Author Topic: Zelda Collection Advice  (Read 3191 times)

Zelda Collection Advice
« on: May 08, 2018, 04:31:56 pm »
Hey everyone!
I want to start a themed portion of my collection in which I collect all the Zelda games, but there's some things I'm stuck on.

1) Should I collect remakes, or just the originals?
2) *updated* If I go for remakes,which versions should I aim for because there are soooo many. Like there's the Nintendo selects (Which is nintendo's take on Playstation Greatest Hits and Xbox Platinum games), skyward sword has a "world edition". I would assume go for which ever one is more valuable/rarer but its hard for someone like me to tell
« Last Edit: May 16, 2018, 11:10:35 am by instantreplay »


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2018, 05:12:56 pm »
it really depends on how deep you want to get. me personally I would be fine with just a working copy of all the games but there are others who want CIB/Sealed versions, there are some who want all main variations for a particular market, and there are some that want ALL variations (Including every variation for every market in the world).

It all depends on you personally.
PS2 Palooza: 8/2XXX games finished
Now Playing: Dark cloud
Stopped recording so now back on track.

.Hack//G.U. Vol 1//Rebirth
Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus
Sly 2
.hack//g.u. vol 2
.hack//g.u. vol 3
Katamari Damacy

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2018, 05:20:36 pm »
Hello :)

1)  I think if you are going for a full Zelda collection, it'd be nice to have the remakes like the WindWaker HD for Wii U and other remasters.  They are amazing and by themselves still their own entry.  They will look awesome on a shelf and make your buying oppurtunities more diverse as more consoles will get attention during your adventures  :D.   

2) As for going for Nintendo Selects,  I don't know of many full set collectors who do opt to also get the nintendo selects version.  Some people want to get every cover concept or variant.  But most just get the standard release.  The Nintendo Selects Versions have ugly covers compared to the standard releases.  I think just the standard release is perfect to represent the entry in a set.  :D   

Than their are grey areas about variants not as easily avoidable as the nintnedo selects, like would you have to get weird combo games variants that are really rare, the gamecube was most famous for them like the metroid prime/windwaker bundle or the promotional disc bundle and all just because it does have zelda in it.   Or would the standard version suffice?  :)    It makes for an interesting discussion.

Good luck on your Zelda journey!  :)

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2018, 06:34:07 pm »
I'd say just start with the originals, and then once you have that complete, you can then move on to collecting ports/remakes if you want them, and then from there, move into alternate releases like the Nintendo Selects.  There really is no right or wrong way, just do whatever you feel you want to do.


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2018, 02:32:00 am »
I'd recommend not skipping out on the remakes-in fact tbh, if you're only gonna play either or I'd recommend them being the ones you play, since they're often just that much smoother and easier to enjoy than the originals. Remakes with new content like the 3Ds ocarina of time I'd especially reccomend seeking out

I think it's a little circumstantial tho-games like the 3Ds remakes stand out as their own entires enough that you'd be remiss to ignore them, but you could do fine not trying to collect every single version of a game that's been ported to hell and back like Twilight Princess
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 02:33:54 am by cirno »

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #5 on: May 09, 2018, 10:49:30 am »
My only advice is, beware of bootlegs when you get to the handhelds. There's a lot of fake Minish Cap out there.


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #6 on: May 09, 2018, 12:05:39 pm »
I have two themed video game collections, I will put them here and you can get an idea.

1. I collect for Transformers and G.I.Joe. In this collection, I want to get every version of every game released. Even for systems I do not have or cannot play. This is applicable here only because for these two series, I apply this method to all forms of media including movies or books.

2. I collect baseball games, and in this type of category I only really need to have 1 version of a game per platform. Only for my favorite games (or depending on who is on the cover) I would want to even bother with specific versions or variations. An exception to this is just for curiosity sake, or best version available to me. An example of this is MVP Baseball 2005, which is a favorite game for me, so I have the variation for PS2 and also have this game on other platforms.

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #7 on: May 09, 2018, 01:01:46 pm »
There are three different versions of the original The Legend of Zelda (at least) in North America. Five-screw Gold, Three Screw Gold, and the Grey. Things can get weird! Start and see where it takes you.

I ask myself this question all the time. It usually comes down to, "I've got a game I don't have in one hand, and a variant of one I do have in the other; which do I get?" If you tend to choose one or the other, then you have your answer. 

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #8 on: May 09, 2018, 06:00:18 pm »
i would go for each original version of each zelda game on each system. so for instance. breath of the wild is on wii u and switch so i would get both versions since its playable on both systems.


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2018, 09:08:04 pm »
Hey everyone!
I want to start a themed portion of my collection in which I collect all the Zelda games, but there's some things I'm stuck on.

1) Should I collect remakes, or just the originals?
2) If I go for remakes, should I get the "Nintendo Selects?" (Which is nintendo's take on Playstation Greatest Hits and Xbox Platinum games)
1. Collect both types, that's what I do.
2. Either or.

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2018, 12:36:02 am »
1) As others have said, yes. In fact, in many cases I would say get the remakes first, because in almost all cases they are better than the originals (unless you just want to go for nostalgia). I would also suggest getting the different versions of TP (motion control on Wii vs. traditional controls on either GCN or Wii U HD remaster). I know these boards are more for physical versions, but I thought I'd also point out that as far as I'm aware, there aren't any real digital-only exclusives, with a possible exception being the DSi/3DS "enhanced remake" of Four Swords. It has an exclusive single player mode (controlling 2 Links, similar to FSA on GCN) and two new bonus levels, however I think you may not be able to get this game anymore if you hadn't already (it was free for a limited time). The rest of the digital offerings are all pretty much 1:1 ports of the original versions (e.g. even the Wii U release of Skyward Sword isn't up-rezzed or enhanced in anyway, as far as I know).

The other question are whether you're interested in collecting/playing the Zelda spin-offs. First, definitely get Hyrule Warriors (or the new Switch version) if you at all like the story behind Zeldas. If you like the quirky-ness of Tingle, you may want to check out the Tingle spin-off RPG (English language version released in Europe). There's also a Japan-only sequel (Irozuki Tincle no Koi no Balloon Trip), as well as a Japan Club Nintendo-only Balloon Fight cross-over (Tingle no Balloon Fight DS). They can get confused because they have similar names and are Japan only, but they are very different games. There's also Crossbow Training on Wii which I would suggest getting if only to justify owning a Wii Zapper, and I would suggest printing your own custom cover (it only comes in a cardboard sleeve just like any Wii Sports pack-in copies). There's also the Satellaview games which you CAN buy "homebrew" copies of from various websites if I do believe, or you could just download a copy to either play in emulators or play on hardware via flash carts. If you're going really hardcore, there's also the very expensive Game & Watch handheld dedicated game (I think also a smaller, newer version released in Europe that's also rather expensive?) as well as a "Watch" game (this one is a digital watch, that has a Zelda game playable on it, and is different from the Game & Watch game). Finally, there's the Phillips CD-I games, but they're not really official, are crap, and WAAAAY too expensive (both the games and the consoles).

2) I'd say, look at it from a content perspective first, and aesthetic perspective second. For disk games (GameCube and later), I don't think there are any differences for Player's Choice/Nintendo Selects, so go by whichever is cheapest/easiest or whichever coverart you think looks best. For Player's Choice, there really isn't much different, but I HATE Nintendo Selects covers, so unless you don't mind them, I would avoid at all costs (literally - I'd pay 2x more for a non-Selects...). For cart, I think there may be a few differences between different versions which you may want to keep in mind if they matter to you. The biggest example is probably Ganon's blood color in OoT. Other than that, it's really only whether you want a gold/regular cart for most of the console games.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2018, 12:58:09 am by lakster37 »


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2018, 07:46:38 pm »
My only advice is, beware of bootlegs when you get to the handhelds. There's a lot of fake Minish Cap out there.
Still the reason I don't own it, it's the only one I don't have too. Coming across it in the wild so I can verify it's authenticity is the only way I'll buy, and so far, I haven't seen it.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2018, 09:08:22 pm »
My only advice is, beware of bootlegs when you get to the handhelds. There's a lot of fake Minish Cap out there.
Still the reason I don't own it, it's the only one I don't have too. Coming across it in the wild so I can verify it's authenticity is the only way I'll buy, and so far, I haven't seen it.

I actually do own it, but mine's sealed- and given the price difference between sealed & loose, I kinda want to get a different copy & sell mine.

Given how hard it is to get an authentic one, though, maybe I'll just keep mine & open it- it's hard to pass on that kinda profit though.


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2018, 08:16:04 am »
My only advice is, beware of bootlegs when you get to the handhelds. There's a lot of fake Minish Cap out there.
Still the reason I don't own it, it's the only one I don't have too. Coming across it in the wild so I can verify it's authenticity is the only way I'll buy, and so far, I haven't seen it.

I actually do own it, but mine's sealed- and given the price difference between sealed & loose, I kinda want to get a different copy & sell mine.

Given how hard it is to get an authentic one, though, maybe I'll just keep mine & open it- it's hard to pass on that kinda profit though.

I's pretty easy to spot a fake It's not that hard as allot of you seem to think  :o

Also There plenty of authetic ones on ebay and if it turns out to be fake you will be fully refunded There are not many sellers who are trying to scam people with these things anymore thanks to  paypal.  Bootlegs will be sold as bootlegs and they are cheap I don't see the issue here unless your not willing to pay ebay prices and want to wait for a cheap copy to turn up and even than you figure when it is legit or not especially if it is in a non gamers hand It's most likely an original especially if the price is low.

It's not a rare game plenty of legit copies around.

also if your really that worried just ask for a picture of the lable with the imprinting I have not seen any bootlegs with imprints as one of the factors to check for an original.

Pretty easy to see when one is legit not to mention if it really is fake It's illegal to sell as an original thus a refund
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 08:24:49 am by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: Zelda Collection Advice
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2018, 06:17:18 pm »
My only advice is, beware of bootlegs when you get to the handhelds. There's a lot of fake Minish Cap out there.
Still the reason I don't own it, it's the only one I don't have too. Coming across it in the wild so I can verify it's authenticity is the only way I'll buy, and so far, I haven't seen it.

I actually do own it, but mine's sealed- and given the price difference between sealed & loose, I kinda want to get a different copy & sell mine.

Given how hard it is to get an authentic one, though, maybe I'll just keep mine & open it- it's hard to pass on that kinda profit though.

I's pretty easy to spot a fake It's not that hard as allot of you seem to think  :o

Also There plenty of authetic ones on ebay and if it turns out to be fake you will be fully refunded There are not many sellers who are trying to scam people with these things anymore thanks to  paypal.  Bootlegs will be sold as bootlegs and they are cheap I don't see the issue here unless your not willing to pay ebay prices and want to wait for a cheap copy to turn up and even than you figure when it is legit or not especially if it is in a non gamers hand It's most likely an original especially if the price is low.

It's not a rare game plenty of legit copies around.

also if your really that worried just ask for a picture of the lable with the imprinting I have not seen any bootlegs with imprints as one of the factors to check for an original.

Pretty easy to see when one is legit not to mention if it really is fake It's illegal to sell as an original thus a refund
Personally, it's not high on the list. I'm not terribly interested in playing it. For myself, that's the boundary I set: finding a legitimate copy in the wild. That way I have an actual excuse to grab it. Otherwise, I'm not going to seek it out online.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."