Author Topic: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?  (Read 3338 times)

This is probably not a good question to ask but when someone else tells a story of a good deal it don't bother me.
I've noticed I probably pissed a some of the people on here I'm guessing,  it was by cracking jokes on the forum lately so I'll try to take it more seriously from now on. If you think i'm posting too many useless threads just tell me so I'll stop

Back on topic, does anyone who posts about a find, do you really get offended by it? The main reason why I keep threading questions is because I like to help keep the conversation going
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 10:52:06 pm by oldgamerz »
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Not at all, that would be petty. I'd probably thing "Dang, why can't that happen to me, or good on them for getting such a great deal"


Take a spin, now you're in with the techno set! You're going surfing on the internet!

No I don't. What does bother me is when people lie about it or get into pissing matches with other collectors over who got the best deal. There is no shame is paying ebay prices or retail or a game you really want. If you can find it cheaper than more power to you. These people that seem to think it's a contest over who can get X game cheaper crack me up though and always have.


No, I find it really intriguing and am wowed. Then I try to find games for cheap.


I haven't seen anything posted by you that annoyed me personally.
I don't get annoyed when people do it, this is a forum for video game collecting and naturally when people are chuffed with something awesome they've found they'll want to show it off to the community. I'll of course feel envious sometimes but that's not on the thread poster. That could be why some people get annoyed by it if they do, they just don't like seeing that they missed out on a deal that someone else got. In which case they probably shouldn't be on a site that's meant for people to show off their collections.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 10:11:34 am by pizzasafari »

Of course not! I mean, depending on the game I might get a twinge of jealousy, but I love reading about other people's scores. There's often a bit of a neat story behind the deal. Plus, I typically find it hopeful- if they're still getting deals, maybe I too will find a deal and have a story to share.


Not at all.


PRO Supporter


It depends on the type of post or the type of person.  If it's a reseller who posts 50 stacks of some rare classic game, all with .25 cent stickers on it, found in some bargain bin at a yard sale or good will and talks about how he's putting them on ebay for 400x what he paid, 20 bucks over retail for them to beat us real collectors out of our money and hoarding the deals and ruining the industry, filling shopping carts with the toys r us sales where it doesn't limit one per customer or the guys who put "he didn't know what he had, so I said they were floppy discs" meaning he just took advantage of an unexpecting old man he can politely go screw himself :).   He's ebola.

But if it's a real collector who is passionate about games and loves them and stumbles upon a epic deal, I feel very happy for them.  I feel a slight amount of envy of course when someone posts something flashy I want really bad but never anger or hatred.  I just always congratulate them.  I'm always happy that someone who loves games got the deal and not the person mentioned above.   I know a real collector will most likely trade to another collector for something they need and still help everyone in the community without being a snake :)


Re: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2018, 09:17:38 pm »
Nope.  I say if you get it for cheap than all the more power to you.  Plus sharing these stories gives us, even a small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe we'll find a deal too.

The only time cheap deal posts irritate me.  Is when I post that I'm the one who missed it.  Looking at you Conker's BFD for $8   >:(

Re: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?
« Reply #11 on: July 21, 2018, 11:48:45 pm »
If i was competing with you locally for games yes, if not no.

Re: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2018, 08:18:02 am »
Not at all, .  I might occasionally have a pang of jealousy, but I'm never angry.  In fact, I'm usually pretty happy for them.

And you haven't rubbed me the wrong way either, as all of your discussions are due to genuine interest / curiosity rather than attention seeking or halfway aimed at insulting people who spend money on video games.


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Re: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?
« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2018, 11:58:50 am »
I don't, but there is ONE exception.

I have a collector ''friend'' IRL who's a total swindler and reseller. He doesn't even game much at all, his collection is a huge trophy piece. Whenever he finds doubles of games (which he often does, he's in yard sales every effing weekends) he either sells them to us, his collector ''friends'', at eBay prices even though he gets them at a buck or two, OR he doesn't even want to sell them to us because some random game shop will give him pretty store credit for them. Plus he doesn't bring his gamer ''friends'' game hunting because he doesn't want deals to slip away from him (he always brings the same guy that doesn't collect).

He's a major league a-hole and when HE finds good deals I just want to kick him in the nuts.

End of rant.


Re: Do You Get Upset When Someone Posts About Getting A Video Game Cheap?
« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2018, 05:22:31 pm »
It's always pretty interesting to see what other people score especially if it's something great It's always a plus in my opinion.

Haven't really seen any pissing matches etc as far as scores go but I guess that might be exclusive to facebook collectors pages etc in wich case I could imagine it since there is allot more drama over there. Personally not a huge fan of facebook instagram etc.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 05:59:32 pm by sworddude »
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