Author Topic: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?  (Read 4010 times)

Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« on: January 29, 2019, 06:43:51 am »
Hello everyone :)

A few years ago I made a "which gaming stereotype annoys you the most" thread.  It got a lot of activity and was fun.  But that was more so critiquing the gamers.  But this is more critquing the critics of their idiotic assumptions of our culture. 

A lot of people who aren't in the gaming community, simply judge us without much in the way of knowing what they are talking about.  So I will list many of these criticisms and you can choose or add the one you hate the most :D

"Every Gamer is a unemployed Virgin that Lives in his mom's basement"

This critique is the one I see the most, hear the most and annoys me the most. It just is ignorant.  The whole idealogy that in order to be an adult playing video games you must "get no girls" or "You live in your moms basement playing games all day".   I know so many here who have more games than gamestop but also have a home, a wife, a kid, a car, a successful carreer.   If anything i'd say the latter is more true.  Because games are freaking expensive as is having the latest technology.  Sure their is the rare case that a mom will buy their kid a gaming PC and or he lives off the government aid.  But most gamers need to have a job and be productive to fund their hobby to begin with.  And the community has tons of girl gamers in it as well. 

I think this idealogy is very old and hasn't died like it should have. I guess in the damn 1970s when dinosaurs roamed earth girls used to look down on nerds and that was the whole jock thing.  "Hey, look at the gamer nerd" but now it's really the opposite.  Girls massively love game culture, and jocks are kinda the lames now.  So the stereotype is a joke.

"GTA caused Columbine and Violence in kids" (Mothers against gaming)

The picture does most of the talking  ;D.   Bascially "I'm mad.... why am I mad?  I'm mad at you for not knowing why I am mad, Let me take away what you love to explain my insanity".   Sums up the whole mother's against gaming movement.  A group of moms who didn't want to take the blame for raising shitty kids so instead blamed a video game for their childs wrongdoings.   

Between Eminem and Marylyn Manson but especially M rated games like Doom, GTA and Mortal Kombat.  Parents have always tried to blame popular media for the worlds evil.  Which has led kids to want it more.  It's such a silly stereotype to assume that a game convinces you to kill people in real life because it's a digital entity.  Obviously fake.  And good parenting shouldn't be recycled with these censorship filters.  Put down the remote, put down the phone and be a mom. 

Why did you buy all these games you don't even play. You could have bought (Insert expensive car here)

This one is more nicer natured, and I think the people are just trying to be nice when they say it.  But is still a stereotypical question.  I know some of you have mentioned it too :).  It's when someone looks at your collection and says the cliche "Why did you buy all these games.  You can't even play them all. You could have bought a Lamborghini or a house"  :'(.   It's like.  Maybe a Lamborghini isn't as important to you as video games or all your cherished childhood keepsakes.  Maybe a overpriced, gas guzzling hypercar might be someone else's life goal and fun hobby but not yours.  But it seems most people see every collection as a money pit and not for the love that goes into it.  :D

People who are good at games, have no life

This one goes hand in hand a bit with the 1st stereotype, but it's more so gamers who are so envious of other gamers being good.  They have to say that the only reason they lost is because "The other guy is a no life, he doesn't have a job, he plays all day and I don't".  Instead of being nice and being an adult. :)

Games are for little kids, adults who watch anime or play pokemon are wierd

This one tends to come up to me a lot when I play pokemon on 3DS, from people who are not in the know when they see me playing Pokemon or wear a Pokemon shirt.  It's like the 40-50 year old crowd really think you are a sub human specimen for liking a children's cartoon or game.  I have even seen posts saying any grown man who watches Anime is a pedophile.  I just don't give that any creedance and it's so offensive.  But their are people so toxic enough that they equate playing video games, especially Nintendo ones that are aimed for kids as a lack of masculinity or some sort of creepy mind state of being attracted to youth things.  I'm glad this stereotype is a bit more uncommon.    But I do hear the "You still play Pokemon".  Or "Arent these for kids?"   Thing way too much.    Most of these stereotypes can be summed up into McJuggernugget's dad on that fake YouTube channel way back  ;D

"It's me or the games" spouse

This one exists in almost any hobby or in life.  It's just the obsessive girl or guy that wants to monopolize everything you love so they can have your undevided attention at all times.   Guys usually do this by not letting a girl hang with a certain friend,  girls usually make a guy give up games or sports.  It typically leads to degradation in a relationship.  To sacrafice what you love means the person didn't love you for who you really were. Someone who is clearly on a power trip. 

Why buy Retro games, You can just get them on Raspberry PI for free?

These guys while completely factually correct, just don't seem to ever grasp the importance of physical media to us collectors :).  They always make fun of all of our clunky plastic.  They might even be right.  But their is nothing that quite replicates holding that grey plastic in your hands and remembering the exact moment you held that same cart in your hand at 8 years old.  Remembers the sounds, the voices that day.  Remembers the smell of christmas ham as you unwrapped your N64.  Feeling the box again.  It's all what drives us :D

The seller that ships a box in a bubble mailer, thus creasing it

Their is a special place in hell, typically next to Pol Pot where Ebay sellers go who do this  ;D.  Maybe only 1 day, because it's not so bad but they have to at least go for this.  When they place a 250 dollar irreplaceable CIB N64 Game or some special amiibo you have been wanting for years in a flimsy 1 dollar bubble mailer to save on shipping cost.  Easily getting crushed into a mush of nothing throughout trasnit :(.   Leaving your golden Mario amiibo or your CIB Mario Party a crushed and pitiful mess of lies.   :'(.    It's so cruel it makes me want to cry when this happens.

The "Imma leave your 500 dollar package outside in the rain or send it to your neighbors house" USPS dude  ;D

I won't be too mean because USPS drivers do have a hard job, I just wish most of them would just leave it in the entry.  Please just leave it in the entry.  Sometimes a lot of the USPS drivers really mess up and the company never really helps you out. 

Which stereotype drives you the most angry and which do you wish would go away most? :).   Feel free to add any that I missed or the one you hate the most.   

Thanks for sharing.  :D

« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 06:57:27 am by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2019, 08:02:44 am »
Games are for little kids, adults who watch anime or play pokemon are wierd
Actually, I too have a prejudice against Nintendo games and tend to feel they are mostly for kids... I also don’t like anime (despite living in Japan) and don’t play Pokémon, so I kinda agree with that... haha

Seriously though, this one bothers me:

Why buy Retro Games, You can just get them on Raspberry PI for free?

I have a friend who comes to my place very often and he ALWAYS says this, or either: “I’ve hacked my PS3/Xbox360/Switch/3DS/toaster/whatever and you can download tons of games for it! Would you like me to teach you how to do it?”
It’s really annoying...


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2019, 08:20:53 am »

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2019, 08:23:50 am »
Who tf is telling people they could have bought a Lamborghini instead of video games?


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2019, 09:54:31 am »
No one gave a shit about GTA when columbine happened it wasn't mainstream. They blamed Doom. Just wanted to correct that.


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2019, 09:56:24 am »
Do you only care about video games?"

Gaming is a waste of a life"

Video games are a waste of money"

But maybe worse than everything mentioned. Fake gamers or normies we didn't care about video games when it wasn't a thing entering it now and pushing gamers out who were there from the start just because it's trendy these days.

I think the worst I've seen was a "Nintendo fan girl" personality being asked if she likes Zelda and saying what's Zelda? It's worse than critque you've mentioned these sorts of things.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 10:00:46 am by dreama1 »

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2019, 09:58:13 am »
No one gave a shit about GTA when columbine happened it wasn't mainstream. They blamed Doom. Just wanted to correct that.

I know, that's why I put doom.  I mean GTA is the new one.  I should have said that better.  GTA is now the new golden punching bag for anything bad kids do.  Back then it was Doom and Mortal Kombat and Eminem.

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2019, 10:00:13 am »
Who tf is telling people they could have bought a Lamborghini instead of video games?

Anyone with a collection over 1000 games has heard some car.  Not always a lambo.  As your collection grows the car gets more expensive lol.  Right now my collection isn't too big.  So people say "You could have bought a car" probably meaning a Honda or any car but if you have a crazy collection they'll say "you could have bought a house or ferrari".   Their was a post on here about this but I didn't want to grave dig.   

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2019, 10:40:41 am »
I've gotten the "Oh you have a ton of games, you must be single and live in your parents house."  Quite a bit.

I also get the "Oh, you have a ton of games, Gamestop would value that at $12." way more.  It's an old joke and not even mildly accurate.  The people who get $12 in trades are the idiots who buy sports games and want to trade it in right before the release of the next game.

I've never heard the why didn't you get a nice car one or house.  The previously mentioned one usually leads to me stating that I own my own home, am married, have a kid, and drive a Dodge Challenger.

Personally I've never had the video games cause violence spiel thrown at me, I've only heard it online and in the news.

I do hear and get the you must not have a life for both collecting and playing.  I've mentioned to people in previous years that I've beaten 52-104 games a year (depending on the year I guess) and their response is usually "Oh, so you have no life".  I do.  I have a wife and a kid, I don't neglect them.  I have a full time job and I don't work from home.  I sleep roughly 8 hours each night.  I just choose to play video games rather than watch TV or movies.  I don't go out drinking or other stuff.  I like spending time at home with my family.  We all have priorities, mine are different.

I've probably heard the games are for kids one at least once, but in this day and age, it's too common that games are actually geared towards adults to stand behind that argument.

I've seen people who have SOs who are the games or me type person, and my response is always pick the games.  Not because the games are more important, but that you're a shitty person if you would make someone choose.  It's also different when the collector has turned it into an addiction and it's actually harmful.  I know a guy who, I thought, had a nice relationship with a lady and it fell apart over his collection.  She left.  He sold his collection.  To my knowledge, even years later, he hasn't seriously dated again.  He also seems very... triggered by relationships and stuff, so I assume he was in a terrible place over the whole thing and it really fucked him up.  My wife has never been a me or the games person, she's brought it up as a hypothetical before and I've said the same thing "I'd pick the games, not because they're more important, but because that's such a shitty ultimatum that it's easy to not choose you".  This stereotype usually is what leads people to assume that I'm single.

The Raspberry Pi one... I hear this one a lot and it's hard to ignore.  I have no inherent sentimentality for the carts themselves.  I have no particular need for using the OG controllers, most are atrocious.  I battle with this one regularly.  I've considered selling the majority of my cartridge collection and doing that, but I'd want to sell near market value and I know that's near impossible.

I've never had boxed games sent in bubble mailers other than new stuff from Amazon and Best Buy.  Sellers usually put the boxed game in a small flat rate box and then put that into a bubble mailer or box.

USPS, UPS, and FEDEX are all on my shit list for different things.  USPS, my normal driver is awesome and I love that dude.  His alternate sucks ass and 100% of the time fucks shit up.  UPS, I don't think there is a normal driver, randomly I'll get drivers who will deliver to the wrong house and if it's my neighbor they'll feign ignorance and just keep my packages.  Most of the time, the issue is that they'll explicitly place packages where thieves can see it or where my security system CAN'T see it.  I have a little nook where packages go that is perfect, can't see it from the road and my security system can see it perfectly.  Fedex, they never deliver anything.  they don't even bring the package to the door.  They run to my house with a sorry we missed you slip, slap it on the door, and high tail it back to their truck and speed off... I have video footage of every "attempted" delivery.


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2019, 10:41:24 am »
Ha, my Dad uses that you "could've bought this instead" one all the time. The matter is, we have very little time on this earth and everything's going to be dust someday, so just enjoy what you love while you can.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2019, 10:46:18 am »
Who tf is telling people they could have bought a Lamborghini instead of video games?

Anyone with a collection over 1000 games has heard some car.  Not always a lambo.  As your collection grows the car gets more expensive lol.  Right now my collection isn't too big.  So people say "You could have bought a car" probably meaning a Honda or any car but if you have a crazy collection they'll say "you could have bought a house or ferrari".   Their was a post on here about this but I didn't want to grave dig.

But think of all the games you could have bought if instead of that Ferrari, you bought something more sensible like a Honda.

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2019, 10:50:01 am »
The two I normally get are "isn't this stuff for kids" and "you could've bought [expensive thing] with that money!"

I avoid the basement-dwelling nerd stereotype by being female & usually having the topic come up at work... well after they learn about the second job & the fiancé'. Basically I break the stereotype before they get a chance at it! The money one is an easy dodge too- I point out that a) I buy most of my games used & on sale, it's not as much money as you think, and b) videogames have a much lower upkeep cost. Just becuase I can buy a car doesn't mean I can afford the insurance, gas, & maintenance on said car. Once you've got the setup to run a game, you're largely done on upkeep save for the electric bill. The 'kid's stuff' one I can usually just shrug off. If they push, I usually bring up psychiatric articles on how forcibly repressing a desire for something 'childish' usually backfires in a mentally unhealthy way- or just this.

The one that REALLY gets me when it does come up, is the 'games cause violence' one. No, no they don't. No otherwise mentally healthy individual has EVER become a murderous psychopath solely becuase they got a Nintendo for their birthday. At best, a predilection for violent games is a symptom, not a cause. I find far more cases of people who play games banding together for charitable causes- from big stuff like Desert Bus & that DK64 run, to little things like the reddit group who helped a guy bulid a new computer just becuase his Play Of The Game video looked bad. It bothers me tremendously that these good people get labeled monsters by unknowing folks desperate for a scapegoat.


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2019, 11:39:37 am »
The virgin, columbine, no life and buying all the games bothers me. The buying all the games one especially because you'll see avid readers who shit on game collecting while owning hundreds of dead trees. It's just hypocritical. Same goes for the rest too, but people think because I love DOOM I'm the next Eric Harris. People who think these don't matter and are insignificant.

EDIT: I especially love the "you could've bought a Camero or Ferrari or a nicer car with all that stuff! Yeah Karen so could you if you wore a condom.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 11:41:13 am by kypherion »

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2019, 12:21:46 pm »
The two I normally get are "isn't this stuff for kids" and "you could've bought [expensive thing] with that money!"

I avoid the basement-dwelling nerd stereotype by being female & usually having the topic come up at work... well after they learn about the second job & the fiancé'. Basically I break the stereotype before they get a chance at it! The money one is an easy dodge too- I point out that a) I buy most of my games used & on sale, it's not as much money as you think, and b) videogames have a much lower upkeep cost. Just becuase I can buy a car doesn't mean I can afford the insurance, gas, & maintenance on said car. Once you've got the setup to run a game, you're largely done on upkeep save for the electric bill. The 'kid's stuff' one I can usually just shrug off. If they push, I usually bring up psychiatric articles on how forcibly repressing a desire for something 'childish' usually backfires in a mentally unhealthy way- or just this.

The one that REALLY gets me when it does come up, is the 'games cause violence' one. No, no they don't. No otherwise mentally healthy individual has EVER become a murderous psychopath solely becuase they got a Nintendo for their birthday. At best, a predilection for violent games is a symptom, not a cause. I find far more cases of people who play games banding together for charitable causes- from big stuff like Desert Bus & that DK64 run, to little things like the reddit group who helped a guy bulid a new computer just becuase his Play Of The Game video looked bad. It bothers me tremendously that these good people get labeled monsters by unknowing folks desperate for a scapegoat.

Thank you for sharing.  :)    I agree very much.

One thing I want to ask.  Do you ever get any stereotypes that are exclusive to girls that annoy you or are ever told any?  Since you have a girl's prespective on them.   For example the people who say "Girls only play games to impress boys" or "Girls only get X amount of twitch views because they are hot" or "Girls don't even know Link is the boy's name and not Zelda" meme.    Those are ones I see but I can imagine their are more. I hate those very much.   Like what are the pros and cons of being a girl gamer from your view if any?  Maybe this deserves a bigger thread  ;D 

Ha, my Dad uses that you "could've bought this instead" one all the time. The matter is, we have very little time on this earth and everything's going to be dust someday, so just enjoy what you love while you can.

 That's where I got it from too  ;D.  It's a dad thing I think :).  For fun I always show him the ebay listings for Stadium Events or Little Samson.  He always looks like he gave up on humanity when he sees that people are actually bidding lol.  It's always fun times. 

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2019, 12:24:57 pm »

EDIT: I especially love the "you could've bought a Camero or Ferrari or a nicer car with all that stuff! Yeah Karen so could you if you wore a condom.

