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Topics - desocietas

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15
Modern Video Games / Dragon's Crown
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:12:10 am »
It took me a while to even make out what this garbled text said:

Thank goodness there was the URL listed or else I would've never figured it out.

I'd forgotten about the character design for this title (don't Google it while at work!), but Odin Sphere was pretty amazing... even though I own it and have never played it.  But I love the animation/artwork/concept still!

Site Feedback / VGC Signature
« on: April 02, 2012, 07:35:00 pm »
I'm liking that we can now use our VGC sig in the VGC forums!  Though I'm wondering if it'd be possible to have the images link to their item page... For instance, I saw that Scott added the NOA Kid Icarus pack and realized I should do the same.

My first reaction is to click on that image to get to its item record.  Instead, it brings me to Scott's collection.  And while that's fine and dandy, there's no way for me to see his most recent additions from that page either.

Sometimes I see stuff newly added to someone's collection in their sig and want to know what it is... but can't :\

Modern Video Games / Atlus update to Rock of Ages
« on: April 01, 2012, 03:31:45 pm »
For those of you who own Rock of Ages, we just got this update:

Hilarious! I love Atlus so much.

General / Kickstarter craze
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:31:40 pm »
Seems like everyone's working on their Kickstarter these days...

I know I've already sponsored the Banner Saga and the (in)famous Tim Schafer project.

Now there's this!

That old skool package sounds pretty drool-worthy...

Hey, I saw that this was on sale but saw that there were diff releases of the KQ games...  What do you think of the one that was released on Steam?  Think it's worth the $10 or should I just wait it out for another version?

No rush - I probably wouldn't be playing it for a while...

VGCollect for Android / Link from Android App going to old forum page
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:48:08 pm »
Heya, couldn't remember if this got mentioned in the forum overhaul thread, but the link from the app to the forums is going to the old URL... Not a huge deal since I have the forum bookmarked anyway :)


Site Feedback / Moderator indicator
« on: March 11, 2012, 07:00:40 pm »
I can't remember if one of us had already suggested this, but could mod responses be marked somehow in the forums?  Like a diff color, a special badge that shows up under their avatar, something to differentiate.

So, you know, n00bs can tell if it's just some random user answering or if the info given is straight from the site-makin' folks.

Off Topic / IGF/GDC Awards Show
« on: March 07, 2012, 10:08:59 pm »
Can anyone guess what awards show I crashed tonight...?

I'm sure this will be a bigger thing for folks with larger collections...

I wanted to add a game to my collection that was in my wishlist.  So I went to my wishlist and hit the button to move the item from my wishlist to my collection.

However, since this action does not allow me to add any info about pricing, condition, etc., I tried to look up the item in the search box to find the record to edit.

I realize that the item record will indicate that I have the item but there is no option to edit the item in my collection.  I'd either have to "add with details" and delete one of the items through my collection list... or find the item in my collection list and edit from there.

Anyway, just seems like it might make things easier if I could just edit my item through the item record page ... somewhere in the area that says My Collection (1) or whatever.  Also, would be nice when we hit that "move from wishlist to collection" button if a pop-up would come up with the option to enter info about condition and such.


For me, it's always so up in the air whether then Tales title will be good or not...

Plus, I don't have a PS3 right now :P

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