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General and Gaming => Classic Video Games => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on August 06, 2016, 01:53:29 pm

Title: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on August 06, 2016, 01:53:29 pm
I have been trying to break my prejudice of red labels. Its so hard but I dont think i mind them on PS3 so much. I have gotten a few from people I know and in fact i may prefer that sexy red case. For some reason I think they look cool. Red back ps2 games on the other hand with that maroon color makes me want to vomit, yellow gamecube games are like satan's big toe gunk, and don't get me started on Nintendo selects. at least Players choice, platnuim hits or greatest hits have cover art. Nintendo selects are a joke. half the art is just screaming how its a cheap lame copy. I feel its a compulsion, something ingrained in me and its so hard and difficult for me to avoid them. But I think I have to come to terms with the fact that its the same game, different case. With ps3 the original releases have a red label anyway. so it doesn't look so off putting together. Plus with the new blue labels, its really just so man colors to keep track of.

Do you guys hate Red labels too? To the point where you will refuse them? I wish they wouldn't bother to make them. They can do a price drop without changing the whole case, I assume its more costly to make a whole new color? im not sure tho

Granted I will always buy a black label if one is offered for the same value, but I don't think I will refuse to buy a game from gamestop if the only copy they have is red and its cheap.  I don't think I can care anymore. time to diversify. I wont specifically go after reds because I do like originals more, but I am trying so hard to not hate them.  Wish me luck guys  :D
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: bikingjahuty on August 06, 2016, 01:58:46 pm
I hate them with a passion, in fact I have gone out of my way to only get non-greatest hits copies of games. I have a total of one in my collection and that is only because it never received a non-greatest hits release, at least in North America (Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution on the PS2 if you're wondering). My least favorite are PS1 greatest hits. That green looks terrible.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: aliensstudios on August 06, 2016, 02:01:46 pm
I don't care personally. In fact, (this may sound odd) it's kind of cool to have diversity on the shelf, whether it's different shaped/colored game cartridges or whether it's different game spines (Platinum/Greatest Hits/Players Choice/Selects). I understand some collector's liking having the initial release of a game (more valuable, older version etc.) but if you only collect games for the external value and not of the content in the actual game I think you are missing out, especially if you consider yourself a gamer. If a game is cheaper as a value title, I'll grab it.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: robertoman on August 06, 2016, 02:15:13 pm
I can't stand Greatest hits titles. I always try to avoid them unless it is a game I absolutely want or its some sort of special edition (like The Lost World for PS1). Unfortunately, I have a lot of them for PlayStation 2 and PlayStation 1 and would like to go after the black label versions of those. I especially hate the PlayStation 1 Greatest Hits Label as the color choice of Green and Red looks ugly on the cover and not to mention it hurts your eyes just looking at them.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: Warmsignal on August 06, 2016, 02:22:40 pm
I used to care, not really anymore. They say variety is the spice of life. As long as it's not an image of a small picture of the original cover. In most cases, I've become handy enough with Photoshop and printing that if I want an original cover for something bad enough, I can make one.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on August 06, 2016, 04:02:00 pm
I don't have any issue with them really.  There might be some designs I don't like, but I generally think Nintendo did theirs well enough.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: maximo310 on August 06, 2016, 04:09:54 pm
If I can find a black label/ original label instead of gh for around the same price or cheaper, I'll pick up the former. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter too much to me.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: tripredacus on August 06, 2016, 05:11:25 pm
It doesn't make a difference to me, but I definately do not mix the re-releases and original versions together.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: atrumlupus on August 06, 2016, 06:05:45 pm
I don't care at all. CIB means more to me than whether it is a Re Print or not. In fact I my copy off FF7 is a greatest hits and I grabbed it because it was over 20 bucks cheaper than the black label version. I don't bother to upgrade them at all either if it is a GH or Players choice. it's in my collection and done as far as I am concerned. I think the only game I ever intentionally upgraded from GH was Xenogears. And that is solely because it is my favorite game.

That said..they are ugly as sin though. There isn't any getting around it. Especially that Yellow Gamecube and neon green PS1 labels. I mean it screamed as a kid "We are too cheap to afford the latest releases so my family bought me this"
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on August 06, 2016, 06:07:49 pm
I liked how Nintendo would treat them like an award.  The golden ribbon on the SNES stuff, Nintendo Selects them sorta framed with a red border and a gold ribbon style thing on them.  Gamecube wasn't as good with just a little yellow strip on it though.  PS1 was kinda "eh" with their green designs.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: burningdoom on August 06, 2016, 06:11:48 pm
If it's an official copy, and it works, I'm happy.

I'm very happy that many collectors are so picky, though. Because in a lot of instances, you can find the Greatest Hits editions for a bit cheaper than the regulars.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: Metalbeard on August 06, 2016, 07:18:11 pm
I don't "hate" them.  I would rather have the original game.  But if all they had was a greatest hits one I would settle for that one.  Unless it's one I really wanted then I would keep looking.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: doctorlaudanum on August 06, 2016, 07:41:30 pm
I wouldn't say I "hate" them. It's great that people can have cheaper options for popular games. But I personally go out of my way to get original labels, even if it's a game I really want and the alternative label is cheaper. Greatest Hits, Player's Choice, etc. just seem less... collectible, I guess? I don't have a problem with owning reprints in theory, but something about owning a game that's explicitly marked as a reprint just doesn't appeal to me. I also like my labels to match. I'm not going to pretend this is the slightest bit logical.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: shepard11 on August 06, 2016, 10:14:12 pm
I honesty don't care if they are an OG copy or a greatest hits I still count as being in my collection and still play the same. And that's what matters.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: aliensstudios on August 06, 2016, 11:32:39 pm
I honesty don't care if they are an OG copy or a greatest hits I still count as being in my collection and still play the same. And that's what matters.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: necrosexual on August 07, 2016, 01:09:32 am
i absolutely hate them. my okami is fucking red-label and the only reason i don't go fucking insane over it is because the whole spine is red as a result... and because my flat is dim, i don't notice that much, it just looks like a big red spine.

o wait the saints row iv national treasures edition ONLY came in red label, so that of mine is red too.
it's so fucking ugly 99% of the time. like, why can't the reprint at least look decent? and don't get me started on the neon green and school bus yellow ones. shudder.

now, on the 360, i bet i won't care so much. those are just silver, right? so long as they're not ungodly looking like the horrible bioshock plat hits version... which has that god-awful silver framing. gross.
but the 360 spine is already white, so grey probably won't bother me too much. also, i'm not dedicated to MS like sony platforms, so i doubt i'm gonna care that much. now, they're unsightly on og xbox too, iirc.

i DO like the red cases of the PS3 ones, tho, just... i like consistency. so much so, that my wii u games, i've tossed most of their original boxes out (GASP shock horror) because they have the fucking shitty recyclable ones (that bend and have big, gaping holes in the back of the FUCKING DISC ARE YOU KIDDING) and they come in like 4 different colours: blue, red, green... i think there's a yellow one too. fuck. that. i've replaced their unsightly cases with black ones. sue me. no regrets. i just need a 2-disc case for bayonetta 2.

sorry, but the paper sleeve and disc protection is way, way more important to me than the plastic casing. and those recyclable cases that can be punctured that game producers and dvd producers thought were such a great fucking idea (seriously, WHO decided, "hey, guys, i have a great idea: big gaping holes behind the disc! not on the edges around it, nooo, RIGHT behind the disc!" and had a bunch of people in the same boardroom say "huh? yeah! great idea!!") are a nightmare. they're practically set the fuck up to be punctured and destroyed. ughhh.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: weirdfeline on August 07, 2016, 08:35:57 am
I like it. I know some games took advantage of it and fixed problems with the game when it was re-released as a Greatest Hits game so that seems like a pretty good thing.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: azure on August 07, 2016, 01:55:33 pm
I won't pass up a deal regardless of the edition, but I prefer to have the originals for a uniform collection.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: undertakerprime on August 07, 2016, 06:20:41 pm
I'm really only concerned with playing the game, so I don't care if it's a Greatest Hits version. However, most of my games are not Greatest Hits; the only ones are those I didn't buy when they were first out but decided later I wanted. For example the first Metal Gear Solid, the first Uncharted, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, all of which I decided I wanted after playing their sequels.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: mastafafik on August 08, 2016, 04:33:42 am
I prefer premiere editions.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 08, 2016, 09:15:35 am
I don't hate them, but I usually go out of my way to buy the original instead because the majority of them look hideous. For instance, green (for the PS) is my favorite color. But, seeing that little slit of green on the game's spine and that upside down, green parabola on the front cover just annoys me. The same thing applies to the red coloring on the PS2/PS3 games.

There will always be exceptions, of course. My copy of Kirby Air Ride is the GH version, but it doesn't bother me because I barely notice it. Also, back in 2001 when they re-released Final Fantasy Tactics, the GH label didn't bother me at all because I was going to be able to finally play the damn game at a reduced price. I have the original version now, but back in the day I didn't care.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: defthead on August 08, 2016, 04:03:29 pm
I do prefer first edition rather than GH/Platinum/Selects but I do not hate them, I do not care getting those if it is the only type I have seen through game hunting, for example here at mi country for some reason PS1 black label are much more difficult and expensive to get than Greatest Hits ones, I would not mind getting a GH Symphony of the Night ($40 US Dlls) than a black SoTN ($120 US Dlls), since I collect to play the games rather than just leaving them on a shelf looking good but collecting dust.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on August 08, 2016, 04:14:25 pm
Ehhhhhhhhhhh.  Cartridge games, I've never cared if it's PC or not.  Disc systems, it kind of bothers me, so I try not to buy GH/PC unless it's a good deal.  Like I had been wanting Twin Snakes and Mega Man Legends, but I passed on so many CIB copies because they were GH/PC.

But like I have a copy of Paper Mario GCN that is PC, but I'm not going to go out of my way to replace it with a black label copy unless it's from a thrift store or a yard sale or something.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sin2beta on August 09, 2016, 08:57:11 pm
Hate is a strong word, but I try to avoid them. I like to think that it is a display thing on the shelf. I don't like seeing the bright colors compared to the colors. However, I will admit that if I really look at myself, there is a bit of a hipster attitude in me regarding these labels. "I bought the game before it everyone else did." Final Fantasy 7? Yeah I was into that on day one!
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: jupiter on August 10, 2016, 07:11:20 am
I do not care at all.

This is probably because I'm a newer collector, but the stigma doesn't matter to me. I just want to play the games :D

Besides, if(?) the majority of collectors prefer black label, then the gh versions may be more rare in the long run. On top of that, some gh versions have bug fixes/patches/dlc (especially ps3 forward).

Although I do keep my black label/gh stuff separate on the shelf, it's only due to uniform color (now that's racist...)
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: doafan on August 12, 2016, 06:05:00 pm
Hate them ?, really ? I mean it's the same game after all or does the content of suffer any change between the first one and the one that is released later ? also these releases are less expensive an more affordable to my wallet, have a couple of them in my collection and honestly I don't care, I treat them with the same respect guess that it's because I don't have that much time to play and every title that can give me a couple of hours of fun is accepted at my collection.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: necrosexual on August 14, 2016, 07:12:47 pm
ngl i envy everyone itt who can deal with GH/PC versions of games and not want to scream in horror ;I
i wish i could be less picky but jfc it makes me so angry to see them in my collection... like buying a game for more than $5 and the case not being in pristine condition.
you guys are patient saints.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: razorbeamz on August 15, 2016, 11:46:08 pm
PS1 greatest hits games have really low quality discs that are more prone to damage.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: burningdoom on August 16, 2016, 12:50:17 pm
PS1 greatest hits games have really low quality discs that are more prone to damage.

This is the first time I have ever heard this in all my years of game collecting.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: doafan on August 16, 2016, 01:08:20 pm
PS1 greatest hits games have really low quality discs that are more prone to damage.

Never heard about it and at this point all of the ones that I have are still working, gonna test them tonight just in case  :-\
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on August 16, 2016, 02:31:43 pm
I definitely prefer black label and will usually pass on a GH/PC version unless I just want to play the game and don't want to pay an obscene amount for black label (or got the re-release for free).

But there are some really ugly ones out there.  We all know about one of the worst offenders:


I've always hated the "best seller" badges that Nintendo would print on their reprints:


It reminds me of book covers for things like The Little Prince where it reads in giant letters 'NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE' or whatever. I don't want that on my book cover  >:(
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 16, 2016, 02:43:12 pm
Le Petit Prince is now a major motion picture? Wasn't the first one with Gene Wilder bad enough? O_o
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on August 16, 2016, 02:56:31 pm
Le Petit Prince is now a major motion picture? Wasn't the first one with Gene Wilder bad enough? O_o

More independent probably, and there was a big thing because it was supposed to come out in theaters but was pulled a week prior to its debut and subsequently released for Netflix only:

Haven't seen it yet, but is presumably better than the live action one?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 16, 2016, 03:18:01 pm
I had no idea this was a thing.

We had to read the book in high school French class. I didn't care for it and the movie was too campy; even for me. XD
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: madmax on August 16, 2016, 04:30:29 pm
I actually like the GH versions, it brings a good game to a wider audience at a cheaper price. It also means that I can keep my Black Label games safe while I play on the Green Label games.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: necrosexual on August 17, 2016, 08:03:38 am
i also hate that kinda stuff on book covers. i'm even a little salty that my GoT first novel isn't the original print because it's titled game of thrones and has an image of the actor in the shittier version of the throne ;I
there again, didn't think i'd actually like the novel.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: atrumlupus on August 21, 2016, 07:14:52 pm
My god, what did they do to that Dawn of Sorrow box? That is one of the most awful reprint boxes I have ever seen. The best seller labels are better than the yellow murder stripe on Gamecube games however.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on August 23, 2016, 11:03:39 pm
My god, what did they do to that Dawn of Sorrow box? That is one of the most awful reprint boxes I have ever seen. The best seller labels are better than the yellow murder stripe on Gamecube games however.

True, though it took me a while to find a copy of Paper Mario on GC without the Best Seller or the yellow stripe. They have three different variants for the US release, I believe.

And that Castlevania box is awful... probably the worst cover I've ever seen for a reprint. I haven't found another reprint box that matches that level so far.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: turom on August 24, 2016, 05:55:54 am
I remember that in PAL region the "Platinum" - re-release - version of PSX games had plain bland cheap discs while original had nice artworks on them. I thik it applies to other consoles. I love decorated game discs!
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: throughtheiris56 on August 24, 2016, 12:32:05 pm
They are absolute abominations, it baffles me how anyone thought they were a good idea let alone the fact are actually made. They make the game place look hideous and extremely out of place with the rest of the library. If they want everyone to know it's a player's choice game they could just write it somewhere, there's no need to be so blatant about it.

Normally I wouldn't mind their existence because the one good thing about them is that they're easy to avoid, however my brother (very kindly in all fairness) got me the red GOTY edition for Fallout 3. It's great that it contains all the DLC, but did they really need to make it so ugly?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 30, 2016, 06:57:40 am
I donĀ“t collect them but I do appreciate the **** out of them.

They did help me to aquire allot of black label quality titles for next to nothing especially for the ps1 they are a big help with them spyro and crash titles.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: turf on August 30, 2016, 09:06:17 am
I don't get the hate for them.  I may not prefer them in my collection, but I don't hate them.  In fact, with out re-releases, prices would be even higher.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: realpoketendonl on August 30, 2016, 02:24:38 pm
I honestly really don't mind it. In fact, I am kind of in favor of them. What they essentially do is just re-release a game for a cheaper price, which to me doesn't really have any downsides. For example, when I got Animal Crossing: Let's Go to the City, the game was already out of production for a while. However, thanks to Nintendo Selects, I was able to get it. And not just get it, but get it relatively cheap.
I completely understand why hardcore collectors don't like them, since they can both reduce and increase the value of the original version, but I'm personally all for it. Unless we're talking about limited editions or pre-order bonuses, I don't really mind what version of a game I get, red border or not.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on August 30, 2016, 02:36:24 pm
I think, for me, I fall into the hipster mentality trap of "I got that game before it became cool." Seeing those red or yellow borders screams, "Hey, everyone else likes this - you should, too!" but that's me, haha.

If anything, I do like to have the "definitive" edition of something though. Sometimes that's the Game of the Year Edition or something that comes out years down the line. More and more enhanced versions of games are coming out, too, so that tends to make the originals less desirable. Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters: Daybreak Special Gigs, for instance, will be out soon and might make the original obsolete. Persona 3 FES is the one to have now, though I am happy to have my both my original Etrian Odyssey 1 and EO Untold.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 30, 2016, 02:56:14 pm
I do remember when I bought my platinum copy of super smash melee Gamecube that the price difference was pretty big pretty much 50%

Bought it for 30 instead of 60 guilders back in the day.

There are no downsides for platinum releases since the price is way cheaper wich might make it superior over the original furthermore some bugs have been removed from the game.

As a collector it might not look nice on the shelves but It's a hell lot cheaper when it was new.

Platinum copies can indeed increase or decrease the value of a black lable copy, especially when a black lable copy is hard to get and a platinum really easy.

@desocietas did you play radiant historia recently?

I have actually finished that game a week ago and your avatar is the most annoying character in the game period  ::)
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on August 30, 2016, 04:44:58 pm
@desocietas did you play radiant historia recently?

I have actually finished that game a week ago and your avatar is the most annoying character in the game period  ::)

haha, yeah, i've been playing it off and on (haven't finished it) for the past few years. Aht is pretty adorable, in my opinion! There are many more characters in Final Fantasy that I'm way more annoyed by, honestly   ;)
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 30, 2016, 05:58:13 pm
@desocietas did you play radiant historia recently?

I have actually finished that game a week ago and your avatar is the most annoying character in the game period  ::)

haha, yeah, i've been playing it off and on (haven't finished it) for the past few years. Aht is pretty adorable, in my opinion! There are many more characters in Final Fantasy that I'm way more annoyed by, honestly   ;)

The story is killer but It's a bit easy in my opinion

Still though it would have been awesome if it was a console game on the big screen definitley one of the better DS rpg's wich could have easily been one of the better rpg's when released on a console like ps1 also some really amazing sound tracks.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: Warmsignal on August 30, 2016, 08:12:38 pm

And that Castlevania box is awful... probably the worst cover I've ever seen for a reprint. I haven't found another reprint box that matches that level so far.

Sega pioneered that horrendous idea a long time ago.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 31, 2016, 09:02:59 am
@desocietas did you play radiant historia recently?

I have actually finished that game a week ago and your avatar is the most annoying character in the game period  ::)

haha, yeah, i've been playing it off and on (haven't finished it) for the past few years. Aht is pretty adorable, in my opinion! There are many more characters in Final Fantasy that I'm way more annoyed by, honestly   ;)

Aht is the most useful character to use if you attempt to fight the optional boss. I can't recall her personality, but I definitely recall her usefulness.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 31, 2016, 10:05:48 am
@desocietas did you play radiant historia recently?

I have actually finished that game a week ago and your avatar is the most annoying character in the game period  ::)

haha, yeah, i've been playing it off and on (haven't finished it) for the past few years. Aht is pretty adorable, in my opinion! There are many more characters in Final Fantasy that I'm way more annoyed by, honestly   ;)

Aht is the most useful character to use if you attempt to fight the optional boss. I can't recall her personality, but I definitely recall her usefulness.

very true but your pretty much forced to use her if I can remember it correctly at that point in the game aside from that the game is really easy even that optional boss.

One can easily finish the game with every character as they please even at low lvl and mediocre gear, it is true that aht is one of the top tier characters though thanks to the high damage output, she was pretty usefull for ultimate equipment hunting though thanks to her high luck and being able to get the best luck armour.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 31, 2016, 10:36:41 am
You're never really forced to use anyone unless you count the beginning when you only have Stocke and his two mercenaries. Aht is one the last characters to join and by that point, chances are she gets left in reserves since her method of fighting is so unique.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 31, 2016, 11:05:06 am
You're never really forced to use anyone unless you count the beginning when you only have Stocke and his two mercenaries. Aht is one the last characters to join and by that point, chances are she gets left in reserves since her method of fighting is so unique.

There are some points in time when you are actually forced to use certain characters. As an example, at one point there is an optional quest while only having acces to 2 characters stock included.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 31, 2016, 12:07:08 pm
You're never really forced to use anyone unless you count the beginning when you only have Stocke and his two mercenaries. Aht is one the last characters to join and by that point, chances are she gets left in reserves since her method of fighting is so unique.

There are some points in time when you are actually forced to use certain characters. As an example, at one point there is an optional quest while only having acces to 2 characters stock included.

Hmm. Don't recall those, but it's been a while since I played it.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 31, 2016, 01:35:08 pm
You're never really forced to use anyone unless you count the beginning when you only have Stocke and his two mercenaries. Aht is one the last characters to join and by that point, chances are she gets left in reserves since her method of fighting is so unique.

There are some points in time when you are actually forced to use certain characters. As an example, at one point there is an optional quest while only having acces to 2 characters stock included.

Hmm. Don't recall those, but it's been a while since I played it.

here you have a situation, there are ofcourse more examples when one progresses through the game

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on August 31, 2016, 02:56:23 pm
So you can only use Stocke and Aht during these fights?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on August 31, 2016, 04:11:36 pm
So you can only use Stocke and Aht during these fights?

at that specific time node quest yes.

There are also other events and times when you only have certain characters available to you, stock + X character(s) etc etc.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: stlgamer75 on September 08, 2016, 10:29:42 am
I pretty much despise GH/PC type covers and avoid them at all costs as a collector. I do have some PS1/PS2 versions in my collection from when I was buying games new for those systems but no longer. Ideally I can get rid of those and replace them with original copies if they are worth it to me.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: brazbit on September 11, 2016, 09:30:45 pm
Man I just hate getting a patched version with extra content and all the expansions for a third the original price. Those evil corporate devils have no respect for the authenticity of the experience.

Seriously though, I'm glad they relabeled these so that as collectors you can tell the difference without having to look at publishing dates/barcodes or cross their fingers that they are buying the version they are going after. And, as someone who just wants to play the game, I'm glad that a less expensive complete version is available for $20 and I don't have to pay $60, or $55 for used (when did that happen? Used use to mean a minimum of half price) sit through endless updates and shell out an additional $10 per DLC pack.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on September 12, 2016, 01:01:50 pm
Man I just hate getting a patched version with extra content and all the expansions for a third the original price. Those evil corporate devils have no respect for the authenticity of the experience.

Seriously though, I'm glad they relabeled these so that as collectors you can tell the difference without having to look at publishing dates/barcodes or cross their fingers that they are buying the version they are going after. And, as someone who just wants to play the game, I'm glad that a less expensive complete version is available for $20 and I don't have to pay $60, or $55 for used (when did that happen? Used use to mean a minimum of half price) sit through endless updates and shell out an additional $10 per DLC pack.

I think "definitive," enhanced, "plus," or game of the year editions are different, though, in my opinion. If there's nothing different between the original and GH version, I'll take the black label, but that's just an aesthetic preference.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: stlgamer75 on September 12, 2016, 07:19:53 pm
Man I just hate getting a patched version with extra content and all the expansions for a third the original price. Those evil corporate devils have no respect for the authenticity of the experience.

Seriously though, I'm glad they relabeled these so that as collectors you can tell the difference without having to look at publishing dates/barcodes or cross their fingers that they are buying the version they are going after. And, as someone who just wants to play the game, I'm glad that a less expensive complete version is available for $20 and I don't have to pay $60, or $55 for used (when did that happen? Used use to mean a minimum of half price) sit through endless updates and shell out an additional $10 per DLC pack.

That doesn't apply to the cartridge consoles or other 90's games where this first started gaining traction.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: telly on September 13, 2016, 10:48:47 am
I've always wondered, is there any way to tell if a GameCube disc is a Player's Choice or a black label? I've never been able to figure out the difference.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 13, 2016, 11:08:54 am
I had this conversation with some one recently.  I'm pretty sure that there is no recognizable difference between player's choice and black label releases for gamecube other than the cover art.

There are some exceptions like Smash Bros where the PC release is a different version as detailed on the version info printed on the disc.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: burningdoom on September 13, 2016, 12:39:10 pm
Man I just hate getting a patched version with extra content and all the expansions for a third the original price. Those evil corporate devils have no respect for the authenticity of the experience.

Seriously though, I'm glad they relabeled these so that as collectors you can tell the difference without having to look at publishing dates/barcodes or cross their fingers that they are buying the version they are going after. And, as someone who just wants to play the game, I'm glad that a less expensive complete version is available for $20 and I don't have to pay $60, or $55 for used (when did that happen? Used use to mean a minimum of half price) sit through endless updates and shell out an additional $10 per DLC pack.

I think "definitive," enhanced, "plus," or game of the year editions are different, though, in my opinion. If there's nothing different between the original and GH version, I'll take the black label, but that's just an aesthetic preference.

I've heard that sometimes a Greatest Hits version will fix bugs or other errors. But they don't add content or anything.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: Flashback2012 on September 13, 2016, 12:42:04 pm
I've heard that sometimes a Greatest Hits version will fix bugs or other errors. But they don't add content or anything.

I was going to point out Virtua Fighter 4: Evolution but the original game never got a stateside release so I suppose that doesn't count.  ;)
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 13, 2016, 12:54:45 pm
Super Smash Bros. Melee had several revisions.  2 or 3 non-PC revisions and 1-2 PC revisions.

I think if it weren't for the fact that Nintendo over produced Super Smash Bros. Brawl by like a million copies (I'm probably underestimating that number), we'd have a Nintendo Selects version already.

EDIT: Almost a whole week later I realized I wrote Melee instead of Brawl.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: 4cade on September 16, 2016, 06:00:21 pm
This is a funny thread - I too have an irrational dislike of these 'greatest' or 'platinum' hits or whatever each mfctr calls them.

I think it's because cosmetically you're taking a creative part of the game - it's cover - and lessening the art in it, converting some of that space to 'greatest hits' branding.

However, I chuck this concern out the window if the cost is a factor; I generally will do what I have to for saving $$, as collecting games is freaking expensive these days.

My one exception is that I love to get ones if they have extra content, like GOTY or special editions, love that. I saw above some posters don't consider that same thing tho
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: pizzasafari on September 17, 2016, 08:09:05 pm
I want to break every greatest hits/etc game I can find. They look horrible. Absolutely horrible. I like to make my games display look as neat and orderly as possible, and when you've got a wall of plain white/black text PS2 boxes then suddenly in the middle of it sticks out this horrible-looking black and grey thing it's infuriating. It really sticks out. I've replaced nearly all my Platinum PS2 games, I've only got one left to replace and I keep that one as far away from the others as possible.
Same with my PS1 games, I have to keep all my Platinums at the bottom of my PS1 shelves. I shouldn't have to do that. Making these gaudy-ass cases serves absolutely no purpose.
Then with Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 they replace the nice artwork on the spine with that horrible green thing with white text or silver and yellow or whatever it is they do... WHY?!
Then I order a game off Ebay and they show the picture as the standard game and what you get in the post is a Platinum or Classics... or I specifically pick out a black label box in Game and when I take it to the counter they give me a Platinum one so they can put the black label one back on the shelf... goddamn it I could go on all day.

Yeah, I do. I hate them with every fiber of my being.  >:(
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 19, 2016, 12:01:13 pm
I want to break every greatest hits/etc game I can find. They look horrible. Absolutely horrible. I like to make my games display look as neat and orderly as possible, and when you've got a wall of plain white/black text PS2 boxes then suddenly in the middle of it sticks out this horrible-looking black and grey thing it's infuriating. It really sticks out. I've replaced nearly all my Platinum PS2 games, I've only got one left to replace and I keep that one as far away from the others as possible.
Same with my PS1 games, I have to keep all my Platinums at the bottom of my PS1 shelves. I shouldn't have to do that. Making these gaudy-ass cases serves absolutely no purpose.
Then with Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 they replace the nice artwork on the spine with that horrible green thing with white text or silver and yellow or whatever it is they do... WHY?!
Then I order a game off Ebay and they show the picture as the standard game and what you get in the post is a Platinum or Classics... or I specifically pick out a black label box in Game and when I take it to the counter they give me a Platinum one so they can put the black label one back on the shelf... goddamn it I could go on all day.

Yeah, I do. I hate them with every fiber of my being.  >:(
I think that's a difference between UK and US.  Our spine art varies from game to game pretty radically, but we always have that PS logo at the top of the spine.  I don't mind it because at least SOME THING is the same across the board.

Not that Genesis has any GH/PC equivalent, but this is why I hate the Genesis, they look horrible on shelves.  No conformity across the board.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: telly on September 19, 2016, 12:32:55 pm
I've always liked how the  Xbox One, Saturn, black label PS1, 3DS, etc. have consistent colors on the spines. It makes it look really cool and uniform on the shelf.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on September 19, 2016, 01:16:35 pm
I want to break every greatest hits/etc game I can find. They look horrible. Absolutely horrible. I like to make my games display look as neat and orderly as possible, and when you've got a wall of plain white/black text PS2 boxes then suddenly in the middle of it sticks out this horrible-looking black and grey thing it's infuriating. It really sticks out. I've replaced nearly all my Platinum PS2 games, I've only got one left to replace and I keep that one as far away from the others as possible.
Same with my PS1 games, I have to keep all my Platinums at the bottom of my PS1 shelves. I shouldn't have to do that. Making these gaudy-ass cases serves absolutely no purpose.
Then with Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 they replace the nice artwork on the spine with that horrible green thing with white text or silver and yellow or whatever it is they do... WHY?!
Then I order a game off Ebay and they show the picture as the standard game and what you get in the post is a Platinum or Classics... or I specifically pick out a black label box in Game and when I take it to the counter they give me a Platinum one so they can put the black label one back on the shelf... goddamn it I could go on all day.

Yeah, I do. I hate them with every fiber of my being.  >:(
I think that's a difference between UK and US.  Our spine art varies from game to game pretty radically, but we always have that PS logo at the top of the spine.  I don't mind it because at least SOME THING is the same across the board.

That's not the point your not seeing the picture.

The us greatest hit cases look kinda decent even from the sides, the european ones are just grey and black really ugly and totally different while the US one looks decent.

european platinum

grey black version

USA greatest hits

The european platinums are really ugly large borders and ugly sides, the only difference for the USA version is the red border otherwise pretty decent looking.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 19, 2016, 01:34:07 pm
I want to break every greatest hits/etc game I can find. They look horrible. Absolutely horrible. I like to make my games display look as neat and orderly as possible, and when you've got a wall of plain white/black text PS2 boxes then suddenly in the middle of it sticks out this horrible-looking black and grey thing it's infuriating. It really sticks out. I've replaced nearly all my Platinum PS2 games, I've only got one left to replace and I keep that one as far away from the others as possible.
Same with my PS1 games, I have to keep all my Platinums at the bottom of my PS1 shelves. I shouldn't have to do that. Making these gaudy-ass cases serves absolutely no purpose.
Then with Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 they replace the nice artwork on the spine with that horrible green thing with white text or silver and yellow or whatever it is they do... WHY?!
Then I order a game off Ebay and they show the picture as the standard game and what you get in the post is a Platinum or Classics... or I specifically pick out a black label box in Game and when I take it to the counter they give me a Platinum one so they can put the black label one back on the shelf... goddamn it I could go on all day.

Yeah, I do. I hate them with every fiber of my being.  >:(
I think that's a difference between UK and US.  Our spine art varies from game to game pretty radically, but we always have that PS logo at the top of the spine.  I don't mind it because at least SOME THING is the same across the board.

That's not the point your not seeing the picture.

The us greatest hit cases look kinda decent even from the sides, the european ones are just grey and black really ugly and totally different while the US one looks decent.

european platinum

grey black version

USA greatest hits

The european platinums are really ugly large borders and ugly sides, the only difference for the USA version is the red border otherwise pretty decent looking.

It doesn't matter what the point was.  I was just commenting on the difference. 

Share a picture of the platinum spine.  I, personally, don't care about what the GH/PC does to the cover art, I care about the spine art.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on September 19, 2016, 02:11:40 pm
I want to break every greatest hits/etc game I can find. They look horrible. Absolutely horrible. I like to make my games display look as neat and orderly as possible, and when you've got a wall of plain white/black text PS2 boxes then suddenly in the middle of it sticks out this horrible-looking black and grey thing it's infuriating. It really sticks out. I've replaced nearly all my Platinum PS2 games, I've only got one left to replace and I keep that one as far away from the others as possible.
Same with my PS1 games, I have to keep all my Platinums at the bottom of my PS1 shelves. I shouldn't have to do that. Making these gaudy-ass cases serves absolutely no purpose.
Then with Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3 they replace the nice artwork on the spine with that horrible green thing with white text or silver and yellow or whatever it is they do... WHY?!
Then I order a game off Ebay and they show the picture as the standard game and what you get in the post is a Platinum or Classics... or I specifically pick out a black label box in Game and when I take it to the counter they give me a Platinum one so they can put the black label one back on the shelf... goddamn it I could go on all day.

Yeah, I do. I hate them with every fiber of my being.  >:(
I think that's a difference between UK and US.  Our spine art varies from game to game pretty radically, but we always have that PS logo at the top of the spine.  I don't mind it because at least SOME THING is the same across the board.

That's not the point your not seeing the picture.

The us greatest hit cases look kinda decent even from the sides, the european ones are just grey and black really ugly and totally different while the US one looks decent.

european platinum

grey black version

USA greatest hits

The european platinums are really ugly large borders and ugly sides, the only difference for the USA version is the red border otherwise pretty decent looking.

It doesn't matter what the point was.  I was just commenting on the difference. 

Share a picture of the platinum spine.  I, personally, don't care about what the GH/PC does to the cover art, I care about the spine art.

To be fair the spine art is the same as the normal version of a ps2 game here in europe except that it is black and grey, pretty uniform but a different colour.

Ps logo lines etc all in the same spot for the spines.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: azure on September 19, 2016, 02:14:37 pm
I've heard that sometimes a Greatest Hits version will fix bugs or other errors. But they don't add content or anything.

The GH version of Silent Hill 2 on PS2 adds the extra content from the Xbox release. There may be others like this, but this is the only one I'm aware of at this point in time.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: burningdoom on September 19, 2016, 02:45:32 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: sworddude on September 19, 2016, 02:48:42 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?

Most collectors who collect those have trouble displaying them so my guess is that uniformity is the last thing that matters especially with the different box sizes and unique forms.

Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: desocietas on September 19, 2016, 03:01:57 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?

CEs don't bother me unless they're not uniform within a series. The fact that all the Tales of collector's editions are different sizes is pretty annoying to me. Especially between Tales of Xillia 1 and 2. Would it have been so difficult to make them the same size?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 19, 2016, 04:32:38 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?
I don't put those on the shelves with the other games.  So No.

Steelbooks bother me though.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: azure on September 19, 2016, 10:17:03 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?
I don't put those on the shelves with the other games.  So No.

Steelbooks bother me though.

Same here, it's a nice touch when they include a sleeve with the system logo like with Valkyrie Chronicles.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: kashell on September 20, 2016, 08:22:23 am
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?
I don't put those on the shelves with the other games.  So No.

Steelbooks bother me though.

Steel Books kind of irk me, too. I like them in concept, but not in execution. Star Ocean 5 came with a steel book that I'm tempted to sell so I can get a regular, sapphire blue PS4 case.

Regarding collector's boxes, I view them as display pieces that add extra flare and decoration to the game room. I prefer them to have different shapes and sizes. Little ones for games like 7th Dragon or Hatsune Miku Mirai are stored elsewhere, but larger ones from the Tales series or Atelier get put on display.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: ignition365 on September 20, 2016, 08:45:13 am
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?
I don't put those on the shelves with the other games.  So No.

Steelbooks bother me though.

Same here, it's a nice touch when they include a sleeve with the system logo like with Valkyrie Chronicles.
If everyone did that, I would be a happy panda.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: pizzasafari on September 21, 2016, 08:12:39 pm
]I think that's a difference between UK and US.  Our spine art varies from game to game pretty radically, but we always have that PS logo at the top of the spine.  I don't mind it because at least SOME THING is the same across the board.

Not that Genesis has any GH/PC equivalent, but this is why I hate the Genesis, they look horrible on shelves.  No conformity across the board.

It really varies, certain consoles' games' spines have varied art the same as yours but a lot of them just have plain colour backgrounds with text. It really sucks. I'll be looking at an American game collection like "Hey maybe my collection will look that nice someda- oh wait no it can't."

The bulk of any multi-platform collection is usually PS2 games which makes American game shelves look really nice but makes ours look so dull. :(

But yeah, it makes it look even uglier when you have a Platinum PS1 or PS2 game here because whereas all the other game cases look the same suddenly having this gaudy-ass black and silver thing sticking out in the middle of it looks horrible.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: theflea on October 06, 2016, 05:36:51 pm
Do i hate them? No.
As for collecting them... maybe. lol
It depends if there's a change in the game itself. Some of them are no different other then a different box or Label variant.
While others have new changes to the game. Some examples are...

- Resident Evil Director's Cut (PS1) - They added use of the Dual Shock controller.
- The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64) - Fixed many bugs from the original.
- Virtual Fighter 4 Evolution (PS2) - added new fighters
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PS2) - Added a bonus disc of extra content

There's many on the PS3/XB360 known as Game of the Year Editions that added DLC content and fixed bugs.
I always hold on to these when I come across them.

These are just the few off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more I can't think of or there's one's I may not know about. :P If anyone knows anymore to add to this list, please tell me so I can hold on to them.

Most of the time I don't pick up every Greatest Hits or Players Choice because I'm not a huge label variant collector unless its something like say Metroid Gray label & Metroid Yellow label just because they look so different. But I have been holding on to SNES and N64 Player's choice carts when I happen to find one out garage salin just because. lol
I also hold on to the PS1 Greatest Hits that the black label only existed as a large box.
But with most PS1, PS2, Gamecube, etc I just sell or trade them off to get something I'd rather have.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: tripredacus on October 06, 2016, 07:05:00 pm
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?

Not CEs, but PC games are a real problem for uniformity. It is a lot better once nearly everyone adopted the DVD or extra size DVD snap-cases, but before that it is crazy. I just look at my big box PC game shelf and say, what are ya gonna do?
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: defthead on October 07, 2016, 12:22:59 am
I honesty don't care if they are an OG copy or a greatest hits I still count as being in my collection and still play the same. And that's what matters.

Double Amen.

GH is the same freaking game!!! *99.99% of the times
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: burningdoom on October 07, 2016, 12:25:49 am
I honesty don't care if they are an OG copy or a greatest hits I still count as being in my collection and still play the same. And that's what matters.

Double Amen.

GH is the same freaking game!!! *99.99% of the times

I'll join this bandwagon.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: Flashback2012 on October 07, 2016, 02:05:25 am
If bad uniformity bothers people so much, do the big box collector's editions bother you guys, too?

Not CEs, but PC games are a real problem for uniformity. It is a lot better once nearly everyone adopted the DVD or extra size DVD snap-cases, but before that it is crazy. I just look at my big box PC game shelf and say, what are ya gonna do?

I feel your pain Trip, having worked in gaming retail when PC big boxes were still a thing as well as being a PC gamer at the time with no place to put the damn boxes away in an orderly fashion.  :P

Case in point...Eidos was particularly bad during the big box PC era with their trapezoid shaped boxes. For example...

($_1.JPG) ( (

Then you had boxes like this...


... and numerous other ones that had copious amounts of embossed surfaces, fold-out flaps on both sides of the boxes, and whatever other crazy packaging idea they could dream up(I distinctly remember one box that was basically a pyramid shape but cannot remember the title for the life of me). To add to that, there was almost no consensus on box sizes. You'd have Company A publishing games in 8"x5" boxes, Company B publishing games in 12"x12 boxes and Company C publishing games in 10"x13" boxes.  :P These monstrosities ate up a lot of retail shelf space so thankfully, the one good thing Wal-Mart and other retailers did was pressure the IEMA to come up with the smaller, universal PC game packaging that's essentially the same size as a double-width DVD case.

As for the subject at hand, I own a few GH/PC/Platinum releases but mainly only because of the reasons theflea already mentioned; in the instances where they put additional content that wasn't found in the original release. I used to have my PS2 games displayed on racks and it was funny to see the lone VF5 Evolution among a sea of black label games.  ;D Like many others on here, I greatly prefer to get the original release if it's identical in content with the GH/PC version mainly due to visual uniformity (though anymore, most games end up in a tub/bin at some point  :P).
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: tripredacus on October 07, 2016, 09:35:31 am
Yeah I keep the Stonekeep box on top of the shelf. There is no spine label on it so it doesn't work to put in the shelf with the other boxes.
Title: Re: Do you hate Greatest hits/Players choice games?
Post by: tristanthepest1 on October 11, 2016, 10:20:44 am
Not really, just as long as the game works I am a happy camper. The PS1 puke green greatest hits is awful though.