Author Topic: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks  (Read 3172 times)


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Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2018, 09:14:29 pm »
I agree with every single one of you in here.  First one that came to mind was Cool Spot for SNES.  This surprisingly good game was entertaining and had a soundtrack that I've remembered through the years.  Huh, I need that one for my collection.  Another one from the rented past was Stinger for NES, aka Twin Bee in JP (Nice to see a Twin Bee reference in Bomberman R the other day).

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2018, 10:31:11 pm »
Command and conquer Red Alert.  Still have the CD.

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2018, 11:20:15 pm »
I was going to go with Super Metroid but it's revered.  For underated stuff, i'd go with GTA Vice City with it's amazing 80s soundtrack.  It completely immerses you in the decade.  :)   I think the soundtrack played way more of a role in that game than a lot of things to give it the vibe it did.

That goes for every GTA game too because it seems like with GTA V they immersed you in West Coast current hip hop like Kendrick and Snoop and the classics of pac which is what the hip hop stations play in cali, it's so realistic to make you feel the game's vibe,  both III and IV gave you that new york back street boom bap style of hip hop like Jay Z and Jadakiss.   It's often overlooked with GTA as a franchise but in a arsonal of perfect things going for the franchise.  Sound track is always good for them.

Might be relevancy biased but I been no lifing far cry 5 that just came out and it's soundtrack is incredible.  From the country songs that get you in the scene of montana, the orchestral relgiious choir music that gives you the main plot of the game and hidden gems like Marvin Gaye.  it's been really awesome hearing the great tunes.  :)


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2018, 05:22:05 pm »
A game that never gets enough credit in any aspect is Pokemon Trading Card Game for Game Boy Color, and it has my favourite soundtrack in the entire Pokemon series. I always wished this series had kept being updated with new games, and I always wished that at the official TCG tournaments they'd play the battle themes from this game.

The Club Master Duel is the clear winner, but the Regular Duel, Grand Masters Duel, Ronald Duel, and Imakuni Duel themes are all rock solid too. I also love the ending credits theme, and the Lightining Club Theme.

Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2018, 09:23:51 pm »
Toki for Amiga soundtrack! Far better than Atari, arcade or any other versions.


Re: Underrated/unexpectedly good game soundtracks
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2018, 07:06:04 pm »
In my opinion, 99Vidas has an astonishing soundtrack.
The game is far from bad, but the level of quality of most of the tracks (many of which would fit perfectly in a Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle game) overshadows by far the game itself.

Here is an example: