Author Topic: Are Member Of VGcollect Starting To Get Angry Or It's Just Me?  (Read 2768 times)


Re: Are Member Of VGcollect Starting To Get Angry Or It's Just Me?
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2018, 06:14:12 pm »
I wouldn't say too much fighting happens here, there is a ton of constructive arguments and sometimes great discussions are born from it. I feel like those who are extremely prominent in the forums (not me lol) have relatively predictable ways of voicing themselves and once you're used to it, it's really the same as getting used to somebody's personality. I would say a few times recently, posts have been made fishing for reactions and responses to argue with or to concur with to create a response, but most of the people here are smarter than to take the bait.

Compared to almost everywhere else I've been online, the forums here are incredible.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


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Re: Are Member Of VGcollect Starting To Get Angry Or It's Just Me?
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2018, 05:01:11 pm »
Its not you oldgamerz I think I know what your referring to.No worries your posting has never offended me either.


Re: Are Member Of VGcollect Starting To Get Angry Or It's Just Me?
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2018, 08:18:29 am »
I lurk more than I post and I haven't really noticed anything in particular. Some users seem to talk quite bluntly but I think that's just how they are, I don't think they mean anything by it. As far as forums go this place is insanely civil. I see people talking about a weeb comment though and I haven't seen that one.

No one is angry.

Now shut up and get back to collecting.