Author Topic: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm  (Read 3600 times)

Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« on: May 04, 2018, 04:53:55 pm »
We are about a month from Nintendo fully revealing Smash Bros 2018, so I thought it would be fun to to talk about what you feel will happen with the new game and what new characters they could add.

With the likelihood of this game seemingly less 4.5 and maybe more of a proper sequel, (as of right now), and that we are in a new gen, I want to see some classic characters get abit of an overhaul.  Not drastic for most, but the previous game had to make decisions based on 3DS hardware, so right away, we should probably see characters return to how they were, such as Zelda/Shiek, could bring back Ice Climbers, and Pokemon Trainer.

As we saw with Link being BOTW Link, I'm hoping this means some general changes to his style and abilities.  Moves are made to look more like the BOTW representation and he could have some new moves that utilize stuff added to BOTW.  I want to see the same with a few other characters like Mario and probably a couple others that could use some updating.  Ganondorf is a big one that needs a complete redesign I feel. His moveset is awful in terms of character representation, so something that works better with him wielding a weapon would be best.  I personally want him to go full Hyrule Warriors.  It's his best design and would give him a cool dual blade weapon style.

As for new characters, this isn't exactly realistic, just new characters I think would be fun.

Linkle - Dipping into that Hyrule Warriors non-canon again, I think her dual crossbow style would be pretty fun.  Would make her probably abit similar to like Bayonetta or other somewhat ranged types.  She has a great design and I'd much rather have her over like Toon Link.  Final Smash would be her big magic attack from Hyrule Warrors.  Forget exactly what it is at the moment, but I'll remember soon enough lol

Urbosa - Zelda heavy to start, I know, but being that we got 4 new characters with BOTW that are all perfect Smash Bros characters, so it can't be overlooked and at least it's not another Link.  Any one could work, but personally I want to see another female character I'd like to play, while also being real standout in design from everyone else.  Hits that Bayonetta feel of being quite different with her size and body type and makes her stand out among the rest of the female characters.  Sword and shield style, lightning abilities, and her Final Smash would use her Divine Beast to do an energy blast or just some big crazy lighting strike.

Shovel Knight - He's already got an amiibo! Its an easy choice! But seriously, while they tend to put more well known characters if they aren't Nintendo original, I think he makes for an excitingly original character with his looks and moveset.  A lot of his abilities could be related to the gear he can find ingame.  Makes him abit Link-esque in that way, but there's more than enough originality to make him completely unique.  I think his Final Smash should use a combo attack with Shield Knight.

Banjo-Kazooie - This is one of those long shot additions.  The inclusion would be Cloud or Ryu level in terms of surprise.  Phil Spencer has publicly said he's not against it, and it's not like Microsoft is doing anything of substance with their properties, so maybe they could let Nintendo use them for promotion in Smash Bros and let these classic characters return to the world they left behind.  They got a bunch of fun abilities from the games to use and the Final Smash could be Mumbo Jumbo turning them into a couple different things.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - They made it into Injustice 2, they got a new series out now, so why not Smash Bros? I feel like they could be one character, like Injustice 2, like the female/male versions of the Fire Emblem characters, but each one has some simple variations for their weapon style.  This way all 4 could be in there and not just pick like Leo or Raph.  This also wouldn't be a crazy inclusion as Splatoon is doing a promotion for the new show.  Not 100% sure of what a Final Smash would be, but maybe it's one of those focus attacks, with all four Turtles coming out to strike at once in a small area.


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2018, 06:12:35 pm »
I doubt the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles  will happen because the developers have generally said characters that don't originate from video games are a no-no.

Shovel Knight? If there's going to be an indie character it's going to be him. He got his own amiibo line and the game gets ported to practically every nintendo console; they love that guy.

I bet Mario will get a similar treatment to Link, but to a lesser degree. He'll get a Cappy move and maybe a new final smash, and since it's a somewhat old reference by now, the Fludd is out

There's been a lot of buzz around the idea of Crash Bandicoot being in the game and I have to agree. His character movements were made for smash, his moveset practically writes itself.

Besides that, there will be an obligatory ARMs character, and Balloon Fight as the new Retro character

« Last Edit: May 04, 2018, 06:16:43 pm by cirno »

Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2018, 06:53:08 pm »
Right, ARMS, spaced that one as I don't play the game, but a dual Ribbon Girl/Spring Man setup would be cool. I'm also supportive of Crash Bandicoot as he'd be a fun inclusion.  In that regard, I could also see Spyro happening later on too since he's getting the remaster treatment this year and will probably see a Switch release next year like with Crash.


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2018, 07:42:07 pm »
Honestly, I'm kind of hoping it is simply the Wii U game with more modes, levels and characters. I don't see how you could really improve a whole lot on the Wii U version. Plus, it's insanely unlikely that all of the characters in the Wii U version would make it over due to the rights for the third-party fighters. I'm not looking forward to buying more Smash Bros. amiibo if they make a new line and probably won't tbh.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2018, 07:50:47 pm »
Oh my goodness, I am so hyped for it! Smash is my favourite game series period, and I can't wait to see what they'll do!

First of I'm expecting the game's physics to be very similair to Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. The graphical style of the Inkling's model clearly shows the game will be similair to the previous games and it's almost an accepted fact that it's based on the groundwork laid by 3DS and Wii U. I have read some people speculating the game will be a little slower than 3DS/Wii U to accomodate for the smaller single Joy-Con controllers, and I don't deem that to be out of the ordinary, but I hope they keep the physics as close to 3DS and Wii U as they can, because I think they perfected it in those titles.

I'm also wondering whether 8-player Smash will return. I don't doubt the Switch can handle it. However, my main worry is the Switch's handheld mode. 8-player Smash can already make characters hard to see on a TV in the Wii U version, so in handheld it would probably be unplayable. I wouldn't be surprised if they either cut the mode entirely or disable it in handheld mode. But these are just guesses.

As for characters, I have to admit, Most of my wishes have been granted in Smash 4. My two biggest wishes were Miis and Bayonetta, and I got them both. So I don't have any huge wishes. Below are my personal wishes, in order of likeliness.

Bandana Dee (Kirby)
The Kirby series is a series that will never lose it's trademark charm. It's also a very succesfull series and one of the most important Nintendo milestones, and it totally deserves a fourth rep in Smash. And Bandana Dee is the most obvious option. We all know the arguments already: He's basically the fourth main character after Kirby, King Dedede and Meta Knight. He has obvious potential for a unique and cool moveset. I've really grown to love the idea of Bandana Dee making the cut, so he's got my support.

Spring Man (ARMS)
ARMS has been a success on Switch, it would be an obvious choice to give this new franchise some representation in Smash. I mainly want him in for his moveset potential. Having extendable arms could make for a really fun and unique moveset, as a long-range character with noticeable lag on his moves. I think Spring Man could be a very interesting addition to the cast.

Decidueye (Pokémon)
A new Pokémon is a given. Many people have rooted for Decidueye, and I'm right there with them. We need some grass-type representation in Smash now that Ivysaur is gone, Decidueye has a lot of potential as a ranged projectile-based character (like a faster but weaker Zelda with more physical projectiles) and he's one of the most beloved and recognisable Pokémon now. Keeping in mind likeliness as well, I think Decidueye would be the perfect candidate.

Waluigi (Super Mario spin-offs)
Even if I'm not the biggest Waluigi fan myself, I will admit I'd like some representation for the Mario side series. And when it comes to the side series, Waluigi is a staple. I have to give a shout-out to Daisy as well, who would really be my choice since she's my favourite Mario character (fight me), but Waluigi is more likely and, in my opinion, well worth giving a spot.

Assist Trophies
I personally like speculating about Assist Trophies as well. Assist Trophies are the way of giving characters and series representation without making them characters. There are tons of characters/series I'd like to see represented in Smash in some form, and Assist Trophies are the best way to do it. So, without further ado, in order of likeliness, my wishes for Assist Trophies.

Wonder Red (The Wonderful 101)
The Wonderful 101 was an underrated gem on the Wii U. Considering the good relationship between Nintendo and PlatinumGames giving the series representation in the form of an Assist Trophy isn't too out of the ordinary. Wonder-Red would first appear, and he would proceed to attack the fighters with various Unite Morphs (most notably Unite Hand, obviously). It would be a simple Assist Trophy that hops around the screen to deliver quick attacks with high damage but low knockback, similairly to how the combat in the original game feels.

Pauline and Mini Marios (Super Mario spin-offs)
When Pauline appeared in Super Mario Odyssey I was overjoyed. I had been wanting to see her get the representation she deserves for ages, and I think she more than deserves to keep that up in Smash. Her most prominent appearances before Odyssey were in the Mario vs Donkey Kong series, so I think she could use the Mini Marios to form a really cool combined Assist Trophy. She would appear in her red dress, and proceed to wind up a bunch of Mini Marios. These would then walk to the left or right in a straight line, falling off platforms and turning around when they bump into a fighter. They are rather weak, but some can wield hammers which will cause heavy knockback.

Jeanne (Bayonetta)
I fully admit it. I'm a HUGE sucker for the Bayonetta series. It's my second favourite series of all time, and I would love any representation at all. And with Bayonetta 3 on the horizon, I don't think an Assist Trophy is too out of the question. After all, all non-DLC third-party characters always got an Assist Trophy, and Bayonetta would fall under that in the next title. And with Jeanne being the most popular Bayonetta character after Bayonetta herself, I think she's ripe for the spot. Her moves would be inspired by her fights in the original game, where she would alternate between firing very powerful rapid-firing bullets and summoning various Wicked Weaves ranging from regular punches and kicks to more extreme Infernal Demons.

Style Boutique Girl (Style Boutique)
...So let me explain. The Style Boutique series of games has been a smashing success on DS and 3DS, which has gone criminally unnoticed by the main Nintendo fanbase for how good the titles are (for what they want to do, of course). I like this series and, even if its unlikely, I would like some representation from it. With this Assist Trophy, a random girl from the series (or whichever is the most relevant in New Style Boutique 3) appears, and using the power of fashion she would change everyone's pallete!...Unlikely? Absolutely? Lame? Perhaps. But I would still love it.

Flipnote Studio Frog (Flipnote Studio)
Anyone who grew up with a DSi has insane amounts of nostalgia for Flipnote Studio. This quirky little program still makes me gush in nostalgia whenever I see an animation from it pop by. I think that the Flipnote Frog deserves one final appearance as an Assist Trophy in Smash. He would show up in his pixelated form and make his trademark "ribbit"-sound, before summoning one of the default Flipnotes that came with the original game. These include the Ninja, the parade, the cat on a skateboard, the hairy monster, and of course the buttkickers.

Pyoro (Pyoro)
As an alternative to Flipnote Studio Frog, you could have Pyoro. This quirky bird from the DSiWare game Pyoro (also known as Bird & Beans) already appears as a stage hazard on the Gamer stage, but if that stage doesn't return I think Pyoro could be an Assist Trophy. I just really want to represent the DSi and the DSiWare platform, and Pyoro could do this well too. If Pyoro appears, beans would fall from the sky. If they hit users they would damage them and knock them away a small bit. Pyoro would be walking around the bottom of the stage, lightly knocking away fighters that touch him (like Fletchling in Smash 4). However, Pyoro would sometimes stick out his long tongue to catch a berry from the sky. If this tongue hits a fighter it can either deal a decent amount of knockback on its own, or it can drag fighters down towards Pyoro, where he'll knock them away. Either one can work.

Reckless Wii Remote Guy (Wii)
Can you notice a pattern? Yeah, I really like these out-there characters that are simultaniously unpopular and well-known. I'm sure many of you know the meme that went around during the ballot where people wanted Reckless Wii Remote guy in the game as a fighter. While that's obviously out of the question, I think putting this character that appeared in every single Wii game in as an Assist Trophy could be hilarious and a nice nod to the Wii-era. He would simply flail his arms around knocking away anyone he hit (but he'd wear his wrist strap!)

Tetriminos (Tetris)
I put these at the bottom because it's no secret there's still some conflict regarding the ownership of Tetris. Hell, the most recent example of this conflict was Tetris being pulled from the 3DS Virtual Console. However, I still think this would be an awesome Assist Trophy. Tetris was one of the biggest contributors to the Game Boy's success, and it's one of the most recognisable games out there, and in my opinion it more than deserves a spot as an Assist Trophy. The Tetriminos would obviously just fall from the sky, knocking away users they hit.

So, yeah. To summarize I'm super excited for the next Smash. I know most of these predictions have a 0% chance of happening, but hey, that's what dreams are for, right? :p
Can't wait to see who will actually make it! And you can bet that when it comes out I'm playing the hell out of it!
Huge Nintendo fan and hobbyist Nintendo collector.

Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2018, 11:11:44 pm »
What I think will happen

- Engine will be most the same as Sm4sh, but with minor balancing tweaks done. Despite this the game will be a true sequel and not a re-release like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I just think a lot of the mechanics will remain the same.
- 70% of the roster will remain the same as the previous smash
- At least half of the stages will be the same
- Some old modes will return, but there will probably be an abundance of new modes as well
- More trophies :D

New character predictions

- Captain Toad and Captain Toadette
- Crash Bandicoot
- Spyro the Dragon
- Arms character(S)
- Squid Sisters and/or Off the Hook
- Rex and Pyra from Xenoblade 2
- Detective Pikachu
- Breath of the Wild Champions
- Mario + Cappy


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2018, 06:31:50 am »
The lack of Ice Climbers inclusion in this thread is disturbing.  >:(


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2018, 08:15:28 am »
Travis Touchdown, please and thank you.

Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2018, 10:17:30 am »
Travis Touchdown, please and thank you.

god i hope so!!


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2018, 09:21:36 pm »

Bandana Dee (Kirby)

I will accept no new characters ever again so this doesn't happen. This is more of a meme choice than Goku.
Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2018, 10:39:01 pm »
Nah, it makes perfect sense. Kirby has this new main character, Kirby is one of the biggest franchises they have and it's and easy and convienient choice, plus the Spear gimmick would convert into super smash bros pretty'd only really seem weird if you didn't have context

The only real drawback is that it'd be a bit boring of a choice honestly. To an outsider it'd seem random, but to anyone who knows about Kirby it's "they'll do it because there's not much else to do"

(Tbh it's probably gonna happen and I'll get to laugh at people who were bewildered at the idea, so it's great)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2018, 10:47:51 pm by cirno »


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Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2018, 10:06:41 am »
I think there's a lot of room to trim the existing roster and bring back some favorites. 
  • Get rid of some of the damn Pokemon.  Keep it at about 4.  I'd say the 3 OG starters and Pikachu
  • Ease off the Fire Emblem characters.  Pick a couple and move on.  We don't need every character from a niche game.
  • Rosalina can go. No one really cares about her as a character
  • Keep all the 3rd party characters you can.  There was a cool list that I really enjoyed.  Pac-Man and Mega Man were my favorites.  They have to stay!
  • Add Waluigi.  We have Wario.  This is just about a given at this point.
  • Bring back the Ice Climbers.  I sucked with them, but it was a fun idea
  • Shovel Knight needs to be in this game.  He just does
  • AddKing K. Rool from DKC
  • I'd like to see Ridley from Metroid.  It's a cool looking character. Don't really know what the moveset would be like though.
  • Breath of the Wild Link
  • Cappy Mario.  I could see this working out kinda like Kirby.  You'd get to temporarily steal the other players powers
  • Get rid of the stupid Mii Fighters.  That was dumb. 
  • I like bullet points   ;D


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2018, 11:07:02 am »
As long as Cloud and Bayonetta are absent, I'll be pleased with whatever.


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Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2018, 11:24:02 am »
As long as Cloud and Bayonetta are absent, I'll be pleased with whatever.

I didn't get the WiiU DLC.  Bayonetta needs to be there at least so I can try that out.


Re: Smash Bros 2018 Brainstorm
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2018, 01:26:15 pm »
If we're talking about cutting Mario characters, cut Mario's doctor costume before we cut rosalina. (I liked her..)

Also, Cloud feels like a flavor of the month third party to me, but considering Bayonetta is an nintendo exclusive now I think she's gonna stick around.

I was never really sold on the idea of Waluigi because while I  love him as a character, he's so underutilized he really doesn't have much potential as a moveset. Best case scenario, he'd just awkwardly be a representation of the mario spinoff games

Tbh regarding the Miis, I wanted them in the game but as more of a representation of them than as a custom fighter gimmick. There's so many games based around them (Wii Sports, Wii Music, Tomodachi Life, Miitopia, the list goes on..) you could draw a moveset from that I want them more as a "weird representation of nintendo history" like Rob rather than a bland custom fighter