Author Topic: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite  (Read 25636 times)


Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #60 on: August 14, 2022, 11:05:47 pm »
What is meant by quality?

In a nutshell the less compression an audio file has the better the quality as it.

Think the visuals of a game at 480p is your typical mp3 while a FLAC file is more equivalent to 2K visuals

Techquickie did a good video explaining different formats

But also just listening to a FLAC file isn't going to make a difference if you're rockin the Dirty Buds from dollar tree

I'd suggest checking out the channel Dankpods especially his buying guides for headphones and audio devices as he talks about audio in a way that even a Dingus like me can Understand.

speaking of Doller tree you can buy a couple obscure indie band CD's from them and they sound just like any other CD I listened to, but the dirty buds, just looked up. Depending on what brand you get the $5USD buds are good for Ipods and MP3 players they the ones I gotten from Family Dollar for back in the day sound top notch, but the $1USD ones from standard dollar stores suck
« Last Edit: August 14, 2022, 11:09:59 pm by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #61 on: August 15, 2022, 10:58:41 am »
What is meant by quality?

Just to build on what others have said…

If we’re talking about CD vs vinyl, it’s a matter of opinion which sounds better. I personally think CDs have the best sound quality, but a big reason vinyl has made a comeback is because many think it has a better sound.

Of the few comments to this simple question I posted most deviated from the physical media discussion to bring up digital file formats, and only one mentioned low quality headphones.

It wasn't a real question, it was a feeler. Because one thing I have learned over the years is that in general, the (physical) format doesn't actually matter. The quality of the equipment is what matters. Everyone hears differently as well, but even so, all sound can be fixed by equipment and environmental acoustics.

The only issues with (pressed) CDs I have encountered are with modern CDs that have clipping present, which indicates that the mastering source was digital. General illustration of what clipping is:


Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #62 on: August 16, 2022, 09:00:05 pm »
Equipment does play a good role in quality and so can file format, and like just stated how a CD was recorded, some CD's can have really poor sound altogether from the getgo, like a master that was put into digital then onto the Physical like just stated in the last post. But I really only came across a couple poorly done recordings one was a Walmart bought Moterhead CD that sounded vary scratchy and tinty all the sound in that recording was loud and I could barly tell the difference between instruments and drum taps, of course that CD stated that it was a remaster of a recording done on a poor budget by the band themselves, meaning that the it may or may not have been a crappy master just from the getgo since it said the band had vary little budget back when it was recorded.

I however never found a CD with that poor of a quality ever since then, it was Moterhead's debet album however it was technically a remaster so In my opinion should have been done better :-\
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2022, 10:24:34 pm »
I'll make this post short because I want to include more but won't until later here are some great album collections you can get




updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2022, 03:47:41 pm »
I personally think CDs have the best sound quality. I agree completely. My whole family gives me crap cause I picked up a 10 disk changer that I want to add to my Fiat cause "you can just listen to digital stuff from YouTube or whatever."

If there’s any WWE music anyone is looking for, I can probably get it for you   Aww man, this is freaking awesome. Are they available on Spotify? I use that when I gym and nothing would be cooler than Goldberg or DX entrance music when you are pushing weights.

A few versions of DX’s music are officially available digitally.
However, the one Goldberg uses currently (the same track he used in WCW back in the day) comes from a production music library; WWE did not produce it and therefore have no rights to release it. I have the track though, PM me if you want more info.


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Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2023, 05:04:02 pm »
Whelp... Now I've done it... I Bought a Turntable... YUP.

To be fair I have had some of my mom/dad's records for what's going on seven years and some I bought for myself over a decade ago to basically be wall art.

Unfortunately my Dio Albums are essentially unplayable
Holy Diver is way too scratched and my second copy along with Last in line are way too warped to the point I don't feel comfortable playing them. Other than that, I'm enjoying myself.

I also grabbed a couple of new Albums
- Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & the Conspirators: 4
- the Offspring: Let the Bad Times Roll
- Overkill: White Devil Armory (waiting to show up)

Favorite ones I've played so far are as I am currently going through
- The Ramones: Road to Ruin
- Queen: Killers Live
- Slash: 4
- Foreigner: 4

The Turntable I got is a fairly basic Audio Technica AT-LPGO-BT. Overall for a cheap unit it works really good. Only thing I hate is that it has Bluetooth. The BT comes on automatically and syncs to any nearby BT Speaker wether you want it to or not no warning. So imagine finally setting it up and going to play the first record and suddenly the BT delay kicks in on a nearby speaker that I only use for my phone, making things sound absolutely horrible.


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Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #66 on: November 05, 2023, 04:16:17 pm »
Bought a copy of Billy Talent's greatesg hits on Vinyl
Currently Playing:
Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: CD's, Vinyl (etc) Music Collectors Unite
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2023, 09:30:12 am »
Whelp... Now I've done it... I Bought a Turntable... YUP.

To be fair I have had some of my mom/dad's records for what's going on seven years and some I bought for myself over a decade ago to basically be wall art.

Unfortunately my Dio Albums are essentially unplayable
Holy Diver is way too scratched and my second copy along with Last in line are way too warped to the point I don't feel comfortable playing them. Other than that, I'm enjoying myself.

I also grabbed a couple of new Albums
- Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & the Conspirators: 4
- the Offspring: Let the Bad Times Roll
- Overkill: White Devil Armory (waiting to show up)

Favorite ones I've played so far are as I am currently going through
- The Ramones: Road to Ruin
- Queen: Killers Live
- Slash: 4
- Foreigner: 4

The Turntable I got is a fairly basic Audio Technica AT-LPGO-BT. Overall for a cheap unit it works really good. Only thing I hate is that it has Bluetooth. The BT comes on automatically and syncs to any nearby BT Speaker wether you want it to or not no warning. So imagine finally setting it up and going to play the first record and suddenly the BT delay kicks in on a nearby speaker that I only use for my phone, making things sound absolutely horrible.

I don't like vinyl because of the scarching and the wear and tear and even easier to crack or break then CDs or Cassettes
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
MY RADIO STAION (Licensed but not a business)
64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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