Author Topic: retro game recommendations  (Read 1802 times)


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retro game recommendations
« on: April 18, 2018, 08:29:42 pm »
anyone have any suggestions on good retro games (any system) to check out that are overlooked or rarely talked about. Ill start buy making a few recommendations.

1.Gunship (little like original ghost recon except with helicopters)
2.Covert Ops Nuclear Dawn (controls like resident evil)
3.Galerians (survival horror)
4.Wargames: Defcon 1 (Tatictal like Advanced wars)

1.Castle Shikigami 2 (smup)
2.Dynasty Tactics 1&2

1.Willow (zelda type adventure)
2.Magic of Scheherazade (zelda type adventure)
3.Wrath of the Black Manta (deserves a playthrough for a laugh)

1.goof troop (action adventure)
2.7th Saga (rpg)

sega gen
1.The Ooze
2.Two Crude Dudes (fun brainless beat'em up)

sega cd
1.Vay (rpg)


Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2018, 10:53:35 pm »
I'll post some that I think are overlooked and are worthwhile;

1. Keriotosse! (4P action game similar to poy poy)
2. Lupin Sansei: Pyramid no Kenja (third-person action-adventure game)
3. Hyper Reverthion & Steeldom (arena fighting similar to robo pit and virtual-on)
4. The Star Bowling (bowling sport game)
5. Noon (4P action-puzzle game also on PS1)

1. Treasure Strike (4P action-game)
2. Communication Logic Battle Daisessen (logic-puzzle, translation may be needed)
3. Musapey's Choco Marker (puzzle-game)
4. Get!! Colonies (logic-puzzle, translation may be needed)
5. Wind and Water (adventure-puzzle game)

1. Cyber Org (action-adventure)
2. Gangway Monsters (spin top action game similar to beyblade)
3. Mad Panic Coaster (roller-coaster simulator)
4. StarBorders (first-person space shooter)
5. Dam Dam Stompland (action party game)

1. Vampire Panic (action-adventure)
2. 10,000 Bullets (third-person action)
3. Rahxephon (mech-action game based on the series)
4. Steamboy (action-adventure game based on the film)
5. Lupin the 3rd: Treasure of the Sorcerer King (action-adventure game based on the series)


Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2018, 12:05:05 am »
I can list a few:

1. Mole Mania (an action puzzle game by Shigeru Miyamoto)
2. Heinkyo Alien (a Pac-Man-esque game, although it originally came out a year before Pac-Man)
3. Ghostbusters II (a gameboy version of HAL's New Ghostbusters II)
4. Picross 2 (picture logic puzzles)
5. Mega Man IV/Rockman World 4 (closest thing to perfection for Classic series Mega Man in my opinion)

snes/super famicom
1. Zoop (weirdly addictive abstract puzzle game, was released on basically every relevant platform in 1995)
2. Super Tetris 3/Super Puyo Puyo 2 Remix (4 player battle mode)
3. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (Fun 1-2 player beat 'em up)
4. SmartBall (platformer)
5. Dragon Quest III (JRPG, translation would be needed, remake of NES Dragon Warrior III)

1. Solatorobo: Red the Hunter (Action RPG)
2. Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (JRPG, remake of SNES Dragon Quest V)
3. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (strategy game)
4. Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (adventure game with tank battles)
5. Mega Man ZX (metroidvania adventure type game)

sega genesis/sega cd
1. Pulseman (platformer)
2. Rocket Knight Adventures (platformer)
3. Wiz 'n' Liz (platformer)
4. Mega Man: The Wily Wars/Rockman Mega World (compilation platformer, bonus game called Wily Tower)
5. Rise of the Dragon (graphic adventure, good substitute for Snatcher)

1. Door Door (arcade style game)
2. Whomp 'Em (platformer, Mega Man style)
3. Dragon Warrior IV (JRPG)
4. Journey to Silius (platformer)
5. Tetris 2+Bombliss (compilation puzzle game)

virtual boy
1. Virtual Boy Wario Land (platformer)
2. Bound High (arcade style platformer)
3. Red Alarm (Shoot 'em up, not on rails like Star Fox)
4. Teleroboxer (first person fighting game)
5. V-Tetris (puzzle game)

Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2018, 11:03:30 am »
Forgotten Worlds
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie
Atomic Robo Kid
Zero Tolerance


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Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2018, 04:28:58 pm »
Wow lots of stuff I never heard of just what I was hoping for.Thank you all here are a few more recommendations.

1.Darkwatch (fps)
2.Kung Fu Chaos (beat em up)
3.Midtown Madness 3 (open world racer)
4.Shadow Ops Red Mercury (fps)
5.Xyanide (smup)

Xbox 360
1.Akai Katana (smup)
2.Culdcept (card/board game/Strategy)
3.El Shaddai (action)
4.Import Tuner Challenge (racer)

game cube
1.Evolution worlds (dungon crawl rpg)
2.Geist (action)
3.Surf 's up (fun platform game)

Thanks again for everyone's suggestions.

Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2018, 03:38:59 pm »
Aerobiz (and the sequel, Supersonic)
Live a Live
Metal Warriors
The Twisted Tale of Spike McFang
UN Squadron
Uncharted Waters (and the sequel, New Horizons)

Battletanx (and the sequel, Global Assault)
Beetle Adventure Racing
Body Harvest
Cruis'n World
Flying Dragon
Penny Racers (Choro-Q in other regions)
Pokemon Puzzle League
Vigilante 8 (and the sequel, 2nd Offense)

Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2018, 09:33:18 pm »

Fracture -  Awesome game, cheap too. :)


Naughty Bear-   Fun and unique.  Definitely worth it's presence on a shelf.
Puppeteer   - Exclusive gem that's over looked by many :D


The Bouncer -  Fun squaresoft beat em up, a beat em up after the beat em up craze, one of the last of a dying breed :)
Gun -  Pretty fun western shooter, similar to red dead games.

Switch/Xbox One/PS4

NBA Playgrounds -  This game is truly a underappreciate arcade style, nba jam clone that really can consume hours of time.  It's addictive collecting the packs and unlocking new guys.


Re: retro game recommendations
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2018, 01:49:37 pm »
1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
2. Castlevania chronicles (for a good challenge)
3. Ehrgeiz: God bless the ring
4. Poy Poy
5. Bushido Blade 2

2.Star Ocean
3. .hack

1.Lufia games
2. Actraiser
3. Super Castlevania IV