I'm seeing a distinct lack of any wine discussion in your post despite you listing a wine portion.
Where's the discussion for Chardonnay? Merlot? Pinot Noir? Would it be better to have Sauvignon blanc or Cabernet sauvignon?
Do you prefer a nicely chilled Chianti imported from the Tuscany region of Italy or are you more suburban housewife and don't have a problem with your Franzia Sangria "wine" coming in a cardboard box?
Sorry if this comes across as whining.

As for your actual topic...I
kinda understand what you're going through? I hooked up my NES/SNES Classic systems up to my TV and the input lag I was getting at times was aggravating me to where I couldn't keep playing. I thought it might be because I was using wireless controllers but I was having the same input lag with the wired controllers on the NES Classic. I was half tempted to unearth the old NES and games to see but then my care level for doing that dropped as well.

I can't relate to experiencing any kind of pain though so sorry you have to deal with that.