Author Topic: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?  (Read 2132 times)

Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« on: November 28, 2018, 02:52:01 pm »
If so do you buy/rent on iTunes, get blu rays or use streaming services?
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 06:39:44 pm by seether »

Re: At you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2018, 05:24:02 pm »
I was actually way into DVD and Blu-Ray collecting before I got super into VG Collecting.  Big boxed sets and special editions were my jam, but man if you want to talk about double-dipping!  The market flooded itself.  There’s was a new “collector’s edition” every time a new movie came out.

I started paring my collection down extensively about 2 years ago, but I’m still around 400-500 titles.  What used to barely fit in 3 bookcases doesn’t even fill up 2.  But I still have my big collector’s pieces: Extended LotR with the statues, Breaking Bad chemical drum.

In fact, the most expensive thing I own, aside from my house and car is my MCU Phase 1 Collection that is signed by Stan Lee.


PRO Supporter

Re: At you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 05:29:25 pm »
Hell yeah I do.

I always get physical versions, just like my video games. Can't be having servers go down and losing your stuff because you never actually owned it.

As for the format: It don't matter. Blu-ray, DVD, or VHS. Blu-ray being the best quality, of course. Plenty of stuff never made the jump to blu-ray or even DVD, though. And honestly, VHS just looks awesome when filling out a shelf with them.

Mostly focus on horror, sci-fi, fantasy, and superhero stuff.

Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2018, 05:46:03 am »
Film does play a big part of my interest/life too, but honestly the last 2-3 years have been very underwhelming with little incentive to go to the cinema - The only film I have seen this year is Christopher Robin. Part of that is due to ridiculous cinema prices - Odeon in particular who now charge extra for bit hit films like Star Wars, just because.

I had near 1000+ DVD's but probably have around 300 nows, I still feel a bit Blah in how redundant most are with the rise of TV Resolution. I've bought much less Blu-Ray films in recent years- Before I'd buy films on DVD out of curiousity, now I only commit to purchase if I feel it is something that Wowed me & would watch again - I think the only time I've gone overboard is collecting Disney Bluray films over the years.

I don't do streaming services, very against them. I simply don't like the idea of commiting to one service and then content I want to watch being on another provider - I certainly don't intend to buy multiple subscriptions! I wish there was a more universal system, I look at online services and see them to be following the format war of HD-DVD & Blu-Ray had that actually went on for years... Thank god it didn't!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2018, 05:52:29 am by vivigamer »

Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2018, 07:24:26 am »
I buy way more games than I do movies.  I probably don't buy more than like 5 to 10 a year anymore, unless I'm finding stuff cheap, like I did with the Kaiju/Godzilla movies I bought a bunch of before Shin Godzilla came out.  It's mostly just stuff I know I'll rewatch over the years.


Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2018, 09:44:56 am »
I own more movies than video games.
I have never used a subscription service and will not pay actual money to stream/download a rip from an online vendor.


Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2018, 10:53:20 am »
Not particularly. I watch some current running anime like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure but also stuff like Castlevania.

Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2018, 10:54:51 am »
I have a ton of movies, movie boxsets, TV Boxsets, and a bunch of other stuff related to screen media. I actually have so much of it that more than half of it is in boxes since I don't have room for it. Like video games, movies and TV have played a large part in my life and I enjoy watching a good movie, an anime, or a good show almost just as much as I do playing a good game.

Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2018, 10:42:29 pm »
I've always liked movies. When VHS rental stores were booming, the cost of a movie was usually well over $80.00.
I started collecting movies when VHS become more affordable, around the $20-$25 range. I would go to Sam Goody, The Wherehouse, Tower Records etc.
I never got into laserdisc, because you had to flip or change the disc to view an entire movie.
Divx was garbage since the movie was married to the player you owned, so I never got into that either.
My collection grew drastically when DVD's came out. No more fixing the tracking dial or rewinding and the picture and sound was improved. Still have my Sony launch player DVP-S7000. It still works great after being repaired twice, so it can play The Matrix when that was released. I was so excited about DVD's coming out, that I bought several movies before even owning a player. The Long Kiss Goodnight was my first. Before the dual layer discs were introduced, I felt cheated to have to flip the disc midway on long movies like The Color Purple.
I jumped on the short lived HD-DVD train for a minute. I bought the Toshiba HD-A35. It was good at the time, except for the extremely long boot up and load times. Jumping scene to scene wasn't much better either. Occasionally I play a movie on it, but notice a lot of hiccups now. The audio/video becomes out of sync randomly during playback and I need to pause or hit track select to fix it.
I'm on Blu-rays now. My current player is the Oppo BD-95. It had the fastest access of the stand alone players of that time and was 3-D compatible. The US has given up on 3-D unfortunately...
Even though I don't have a 4K monitor or player yet, I began buying the Ultra HD movies. I'll have some media ready when that time comes. :)

I hit up Redbox every once in awhile too. It's the only renting I do these days.

Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2018, 06:00:06 am »
What is a TV show?  ;D 

Just kidding but at this moment I really feel like this with the evolution of online media.  When I was young I adored TV.  I couldn't wait to come home to watch spongebob and then at night if I was good in school my dad would let me watch adult cartoons to an extent like Family guy or SNL.   Then of course their was Seinfield and stuff.   TV was iconic.

Now TV is pretty bad imo,  It lacks variety, it lacks innovation, it lacks heart.  And most of what is entertaining to me now is free on YouTube by eccentric, passionate creators.  YouTube's inception gave the world the ability to make low budget entertainment at a whim  without some R&D guy and directors sucking the soul out of it or undercutting people's passion and shelfing good ideas, but in the modern age it has transformed to bring A level, high production content to it's viewers.  Sure it's not perfect but I just find myself watching Hot Ones, Or podcasts or any of the amazing YouTubers more than TV.  YouTube is the new TV.  Netflix is the new TV. 

As for movies, I watch some very rarely.  I see those as an investment as they are 2-3 hours long.  I like my entertainment outside of games to be more snack sized. But I will watch one if I think it's awesome.  I liked the new IT movie for what it was. If I don't watch Toy Story 4 my inner child will come out and beat my ass so i'm obligated.  But it's only seldom I feel the need.

As a whole my media content is

Video Games- 70-80 percent   (20-60 hours per week)

YouTube-  8-15 percent  (20 hours at least per week)

Everything Else- 5 percent   


Re: Are you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2018, 08:30:09 am »
Just kidding but at this moment I really feel like this with the evolution of online media.  When I was young I adored TV.  I couldn't wait to come home to watch spongebob and then at night if I was good in school my dad would let me watch adult cartoons to an extent like Family guy or SNL.   Then of course their was Seinfield and stuff.   TV was iconic.

Now TV is pretty bad imo,  It lacks variety, it lacks innovation, it lacks heart.  And most of what is entertaining to me now is free on YouTube by eccentric, passionate creators.  YouTube's inception gave the world the ability to make low budget entertainment at a whim  without some R&D guy and directors sucking the soul out of it or undercutting people's passion and shelfing good ideas, but in the modern age it has transformed to bring A level, high production content to it's viewers.  Sure it's not perfect but I just find myself watching Hot Ones, Or podcasts or any of the amazing YouTubers more than TV.  YouTube is the new TV.  Netflix is the new TV. 

It looks like what you are describing isn't really the delineation between traditional networks and streaming, so much as it is the difference between independently produced content and studio produced content.

And while Netflix isn't a traditional network, it is the series produced are still just essentially TV shows- and Netflix is just a "channel" that does everything all at once.

We are at the tail end of what has been called "peak TV" or the "Golden Age of Television", which stretched from the mid-2000s to now, and it was known this because of the sheer volume of variety, creativity and quality of the productions.  There was a shift in this period where it was no longer embarrassing for an actor to go from movies to TV.  In many cases it was preferred, because TV was picking up the prestige that movies had lost.  A lot of the heavy hitters have ended recently (Mad Men, Justified, The Americans, Breaking Bad), but there are still a ton of diverse interesting, high quality shows that are out there.

  • Game of Thrones
  • Westworld
  • The Good Place
  • This is Us
  • Atlanta
  • Rick and Morty

And that's without mentioning the series from the streaming networks, which if you want to talk variety, there's no comparison.  In fact, here's a great list from TV Guide:
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 07:56:14 am by Cartagia »


PRO Supporter

Re: At you into movies and tv shows as well as games?
« Reply #11 on: December 03, 2018, 03:20:09 am »
I was actually way into DVD and Blu-Ray collecting before I got super into VG Collecting.  Big boxed sets and special editions were my jam, but man if you want to talk about double-dipping!  The market flooded itself.  There’s was a new “collector’s edition” every time a new movie came out.

I started paring my collection down extensively about 2 years ago, but I’m still around 400-500 titles.  What used to barely fit in 3 bookcases doesn’t even fill up 2.  But I still have my big collector’s pieces: Extended LotR with the statues, Breaking Bad chemical drum.

In fact, the most expensive thing I own, aside from my house and car is my MCU Phase 1 Collection that is signed by Stan Lee.

This kinda describes me.

Netflix, Hulu, and prime video kinda killed my movie collecting.

Though I still have over 2,000 movies, I’m much more selective now about what I choose to own.

My new house is going to have its own movie theatre in the basement.

I use VUDU for my digital purchases because I still buy physical whenever possible but I redeem the digital copies via VUDU whenever permitted. I also buy disc+digital directly from the VUDU Roku app when available. It’s nice becuase you get the digital copy to use immediately and the disc arrives in the mail a week or two later.

I wish games followed the disc+digital model.

My entertainment habits are currently about 60% media / 20% gaming / 20% social media.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2018, 03:25:34 am by dashv »