Another week of pick ups, nothing too crazy this week. Mostly pre-orders and cheap games.
SWITCHSome Super Rare and LRG games came in the mail.
- Snake Pass
- Mutant Mudds Collection
- Worms W.M.D.
- Oxenfree
- Saturday Morning RPG
PS4Again more Limited Online games.
- Stardust Galaxy Warriors
- Cosmic Star Heroine
XBone- Hitman 2 - Collector's Edition
VITABeen on the lookout for VITA games sense Sony Announced they are discontinuing the system.
- Cosmic Star Heroine
- Axiom Verge - Multiverse Edition (Gamestop had this on clearance for $23)
Wii- Dream Salon
- Overlord: Dark Legend
PS3These where on clearance brand new for $7.50 each.
- Just Dance 2017
- NBA 2K17
- WWE 2K17
XB360Again clearance for $7.50
- Just Dance 2017
NDSWas at my local used game store and found a bunch of cheap complete DS games, most all of these where priced under $4.
Couple of them where only $1 and at that price I'll pick up any game I don't have.
- Imagine Figure Skater ($1, only reason I'd buy this. lol)
- Underground Pool (again only $1)
- Herbie Rescue Rally
- Hot Wheels Track Attack
- Garfield's Nightmare
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas
- Heavy Armor
- Super Dodgeball Brawlers
XB- Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds
PS2I thought this was funny, I asked the girl at my local used game store if they got any obscure games in?
She showed me this game and I said "Yep that's Obscure, I'll take it"
- Obscure the Aftermath
GENI found a loose copy of this game for $20, so I looked online and saw someone selling the box for $20. So I bought both and got this game for $40.
- Alisia Dragoon
NESMy local used game store got in a stack of CIB NES games, I saw one marked for only $12 and I had to get it just for the box and manual.
- Ghosts N' Goblins