I'm kinda talking myself out of the few games I want this year ...
Monster Hunter on Switch looks to have really poor textures due to being a 3DS port and the gameplay is really just damage sponge monsters attacking with lumbering predictable move patterns.
Dark Souls Remastered looks hardly any different to the original and do I really want to deal with the difficulty and grind again anyway
I do love Hitman but Hitman 2 is virtually the same game as the last, it's obviously the same engine and set up.
Pokemon Let's Go is super casual, without wild pokemon battles it will probably feel gimped and limited. I had it in my head that I was excited and should get day one but thinking on it ... eh ... it's not really an RPG any more if the level up is just catching crap by throwing balls
Smash is okay but I've literally played that since the N64 and it's not really what I'm looking for in a game right now
Warriors Orochi ... I prefer just straight up Dynasty Warriors, it takes me out of it to fight demons or whatever instead of actual soldiers
I don't need any of this stuff : |
I can't be excited about anything.