Author Topic: Devil mar Cry 4 Special Edition (PS4) Asian Ver' - Does it have English Menus?  (Read 1231 times)


I noticed that DMC4 on the PS4 reached a greatest Hits Edition on Play-Asia:
I always thought the The japanese version didn't have English menus? is that correct for the Asian version too? Being at amroe affordable price is becoming more appealing.


Everything in the Asian version of the game is in English.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 10:54:25 am by Agozer »


Play Asia will usually tell you if the game is in English or not. Under "further info" you can see it has English subs and voices :)
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Neats, i had some time to look into it today adn it looks liek the Asian version rather than the Japanese version has English Menus!!!! Getting this right away!:
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 03:13:46 am by vivigamer »