Author Topic: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?  (Read 1530 times)

Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« on: November 23, 2018, 04:06:39 pm »
The fam is shaming me because it's significantly more expensive than an Amazon Fire Stick.


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Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2018, 05:34:12 pm »
The fam is shaming me because it's significantly more expensive than an Amazon Fire Stick.

Honestly, get what device works for you.

Amazon, Roku, and Apple all make terrific products. What it should come down to is this:

* Do you want a plug and play experience? Are you happy with paying a premium for it and sticking with Apple approved and curated content?
** Apple TV is probably for you.
* Do you have amazon prime and want to make the most of your prime membership?
** Fire stick/tv is probably for you
* Do you prize access to any kind of content above all else? Do you appreciate value?
** Roku is probably for you

If you already have a lot of itunes music and video, then it makes sense for you to want to stay within that ecosystem. Apple will even sweeten the deal by giving you free access to 4k versions of videos you've bought in lower resolutions. NO ONE ELSE IS OFFERING THIS. But the free resoution upgrade only works on Apple TV. Just remember Apple is a walled garden. Apple and Amazon/Google are known to get into brand wars from time to time. This means access to things like Amazon Prime video and Youtube come and go during these conflicts.

Firestick/TV. A solid product. Amazon/Google are known to get into brand wars from time to time. This means things like Youtube come and go during these conflicts. You won't be able to access your apple content.

Roku. Another solid product with serveral high end and value options. Does not play favorites so every channel (youtube, amazon video, etc) is always available (bring your own subscriptions). You won't be able to access your apple content.

Don't let anyone shame you into product A/B/C decide which fits your tastes best. Get that and don't look back.

Disclaimer: I work for one of the above companies. My comments are my own oppinion and do not reflect an official stance by any the above companies.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2018, 08:51:12 pm by dashv »


Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2018, 06:54:34 pm »
No, it's your life live it how you want man. there is no evil in owning or wanting an Apple TV 4k  :)
 just sit back and enjoy your life man

I also agree with @dashv

apple had it bad for a while I heard, but I never had issues with my Nano Ipod, when I had it.

If you're unsure than read the product reviews about the Apple TV 4K before buying  :)
« Last Edit: November 23, 2018, 07:05:57 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2018, 11:52:01 pm »
I mean 4k isnt even mainstream yet. If you already own a decently sized screen that displays 4k then go for it, but buying a 4k screen with a 4k apple tv isnt worth it IMO. 1080p already looks really good and since it's mainstream most if not all sources will be in 1080p whereas 4k still is not the basic medium for video quality.


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Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2018, 02:28:34 am »
I mean 4k isnt even mainstream yet. If you already own a decently sized screen that displays 4k then go for it, but buying a 4k screen with a 4k apple tv isnt worth it IMO. 1080p already looks really good and since it's mainstream most if not all sources will be in 1080p whereas 4k still is not the basic medium for video quality.

There are plenty of movies now in 4K and many movies of the last two decades being remastered in 4K all the time. The Harry Potter series, for example, looks spectacular.

Also, 4K HDR gaming on a 55 inch or larger in the living room is pretty fantastic.

Just because it’s not mainstream, doesn’t mean there isn’t value. :)

Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2018, 04:09:41 am »
But if I buy this it detracts from the money I could have to make an overpayment on the mortgage reducing debt or the money I could have to buy shares increasing assets.

Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2018, 04:11:37 am »
Apple as a whole is a company that prides itself in innovating to the most minimal amount possible while still charging extremely inflated and borderline disrespectful prices under the veil of brainwashing propaganda and being "hip" with their consumer base.  Their phones, computers, tablets and monitors are all 100 percent shitted on to unfair levels by competitors that are at times well within half the price of the apple comparative.  I think Apple is a slimey company that makes it's worth off backdooring it's non existent competitors by removing something that should have never been removed (headphone jack) then charging people for the luxury (1st party lightning port patented Headphone dongle).   While android users and PC users get a much more customizable experience for much cheaper with higher end specs and luxuries tailored to the consumer and not to the profit margain.

With all that said, I'll sum it up in a TL;DR.   The Apple TV 4k MSRP is 180 dollars.   The price of a 32'' Samsung Curved gaming monitor on black friday.   140 dollars more than the Firestick 4k and even more so than the Roku.   Literally 5 times more than it's comparative competitors with a more restricted content platform and nothing offered outside of it being an apple.

I don't want to step on toes, and by all means buy whatever makes you happiest,  I am what one might say is a apple hater, and I accept that title but imo your family is 100 percent right.  If you are buying it for a fashion accessory and to brag to people about it,  then I guess by all means get apple.  But if you really want 4k media and for the product to fulfill it's purpose for the cheapest but yet most efficient manner it can, than it's competitors are better options. 
« Last Edit: November 24, 2018, 04:13:24 am by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2018, 04:33:53 am »
But if I buy this it detracts from the money I could have to make an overpayment on the mortgage reducing debt or the money I could have to buy shares increasing assets.

If you can't justify spending the money in the first place, then it's not a good idea to be questioning whether to get one or not.  If you just want a 4k streaming device, grab the Fire Stick.  It's stupid cheap right now and will probably work fine.  Apple stuff is only really good if you are deeply invested in that whole ecosystem in the first place as there's a lot of inter-connectivity between all their devices from what I understand.


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Re: Is it wrong of me to want an Apple TV 4K?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2018, 12:04:20 pm »
But if I buy this it detracts from the money I could have to make an overpayment on the mortgage reducing debt or the money I could have to buy shares increasing assets.

This is true of everything you purchase.

Do you buy ramen noodles and pbj or steak and fresh fruits and vegetables?

Do you wear clothes you bought from a thrift store or clothes from some place else?

Do you have high speed internet?

Do you pre-order games to have them as soon at they come out or wait till they hit the bargain bin?

Everything has tradeoffs.

Do you need the best of all those things? No.

Can you have the best of all those things (or some combination of tradeoffs?)


What should you do?

Live within your means in a way that makes you happy. :)

The house is worthless if it’s empty and you live in it naked and hungry just to pay it off earlier.