I barely understand what the hell you're on about, but I think I get the gist of it.
Tell strangers you prefer Asian games, stick to PG titles for specifics. No need to push the issue for people you don't know. If they're rude enough to question 'why Asian and not American', a shrug and silence are plenty (pointed silence if they press.)
When you can be anonymous online, check the rules for wherever you happen to be chatting and adjust accordingly. For example: here, passing mentions of adult titles is probably fine, but save the in-depth reviews for elsewhere on the 'net. Also, none of us give a shit if you play Final Fantasy- we just had a big ol' thread on it, for cryin' out loud!
And now, for the hard truth: if you're so very worried about "normies, SJWs, feminists" judging your gaming habits that you're trying to make a preemptive moral argument for them- you're probably the 'special snowflake'. Porn games & anime aren't a national issue, most people do not give a rat's ass. You need only concern yourself about the people immediately around you. And that solution is easy: Ditch the haters, and have enough respect to not immediately flop anime titties in someone's face without attempting to figure out if they'd mind. (and for reference, you're being told this by a leftist independent female who's banged more dating sim anime girls than her progressive republican fiancé, who she met at a Yugioh tournament after he commented on a friend's Final Fantasy 8 keychains. Although he has seen more hentai than me...)