Author Topic: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?  (Read 6236 times)


What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« on: January 06, 2019, 05:57:23 pm »
What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President? Seems he's made quite a stir lately.

Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2019, 06:33:40 pm »
I haven't seen him do much yet, but I believe you are talking about the recent interview where he talked about a possible future where Nintendo might not be making consoles and really it's just talk about how Nintendo is flexible and no matter where the industry goes, Nintendo will have other avenues to bolster themselves, such as themeparks, movies, and mobile gaming...not that I like to hear about more mobile games with how underwhelming or bad they've all been.  It's pretty common sense stuff for him to say.

Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2019, 10:09:34 pm »
I think a lot of people are taking what he said out of context. He certainly is not saying that Nintendo will be exiting the console market, simply that they will adapt with the industry as a whole, which from a business point of view makes sense. Businesses that don't adapt and change with their target market go out of business.

Nintendo has been dabbling in mobile gaming and other popular gaming mediums more than they have in the past, but they've been 100% behind their consoles and games like they've always been. Yes, I am little worried about what direction they might go in the future, but whatever direction that would be would be a response to the greater video game industry. On that note, I am not happy with the direction the video game industry has been going for about 10-years now, but Nintendo is probably one of the least guilty parties in pushing the industry in that direction. If anything Nintendo has been one of the last bastions of honest, game focused business rather than chasing market trends, ripping people off, and putting business before their games.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2019, 10:18:59 pm »
No idea yet. I just hope Nintendo keeps being Nintendo and doesn't do any dumb crap.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2019, 11:14:46 am »
I think he's just saying that Nintendo will adapt to the changing market. A lot of people who give Nintendo crap and constantly dog them (looking at you, toxic N4G community!) will wish the industry as a whole hadn't gone to the ship it now/patch it later operating model.

Then again, maybe not. Many of the younger gamers coming up couldn't care less about nostalgia or revisiting a favorite game down the road. One need only look at the popularity of online shooters, especially Fortnite that a few years from now, will be completely unplayable and wont even exist. It goes hand-in-hand with the dying story-driven single-player experience.
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Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2019, 11:36:16 pm »
It really annoys me how so many clickbait videos have taken that quote wildly out of context. He didn't say consoles are out, he said a future where they fall out of favor is something worth preparing for.


It goes hand-in-hand with the dying story-driven single-player experience.
This is a myth and the idea that single player games are falling out of favor is intentional manipulation on the part of companies that want this to be the case. God of War was a no bullshit single player story and was one of the most successful games of the year. Most of nintendo's succesful new games have been single player experiences sans Splatoon and Smash Bros. It's not that people don't buy them anymore, it's that companies like EA have been especially lazy about the idea of making them and want people to believe they're old news.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2019, 02:11:18 pm »
Not to mention RDR2 and it's massive story driven campaign
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Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2019, 01:15:10 am »
Still too early to tell how good of a leader he will be for Nintendo of America.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2019, 02:37:21 pm »
I'm not to sure about the future of Nintendo They have tasted the profits of mobile gaming it's to late to go back.

low effort low expenses, far less than their main games while gainings tons more money

at this rate Nintendo is crazy to make console games if mobile games require tons less effort and money to make while gaining a hell lot more profit.Look at gamefreak for example. Pokemon go outsold the main franchise by quite allot while costing a fraction of a single main pokemon game to make.

The reason why pokemon sword & shield have shitty grapics and no national dex is because the main team who produced pokemon games back in the day is way less important atm

The mainline pokemon games get way less profits in while costing a ton more to make, they are kinda getting a bad rep in the company. Kinda sad but it is the reality

atm gamefreak is advertising for pokemon masters on mobile allot with a decent promotion trailer animated. the last couple of main pokemon games did not have any animated trailers at all especially of this size.

This was only done when mega evolutions where introduced and when nintendo actually produced the final quality pokemon game wich was better than most previous games an era in wich main pokemon games were trying really hard to be better in the pokemon black & white 2 series.

heck there was a special broadcast by gamefreak wich usually is just for the main games yet it was for promoting pokemon masters on mobile. in the case of gamefreak mobile gaming is the no 1 priority atm. main pokemon games are at 3rd place since they try to do something new with town rpg since the main line pokemon team has lost it's 1st place in the company.

let's hope non rpg games such as zelda and mario are less affected than again when i look at mario kart tour on mobile. ***** mobile gaming  :P if profits for nintendo's future mobile games will even be 50% as great as pokemon go. we can all say goodbey to main pokemon games or other future franchises since there is no solid reason to make solid games anymore. why invest a ton to make solid games why you could invest the same or less and gain more money.

mobile gaming profits are kinda insane compared to the investment that is needed to make them.

allot of fans are complaining about pokemon sword & shield as far as the national dex and grapics/animations goes but ironicly those fans supported pokemon go by a ton. very few pokemon fans who did not play that shitty game. O well haven;t played a main pokemon game since x and y but kinda dissapointing I'd say.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 02:46:31 pm by sworddude »
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Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2019, 02:45:53 pm »
Dude, the Switch was outpacing the PS4 at the same point in its lifecycle, and there are years old games that have sold more on Switch than any other platform.  Not to mention that Game Freak is not Nintendo.  They are not leaving the console market.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2019, 02:48:11 pm »
Dude, the Switch was outpacing the PS4 at the same point in its lifecycle, and there are years old games that have sold more on Switch than any other platform.  Not to mention that Game Freak is not Nintendo.  They are not leaving the console market.

mario kart tour is on the rise. if profits are good and we see franchises such as zelda and metroid coming to mobile we'll see what happens. mario kart tour has a gacha system for unlocking characters and the best car parts. not to mention probably more obsecure characters in the future potentially from other series. some people will be spending far more than just 40 - 60$ on a brand new game

The pokemon franchise had very nice profits before pokemon go even in the later years way better than majority of games always near the top if not at the very top but now it is not enough anymore since pokemon go required little investment and outsold the mainline pokemon games by allot. if the profits are nice and the investment is low it is plenty to make a company switch directions.

share holders want to see better results each year so when your opening that gate you can't go back that easily anymore. since lower profits means angry share holders.

if nintendo gets some mobile game that hits gold like pokemon go did even if only by 50% there is a very high chance that nintendo will switch directions pretty fast wich in the short term means a nice drop in quality for them main games.

again before pokemon go. pokemon sales and profits  where near the top and in some years just at the top. low investments while gaining more profits than your main games demotivates companies to go on to produce actual games wich costs years of devlopment and a nice sum of cash. it makes little sense to keep those balls rolling when it can be done for far less and while not waiting for years before a game comes out not to mention all the effort for less profit.

mobile gaming could ruin console gaming for sure. at the very least if were looking at some triple a franchises. i can't imagine a gacha system for games such as GTA on mobile well at least I hope so  :o
« Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 03:51:10 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2019, 04:58:47 pm »
Still too early to tell how good of a leader he will be for Nintendo of America.

No idea yet. I just hope Nintendo keeps being Nintendo and doesn't do any dumb crap.

Dude, the Switch was outpacing the PS4 at the same point in its lifecycle, and there are years old games that have sold more on Switch than any other platform.  Not to mention that Game Freak is not Nintendo.  They are not leaving the console market.

I also hope the Nintendo Switch console has a long life ahead still.
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Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2019, 10:21:47 pm »
I think a lot of people are taking what he said out of context. He certainly is not saying that Nintendo will be exiting the console market, simply that they will adapt with the industry as a whole, which from a business point of view makes sense. Businesses that don't adapt and change with their target market go out of business.

I agree.

If anything Nintendo has been one of the last bastions of honest, game focused business rather than chasing market trends, ripping people off, and putting business before their games.

I disagree. The Switch was the beginning of Nintendo’s transition away from console gaming to portable gaming and a first step in sunsetting the aging 3DS.

Switch Lite doubling down on portable only with no docking further confirms this.

In the process they have been 100% focused on adopting the same “gaming as a service” strategy that SONY and MS are doing.

In so doing they severed all ties to their customers previous gaming investments. Instead rereleasing them as full price titles for the Switch or rental titles via NSO.

You can’t even back up your saves in any way without an NSO subscription.

Even physical purchases (megaman collection, resident evil collection, etc) are regularly hand-stringed with digital download codes for half the content that require you to tie it to your account and use the eShop.

Switch is all business first for Nintendo. They just happen to be really lucky that folks want to play games on a solid portable platform and now with SONY out of the portable space they are the only non-mobile option.


Re: What's everyone think of the new Nintendo President?
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2019, 07:08:05 pm »
I figure that every game company is kind of dreading the forced exit of retail shelf space and the death of GameStop among others. When there are no Nintendo products in stores anymore, that will inevitably hurt visibility and maybe sales, but it's what the industry has been trying to push for a decade now. No one really knows how that'll all go down, who will survive and who won't. Will consumers still want consoles, or will they just want to stream from remote hardware? Is that viable for Nintendo? Who knows. Change for the sake of future, let's just do it. It's almost 2020 - we can't do things the way we always did, come on now don't be silly.