Author Topic: E3 2018: Sony  (Read 3824 times)

E3 2018: Sony
« on: June 11, 2018, 02:13:44 am »
Last show of the day and the second of what are considered the big three of E3.  I was always expecting Sony to do well, but Microsoft can give them a run for their money this year.  Sure, Microsoft had mostly a lot of multi-platform games and very few games releasing this year that are exclusives, but they had some bigger hitters to reveal.  Sony will likely have stuff for Last of Us 2, Days Gone, Spider-Man, Ghosts of Tsushima, and hopefully something more legit from Death Stranding.

Sony starts at 9PM EST on Monday.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2018, 08:05:52 am »
If Last of Us 2 release date is announced, It will also double as my PS4 purchase date lol. :D.    I know their are other great games on PS4,  but Last of Us 2 is the home run to convince me to buy my 3rd current gen console.

EDIT:  Please make it be a close release date too,  These 2019 release dates are giving me ebola. :(   

« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 09:04:51 am by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2018, 09:39:18 am »
If Last of Us 2 release date is announced, It will also double as my PS4 purchase date lol. :D.    I know their are other great games on PS4,  but Last of Us 2 is the home run to convince me to buy my 3rd current gen console.

EDIT:  Please make it be a close release date too,  These 2019 release dates are giving me ebola. :(

You bought the Switch on nothing but the fact that it was made by Nintendo but you still are looking for a reason to buy a PS4? Idk what to say bro. And by 3rd I hope it doesn't mean you have an Xbox one already.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2018, 10:11:32 am »
If Last of Us 2 release date is announced, It will also double as my PS4 purchase date lol. :D.    I know their are other great games on PS4,  but Last of Us 2 is the home run to convince me to buy my 3rd current gen console.

EDIT:  Please make it be a close release date too,  These 2019 release dates are giving me ebola. :(

You bought the Switch on nothing but the fact that it was made by Nintendo but you still are looking for a reason to buy a PS4? Idk what to say bro. And by 3rd I hope it doesn't mean you have an Xbox one already.
Your salt is showing again.


Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2018, 10:56:05 am »
Am I wrong?

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2018, 11:39:57 am »
Am I wrong?
You aren't right.

You asked a question.  You made a non-decisive statement.  Finally you passed a judgement.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2018, 11:44:34 am »
i'm a lot less hyped for this conference than I have in the past because Sony said that they'd essentially just be talking about Spiderman, Last of Us 2, Days Gone, and one other game I can't remember for some reason. I was not a fan of the changed format of last year which came across less as a conference and more of a trailer/gameplay montage. I'm not super hyped for anything first party they said they're going to show so hopefully in between their big games they'll reveal some new third party titles much in the way MS did yesterday. Going in though, my expectations are not very high on this one.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2018, 07:50:49 pm »
i'm a lot less hyped for this conference than I have in the past because Sony said that they'd essentially just be talking about Spiderman, Last of Us 2, Days Gone, and one other game I can't remember for some reason. I was not a fan of the changed format of last year which came across less as a conference and more of a trailer/gameplay montage. I'm not super hyped for anything first party they said they're going to show so hopefully in between their big games they'll reveal some new third party titles much in the way MS did yesterday. Going in though, my expectations are not very high on this one.

Imagine if Sony drops the PS5 with no warning and sends the entire video game world into a mad frenzy?   ;D   I doubt it very highly, but I like imagining.  Like "Oh Xbox had a good conference?  Hold my beer" lol.  But I do think they have something special hidden up their sleeve.  Sony usually always has one hidden announcement that wows everyone. :D

I just hope we finally get a last of us 2 release date, if we don't I'm gonna be truly bummed.  I just want to closure of knowing a time frame for the greatest game of this console gen to come :)


PRO Supporter

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2018, 10:20:22 pm »
That was it?
It wasn't even an hour. Wow.

That said, Resident freaking Evil 2!!!

But from what I've heard, it's not exclusive to it?

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2018, 10:25:18 pm »
That was it?
It wasn't even an hour. Wow.

That said, Resident freaking Evil 2!!!

But from what I've heard, it's not exclusive to it?

I'm pretty sure Resident Evil 2 Remake isn't exclusive, but I can't confirm that yet.

Sony did a great job even if their presentation was a little wonky.  But Resident Evil 2 Remake! Yeah! Nioh 2, Ghosts of Tsushima looks great, Last of Us is Last of Us, and Spiderman looks better.  Microsoft had more to show off, but I didn't walk away wanting an Xbox.  With Sony, I'm so glad I have a PS4 Pro so much lol

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2018, 10:33:51 pm »
Sony's E3 2018 Showcase: A-

Well that was a lot cooler than I expected! Almost everything interested me, some certainly more than others. I felt that insane E3 hype and excitement for two games, Resident Evil 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. Resident Evil 2 had me yelling in excitement and fully freakin out. Ghost of Tsushima gave me chills and awes as I watched the absolutely awesome gameplay and beautiful graphics! These two games alone had me freaking out more than any other game announcement so far, even Doom Eternity. When the dust settles we'll see if which game I'll be most hyped for, but both of these games were just astoundingly cool reveals!

I did think Last of Us: Part 2 looks good, but it isn't a day one purchase. I thought the first game was great, but I don't have the same reverence for it that many other fans do. My ears perked up also when they announced Nioh 2, but I admittedly still need to play the first one before I can get properly hyped for it.

If I were into super heroes more and Spiderman I'd be ultra hyped for it, but honestly I have no interest in playing it. Death Stranding looks like it's so far up its own ass, and I can't imagine it would be getting the attention and hype it has if Kojima wasn't behind it. The new trailer had me roll my eyes and how pretentious it looked, but perhaps when more concrete info comes out on it I'll change my tone towards it. The only game that they showed that flat out turned me off was the one done by the creator of Rick and Morty.

I'm also not a big fan of the showcase format that Sony has used the past two years. I really miss the conference format, and the changing venue gimmick was incredibly unnecessary and stupid. Luckily the games shown off were really top notch overall and I feel pretty good about the conference overall. Let's see if Nintendo de-throwns Sony as the best E3 conference of 2018.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2018, 10:34:54 pm »
That was it?
It wasn't even an hour. Wow.

That said, Resident freaking Evil 2!!!

But from what I've heard, it's not exclusive to it?

I'm pretty sure Resident Evil 2 Remake isn't exclusive, but I can't confirm that yet.

Sony did a great job even if their presentation was a little wonky.  But Resident Evil 2 Remake! Yeah! Nioh 2, Ghosts of Tsushima looks great, Last of Us is Last of Us, and Spiderman looks better.  Microsoft had more to show off, but I didn't walk away wanting an Xbox.  With Sony, I'm so glad I have a PS4 Pro so much lol

Absolutely! I'm so happy to own a PS4! I still can't imagine paying more than $60 for an XBONE.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2018, 10:40:00 pm »
Microsoft wins for me because of Sekiro alone.  I was really expecting to see Sekiro info on Sony.  Sony didn't even show From Software's PSVR game.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2018, 10:40:30 pm »
One thing that sucked about Sony, while they did show why you should own a PS4 pretty much, I don't think any of those games, other than Spiderman, are coming out this year.  Like it was hype to get Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh 2, and Resident Evil 2, but I'm not playing those anytime soon.

Re: E3 2018: Sony
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2018, 10:49:05 pm »
One thing that sucked about Sony, while they did show why you should own a PS4 pretty much, I don't think any of those games, other than Spiderman, are coming out this year.  Like it was hype to get Ghost of Tsushima, Nioh 2, and Resident Evil 2, but I'm not playing those anytime soon.

RE2 comes out in January, that's not too far away, but I don't think it'll be exclusive.