If you are unaware of MK Ultra, please google it if you have the time. But if not, I will fill you in. I never knew how far it extended, all of this was hidden from us. But it seems the extents the government has gone to control you and your idealogies is immense, dark and really sad

MK Ultra was a series of illegal governement experiments that the US government carried out during the 50s and 60s during the cold war in efforts of beating Soviet Russia to the technological or nuerological race to completely brainwashing a human. The focus of the testings were to rewire the human brain to create sleeper cell agents who were basically programmable agents that would confess to things like their deepest secrets, confess to things they never even did, and they ever were attempting to melt the brains through radar waves. The tests were conducted on unaware subjects, some of which DIED from the US and Canada, many of which children.
This is not conspiracy, this is not a theory. This is 100 percent, documented, historically archived, evidence based fact that is on the history channel, it's in books. The CIA has confirmed involvement and a lot of the findings of test have been released. It happened. And many of the test subjects tell the stories of the horrors.
Children like the one pictured above, were subjected to hundreds of hours of shock therapy, sexual abuse, mental manipulation, and heinous amounts of LSD. In attempts to create brain wiped mindless slaves to do the bidding of the CIA.
https://www.rebelcircus.com/blog/the-cia-has-finally-acknowledged-that-project-mkultra-and-project-monarch-were-real/This method of human brainwashing through hypnosis went defunct in 1974, but whos to say they stopped?
Everything we know is a lie, since we were born we were shaped, molded like clay. The moon is a hollogram, Kennedy was a hologram, Lee Harvey Osward was MK Ultra victim, they rewire your brain into false confessions, everything you think, you replying to this, me typing it, it all never came from organic thoughts. But the media will never speak out on this. I went my whole life never knowing. We do what they say, the frequencies of our computers make us subserviant, and their core fundementals of the MK Ultra program remain prevalent, they can change the way you think through radar waves and the wifi bandwith of every device you have. This was all tested and proven with science. My great grandfather who worked in the 50s as a psychology professor at an institute did testing on children. I assume he was part of MK Ultra. A pitiful puddle of lies, you are a skin puppet, they have us all. How can we trust this democracy of hypocrisy? We all sit drool lipped at our flashy devices, as they use codes and sublimal messaging patterns, key triggers that alter the cerebellum of your brain, key phrases that intefere with your nuerological chemistry, changing the compounds of the molecules that make you who you are. You were born pure, since you are a tapestry, a foiled painting. You are everything and nothing at all. And no matter how far ahead you get, you're always behind in your subconcious data keeping mind.
I look at myself, I am a political pawn. I am on the governments monopoly board, most celebrities have been wiped and show clear evidence of being turned into MK Ultra sleeper cells like glitches in their memory, and odd patterns of satanism, messaging, and they pass on the brainwashing to the youth, almost all politicians too. I can at any point be thrown into submission by my higher lords, nothing you think is real is real. It's all one big distraction. The curtain pulled on the final act. I am scared
This is the sad state of reality. A portrait of an artist tortured and trapped in your own drawings, darker than anything imaginable.