I'm not to sure about the future of Nintendo They have tasted the profits of mobile gaming it's to late to go back.
low effort low expenses, far less than their main games while gainings tons more money
at this rate Nintendo is crazy to make console games if mobile games require tons less effort and money to make while gaining a hell lot more profit.Look at gamefreak for example. Pokemon go outsold the main franchise by quite allot while costing a fraction of a single main pokemon game to make.
The reason why pokemon sword & shield have shitty grapics and no national dex is because the main team who produced pokemon games back in the day is way less important atm
The mainline pokemon games get way less profits in while costing a ton more to make, they are kinda getting a bad rep in the company. Kinda sad but it is the reality
atm gamefreak is advertising for pokemon masters on mobile allot with a decent promotion trailer animated. the last couple of main pokemon games did not have any animated trailers at all especially of this size.
This was only done when mega evolutions where introduced and when nintendo actually produced the final quality pokemon game wich was better than most previous games an era in wich main pokemon games were trying really hard to be better in the pokemon black & white 2 series.
heck there was a special broadcast by gamefreak wich usually is just for the main games yet it was for promoting pokemon masters on mobile. in the case of gamefreak mobile gaming is the no 1 priority atm. main pokemon games are at 3rd place since they try to do something new with town rpg since the main line pokemon team has lost it's 1st place in the company.
let's hope non rpg games such as zelda and mario are less affected than again when i look at mario kart tour on mobile. ***** mobile gaming

if profits for nintendo's future mobile games will even be 50% as great as pokemon go. we can all say goodbey to main pokemon games or other future franchises since there is no solid reason to make solid games anymore. why invest a ton to make solid games why you could invest the same or less and gain more money.
mobile gaming profits are kinda insane compared to the investment that is needed to make them.
allot of fans are complaining about pokemon sword & shield as far as the national dex and grapics/animations goes but ironicly those fans supported pokemon go by a ton. very few pokemon fans who did not play that shitty game. O well haven;t played a main pokemon game since x and y but kinda dissapointing I'd say.