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Messages - hexen

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Are you just trolling? You don't even have your own list!

Modern Video Games / Re: Nickelodeon Remaking Old Games
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:42:59 am »
It doesn't seem like they know if they will be re-made or re-released. Either way, I'm not too excited... Disney may have had a slew of good games on the NES thanks to Capcom, but the Nick era was after good licensed games where more common. That's not to say there aren't a few good ones, but they are heavily outweighed by the mediocre. If they make something akin to the Rare Replay package, that has like all the games, it might start to get some value... but even then, I dunno.

I would be way more interested if they where making a crossover game they put actual AAA effort into that encompassed all of Nick's lifetime, but that is a pipe dream for multiple reasons.

Wow, that list is even worse... haha. Last of Us #2? HOOOOOOOO BOOOOOOY. I guess Game Informer's core readers are 12 year olds who get the subscription when they buy a game and the employee pushes it, it's why I had one when I was 12. These 12 year olds are likely only know current games and the weird game journalists (the most respected journalist of all media, of course) push to over-praise Last of Us. Wither 3 #1 is less mind boggling than Last of Us, but it can't touch Morrowind, and even Skyrim is better in gameplay terms... not to mention the myriad of other better games across other (older, way underrepresented in this list) systems outside of it's genre.

These two list taught me something - I like the somewhat-dishonest-for-the-sake-of-variety corporate list style way more than the what's-newest-in-our-mind middle schooler perspective.

List like this are always going to make a lot of people mad. The worst one I ever saw was a popular website (I forgot which one) that put Portal as the best game of all time, I laughed my ass off while feeling disgust at the same time. Here are some things from this list I find dumb personally:

- ANY Western RPGs above Morrowind (Witcher 3, Skyrim)
- one of the world's most overrated games The Last of Us Cracking top 100 over many better titles
- Typical Super Metroid over-wanking (Metroid is lower tier in it's own namesake genre, Symphony of the Night is way better and stuff like Axiom Verge and especially Hollow Knight also surpass it. Not to mention the myriad of non-genre SNES games better than it.)
- Mass Effect 2 & 3 without Mass Effect 1, the best one...
- Super Mario Kart is the only Mario Kart on the list, and it's the worst one shy of 64.
- This effect also applies to Pokemon, only first 2 gens on the list, with RBY above GSC
- Donkey Kong Country, with not Donkey Kong Country 2...

There is always a weird balance of gameplay excellence versus cultural & industry importance. I think they do this to have more variety, or you would certainly have just about every mainline entry in the best series like Mario, Zelda, etc. These lists will always have to be taken with a massive pile of salt.

CN Vs. Nick Vs. Disney, eh?

CN > Nick > Disney. This is assuming total lifetime, and not just a certain period.

CN Wins because of the greater variety, with an unfair advantage in Adult Swim. It's had a slew of great originals that still hold up incredibly well like Power Puff Girls, Dexter's Lab, Courage the Cowardly Dog and Ed, Edd& Eddy. Other era shows like Cow & Chicken, Johnny Bravo, and Billy & Mandy where great two, but a tier below those for me. Modern CN had a lot of good shows, but to me they started to wear out over time... Adventure Time's first couple seasons where great, but then it went too weird for my taste forsaking the simple comedy. Regular Show I also got tired of after awhile. There was that period of many years where they sucked a lot, with Flapjack being the only standout of the time. Adult Swim is really what pushes them over, not just with all the great programming from other networks, but originals like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Venture Bros, Rocky & Morty.

Nick is second, but it has the most stand out show overall. Spongebob Squarepants, the first 3 seasons, are quite possibly the best seasons of any cartoon ever. It had the scientific perfect mix of humor, intelligence, sneaky adult references and heart. There is perhaps no cartoon I can go back to and still laugh at as much. The later seasons got a lot less clever and funny, but there are still some standout moments. Another show that was grade A for it's first few seasons was Fairly Odd Parents. It crashed hard with THREE Poochies in the later seasons, but those first few where pure gold. Other than that you had other classic Nicktoons like Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold!, Rugrats, Invader Zim and Jimmy Neutron. I'll even admit to chuckling at Drake & Josh a few times despite finding most live action stuff (even the classics) not great. Overall, less variety in classics than CN, but close because of the Godlike Spongebob.

Disney is a solid last because of a giant slice of time where nothing interesting really happened. In the late 80's early 90's you had the Disney greats like Ducktales, Goof Troop, etc. but after this period you had more than a decade of largely crappy live action shows. It wasn't until much later you got Phineas & Ferb which I only consider so-so, but gave the network some relevance. It was really Gravity Falls that put them on the map for real, and it lasted a short time... by design in a show of true artistic integrity, but it was still sad to see it go. Other stuff like Wander Over Yander and Star Vs. the Force of Evil seem like they are above average, but never pulled me in enough to check them out extensively. Disney can't compete.

Modern Video Games / Re: March Nintendo Direct
« on: March 08, 2018, 10:45:31 pm »
It may have mainly been ports, but they where pretty big in terms of what they where. Particularly South Park, helping shed the sheltered Nintendo image a bit, and the N-Sane Trilogy, which is just 3 classic games on the Nintendo for the first time. Smash was expected eventually of course. In terms of new games, they've already played a lot of their hand with big series first parties... Mario, Zelda, Yoshi, Kirby, Metroid, Pokemon... all either released or in development. Other popular ports like Undertale and Okami are just giving the Switch more value so third parties remain interested.

I wasn't expecting anything new super exciting just yet, would have had to have been like a Majora's Mask style asset re-use for any of the big names.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Want to connect Nintendo to an HDTV
« on: March 08, 2018, 02:54:29 pm »
Profile option right under the forum header, then modify profile above the summary bar.

If all you have is an modern TV you are going to have some trouble... even getting it hooked up probably requires at least some low-end converter stuff and you are likely going to have a LOT of problems with the image looking like garbage, but more importantly input lag can sometimes occur and we are talking a whole second between press and reaction. The cheap one you linked should work, but these two problems could make it nearly unplayable... the lag may depend on your specific TV, but the crap image is largely universal. Here is a video that goes pretty in-depth into options for modern TVs, though most are probably going to be more than you'll want to pay.

In my opinion the easiest and cheapest solution is probably buying a CRT tv at just about any thrift store for dirt cheap.

Also, welcome!

Modern Video Games / Re: Weirdest Collector's Edition ever?
« on: March 08, 2018, 01:43:18 pm »
A collector's edition with a a sex doll? Sure.

That's not as bad as the sadly rising popularity of collectors editions that don't include the damn game! Give me an embarrassing inflatable waifu over that anytime.

Modern Video Games / Re: I think Sony hates me ...
« on: March 07, 2018, 12:30:14 pm »
You own 16 PS4s... Sony may be an enabler, but I think you have a very real, deep-seeded hate for currency. I hate to be the one the one to prod... but did a $100 bill touch you inappropriately when you where a child?

and Egoraptor all but quit animation to stream, and neither of them are near entertaining enough unscripted in my opinion (I actually kind of hate Egoraptor's personality, even his animations where more funny visually than writing-wise).

Thankfully, Dan more than makes up for Arin's less popular habits. His trying to come to grips with Doki Doki Literature Club was quite entertaining.

I honestly haven't given Dan a fair shot... but I probably won't just due to the format. I almost never watched GameGrumps even in the old days, and when I did it was solely because Jon is one of the few internet personalities I find interesting enough to carry such a thing for a reasonable amount of time. Even then Arin would make broad facepalm comments that Jon would have to smooth over.

My oldest system in terms of how long I've owned it, and also pretty close to being my the oldest overall, is my Intellivision.

When I was around 5 or 6 and started getting into video games (they had an SNES and Genesis at my daycare) I really wanted one of my own, but convincing your parents to buy such a thing is not always an easy task. I told my dad and he went into his closet and pulled out the Intellivision. To this day I can't get over how odd that is, because my dad never played any kind of video games in my lifetime. He gave it to me and my brother as well as the 5 or so games he had for it.

Over time he would pick up random games from the flea market he went to weekly (One that had been going on for decades as a community tradition that got closed down in the late 2000s when the land changed hands, to be developed into nothing yet still a decade later...) and give them to us, so we built a decent collection. The unusual nature of the system that no one I ever met in school knew of really kickstarted my interest in collecting video games.

It was technically in my family even before I was born but I've personally owned it for about 25 years, about 80% of my total lifetime.

It's funny... during the 90s you had the meme about parents telling their kids they can't play video games for a living... and now it's a viable career option...

I kind of wish they remained right. As a whole, I dislike watching game streams. I'll watch the occasional section if it's something specific, but watching a whole stream is usually out of the question. Even the people I like can't carry on for very long and remain amusing. Another thing I don't like is how it eats into other content creator's work. Animators like Oney and Egoraptor all but quit animation to stream, and neither of them are near entertaining enough unscripted in my opinion (I actually kind of hate Egoraptor's personality, even his animations where more funny visually than writing-wise).

The closest I'll ever come is maybe watching a speed-run if it's someone I like, but that won't be a regular thing.

Classic Video Games / Re: How many X-Box 360s did you go through?
« on: February 25, 2018, 04:02:10 pm »
My brother had one. It red-ringed with pretty minimal play time, and it was an elite. We never got another one.

Woot! I did it, got both Axiom Verge and Risk of Rain! Took me about 15 seconds of going up, they where gone in somewhere between a minute and two minutes. I feel I should mention that they price gouged their own products... which is kind of shitty... but still a lot cheaper than eBay prices, I guess...

I got a heads up from them in e-mail, I finally have a chance at getting that Risk of Rain box that came out before I was a subscriber...

It and Axiom Verge, two of the games I wanted the most where before I was a subscriber... well, at least I have Hollow Knight even if I fail to get either of those.

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