Author Topic: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?  (Read 6041 times)


Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2018, 12:47:51 am »
Also, lol greatest hits editions

Whats wrong with greatest hits? I never understood why people scoff at greatest hits/platinum hits/players choice/nintendo select versions... Like I understand wanting to collect the originals, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with these other versions... they are the same exact game. For me its a chance to grab a great game at a potentially lower price. So I guess keep laughing at them so I can keep buying cheaper games!

I agree with justin8301 Like I think someone else already mentioned that Greatest Hits or Selects copies can also be an updated version. They can always be displayed next to one another on a shelf. But that depends on whether or not you sort your entire collection alphabetically or not. I don't care if something is a second print, or not. But thats me personally. At least it's a video game, and chances are it is a real release, from a real company. Just like the original prints.

If you consider a re-release of the same game. But on a newer console it is the same thing over again only it's for a different console.

just a note
I going away for a few days July 4 till the 7th or 8th I won't be on
« Last Edit: July 04, 2018, 01:19:47 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2018, 11:05:49 am »
Exactly this. Dust collecting shelf props aren’t my thing. I’m in it for the fun factor and/or to play as many different RPGs as I can (I keep a list of the ones I beat).

I buy games that I want to play, that are within my comfort range for game prices. I don't worry too much about what those prices are. Over time, as my collection has grown, the price I'll pay for a game has gone up- the logic being 'I can buy 3 games of middling interest for $10 each, or I can buy one game I really want for $30.' (Granted, the number is notably higher than $30 these days, but you get the point.)

I also buy things that I think will add a unique, if not necessarily 'fun' experience to my collection. Especially when it's cheap- I don't spend a lot of time with Babysitting Mama on the Wii, but a dollar for a game you control with a giant plush baby? I definitely don't have anything else like that!


Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #32 on: July 05, 2018, 06:17:39 am »
It's usually both due to my tastes. Growing up with the Spectrum, Gameboy and some late 80s/early 90s PC games, alongside the Wonderboy series and Streets of Rage 2 (major influences), I'm drawn to games with RPG mechanics and home computer/console arcade/action games as well as anything a bit different. Take platformers - re-releases aside, games like Crash and Spyro on the PS1 are 'collectible' (which seems to be a euphemism for 'worth a bit' to most people) despite not being rare at all. Genres like survival horror tend to have limited copies produced, so again are 'rare' and 'collectible' despite being the games I actually want to play.


Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2018, 08:07:40 pm »
The fun factor of finding stuff in the wild (garage sales, thrift stores, the dumpster) for mere pennies is a lot more fun than spending a lot of money for rare stuff. You appreciate it more when you find rare stuff for pennies. Yeah a lot of times the games might not be the best ones, but who wants to shell out retail or ebay prices for games?

Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #34 on: September 06, 2018, 09:56:37 am »
I buy games that look like they interestimg to pay, also will hunt down rare games if i look them up and want to own just in case.

Not to worry that you wont find the copy of the game later on or having some crazy price tag for no reason.
The Mind is The Slayer of Reality. --- LoS

Re: Do You Buy Something Just Because It's Rare Or Fun Factor?
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2018, 11:35:15 pm »
People who buy games only for their rarity to hoard money are a true negative on the hobby.  They typically are only into games for amassing treasure to unload on some poor sap down the road at inflated price.   I don't see the point.  I think games are made to be fun and enjoyed.  :)