nerdy in comparison to games not as wide spread.

As far as vhs etc goes pretty much all well known classics are on dvd or are watchable online most people are satisfied with that not to mention that the overproduction of most movies have made them less collectible. Even if many vhs classics are cheap but harder to find still not many people would pick them up It's niche.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 09:15:38 am by sworddude »
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Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2018, 09:29:00 am »

It's pretty interesting though... I collect all sorts of geeky shit, vinyl records, action figures, comic books, VHS tapes, laserdisc, video games, etc, and only in the video game online community do I see this level of bitching and moaning. It puzzles me, seriously, I have no explanation for it.

It's pretty simple, videogames attract a very wide audience pretty much everyone played them at some point in time.

The other things that are mentioned is a pretty selective group of people that could be interested in that. It's pretty niche in comparison. Not many people collect for them as a result and only the very rare stuff is actually valuable since in all honesty even the cheap stuff is not easy to find in that department if were looking for action figures.

Do you really think that geeks where the ones that played the arcade games back than no it is not, Pretty much everyone would play them back than it was a cool thing to do. the collectors of today is a very wide spread thanks to that.

I guess for comic books there are less people who complain because of the many reprints wich give the exact same experience and are very cheap and plentifull. the original is not really needed only for the die hards who accept the prices. still though I'm pretty sure that comics of superman etc are still very nerdy in comparison to games not as wide spread.

As far as vhs etc goes pretty much all well known classics are on dvd or are watchable online most people are satisfied with that not to mention that the overproduction of most movies have made them less collectible. Even if many vhs classics are cheap but harder to find still not many people would pick them up It's niche.

Well, it might be the explanation is as simple as that, more people into the hobby = more whining. But more people also means more non-whiners. Heh, I don't know man. I'll just stick to being an old timer who doesn't understand modern times and the newer online generation of collectors :)


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2018, 10:07:03 am »
I don't wine about everything. However I do wine about the fact that their are people out there that have no regards to other people and hog all the same copies of games  that people just stock pile on the same exact game just because they can. And leave none for anyone else to enjoy. I am looking at the people who own more then 3 copies of the same game and not really the people who
first stock pile then sell as much
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2018, 10:59:59 am »
I don't think it's unreasonable for someone with only one console to be disappointed that a game they're interested isn't coming to their system. It's not a problem for us because we all probably have most available platforms but not everyone does.

Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2018, 11:30:30 am »
The internet is an echo chamber of entitlement, mostly because everyone has a platform to do so for better or worse. I'm all for games being as accessible to as many people as possible and can see the value of games being on a specific console (would be awesome to play Shenmue portably on the Switch), but yeah, sometimes it just isn't practical to do so.

Another thing to keep in mind is that 99% of all other gamers are not like many of us on here that have every console or nearly every console to game on. I can see how, again using Shenmue 1 and 2 HD as an example, that someone who only had a Switch might be upset over this news. Conveying one's disappointment is fair and okay, but some people do take it to a whole other level of whinyness and entitled bitching.

The reality is that some games just don't get released for certain consoles that is something everyone has to put into consideration when being a game console. And luckily you can always sell a console and upgrade to another if you feel like one console has more of the games you want.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 11:59:49 am by bikingjahuty »

Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2018, 11:43:05 am »
Why is this thread only on this forum? Can't I have it on Atari Age or Nintendo Age? C'mon, it would be so amazing on those forums! That's it, I'm just gonna die not having this on my forum of choice...

Ok, joking aside: Most of this can be summed up as variants on the following phrase: "I only own these specific systems, so all the games I want should release on them. If they don't, the company made a mistake becuase clearly my system is the best & everyone else wants these games on it too." You don't see this sentiment as much on collector forums becuase, well, we're collectors! We probably own at least one of the systems in question. (I know I personally own the run of modern machines, so I don't care about what a game releases on. As long as they don't make a Pro/X required game.)

In a world where everyone can have damn near anything whenever they want, getting told 'no' isn't something we're used to anymore. Some people don't handle it well. I get this at work at lot: Why don't you carry the thing I want? I need it today, you must sell it! Check the back again, clearly you're just missing it.


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2018, 12:51:05 pm »
That's why I like this site. The forums here have the most mature and unbiased people I have come across within the hobby.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2018, 11:17:35 am »
Anyone else see the irony of whining about people whining too much?


Re: Whiny ass gamers ....
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2018, 01:02:56 pm »
Anyone else see the irony of whining about people whining too much?

IMO this thread is an embarrassment to this site....and it was started by a admin....I mean really? "Whiny ass gamers"?? Classless.