Author Topic: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?  (Read 4004 times)


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Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2019, 12:38:40 pm »
Who tf is telling people they could have bought a Lamborghini instead of video games?

Same people as this

Lady: Do you smoke?

Guy: Yes I do.

Lady: How many packs a day?

Guy: 3 packs.

Lady: How much per pack?

Guy: $10.00 per pack.

Lady: And how long have you been smoking?

Guy: 15 years

Lady: So 1 pack is $10.00 and you have been smoking 3 packs a day which puts your spending per month at $900. In 1 year, it would have been $10,800. Correct?

Guy: Correct.

Lady: If 1 year you spend $10,800, not accounting for inflation, the past 15 years puts your spending total at $162,000. Correct?

Guy: Correct.

Lady: Do you know if you hadn't smoke, that money could have been put in a step-up interest savings account and after accounting for compound interest for the past 15 years, you could have by now bought a Ferrari?

Guy: Oh. Do you smoke?

Lady: No.

Guy: Then where's your fucking Ferrari?

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2019, 01:09:35 pm »
It doesn't really bother me that much, but the thing that gets said to me the most by non-gamers and non-collectors is how will you ever play all those games you have? My answer is that I intend on playing as many of them as I can in my lifetime, and also that their value means more to me than just plying them. Many of them reminder me of better, simpler times in my life and also take me back to specific memories throughout my life. In some cases these sentimental feelings far outweigh any enjoyment I'd get from playing the actual game. Luckily most people seem to understand or pretend to once I tell them since I think they can relate to wanting to be reminded of the good times in their lives too.

Luckily my girlfriend is also a hardcore gamer and loves collecting with me, so that has never been an issue. The criticisms of gamers being basement dwelling virgins is something I feel most people have abandoned at this point ever since gaming became a lot more mainstream in the 90s and 2000s. Regarding violent video games causing violent behavior, society will always try to pick a scapegoat and video games are unfortunately a much easier one than discussing poor upbringing, no social support, mental illness, and access to firearms. Our media is a joke and they love to package societal problems in neat, simple packages that stupid people can digest and understand. But that is another issue all together.


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2019, 03:43:55 pm »
I wanted to say OP that you really touched on something there, talking about remembering the smell of Christmas ham cooking, feel of the box, etc. It is a moment of being transported back to simpler times. When something like that new Nintendo cartridge brought you so much joy, that the sights & sounds are forever etched into your mind.

I get the "if you weren't buying games, you coulda... " shit all the time from my parents. I just ignore it. It's like when I was 13 listening to Iron Maiden and Metallica and my mom tried to tell me I didnt really like that music, I just thought I did because other people listened to it.  ::)  Well, here we are 31+ years later and I'm still banging my f**king head!

I kinda see where the smelly virgin gamer thing comes from. When you go to midnight launches and guys wearing shirts 3X too small with their gut hanging out, crusty teeth and acne from eating too much junk food and the distinct sour mop smell indicative of not washing their clothes, I'm pretty sure they've never scored before.  :o. But I get where you are coming from. I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day, 1-2 showers daily and wash my clothes. Those people- while only a small segment of people who play games - makes everybody look bad.

Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2019, 04:55:19 pm »
Probably the video games cause violence critique, But honestly it pisses me off knowing that it is partially true in some cases. let me explain

A vary few of what I call (harshly out in anger) stupid kids desires may become

(What some kids might think)
well I am going to grow up to be an outlaw and shoot my parents just like so and so in my favorite video game did. because I wanna see what real blood looks like)

But most children are not this dumb at least to my knowledge. I grew up playing Doom and Wolfenstein 3D and Duke Nukem 3d and I never had the desire to actually want to hurt anyone, still don't
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Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2019, 06:20:13 pm »
Probably a little of everything listed annoys me. The one that annoys me the most is “you could’ve bought this instead” though. Usually the people telling me this have nothing to show for of their own.
My wife constantly wants me to part with some of the collection. She doesn’t really have any hobbies of her own and just sees dollar signs when she looks in my game room. I always tell her to sell some of her shoes and I’ll get rid of the equivalent value in games.

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2019, 09:08:24 pm »
The "you can get all these games on your phone now, you don't need all those dust collectors".

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2019, 10:42:06 pm »
One thing I want to ask.  Do you ever get any stereotypes that are exclusive to girls that annoy you or are ever told any?  Since you have a girl's prespective on them.   For example the people who say "Girls only play games to impress boys" or "Girls only get X amount of twitch views because they are hot" or "Girls don't even know Link is the boy's name and not Zelda" meme.    Those are ones I see but I can imagine their are more. I hate those very much.   Like what are the pros and cons of being a girl gamer from your view if any?  Maybe this deserves a bigger thread  ;D 

They're fairly rare to run into, but you've hit on the two main ones: that girls only play games for attention, or that girl gamers are always casuals. I don't really think of these as female-exclusive, though. The guys who tend to pull these out are also the ones who put down children, overly rich/overly poor players, people of color, fans of certain genres... basically anyone who doesn't suit their take on what is acceptable doesn't get to use 'their' label. You know, pretty straightforward gatekeeping stuff.

What I'd be interested in, is if there's a regional affect on the kind of commentary you're likely to run into. I live near the Seattle area- home of Microsoft, Nintendo, PAX West, etc. We're neck-deep in nerds around here, & the best known retro shop around is co-owned by a woman. I feel like there's a lot less shock over the idea of being into videogames up here. But I wonder if, say, someone in rural Nebraska would have the same experience?


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2019, 11:34:47 pm »
They're fairly rare to run into, but you've hit on the two main ones: that girls only play games for attention, or that girl gamers are always casuals. I don't really think of these as female-exclusive, though. The guys who tend to pull these out are also the ones who put down children, overly
What I'd be interested in, is if there's a regional affect on the kind of commentary you're likely to run into. I live near the Seattle area- home of Microsoft, Nintendo, PAX West, etc. We're neck-deep in nerds around here, & the best known retro shop around is co-owned by a woman. I feel like there's a lot less shock over the idea of being into videogames up here. But I wonder if, say, someone in rural Nebraska would have the same experience?

Here in the Missouri boonies, female gamers are pretty uncommon. During big midnight launches, there may be 2-3 women to 100 guys. Of course that's not a very thorough survey of the local gaming landscape, but it's just what you see. When a girl does come in to the local stores to buy gaming stuff for themselves, somebody in there is always seemingly surprised.

And a true but funny anecdote from back when Resident Evil 2 first came out on the original PlayStation. I was browsing games in the display case at the local Walmart. This backwoods looking lady comes in and asks the associate "Does yins have Residential Evil?"  LMAO!  I just had to walk away. I couldn't take it!   :P
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2019, 11:51:40 pm »
Why buy Retro Games, You can just get them on Raspberry PI for free?

I have a friend who comes to my place very often and he ALWAYS says this, or either: “I’ve hacked my PS3/Xbox360/Switch/3DS/toaster/whatever and you can download tons of games for it! Would you like me to teach you how to do it?”
It’s really annoying...

This one really bugs me, partially because it is usually gamers to other gamers, but I really can't stand when they go off about how the "Classic" console are absolutely pointless because "Why don't they just build a Pi and get all the games!  What a waste."

Well Dylan, because most of the people who actually want to buy them to play are coast solely on nostalgia and probably couldn't install steam on their computer much less build a Pi machine, you ding-dong.


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2019, 07:28:15 am »
Nah, none of these bother me at all. I used to hide the fact I like and play Pokémon, especially when I was in public, but I broke free from that yoke and could care less what others think. If anything, these kinds of “assessments” are usually made by people with a shallow view on gamers and the industry as a whole, making uninformed conjectures in the process.

The “all gamers are unemployed, virgins, and live in their mothers’ basement” comment is just an ignorant way to take a jab and cause a stir. Nothing more, nothing less. Although, let’s be honest, it could be true sometimes (maybe 2 out of 10).

Mothers that blame video games for everything are just a bunch of irresponsible, selfish hags who, simply put, suck at parenting. They lob the blame onto anything for the sake of avoiding their failure as parents. No other way around it. When the games can’t be their kids’ nanny, they’re the devil incarnate.

The age-old “video games are for kids” remark I feel has no relevance in this day and age. Sure, at one point in time you could say that was the case, but even then adults were playing video games. Certain hobbies may have a demographic, but that doesn’t mean anything in the grander scheme of things.

When gaming has become an addiction and responsibilities are put to the side, then I can understand a woman giving her partner an ultimatum. Otherwise, choosing a pretentious broad over video games should be easy. You can expect anything from this type of women. Besides, empty threats are like a litter of kittens.

Buying a Retro Pi, in my opinion, is a smart thing to do, so I particularly hold no grudge against anybody that have or would potentially tell me this. I haven’t bought one myself, but maybe someday...

Lastly, unless it’s another gamer, I don’t see how an eBay seller that doesn’t know how to properly ship whatever he/she sells fits into all of these. Same with the mailman angle... I guess I get what you were getting at, though, so maybe it could be fodder for another topic.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 06:19:43 am by pzeke »

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2019, 10:38:38 am »
When gaming has become an addiction and responsibilities are put to the side, then I can understand a woman giving her partner an ultimatum. Otherwise, choosing a pretentious broad over video games should be easy.

Agreed- there's a big difference between 'your hobbies seem unimportant to me, therefore you can't indulge them' and 'you've literally been playing Warcraft for 10 hours, we've missed my parents anniversary dinner, you're not even listening are you?" There's a need for balance!

Lastly, unless it’s another gamer, I don’t see how an eBay seller that doesn’t know how to properly ship whatever he/she sells fits into all of these. Same with the mailman angle... I guess I get what you were getting at, though, so maybe it could be fodder for another topic.

There is definitely another topic in here: Game-buying pet peeves, maybe?

The ebay guy is still a jerk- it doesn't matter if it's a game or a beauty product or a kitchen gadget: you're supposed to get it to the buyer in the condition it was sold in. If you have any reason to believe the box will get crushed, you need to mail in a box. End of story!

I don't think the mailman deserves the grief though- yes, it sucks if your mail isn't handled in a way you find appropriate, but it's not like the mailman knows what's in your damn box! If you need to, talk to your post office/mailman about your preferred place for packages to end up. Most of them are pretty good about reasonable requests.

Fun fact: When I bought my Xbox One, Amazon didn't put it in a shipping box at all. They literally stuck a shipping label directly on the retail packaging, so everyone in the mailing chain could see I'd bought an Xbox. It is the one & only time the UPS guy knocked & waited to hand the box directly to a person I've ever experienced. See, the delivery guys are good about it if they do happen to know what you've ordered!

Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2019, 05:18:47 am »
When gaming has become an addiction and responsibilities are put to the side, then I can understand a woman giving her partner an ultimatum. Otherwise, choosing a pretentious broad over video games should be easy.

Agreed- there's a big difference between 'your hobbies seem unimportant to me, therefore you can't indulge them' and 'you've literally been playing Warcraft for 10 hours, we've missed my parents anniversary dinner, you're not even listening are you?" There's a need for balance!

Lastly, unless it’s another gamer, I don’t see how an eBay seller that doesn’t know how to properly ship whatever he/she sells fits into all of these. Same with the mailman angle... I guess I get what you were getting at, though, so maybe it could be fodder for another topic.

There is definitely another topic in here: Game-buying pet peeves, maybe?

The ebay guy is still a jerk- it doesn't matter if it's a game or a beauty product or a kitchen gadget: you're supposed to get it to the buyer in the condition it was sold in. If you have any reason to believe the box will get crushed, you need to mail in a box. End of story!

I don't think the mailman deserves the grief though- yes, it sucks if your mail isn't handled in a way you find appropriate, but it's not like the mailman knows what's in your damn box! If you need to, talk to your post office/mailman about your preferred place for packages to end up. Most of them are pretty good about reasonable requests.

Fun fact: When I bought my Xbox One, Amazon didn't put it in a shipping box at all. They literally stuck a shipping label directly on the retail packaging, so everyone in the mailing chain could see I'd bought an Xbox. It is the one & only time the UPS guy knocked & waited to hand the box directly to a person I've ever experienced. See, the delivery guys are good about it if they do happen to know what you've ordered!

Jesus Christ lol. You'd think the richest company in the world worth almost 1 trillion dollars would be able to afford a freaking box.  If it were USPS guaranteed it would have been left on the porch and literally anyone would have stolen it.  I don't get how they could be so naive.  Not to mention they damaged your box with the sticker and you are a collector.  Simply careless. 

I'm very glad you got it :)


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2019, 06:43:46 am »
Fun fact: When I bought my Xbox One, Amazon didn't put it in a shipping box at all. They literally stuck a shipping label directly on the retail packaging, so everyone in the mailing chain could see I'd bought an Xbox. It is the one & only time the UPS guy knocked & waited to hand the box directly to a person I've ever experienced. See, the delivery guys are good about it if they do happen to know what you've ordered!

Wow. I wonder who was the dimwit that thought, "Hmm, this is already in a box, so I don't think I need to put it in another one. I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Hurr durr!"

Good on the UPS carrier for taking the time to actually be a decent human being.

I have horror stories myself, one of which was when I bought a New Nintendo 3DS coupled with the limited edition of Majora's Mask 3D off of eBay. Long story short, it was delivered through USPS, and the dude literally - and I mean literally - threw the package in the front of my house as he was driving. I heard the thud the package made when it hit the ground, and was near a window when I saw the Grumman passing by. Granted, I did not see him throwing the package, but it was obvious given the sound I heard and where it was. Not to mention I learned later on he was actually fired for complaints, so. Thankfully nothing broke, even after taking into account the seller didn't cushion the package properly. Good times, as they say.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2019, 02:42:01 pm »
I don’t really care what anyone thinks of me, never really have, but being a FedEx guy, I take issue with the delivery guy one. I know that there are some bad delivery drivers out there, but there’s way more good ones out there. As a general rule, we do actually care about what happens to the packages. Also, ignition, if you’ve got tracking info on any of those deliveries, shoot me a pm. What you’re describing shouldn’t be possible. It’s actually a lot more work to not deliver a package.
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Re: Which stereotypical gamer critique annoys you the most?
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2019, 01:52:30 pm »
Fun fact: When I bought my Xbox One, Amazon didn't put it in a shipping box at all. They literally stuck a shipping label directly on the retail packaging, so everyone in the mailing chain could see I'd bought an Xbox. It is the one & only time the UPS guy knocked & waited to hand the box directly to a person I've ever experienced. See, the delivery guys are good about it if they do happen to know what you've ordered!

Wow. I wonder who was the dimwit that thought, "Hmm, this is already in a box, so I don't think I need to put it in another one. I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Hurr durr!"

Good on the UPS carrier for taking the time to actually be a decent human being.

I have horror stories myself, one of which was when I bought a New Nintendo 3DS coupled with the limited edition of Majora's Mask 3D off of eBay. Long story short, it was delivered through USPS, and the dude literally - and I mean literally - threw the package in the front of my house as he was driving. I heard the thud the package made when it hit the ground, and was near a window when I saw the Grumman passing by. Granted, I did not see him throwing the package, but it was obvious given the sound I heard and where it was. Not to mention I learned later on he was actually fired for complaints, so. Thankfully nothing broke, even after taking into account the seller didn't cushion the package properly. Good times, as they say.

He played one too many sessions of Paper Boy  ;D