Everywhere you look today, somebody has something negative to say about it. Movie directors, comic writers and pretty much anybody who makes anything exposed to public scrutiny are bending over backwards to be PC and all-inclusive. Hey, that's cool. But do we have to alter things that already exist to further an agenda?
I am friends with & work with numerous gay people. My oldest daughter proudly states she is bisexual and two good friends are both transitioning. And hey, that's great. People deserve to be happy and I nor anybody else has any right to interfere with their happiness, as long as it isn't some Buffalo Bill wearing ladies skins kinda shit. I also hang out & work with several black people. Sorry if that's the incorrect terminology. So with that being said, here are some things that have been annoying the shit out of me!
Comic books. Oh my, what the hell is going on?! Wolverine is a girl. Iron Main is a black girl. Captain America is no longer the original super soldier, a black guy is. Iceman is now gay, Spider-Man is/was Dr. Octopus, Thor is/was a girl. What the hell is going on?! I'm cool with black characters, Asian characters, female characters, etc. But please, stop trying to suck up. Make some new characters & stop screwing with existing ones!
Star Wars. My poor, poor Star Wars. Rian Johnson made a shit film and anybody who says its shit is labeled a misogynistic pig. Regardless of why they hated it! My problem has less to do with how every woman in the film is a brave, stand out hero and 2/3 of the rebels are now women (they are) and more to do with how every Male character is a fuck-up. It's like Johnson went out of his way to make every Male character an ass. Not to mention the nonsensical plot, illogical time jumps, etc.
Butthurt over Gillette commercial. Get over it PC warriors.
Satanists having a me too!" Fit over Christmas decorations. Who friggin cares?! They are decorations. If you get offended by a jolly fat man in red and Rudolph, you have issues!
Baby Its Cold Outside isn't a friggin song about date rape!
Blizzard, nobody cares if Soldier 76 is gay. The game has almost zero backstory and this is nothing more than pandering for no logical reason whatsoever.
Anything you folks want to get off your chest?