Author Topic: 52 Games Challenge 2019  (Read 56419 times)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #30 on: January 08, 2019, 01:25:54 am »
This will be my master list

1. Adventures of Lolo(NES-Nintendo Switch Online)
2. Kirby's Adventure(NES-Nintendo Switch Online)
3. Shadow of the Colossus HD NG+(PS4)
4. Unravel Two(PS4)
5. Journey(PS4)
6. Yoshi's Crafted World(Switch)
7. Sekiro(PS4)
8. Sonic Mania(PS4)
9. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker(Switch)
10. Clu Clu Land(NES Nintendo Switch Online)
11. Double Dragon II: The Revenge(NES-Nintendo Switch Online)
12. Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor(PS4)
13. Horizon Chase Turbo(PS4)
14. Fire Emblem: Three Houses(Switch)
15. Demons Crest(SNES-Nintendo Switch Online)
16. Kirby's Dreamland 3(SNES-Nintendo Switch Online)
17. Super Mario Kart(SNES-Nintendo Switch Online)
18. F-Zero(SNES-Nintendo Switch Online)
19. Fez(PS4)
20. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening(Switch)
21. The Last Guardian(PS4)
22. Luigi's Mansion 3(Switch)
23. Pokemon Shield(Switch)

Plan to play
Detroit: Become Human(PS4)
SNES-Nintendo Switch Online
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War(PS4)
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition(PS4)
Destroy All Humans 2(PS4)
Kingdom Come(PS4)
Horizon Zero Dawn: Frozen Wilds(PS4)
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness(GC)
Katamari Damacy Reroll(Switch)
Hollow Knight(Switch)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 08:58:13 pm by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #31 on: January 08, 2019, 02:53:36 pm »
Finished my first game of the year.  It certainly helped that I've been stuck at home sick the last three days.  Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag is the fifth AC game that I have beaten, and I would probably rank it at #3 out of those 5.  I'm actually a little disappointed after all the praise I have seen heaped on it it since the release.  Maybe it's because I've already played Syndicate, which handles much better?  The setting is fantastic, but the whole shtick got kind of tedious after I was boarding my 15th ship or so.  The ship-to-ship combat was great, but to fully take a ship required boarding and it was just the old standard button mashing AC combat.  Still, I generally had fun, but it is not one I will revisit.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2019, 06:20:07 am »
Just Beat:
2.Resident Evil Remake:
I'm awful at survival horror games, I have a bad habbit of saving every chance I get which these games scorn, I also just seem to be torn up and lack ammo most occassions. I admit I accidently played this on Easy - The difficulty selection menu was not clear, I genuinely thought I selected Normal. I managed to get through the game with ease... but I did have a good time :) I can see why thise Remake is well regarded. Graphically it is phenominal for the time and holds up very well. The analogue input instead of the classic tank navigation is very welcome and I liked the addition of the Crimson Heads and character development they built around a newly added boss.

I haven't beat Chris's campaign yet, but I will do so before I play the upcoming RE2 REMAKE, but now it's all about Kingdom Hearts & beating the series backlog before KH3 in a couple of weeks :)

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4)

Plan to play:
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4)
Final Fantasy V (PC)
Ni No Kuni (PS3)

List of games beat by the end of 2019:

36. World of Illusion (Mega-Drive-Mini), 35. Lost Planet 3 (PS3), 34. Lost Planet (360), 33. Dead Rising 2 (PS4), 32. Virtua Fighter 5: Showdown (PS3), 31. NeverDead (PS3), 30. Shenmue III (PS4), 29. Shenmue II (PS4), 28. Shenmue (PS4), 27. Team Soinc Racing (PS4), 26. Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed (Vita), 25. DOOM-Original (PS4) 24. AER Memories of Old (PS4), 23. Catherine: Full Body(PS4), 22. Man of Medan (PS4), 21. State of Mind (PS4), 20. Dragons Crown PRO (PS4), 19. Judgment ( PS4), 18. Devil May Cry V (PS4), 17. Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition (PS4), 16. Devil May Cry 2 HD (PS4), 15. Devil May Cry 1 HD (PS4), 14. Spyro The Dragon - Reignited (PS4), 13. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (PS4), 12. Wolfenstein: The New Order (PS4), 11. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (PS4), 10. Final Fantasy V (GBA), 9. Firewatch (PS4), 8. Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise (PS4), 7. The Simpsons Game (PS3), 6. Devil May Cry 3 HD (PS4), 5. Kingdom Hearts III (PS4), 4. Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4), 3. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4) 2. Resident Evil REMAKE (PS4) 1. Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded (PS4)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2019, 03:36:51 am by vivigamer »


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2019, 12:42:04 pm »
Just Beat:
2.Resident Evil Remake:
I'm awful at survival horror games, I have a bad habbit of saving every chance I get which these games scorn, I also just seem to be torn up and lack ammo most occassions. I admit I accidently played this on Easy - The difficulty selection menu was not clear, I genuinely thought I selected Normal. I managed to get through the game with ease... but I did have a good time :) I can see why thise Remake is well regarded. Graphically it is phenominal for the time and holds up very well. The analogue input instead of the classic tank navigation is very welcome and I liked the addition of the Crimson Heads and character development they built around a newly added boss.

I haven't beat Chris's campaign yet, but I will do so before I play the upcoming RE2 REMAKE, but now it's all about Kingdom Hearts & beating the series backlog before KH3 in a couple of weeks :)

Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4)

Plan to play:
Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)
Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4)
Final Fantasy V (PC)
Ni No Kuni (PS3)

2. Resident Evil Make (PS4) 1. Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded (PS4)

No lie, I read that as RE2 Remake that you just beat instead of REmake

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2019, 04:20:43 am »
Haha no, just numbered it as the 2nd game I beat this year :P

Considering how many people seem to have got Kingdom Hearts III early I wouldn't be surprised if many have already. I'm still undecided if I will have time to beat RE2 Remake before I dive into KH3. I should have a solid weekend to play it during the 26th & 27th - which I have booked Holiday off for anyway, along with the following week, really want nothing to get in the way of Kingdom hearts III :P & as that is released on the 29th, I reckon I should be able too :)


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2019, 07:03:16 pm »
1. Adventures of Lolo(NES-Nintendo Switch Online)

I honestly never even expected to play this game for more than a few levels but, I really had a lot of fun with it which is surprising as I never can get into NES games. I love how it is simply designed and am impressed by how fairly complex each level can be. It also had zero bugs as far as I could tell. I hope Nintendo puts the second game on their service.

I also want to point out how OP Lolo is. He can kill the Devil with two bubbles, how does no one bring this up when talking about powerful Nintendo characters?

Time: 5-10 hours
« Last Edit: January 11, 2019, 07:05:02 pm by wolfen »

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2019, 10:42:09 pm »
I crushed out game #2 last night.  I played the NES Ducktales on the Disney Afternoon Collection.  The music is incredible, and its pretty great sprite work, but is laughably easy once you know what you are doing.  Pogo-ing around as Scrooge will never not be fun.


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2019, 01:32:58 pm »
Failed hard last year and stopped updating before the halfway mark  :-\ Giving this another go this year to see how far I can get, considering my new year resolution is to play more games.

Current Ranking: 2/52

Currently Playing:

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (Steam)
Shin Megami Tensei If... (SNES)
Bujingai: The Forsaken City (PS2)


Super Mario Bros. (NES) [1/2/2019]
Devil May Cry HD Collection: Devil May Cry (PS4) [1/8/2019]

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2019, 12:08:17 am »
3 more games to add to the list:

5. Balloon Kid (Gameboy) 1/11 - Beat
6. Bayonetta 2 (Switch) 1/13/19 - Beat
7. Mega Man 11 (Switch) 1/13/19 - Beat

Balloon kid I've been playing off and on for about a week, progressing a little further each time and finally beat the damn thing the other day. For such a simple game, it can be a little tricky here and there.
It snowed this weekend and I was stuck inside which gave me a chance to finish up Bayonetta 2; I think I enjoyed it even more than the first one and cant wait for 3 now. Mega Man was kind of a wild card for me. I've always been terrible at Mega Man games, but since this new one has different difficulties I figured I'd give it a shot. I tried on normal to get started and got my ass handed to me, went back and played it on newcomer to get the hang of things and beat it. I decided to give normal another shot after that and it went much smoother, just had to learn how to play the game! Might open the door for some of the older games this year for me!

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #39 on: January 18, 2019, 01:37:34 am »
Some games are better left in your past:

6. Bug! (Saturn): There are several Saturn games that are very nostalgic for me. I had two friends growing up, Tony and Evan, each had a Sega Saturn and beyond hanging out with them playing their Saturn games was my favorite thing to do when I went to their houses. My friend Evan had Bug! which at the time I thought was a cool, quarky platformer with a very 90s cartoonish mascot character, in the vein of Earthworm Jim or Boogerman. In that regard Bug! is great, but my praise of this game mostly ends there. Playing Bug! now I'm able to see that while it was a pioneer in early 3D platforming, the game just doesn't play that well and the combination of very basic controls, very hard gameplay, and various issues such as enemies charging you/firing things at you off screen and extremely hard to gauge jumps due to the game's 3D environments, make for a pretty unenjoyable game. The soundtrack is nothing more than very cartoonish loops that are fitting at first and then get annoying after hearing them for more than 10-minutes. Bug makes goofy comments that don't overstay their welcome which is nice, but that's about the best I can say regarding the audio. And then there are the graphics, which are mostly very plain with stages being maze-like and filled with the same dozen or so enemies with some unique bosses at the end of each stage. Overall, Bug! isn't a terrible game, but it isn't a good game either. I will give the developers a hand for creating one of the earlier 3D platformers available before Super Mario 64 created the gold standard in that genre, but sadly I just feel like playing games like Donkey Kong Country 2, Sonic and Knuckles, and various other 2D platformers that came out during the same time that are way, way better. I'd give this one a solid pass unless you are curious to see 3D platforming before Super Mario 64 revolutionized that entire genre. (1/17/19) [21/50]


Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2019, 08:19:46 pm »
04] This War of Mine: The Little Ones (PS4)

One of my favourites of this console generation, played it about 3 times last year, it also finally finishes off January's 4. I just hope I can get stuck into some PS2 games and start February's early by beating the next one by the end of this month.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #41 on: January 26, 2019, 08:55:33 pm »
5 - Resident Evil 2 (PC 2019) - BEAT - Finally have a game I can put down as "beat" as I've been jumping around games all month, mostly because I was anxious for RE2.  And here it is! And it's great! I'm coming at this as someone that knows plenty about RE, but never beat any of the original games before RE4, because the controls primarily.  I think they are terrible and time has not changed that.  So I've been wanting this game for a long ass time now.

I did only beat the first scenarios for Leon and Claire and technically there are two more, but I'm counting this for the challenge and I'm gonna go back and try to do everything else.  Hardcore is gonna be ridiculous.  I think this game does most everything right, expanding on parts when it needs to, making the story more enjoyable, graphically it looks amazing, and it has pretty great gameplay.  My only real nitpick, one that I know will be divisive in the community forever, are how bullet spongy enemies can be.  I don't think the enemies are super terrible, though there are times, when it's like you've put 6 to 8 pistol rounds into a zombies head and its still going.  There are things to help like knifing and just kneecapping them in certain areas that you can maneuver around in, but it feels so rare to get crit shots on them.  Lickers are real rough for Leon to fight to with the shotgun.  Just avoiding them doesn't work either in most areas as they have a pretty large grab range.

Other than that, I'm loving it.  Hard for me to say if I like RE7 or RE2 more.  RE7 has way more consistent tension and atmosphere, but I like the more widespread exploration in RE2 overall.  Either way, both of these are two of my favorite RE games.  RE4 is still good, but taking out nostalgia for it, I think some elements have aged and I'd much rather just play these two games.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #42 on: January 26, 2019, 10:57:51 pm »
I just finished the original Paper Mario.  I was pretty underwhelmed.  It’s not bad, but I don’t really think it’s anything special.  It’s incredibly easy, but also stuck with a very slow gameplay rhythm.  It’s not nearly as clever or funny as it thinks it is.  Maybe I’m being harsh because Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars is one of favorite games of all time, but I don’t think so.  Again, it’s not bad, but I don’t think it’s nearly as good as it’s reputation would suggest.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2019, 10:29:45 pm »
2 - Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (PS4 2017) - BEAT

I was glad to get this done right before KH3 is released and I actually enjoyed my time with this one compared to the slog that was the original Kingdom Hearts game.  This is such a vast improvement over the original, though to be fair to the original, I honestly feel like it handles the Disney part of the game better than KH2.  The first game was about Disney Villains causing havoc, but here, the Disney stuff is completely unrelated to the plot going on.  One thing I feel like both games do kinda poorly is dealing with the Disney "Worlds" as a lot of them are just really half-assed little locations that take you through bad short versions of the movie they are from.  Some involve more of the characters of the actual plot going on or do more with the world, which is why they are the better ones, but stuff like Mulan, Atlantica, Lion King, and some others just aren't very good.

That said, it's clear every bit of my nostalgia comes from this game.  There is some charm and fun moments throughout the improvements to gameplay and the RPG elements is way more better.  This one is worth going back to, not so much the first one.

It'll be interesting to see what Kingdom Hearts 3 is even about as I have no clue.  Never played any of the other games other than KH1 and KH2, but I will be looking at some retrospectives and discussions about the series to learn all the information I need to, prepping myself for once I actually get to playing KH3 as I probably won't actually play it for a few more days so I can finish up the stuff I have left in Resident Evil 2.

Re: 52 Games Challenge 2019
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2019, 03:44:19 am »
Just Beat:
3. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4)
This is the game of the series I'm playing for first time during the series playthrough of the series & I had a blast! I will say I didn't like the Flowmotion commands at first but as i got new abilities throughout t he game it made combat more natural to my liking. I also didn't care for looking after the Dream Eaters - Pokemon like monsters you train and learn abilities of. It just felt weird having generic monsters as companions especially when you see characters from the world in cutscenes with you t hat suddenly aren't within the gameplay portions. Speaking of Disney Worlds, I was utterly delighted with some of the more obscure choices in this game - Some really treats of a Disney fan. As for the story as a whole it's good but I think the ending of KH Coded has steered the story down the a path which I didn't really approve of and the antagonists methods of force in this game is very questionable but it is key to setting up the scene of Kingdom Hearts III which I am eagerly awaiting today!

4.Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4)
A fantastic modernisation of the RE Classic - Simply does everything you could hope for and then some! I will say I found the game hard (I am terrible at Survival Horror games) & at the end of my first play through I barely scrapped by with the minimal resources I had. I adored the games atmosphere and how Mr. X would appear at the worst timing to make you have change route to your objective. One thing that really surprised me was how well they humanised the main cast! The acting for Claire and Leon was superb and I adore them more as characters for it. I beat Leon (A) & Claire (B) But I think I will take a break as Claire's (B) was just a bit to familiar to my liking. Brilliant game though and can't recommend it enough to anyone who loves horror titles.

Kingdom Hearts III (PS4)

Plan to play:
Final Fantasy V (PC)
Ni No Kuni (PS3)

4. Resident Evil 2 REMAKE (PS4), 3. Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance (PS4) 2. Resident Evil Make (PS4) 1. Kingdom Hearts RE:Coded (PS4)