Author Topic: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?  (Read 6400 times)


Re: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2019, 02:33:37 am »
I haven't even played it yet. A Switch option would be amazing.


Personally, I dislike the Wii U because it's so cumbersome to use. The bulky (and always dead when I need it) gamepad is required to use the system regardless of if the game I'm gonna play requires it or not. I always found it uncomfortable to hold, and again the battery life is terrible on the thing. So I'm fine with any Wii U -> Switch ports they want to do.

That said, the Switch has enough exclusives for me and it has become my #1 preferred system for indie titles. I know some people use "indie game" as some kind of insult, but they are some of the most innovative games out today IMO.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2019, 04:58:49 pm »
That said, the Switch has enough exclusives for me and it has become my #1 preferred system for indie titles. I know some people use "indie game" as some kind of insult, but they are some of the most innovative games out today IMO.

I love a lot of the indies. They are inexpensive and full of classic gameplay goodness. Unfortunately, I despise paying for digital-only games. I know that for 90% of the indies, a physical release is impractical or even impossible given they are made by small teams with shoestring budgets. But I still dont like having nothing to show for my money.
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Re: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2019, 08:31:20 pm »
Personally I think it's immensely silly to get actively angry about ports being made, however many might come out. They're low budget works that are rarely made by inhouse dev teams; They effect nothing and take nothing away. They don't take spaces away for new games, they fill up empty space because they take nothing to produce. They aren't responsible for the Switch having a smaller library than the other two big consoles either, that's merely a result of it only having a 2-year lifespan.

I'll concede that them being tagged 60 bucks and marketted as new games is pretty stupid, though that still doesn't make their existence somehow harmful.

Now, in terms of the OP's question..

Yoshi's wooly world would be an immensely boring release, what with there already being a new Yoshi game coming out and Wooly World already having a 3ds port. Let the Wii U keep that one.

Super Mario Maker simply has to get on the Switch somehow, that game was so big it could've put the Wii U on the map had it come out earlier. I guess I'd prefer a sequel though, since when it comes to this sort of game a sequel basically just means the same game with a big nice bundle of new features.

I'd like a Pikmin 3 port plenty, but I'm wary because it it could end up signifying "no Pikmin for a while" and that'd kinda suck. If Pikmin 4's incoming presence means no port, so be it.

Super Mario 3D World is a big remnant of the """""New""""" era of Mario bros, where..ironically, everything was pretty much the same.  I dunno, it's a solid enough game but I was kinda hoping it and its 2D platformer counterpart would stay on the Wii U because of what they represent.

Wonderful 101...deserves a second chance, honestly. Poor thing fell into obscurity just for committing the crime of being a Wii U exclusive.

NES Remix? Low budget enough of a game that they might as well just make a sequel instead of porting it. SNES Remix perhaps? the end of the day when I'm in a less open-minded mood, I'd say nothing at all because it just hurts to see the Wii U's already abysmally tiny library continue to shrink like that. Let the poor neglected child have something!


Re: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2019, 05:06:43 am »
Nintendo Land somehow or just a sequel. Secretly the best Wii U game. Not being sarcastic either.


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Re: Nintendo Fans: What (if any) Wii U games should get a Switch port?
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2019, 12:07:36 pm »
Personally I would be fine if they didn't bring any more Wii U games to Switch. Wii U is far from my favorite console but I really do enjoy it. I still play it from time to time. As far as games that I would rebuy on Switch to replay them (despite owning them on Wi U already) I would absolutely rebuy Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3 and Yoshi's Woolly World. I think Pikmin 3 would be a great addition to the Switch library to allow more people to enjoy the series and prep them for the eventual Pikmin 4. Super Mario 3D World is a no-brainer IMO. It's a fantastically crafted Mario game that features 4 players that can easily be worked with the joy-cons. Also (my personal opinion) one of the best Mario games ever created. Even better than Odyssey IMO. Yoshi's Woolly World is my favorite game on the Wii U but it DID get a 3DS port, and it doesn't need a port as much as the other two but I'd still love to see it ported anyway. Other than that, I think the Wii U to Switch porting is good.