Author Topic: Xbox 360 game recommendations  (Read 6545 times)

Xbox 360 game recommendations
« on: January 26, 2019, 11:33:38 am »
I found an Xbox 360 S 4GB with all the cords, a controller, and a Kinect at my local Goodwill the other day. Since it was priced at roughly half of what other stores are offering it for these days, I naturally snatched it up. Now I need some games to play! I already have Skyrim and Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3. There's so much available for the platform that I'm kind of overwhelmed. Do any of you have recommendations or favorites to share?

I'm not a huge fan of FPS or sports games, but I'm open to pretty much everything else.

I write for a video game/movie/book review blog that can be found here

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2019, 01:00:21 pm »
They are kind of hard to find, but I recommend picking up some of the shmups on the system that we got here. I'd definitely recommend Raiden Fighters which is a compilation of the Raiden Fighters games, which are all great. Also Raiden IV and Deathsmiles are great too. If you want to import an incredible game, I'd recommend Mushihimesama Futari; it's a top five shmup of all time for me.

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2019, 01:14:32 pm »
As the 360's my core collection focus, I think I can give a few recommendations.

First things first, you need a hard drive. Besides being required for many major late-era games, installing any game improves performance, loading speeds, and strain on the system. Skyrim, for example, will make your system sound like it's trying to kill itself if you don't install. You'll also need it to be able to download any major piece of DLC or Arcade title.

Another thing to note is Microsoft's Games for Gold program. If you have Xbox Live Gold, you get 4 free games a month, 2 for the One, and 2 for the 360/Original Xbox. While you can only access the One titles while you have a Gold membership (but can lapse and resubscribe), the others are yours to keep. The current free 360 game is Far Cry 2.

Anyhoo, on to the games. From my collection, I'd recommend the following:

Adventure Time: The Secret of the Nameless Kingdom
Alpha Protocol
Assassin's Creed Series
Batman Arkham Series
Beautiful Katamari
Blue Dragon
Borderlands Series
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Dragon Age Series (Inquisition is best on One/PS4)
Dynasty Warriors 7
Dynasty Warriors 8
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2
Earth Defense Force Series
Eat Lead: The Return of Matt Hazard
Fable Series
Fallout 3
Fallout New Vegas
The Godfather
Halo: Reach
Kingdoms of Amalur
Lego Batman
Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Lego The Lord of the Rings
Lost Odyssey
Marvel Ultimate Alliance series
Mass Effect series (Games must be played in order and with the same character for best effect)
Mercenaries 2
Mini Ninjas
Mirror's Edge
Naughty Bear
Overlord series
Portal 2
Red Faction: Guerilla
The Saboteur
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution
The Simpsons Game
SoulCalibur series
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed series
Tales from the Borderlands
Tales of Vesperia
Viva Pinata series
The Walking Dead series
The Witcher 2
The Wolf Among Us
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Arcade Titles:
Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons
Castle Crashers
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Geometry Wars series
N+ series
Penny Arcade Adventures Series
Puzzle Quest series
Splosion Man series
Super Meat Boy
The Maw
The Secret of Monkey Island Special Edition

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2019, 05:41:15 pm »
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Red Dead Redemption
Lost Odyssey
Blue Dragon

There are more but those are my top 4 to recommend probably for right now. 

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2019, 06:31:07 pm »
do you like old games?

Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection.

It is bacally A Sega Genesis compilation, but it is bacally a compilation of Generation 4 games including all generation 4 sonic the hedgehog games and many others remastered in HD including

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle †
Alien Storm
Altered Beast †
Beyond Oasis
Bonanza Bros. †
Columns †
Comix Zone †
Decap Attack †
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dynamite Headdy
Ecco the Dolphin †
Ecco: The Tides of Time †
ESWAT: City Under Siege
Fatal Labyrinth
Flicky †
Gain Ground †
Golden Axe †
Golden Axe II †
Golden Axe III †
Kid Chameleon †
Phantasy Star II †
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom †
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium †
Ristar †
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master †
Sonic the Hedgehog †
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 †
Sonic the Hedgehog 3
Sonic Spinball
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic 3D Blast
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Super Thunder Blade †
Vectorman †
Vectorman 2 †
† Previously available in Sega Genesis Collection.

Unlockable extra games
Alien Syndrome (arcade)
Altered Beast (arcade) †
Congo Bongo (arcade) (under original title Tip Top in some regions) †
Fantasy Zone (arcade)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2019, 06:35:25 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2019, 07:04:57 pm »
Halo 1 + 2 since it can play those along with Ninja Gaiden Black, Halo 3, Halo reach, Ninja Gaiden II and Lost Odyssey. don't know a lot of 360 stuff sorry :(


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Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2019, 07:37:55 pm »
Well their so many great games for that system it'll impossible to list them all but I've tried almost all of them. I've almost completed my 360 collection.Only missing about 50 games not counting connect games.Ill try not to repeat any games other people recommended.

Forza (any one)
Ace Combat 6 or Assault Horizon
Afro Samurai
Akai Katana
Alan Wake (must have game)
Alice Madness Returns
Amped 3
Army of two
Asura's Wrath
Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts
Battlestations Midway or Pacific
Beautiful Katamari
Binary Domain (excellent 3rd person shooter)
Bioshock series (must have)
Burnout Revenge and Paradise (must have)
Crackdown (must have)
Culdcept (must have ) cross between monopoly and magic the gathering
Dante's inferno
The Darkness
Dead Space series
Diablo lll
El Shaddai (weird but great)
Enchanted Arms
F.E.A.R. Series
Fable ll
Fight Night series
Gears series
Halo Wars
Import Tuner Challenge (must have)
Just Cause series (must have)
Left for Dead series
Lord of the rings Battle for Middle Earth
Mass Effect series (must have)

This is only some of my favorites up to the letter M on my list.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 11:06:48 am by wartoy »

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2019, 09:39:51 pm »
Assassins Creed series
Mass Effect series
Overlord series
Batman Arkhum Asylum and Arkhum City (the otjher 2 arent that good)
Elder Scrolls Oblivion
Telltale series
Viva Pinata
Viva Pinata Trouble In Paradise


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Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2019, 01:32:50 am »
Here are some more

Need For Speed Most Wanted (must have)
Orange Box (excellent)
Portal 2
Prince of Persia The forgotten Sands
Race pro
Resonance of Fate (rpg)
Ridge Racer 6
Sacred 2
Singularity (different first person shooter game excellent)
Silent Hill Homecoming and Downpour
Star wars Force Unleashed series (must have)
Star Trek Legacy (must have esp.for Trek fans)
Spectral Force 3 (must have strategy rpg like fire emblem)
Surfs up (kids game but really fun)
Test Drive Unlmited (must have)
Too Human
Velvet Assassin

These games are the best of the best imo. still alot more I didn't mention because someone else already listed it.And even more that didn't make the list but still worth getting for a playthrough.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2019, 01:41:36 am by wartoy »


Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2019, 11:06:41 am »
The X360 is a fantastic machine, should keep a look out for these:

- Lost Odyssey
- Dark Souls
- Witcher II: Assassins of Kings
- Mass Effect Series
- Dead Rising
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Shadows of the Damned

And I love it how this is under Classic Video games, heh. The X360 came out 14 years ago, sheesh... time flies.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 22, 2019, 11:16:10 am by mark1982 »
  l    l 


Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2019, 09:51:02 am »
Magna Carta 2 and Tales of Vesperia are great RPGs that will last you a long time.

I haven't played Lost Odyssey yet. It looks great.

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2019, 09:35:40 am »
I'm primarily a PlayStation Gamer, but I got one recently for some exclusives. Here are some noteworthy ones I was after:
Alan Wake
Blue Dragon
Bully: Scholarship Edition - Best Version
Burnout Revenge - Best Version
Cars - Best Version.. yes, really Cars :P
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron - A surreal game! I know it's one PS3 just throwing it out there.
Fable Remastered, 2 & 3 - great set of games!
Gears of War Series
Gun - Best Version
Halo 3, ODST, Reach & 4
Infinite Undiscovery
Kameo: Elements of Power
Last Remnant, The
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
Lost Odyssey - One of the best JRPG's!
NieR - Recently boughtthis again, Love it!
Ninja Blade
Ridge Racer 6
Tales of Vesperia
Tenchu Z
Witcher 2, The: Assassins Of Kings - Enhanced Edition

Also, keep in mind that the console is backwards compatible with Xbox games like Fable, Crash Twinsanity & Shenmue II!


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Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2019, 08:29:09 pm »
Kameo was a bit of a hidden gem. It doesn’t get the fanfare it deserves
Crackdown was another of my favorites that was an exclusive

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2019, 10:51:24 am »
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron - A surreal game! I know it's one PS3 just throwing it out there.

YES. I don't care what console, this is a good one, especially if you like trippy/artsy visuals. The ending's a bit of a blue-ball, but it's still worth the ride.

Re: Xbox 360 game recommendations
« Reply #14 on: June 06, 2019, 07:24:11 pm »
There is so many great game on that console, and they are so cheap to get these days. Check out also Gamestop, they want to get rid of them and usually sell them for 5-10$ each.

Here some of my favorite:

Mortal Kombat (episode 9)
Ace Combat 6
Gears or War series
Mass Effect series
Fallout 3 and Vegas
Witcher 2
Portal 2
Dead Rising 1 and 2
Sega Rally Revo
Sonic & All-stars racing transformed
Raiden IV

Retro ARCADE games news, review and gameplay Youtube channel.
