VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: warpedflash on March 09, 2011, 06:33:18 am

Title: Intro thread
Post by: warpedflash on March 09, 2011, 06:33:18 am
I spotted that there is not actually an introduction thread on this site yet :D So I figured I would create one as I am new here.

Hi, I'm Wapedflash and collect a little bit of everything! Have small collections on a range of consoles but have got to the stage where I am looking to expand the software side of things :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 09, 2011, 08:34:02 am
You win the internet for posting our first duplicate thread! haha. Anyways I'm Matt, the guy who is building all of this stuff. Over the past few years I've sold off most of my collection and mainly collect NES and SMS now. I see you posted some suggestion in another thread, so I'm heading there to address them now. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tpugmire on March 09, 2011, 10:58:09 am
I'm tpugmire, site admin and database cleaner extraordinaire!  If you notice any errors in the database, please let me know.  As for my collection, I collect for the following systems:
Atari 2600
Atari 8-Bit Computer Series
Gameboy (All)
Sega Genesis
Turbografx 16 (and PC Engine, thanks to my region mod)
And anything else I happen to stumble upon...

I don't have all that many games, at least compared to atariboy, but my few gamer friends are impressed at how much old stuff I have and still play.  They call my house the Utah Museum of Ancient Gaming.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 09, 2011, 12:23:59 pm
Hey, I'm Scott, Also an admin. I set up the style guide, so if you have any questions involving it, let me know.

I have a ton of gaming stuff and swag, and all my Nintendo consoles are still hooked up to my TV. My main collection is the Game Boy / Game Boy Color, with a focus on complete systems and accessories. I also collect Castlevania games and related items.

This thread is beginning to sound like an A.A. meeting. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jobocan on March 09, 2011, 12:45:34 pm
Hmm, seems like a good opportunity to do my first post.

I'm Jonathan, 23 years old, living in Québec (Canada), trying to find a stable job as a web developer/webmaster (whichever I find first). I've been gaming since I was about 3 years old (started early!), growing up mostly on Nintendo consoles, but still loving the competition. I started actually collecting games about 3 years ago, mostly building up my NES collection but occasionally buying other games or systems. To see what I collect there's this nifty new "View Collection" link in the forums, check it out!
As for what I want to collect... Well, I'm not much for getting complete collections. I just want a bunch of systems with all the good games that are available for them. I did the error of buying games I didn't want on the NES for the sake of collecting, and it's something I probably won't repeat for any other system, I don't really see the point of getting games I don't want.

I don't think my collection is huge currently, but it is quite sizeable. I enjoy it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on March 09, 2011, 01:00:03 pm
Hi my name is Dean and I too am a "site admin and database cleaner extraordinaire!". I collect for just about any console I can get my hands on. I am currently working on a complete North America release for the Dreamcast. I have been collecting ever since receiving my first ColecoVision, which I still have and it still works. I just enjoy collecting and finding things in the wild.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: monochrome on March 09, 2011, 03:19:02 pm
I'm Gary, "SpaceHarrier" from the Digital Press forums.  My collection isn't that big, but I'm not one to go for fullsets or anything.  I just collect a bit here and there, trying to get a good cross-section of the best games (and some less common titles), across all genres, for the consoles that I own.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pceslayer on March 09, 2011, 05:14:15 pm
Hi! I'm John from the interwebz...  If you ever see pceslayer on any other site/forum or anywhere else it is I.

I own a ton of consoles and games and am working on completing my US Sega Master System set. Only have about 19 left to go.

Not really a ton, just over 1000... I'm actually quite picky when it comes to the 16bit + consoles :/
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sriq on March 20, 2011, 06:47:20 am
I'm Raven! And also go by Sriq on most websites. Came here via Reddit looking for a game cataloging website, and was pleasantly surprised at finding one :D

My collection is really Xbox 360-centric. I also have a bit from the PS2, PSX, NDS, and SNES, but I'm definitely still new to this.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 20, 2011, 12:13:39 pm
@sriq thanks for joining up. I think we are on to something really awesome here. Let me know if you have any issues or suggestions.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bsmith on March 24, 2011, 01:47:34 pm
Hello! My name's Brian. I live in Austin, TX and mostly collect NES carts that I enjoy playing. I do have a small SNES collection but am not really working on it. I've owned and sold most consoles and plenty of games for each, but have settled my collection down big time.

My main gaming rig is a 360 which I've got a decent collection for as well, but I trade those out often. My gamertag is "nah dew" for anyone who wants to friend up and play some co-op stuff or whatever.

I'm also an avid vinyl record collector, but my Discogs profile is nowhere near complete. Here's a link anyway:

I post frequently on CAG as well, for any fellow cheapskates. My user name is "bsmiff" there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 24, 2011, 01:54:04 pm
@bsmith I've got a small vinyl collection as well. I could easily get swept up in that scene. Regardless welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: possebon on April 08, 2011, 06:45:49 pm
I'm "Possebon", obviously that's not my real name, but Richard's a pretty shit name and I try and avoid it.

I'm guessing I'm the only person from Europe considering I've had to input pretty much every game I own so far - ah well.

I'm mostly collecting PS1 / PS2 (not exactly retro, but you know), with a view of getting more but not really wanting to start it until I feel I've made more progress with the Playstation games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on April 08, 2011, 09:05:40 pm
@possebon Welcome to the site! I noticed the PAL games being added today and I wondered who it was. Appreciate the hard work and hope you enjoy the site! Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on May 24, 2011, 12:27:55 am
I thought I'd drop my name in here as well, just to let you guys know who the crazy person is who's putting in Japanese games...

I'm Amauriel, and about any site you see that name on, it's me.  My husband and I actually collect consoles, and the original quest was to get all the consoles released in the U.S. However, I've always been more about the games than he is, and we are getting to really rare consoles left, so we've expanded out the last couple of years.

Given that we have almost any console anyone's ever heard of, we collect anything and everything that strikes our fancy, but I personally concentrate on SNES and DS, and tend to gravitate toward RPGs and girly games (Harvest Moon, Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing, etc.).

I speak a smattering of Japanese and spent a summer there as an exchange student, so every once in a while, I treat myself to a game that I know my husband will never get to play. It's the little things. (^_^)

Gratz on the site, guys! I've tried out other collection sites before but this is probably the easiest one I've seen.  And the Android App makes me very happy as well!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on May 24, 2011, 12:33:56 am

Welcome to the site! We really appreciate the additions especially because no one has really started to tackle most of the Japanese games. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments.

Thanks for the kind words!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on May 24, 2011, 12:43:00 pm
Gratz on the site, guys! I've tried out other collection sites before but this is probably the easiest one I've seen.  And the Android App makes me very happy as well!

Thanks! Hopefully we can put more love into the Android app soon. There just so much going on the to-do list for the site itself, that it's currently getting a little overlooked. I have a feeling, the next couple weeks are going to be pretty hectic.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on July 11, 2011, 01:32:28 pm
I might as well introduce myself since I've started poking around the site.

I'm Nancy and am pretty excited about this site.  For a while I've been griping to friends that there's no good collection site that's a) free, b) not terrible to look at, and c) not opposed to input on really getting at filling a void.  So far, I'm really digging everything and can see the potential for even more great stuff.

Anyway, to finish off the intro:

I'm not quite so old skool as to personally own anything before my Playstation 2 (though my brothers and I did grow up with the Atari, NES, and 80s PC games), but I do love my video games.  I'm making a list of to-add titles, many of which so far are on portable consoles.  RPGish stuff.  The list is twenty deep already, and it's only a portion of my DS games.

Also, I work in a library and am big on details, so I'm all about stuff like proper cataloging and style guides.  Consistency is so important with things like this.

Hope I'll be of some help!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on July 12, 2011, 12:11:07 pm
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on July 12, 2011, 02:56:14 pm
Welcome aboard! I created the site to solve all of those problems. Seems like it's working out pretty well so far. ;)

We are always working towards consistency so I appreciate any feedback or ideas you may have.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maxxd on July 20, 2011, 05:21:51 pm
Hi all, just joined a couple of days ago and thought I'd say hello too. Had been on the lookout for an alternative to my current MS Excel and Word based inventory for a while now and then out of the blue I noticed the collection image in someone's signature on some other forum which lead me here, and I must say I was very pleasantly surprised to see how well everything is already coming along such as the badge system and android app... brilliant :-)

I myself am Belgian which prolly makes me the second European guy on the forum or so... That and the fact that I too have quite a few Japanese games will leave me with a load of work it seems before I have my entire collection on here.

I have around 700 games I think, ranging from the really old stuff like Atari and Videopac through to NES, SMS, SNES, Megadrive, Mega CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS1 and PS2, and the handhelds like Gameboy classic, advance, DS, and Game Gear, and of course PC. It's clear to me that I have a lot of work to do seeing as there aren't that many PAL games in the system yet, but I hope to be able to start adding all of my stuff systematically over the next days/weeks.

I've already added a couple of items to get the hang of it and everything does indeed feel very user friendly. Great job so far!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on July 21, 2011, 12:45:21 pm
Welcome from the other side of the world! If you see anything that isn't correct regarding European/PAL games, don't be afraid to speak up. Its no secret that there is a real lack of PAL support currently, that should change soon though.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on July 30, 2011, 08:20:20 pm
I'm Max.

I collect Final Fantasy Games (Everything Final Fantasy) along with the systems to play them. I wanted to start collecting at a younger age but didn't have the funds. A month of so ago I saw a friend of mines collection (mega man), got nostalgic and started my collection.

Being administrator for a website where it needs people to grow and submit information, I just had to join this website and try to give it a hand in away way I can.

To fun times!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on August 01, 2011, 12:42:27 pm
Welcome madmax!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: andrew on September 01, 2011, 12:33:59 am
I'm Andrew, but feel free to just call me @andrew around here!

I graduated a few months ago with some BS degree in math & physics. Around that time is when I stated to consider myself a collector, even though I have been playing (and apparently collecting) games my whole life. I love the SNES (probably for nostalgic reasons), and I'm a huge Metal Gear Solid fan. I will be going to graduate school, but I decided to take one year off so I can catch up on my video game playing! Either that, or to teach in China, but I'm still trying to get everything straightened out. You'll probably be seeing more of me around here.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: climhazard on September 01, 2011, 02:07:22 pm
Hello all. I'm Anthony.

I'm a graphic designer and web developer in training. I was just about to try programing something to catalog my collection when I found this place through /r/gamecollecting.

I collect just about anything from the NES on (I'm not really into the old atari and computer stuff). I worked at a video game store for about three years and I'm currently working at another video game store that was just opened by my friend, who was the manager at the other store. I'm also just now getting really interested in collecting arcade games and I have a MAME cabinet project in the works.

I love what I've seen of the site so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing it grow.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 01, 2011, 03:00:32 pm
Hello all. I'm Anthony.

I'm a graphic designer and web developer in training. I was just about to try programing something to catalog my collection when I found this place through /r/gamecollecting.

I collect just about anything from the NES on (I'm not really into the old atari and computer stuff). I worked at a video game store for about three years and I'm currently working at another video game store that was just opened by my friend, who was the manager at the other store. I'm also just now getting really interested in collecting arcade games and I have a MAME cabinet project in the works.

I love what I've seen of the site so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing it grow.

Welcome Anthony. Looks like we have a lot in common. i'm a web dev, collect NES, worked in a video game store and have build my own MAME cab. :) You'll fit right in around here.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 01, 2011, 03:15:46 pm
Hello all. I'm Anthony.

I'm a graphic designer and web developer in training. I was just about to try programing something to catalog my collection when I found this place through /r/gamecollecting....

 ...I'm also just now getting really interested in collecting arcade games and I have a MAME cabinet project in the works.

Welcome! I'm also into graphics, mostly self taught, though I did go to college for it for a bit. Things came up, long story, blah blah. I've also built my own MAME cab from scratch. It's a great project, I'm sure you'll have fun working on it.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on September 06, 2011, 03:37:39 pm
Guess it's about time I posted in here. My name is David. I'm a commodities trader by profession and I collect for anything NES and up. The NES was my first console when I was young and my collecting began several years ago when I was on a nostalgia kick. I've always played games but didn't become a serious collector until about 3 years ago. I really enjoy modding/hacking any little electronic device I can, systems included. Most of the systems I have have been modified in some way. I probably should have chosen a degree in computer science or engineering while I was in school but my job pays the bills and I enjoy going to work so I can't really complain.

I have had the desire to build a MAME cab for several years. Guess I need to get on that soon so I can be one of the cool kids!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on September 06, 2011, 11:52:55 pm
@darko: I've two empty cabinets sitting here ready to be redone (one for MAME, the other was originally Street Fighter II so is slated to be restored) so that I can be one of the cool kids too!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 07, 2011, 12:23:00 am
Mame cabs are an awesome project. If any of you need help let me know, I'd be happy to offer advice. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: iskelly87 on September 08, 2011, 09:48:49 am
Might as well get my first post out of the way and stop lurking.  I just recently started collecting mainly NES, SNES, and Genesis games for the most part, but open to just about everything I may find on the hunt.  I will now have a place to put all my games and play them so that is why the collecting has started.  So far I have found some awesome deals at Goodwill and 1 garage sale, but going to the local swap meet soon.  Thanks to /r/gamecollecting I found this awesome site that Matt and Scott have been working on.  My 4 favorite things to collect and watch are Power Rangers, TMNT, Pokemon, and Ghostbusters.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on September 08, 2011, 10:11:20 am
welcome! I found this place through r/gamecollecting too and quickly adopted it as my home :p I recently found my power ranger games for gamegear. I hadn't played them in years. I loved that show when I was younger :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 08, 2011, 02:41:59 pm
@iskelly87 Welcome to the site fellow /r/gamecollecting'er and thanks for the kind words. If you ever have an suggestions please let me know.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on September 08, 2011, 05:24:04 pm
Welcome @iskelly87 glad to hear you found a home for your collection. I was recently watching the Power Rangers movie on Laserdisc while adding games to my collection, I used to watch them all the time with my son and ya I'm a little old to have watched them myself so I use my son as an excuse lol!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: iskelly87 on September 09, 2011, 09:54:47 am
@atariboy hah nothing wrong with that.  I will probably do the same thing when I have a boy, but then again I don't really have any shame in what I do now so maybe that won't change much...How is the power rangers laser disc release compared to the dvd releases?  I'm thinking about getting a laser disc player someday is it worth the investment?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: neomysterion on September 10, 2011, 04:38:01 am
I know that I signed up for this site 2 months ago, but was too lazy to make a forum post here.
I'm Neomysterion from ToonZone, RetroJunk, Mario Party Forum, and other sites as well. I mainly collect games for Nintendo systems (mostly the NES, Game Boy, and Super NES), and I have a pursuit for seeking out harder to find NES games at the flea markets (I never used eBay).
If you know me from another site, let me know, and thanks! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 11, 2011, 11:23:35 pm
Welcome @neomysterion!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: varkias on September 12, 2011, 04:15:31 pm
Hello all, beautiful site!  I have been considering starting something similar to this site for awhile now but for the Sega Saturn only.  I'd much rather participate here!  My name is Anthony, I live in Utah and collect mostly Sega Saturn/CD and PS1.  I enjoy repairing/modding consoles and recently restored a Nintendo Red Tent.  I'd love to help in anyway I can, I'll probably start by submitting edits for Saturn information and photos.

Love how the android app is coming along as well, very useful tool.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 12, 2011, 04:58:21 pm
Welcome @neomysterion and @varkias!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tpugmire on September 12, 2011, 06:09:28 pm
Hello all, beautiful site!  I have been considering starting something similar to this site for awhile now but for the Sega Saturn only.  I'd much rather participate here!  My name is Anthony, I live in Utah and collect mostly Sega Saturn/CD and PS1.  I enjoy repairing/modding consoles and recently restored a Nintendo Red Tent.  I'd love to help in anyway I can, I'll probably start by submitting edits for Saturn information and photos.

Love how the android app is coming along as well, very useful tool.

Where in Utah do you live?  I'm in West Valley.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: varkias on September 12, 2011, 06:19:08 pm
@tpugmire: Good stuff, I live in Ogden but I'm down in Sandy pretty frequently.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dain on September 15, 2011, 09:19:21 pm
Hey everyone, I saw someone on my sites with a sig pointing here and figured I'd stop by to check it out.

I collect mostly Nintendo and Sega, but I have a pretty extensive CIB 2600 collection too. I just recently completed my CIB Gameboy set, and I'm almost done with my Game Gear CIB set too.

I'm also a webmaster, and I run and I like to look at other collection sites for ideas on how to improve our collection tools. The collection sig is a neat idea.

See you guys/gals around!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 15, 2011, 09:34:10 pm
Hey there @dain, welcome to VGCollect! I really dig NintendoAge, but don't venture over to SegaAge much. Also, Congrats on the Complete CiB Game Boy collection!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 16, 2011, 09:32:29 am
Welcome @dain! I'm the man behind all of the stuff here so if you have any question or comments please let me know. I'm a huge fan of your sites. Much like Scott, I often find myself on NintendoAge.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dain on September 16, 2011, 08:04:37 pm
@matt and @scott -- thanks for the warm welcome guys. If you guys want to swap links, just let me know. And please stop by every now and then! I'm a firm believer that the more the site out there, the better for all of us nutty collectors :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nightowljrm on September 18, 2011, 10:23:03 pm
Well, I'm Nightowljrm (obviously) and I'm a retro gamer and I particularly love finding underrated and underplayed hidden gems for the NES/Famicom such as Holy Diver, Tararuuto Magical Kun: Fantastic World, etc. I started collecting only about two years ago (while in highschool, I'm a freshman in college now) so my collection is only about 350 items small.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on September 18, 2011, 10:28:48 pm
so my collection is only about 350 items small.

"only" he says :)   (i have less than 200)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on September 18, 2011, 11:55:15 pm
Welcome to the website @nightowljrm , Lots of retro collectors here. I just bought my first famicom games last week, they're in the mail. I'm so excited to get them :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nightowljrm on September 20, 2011, 11:43:48 am
Welcome to the website @nightowljrm , Lots of retro collectors here. I just bought my first famicom games last week, they're in the mail. I'm so excited to get them :D

Ooh! I have a small bit of Famicom games: Taruruuto Magical Kun: Fantastic World, Holy Diver, DragonBuster, and Chronicles of the Radia War (reproduced by The NES Dump in English) are the ones I have. All extremely fun. Love hidden gems on the Famicom! =D In fact, I have a series on YouTube that features a lot of games ont the Famicom. Check it out. (Just go to my channel, user/Nightowljrm, on YouTube).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 20, 2011, 12:16:57 pm
ohh feel free to pimp out your videos here in the forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kaizlu on September 27, 2011, 10:58:18 pm
Hi guys. Just joined the site a couple of hours ago. Was looking for a service/page to show off my small (but growing!) collection and found this page. Looks good, and I like the fact that the community can help out in adding games (or details) to grow the database.

I'm just getting comfortable, give me a couple of weeks and I'll start with the recommendations :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on September 27, 2011, 11:07:17 pm
Hey hey welcome to the site :D

That's a pretty good collection you go there! It's always great to see new faces ^_^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hexen on September 29, 2011, 04:57:10 am
Been here for a week or two, but totally never posted here.

Anywho, I am Matt, not to be confused with the Matt who maintains this fine website. I live in Texas and have been collecting games with my friend (Byron) for many years. First and foremost I am trying to collect a complete US NES set, though I certainly like EU/Famicom games and all other systems as well. I came over from a site called Retro Collect when I saw link here in Nightowljrm's signature (btw, I appreciate it.) Retro Collect is a good site, but mostly European and with a much smaller emphasis on user submission. I'd been looking for a site where I could track everything I had and even started to attempt taking a picture of everything I owned for personal tracking (view my collection and you'll see how futile this idea was.) I really enjoy being able to contribute to a larger-then-myself database and have enjoyed adding new games and scans immensely. I also like the idea of a growing community as VG collect is fairly new to the scene and I honestly beleive it's submission system will eventually make it the best database on the web.

Well, I'll see you all around.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 29, 2011, 11:48:38 am
Welcome @kaizlu  and @hexen (even though you've been for a bit) and thanks for the kind works! We appreciate any help, suggestions and contributions. See you around.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dstone on September 30, 2011, 01:05:27 am
Hi, everyone, I'm Drew hailing from Oklahoma. I've been hovering in the back for a while and figure it's time to introduce myself. I go by "dstone" on Digital Press/AtariAge/Build Your Own Arcade Controls/Oklahoma Coin-Op Collectors. I had an installation of Open Game Lister running on my server for a while until a PHP upgrade broke it. I don't know much about PHP so I hopped over to Excel spreadsheets. The admin at OC-OC pointed several of us over here and boy, am I glad he did.

I currently collect for just about everything as funds allow (I'm a college student majoring in broadcast production, so sometimes it takes a while to build up the gaming coffers again). I do have to say that MAME machines are like a gateway drug. Next thing you know you're dragging home a dedicated machine. Then two. Then they start breeding in the garage.

You guys are doing fantastic work. It's a pleasure to be a part of the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 30, 2011, 01:14:28 am
Build Your Own Arcade Controls

A fellow BYOACer! sweet!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on September 30, 2011, 11:28:28 am
And a fellow Oklahoman :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on September 30, 2011, 12:59:09 pm
a fellow human!

Welcome to the site Drew!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on September 30, 2011, 05:41:35 pm
a fellow human!

There you go making assumptions again.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 03, 2011, 12:35:52 pm
a fellow human!

There you go making assumptions again.

I was thinking the same thing...

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 03, 2011, 09:50:36 pm
@desocietas great minds.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: psydswipe on October 04, 2011, 09:44:07 am
I joined last week after finding the site through the Games Press forums (media site based in the UK). While I don't really collect games, I've got quite a few as I was a spoiled kid and I've spent a fair amount of my own money in the past. My first console was Intellivision using the PlayCable setup. Eventually got a Sega Master System and kept sticking with Sega from there, rarely playing any Nintendo consoles. I inherited a Commodore 64 in the mid to late 80s and played that way too much. Grew up in Connecticut and spent nine years in Arizona but currently live in Michigan.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 04, 2011, 09:45:25 am
Welcome @psydswipe! Where are you in Michigan? I'm in Saginaw currently.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: psydswipe on October 04, 2011, 09:51:45 am
Welcome @psydswipe! Where are you in Michigan? I'm in Saginaw currently.

I'm living in Ypsilanti Township, work in Ann Arbor.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 04, 2011, 09:58:48 am
Nice. I just had a coworker move to Ypsilanti and landed a job in AA. I usually make a trip to AA a few times a year to visit some friends and do some bar hopping.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 04, 2011, 12:19:00 pm
Welcome @psydswipe! Where are you in Michigan? I'm in Saginaw currently.

I'm living in Ypsilanti Township, work in Ann Arbor.

Oh nice, I love seeing new users from Michigan. Official welcome to the site @psydswipe!

I usually make a trip to AA a few times a year to visit some friends and do some bar hopping.

I lol'd at of this. Of course, it's only funny if you aren't thinking Ann Arbor.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: psydswipe on October 04, 2011, 12:35:41 pm
I usually make a trip to AA a few times a year to visit some friends and do some bar hopping.

I lol'd at of this. Of course, it's only funny if you aren't thinking Ann Arbor.

Ha, that is funny. Maybe that's why people around here just call it A2.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: extreme0 on October 28, 2011, 12:46:50 pm

I got a link to this site after someone mentioned it to me after figureing out which website to upload infomation of my collection that's quite big.

719 Games in total, and I'm thinking about updateing the list of Games which you don't have instore or some entrys that are not really "games"

So that's me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on October 28, 2011, 03:47:07 pm
welcome to the pack :D

719 games? what kinds do you collect?  Got any pictures? :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: extreme0 on October 28, 2011, 04:59:20 pm
Mostly PC Games either by Retail or Digital Download

I'm still looking for my Camera. So I might post later with the rest.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 28, 2011, 05:03:21 pm
@extreme0 Welcome, also, if you want and can get a nice pic of some of your collection, we can toss it in the rotation on the log in page. Just drop the image over on the "Looking for Collection Photos" thread. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on October 28, 2011, 05:23:02 pm
Dungeon Keeper! one of the best games ever! I played that so much as a kid. I never played DK2 though :(

If a 3rd one ever comes out I will play it soooo much!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: extreme0 on October 28, 2011, 10:17:26 pm

Here is the rest of my Collection. Would use spoilers but I don't know the HTML tag to do so.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 28, 2011, 10:49:36 pm
Nice, you've even got the special edition of Sims 3... and a lot of games from Sold-Out!  I have maybe one of theirs :)
So far I see... Sims and shooters.  Nice combo.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: extreme0 on October 29, 2011, 07:19:03 am
I've also got the Collector's edition of Cataclysm. Just not enough space to put it in the screenshot.

Anyways, I contribuited some more entries.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: charlesp1138 on December 13, 2011, 07:07:03 pm
Great site so far!

I'm Charles, I'm Canadian, I'm old enough to remember owning most of my collection the first time around and I'm a full-time professional web/mobile designer. (hint hint)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on December 13, 2011, 07:50:30 pm
Canadians will take over the website :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on December 13, 2011, 08:26:16 pm
Canadians will take over the website :D

Ya you can take it over after we lefties have our way with it. ;)

and welcome to the site @charlesp1138!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on December 14, 2011, 12:46:14 am
Welcome @charlesp1138! I can always use another designer/developer around these parts. Have any experience working on Android apps? :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on December 14, 2011, 11:56:02 am
Ya you can take it over after we lefties have our way with it. ;)

Ha, a reference to the southpaw thing... I see what you did there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on December 14, 2011, 08:53:14 pm
Ya you can take it over after we lefties have our way with it. ;)

Ha, a reference to the southpaw thing... I see what you did there.


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: azai392 on January 12, 2012, 01:59:16 pm
Hello fellow Video Game collectors! =D

I'm Azai392 and found this site while browing r/gamecollecting and even though I update and maintain my collection on RFGeneration I thought this place was really cool looking and decided try this site out as well. I think that the layout is really cool and can't wait to see how site develops and contribute some game info.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on January 12, 2012, 02:48:31 pm

What the hell is that thing in your avatar?!

Also hi.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 12, 2012, 03:58:26 pm
Hey hey, welcome to the site @azai392!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on January 12, 2012, 05:59:29 pm
@azai392 Welcome to the site! Let me know if you have any suggestions or comments on the functionality of the site. I try my best to incorporate as much user feedback as possible.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on January 12, 2012, 06:35:51 pm

What the hell is that thing in your avatar?!

Also hi.

Hehe It's a play on the "Aliens" meme :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: persona420 on January 31, 2012, 12:24:27 am
love the samarai pizza cat reference there too
im both left handed and canadian. everythings turning up milhouse!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2012, 10:01:40 am
Well since I hate to be the only one not dong something I figured I would post here:
I collect pretty much anything but my main focus is on the 360. I'm just over 1300 pieces of software total(345 of that being for the 360) and I think around 35 consoles/handhelds.

My user name is from my ebay account/hotmail and I've just always used it so it stays with me. I'm living in Edmonton Alberta Canada but I'm from Vancouver.

Loving the site so far and I hope to be able to contribute more.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on January 31, 2012, 01:36:08 pm
Ohh someone from around here :o
(although I'm from Montreal and am nothing like a Vancouverite)
Lots of Canadian collectors!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oreobear on February 25, 2012, 01:29:15 pm
Another new guy here!

Brian is my name. I've recently started hunting and really trying to get go out of my way to make my collection really take off. Looking forward to being an active member in this community!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on February 25, 2012, 05:13:53 pm
Welcome to the site! I find that I have had the best luck by hitting the same spots regularly and only when I can going out of my way. I find getting to know the staff is a great way of getting deals/first pickings
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 25, 2012, 10:22:58 pm
Welcome @oreobear! Always happy to see new folks hopping on the forums, welcome to the community. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on February 26, 2012, 04:33:08 pm
Welcome oreobear!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on February 28, 2012, 05:22:25 pm
welcome oreobear!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lostruin on March 22, 2012, 10:24:55 am
Hello there everyone!

I'm Gaz, 37 year old gamer and collector from England!
I came across this site when vgcollect started to follow me on Twitter.  As I reside in England I use to document my collection as they have an extensive PAL database, but I do collect retro games from both Japan and North America

It will be interesting to get to know a few people on here and see if there are any differences in the way we go about collecting etc.  For a little insight to my collection and collecting habits you can check out the link which features myself in a collector interview on the retro collect website!

I'm on Twitter as @lostruin and I have a YouTube channel (although my video camera is broken, so no videos have gone on for a while), plus I also co-host the "Tune in Game In" podcast, where we talk about gaming and gaming news etc.  I joined from episode 3 and it is a work in progress!  It is on podmatic and itunes!

That's about it for now!

Peace and happy gaming
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blipcs76 on March 22, 2012, 10:32:19 am
Hello everyone.  I recently joined and just finished entering my collection.  My main focus is NES games, preferably boxed or CIB, however I collection more or less everything.

This is a fantastic site and I love the tools available to keep track of our collections!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 22, 2012, 10:50:31 am
Welcome lostruin and blipcs76! Thanks!

Lostruin, If there is anything we need to do for the PAL region, just let us know. Since most of our users are from the Americas we have a heavy slant of North American games, but would love to fill out the PAL list as well. So if you notice any consoles missing just give us a shout in the More Missing Consoles thread (,74.msg653.html#msg653). we'll try our best to add them as fast as possible.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 22, 2012, 10:55:10 am
Welcome lostruin and blipcs76! Sounds like you guys will both fit right in around here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on March 22, 2012, 11:57:41 am
Welcome to lostruin and blipcs76.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 22, 2012, 02:56:28 pm
lostruin and blipcs76, welcome to the site.

blipcs76, are you going for a complete NES collection?

lostruin, that's a pretty impressive collection.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blipcs76 on March 23, 2012, 10:52:11 am
blipcs76, are you going for a complete NES collection?

Unless I get a huge raise or win the lottery, I'll never get a complete NES collection, especially since I focus on boxed or CIB games.  The prices have just gotten too high lately, so I focus on what I can find rather than buying stuff online.  I try to find what I can at pawn shops, thrift stores and garage sales to fill out my collection, but I'll likely never add a Stadium Events, Little Samson or Bubble Bath Babes to my collection unless I find one out in the wild.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 23, 2012, 10:53:20 am
I'm right there with you. I only work on CIB games too but will never spend the money people are asking for online. I'm all about good deals and random finds.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lostruin on March 23, 2012, 12:11:41 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome from everyone!

Scott, once I get quiet time to myself and the kids are in bed, I'll have a look and see if there are any consoles missing and let you know!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 23, 2012, 12:38:54 pm
I have a few cib nes games (DK, Legendary wings, maniac mansion, tmnt, super C and my sealed DW1) but otherwise its cart only. I hate Nintendo cardboard boxes. I cant believe they used them all the way up to the Gamecube. I really like the boxes that have the sleeve encased in plastic (the Genesis style) that someone on ebay sells. Id love to have my entire NES collection in them but that would be way too much money on a bit of flash.

As far as the rest of my collection, my PS1 and my Dragon warrior/quest stuff I want 100% complete otherwise its just game.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on March 24, 2012, 07:15:01 pm
Lots of new faces :)
Glad to see that the numbers are increasing. Welcome to VGCollect ^_^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ronalopolis on March 26, 2012, 05:31:04 pm
Hi everybody! I have heard what a great community you have here from my wife Amauriel and finally decided to join. I mostly collect the SNES rpgs and large controllers (Steel Battalion, the ACE Combat 6 flight stick). The game series I enjoy most and try to collect are Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and Gears of War.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 26, 2012, 06:33:24 pm
Hi everybody! I have heard what a great community you have here from my wife Amauriel and finally decided to join. I mostly collect the SNES rpgs and large controllers (Steel Battalion, the ACE Combat 6 flight stick). The game series I enjoy most and try to collect are Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and Gears of War.

Welcome! Glad to see new faces, even if they are spouses of other members. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 26, 2012, 08:52:26 pm
Welcome ronalopolis!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 26, 2012, 09:42:10 pm
ronalopolis, welcome to the site. We will try to be as nice to you as we are to your wife.... try :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 26, 2012, 11:40:33 pm
I mostly collect the SNES rpgs and large controllers (Steel Battalion, the ACE Combat 6 flight stick).

SNES RPGs are fantastic. Definitely a plus there. As far as the large controller, Im looking for one of my own that you probably havent ever seen. - Ive been looking for one for weeks ... they sold initially for $150 but there hasnt been one on ebay in at least a month.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 26, 2012, 11:45:26 pm
That's just wicked looking soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 26, 2012, 11:45:34 pm
WHAAAAAT? I want one of those!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 26, 2012, 11:57:24 pm
Lol its awesome. Its modeled after the matching arcade game ... but its a pointless item other than for the game it was named after. But Ill be damned if that thing wouldnt look sick in my case!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 27, 2012, 12:10:40 am
Here is a pic of the arcade game its modeled after.|0
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ronalopolis on March 27, 2012, 05:30:58 pm
Lol its awesome. Its modeled after the matching arcade game ... but its a pointless item other than for the game it was named after. But Ill be damned if that thing wouldnt look sick in my case!

That is an awesome looking controller. Speaking of pointless controllers Amauriel once tried to play Katamari Damacy with the resident evil 4 chainsaw controller, hilarity ensued!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 27, 2012, 06:04:55 pm
Lol its awesome. Its modeled after the matching arcade game ... but its a pointless item other than for the game it was named after. But Ill be damned if that thing wouldnt look sick in my case!

That is an awesome looking controller. Speaking of pointless controllers Amauriel once tried to play Katamari Damacy with the resident evil 4 chainsaw controller, hilarity ensued!

Did you guys see the katamari controller mod? Some chick turned a ps2 controller into a giant trackball to play katamari with. Haha
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on March 27, 2012, 06:30:33 pm
Lol its awesome. Its modeled after the matching arcade game ... but its a pointless item other than for the game it was named after. But Ill be damned if that thing wouldnt look sick in my case!

That is an awesome looking controller. Speaking of pointless controllers Amauriel once tried to play Katamari Damacy with the resident evil 4 chainsaw controller, hilarity ensued!

I played Animal Crossing with the Gamecube Chainsaw Controller as well...those things are awful!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blipcs76 on March 28, 2012, 10:11:39 am
I really like the boxes that have the sleeve encased in plastic (the Genesis style) that someone on ebay sells. Id love to have my entire NES collection in them but that would be way too much money on a bit of flash.

As far as the rest of my collection, my PS1 and my Dragon warrior/quest stuff I want 100% complete otherwise its just game.

I hope those don't entail cutting the boxes!  There's a guy that lives relatively near me who's one of the primary sellers of the plastic game cases for NES/SNES games on ebay. I'd love to have them to protect and enhance my collection, but when I think about buying 200 of those plastic cases I think about how many more games I could buy with that cash instead.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 28, 2012, 10:21:32 am
I really like the boxes that have the sleeve encased in plastic (the Genesis style) that someone on ebay sells. Id love to have my entire NES collection in them but that would be way too much money on a bit of flash.

As far as the rest of my collection, my PS1 and my Dragon warrior/quest stuff I want 100% complete otherwise its just game.

I hope those don't entail cutting the boxes!  There's a guy that lives relatively near me who's one of the primary sellers of the plastic game cases for NES/SNES games on ebay. I'd love to have them to protect and enhance my collection, but when I think about buying 200 of those plastic cases I think about how many more games I could buy with that cash instead.

Matt, myself and a few others here just use plastic sleeves for protecting our boxes. There is a whole thread on it here:,51.0.html

They are really reasonably priced as well and usually fit pretty snuggly.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 28, 2012, 02:44:56 pm
I don't have enough boxed games to warrant using plastic protectors but I like the ones that scott and matt use.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: torchickens on March 28, 2012, 11:08:55 pm
Hi all. I'm Torchickens. I joined VGCollect after I came across the website several months ago and thought that it would be a good idea to keep track of my games. I especially like how this website allows the freedom to submit your own items. I haven't got much of a collection, but I like to discover and read about obscure and under-appreciated games on Nintendo consoles, and a desire to collect certain video games spun off from there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 28, 2012, 11:57:54 pm
Welcome to the site torchickens. I wish that I had some unknown Nintendo games but I pretty much have just stuck to the tried and true.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: torchickens on March 29, 2012, 02:46:43 pm
Thanks for the welcome jcalder8. I like your collection. It's pretty large and it's nice to scroll through all the entries.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ianomatic on March 30, 2012, 01:08:55 am
Hi everyone! I just finished entering in my entire collection and i figured i'd celebrate with my first post. This site is such a great way for me to keep track of what i have and im glad i stumbled upon it. Also having an android app to go along with it is fantastic!

 Im mainly into collecting whatever is a good deal at the time. But i like the kinda obscure stuff too. The 3DO, Jaguar, TG16 and Neo Geo is what ive been paying attention to lately.

and maybe my ocd will be able to help fill out the database stuff. Since all the games listed in my collection will need all the info for developer, publisher, boxart, etc.    ;)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 30, 2012, 01:20:28 am
Welcome ianomatic.

I found that gameFAQs is a great place to find pictures and info if you do feel the need to add in everything.  I found that I had to have pictures for every item or they just looked weird next to everything else I had listed.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on March 30, 2012, 12:17:22 pm
Welcome Iano :) I'm the same, I need a picture for every game in my collection  I'm glad to see so many new faces.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on March 30, 2012, 12:58:55 pm
Hi everybody! I have heard what a great community you have here from my wife Amauriel and finally decided to join. I mostly collect the SNES rpgs and large controllers (Steel Battalion, the ACE Combat 6 flight stick). The game series I enjoy most and try to collect are Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid and Gears of War.

Welcome Ronalopolis!  Hope you live up to the stories Amauriel has been telling about you... ;D
Welcome torchickens and ianomatic as well!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 30, 2012, 06:55:05 pm
Welcome to all the new guys! Welcome to our little clubhouse, always glad to see new faces popping up.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on March 30, 2012, 07:23:42 pm
maybe my ocd will be able to help fill out the database stuff. Since all the games listed in my collection will need all the info for developer, publisher, boxart, etc.    ;)
with yours and my ocd we should be able to fix so many games
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on March 30, 2012, 11:40:56 pm
BUT...are you all OCD enough to make your own box art for your repro games? That, my friends, is OCD.

We're all OCD, you'll feel right at home!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on March 31, 2012, 12:50:13 am
Pretty much anyone who collects anything is OCD. Some of us, just more than others.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ianomatic on March 31, 2012, 12:54:18 am
It's good to know I'm around like minded people :D I'm at the point now where Im getting rid of games in my collection that don't have the original box. It's hard to find someone that will sell just the box, so now I'm repurchasing games just so I have it CIB

The wife thinks I'm insane
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 31, 2012, 01:01:12 am
BUT...are you all OCD enough to make your own box art for your repro games? That, my friends, is OCD.

We're all OCD, you'll feel right at home!
Oh yeah? Well my OCD's dad could kick your OCD's dad's ass any day!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 31, 2012, 11:26:49 am
Welcome to all the new people. I love seeing new faces. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions and I'll add them to the famous never-ending to-do list. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jobocan on March 31, 2012, 12:49:47 pm
Pretty much anyone who collects anything is OCD. Some of us, just more than others.  ;)

Did you see the way I "organize" my games? I'm pretty much the opposite of OCD :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on March 31, 2012, 01:07:56 pm
BUT...are you all OCD enough to make your own box art for your repro games? That, my friends, is OCD.

We're all OCD, you'll feel right at home!
Oh yeah? Well my OCD's dad could kick your OCD's dad's ass any day!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 05, 2012, 02:43:54 pm
What's up world!  My name Jason.  I go by Turf out here in the interwebs.  I started out as a NES collector, but it turns out that was a gateway drug.  Now I collect for most consoles up to the Dreamcast.  I just refuse to start collecting for Playstation.  I guess I should, since it's still in that "not collectable" stage. 
Anyway, I love the NES and it is the center of my collecting problem. 
Nice to meet you guys and I'll try to add a little bit to these forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 05, 2012, 04:14:11 pm
Welcome to the site turf. Why do you refuse to collect for the PlayStation?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 05, 2012, 04:27:51 pm
Welcome to the site and forums Turf!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on April 05, 2012, 04:33:59 pm
I was wondering that myself. As a RPG collector, the PS1 stands out to me as the single greatest console ever made (I know the games can be played on a PS2 and a PS3 giving it a bigger library but the actual games are PS1). Nothing has even come close.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 05, 2012, 04:39:02 pm
I refuse to collect for the Playstation because I was a huge Nintendo fanboy.  I loved the N64 at the time and hated the playstation.  Also, it seems too new, even though it was the same generation as the N64 and the Dreamcast.  I don't know, maybe it's just not for me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 05, 2012, 05:22:53 pm
Personally I have never been a fan of the PS2 because in my mind it's what killed tje Dreamcast.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on April 05, 2012, 05:31:22 pm
N64 is probably one of the worst systems ever made. :|

And what killed the Dreamcast is a set of some of the most useless controllers ever made.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 05, 2012, 05:41:46 pm
I think the system I got behind the most was the PS2, of course I held off on the system until a price drop until I bought it. Then when I did I eventually ended up with over 65-70 games for it, before I trimmed it down to what I have now.

Funny how I was big into the PS2 and hated the Xbox (53 to 12) and now I'm big into 360 and "meh" over my PS3 (58 to 3)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on April 06, 2012, 12:06:29 am
In all reality the Dreamcast never stood a chance because of Sega's position when it launched.

The SNES and N64 had more to do with killing the console side of Sega than Sony. Sega exited the console market because they did too much too fast followed by too little too late. While Sega pumped tons of money into the 32X and Sega CD (after creating/starting the Bit Wars), Nintendo just kept doing what they did best back then by making really, really good games for the SNES. Sega dicked around and released the Saturn with virtually no solid launch offerings (with the exception of Nights) because they were already hurting and needed to release the first console that round just to stay alive.

The only reason Sony even entered the console market was because they had spent so much money on developing the SNES CD Drive with Nintendo. The SNES CD Drive was supposed to be a joint venture between Nintendo and Sony, but at the last minute Nintendo bounced on the deal because Sony had written some garbage in one of their contracts which entitled them to the rights of every game released for the SNES CD. I could go into the whole game development issues on the Sega CD (moving from carts to CDs was not an easy task), but I'm done ranting. Nintendo and Sega killed Sega, not Sony.

I was a huge Nintendo kid myself so I'm just now getting to the the Sega consoles. I did switch to Sony when I had to make the choice between the N64 and Dreamcast simply because the games on the system appealed to me more. I think the PS2 was one of the greatest systems ever built and they have a library to prove it. I've since moved on to Microsoft because I had a feeling that they would dominate the marketplace this round. I've been really happy with my 360 and, for the most part, the library it has to offer. I do have a PS3 but can count the number of games I've spent a significant amount of time with on one hand. That being said, I do think that the PS3 is a better machine and the UI is MUCH better than the most recent 360 Dashboard.

Wow...that turned into a rambling mess.

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on April 06, 2012, 10:11:59 am
See what I have to deal with all the time? :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 06, 2012, 11:30:46 am
See what I have to deal with all the time? :P
Don't pretend like you don't like it :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tmagtuna on April 19, 2012, 08:03:23 pm

My name is Paul. I'm a 22 year old living in Boston, Massachusetts and I currently am student at UMASS Boston.

It's hard to name exactly what my favorite games are, but my top list definitely includes A Link to the Past, Toejam & Earl, Street Fighter II Turbo, Bastion, Ocarina of Time, Shenmue... I just realized I can go on an on forever

I particularly collect everything from the NES to the Dreamcast, but I also pick up some more modern games and I may pick up older stuff in the future. When I was younger my parents made me sell my collection, but I recently started collecting again. It's a small collection, but I'm working on it. I love shmups and fighters, and I also play a lot of PC games. I also love going to thrift stores and hunting cheap and sometimes rare finds (like a factory sealed copy of FF7... which I'm looking to sell  ;D) and gaming stores, though the latter is hard because I don't drive.

As stated before, I'm a student at UMASS Boston, I'm a Music major, and I will be going into education in the future.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on April 19, 2012, 08:25:25 pm
How much is your sealed FF7? xD
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 19, 2012, 08:35:56 pm
Welcome to the site Paul.

All collections start off small and it's surprising how quickly they can/will grow.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 19, 2012, 10:44:23 pm
I think when we started this site, my collection was only 600+ games, now it's up over 800... :\
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on April 20, 2012, 09:21:04 pm
@Paul: First off, welcome!

Then, I've got to ask if you went to PAX East, since Boston and all.

THEN: My sister is a music teacher, high school level because she loves showchoirs. What age are you looking at teaching?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faxmachine on April 22, 2012, 04:50:55 pm
Oh, now I find this thread  ::)

My name is Mike, from Phoenix. Small time collector for a couple of years, but purchased my first "Collectible" when I was 14 (Super Bomberman 5 - CIB). I mainly collect N64, SNES, Genesis, and NES games and accessories. My strengths are finding virgin N64 controllers and N64 consoles.

I compete in Super Smash Bros 64, Tetris Attack, and a little bit of Dr. Mario.

I just got back from PAX East 2012. It was an incredible time! I spent 90% of the time in the Retro Gaming room. Took home a couple of medals, met some amazing people, saw some great games IRL (DKC Competition, Star Fox Competition), and will be going to every PAX from now on.

Anyways I found this site from the /r/gameswap subreddit. Great site! I can't wait to see how this community evolves.

I don't trade too much, but I have 7 N64 consoles with cables that I spend if there is something I really want.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 22, 2012, 05:16:51 pm
Welcome to the site Mike. I have heard that PAX is awesome to see but living in another country pretty much means I'll never end up going.

Where do you go to compete?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faxmachine on April 22, 2012, 05:36:35 pm
I will fly out to anywhere to compete. I have been all over the country (even Hawaii) to compete in Smash and Tetris Attack. I really love those games. I don't even know how many times I have competed at this point. I saved all my plane ticket stubs, so I could check.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on April 22, 2012, 06:59:13 pm
Welcome Mike! I'm the dude responsible for all of this so if you have any questions or suggestions just let me know!

EDIT: I see you've already made some suggestions. I'll address those when I get time. Thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faxmachine on April 22, 2012, 07:40:53 pm
Welcome Mike! I'm the dude responsible for all of this so if you have any questions or suggestions just let me know!

EDIT: I see you've already made some suggestions. I'll address those when I get time. Thanks!

I absolutely LOVE this site! Thank you very much! I have a couple of websites I am working on. One was handed to me to help out (I haven't changed anything since responsibility was handed over) and my own project (which I have seriously neglected) If you have any small tasks I probably could help out here. I need excuses to learn PHP. It would probably be better if it were later, just so you guys know I am not some scumbag.

I might as well throw this out here just to break the ice a little more:

I am on the right. I had to play against my friend and roomate on the 2nd round. It was single elimination so I was sad that one of us would have to go that early in the competition.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 22, 2012, 08:45:31 pm
Oh man, that was an impressive match!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 22, 2012, 08:56:35 pm
That was a great back and forth battle. I've never seen Tetris Attack before and now I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

How far did your friend end up going?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jobocan on April 22, 2012, 09:01:05 pm
Holy poop that's some epic Tetris Attack play.... I wasn't even aware there was a competitive scene for that :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 22, 2012, 09:01:56 pm
Jcalder8, Tetris Attack is fun, I've played both the GB version and the Pokemon Puzzle League version on GBC. You should totally try it out.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faxmachine on April 22, 2012, 09:05:51 pm
That was a great back and forth battle. I've never seen Tetris Attack before and now I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

How far did your friend end up going?

He got 2nd place. I think it was a 48 man bracket. That youtube account has all the videos from the tournament.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: teknophyl on April 27, 2012, 07:54:32 am
Hey everyone - older guy here who has been a gamer forever but recently started collecting. I live in a part of North Carolina where I have found some awesome CL and local garage sale deals and it has kind of taken off from there. I'm originally from NYC.

I do also play modern consoles (Xbox 360, Steam) but my main focus right now is finally finishing KOTOR.

Husband and dad too, so I don't have unlimited discretionary spending... hope to make some use of the trade/sale threads too :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 27, 2012, 09:04:15 am
Welcome teknophyl, a lot of us started out as gamers and many would still consider themselves gamers first. I am mostly a collector because I don't have the time to game like I used to. My wife and son play more in a week than I do.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on April 27, 2012, 09:23:23 am
Welcome teknophyl! There are a lot of us 30+ here so it sounds like you'll fit right in.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 27, 2012, 11:36:25 am
Welcome again! I agree with Jcalder8, I would consider myself a gamer first and a collector second. Pretty much the only reason I collect anyway is because I play games and pick up more games that I've wanted to play.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: teknophyl on April 27, 2012, 11:37:36 am
I'm glad I'm not the old guy in the room. Many of my colleagues/cohorts are geeks, but no one really games. They don't appreciate the prizes I find /shrug :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on April 27, 2012, 01:58:07 pm
I'm glad I'm not the old guy in the room. Many of my colleagues/cohorts are geeks, but no one really games. They don't appreciate the prizes I find /shrug :)

That's what we're here for.  Found a Rocket Slime keychain for free at a garage sale? Post a thread about it!  We'll ooh and ahh and offer you money for it.

To be honest, they are pretty cute:

So if you find one, PM me ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: teknophyl on April 27, 2012, 02:09:27 pm
WANT! That and the PS2 controller too.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on April 27, 2012, 05:54:51 pm
I'm glad I'm not the old guy in the room. Many of my colleagues/cohorts are geeks, but no one really games. They don't appreciate the prizes I find /shrug :)

That's what we're here for.  Found a Rocket Slime keychain for free at a garage sale? Post a thread about it!  We'll ooh and ahh and offer you money for it.

To be honest, they are pretty cute:

So if you find one, PM me ;D

I have one of these! Its one of my favorite swag pieces ever.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: drwatson on May 03, 2012, 06:23:30 am
Hey guys, I am a youngster from Australia (20) and I'm really only collecting for consoles I already have as I see no reason to branch out yet. Even though my collection says all NA formats, right now it's just because it is easier. Eventually I might try and help out the PAL format entries.

I do try and game when I can, not out and out as I used to be a few years ago. Started collecting because after I got my first decently paid job my Xbox 360 collection grew, which was fun in itself; hand picking games that I wanted to play from different genres. Now my focus is my PlayStation Two collection and the Pokemon series. It wasn't until I started logging my collection in here I realised how much of the series I have covered.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brettybluevein on May 03, 2012, 08:23:54 am
Hey guys, I am a youngster from Australia (20) and I'm really only collecting for consoles I already have as I see no reason to branch out yet. Even though my collection says all NA formats, right now it's just because it is easier. Eventually I might try and help out the PAL format entries.

I do try and game when I can, not out and out as I used to be a few years ago. Started collecting because after I got my first decently paid job my Xbox 360 collection grew, which was fun in itself; hand picking games that I wanted to play from different genres. Now my focus is my PlayStation Two collection and the Pokemon series. It wasn't until I started logging my collection in here I realised how much of the series I have covered.

Welcome good sir! Nice to have somebody from around the globe enjoying vgcollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on May 03, 2012, 08:54:13 am
Hey guys, I am a youngster from Australia (20) and I'm really only collecting for consoles I already have as I see no reason to branch out yet. Even though my collection says all NA formats, right now it's just because it is easier. Eventually I might try and help out the PAL format entries.

I do try and game when I can, not out and out as I used to be a few years ago. Started collecting because after I got my first decently paid job my Xbox 360 collection grew, which was fun in itself; hand picking games that I wanted to play from different genres. Now my focus is my PlayStation Two collection and the Pokemon series. It wasn't until I started logging my collection in here I realised how much of the series I have covered.

Welcome to the site! We can always use some help with our non-NA entries. If you need anything or have any suggestions please let me know.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on May 03, 2012, 08:58:25 am
Welcome drwatson! Always Nice to see another new member for outside North America.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on May 03, 2012, 06:39:59 pm
Welcome to the site drwatson. Do you have any games that weren't released in NA?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 03, 2012, 07:05:04 pm
Hey guys, I am a youngster from Australia (20) and I'm really only collecting for consoles I already have as I see no reason to branch out yet. Even though my collection says all NA formats, right now it's just because it is easier. Eventually I might try and help out the PAL format entries.

I do try and game when I can, not out and out as I used to be a few years ago. Started collecting because after I got my first decently paid job my Xbox 360 collection grew, which was fun in itself; hand picking games that I wanted to play from different genres. Now my focus is my PlayStation Two collection and the Pokemon series. It wasn't until I started logging my collection in here I realised how much of the series I have covered.

welcome to the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on May 03, 2012, 07:21:53 pm
Welcome to the site. Glad your part of the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 13, 2012, 09:31:00 am
Pretty much anyone who collects anything is OCD. Some of us, just more than others.  ;)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: philogical on May 19, 2012, 03:32:03 pm
Hiya, I'm Phil and I have been looking for a site like this for awhile. It's great thanks. I currently live in the Phoenix Arizona area, (Luke AFB).

I have been collecting for years, albiate very slowly. It's gonna take me awhile to fill in my collection in my profile, but I currently have NES 2, SNES, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, Gamecube, Xbox, PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, and PSP. I love retro games and have been very interested lately in adding to my collection at a faster rate. I also really enjoy doing projects and have been inspired to try to build my own NES PC. I am also a husband, Father, dog owner, board game geek, sci-fi nerd, and spend way to much time on Reddit.

This place seems great and I hope to contribute to and learn from the community. Thanks
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on May 19, 2012, 03:52:39 pm
Welcome to the site philogical. Enjoy your time slowly adding to your collection, if you get too many too fast you can't stop and enjoy them.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on May 19, 2012, 07:27:39 pm
And spend way to much time on Reddit.

Join the club! I even found out about this site on Reddit. And Welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gaiages on May 20, 2012, 08:18:09 pm
Hello everyone.  I'm an American female, aged 23, that enjoys going by the name 'gaiages' on the internet.  I came across this site after a user on another site (Weng) said that he had an account here.  I don't actually consider myself a collector really, as I don't really try to pick up games or anything that's considered collectible, but I have accumulated quite a few games and swag over the years.  Regardless, I love games, I love lists, and I love the way this site works, so here I am!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 20, 2012, 08:23:34 pm
Hello everyone.  I'm an American female, aged 23, that enjoys going by the name 'gaiages' on the internet.  I came across this site after a user on another site (Weng) said that he had an account here.  I don't actually consider myself a collector really, as I don't really try to pick up games or anything that's considered collectible, but I have accumulated quite a few games and swag over the years.  Regardless, I love games, I love lists, and I love the way this site works, so here I am!
good to have you on the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on May 20, 2012, 09:01:55 pm
Welcome gaiages to the site you don't have to be  a collector to fit in here. We do have a section for swag so feel free to submit items that you have that are not listed an d feel free to [post on the forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on May 20, 2012, 09:57:06 pm
Welcome to the site gaiages. We take all comers here, collectors and gamers alike.

Are you more into retro or modern gaming? We have some of each and those of us who like both.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gaiages on May 20, 2012, 10:14:32 pm
Thanks for the warm welcomes.  :3  I enjoy both retro and modern gaming.  Most of my games are modern, but I still hold the retro games dear to my heart!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 20, 2012, 10:16:19 pm
As long as the modern games do not consist of Modern Warfare 1-55 and all 129 version of Halo, then you will do!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on May 20, 2012, 10:29:58 pm
As long as the modern games do not consist of Modern Warfare 1-55 and all 129 version of Halo, then you will do!

HAHAH! ;D True that!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on May 21, 2012, 09:18:11 am
Welcome philogical and gaiages!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 21, 2012, 10:04:10 am
Hello everyone.  I'm an American female, aged 23, that enjoys going by the name 'gaiages' on the internet.  I came across this site after a user on another site (Weng) said that he had an account here.  I don't actually consider myself a collector really, as I don't really try to pick up games or anything that's considered collectible, but I have accumulated quite a few games and swag over the years.  Regardless, I love games, I love lists, and I love the way this site works, so here I am!

From one new member to another...Welcome!

Site & community both seem pretty cool; so far...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on May 21, 2012, 01:00:00 pm
Hello everyone.  I'm an American female, aged 23, that enjoys going by the name 'gaiages' on the internet.  I came across this site after a user on another site (Weng) said that he had an account here.  I don't actually consider myself a collector really, as I don't really try to pick up games or anything that's considered collectible, but I have accumulated quite a few games and swag over the years.  Regardless, I love games, I love lists, and I love the way this site works, so here I am!

Nice to see another female on here! There's a few of us floating around. Welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: spac316 on June 26, 2012, 03:49:07 am
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on June 26, 2012, 09:19:23 am
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.

Welcome to the site Spac316!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on June 26, 2012, 10:30:31 am
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.

Welcome to the party, brother!  I think we've met before
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on June 26, 2012, 10:32:52 am
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.
good to have you here
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on June 26, 2012, 11:37:51 am
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 26, 2012, 12:04:33 pm
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.

(+1) the "Welcome to the site"(s)  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 26, 2012, 12:18:27 pm
Nice to have you here. This place is great. We have a ton of members but only a certain few people post ... but the ones of us that do post have gotten to know the others here so its a pretty nice knit community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on June 26, 2012, 12:48:50 pm
Hi, I thought I'll make a proper introduction.
I have been gaming all through my lifetime and have built a fairly big collection over time.

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vancha on July 08, 2012, 04:30:55 am
Hi everyone, I was checking Reddit the other day (quite new on that site) and I saw a post about this site. First, I couldn't believe something like this DID actually exist. I have been using Backloggery, IGN (before it was remade) and some other gamesites to keep track of my collection, but I've never had one that I find really usefull, informative or just plain easy to navigate with.

That is, untill now! Congrats to all who made this site, its quite wicked and I will be using it to catalog all my games on. Do note that I'm a European (Belgian) gamer, so there will probably be quite some new entries for EU games. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 08, 2012, 09:54:34 am
Hi everyone, I was checking Reddit the other day (quite new on that site) and I saw a post about this site. First, I couldn't believe something like this DID actually exist. I have been using Backloggery, IGN (before it was remade) and some other gamesites to keep track of my collection, but I've never had one that I find really usefull, informative or just plain easy to navigate with.

That is, untill now! Congrats to all who made this site, its quite wicked and I will be using it to catalog all my games on. Do note that I'm a European (Belgian) gamer, so there will probably be quite some new entries for EU games. :)
Welcome to the site! It's always great to have people from around the world join the site since it really helps grow the database.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on July 08, 2012, 02:22:02 pm
Hi everyone, I was checking Reddit the other day (quite new on that site) and I saw a post about this site. First, I couldn't believe something like this DID actually exist. I have been using Backloggery, IGN (before it was remade) and some other gamesites to keep track of my collection, but I've never had one that I find really usefull, informative or just plain easy to navigate with.

That is, untill now! Congrats to all who made this site, its quite wicked and I will be using it to catalog all my games on. Do note that I'm a European (Belgian) gamer, so there will probably be quite some new entries for EU games. :)
welcome to the site and dont worry european games and retro computers are bad a$$ now if amazon would just recognize europe as country every thing would be good
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 08, 2012, 10:20:04 pm
Hey there Vancha!  Welcome to the site.  It'll be nice to have some international flair around here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on July 09, 2012, 12:04:34 am
Welcome to VGC Vacha! Always glad to see new non-North Americans users join the site. Can't wait for you to help bulk up the EU section. If you need any special sections or rating systems added to the database, just let us know.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 09, 2012, 09:48:31 am
Welcome Vancha!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on July 09, 2012, 12:48:52 pm
Might as well introduce myself, since I haven't yet. Name's exo, I've been collecting since I was 12 and I'm 17 now. Pretty cool feeling, having all deez gaems at such a young age. Anyways, I'd be glad to chat with you all about vidya gamz. I often bum around #reddit-gamecollecting on, so join us there!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 09, 2012, 01:28:43 pm
Happy to have you here.  Welcome.  Make yourself at home.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 09, 2012, 05:47:01 pm
Welcome to the site exonerator! It's always great to see younger generations to appreciate older games. Do you have a favorite system to collect for?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on July 13, 2012, 03:05:17 pm
Welcome to the site exonerator! It's always great to see younger generations to appreciate older games. Do you have a favorite system to collect for?
I'm a pretty big NES collector, I have about 200 games for it right now. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on July 13, 2012, 03:39:38 pm
welcome exonerator!  hope you don't mind hangin' with us ol' fogeys ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on July 13, 2012, 04:58:51 pm
good dey exonerator
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 13, 2012, 06:52:20 pm
*Exoneration* for the *Exonerator*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jaydepps on July 23, 2012, 04:11:50 pm
Hello, I figured now is better than any to introduce myself. My name is James. I've been gaming since I was a kid with my Super Nintendo. I've been collecting games a for awhile, but I have gotten more into it in the past 4-5 years. I recently graduated college and now for a PC/MAC gaming headset company. Hopefully I can be of assistance to VG Collect.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on July 23, 2012, 04:57:55 pm
Welcome, James!  Glad to have more folks join the site and be involved with the forums.

How are the headsets at your company?  Wired/wireless?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 23, 2012, 06:36:24 pm
Hello, I figured now is better than any to introduce myself. My name is James. I've been gaming since I was a kid with my Super Nintendo. I've been collecting games a for awhile, but I have gotten more into it in the past 4-5 years. I recently graduated college and now for a PC/MAC gaming headset company. Hopefully I can be of assistance to VG Collect.

Welcome to the site, James!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on July 23, 2012, 06:58:20 pm
Welcome Exonerator and James, make yourself at home and I look forward to hearing from you guys here on the Forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jaydepps on July 23, 2012, 08:11:01 pm
Welcome, James!  Glad to have more folks join the site and be involved with the forums.

How are the headsets at your company?  Wired/wireless?

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. As for the company I work for it is Andrea Electronics. We make predominantly wired headsets but also one Bluetooth earpiece. The latest release we have is our gaming/music line known as the SuperBeam series. We've taken our patents collected over the years working with the military and finally applied it to a headset. We've completely eliminated the need for a boom microphone, and we've applied our filters to eliminate background audio and solely focus on your voice. Pretty cool technology and I was brought on board to help the headset enter the gaming market. It has been pretty tough so far, but I feel like we are making positive steps forward slowly.

But back to the site. I've worked on the Intellivision section of the site and that should be just about done. Next I think I'll try to do the Atari 2600, but I'm not quite sure.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on July 24, 2012, 10:08:48 pm
Welcome to the site Jay!

Not to thread-jack but just wanted to let everyone know that Jay has set us up with a coupon code if you are interested. The details are here:
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on July 24, 2012, 11:34:41 pm
Welcome, James!  Glad to have more folks join the site and be involved with the forums.

How are the headsets at your company?  Wired/wireless?

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. As for the company I work for it is Andrea Electronics. We make predominantly wired headsets but also one Bluetooth earpiece. The latest release we have is our gaming/music line known as the SuperBeam series. We've taken our patents collected over the years working with the military and finally applied it to a headset. We've completely eliminated the need for a boom microphone, and we've applied our filters to eliminate background audio and solely focus on your voice. Pretty cool technology and I was brought on board to help the headset enter the gaming market. It has been pretty tough so far, but I feel like we are making positive steps forward slowly.

But back to the site. I've worked on the Intellivision section of the site and that should be just about done. Next I think I'll try to do the Atari 2600, but I'm not quite sure.

Sweet; I just have one headset right now, but I'm kinda picky about them because most of them give me headaches (how they sit on my head, etc.).

Interesting how you started with SNES and have collections of items before that generation.  I don't really collect anything older than my Gamecube - guess I'm just not interested in the older stuff.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jaydepps on July 25, 2012, 12:26:25 am
Thanks for the shoutout Matt!

As for my collecting habits, I collect any and all systems. I even collect foreign games. My prized possession, maybe, is a sealed Dendy system. Sadly, the smallest collection I have of the major systems is my SNES collection. I think I only have about 20 games for it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 25, 2012, 12:39:24 am
Welcome to the site jaydepps!

I have found that SNES games are some of the hardest to find at good prices, I'm not sure why that is. Give it time and it will grow!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jaydepps on July 25, 2012, 01:23:50 am
Yea that's what I have seen as well. I find them often, but they usually want the moon for them. I do like collecting, but I tend to collect on a very limited budget.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shingouryu on September 13, 2012, 12:08:16 pm
Hello Everyone!  My name is Justin, and I live in central Illinois.  I started collecting semi seriously a couple years ago while in College, and with the advent of a full time job and a new local store specializing in used electronics, my collection has really started to take off.  Said store also has some really affable employees (though some of them are certainly duds) and, as I've built up a rapport with them, will call me when they receive games they think I might be interested in, or a large amount of CIB stuff.  Got an awesome looking Panzer Dragoon Saga yesterday that way.  Last count I had 660 (I haven't finished adding all of them on the site yet) not including guides.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kimimi on September 28, 2012, 11:31:45 am
Oops, totally forgot to post in this topic and introduce myself :S

In any case I'm a thirty year old housewife and mother from the UK who loves playing pretty much anything on any system but has a soft spot for Sega and Chinese RPGs :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 28, 2012, 02:02:53 pm
*WELCOME* to the site Kimimi and shingouryu!!!

Nice seeing you here, too...Kimimi!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: puracz on September 28, 2012, 04:39:36 pm
Hello, I am puracz, recently I overrunned the Support section.  :)

I am living in the Czech Republic and I do have a huge collection of Steam games. Lately I've played way too much of the online ones such as DOD:S, CS:S and CS:GO, so my other "buddies" were alone for a bit.

I also have a few PS1, Gameboy Advance, PSP and PS3 games laying here and there but I'll probably get rid of my PSP collection soon.

Currently I moved back into PS2 completely and I am re-building it's games collection. It's actually much cheaper than the PS3 or PC ones and finding the unique titles makes me feel really warm inside.

Nothing can beat the tangible collections even though they fill up so much space! I'll be getting the new library especially for games soon.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on September 28, 2012, 04:54:02 pm
Welcome all.

puracz, feel free to send me your Steam username in a private message. I'll go through your list and add them for you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on September 28, 2012, 06:22:38 pm
Wow, lots of new faces. Welcome to the site everyone!

I can't wait to see some of the new Euro games that get added!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: puracz on September 29, 2012, 05:27:43 pm
Thanks a lot for the welcome, guys! Fox I would add you but recently I sold my gaming computer so the current machine I use is one pretty old capable of just internet browsing. I'll definately add you when I get back a bit to the PC gaming again but currently my whole budget is going into PS2 involved things so it would take some time.

This makes me thinking that the PC collection has to wait unsubmitted for a while due to not being able to access my online library, but I am sure that you'll see hundreds more of games from me soon. When I gather the free time I'll be editing the ones from my collection and I'll also add the missing NA ones and platinum versions.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on October 01, 2012, 02:18:20 pm
Thanks a lot for the welcome, guys! Fox I would add you but recently I sold my gaming computer so the current machine I use is one pretty old capable of just internet browsing. I'll definately add you when I get back a bit to the PC gaming again but currently my whole budget is going into PS2 involved things so it would take some time.

This makes me thinking that the PC collection has to wait unsubmitted for a while due to not being able to access my online library, but I am sure that you'll see hundreds more of games from me soon. When I gather the free time I'll be editing the ones from my collection and I'll also add the missing NA ones and platinum versions.
Send me your custom Steam URL. If your profile is public, then I can see what games you own, and I can add them. I tried searching for you but I couldn't find you. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: puracz on October 02, 2012, 11:21:03 am
I had to deal with people trying to scam my account or being annoying by asking for free stuff so sadly (for the current need) my profile is private. Also the profiles are quite inaccurate to the actual libraries because they don't detect most of DLCs and pre-orders. I also own many rare games which were removed from the Steam Store and US only available games gifted to me from some kind US folks.

Anyway asking you to add such a huge list just because of me would be so selfish and you would lose a lot of time doing so. At the moment I am still fully on my PS2, so I will add the things once I gain some time to get back into PC gaming a bit. I do really appreciate your effort to help though, it means a lot to me. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on October 02, 2012, 05:32:46 pm
I had to deal with people trying to scam my account or being annoying by asking for free stuff so sadly (for the current need) my profile is private. Also the profiles are quite inaccurate to the actual libraries because they don't detect most of DLCs and pre-orders. I also own many rare games which were removed from the Steam Store and US only available games gifted to me from some kind US folks.

Anyway asking you to add such a huge list just because of me would be so selfish and you would lose a lot of time doing so. At the moment I am still fully on my PS2, so I will add the things once I gain some time to get back into PC gaming a bit. I do really appreciate your effort to help though, it means a lot to me.
I'm in the US region, almost no games are region locked for me (except for stuff from Japan), and I've added a bunch of games that have been removed already.

And it's no problem, really. So okay. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: puracz on October 03, 2012, 11:48:40 am
Here in Europe it's quite hard to get some games due to not having access to the US and JP Steam Stores and the prices are a bit higher because of euro but luckily here in Czech we don't get that many restrictions or edited games such as in Germany where they are strict about everything. But being in AU would be even worse because there are much higher prices (the new games cost around 60 - 90 $ mostly) and also they are getting even more restrictions (no EU/US Steam Store exclusive titles) plus some edits but I am not sure if more or less than in Germany.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 03, 2012, 03:36:18 pm
what i find interesting is the fact that the only czech exclusive electronic device i can find is the ZBA consul 2717 computer from 1989: ( puracz have you ever seen one of these before
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: puracz on October 05, 2012, 01:00:02 pm
That's some new knowledge for me.

Likely we have just one exclusive device because until 1993 we were part of Czechoslovakia.

Though we do have some games like Samorost and Mafia series or Machinarium, but these are a bit later.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 05, 2012, 06:12:03 pm
Likely we have just one exclusive device because until 1993 we were part of Czechoslovakia.
czechoslovakia on the other hand has 7 exclusive electronic devices and all of them are compuers from companies didaktik,tesla zba (zba is an abbreviation of the city zbrojovka brno) and thats all i can fined also puracz have you ever been to zbrojovka brno
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: midnightaaron on October 09, 2012, 03:43:53 am
Just found this site and I love it! So wicked how it has more than just games! I appreciate the hard work. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 09, 2012, 03:50:36 am
Just found this site and I love it! So wicked how it has more than just games! I appreciate the hard work.

Welcome, midnightaaron!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 09, 2012, 08:47:48 am
Just found this site and I love it! So wicked how it has more than just games! I appreciate the hard work.

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bernieberg on October 09, 2012, 09:42:09 am

I've been looking for something to catalog my collection for a while, so I was excited to com across vgcollect.  I'm about half way through adding my collection.  When I discovered ebay in 1999 I went on a purchasing spree, that is where most of my hardware came from.  Sense then I usually just buy games I want to play.  My boys (10 and 8 ) like to hit the pawn shops with me hunting for new games. I tend to prefer cartage based system, for me there is more nostalgia in the cartridges than in CDs and digital downloads (although I have plenty of those too). My favorite systems are probably 5200, NES, Genesis, N64 (those are the ones I  had when I was younger, so of course I like those ones). I also have a pretty sweet Mame cabinet (if I do say so myself) I built about 8 years ago. I love to see the kids (and their dads) reaction when they see it.

Look at me, I'm rambling...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 09, 2012, 09:55:49 am

I've been looking for something to catalog my collection for a while, so I was excited to com across vgcollect.  I'm about half way through adding my collection.  When I discovered ebay in 1999 I went on a purchasing spree, that is where most of my hardware came from.  Sense then I usually just buy games I want to play.  My boys (10 and 8 ) like to hit the pawn shops with me hunting for new games. I tend to prefer cartage based system, for me there is more nostalgia in the cartridges than in CDs and digital downloads (although I have plenty of those too). My favorite systems are probably 5200, NES, Genesis, N64 (those are the ones I  had when I was younger, so of course I like those ones). I also have a pretty sweet Mame cabinet (if I do say so myself) I built about 8 years ago. I love to see the kids (and their dads) reaction when they see it.

Look at me, I'm rambling...

...And *another* big & hearty:
"Welcome to the site"!
for you, too :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 09, 2012, 10:42:26 am
Welcome bernieberg
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 09, 2012, 10:53:37 am
Welcome to our club, bernieberg!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 09, 2012, 01:16:18 pm
Welcome to the site midnightaaron and bernieberg
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thecollector0o7 on October 10, 2012, 12:13:48 am
Hey Im Alec,
I had an account on here but forgot the email I used. So Ive been spending all day adding my collection but im not done yet.
I collect anything and everything video games. I also Build Arcade machines in my spare time.

Anyhow nice to meet you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 10, 2012, 01:07:31 am
Welcome to the site thecollector0o7.

Do you build the machines from scratch?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 10, 2012, 08:15:15 am
Hey Im Alec,
I had an account on here but forgot the email I used. So Ive been spending all day adding my collection but im not done yet.
I collect anything and everything video games. I also Build Arcade machines in my spare time.

Anyhow nice to meet you.

Yes, welcome to the site, Alec!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 10, 2012, 10:48:44 am
Welcome to the site (insert names of all the new folks I've missed)! Always glad to see new faces on the forums, you'll find a lot of folks on here are pretty friendly.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thecollector0o7 on October 10, 2012, 11:03:19 am
Welcome to the site thecollector0o7.

Do you build the machines from scratch?

Yup I build them from the ground up and never make two of the same. and thanks guys this site is awesome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 10, 2012, 12:25:31 pm
Welcome to the site thecollector0o7.

Do you build the machines from scratch?

Yup I build them from the ground up and never make two of the same. and thanks guys this site is awesome.

Nice to see another arcade builder. I've also built my own arcade machine. And I have a bar top and another in the works!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cloggedone on October 10, 2012, 12:34:05 pm
Hello, I'm Cloggedone. I know about this site through 2 of my online friends who go here, one going under the name "exonerator", and I forget what my other friend goes under. I am interested into anime, videogames, the internet, and computers. My favorite anime is Naruto or Bleach, depending on what point you want to take. I like mostly simulation games, I'm addicted to playing SimCity 4 (yeah I'm addicted to a near 10 year old game LOL). If you have any good games to suggest, tell me! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 10, 2012, 01:01:36 pm
Hello, I'm Cloggedone. I know about this site through 2 of my online friends who go here, one going under the name "exonerator", and I forget what my other friend goes under. I am interested into anime, videogames, the internet, and computers. My favorite anime is Naruto or Bleach, depending on what point you want to take. I like mostly simulation games, I'm addicted to playing SimCity 4 (yeah I'm addicted to a near 10 year old game LOL). If you have any good games to suggest, tell me! :D

Welcome, cloggedone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thecollector0o7 on October 10, 2012, 01:11:37 pm
Welcome to the site thecollector0o7.

Do you build the machines from scratch?

Nice to see another arcade builder. I've also built my own arcade machine. And I have a bar top and another in the works!

Sick, I have built little bar tops before they are cool, Ive always wanted to build a cocktail though :P Ill get around to it one day. lmao
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dkdrum on October 12, 2012, 09:51:33 am
Hello everybody,

New to the site and wanted to introduce myself.  I've been a big video game fan ever since playing Super Mario Bros. on my brothers Nintendo and have been playing ever since.  Currently I only have my PS3 since my other systems and games are in my parents attic somewhere and I haven't dug them out.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 12, 2012, 10:02:28 am
Welcome to the site, dkdrum!

I'm usually playing on my ps3, too.
What kinds of games/genres are you into?

My PSN is the same as my user-name here
(disgaeniac), btw...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dkdrum on October 12, 2012, 10:08:30 am
Welcome to the site, dkdrum!

I'm usually playing on my ps3, too.
What kinds of games/genres are you into?

My PSN is the same as my user-name here
(disgaeniac), btw...

I'll play pretty much anything but lately I've been playing a lot of action games and a couple of wrestling games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 12, 2012, 10:18:43 am
Welcome to the site thecollector0o7.

Do you build the machines from scratch?

Nice to see another arcade builder. I've also built my own arcade machine. And I have a bar top and another in the works!

Sick, I have built little bar tops before they are cool, Ive always wanted to build a cocktail though :P Ill get around to it one day. lmao

Oh ya, I've always wanted an authentic cocktail cab, and had my eyes on a Centipede one to do a restoration project on. But missed out on it. Instead, I've been working on this Centipede bartop off/on since late 2009. But haven't finished it (it's currently a shell with no paint). I have most of the parts for it, but hit a snag with finding a screen (I need something like an 8" screen), and redoing the graphics from scratch.

Have you posted any of your builds over at the BYOAC forums? I posted both the SHMUP cab (,95293.0.html) and the Centipede Bartop's (,97890.0.html) build logs there and the community over there is really enthusiastic and helpful. I received a lot of guidance and tips from folks over there.

Hello everybody,

New to the site and wanted to introduce myself.  I've been a big video game fan ever since playing Super Mario Bros. on my brothers Nintendo and have been playing ever since.  Currently I only have my PS3 since my other systems and games are in my parents attic somewhere and I haven't dug them out.

Welcome to the site dkdrum!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 12, 2012, 10:42:18 am
Hello everybody,

New to the site and wanted to introduce myself.  I've been a big video game fan ever since playing Super Mario Bros. on my brothers Nintendo and have been playing ever since.  Currently I only have my PS3 since my other systems and games are in my parents attic somewhere and I haven't dug them out.
Welcome dkdrum
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 12, 2012, 02:23:38 pm
Welcome, dkdrum! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 12, 2012, 03:08:14 pm
Welcome to the site dkdrum!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: upondoom on October 12, 2012, 04:42:29 pm
Hi everybody,

Joined recently because I really loved the "collection" system the site has, while I was here I decided to stop by the forums for some discussion. I absolutely love the marketplace though I wish it was more active. I've been playing vidya since I was a wee little lad and started collecting just a few years ago (before I was that kid who couldn't stop shoving off all his least-played games to the nearest used video game store). Other than loving video games, I am also a huge fan of music, arguably more than video games, so that's why I decided to link my in my signature to maybe show off some of my taste. I am usually very sarcastic and make jokes in most of my posts, which tends to offend people for some reason, I guess it catches them off-guard and people think I'm serious. Oh well, you guys already hate me but I'm here to stay! (for now)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 12, 2012, 04:45:26 pm
Hi everybody,

Joined recently because I really loved the "collection" system the site has, while I was here I decided to stop by the forums for some discussion. I absolutely love the marketplace though I wish it was more active. I've been playing vidya since I was a wee little lad and started collecting just a few years ago (before I was that kid who couldn't stop shoving off all his least-played games to the nearest used video game store). Other than loving video games, I am also a huge fan of music, arguably more than video games, so that's why I decided to link my in my signature to maybe show off some of my taste. I am usually very sarcastic and make jokes in most of my posts, which tends to offend people for some reason, I guess it catches them off-guard and people think I'm serious. Oh well, you guys already hate me but I'm here to stay! (for now)

Welcome!  Sarcasm and jokes are not amiss in these forums as far as I know ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 12, 2012, 05:21:57 pm
Hi everybody,

Joined recently because I really loved the "collection" system the site has, while I was here I decided to stop by the forums for some discussion. I absolutely love the marketplace though I wish it was more active. I've been playing vidya since I was a wee little lad and started collecting just a few years ago (before I was that kid who couldn't stop shoving off all his least-played games to the nearest used video game store). Other than loving video games, I am also a huge fan of music, arguably more than video games, so that's why I decided to link my in my signature to maybe show off some of my taste. I am usually very sarcastic and make jokes in most of my posts, which tends to offend people for some reason, I guess it catches them off-guard and people think I'm serious. Oh well, you guys already hate me but I'm here to stay! (for now)

Shit, I love me some sarcasm, too!


Now this was a decent (and unoffensive:) post.

Might have worked-out a little better for ya' if you'd made your nice & informative "Intro post", oh...I dunno...maybe BEFORE saying that a game (that others here likely enjoy & bought) is a piece-of-shit...not even worth $2.00 - And/Or
BEFORE your post calling one of our regular & long-time members here a "faggot"...

Just some food for thought...maybe it will help you w/ making "1st impressions" in the future  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: toybatsu on October 12, 2012, 05:53:46 pm
Hi. I'm Toybatsu. I used to go by GreasyLazor until my brother stole that alias to play that really shitty game Minecraft.
I like anime and video games. Upondoom is one of my best friends and he calls me a weeb all of the time because I suppose I kind of do obsess over Japanese games. 

My favorite game genres are RPG's and Survival Horror. I'm currently playing Fate/Extra, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Persona 4 (second playthrough). I also have been giving Siren a shot every once in a while but it isn't really grasping my interest.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 12, 2012, 06:07:55 pm
Hi. I'm Toybatsu. I used to go by GreasyLazor until my brother stole that alias to play that really shitty game Minecraft.
I like anime and video games. Upondoom is one of my best friends and he calls me a weeb all of the time because I suppose I kind of do obsess over Japanese games. 

My favorite game genres are RPG's and Survival Horror. I'm currently playing Fate/Extra, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Persona 4 (second playthrough). I also have been giving Siren a shot every once in a while but it isn't really grasping my interest.

Welcome!  How is PSO2 so far?  I dug the first one and the portable versions were ok.  Persona 4 is awesome, too - I should try to replay that before Golden comes out (with the new character/love interest).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: toybatsu on October 12, 2012, 06:11:55 pm
Hi. I'm Toybatsu. I used to go by GreasyLazor until my brother stole that alias to play that really shitty game Minecraft.
I like anime and video games. Upondoom is one of my best friends and he calls me a weeb all of the time because I suppose I kind of do obsess over Japanese games. 

My favorite game genres are RPG's and Survival Horror. I'm currently playing Fate/Extra, Phantasy Star Online 2 and Persona 4 (second playthrough). I also have been giving Siren a shot every once in a while but it isn't really grasping my interest.

Welcome!  How is PSO2 so far?  I dug the first one and the portable versions were ok.  Persona 4 is awesome, too - I should try to replay that before Golden comes out (with the new character/love interest).

PSO2 is really good. The fact that it's free to play and that the cash shop players have no advantage is a very good thing too. The boss battles can get pretty intense and the combat is always fast paced. Honestly, it's one of the best MMO's I've ever played. It reminds me a lot of Monster Hunter.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 12, 2012, 06:26:35 pm

Welcome!  How is PSO2 so far?  I dug the first one and the portable versions were ok.  Persona 4 is awesome, too - I should try to replay that before Golden comes out (with the new character/love interest).

PSO2 is really good. The fact that it's free to play and that the cash shop players have no advantage is a very good thing too. The boss battles can get pretty intense and the combat is always fast paced. Honestly, it's one of the best MMO's I've ever played. It reminds me a lot of Monster Hunter.

I've been looking forward to it since it was announced... But I guess I'll have to wait until next year to get it properly (can't read Japanese).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: toybatsu on October 12, 2012, 06:33:37 pm

Welcome!  How is PSO2 so far?  I dug the first one and the portable versions were ok.  Persona 4 is awesome, too - I should try to replay that before Golden comes out (with the new character/love interest).

PSO2 is really good. The fact that it's free to play and that the cash shop players have no advantage is a very good thing too. The boss battles can get pretty intense and the combat is always fast paced. Honestly, it's one of the best MMO's I've ever played. It reminds me a lot of Monster Hunter.

I've been looking forward to it since it was announced... But I guess I'll have to wait until next year to get it properly (can't read Japanese).
There's an English patch. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 12, 2012, 06:47:47 pm
Welcome new users to our fun, happy site! Please don't be a turd.

Sincerely - your fearless leader,
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: upondoom on October 12, 2012, 06:53:19 pm
Hi everybody,

Joined recently because I really loved the "collection" system the site has, while I was here I decided to stop by the forums for some discussion. I absolutely love the marketplace though I wish it was more active. I've been playing vidya since I was a wee little lad and started collecting just a few years ago (before I was that kid who couldn't stop shoving off all his least-played games to the nearest used video game store). Other than loving video games, I am also a huge fan of music, arguably more than video games, so that's why I decided to link my in my signature to maybe show off some of my taste. I am usually very sarcastic and make jokes in most of my posts, which tends to offend people for some reason, I guess it catches them off-guard and people think I'm serious. Oh well, you guys already hate me but I'm here to stay! (for now)

Shit, I love me some sarcasm, too!


Now this was a decent (and unoffensive:) post.

Might have worked-out a little better for ya' if you'd made your nice & informative "Intro post", oh...I dunno...maybe BEFORE saying that a game (that others here likely enjoy & bought) is a piece-of-shit...not even worth $2.00 - And/Or
BEFORE your post calling one of our regular & long-time members here a "faggot"...

Just some food for thought...maybe it will help you w/ making "1st impressions" in the future  ;)

Wow! Thank you for the post, kind sir. This has really opened my eyes as a person and as a poster on an online forum. Did you know if I never ever came to this forum I wouldn't have learned this valuable lesson you have given me? I've thought a lot about myself after reading this post earlier today, and I honestly think I am a better man because of it. I wanted people to like me so badly I just tried to be as edgy as I could to get attention! Maybe they would think I'm cool for not caring about the rules... whatever I previously thought is the past now, as I will try to be the best, most respectful person I can be! Thank god for this post, because I've decided I'm going to be nice from now on, no need to be rude in any situation! I'm going to nail all my first impressions in the future to make sure people like me right off the bat! I just wanna thank you one last time. You've been a great help to me.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 12, 2012, 07:12:07 pm
and done.

I'm not in the business of handing out bans so please keep this on topic.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thedisappearer on October 13, 2012, 08:32:14 am
Hi, I'm thedisappearer.  I'm in the US Army, stationed in Germany (which really makes collecting difficult) and currently in Afghanistan (which *really* makes collecting difficult).  I collect a little of everything, but mostly Nintendo.  I suppose at some point I'll sell the other systems/games off to finance harder-to-find, more expensive games, but I'm not quite at that point yet so...  I have probably just under a thousand games (my full list is back in Germany) but not too many rares and only ~50 CIBs. 

After being politely reminded by my wife that I promised not to collect via eBay while in Germany, I wandered around the internet looking for a place to read up on games and collecting, as if some breaking news might appear about a new SMB game for the NEs or something, and ended up hear.  Been mostly lurking/feeling the place out, but seems entertaining, especially if I don't question people's sexuality due to game preferences.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 13, 2012, 08:47:41 am
Hi, I'm thedisappearer.  I'm in the US Army, stationed in Germany (which really makes collecting difficult) and currently in Afghanistan (which *really* makes collecting difficult).  I collect a little of everything, but mostly Nintendo.  I suppose at some point I'll sell the other systems/games off to finance harder-to-find, more expensive games, but I'm not quite at that point yet so...  I have probably just under a thousand games (my full list is back in Germany) but not too many rares and only ~50 CIBs. 

After being politely reminded by my wife that I promised not to collect via eBay while in Germany, I wandered around the internet looking for a place to read up on games and collecting, as if some breaking news might appear about a new SMB game for the NEs or something, and ended up hear.  Been mostly lurking/feeling the place out, but seems entertaining, especially if I don't question people's sexuality due to game preferences.
welcome to the site thedisappearer and i must  say why not get your self a VC 4000 when in germany: (
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 13, 2012, 09:30:46 am
Hi, I'm thedisappearer.  I'm in the US Army, stationed in Germany (which really makes collecting difficult) and currently in Afghanistan (which *really* makes collecting difficult).  I collect a little of everything, but mostly Nintendo.  I suppose at some point I'll sell the other systems/games off to finance harder-to-find, more expensive games, but I'm not quite at that point yet so...  I have probably just under a thousand games (my full list is back in Germany) but not too many rares and only ~50 CIBs. 

After being politely reminded by my wife that I promised not to collect via eBay while in Germany, I wandered around the internet looking for a place to read up on games and collecting, as if some breaking news might appear about a new SMB game for the NEs or something, and ended up hear.  Been mostly lurking/feeling the place out, but seems entertaining, especially if I don't question people's sexuality due to game preferences.

haha! Well welcome to the site! Where is home?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 13, 2012, 09:42:30 am
Welcome thedisappear! Stay safe over there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thedisappearer on October 13, 2012, 11:13:26 am
Can't figure out how to multiquote so...

@ htimreimer
Add more systems?  I should have added I am happily married and want to stay that way.

@ matt
I'm from the Philly/South Jersey area.

@ scott
Thanks!  I plan on it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 13, 2012, 11:20:59 am
Welcome to the site thedisappearer!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 13, 2012, 11:35:11 am
I'm from the Philly/South Jersey area.

Another "Welcome to the site" & keep your ass safe over there, thedisappearer!

Sounds like you're local (to me, at least)...(GSP Exit # 63 (L.B.I. area))...

Ever been to "Game-City" in A.C.?

Awesome store for all games & & old!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 13, 2012, 11:38:48 am
Hi everybody,

Joined recently because I really loved the "collection" system the site has, while I was here I decided to stop by the forums for some discussion. I absolutely love the marketplace though I wish it was more active. I've been playing vidya since I was a wee little lad and started collecting just a few years ago (before I was that kid who couldn't stop shoving off all his least-played games to the nearest used video game store). Other than loving video games, I am also a huge fan of music, arguably more than video games, so that's why I decided to link my in my signature to maybe show off some of my taste. I am usually very sarcastic and make jokes in most of my posts, which tends to offend people for some reason, I guess it catches them off-guard and people think I'm serious. Oh well, you guys already hate me but I'm here to stay! (for now)

Shit, I love me some sarcasm, too!


Now this was a decent (and unoffensive:) post.

Might have worked-out a little better for ya' if you'd made your nice & informative "Intro post", oh...I dunno...maybe BEFORE saying that a game (that others here likely enjoy & bought) is a piece-of-shit...not even worth $2.00 - And/Or
BEFORE your post calling one of our regular & long-time members here a "faggot"...

Just some food for thought...maybe it will help you w/ making "1st impressions" in the future  ;)

Wow! Thank you for the post, kind sir. This has really opened my eyes as a person and as a poster on an online forum. Did you know if I never ever came to this forum I wouldn't have learned this valuable lesson you have given me? I've thought a lot about myself after reading this post earlier today, and I honestly think I am a better man because of it. I wanted people to like me so badly I just tried to be as edgy as I could to get attention! Maybe they would think I'm cool for not caring about the rules... whatever I previously thought is the past now, as I will try to be the best, most respectful person I can be! Thank god for this post, because I've decided I'm going to be nice from now on, no need to be rude in any situation! I'm going to nail all my first impressions in the future to make sure people like me right off the bat! I just wanna thank you one last time. You've been a great help to me.  :)

Any time :)

I'm always glad when I can help a fellow-gamer out w/ something so simple :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pyro5050 on October 13, 2012, 02:43:38 pm

i am a northern Canadian collector. i honestly dont have enough time to catalog my games onto the site yet... so i only added my small collections so far, (genesis, Wii, 64, PS) i am honestly scared when i decide to put my pc games on the site, and then my peripherals. i have boxes and boxes of addons and such for all my systems.... :(

i am currently working on my NES collection, it currently sits around 230 games, 40 or so boxed, and only 4 Factory Sealed Games... :( my PC game collection is always growing, at last count it was at 1700 unique games, and 2100 total games about.... :)

my future wife was kind enough to let me have the entire basement for my "man cave" other than the laundry room... :) so when i get more work done on it i will probally be posting pics as i am very proud of it. i currently am typing this on a 128" projection screen... :) i have my computer, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Xbox, Wii, Dreamcast, PS, PS2, PS3, and genesis all hooked to it.

i currently use the downstairs bedroom to rebuild computers, so there are about 12 cases in there right now.... understair storage is used for the fiancee's cocacola stuff,

then the downstairs rec-room is split into my gaming station and a wet bar i built that is not quite done yet. :)
slowly but surely i am adding more and more of my games and such... but i got here a little late in the game and well, i like to play games more than catalog them.... :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shoryuken4u on October 13, 2012, 04:09:08 pm
I'm new to collecting (and to this site). It's brought new life to my PS2 which was previously collecting dust in my basement until I embarked on this quest to collect every RPG ever made.

The first games I ever played were Super Mario World and Donkey Kong. SNES and PC reigned supreme with Wolfenstein 3D being the best thing ever. I loved FPS in the 90s so I was hooked on Doom and Quake as well--those were the only FPS I've ever played and probably ever will play. Then PS1 and N64 came on the scene, so FFVII and Mario 64 became my latest and greatest. When the PS2 arrived I hadn't been gaming for awhile and wasn't interested until FFX appeared and piqued my curiosity. That game along with FFX-2 were my favorites in high school; I haven't played a FF game since then. I just started gaming again recently with Dragon Age: Origins and Oblivion being my current addiction.

Anyway, happy to have found vgcollect--feel free to message me with suggestions for good RPGs or obscure PC games!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 13, 2012, 04:14:12 pm
Welcome to the site shoryuken4u!

Good luck with your quest, have you thought about what you classify as an RPG? It can be very overwhelming depending on how you define it :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 13, 2012, 04:30:10 pm
I can help ya with a decent playable rpg list

Nes : Final fantasy, Dragon warrior 1-4, Destiny of an Emporer, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, Gargoyle's Quest.
SNES : Final Fantasy 2/3, Chrono Trigger, Tecmo: Secret of the Stars, Breath of Fire 1/2, Super Mario RPG (the game Im currently playing atm).
SMS : Ys, Miracle Warriors, Phantasy Star, Ultima IV.
Genesis : Phantasy Star 2-4, Sword of Vermillion.
PS1 : Tales of Destiny 1/2, Dragon Warrior VII, Alundra 1/2, Suikoden 1/2, Breath of Fire 3/4, Final Fantasy (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles, 7), Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 1/2, Arc the Lad.
PS2 : Dragon Quest VIII.
Sega CD : Vay, Lunar 1/2.
Saturn : Magic Knight Rayearth, Albert Odyssey.

This is a start. My definite favorite genre is RPG and I enjoyed almost everything listed on here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shoryuken4u on October 13, 2012, 04:49:14 pm
Welcome to the site shoryuken4u!

Good luck with your quest, have you thought about what you classify as an RPG? It can be very overwhelming depending on how you define it :)

Thanks! And yea--I think the term RPG can become a bit convoluted at times (Skyrim is an RPG?). Maybe I'm just use to more traditional RPGs with the turn-based battles and whatnot. My plan isn't to exclude any games though--I want to include all RPGs as well as games from other genres that have RPG elements. Hello overwhelming! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shoryuken4u on October 13, 2012, 04:53:29 pm
I can help ya with a decent playable rpg list

Nes : Final fantasy, Dragon warrior 1-4, Destiny of an Emporer, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, Gargoyle's Quest.
SNES : Final Fantasy 2/3, Chrono Trigger, Tecmo: Secret of the Stars, Breath of Fire 1/2, Super Mario RPG (the game Im currently playing atm).
SMS : Ys, Miracle Warriors, Phantasy Star, Ultima IV.
Genesis : Phantasy Star 2-4, Sword of Vermillion.
PS1 : Tales of Destiny 1/2, Dragon Warrior VII, Alundra 1/2, Suikoden 1/2, Breath of Fire 3/4, Final Fantasy (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles, 7), Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 1/2, Arc the Lad.
PS2 : Dragon Quest VIII.
Sega CD : Vay, Lunar 1/2.
Saturn : Magic Knight Rayearth, Albert Odyssey.

This is a start. My definite favorite genre is RPG and I enjoyed almost everything listed on here.

Thanks for the suggestions! I'm working on one console at a time right now but I'm really looking forward to discovering SNES RPGs as I never had a chance to play any when I had one.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 13, 2012, 05:44:45 pm
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shoryuken4u on October 13, 2012, 05:58:48 pm
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 13, 2012, 06:43:38 pm
The Elder Scrolls games are totally RPGs. They are built like the old RuneQuest p&p skill building system. Where how you play develops your character.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 13, 2012, 06:43:58 pm
I can help ya with a decent playable rpg list

Nes : Final fantasy, Dragon warrior 1-4, Destiny of an Emporer, Ultima: Quest of the Avatar, Gargoyle's Quest.
SNES : Final Fantasy 2/3, Chrono Trigger, Tecmo: Secret of the Stars, Breath of Fire 1/2, Super Mario RPG (the game Im currently playing atm).
SMS : Ys, Miracle Warriors, Phantasy Star, Ultima IV.
Genesis : Phantasy Star 2-4, Sword of Vermillion.
PS1 : Tales of Destiny 1/2, Dragon Warrior VII, Alundra 1/2, Suikoden 1/2, Breath of Fire 3/4, Final Fantasy (Origins, Anthology, Chronicles, 7), Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 1/2, Arc the Lad.
PS2 : Dragon Quest VIII.
Sega CD : Vay, Lunar 1/2.
Saturn : Magic Knight Rayearth, Albert Odyssey.

This is a start. My definite favorite genre is RPG and I enjoyed almost everything listed on here.

And that's just console-only... the GBA and DS have an amazing collection of RPGs as well.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 13, 2012, 06:44:49 pm
Also, remember there distinct differences between NA and JP RPG genres.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shoryuken4u on October 13, 2012, 07:28:27 pm
The Elder Scrolls games are totally RPGs. They are built like the old RuneQuest p&p skill building system. Where how you play develops your character.

Also, remember there distinct differences between NA and JP RPG genres.

I guess I've been narrowly defining the RPG genre based on the fundamentals of JRPGs. My first foray into the genre was a JRPG so I tend to measure all RPGs against that. The lack of turn-based battle confuses me! :o So is JRPG a subgenre of RPG or is it a totally separate genre in and of itself?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 14, 2012, 10:38:18 am
The Elder Scrolls games are totally RPGs. They are built like the old RuneQuest p&p skill building system. Where how you play develops your character.

Also, remember there distinct differences between NA and JP RPG genres.

I guess I've been narrowly defining the RPG genre based on the fundamentals of JRPGs. My first foray into the genre was a JRPG so I tend to measure all RPGs against that. The lack of turn-based battle confuses me! :o So is JRPG a subgenre of RPG or is it a totally separate genre in and of itself?

*Opens up the can of worms*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 14, 2012, 10:39:37 am
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)

Watch yourself around *this* fellow-NooB...He's an 'under-cover' Admin...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 14, 2012, 10:58:07 am
Yes the jrpg is definitely a subset of rpgs. If you noticed my list, I didnt list any of the hack and slash rpg (diablo, baldur's gate, champions of norrath, etc) nor did I mention any of the tactical rpgs (ff tactics, ogre battle, ultima exodus, etc) plus the beginner jrpgs (final fantasy mystic quest, ghost lion, etc) and there is another kind of rpg that is sort of adventure rpg (Ys, Valkyrie profile, Elder scrolls). There is another type that I basically call pen&paper rpg (Swords and serpents, the AD&D games, etc). They are all differently played types. I love the hack and slack type cause most of them are multi player and thats what me and my buddy do when we get together. I do not like the tactical rpgs as they are so slow and boring for me. Beginner jrpgs are really short and linear. The battles are all predictable and they help you through the game. They dont hold much replay value imo. Adventure rpgs have their moments. While I consider Ys one of my favorite lines of games of all time, I really did not enjoy Valkyrie profile. Same thing with the pen&paper. I actually am one of the few people that probably really enjoyed Swords and Serpents. Hated the AD&D games though. Its just a personal preference. I will 95% of the time however prefer the jrpg to any other of the subsets. Its what I have played for so long and what I revert back to everytime. If you are a rpg fan in general I do suggest that you give all the subsets a try. It could help you decide which you want to focus on.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 14, 2012, 08:41:54 pm
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)

Watch yourself around *this* fellow-NooB...He's an 'under-cover' Admin...
Not undercover anymore ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 15, 2012, 08:44:25 am
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)

Watch yourself around *this* fellow-NooB...He's an 'under-cover' Admin...
Not undercover anymore ;)

Ha Ha!

You 'came-out'
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: toybatsu on October 15, 2012, 02:27:09 pm
Welcome shoryuken4u, pyro5050, and thedisappearer!  ;D

Thanks fellow newbie!  :)

Watch yourself around *this* fellow-NooB...He's an 'under-cover' Admin...
Not undercover anymore ;)

Asuka best girl, amirite?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: phlegeth on October 20, 2012, 05:29:36 pm
Hey, I'm Brandon.  I'll play just about anything once.  My favorites are RPG, Action-adventure, platforming stuff.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 20, 2012, 05:42:25 pm
Hey, I'm Brandon.  I'll play just about anything once.  My favorites are RPG, Action-adventure, platforming stuff.

Hey Brandon, welcome to the site :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: arctic on October 24, 2012, 03:02:59 am
Um... hi everyone. I just joined a while ago.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 24, 2012, 08:22:02 am
Hey, I'm Brandon.  I'll play just about anything once.  My favorites are RPG, Action-adventure, platforming stuff.
Um... hi everyone. I just joined a while ago.

Heya guys, Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 24, 2012, 09:56:25 am
Um... hi everyone. I just joined a while ago.

Welcome to the site, arctic!

Took a quick glimpse at your collection, and (at least the RPG's) that you have/like...look like they could be a page right out of my own collection  8)

Here's to our "good taste"!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 24, 2012, 05:05:08 pm
Welcome, arctic! Nice profile picture.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lordservbot on October 24, 2012, 08:50:50 pm
Foxhack sent me, so I may as well say hello.

Th' name's Christopher (Moggy, Servbot, "HEY YOU").  Not much of a conversation starter, so bear with me.
~Aside from that, already submitted a few new entries.  Off to a good start? Hopefully.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: arctic on October 24, 2012, 09:23:58 pm
Welcome, Christopher!

@scott Thanks!

@disgaeniac Yes, I especially love most of what NIS America brings over. :)

@exonerator Thanks! Ended up changing it, though.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 24, 2012, 10:23:39 pm
Welcome to the site arctic!

Welcome lordservbot
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 24, 2012, 11:28:04 pm
Welcome, lordservbot!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: phlegeth on October 24, 2012, 11:29:18 pm
Welcome other new people.  LordServBot, love your avatar.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 25, 2012, 02:26:07 am
welcome lordservbot
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lordservbot on October 25, 2012, 04:58:54 am
@ jcalder8, exonerator, phlegeth, htimreimer, and arctic // Thank you~

Forgive me if I'm not too active in the Forum. Not much for message board activity.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 25, 2012, 09:29:18 am
@disgaeniac Yes, I especially love most of what NIS America brings over. :)


You & me both :)

You should take a look at my "Swag" page (there's only 7 items in it, but, if I took 2 of them out), - it could *literally* be called my "NISA" page XD

Anyways, yeah - I guess that my user-name here is pretty much a give-a-way :P

Looking forward to *Finally* seeing the next Disgaea game w/ the return of the main characters from the 1st game!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on October 25, 2012, 05:36:59 pm
@ jcalder8, exonerator, phlegeth, htimreimer, and arctic // Thank you~

Forgive me if I'm not too active in the Forum. Not much for message board activity.

Uh I mean, welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 25, 2012, 06:37:19 pm
Calm down and pull your pants back up!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on October 25, 2012, 09:02:32 pm
Calm down and pull your pants back up!

But to be fair, that human suit looks dashing!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lordservbot on October 25, 2012, 10:35:52 pm
@ jcalder8, exonerator, phlegeth, htimreimer, and arctic // Thank you~

Forgive me if I'm not too active in the Forum. Not much for message board activity.

Uh I mean, welcome.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on October 25, 2012, 11:04:36 pm
@ jcalder8, exonerator, phlegeth, htimreimer, and arctic // Thank you~

Forgive me if I'm not too active in the Forum. Not much for message board activity.

Uh I mean, welcome.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darrin9999 on October 25, 2012, 11:25:34 pm
Hello everybody! I`m new to these forums also...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on October 25, 2012, 11:48:30 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on October 26, 2012, 12:37:26 am
Heya darrin, welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 26, 2012, 01:17:28 am
Welcome to the site darren9999
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 26, 2012, 01:18:57 am
That's what she said?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on October 26, 2012, 01:29:43 am
good day darrin9999
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lordservbot on October 26, 2012, 01:10:32 pm
That's what she said?

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 26, 2012, 02:29:11 pm
That's what she said?


*laughs* You kids are so silly
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 26, 2012, 03:09:58 pm
Silly rabbits - Trix r 4 kidz
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 26, 2012, 03:45:39 pm
Silly rabbits - Trix r 4 kidz
And prostitutes
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 26, 2012, 04:20:36 pm
Silly rabbits - Trix r 4 kidz
And prostitutes

Color me interested! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 26, 2012, 06:38:44 pm
Hello everybody! I`m new to these forums also...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superblade on October 27, 2012, 11:05:16 pm
Hey everyone, I'm SuperBlade. I've been starting to collect games more and more recently so it's probably worth my time to start posting here. I hope I learn a thing or two from this forum!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on October 27, 2012, 11:07:24 pm
Hey everyone, I'm SuperBlade. I've been starting to collect games more and more recently so it's probably worth my time to start posting here. I hope I learn a thing or two from this forum!
whatta'yat 'dere buddy

nothing wrong with a scattered post m'son
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superblade on October 27, 2012, 11:14:50 pm
Hey everyone, I'm SuperBlade. I've been starting to collect games more and more recently so it's probably worth my time to start posting here. I hope I learn a thing or two from this forum!
whatta'yat 'dere buddy

nothing wrong with a scattered post m'son

yeass b'y she's right mint
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 28, 2012, 11:02:49 am
Hey everyone, I'm SuperBlade. I've been starting to collect games more and more recently so it's probably worth my time to start posting here. I hope I learn a thing or two from this forum!


A Big, warm, hearty, and heartfelt -

Welcome To The Site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on October 28, 2012, 11:32:43 am
Welcome to the site superblade, always nice to see another Canadian, now break out some screech :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on October 28, 2012, 11:50:44 am
Welcome superblade and all other new users that I missed!

Feel free to PM me if you ever have any questions!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zombi on November 01, 2012, 08:55:43 pm
Hello everyone!

My name is Tyler and I hail from Southeast Michigan. I have been a gamer all of my life. Even though I was born in '88, I had the privilege of growing up on all of the major consoles (sorry Atari). I started off playing the NES at a very young age, and then eventually moved the SNES, Genesis, and every console after that. I have also been a big PC gamer since the days of Doom, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, etc. I am newer to the game collecting scene, but I have kept most of my acquisitions from the various console eras of my life. I am also a very big horror movie fan and I collect a lot of horror movie memorabilia.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 01, 2012, 09:00:02 pm
Welcome to the site zombi! Do you have a favorite platform?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zombi on November 01, 2012, 09:07:37 pm
Welcome to the site zombi! Do you have a favorite platform?

Console: NES (HM: SNES and N64)

However, I primarily play games on the PC, but I mostly collect console games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on November 01, 2012, 10:03:21 pm
Welcome zombi! Love seeing fellow Michiganders on the site! Matt and I are up in the Tri-Cities. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on November 02, 2012, 09:21:42 am
Hello everyone!

My name is Tyler and I hail from Southeast Michigan. I have been a gamer all of my life. Even though I was born in '88, I had the privilege of growing up on all of the major consoles (sorry Atari). I started off playing the NES at a very young age, and then eventually moved the SNES, Genesis, and every console after that. I have also been a big PC gamer since the days of Doom, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, etc. I am newer to the game collecting scene, but I have kept most of my acquisitions from the various console eras of my life. I am also a very big horror movie fan and I collect a lot of horror movie memorabilia.

Welcome Tyler! Where in Michigan are you? I'm up here in Saginaw and Scott is in Midland.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zombi on November 03, 2012, 12:32:08 am
Hello everyone!

My name is Tyler and I hail from Southeast Michigan. I have been a gamer all of my life. Even though I was born in '88, I had the privilege of growing up on all of the major consoles (sorry Atari). I started off playing the NES at a very young age, and then eventually moved the SNES, Genesis, and every console after that. I have also been a big PC gamer since the days of Doom, Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, etc. I am newer to the game collecting scene, but I have kept most of my acquisitions from the various console eras of my life. I am also a very big horror movie fan and I collect a lot of horror movie memorabilia.

Welcome Tyler! Where in Michigan are you? I'm up here in Saginaw and Scott is in Midland.

Dearborn Heights
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on November 03, 2012, 05:32:46 pm
Welcome, zombi!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: redblaze57 on November 05, 2012, 09:44:47 pm
I'm Zack and the first game I remember playing was Donkey Kong Country at my cousin's house. my first console was a N64. However, I really didn't start to collect till a few years ago.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 05, 2012, 09:54:48 pm
Welcome Zack!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 06, 2012, 12:05:21 am
Welcome to the site redblaze57!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 19, 2012, 02:14:52 pm
Welcome to all newer members!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on November 19, 2012, 02:28:46 pm
good day to all you new to the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 19, 2012, 03:31:10 pm
good day to all you new to the site

You've never told me good day :(

htimreimer, I feel left out!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 19, 2012, 05:51:06 pm
good day to all you new to the site

You've never told me good day :(

htimreimer, I feel left out!
There's a reason for it.... sorry you had to find out this way ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 19, 2012, 06:36:11 pm
Welcome to all newer members!

Wow!  Good to hear from you disgaeniac! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on November 19, 2012, 06:42:55 pm
Welcome to all newer members!


Welcome everyone! And super glad to hear from you Disgaeniac!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 19, 2012, 07:24:43 pm
good day to all you new to the site

You've never told me good day :(

htimreimer, I feel left out!
There's a reason for it.... sorry you had to find out this way ;)

I thought time healed all wounds??!!!

Either way, welcome newcomers!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on November 19, 2012, 08:41:48 pm
good day to all you new to the site

You've never told me good day :(

htimreimer, I feel left out!
good day darko
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 20, 2012, 06:41:41 pm
good day to all you new to the site

You've never told me good day :(

htimreimer, I feel left out!
good day darko

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 21, 2012, 10:27:24 am
Welcome to all newer members!

Wow!  Good to hear from you disgaeniac! :D
Welcome to all newer members!


Welcome everyone!  And super glad to hear from you Disgaeniac!

Thanks guys!

It's damned good to be back :)

(Btw - I linked to another Looonng post that's more detailed in what's been going on in a "25th B-Day" thread)...

...Perhaps one of the mods/admins would be so kind as to re-locate that for me to a more appropriate *Stickied*/General/Talk about whatever thread???

pretty please :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vancha on November 24, 2012, 04:57:04 am
Man I haven't  got around to check the site for a couple of weeks anymore... work and other habits  came as a priority for a bit. Going to  bulk up my collection on this site slowly now as I'm European and most games are NA here :-P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on November 26, 2012, 09:01:08 am
Welcome back Vancha! As always we look forward to any input we can get from folk in other regions. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 27, 2012, 07:49:05 am
Been lurking for awhile now, so i decided to register.
I'm not really good at introducing myself, but well, i'm 22, i'm moving to live in thailand soon.
I'm a resident evil fan, also love MGS and RPGs.
My collection is kinda weak, sold a lot of good rare game back then when i was a kid, those cost a lot of money now, sadly.
There's a few titles, mostly jpn import game, i couldn't find in the database so i might submit them later when i've free time.

Gonna upload a few pictures of my collection first, if there's an album, i guess.

Well that's about it, i guess, english not being my mother tongue i might make a few mistakes here and there. Js.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 27, 2012, 10:04:25 am
Welcome to the forum anton!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 27, 2012, 10:08:52 am
Welcome "New Fresh Meat"...I mean...Anton!

Great to have you here :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on November 27, 2012, 11:39:01 am

/welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 27, 2012, 12:14:36 pm
Welcome, n00b minions!

We don't do much hazing up in here, but for the love of everything good, please search for items before submitting new records ;P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 27, 2012, 12:25:03 pm
Welcome, n00b minions!

We don't do much hazing up in here, but for the love of everything good, please search for items before submitting new records ;P

Every new member must make 1000 edits!

Wouldn't that be nice if they did?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 27, 2012, 12:28:05 pm
n00b minions!

Anybody else here remember "Sniglets"?

In a nutshell, it was trying to combine 2 words into just *One* word; (hopefully, at least somewhat) humorous  8)


"NooB minions =


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 27, 2012, 01:07:44 pm
Every new member must make 1000 edits!

Wouldn't that be nice if they did?

Interesting trial of strength or triength?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 27, 2012, 02:07:01 pm
Interesting trial of strength or triength?

Ha, I think you'll fit right in.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on November 27, 2012, 02:25:01 pm
Welcome Anton!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 27, 2012, 02:32:48 pm
Welcome to the site Anton! Just a heads up you'll want to be careful mentioning meat around this crowd lol.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 27, 2012, 02:34:25 pm
Welcome to the site Anton! Just a heads up you'll want to be careful mentioning meat around this crowd lol. want to post a pic in response but I'm pretty sure it would be totally unacceptable.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 27, 2012, 02:51:15 pm want to post a pic in response but I'm pretty sure it would be totally unacceptable.

Please, show me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on November 27, 2012, 05:53:02 pm
Be very careful for what you ask for around here anton, btw welcome to the site, now get busy with some of those edits!  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 27, 2012, 06:17:49 pm
I'm willing to do it in exchange of Star Ocean 1 copy sealed.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on November 28, 2012, 11:41:23 am
I'm willing to do it in exchange of Star Ocean 1 copy sealed.

ha. Sounds like a fair trade!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 28, 2012, 11:42:41 am
Bloody hell, thought no one would agree. This is bad for me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 28, 2012, 11:42:57 am
Be very careful for what you ask for around here anton, btw welcome to the site, now get busy with some of those edits!  :P

Love to hear your thoughts about Rule of Rose...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: trinitis on November 28, 2012, 11:44:36 am
It appears a wandering game collector has appeared....

I'll just stand over in the corner here with my tiny tiny collection.

Guess we all start somewhere eh?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 28, 2012, 11:59:00 am
A wild game collector has appeared GO CATCH HIM POKEBALL
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 28, 2012, 12:06:39 pm
It appears a wandering game collector has appeared....

I'll just stand over in the corner here with my tiny tiny collection.

Guess we all start somewhere eh?
When I first started to "collect" I had under 50 games..... got a couple more than that now :D

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 28, 2012, 12:41:03 pm
It appears a wandering game collector has appeared....

I'll just stand over in the corner here with my tiny tiny collection.

Guess we all start somewhere eh?

Indeed, we do!

Also, WELCOME to the site!!!


No need to worry about "starting small" as legend/rumor has it that:

"SIZE Doesn't Matter" 8)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 28, 2012, 01:15:29 pm
I have a fairly decent sized collection and honestly I wish it was smaller. When you have a smaller collection, its more personal and most of it tends to get real time use.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 28, 2012, 01:24:20 pm
I have a fairly decent sized collection and honestly I wish it was smaller. When you have a smaller collection, its more personal and most of it tends to get real time use.

You could give a fella some of that collection.  Sword Master, Snow Bros., Motor Patrol, Bubble Bobble 2... and the list goes on.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 28, 2012, 01:38:43 pm
I have a fairly decent sized collection and honestly I wish it was smaller. When you have a smaller collection, its more personal and most of it tends to get real time use.

You could give a fella some of that collection.  Sword Master, Snow Bros., Motor Patrol, Bubble Bobble 2... and the list goes on.

Or you could give it to me...without having to mess with shipping :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 28, 2012, 01:43:32 pm
A wild game collector has appeared GO CATCH HIM POKEBALL

you used eBay
it's super-effective!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 28, 2012, 01:44:17 pm
When you have a smaller collection, its more personal and most of it tends to get real time use.

I agree.

As my collection continues to does my backlog grow (*Exponentially*, in fact).  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 28, 2012, 02:59:50 pm
It's my birthday soon, so why not giving them to me, instead of this fox hound member Darko?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on November 28, 2012, 06:20:08 pm
Be very careful for what you ask for around here anton, btw welcome to the site, now get busy with some of those edits!  :P

Love to hear your thoughts about Rule of Rose...

I've gotten a couple of hours into it and it is slow pace, which I don't mind. But will give more info when I finish it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 28, 2012, 06:45:08 pm
It appears a wandering game collector has appeared....

I'll just stand over in the corner here with my tiny tiny collection.

Guess we all start somewhere eh?
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 28, 2012, 07:21:54 pm
It appears a wandering game collector has appeared....

I'll just stand over in the corner here with my tiny tiny collection.

Guess we all start somewhere eh?

You've started with some quality titles! Welcome to the site and the collecting world!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: trinitis on November 28, 2012, 08:28:44 pm

I'm really proud of my Ogre Battle SNES.  Random find at a local yard sale.  Box, full inserts and maps, everything.

Edit to add crappy quality picture from phone :
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 28, 2012, 09:46:39 pm

I'm really proud of my Ogre Battle SNES.  Random find at a local yard sale.  Box, full inserts and maps, everything.

Edit to add crappy quality picture from phone :

Awesome! If you ever feel like selling it :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: trinitis on November 29, 2012, 09:55:03 am

I'm really proud of my Ogre Battle SNES.  Random find at a local yard sale.  Box, full inserts and maps, everything.

Edit to add crappy quality picture from phone :

Awesome! If you ever feel like selling it :)

hahaha!  fat chance of that  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 29, 2012, 10:23:58 am

I'm really proud of my Ogre Battle SNES.  Random find at a local yard sale.  Box, full inserts and maps, everything.

Edit to add crappy quality picture from phone :

Awesome! If you ever feel like selling it :)

hahaha!  fat chance of that  :P

Yeah, but a guy can dream!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: odinsblindeye on November 29, 2012, 11:35:54 am
Hello there everybody!  I just joined, and am still exploring everything, but this site has managed to help me get rid of 5 separate spreadsheets I was keeping on my collection! Really fantastic work here.

In keeping with the thread, I'm odinsblindeye.  I'm just starting out on the hunt, but I'm slowly amassing my collection. I collect mostly RPGs, Action Platformers and the occasional fighting game/Shoot'em up.

Systems I collect for include (in no particular order:
and PC

Happy to be here, and good luck to my fellow hunters!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 29, 2012, 11:46:34 am
Hello there everybody!  I just joined, and am still exploring everything, but this site has managed to help me get rid of 5 separate spreadsheets I was keeping on my collection! Really fantastic work here.

In keeping with the thread, I'm odinsblindeye.  I'm just starting out on the hunt, but I'm slowly amassing my collection. I collect mostly RPGs, Action Platformers and the occasional fighting game/Shoot'em up.

Systems I collect for include (in no particular order:
and PC

Happy to be here, and good luck to my fellow hunters!


Sounds like you'll fit-in just fine here :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on November 29, 2012, 12:19:52 pm
Retro gaming eh, welcome Odinwhatevereyeisblind.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 29, 2012, 01:10:51 pm
welcome!  lots of rpg lovers here :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 29, 2012, 03:40:57 pm
Welcome to the site odinsblindeye!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 29, 2012, 06:02:25 pm
Welcome odinsblindeye!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: moonstarraven on November 30, 2012, 07:10:00 pm
Hi, I'm new here so I thought I'd pop in here to introduce myself. I stumbled across this site well trying to find a program that would help me inventory my video game collection, (that projects going to take me awhile) and decided to stay as this looks like a nice friendly place to chat about video games. Which I'm looking forward to, as I don't know anyone in real life that really plays video games let alone collect them. Anyway I collect a lot of different systems and the games and accessories for them. I'm mostly a rpg player, My favorite series being Zelda, Dragon Quest, and Final Fantasy, :)

The systems I collect for, so far,are:
Atari 2600
GB & GB color

I'm slowly adding other systems as I find good deals on them.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on November 30, 2012, 07:56:32 pm
Welcome to the site. Looks like you've got a good start on your consoles.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 30, 2012, 07:58:37 pm
Welcome the site moonstarraven!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: trinitis on November 30, 2012, 08:08:41 pm
Welcome one and all from another fellow newbie  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 30, 2012, 08:46:07 pm
Welcome to the site moonstarraven! Looks like you collect for some great systems.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 01, 2012, 08:15:10 am
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 17, 2012, 11:53:21 pm
What's up everyone? Lifetime gamer here that's been playing since the NES days. I'm a big retro-gamer and a collector, which I'm sure many of you are as well; that's what brought me here.

Some basics about me:
-Total geek - Comic books, video games, sci-fi, and horror.
-Happily married
-American, from Northern California, born and raised

Merry Christmas everyone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 18, 2012, 08:25:45 am
What's up everyone? Lifetime gamer here that's been playing since the NES days. I'm a big retro-gamer and a collector, which I'm sure many of you are as well; that's what brought me here.

Some basics about me:
-Total geek - Comic books, video games, sci-fi, and horror.
-Happily married
-American, from Northern California, born and raised

Merry Christmas everyone!

Merry Christmas & welcome to the site!

Make yourself at home...sounds like you'll fit in just fine here  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on December 18, 2012, 08:58:38 am
heya burningdoom, welcome to the site!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on December 18, 2012, 10:04:40 am
Welcome to the site burningdoom!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on December 18, 2012, 12:53:29 pm
Comic books
Which one? I guess spiderman for sure.
Welcome here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vancha on December 18, 2012, 01:04:29 pm
Welcome Burningdoom, Man I really need to get more Europeans on this site :p
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 18, 2012, 01:17:51 pm
Welcome Burningdoom, Man I really need to get more Europeans on this site :p


What, I think, we really need, are some more members from N.J.

I say this, because it was so funny when I would talk to rescue-workers/helpers from other states that were here to help us clean-up after Sandy hit...they were all

"S.H.O.C.K.E.D." -

BY "How nice, normal, and friendly we Jerseyans were"...they said that they were thinking that everyone in N.J. would be "Jersey-Shore-Stupid"...or "kill 'em for looking at us the wrong way"...from watching too much of the Sopranos  :o

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on December 18, 2012, 02:59:18 pm

Are there really these kind of people where you are? After seeing all the commercials, it makes your area look like a bunch of idiots have all spawned there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 18, 2012, 03:44:50 pm

Are there really these kind of people where you are? After seeing all the commercials, it makes your area look like a bunch of idiots have all spawned there.

Hahaha; no...that's kinda' what makes it so funny - the "people" on the show are all...

...wait for it...

   ...New-Yorkers XD!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 18, 2012, 09:11:48 pm
Wow, friendly site. Thanks for the welcomes!

Comic books
Which one? I guess spiderman for sure.
Welcome here.

Too many. I've been reading them for years upon years. I pretty much only read DC & Marvel comics with a few licensed titles here or there. But I read a ton of them! Let's see here: Green Lantern, JSA, JLA, Superman, Avengers, Spider-Man, Venom, Marvel Cosmic titles (Quasar, Nova, Warlock, Guardians of the Galaxy, etc.), Star Trek, and plenty of others but those are the top ones for me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on December 18, 2012, 11:48:26 pm
Welcome to the site burningdoom!

What's your favorite system?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 18, 2012, 11:51:54 pm
Welcome to the site burningdoom!

What's your favorite system?

Made a post of it in this thread:

Favorite Retro Console (,1938.45.html)

I made a top 5 list with my reasoning for the picks.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on December 19, 2012, 11:27:43 am
What, I think, we really need, are some more members from N.J.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 19, 2012, 11:57:29 am
What, I think, we really need, are some more members from N.J.


I saw that shit - that was a funny episode!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on December 20, 2012, 07:06:07 am
Yeah i love south park.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 20, 2012, 10:04:54 am
Yeah i love south park.

King of the Hill is 1 of my favs, but So. Park, Futurama, Regular Show, Family guy, and American Dad are kinda' hit or miss w/ me...either really funny or really bad & annoying :P

Wonder what (if anything) is gonna' happen w/ the So. Park RPG now that THQ's filed for bankruptcy...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anton on December 20, 2012, 11:29:03 am
I like the season 13 totaly random with the whales whores and stuff.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on December 20, 2012, 11:32:50 am
i love futurama and simpsons
family guy and shows like it are hit or miss for me
i hate south park and the political beliefs and the violence are not the problem,the problem is everything is played for laughs and its doesn't know when to slowdown,it just sits there throwing jokes at the wall and hopes it sticks and it just makes this show annoying and overall just mean spirited and hateful
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 20, 2012, 11:46:14 am
i love futurama and simpsons
family guy and shows like it are hit or miss for me
i hate south park and the political beliefs and the violence are not the problem,the problem is everything is played for laughs and its doesn't know when to slowdown,it just sits there throwing jokes at the wall and hopes it sticks and it just makes this show annoying and overall just mean spirited and hateful


Have you ever tried watching King of the Hill -or- Regular Show?!

IMO, especially King of the Hill, they can both be *very* funny :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on December 20, 2012, 11:48:49 am
i love futurama and simpsons
family guy and shows like it are hit or miss for me
i hate south park and the political beliefs and the violence are not the problem,the problem is everything is played for laughs and its doesn't know when to slowdown,it just sits there throwing jokes at the wall and hopes it sticks and it just makes this show annoying and overall just mean spirited and hateful


Have you ever tried watching King of the Hill -or- Regular Show?!

IMO, especially King of the Hill, they can both be *very* funny :P
king of the hill is not bad
never seen the regular show
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 20, 2012, 11:53:19 am
Regular Show is on the Cartoon Network channel, and it's both funny & it has a lot of cool video-game references...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stethebubble on December 29, 2012, 11:51:50 pm
hey everyone. I'm Stephen and i found this site while looking for a online database for my collection.
the systems i have are .

NES, SNES, N64, Cube, Wii, Virtual boy, Gameboy, DSI, 3DS, Super gameboy, game boy advanced sp
Sega Genesis mk1 + mk2 with CD, Saturn, Dreamcast, Game Gear
PS2 (EU) PS2 (NA), PS3
Xbox 360
i moved to USA 4 years ago and thats when i started to really collect games. i brought my PS2 with me hence the EU PS2.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on December 30, 2012, 12:21:53 am
Welcome to the site Stephen!

Looks like you've got a great selection of systems already
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stethebubble on December 30, 2012, 12:28:02 am
thanks. the cube and wii are actually my little girls.
she sold her toys to buy a wii at the age of 5. i was so proud
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 30, 2012, 09:14:54 am
thanks. the cube and wii are actually my little girls.
she sold her toys to buy a wii at the age of 5. i was so proud

That's awesomely cute...and...

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on December 30, 2012, 05:54:00 pm
welcome Stephen to the site, playing video games is a great way to bond with your kids. Awesome how she was able to get herself a wii.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elraiser on January 04, 2013, 01:54:29 pm

My name is Luckas. I am 35 and i am from Quebec province in Canada. I discovered this site thanks to a youtube video made by Atarileaf. I collect about everything from Atai 2600 to Xbox 360. I also own some pinball machines.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 04, 2013, 02:15:47 pm
Nice to see someone already from that Youtube video. Welcome aboard. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 04, 2013, 02:18:15 pm

My name is Luckas. I am 35 and i am from Quebec province in Canada. I discovered this site thanks to a youtube video made by Atarileaf. I collect about everything from Atai 2600 to Xbox 360. I also own some pinball machines.

Welcome to Hell...I mean THE SITE, Elraiser/Luckas!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 04, 2013, 02:59:46 pm

My name is Luckas. I am 35 and i am from Quebec province in Canada. I discovered this site thanks to a youtube video made by Atarileaf. I collect about everything from Atai 2600 to Xbox 360. I also own some pinball machines.
Always great to welcome another Canadian to the site!

I've only got one pinball machine, a 79 Williams Laser Ball, which ones do you have?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elraiser on January 04, 2013, 03:20:31 pm
Thank you guys for your warm welcome.

I have a Bally Eight Ball 1977, Gottlieb Spring Break 1987 and Williams Flintstones 1994. My parents in law have an electo mecanical machine  Gottlieb Sufer 1976 which is also in my gameroom :)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 04, 2013, 04:42:10 pm
Welcome to the site! Man I wish I could have a pinball machine... but I have no room for one and I only really, really want a Fireball machine. It's such a cool game!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elraiser on January 04, 2013, 07:36:09 pm
Fireball is a blast to play  and its backlass is just wonderfull!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 04, 2013, 08:49:38 pm
Thank you guys for your warm welcome.

I have a Bally Eight Ball 1977, Gottlieb Spring Break 1987 and Williams Flintstones 1994. My parents in law have an electo mecanical machine  Gottlieb Sufer 1976 which is also in my gameroom :)
That's a great selection! I would love to get another one but the pickings are very slim in AB.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elraiser on January 04, 2013, 09:04:12 pm
Thank you guys for your warm welcome.

I have a Bally Eight Ball 1977, Gottlieb Spring Break 1987 and Williams Flintstones 1994. My parents in law have an electo mecanical machine  Gottlieb Sufer 1976 which is also in my gameroom :)
That's a great selection! I would love to get another one but the pickings are very slim in AB.

So would i but i do not have enought room and i could not get rid of any of them :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: synt4x on January 07, 2013, 11:35:28 pm
Hey guys. Robert from Sweden here. I stumbled upon this site by someone linking to their collection on a forum and thought it looked interesting. I've been keeping an excel sheet of my collection for some time now, but this site seems really cool and the potential for a collection list with tons of interesting data is huge. So I'll be migrating my collection list to this site soon.

I've been playing games since I was old enough to hold a controller, and have been collecting games for a while now mostly for Nintendo platforms, although I don't have a ton of games yet. I basically only collect games that I find interesting. I don't collect to have, for example, a complete PAL NES collection. I only aim to have the great games on my shelves. :D So games like Stadium Events or other ultra rare-but-boring games aren't really of interest to me. I also usually only buy one game at a time instead of lots. I've been focusing on the NES/FC for some time now, but recently started getting more serious about Game Boy games as well. But anything Nintendo is interesting to me.

I'm a little confused about one thing here though. I've been adding some items, mostly PAL NES games, to the database (hopefully correctly...) and I see that for some games there are multiple entries. For example, Excitebike on the NES has one entry for the 3 screw version and one for the 5 screw version. I think it's fine to have different entries for different regions and remakes and such, but these multiple entries for the same region is a bit confusing I think. Wouldn't it be better to just have a general release page and then if the user wants he could add a note saying if it's the 5 screw version or not? Or maybe somehow combine the two pages into one and let the user specify which release he has there by checkboxing it. I have no idea how the database works and if that's even possible though. So what are the thoughts around this?

Either way I think I'll find myself right at home here and look forward to see the site evolve and get better. :)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 07, 2013, 11:46:25 pm
Hey guys. Robert from Sweden here. I stumbled upon this site by someone linking to their collection on a forum and thought it looked interesting. I've been keeping an excel sheet of my collection for some time now, but this site seems really cool and the potential for a collection list with tons of interesting data is huge. So I'll be migrating my collection list to this site soon.

I've been playing games since I was old enough to hold a controller, and have been collecting games for a while now mostly for Nintendo platforms, although I don't have a ton of games yet. I basically only collect games that I find interesting. I don't collect to have, for example, a complete PAL NES collection. I only aim to have the great games on my shelves. :D So games like Stadium Events or other ultra rare-but-boring games aren't really of interest to me. I also usually only buy one game at a time instead of lots. I've been focusing on the NES/FC for some time now, but recently started getting more serious about Game Boy games as well. But anything Nintendo is interesting to me.

I'm a little confused about one thing here though. I've been adding some items, mostly PAL NES games, to the database (hopefully correctly...) and I see that for some games there are multiple entries. For example, Excitebike on the NES has one entry for the 3 screw version and one for the 5 screw version. I think it's fine to have different entries for different regions and remakes and such, but these multiple entries for the same region is a bit confusing I think. Wouldn't it be better to just have a general release page and then if the user wants he could add a note saying if it's the 5 screw version or not? Or maybe somehow combine the two pages into one and let the user specify which release he has there by checkboxing it. I have no idea how the database works and if that's even possible though. So what are the thoughts around this?

Either way I think I'll find myself right at home here and look forward to see the site evolve and get better. :)

Firstly welcome to the site Robert!

Thanks for your hard work already with the EU releases.

In terms of the 3 vs 5 screws or any of the minor differences, I personally don't find it a big deal which version I have but some people are very passionate about have the 3 or 5 and tracking which ones they still need of each. There has been talk about linking similar entries but I don't know how far that has gotten.

Welcome again!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: synt4x on January 07, 2013, 11:51:25 pm
Hmm yes I didn't think of the fact that people might own both the 5 screw version and the 3 screw one. That's true. That does warrant multiple release pages.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 08, 2013, 10:02:57 am

Robert from Sweden :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on January 10, 2013, 12:35:18 am
Hi! I'm Sean or LiberNullMal, found this website looking for a way to keep up with my collection and what I'm looking for. I live in Houston, Texas and lived here for most of my life though 3 years in New York due to servicing the country by joining the Army. I've loved Video Games since I can remember and started out with Atari as my first console System. I've started collecting console systems and Video Games around 14 when I found out my dad had pawned my systems and games because I chose my mom over him in the divorce. I've collected some of the things I've lost but some things are rare or expensive to actually get a hold of..  I'm currently a IT Manager for a Valve Company though I'm also a Jack of all trades and tend to take up the slack a lot of times. Some of the things I've done is created websites, created Databases built computers, repair computers. My favorite thing and something i would like to do is Game Design or Game Programming though my only problem is that I've never been able to pick up the programming language like I would like to have. I would also like to thank Matt for making this great website and hope to talk to many of you later on.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 09:03:02 am
Hi! I'm Sean or LiberNullMal, found this website looking for a way to keep up with my collection and what I'm looking for. I live in Houston, Texas and lived here for most of my life though 3 years in New York due to servicing the country by joining the Army. I've loved Video Games since I can remember and started out with Atari as my first console System. I've started collecting console systems and Video Games around 14 when I found out my dad had pawned my systems and games because I chose my mom over him in the divorce. I've collected some of the things I've lost but some things are rare or expensive to actually get a hold of..  I'm currently a IT Manager for a Valve Company though I'm also a Jack of all trades and tend to take up the slack a lot of times. Some of the things I've done is created websites, created Databases built computers, repair computers. My favorite thing and something i would like to do is Game Design or Game Programming though my only problem is that I've never been able to pick up the programming language like I would like to have. I would also like to thank Matt for making this great website and hope to talk to many of you later on.

Hey Sean!

Welcome to the site & looking forward to talking/hearing more from you, too :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on January 10, 2013, 09:59:21 am
Hi! I'm Sean or LiberNullMal, found this website looking for a way to keep up with my collection and what I'm looking for. I live in Houston, Texas and lived here for most of my life though 3 years in New York due to servicing the country by joining the Army. I've loved Video Games since I can remember and started out with Atari as my first console System. I've started collecting console systems and Video Games around 14 when I found out my dad had pawned my systems and games because I chose my mom over him in the divorce. I've collected some of the things I've lost but some things are rare or expensive to actually get a hold of..  I'm currently a IT Manager for a Valve Company though I'm also a Jack of all trades and tend to take up the slack a lot of times. Some of the things I've done is created websites, created Databases built computers, repair computers. My favorite thing and something i would like to do is Game Design or Game Programming though my only problem is that I've never been able to pick up the programming language like I would like to have. I would also like to thank Matt for making this great website and hope to talk to many of you later on.

Welcome and thanks for the kind words!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on January 10, 2013, 10:26:28 am
I feel pretty welcome and apart of the VG Cult... I won't drink from the punch bowl full of poison though.. I've learned my lesson about that trick.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 11:04:23 am
I feel pretty welcome and apart of the VG Cult... I won't drink from the punch bowl full of poison though.. I've learned my lesson about that trick.


Don't drink the Kool Aid!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 10, 2013, 11:50:58 am
Welcome to the site Sean!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 19, 2013, 10:42:13 pm
well figured i may as well introduce myself.

My name is Brannon and i live in the mid west. mainly right around the ST.LOUIS area.

 Im 29 years old and I have been playing video games all my life. Even when getting a cd- rom drive installed in your computer was a big deal. (xmas gift one year) I can still remember sitting with my father trying to decide what to delete off the hard drive JUST to make room for the game DOOM.
 Recently i quit playing competitive paintball and decided to collect retro games. Seems when i pick a hobby i get really into it. That being said. i started REALLY collecting retro games only about 4 or 5  months ago. Already have over 240 sega genesis games most in box. Only around 45 NES games and just a few games from other consoles.

I mainly ONLY collect sega GENESIS games. Keeps me from spending WAY too much money by collecting other consoles and games.
Plus its just my console of choice.

Im really glad i found this forum, seems very well laid out. plus the people and info on this site seem very helpful.

so i guess thats it.

any questions feel free to ask.


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 19, 2013, 10:44:41 pm
Genesis has a massive library so thats not a bad choice. Sword of Vermillion and the Phantasy star games were among some of my favorites when I was younger. And check out Its a smaller community than Nintendo Age but most of the guys there are DIE HARD Sega fans. Can probably score some deals and learn a lot about the system.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 20, 2013, 12:12:19 am
Welcome to the site Brannon!

Did you have a Genesis as your main system growing up? I find that I have more love for the Genesis since it's what I had growing up rather than a SNES.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 20, 2013, 09:25:37 am
Welcome to the site; Brannon!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 20, 2013, 12:10:02 pm
Welcome to the site Brannon!

Did you have a Genesis as your main system growing up? I find that I have more love for the Genesis since it's what I had growing up rather than a SNES.

I did have a genesis growing up.  I also remember most of my friends having a genesis so thats what we played most of the time.

I even remember RENTING a system from the local video rental.  But i believe we tried the SNES.

Welcome to the site; Brannon!

Thank you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 20, 2013, 01:10:33 pm
I even remember RENTING a system from the local video rental.  But i believe we tried the SNES.
I remember renting a 3D0 with Fifa International Soccer and I'm pretty sure Road Rash
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 20, 2013, 01:12:58 pm
love the road rash games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: atariboy on January 20, 2013, 09:13:03 pm
welcom to the site Brannon!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: burningdoom on January 20, 2013, 09:28:49 pm
Genesis has a massive library so thats not a bad choice. Sword of Vermillion and the Phantasy star games were among some of my favorites when I was younger. And check out Its a smaller community than Nintendo Age but most of the guys there are DIE HARD Sega fans. Can probably score some deals and learn a lot about the system.

Sword of Vermillion was one strange duck. I could not get into that game.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 20, 2013, 09:52:59 pm
It was definitely weird moving topside of world but once you got used to it where it stopped bothering you, the game itself is pretty fun.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ko1ru on January 21, 2013, 12:52:16 am
Welcome Brannon!  I also live in MO, about 100 miles from STL.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 21, 2013, 01:43:57 am
Genesis has a massive library so thats not a bad choice. Sword of Vermillion and the Phantasy star games were among some of my favorites when I was younger. And check out Its a smaller community than Nintendo Age but most of the guys there are DIE HARD Sega fans. Can probably score some deals and learn a lot about the system.

Sword of Vermillion was one strange duck. I could not get into that game.

Same here. I borrowed it from a cousin and just couldn't get I to it. Brought it back and borrowed Crusader of Centy and ended up having a blast with it instead.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 21, 2013, 11:58:15 am
Welcome Brannon!  I also live in MO, about 100 miles from STL.  :)

Very nice.

I live in washington mo. Its just easier to say STL.

what town you from?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ko1ru on January 21, 2013, 01:38:31 pm
Welcome Brannon!  I also live in MO, about 100 miles from STL.  :)

Very nice.

I live in washington mo. Its just easier to say STL.

what town you from?

Rolla.  Just right down 44 from you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 21, 2013, 03:46:18 pm
been through ROLLA many of times.

really good friend of mine used to live in salem and now lives in ROLLA also
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on January 21, 2013, 07:55:01 pm
Hey Brannon, I'm new myself but welcome to the site... Did you get the Sega Channel as well? it is truly unfortunate that they didn't keep it around or someone make another version like it for the sega system.. funny this guy wanted $50.00 for it at the flea market... almost bought it but thought better since sega channel really doesn't exist.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 21, 2013, 08:14:16 pm
Hey Brannon, I'm new myself but welcome to the site... Did you get the Sega Channel as well? it is truly unfortunate that they didn't keep it around or someone make another version like it for the sega system.. funny this guy wanted $50.00 for it at the flea market... almost bought it but thought better since sega channel really doesn't exist.

nah thats the one of the things i dont have. and honestly unless if falls into my lap for stupid cheap im not going to buy it. The only reason i got a sega cd and 32x attachments were because someone was selling it for stupid cheap.

and i would not pay 50.00 for it. like you said its pretty useless.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on January 21, 2013, 08:21:11 pm
Hey Brannon, I'm new myself but welcome to the site... Did you get the Sega Channel as well? it is truly unfortunate that they didn't keep it around or someone make another version like it for the sega system.. funny this guy wanted $50.00 for it at the flea market... almost bought it but thought better since sega channel really doesn't exist.

nah thats the one of the things i dont have. and honestly unless if falls into my lap for stupid cheap im not going to buy it. The only reason i got a sega cd and 32x attachments were because someone was selling it for stupid cheap.

and i would not pay 50.00 for it. like you said its pretty useless.

It would be a neat thing to have as a display but that's about it.

From what I understand, XBand still works though! And it goes for a lot less than the sega channel as well...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on January 21, 2013, 08:38:09 pm
nah thats the one of the things i dont have. and honestly unless if falls into my lap for stupid cheap im not going to buy it. The only reason i got a sega cd and 32x attachments were because someone was selling it for stupid cheap.

and i would not pay 50.00 for it. like you said its pretty useless.
still working on getting the 32x attachements but not found one that i'm willing to pay the price for. I did find a Sega Master System pretty cheap but it was broken...

XBand still around that is interesting I would like to see that :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on January 21, 2013, 08:51:14 pm
nah thats the one of the things i dont have. and honestly unless if falls into my lap for stupid cheap im not going to buy it. The only reason i got a sega cd and 32x attachments were because someone was selling it for stupid cheap.

and i would not pay 50.00 for it. like you said its pretty useless.
still working on getting the 32x attachements but not found one that i'm willing to pay the price for. I did find a Sega Master System pretty cheap but it was broken...

XBand still around that is interesting I would like to see that :)

I haven't tried it. But there are videos of people still connecting with it. The saturn netlink was a modified xband. So, if people still connect saturns (I believe they do) xband should wok as well.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nanner666 on January 21, 2013, 08:54:27 pm
i actually scored my sega cd and 32x with 2ng gen console for under 50 dollars. with games no less.

yeah i could not pass that up.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: glefferson on January 27, 2013, 11:33:11 pm
Hi everybody!
I am Glefferson from Brazil.  ;D
Well, I don’t know exactly what to say to you, so I am going to speak how I started my collection and what videogame means to me.
About 13 years that I collect old videogames. It all started when a friend of mine wanted to pass me back offering a his very old console in exchange to one pair of new SNES joypads and one cartridge that I had. This console was a Master System and it came with “Sonic The Hedgehog” in its memory. It was the first time that I knew Sonic. I fell in love for the first sight! Right after, at the same time, another friend showed me his Master System, that was an older model (Master System II by Tectoy, that is the same model by American Master System I, with the difference that everybody knows). And he had some cartridges and a pistol… And then I bought the console and the games for a very small price! Some time later, I found out a blockbuster in another neighborhood of my town that there were dozens of Master System games, that they rented in Master System time. And they were selling the cartridges for a price of a bottle of Coke. My other friend didn’t believe in my luck… He thought that I would never find games for that console…

Since then, I have been looking for cartridges and consoles in second hand shops and old things in my town and region. Luckily here we always find things like this in these shops, some shops even dark and far away, that make us feel afraid… But my first Atari console was a little different. I crossed my town on foot to go to another friend’s house. His uncle had an Atari 2600 “Darth Vader” abandoned on his garage floor, it was crashed and mistreated. I bought it and I fixed and restored it! I have it until today! Along the years, I kept on buying other old videogames consoles in these shops that I mentioned and some games too. But the most part of games and consoles I got from my friends that wanted to give a little help to my collection. Although I found my last console at a garbage site… About 3 years ago I knew a guy that also collect old videogames, but he buys brand new and complete items and buys them from sellers all around the world. And that’s when my collection begins to be a more serious thing, because I bought a lot of things from him and we participated of the several auctions over the internet.

Well, among my consoles, my favorite ones are the Master System, Mega Drive (Genesis for you), and the legendary Dreamcast. This last console touched me when I received it by mail. It was an 11 year wait…  ;D

I’m very happy to be participating of this community! I hope I can make many friends here!

I only ask that you have a little of patience with me. It’s been only four months since I started learning English…  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 27, 2013, 11:54:52 pm
Hey Glefferson welcome to the site! Always love seeing new members from other countries.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 28, 2013, 12:22:21 am
Welcome to the site glefferson!

I enjoyed reading through your story and if you can take some pictures we'd love to see them(I am a sucker for pictures and stuff from Brazil would be great to see :D )
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 28, 2013, 01:00:26 am
Welcome and dont worry about your English ... most of the people here can probably read it just fine, I know I could.

Glad to see another SMS fan. Its the system I grew up on and some of the most awesome games ever made are master system exclusives. It seemed to have been a pretty popular system in Brazil too so you got the better end than we did here. 2 of the games I own I purchased from Brazil even.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on January 28, 2013, 09:03:29 am
Welcome to the Forum glefferson and enjoyed reading your story. I wish I could find a sale like you did here.. but unfortunately we have to many greedy people who seem to populate the flea markets and other places here in Texas..
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: darko on January 28, 2013, 10:02:28 am
I only ask that you have a little of patience with me. It’s been only four months since I started learning English…  ;)

Holy hell...if you've made it this far in four months, you'll be speaking better English than most US citizens in no time!

Welcome to the site.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 28, 2013, 10:06:17 am
I only ask that you have a little of patience with me. It’s been only four months since I started learning English…  ;)

Holy hell...if you've made it this far in four months, you'll be speaking better English than most US citizens in no time!

Welcome to the site.


Welcome to the site :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on January 28, 2013, 07:18:35 pm
I only ask that you have a little of patience with me. It’s been only four months since I started learning English…  ;)

Holy hell...if you've made it this far in four months, you'll be speaking better English than most US citizens in no time!

Welcome to the site.
He already speaks English a lot better than many people I've met. US-born people. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 28, 2013, 07:49:44 pm
Probably better than 90% of the teens out there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 28, 2013, 08:13:53 pm
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 28, 2013, 08:23:19 pm
That about sums it up.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on January 28, 2013, 09:32:21 pm
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
And this is still much easier to understand than whatever language the people I spoke to in Georgia and Tennessee kept trying to pass off as English.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on January 28, 2013, 09:56:54 pm
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
And this is still much easier to understand than whatever language the people I spoke to in Georgia and Tennessee kept trying to pass off as English.


Y'all done ben don yonder? Reckon I ben don thar all day. Ooohee, some gewd eat'n don at th' fish fry.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on January 28, 2013, 11:07:41 pm
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
And this is still much easier to understand than whatever language the people I spoke to in Georgia and Tennessee kept trying to pass off as English.


Y'all done ben don yonder? Reckon I ben don thar all day. Ooohee, some gewd eat'n don at th' fish fry.
... That's New Orleans.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 28, 2013, 11:58:18 pm
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
Heya hosers, howsit goin eh?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on January 29, 2013, 12:51:15 am
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
Heya hosers, howsit goin eh?

Did this become an episode of the Great White North?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 29, 2013, 10:02:04 am
Wachu mean, yo. Dat be profilin' yo, and it ain't coo. Sheeeeeet.
And this is still much easier to understand than whatever language the people I spoke to in Georgia and Tennessee kept trying to pass off as English.


Avoid Baahston :P

In the south, theoretically, you can *literally* be fixin' to be fixin your car; I suppose, huh?!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on January 29, 2013, 10:09:19 am
Welcome glefferson!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: insektmute on January 31, 2013, 02:27:21 pm
I feel kinda bad that I keep rambling about region stuff, so I figure a quick "hi!" is in probably in order.

My name's Erik, from Portland, Oregon. Ko1ru referred me here, since we had both been trying to find an alternative to sites like Listal, GameFAQs, etc, and after about an hour or mucking around, I started moving all my lists over here.

I started gaming somewhere around... 1985'ish or so, but probably wasn't a confirmed addict until I got the NES and SNES a couple years later. That eventually developed into a PC gaming addiction, and it's spiralled over the years with a PS1, PS2, and eventually a GameCube, Wii, PSP, Vita, PS3, Xbox 360, Dreamcast, DS, and... yeah. Too much, yet never enough! My apartment is practically wall-to-wall with games and movies these days, slowed only by a relatively small budget, and me being picky about the condition of used games. I also made the really stupid decision to sell the bulk of stuff I had as a kid when I was a teenager, so now I'm faced with replacing most of it. Strangely, I *did* keep my copy of Super Metroid, which still looks practically brand new, so at least there's that :)

Most of my collection is focused on Japanese games, especially JRPGs, bullet hell shooters, and 2D fighters, and I've slowly been moving into the sometimes frighteningly expensive world of imports, but I try to keep my tastes pretty open. You'll probably see a lot of frantic activity during weekdays, since I work in customer service, which basically means I spend most my day talking to jerks and browsing the web. It's open to debate whether the abuse is worth the slacker opportunities the job affords me.

Enough rambling for now. I should probably um... work or... something.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2013, 03:02:29 pm
Welcome to the site insektmute! It's always great to have other peoples opinions it really has made the site as strong as it is so far so keep at it!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 31, 2013, 03:15:13 pm
Welcome to the site, Insektmute!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on January 31, 2013, 03:38:54 pm
Welcome Eric! We always appreciate and love the feedback, so keep it coming.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: insektmute on January 31, 2013, 06:22:44 pm
Thanks for the welcome. I'll be the first to admit I might come across as a little too opinionated sometimes, but for what it's worth, I'm really really liking the site so far. Far more organized and accurate than most, and the community seems to consist of a lot of *gasp* actual hardcore gamers who buy games. My collection is tiny compared to a lot of you, and that's... actually kind of refreshing!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on January 31, 2013, 08:39:01 pm
I registered well over a year ago... Looking for something to track my collection. This site had some good things but is lacking in others. Anyways, it is better than others I've found recently. Most other tracking sites are lacking in international games. Hopefully this database can get as complete as Shmax, which I use to track my Transformers collection.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2013, 08:45:00 pm
Welcome to the site tripredacus! Glad to have you using the forums now :)

Looks like you have an impressive Transformers collection, as soon as I am done with video games maybe I will branch out :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on January 31, 2013, 08:49:47 pm
That reminds me, is there a signature thing here I can use on other gaming forums?

EDIT: Actually I see others have it, how do I get to set that up?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2013, 08:53:29 pm
That reminds me, is there a signature thing here I can use on other gaming forums?

EDIT: Actually I see others have it, how do I get to set that up?
Hover your mouse over Profile at the top of the screen, click on Forum Profile and then you will see a place at the bottom to copy the web code. I hope that makes sense :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on January 31, 2013, 08:55:25 pm
That reminds me, is there a signature thing here I can use on other gaming forums?

EDIT: Actually I see others have it, how do I get to set that up?
Hover your mouse over Profile at the top of the screen, click on Forum Profile and then you will see a place at the bottom to copy the web code. I hope that makes sense :)

Nevermind, I figured it out. Its under Settings on the main site. Thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ko1ru on February 02, 2013, 12:29:27 am
I feel kinda bad that I keep rambling about region stuff, so I figure a quick "hi!" is in probably in order.

My name's Erik, from Portland, Oregon. Ko1ru referred me here, since we had both been trying to find an alternative to sites like Listal, GameFAQs, etc, and after about an hour or mucking around, I started moving all my lists over here.

I started gaming somewhere around... 1985'ish or so, but probably wasn't a confirmed addict until I got the NES and SNES a couple years later. That eventually developed into a PC gaming addiction, and it's spiralled over the years with a PS1, PS2, and eventually a GameCube, Wii, PSP, Vita, PS3, Xbox 360, Dreamcast, DS, and... yeah. Too much, yet never enough! My apartment is practically wall-to-wall with games and movies these days, slowed only by a relatively small budget, and me being picky about the condition of used games. I also made the really stupid decision to sell the bulk of stuff I had as a kid when I was a teenager, so now I'm faced with replacing most of it. Strangely, I *did* keep my copy of Super Metroid, which still looks practically brand new, so at least there's that :)

Most of my collection is focused on Japanese games, especially JRPGs, bullet hell shooters, and 2D fighters, and I've slowly been moving into the sometimes frighteningly expensive world of imports, but I try to keep my tastes pretty open. You'll probably see a lot of frantic activity during weekdays, since I work in customer service, which basically means I spend most my day talking to jerks and browsing the web. It's open to debate whether the abuse is worth the slacker opportunities the job affords me.

Enough rambling for now. I should probably um... work or... something.

Yes, Erik is super awesome and I think he'll be a great contributor to the site.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: insektmute on February 02, 2013, 05:42:08 pm
Yes, Erik is super awesome and I think he'll be a great contributor to the site.  :)

Aww, yer gonna make me blush over here :p
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: spire on February 03, 2013, 12:23:26 am
Hello all,

Just joined the site. Been gaming since the mid-1990's and haven't been a collector in the most traditional sense. However i'm more of the type that keeps the games I buy and over the years have built up a decent sized collection of games. Now that I'm working full time, I can finally expand a little bit and collect a bit more.

If there's any one franchise I keep up with the most it would be the Command & Conquer the point where I have 2 copies of the vast majority of the catalogue (Including original copies of Command & Conquer 95). Great idea for a site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 03, 2013, 12:33:19 am
Hello all,

Just joined the site. Been gaming since the mid-1990's and haven't been a collector in the most traditional sense. However i'm more of the type that keeps the games I buy and over the years have built up a decent sized collection of games. Now that I'm working full time, I can finally expand a little bit and collect a bit more.

If there's any one franchise I keep up with the most it would be the Command & Conquer the point where I have 2 copies of the vast majority of the catalogue (Including original copies of Command & Conquer 95). Great idea for a site!

Command and Conquer is a great series. I remember spending my teen years swapping between that and starcraft with my friends.

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 03, 2013, 08:37:49 am
Hello all,

Just joined the site. Been gaming since the mid-1990's and haven't been a collector in the most traditional sense. However i'm more of the type that keeps the games I buy and over the years have built up a decent sized collection of games. Now that I'm working full time, I can finally expand a little bit and collect a bit more.

If there's any one franchise I keep up with the most it would be the Command & Conquer the point where I have 2 copies of the vast majority of the catalogue (Including original copies of Command & Conquer 95). Great idea for a site!

Welcome to Hell...I mean...the Site; Spire!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on February 03, 2013, 10:36:48 pm
Hey Spire, welcome to the site. I never really played the Command & Conquer series.. Was too busy with the RPG aspects such as Darksun, Eye of Beholder, Knights of Xentar, Ravenloft, Legacy of Ancients, etc. and so forth... The closest I came to Command & Conquer was Scorched Earth....
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hellrider1988 on February 16, 2013, 09:21:33 am
Hi everybody, I'm hellrider1988 from Berlin, Germany.

Not a hardcore collector either, but since I was able to save for a new PC my gaming habits from the 90s have kind of resurfaced. I also still own a SNES, N64 and a good old Game Boy, though time for these babies is scarce. ;)

I'm really glad I found this site, have been looking for something like vgcollect for quite a while. I also like to archive my other collections (books, CDs, DVDs etc.) on similar sites, so this really comes in handy. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 16, 2013, 09:40:45 am
Welcome hellrider1988! Glad to see another European join the site. Always nice to have input from other regions. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on February 16, 2013, 09:44:07 am
Welcome to hell, rider1988 :D

It's always great to have more international users!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 16, 2013, 09:47:50 am
Welcome to hell, rider1988 :D

It's always great to have more international users!

Unless they are Canadian...  ::) haha
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on February 16, 2013, 09:50:18 am
Welcome to hell, rider1988 :D

It's always great to have more international users!

Unless they are Canadian...  ::) haha
what's that supposed to mean
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on February 16, 2013, 09:53:02 am
Welcome to hell, rider1988 :D

It's always great to have more international users!

Unless they are Canadian...  ::) haha
what's that supposed to mean
It just means that he doesn't want too many Canadians here making him look bad :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 16, 2013, 09:53:54 am
Exactly. eh?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hellrider1988 on February 16, 2013, 10:43:55 am
Thanks for the warm welcome! It really looks like there are many EU titles missing, so I better get back to work. ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 16, 2013, 10:49:12 am
Welcome, hellrider - good to have ya here :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zierlaz on February 25, 2013, 10:21:19 pm
Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on February 25, 2013, 10:22:37 pm
Welcome to all our recent members :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on February 26, 2013, 12:13:18 am
Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.  :D
Welcome to the site! Also you can just go ahead and say it was me that made you want to pick this site ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 26, 2013, 09:36:16 am
Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.  :D
Welcome to the site! Also you can just go ahead and say it was me that made you want to pick this site ;D

But...but...but...he said "genuinely NICE community members" :P

But seriously, welcome to the site zierlaz (soon to be known as) "the other Matt" :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on February 26, 2013, 10:27:13 am
Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.  :D
Welcome to the site! Also you can just go ahead and say it was me that made you want to pick this site ;D

But...but...but...he said "genuinely NICE community members" :P

But seriously, welcome to the site zierlaz (soon to be known as) "the other Matt" :)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 26, 2013, 11:21:04 am
Hey Guys! Nice to meet everybody. My online handle is Zierlaz or you can call me Matt. I've been gaming for as long as I can remember and like to collect a little bit of everything. I actually stumbled across this website in the need of a solution to catalog my video game collection online. I ventured into various different websites, however this one definitely had something that kept me coming back. Not sure exactly what it was, but I can almost pinpoint a combination of the sites incredible database and seemingly genuinely nice community members. Either way I am happy to make Vgcollect my new home.  :D
Welcome to the site! Also you can just go ahead and say it was me that made you want to pick this site ;D

But...but...but...he said "genuinely NICE community members" :P

But seriously, welcome to the site zierlaz (soon to be known as) "the other Matt" :)


Only one "Matt1"?!

But, then - what'll we call any new & additional "Matt's" who join the site  :o

I hearby tag/re-name you as the:


...same idea as "O.G." (for "original gangster") -only- in this were, are, and will forever be known & recognized as the:

"Original Matt"  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on February 26, 2013, 03:47:26 pm
I was hoping for more sword wielding, stabbity, head cutting action. :(
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 26, 2013, 06:11:26 pm
Me too. Fail.

Welcome to the site, non-sword-wielding other Matt. ha
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zierlaz on February 26, 2013, 08:00:05 pm
Hey thanks to everyone for the warm werlcome  ;D

@Jcalder8 ...ok.... ok I'll admit it but just a little =P

Matt I think O.M. fits nicely lol Unless you really want to settle this duel style... Specially since I just finished sharpening my Biggoron Sword. Could you believe that giant Goron wanted to charge me double, they need to elect new officials who can regulate inflation over at Death Mountain. lol

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: insektmute on February 26, 2013, 09:32:00 pm
Welcome to the site, zierlaz. Hopefully you'll find the site as addictive and friendly as many of us have :p
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 27, 2013, 09:37:45 am
Hey thanks to everyone for the warm werlcome  ;D

@Jcalder8 ...ok.... ok I'll admit it but just a little =P

Matt I think O.M. fits nicely lol Unless you really want to settle this duel style... Specially since I just finished sharpening my Biggoron Sword. Could you believe that giant Goron wanted to charge me double, they need to elect new officials who can regulate inflation over at Death Mountain. lol

If O.M. doesn't like "O.M" - could always go w/ the "Matt-the-1st" or the "junior"/"senior" route :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on February 28, 2013, 10:44:38 am
Sorry about the late welcome zierlaz I was away in Dallas. So welcome to vgcollect and hope you enjoy your stay. I've learned a lot from this website and it has a great database for your collection and seems to keep evolving to something better.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 01, 2013, 11:33:02 am
Hey thanks to everyone for the warm werlcome  ;D

@Jcalder8 ...ok.... ok I'll admit it but just a little =P

Matt I think O.M. fits nicely lol Unless you really want to settle this duel style... Specially since I just finished sharpening my Biggoron Sword. Could you believe that giant Goron wanted to charge me double, they need to elect new officials who can regulate inflation over at Death Mountain. lol

If O.M. doesn't like "O.M" - could always go w/ the "Matt-the-1st" or the "junior"/"senior" route :P

As to be more welcoming to other Matts of the world, I will now officially answer to O.M, Matt the 1st, Fearless Leader and Fearful Leader. All other answers will be deemed as unofficial.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 01, 2013, 12:14:18 pm
Hey thanks to everyone for the warm werlcome  ;D

@Jcalder8 ...ok.... ok I'll admit it but just a little =P

Matt I think O.M. fits nicely lol Unless you really want to settle this duel style... Specially since I just finished sharpening my Biggoron Sword. Could you believe that giant Goron wanted to charge me double, they need to elect new officials who can regulate inflation over at Death Mountain. lol

If O.M. doesn't like "O.M" - could always go w/ the "Matt-the-1st" or the "junior"/"senior" route :P

As to be more welcoming to other Matts of the world, I will now officially answer to O.M, Matt the 1st, Fearless Leader and Fearful Leader. All other answers will be deemed as unofficial.

There ya' have it, folks!

It's been made officially official by the (rest of the) official's official now  8)

...Carry on...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 01, 2013, 04:34:34 pm
I always assumed it was Scott's better half.  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 01, 2013, 07:55:25 pm
I always assumed it was Scott's better half.  :P
You're everyone's better half :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 01, 2013, 08:07:30 pm
This is true.  :-*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: denniedarko on March 16, 2013, 05:27:45 pm
Hey everyone! Name is denniedarko, and as you can tell i am new here. I ventured over from Gamefaqs. Site is really nice, I like it quite a bit.

How is everyone doing?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 16, 2013, 06:27:43 pm
Heh another Darko. Going to get weird in here!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: denniedarko on March 16, 2013, 09:16:04 pm
Heh another Darko. Going to get weird in here!

Crap! Is there someone else with the darko name here? I apologize, I would have gone a different route had I known. Usually never see it. I had some friends that used to call me Dennie Darko after we'd seen Donnie Darko. It just kind of stuck.

I am sorry though, to the other darko. I have no issue changing if, if I can figure out how.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on March 16, 2013, 10:31:23 pm
Yep, there's darko, and then there's you.

There's no reason for you to change your username. If that's how your friends call you then it's fine. Your names are different enough that we won't be confused, so no worries.

Also, welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on March 16, 2013, 11:57:27 pm
Heh another Darko. Going to get weird in here!

Crap! Is there someone else with the darko name here? I apologize, I would have gone a different route had I known. Usually never see it. I had some friends that used to call me Dennie Darko after we'd seen Donnie Darko. It just kind of stuck.

I am sorry though, to the other darko. I have no issue changing if, if I can figure out how.

I say keep the name. I just thought Soera meant it was going to get weird in the fun way.  :P

Welcome to the site.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 17, 2013, 12:02:32 am
Welcome to the site denniedarko!

What systems do you collect for?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: denniedarko on March 17, 2013, 10:12:33 am
Welcome to the site denniedarko!

What systems do you collect for?

I actually don't collect as heavily as I did in the past. I got rid of my PSone, (with the exception of a handful of games), PS2, Dreamcast, and most my PS3 and 360 collections recently. I made a resolution recently to only play games on Nintendo consoles, so I am currently collecting for my Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and looking for DS and Gamecube games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 17, 2013, 10:23:49 am
Hey everyone! Name is denniedarko, and as you can tell i am new here. I ventured over from Gamefaqs. Site is really nice, I like it quite a bit.

How is everyone doing?

Hey denniedarko - fancy meeting you over here :)

(He's a regular at another site I go to), and is into *trading* instead of just buying & selling games...told him to check us out over here!

Welcome to the site, DD :)

Don't change your name,, the other "Darko" will be "just, plain Darko" :P


"OD" = "Original Darko"  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: frille on March 25, 2013, 05:43:18 pm
Hello everyone,

My name is Fredrik (from Sweden) and I just took the decision to try and find another place to list my collection, some years after IGN's alternative went south, and that's how I found this place.

Since I really don't want to misbehave (in accordance to the terms and conditions); If I have some questions about the game database and its entries, where should I ask these questions?

For example: There is one entry of a EU release of Tales Of Vesperia, but it has (french box art) added to the title. My swedish edition has the very same box art and the same goes for the UK release which makes me want to have the database entry changed to NOT say (french box art). If the person who made this entry want to specify that the backside text of their edition is in French, I imagine it is better to add that information in details. As far as I can tell, the cover for ALL European releases are the same!

I'm very aware of the risk that I've missed something obvious and if so I apologize, but if one doesn't ask...!

Anyway, VERY nice to be here, I really hope I can contribute to this. The first three titles from my own collection I searched for didn't appear, so hopefully I can at least be a little helpful!

With Friendly Greetings: Fredrik Strömberg
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 25, 2013, 05:52:29 pm
Well then...let me be the 1st to say:

Welcome to the site, Fredrik!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on March 25, 2013, 06:16:46 pm
For example: There is one entry of a EU release of Tales Of Vesperia, but it has (french box art) added to the title. My swedish edition has the very same box art and the same goes for the UK release which makes me want to have the database entry changed to NOT say (french box art). If the person who made this entry want to specify that the backside text of their edition is in French, I imagine it is better to add that information in details. As far as I can tell, the cover for ALL European releases are the same!
Howdy and welcome.

What we're doing now is adding a country to the game title when needed. Many early European titles are multi-language so we tend to keep one entry per game, but if regional variants exist, then we add them. Tales of Vesperia has several regional releases - I checked MobyGames and they have three different cover art variations for this: Spain (with Spanish text on box), Austria / Germany (German text on box + USK Rating), and Finland / Portugal / Sweden / United Kingdom (English text on box, Finland, Portugal, Sweden flags on back). I was unable to find a shot of the French version.

The Spain and Fin/Por/Swe/UK releases seem to have the same front cover, but the back of the box and EAN code are different. So they both have to have different entries.

I've added the version of the game with English box text ( for you. Let us know if you need more help.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: frille on March 25, 2013, 06:24:39 pm
Hello to the both of you!

Many thanks for the reply! Okay, so you want all differences on the covers, and not just the artwork, gotcha!

I've been slowly starting to add games to my collection but many are missing from your database. Could you give me any tips on what is more important to add, information wise, when I want to contribute?

Also, as far as pictures go, I guess its scans or bust? Photographs won't cut it? I have an old scanner somewhere I think, but not sure if it works at all/on win8.

edit: Actually let me add another question as well: If I don't have ALL the information available (barcode number, maybe publisher, date of release, pictures of boxart etc.), should I then refrain from adding a game to the database?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on March 25, 2013, 07:50:30 pm
Hello to the both of you!

Many thanks for the reply! Okay, so you want all differences on the covers, and not just the artwork, gotcha!

I've been slowly starting to add games to my collection but many are missing from your database. Could you give me any tips on what is more important to add, information wise, when I want to contribute?

Also, as far as pictures go, I guess its scans or bust? Photographs won't cut it? I have an old scanner somewhere I think, but not sure if it works at all/on win8.

edit: Actually let me add another question as well: If I don't have ALL the information available (barcode number, maybe publisher, date of release, pictures of boxart etc.), should I then refrain from adding a game to the database?
A game entry can be barebones: The minimum information you need is the correct platform / region, game name, and regional / packaging variant information (if any). A year of release and developer / publisher info is also handy. If you have a complete game, you should also add the EAN (product barcode) so it helps when people want to add the game to their own collection. The year and EAN data can help us track down game variants, like with Vesperia. If your game doesn't have a game rating, or it has a rating we don't currently support, don't change the rating.

Scans are preferred but photos are okay. If you can find scans online, then use them, if they match your product exactly, since some sites make up their own covers or use promotional artwork. Don't use watermarked pictures (you know, stuff with site or store logos.) If you can't get any pictures, again, don't worry.

And don't worry if you don't enter all info when adding a game. Any missing information can be added later on. Many collectors have missing info in their game entries, and we add stuff when we can do so. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 26, 2013, 12:15:16 am
Welcome to the site frille!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elraiser on March 27, 2013, 12:35:16 pm
Welcome ! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: libernullmal on March 27, 2013, 03:59:28 pm
Welcome Frille, hope you enjoy your stay :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ko1ru on March 27, 2013, 05:02:21 pm
Hello and welcome Frille!  I like your little Gashlycrumb Tinies avatar.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on March 27, 2013, 05:18:12 pm
good day and welcome to the site everone i miss
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on March 28, 2013, 06:14:56 pm
Well...lets see if I can make this endeavor work without incident. I am in the process of rebuilding my old library and currently the holder of roughly 1500 game titles. I'm also setup for all console regions and thus aspire to add those region exclusive titles as well. There are some good ones out there that never made it to US shores unfortunately. In light of my collection being so large (and my knack for finding obscure game info), hope to contribute to this growing database that might prove to be extremely useful for me in future game hunting adventures.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 28, 2013, 06:24:22 pm
Welcome to the site, brunauss!

Sounds like you'll fit in just fine here  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on March 28, 2013, 11:21:29 pm
Thanx disgaeniac. I like for this to be the last stop in trying out new databases. Many previous failed attempts to establish a database without issues. I first started out with a spreadsheet document, but then exceeded its virtual memory buffer and it took too long to open. Eventually the entries would start disappearing by themselves. So I moved on to a action figure program I messed with to suit my needs and onward to GameCollector. Again the same issue came up. Have yet to see if Sisimizi does the same. Since I have so much data between the two programs, you can be assured that if I spot something that needs fixed. I'll see what I have to add and correct the entry  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 29, 2013, 01:59:26 am
Welcome to the site brunauss! Do you have a favorite system to collect for?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on March 29, 2013, 04:28:24 pm
That is a tough one. Never been one to narrow it down to just one of anything. Lets go as far as four, which would be:
PlayStation 3
PlayStation Portable
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 29, 2013, 07:04:32 pm
That is a tough one. Never been one to narrow it down to just one of anything. Lets go as far as four, which would be:
PlayStation 3
PlayStation Portable
I've never been able to just pick one of anything either :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mantis on March 30, 2013, 06:41:10 am
Yo, I'm new around here. Well, I've been aware of VGCollect for quite a while, used the site and the Android app and may have posted in the Suggestions section once. Anyway, just saying hello. It's a shame that one's list of Steam games can't be extracted from a profile since I have nearly 400 of them.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on March 30, 2013, 08:39:36 am
Welcome to the site mantis!

There will be a new version of the site coming and hopefully there will be options like that available :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mantis on March 30, 2013, 02:20:46 pm
Good to hear it and thanks.  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on March 30, 2013, 04:30:14 pm
Good to hear it and thanks.  8)
In the meantime, feel free to add all the games you have to your collection ;p
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: frille on March 31, 2013, 06:58:42 pm
Thank you all for the very warm welcome!

I'm quite a busy man, sadly, (who isn't) so there will likely be times I'm absent some days here and there. I think I've come to the conclusion that I'll start adding my collection with minimum amount of information just to get the games up there (and some momentum going) and then I can go back and fill out extra information (unless someone beats me to it) later on.

I would estimate I have somewhere near 1000 complete first prints (which are the only ones I count) and I suspect a whole damn lot of them are dedicated Swedish releases so I'm prepared to list quite a few games from scratch. I'm sure it'll be fun once I get going. : )

Anyway, I'll try figuring out everything myself but chances are you'll get a few more questions from me before everything is said and done!

I like your little Gashlycrumb Tinies avatar.  :)
Thanks, It's great! Oh, how I wish Tim Burton would go back to his more grim style clearly influenced by Gashly. In my dreams.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on April 04, 2013, 11:10:54 am
Welcome to the site everyone! I'm responsible for this mess ha, so if you have any issues feel free to PM me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on April 04, 2013, 02:32:28 pm
Welcome to VGcollect warped. I recently joined and look forward to additional new members who may have massive collections like mine. Currently my library stands at just over 1500 (excluding hardware) and determined to get it all uploaded eventually  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thirtylives on April 16, 2013, 08:30:23 pm
Howdy Folks,

So after I almost broke the guidelines within 5 minutes of joining the site (thanks foxhack), I figured I better say hello.

I'm Tony from Chicago, IL and I'm about to be a dad in just a handful of weeks.  I don't know what would possess me to try to list my collection (Less than 500 of NES / SNES / GEN / PSX|3 / GC|WII / PC Games combined) at a time like this - maybe it's just that I want to appreciate it some before I don't get to spend any time with it for a few years.   Really though, I think I am just trying to get a handle on it so that I will spend more time playing and less time looking/remembering in the future.

I describe myself as a "player's collector" - What I have I play / use / read.  I do enjoy the hunt so I gather a bunch of stuff up, but If I don't want to use it I get rid of it.

I got here via r/gamecollecting, where I like to admire the "serious" collectors collections =p

Tony / thirtylives

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on April 16, 2013, 10:16:59 pm
Welcome to the site Tony! Don't worry about the size of a collection, they seem to multiply overnight.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 16, 2013, 10:39:41 pm
Nice to have you, Tony/thirtylives.  Like jcalder said, don't store your collection together. It'll do the nasty and make babies.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on April 17, 2013, 03:04:01 am
Nice to have you, Tony/thirtylives.  Like jcalder said, don't store your collection together. It'll do the nasty and make babies.

My mind boggles at the babies my video game civilization would spawn with its sheer variety. No games that are too kiddy, then it would get utterly weird.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 17, 2013, 09:49:44 am
Welcome, thirtylives!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thirtylives on April 17, 2013, 04:30:27 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome =)

And I have to say, the mysterious asian man who sold me my virtual boy warned me not to store it with famicom carts after midnight, but what does he know anyways  :P

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thomascozine on May 01, 2013, 06:01:31 pm
I'm assuming this is the "official" intro thread. My apologies if not.

I'm Thomas. I'm not sure how much I'll actually post around here. I just really appreciated the gaming database. I've already cataloged what amounts to my entire collection. There's about 3 or so games that weren't listed and however many PC games not listed. I'm more than happy to help out with the database as much as I can.

As you can see, from my collection, I'm mainly a retro gamer. I appreciate the new but I'm more about getting/playing the games I missed out on from my childhood.

I have a few YouTube playlists of videos I've made about my collection and I plan to make more.

My Game Collection playlist link:

My Game Reviews playlist link:

I also Livestream whenever I can here: Currently, my girlfriend and I are playing through and trying to 100% Super Mario World.

A YouTube archive of my Livestream is here:

And, yes, my YouTube videos are unlisted rather than public. That's just how I am.

So, with that, I hope to enjoy my time with this community. Thank you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vigorousjammer on May 01, 2013, 08:24:50 pm
Hey guys & gals! Just found out about the site, and it's pretty awesome so far.
I love how many entries are on the site, and there's SO MUCH DETAIL in all of the data, I love it!
Glad to finally have a place to keep track of my collection.

I'll be sure to warm up my scanner and do some box & cart scans while adding items to my lists. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on May 02, 2013, 04:25:43 am
Some of like that detail level and try to add where needed in the edits. Guys like Foxhack for example. Welcome luv.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argusfrost on May 02, 2013, 06:23:18 am
I guess I will have to start somewhere.  Sorry I didn't notice this "Intro" board first. 


My name is ArgusFrost and I really like the idea that this website is doing a very good service for video game collectors alike.  I've previously been lurking around the 'net at various other gaming websites under different handles so video games are definitely nothing new.  :)

I'm very sure that the people here will be as cool as ever.  I have yet to have any beef with other forum users anywhere.  I just want everyone to be chill and cool like a nice glass of watermelon juice on a hot day. 

Thanks for making me feel welcome in advance.  All of you are in a different level of reality because of your love for video games. 

Take care, everyone.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 02, 2013, 08:06:37 am
I guess I will have to start somewhere.  Sorry I didn't notice this "Intro" board first. 


My name is ArgusFrost and I really like the idea that this website is doing a very good service for video game collectors alike.  I've previously been lurking around the 'net at various other gaming websites under different handles so video games are definitely nothing new.  :)

I'm very sure that the people here will be as cool as ever.  I have yet to have any beef with other forum users anywhere.  I just want everyone to be chill and cool like a nice glass of watermelon juice on a hot day. 

Thanks for making me feel welcome in advance.  All of you are in a different level of reality because of your love for video games. 

Take care, everyone.



And yeah - we're a pretty easy bunch to get along with (just watch out for this 1 dude, "soera"...he will lead you astray :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 02, 2013, 09:35:07 am
I guess I will have to start somewhere.  Sorry I didn't notice this "Intro" board first. 


My name is ArgusFrost and I really like the idea that this website is doing a very good service for video game collectors alike.  I've previously been lurking around the 'net at various other gaming websites under different handles so video games are definitely nothing new.  :)

I'm very sure that the people here will be as cool as ever.  I have yet to have any beef with other forum users anywhere.  I just want everyone to be chill and cool like a nice glass of watermelon juice on a hot day. 

Thanks for making me feel welcome in advance.  All of you are in a different level of reality because of your love for video games. 

Take care, everyone.


Out of all that, I have one question:  Where do you get Watermelon Juice?  And don't say, "From a watermelon."
Nice to have you here.  But for real, watch out for soera.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 02, 2013, 10:02:29 am
I guess I will have to start somewhere.  Sorry I didn't notice this "Intro" board first. 


My name is ArgusFrost and I really like the idea that this website is doing a very good service for video game collectors alike.  I've previously been lurking around the 'net at various other gaming websites under different handles so video games are definitely nothing new.  :)

I'm very sure that the people here will be as cool as ever.  I have yet to have any beef with other forum users anywhere.  I just want everyone to be chill and cool like a nice glass of watermelon juice on a hot day. 

Thanks for making me feel welcome in advance.  All of you are in a different level of reality because of your love for video games. 

Take care, everyone.


Out of all that, I have one question:  Where do you get Watermelon Juice?  And don't say, "From a watermelon."
Nice to have you here.  But for real, watch out for soera

 :) ;) :D ;D :o 8) ??? ::) :P :-\ :'( :'( :-\ :-[ :P ::) ??? 8) :o ;D :D ;) :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 02, 2013, 10:54:42 am
Soera sucks ... on blow pops. Blue raspberry is the best!

Welcome!!! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 02, 2013, 12:06:06 pm
Soera sucks ... on blow pops. Blue raspberry is the best!

Welcome!!! :)

Was wondering when you'd show-up, buddy :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 02, 2013, 01:27:11 pm
I have to sleep sometimes! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: brunauss on May 02, 2013, 02:11:51 pm
I have to sleep sometimes! :D

We all do.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on May 02, 2013, 08:06:25 pm
Welcome everyone! Great to see some new faces!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: patrickmeansly on May 13, 2013, 04:43:04 am
You win the internet for posting our first duplicate thread! haha. Anyways I'm Matt, the guy who is building all of this stuff. Over the past few years I've sold off most of my collection and mainly collect NES and SMS now. I see you posted some suggestion in another thread, so I'm heading there to address them now. :)

Ahhh, your matt.  They said "Matt" was the creator but I did not see a Matt.  Found you :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: patrickmeansly on May 13, 2013, 04:45:04 am
I'm PAtrick.  Just joined maybe a couple weeks ago now and I'm still trying to learn things.  I have al ways loved video games, but didnt really get too serious into collecting until January this year, because now I have a little more finances to obtain games.  I do not really collect for new systems just anything from ps2, xbox generation on down.  I could not tell you anything about a ps3 or xbox 360.  I would say NES and 64 are my favorite systems, and I try to collect all complete in box.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scrillaagadee on May 16, 2013, 05:05:58 am
Hi All!!!  I am new to this site and wanted to make sure I am at the correct placed.  Can you buy/sell/trade games on here?  And if anyone has any details about this site they can provide me, please let me know until I get used to it.  Thanks!  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 16, 2013, 05:11:45 am
welcome to the site

  Can you buy/sell/trade games on here?
yes you can, at the bottom of the forum home page there's a place called marketplace and you can do all that there
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scrillaagadee on May 16, 2013, 05:49:46 am
welcome to the site

  Can you buy/sell/trade games on here?
yes you can, at the bottom of the forum home page there's a place called marketplace and you can do all that there

Cool!  Thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: slothingXPIG on May 16, 2013, 06:25:59 am
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on May 16, 2013, 08:24:57 am
Topics merged to keep things tidy. :)

Welcome and stuff.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 16, 2013, 08:40:22 am
Hi All!!!  I am new to this site and wanted to make sure I am at the correct placed.  Can you buy/sell/trade games on here?  And if anyone has any details about this site they can provide me, please let me know until I get used to it.  Thanks!  8)

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on May 19, 2013, 02:38:59 pm
Hi All!!!  I am new to this site and wanted to make sure I am at the correct placed.  Can you buy/sell/trade games on here?  And if anyone has any details about this site they can provide me, please let me know until I get used to it.  Thanks!  8)
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on May 20, 2013, 12:25:38 pm
I wouldn't bother replying to him, he's banned for ban evasion. >_>
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 20, 2013, 01:35:17 pm
I wouldn't bother replying to him, he's banned for ban evasion. >_>

? ? ?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on May 20, 2013, 03:05:00 pm
I wouldn't bother replying to him, he's banned for ban evasion. >_>

? ? ?
That was one of patrickmeansly's extra accounts.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 20, 2013, 03:41:11 pm
I wouldn't bother replying to him, he's banned for ban evasion. >_>

? ? ?
That was one of patrickmeansly's extra accounts.


He was only here for a minute and he already had alt accounts here?!  :o

Sheesh  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on May 20, 2013, 03:42:17 pm
Ha ya. Once foxhack tempbanned him, he started making new accounts to evade the ban. Which in turn just got him permabanned instead. :\
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 20, 2013, 03:44:40 pm
Ha ya. Once foxhack tempbanned him, he started making new accounts to evade the ban. Which in turn just got him permabanned instead. :\


Goes to show that there's no out-running, hiding, or escaping from a +10 Ban Hammer wielded by Foxhack; huh?!

Not like I'm gonna miss the guy, though :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on May 20, 2013, 06:48:42 pm
Ha ya. Once foxhack tempbanned him, he started making new accounts to evade the ban. Which in turn just got him permabanned instead. :\


Goes to show that there's no out-running, hiding, or escaping from a +10 Ban Hammer wielded by Foxhack; huh?!

Not like I'm gonna miss the guy, though :P
When I first banned him, I didn't include his IP, so he kept sneaking in. Once I realized my mistake, he was gone.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: grose on May 20, 2013, 08:00:59 pm
Hi, My real name is David, have 27 years old and live in Brazil, my english is extremely poor to talk but i can comprehend you perfectly, like my japanese that isn't perfect but I try to increment my vocabulary day after day.

My favorite Systems in order is Dreamcast, Nintendo 64 and NES. I still don't have a NES today but I ever had one collection before.

I play videogames since 1990 and like too much movies, books, write and this is all about me. haha
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: haloofthesun on May 20, 2013, 08:05:53 pm
Hello everyone

I've only been collecting games seriously for about a year now, but it's become one of my passions in life. My collection is fairly small to many people here, but it is constantly growing. It would be somewhat bigger if the majority of my NES, SNES, and N64 games weren't stolen a while back. Slowly rebuilding, though.

Outside of video games, I write music for a living.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 20, 2013, 08:46:25 pm
Welcome to the site, fellas.
Grose Brazil, huh?  What's that like?  It looks like such a beautiful country

haloofthesun What kind of music do you write?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 21, 2013, 09:55:24 am
Welcome, you new guys :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: grose on May 21, 2013, 07:58:50 pm
Welcome to the site, fellas.
Grose Brazil, huh?  What's that like?  It looks like such a beautiful country

Depend... Brazil is a huge country and most of this territory suffer with poverty and intense climatic changes, there beauty things to see here but is very specific, is each thing at your places, centers is centers and you don't see natural things how is propagate in the movies, books and TV, and same on the beauty natural places is constantly damaged to extract minerals and others precious things for us, fucked up humans. Is sad on general, but today I like to live here, with my collections. haha
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on May 22, 2013, 09:11:53 am
Welcome to the site, fellas.
Grose Brazil, huh?  What's that like?  It looks like such a beautiful country

Depend... Brazil is a huge country and most of this territory suffer with poverty and intense climatic changes, there beauty things to see here but is very specific, is each thing at your places, centers is centers and you don't see natural things how is propagate in the movies, books and TV, and same on the beauty natural places is constantly damaged to extract minerals and others precious things for us, fucked up humans. Is sad on general, but today I like to live here, with my collections. haha

Welcome grose!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cyberboz on July 09, 2013, 04:56:32 pm
Hello guys,

I'm Steeve from Riviere-du-Loup a small city in the estern part of Quebec, Canada. I collect videogames for about 15 years but I've sold most of my collections last year. I've decided to continue to collect games series. Currently I collect Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Soul Calibur/Edge, and finally my favorite Metal Gear.

There's my current collections

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 09, 2013, 05:24:35 pm
MK rocks (except that weird 3D phase they went through). :)

Welcome to VGCollect. If you have any problems, we have good admin and mods here. If you like it here, its probably cause of me and Id just like to say you are welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 09, 2013, 06:48:08 pm
Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs.  Feel free to jump right in. New opinions keep places like this churning.
Oh yeah, watch out for soera. He's .... creepy
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: haloofthesun on July 09, 2013, 09:02:24 pm
Welcome to the site, fellas.
Grose Brazil, huh?  What's that like?  It looks like such a beautiful country

haloofthesun What kind of music do you write?

VERY late response, sorry lol!

I write primarily concert orchestral and band music, but I've done some video game projects (nothing that ever went anywhere, but they were fun) and done some free-to-use tracks for game making communities. You can check some of those out here if you want:   Those were all written very quickly in the span of about a month, but they turned out pretty well considering.

I'm also working on an instrumental rock project of sorts, but with a very downsized orchestra. It's a combination of modern orchestral and pop music (though I use the term pop very broadly here and mostly it means hard rock and metal, but a wide range of genres are covered). It'll take a while to get everyone to learn their parts and get it recorded since I'm funding it myself.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 09, 2013, 09:30:50 pm
Welcome to the site cyberboz!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 11, 2013, 10:19:20 am
Welcome to the site cyberboz!

Welcome to...all of you that I haven't welcomed here yet!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Seikenfreak on July 19, 2013, 06:02:02 am
Hello all,

New member here. I've been attempting to catalog my collection for the past couple days which originally began on the Shelves android app. I wasn't entirely pleased with it but I wanted something with a bar code scanner via my phone to speed things up and I liked the virtual shelf concept.

Long story short, after spending two full days (jobless atm) getting about 600 items into the Shelves app and finishing, I happened to come across VGCollect and at first I was super depressed at the thought of doing this all over again. But having an actual database that I can contribute too is a great motivator for me. So of course I spent the past 10 hours adding my stuff and submitting box art, editing listing info and adding bar codes as I went along. I'm only about 100 items in so far  :'( I feel sorry for whoever is on the other end approving all my stuff haha.

I was also eager to fill the database with like 10 years of PSM Magazine issues but it turns out I must have thrown out that box some time ago. I still have issue 1 and the PS2 reveal issue which I submitted. I'm still mad at myself though.

Anyway, I feel like a psycho doing all this work  :o But I'm hoping you'll continue to improve on the site and that this could grow into a really popular great site.

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to do the VGC collection signature? I couldn't find info anywhere.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 19, 2013, 08:39:22 am
( .jpg) (
There you go. Take out the spaces after your name and it should work.
Welcome the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on July 19, 2013, 08:50:56 am
P.S. Can anyone tell me how to do the VGC collection signature? I couldn't find info anywhere.

Hi and welcome. I just approved most of your edits - though you submitted a bunch of PS2 SLUS product codes without the dash. I'll fix those later today, so don't worry.

Your signature is at
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 19, 2013, 08:59:36 am
Hello all,

New member here. I've been attempting to catalog my collection for the past couple days which originally began on the Shelves android app. I wasn't entirely pleased with it but I wanted something with a bar code scanner via my phone to speed things up and I liked the virtual shelf concept.

Long story short, after spending two full days (jobless atm) getting about 600 items into the Shelves app and finishing, I happened to come across VGCollect and at first I was super depressed at the thought of doing this all over again. But having an actual database that I can contribute too is a great motivator for me. So of course I spent the past 10 hours adding my stuff and submitting box art, editing listing info and adding bar codes as I went along. I'm only about 100 items in so far  :'( I feel sorry for whoever is on the other end approving all my stuff haha.

I was also eager to fill the database with like 10 years of PSM Magazine issues but it turns out I must have thrown out that box some time ago. I still have issue 1 and the PS2 reveal issue which I submitted. I'm still mad at myself though.

Anyway, I feel like a psycho doing all this work  :o But I'm hoping you'll continue to improve on the site and that this could grow into a really popular great site.

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to do the VGC collection signature? I couldn't find info anywhere.

Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Seikenfreak on July 19, 2013, 02:42:17 pm

Hi and welcome. I just approved most of your edits - though you submitted a bunch of PS2 SLUS product codes without the dash. I'll fix those later today, so don't worry.

Your signature is at

Ah okay great. Yea I wasn't sure on those sorts of things if the dash should be there or not on those codes. I have since found the Style Guide so that should help.

It's the beginning of a new day so prepare for another wave of submissions.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 19, 2013, 03:41:27 pm
@Seikenfreak -

Heh - just clicked-on your profile real quick -and- you make (AFAIK, at least) *3* of us from Jersey now  8)

Catching up on you "Oklahomans"  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on July 19, 2013, 04:34:28 pm
Never going to catch the Canadians though.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 19, 2013, 04:39:52 pm
We are actually trying to limit the Canadians joining the site. Its bringing down our collective intelligence! :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 19, 2013, 08:11:54 pm
We are actually trying to limit the Canadians joining the site. Its bringing down our collective intelligence! :P
And the Good Looking-ness
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: MelodicMizery on July 20, 2013, 04:34:02 am
Hey everyone, first post here. I was working on my own little personal site just for friends and made a video game section and then i thought to myself i wonder if theres a similar public type of page and then found this page out. im 32 been gaming since atari and i use to perform at concerts for 8 years! and then i got tinnitus (hearing problem) and now i game all day, alllllll day.

I tried adding a few games to the ps3 browse list but i dont think it worked i may have to resize the images. right now i currently have 2 ps3s and over 250 games for it. half are digital though.

other things im pretty proud of is my small nes collection i have 60 games boxed in near mint condition just a little wear and tear on the boxes. when places started selling off there nes collections at video rental places i tried buying up as much as i could but being a teen i didnt have much money. i really wish i could of bought more because the prices have sky rocketed :o

other misc stuff i have is a turbo graphix 16 with 4 games. my mom bought it for me for christmas after it was discontinued and we couldnt find any games for it at the time =( i remember one day at toys r us they had a shopping cart of tg16 games on clearence real cheap like 2 bucks a piece! she said we would go back but by then they were all gone =\ every once in a while i power up keith courage and play it :P

i had a snes and n64 but my ex psycho gf borrowed it with my zelda games. i left it with her :o

also have a ps2 and sega genesis but i dont think either works. my sister sold all my sega games for a dollar a piece because she thought they were hers grrrrrrrrr >:(

im trying to cut down collecting so much and buy a house. but for now im having a fun time platinuming games  ;D

currently i have 51 platinum trophys =)

2 of my all time favorite games are desert storm 1 & 2 for ps2/xbox and battlefield bad company 1 for ps3. i put in 56 days worth of hours into battlefield. and desert storm me and my friend played consistently every weekend for 2 years lol.

welp thats my intro. gotta build up my game list. im making image scans for my own site so if i see games not listed i will try to upload artwork here as well. i know deadliest catch and dead island riptide special edition are 2 i was trying to add
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 20, 2013, 09:34:24 am
Welcome to the site Seikenfreak and MelodicMizery!

I went through the same thing when I joined the site. I think it took me about 2 months to add everything as I was editing and submitting new items but that is a great way to help the site and eventually we will get everything listed :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 20, 2013, 09:34:48 am
Never going to catch the Canadians though.

Why, in the name of God, would anyone ever *want* to try to catch one of *those*  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on July 20, 2013, 01:55:06 pm
To steal their delicious maple syrup!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 20, 2013, 02:05:19 pm
To steal their delicious maple syrup!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ko1ru on July 20, 2013, 08:42:54 pm
Poor Canadians.   :-\
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: redblaze57 on July 20, 2013, 08:44:18 pm
We are actually trying to limit the Canadians joining the site. Its bringing down our collective intelligence! :P
And the Good Looking-ness
that being said Johnny Millenium should join the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on July 23, 2013, 04:18:59 pm
Hi all!  I've been submitting new game entries into the database something fierce over the past month or so, so I thought I should probably pop my head into the forums to meet the community.  :) 

Love the site btw, it's by far the best formatted vg database I've found on the net. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 23, 2013, 06:33:34 pm
Hi all!  I've been submitting new game entries into the database something fierce over the past month or so, so I thought I should probably pop my head into the forums to meet the community.  :) 

Love the site btw, it's by far the best formatted vg database I've found on the net.
Welcome to the site! What is your favorite system to collect for?

That's what attracted me to the site as well, it's clean which I really like.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on July 24, 2013, 12:47:55 am
Probably the PS2 - even tho I've been gaming since the stone ages (I think my first video game was an actual Pong machine) I really love the PS2.  My favorite genre is RPG, and I enjoy collecting those across platforms.  Still kicking myself over some I've had & let go tho! 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 24, 2013, 10:19:13 am
Probably the PS2 - even tho I've been gaming since the stone ages (I think my first video game was an actual Pong machine) I really love the PS2.  My favorite genre is RPG, and I enjoy collecting those across platforms.  Still kicking myself over some I've had & let go tho!

Glad to have you here!

PS1, PS2, and RPG's are my favorites, too!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 24, 2013, 10:21:29 am
Probably the PS2. My favorite genre is RPG.

This makes absolute sense to me. Between the multitude of amazing games on the PS1 and the exclusives and compilations on the PS2, you could get nearly any RPG made on that system. Its my total favorite playable system cause of it. Im actually still looking for one game for it myself that I used to see everywhere so I just wasted time getting it and now I never see it in the wild at all : Ys ark of Napishtim.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Nosmiric on July 25, 2013, 03:12:38 am
Whelp, might as well introduce myself.

Hi, my name is Edwin, but you can just call me Nos or Nosmiric. I've been a lover of games since I was really little and have always wanted to collect vintage and new games, but I've never had the wallet for it seeing as I was a teenager without a job. Now that I'm 20 and with an actual bank account I make it my duty to scout out for great deals and really really neat stuff.

Aside from video game collecting, I'm just a normal dude who plays games, watches anime, and spends too much time on the internet. I have taken up some voice acting and plan to be a graphic designer eventually.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 25, 2013, 09:18:14 am
Hey Nos, welcome to the party!  Don't be scared to jump right in all these conversations.  I saw your pictures in the other thread.  Looks like you have a little bit of everything PS3.  What's your favorite series on any system?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on July 25, 2013, 11:41:31 am
Probably the PS2. My favorite genre is RPG.

This makes absolute sense to me. Between the multitude of amazing games on the PS1 and the exclusives and compilations on the PS2, you could get nearly any RPG made on that system. Its my total favorite playable system cause of it. Im actually still looking for one game for it myself that I used to see everywhere so I just wasted time getting it and now I never see it in the wild at all : Ys ark of Napishtim.

That's one I'd like to pick back up as well.  FYI, I have always called that game "Ark of Nepitism".   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 25, 2013, 12:29:29 pm
That game has not served me so well (The nepotism game)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Nosmiric on July 25, 2013, 03:49:28 pm
Hey Nos, welcome to the party!  Don't be scared to jump right in all these conversations.  I saw your pictures in the other thread.  Looks like you have a little bit of everything PS3.  What's your favorite series on any system?
Hm, That's kinda hard to choose for me because I have a favorite from every genre...
I would have to go with The Legend of Zelda, Clock Tower, Lost Planet (Except 3; I already know I'm gonna hate it), Monster Hunter, and Metal Gear Solid!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 26, 2013, 12:25:47 am
Hey Nos, welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Oheao on August 04, 2013, 12:40:59 am
Hello! I am a young Canadian originally from the US, and I have been gaming almost all of my life. I have been collecting for a few years, and have around 420 games. My current goal is getting complete and black label copies for all of my games, and getting box protectors for the cartridge based games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 04, 2013, 12:11:41 pm
Hello & welcome, new members!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: xstonekinghtx on August 19, 2013, 11:09:11 am
Hi everyone, well i love collect game/anime related stuff. I started my collection with my final fantasy ps1 copies (7 and 8) and from that I never stopped xD. I love final fantasy 7 so I love collect more from that game than any other, i have figures, guides, magazines and of course the games. But also I love collect rpg games, specifically from 90 era (ps1, n64 until xbox and ps2). My main goal is collect all xbox and ps2 games because this era was the most time i spent into videogames.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 19, 2013, 11:21:45 am
Hi everyone, well i love collect game/anime related stuff. I started my collection with my final fantasy ps1 copies (7 and 8) and from that I never stopped xD. I love final fantasy 7 so I love collect more from that game than any other, i have figures, guides, magazines and of course the games. But also I love collect rpg games, specifically from 90 era (ps1, n64 until xbox and ps2). My main goal is collect all xbox and ps2 games because this era was the most time i spent into videogames.

Welcome to the site!

(From one rpg-lover & collector to another :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on August 19, 2013, 08:50:17 pm
Welcome to the family stone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on August 20, 2013, 02:38:21 am
Hi everyone, well i love collect game/anime related stuff. I started my collection with my final fantasy ps1 copies (7 and 8) and from that I never stopped xD. I love final fantasy 7 so I love collect more from that game than any other, i have figures, guides, magazines and of course the games. But also I love collect rpg games, specifically from 90 era (ps1, n64 until xbox and ps2). My main goal is collect all xbox and ps2 games because this era was the most time i spent into videogames.
Welcome to the site! Xbox and PS2 have a great variety of games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: loganwx2003 on August 24, 2013, 08:19:25 pm
hello my name is jorge and i started collecting seriously like alf a year ago, basically nintendo stuff but also dream cast, i`m from mexico so excuse me if i didn't spell something right.
i also recently star a youtube channel so if you speak spanish or just want to take a look to my collection i welcome you to check it out.

i expect to know many of you and your collection and also i hope to find someone from mexico like me

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on August 24, 2013, 08:23:28 pm
hello my name is jorge and i started collecting seriously like alf a year ago, basically nintendo stuff but also dream cast, i`m from mexico so excuse me if i didn't spell something right.
i also recently star a youtube channel so if you speak spanish or just want to take a look to my collection i welcome you to check it out.

i expect to know many of you and your collection and also i hope to find someone from mexico like me

...well crap, guess I'm not the only Mexican here anymore. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stethebubble on August 24, 2013, 08:40:41 pm
Hi everyone, well i love collect game/anime related stuff. I started my collection with my final fantasy ps1 copies (7 and 8) and from that I never stopped xD. I love final fantasy 7 so I love collect more from that game than any other, i have figures, guides, magazines and of course the games. But also I love collect rpg games, specifically from 90 era (ps1, n64 until xbox and ps2). My main goal is collect all xbox and ps2 games because this era was the most time i spent into videogames.
ps2 is my fave system
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 25, 2013, 08:07:17 am
hello my name is jorge and i started collecting seriously like alf a year ago, basically nintendo stuff but also dream cast, i`m from mexico so excuse me if i didn't spell something right.
i also recently star a youtube channel so if you speak spanish or just want to take a look to my collection i welcome you to check it out.

i expect to know many of you and your collection and also i hope to find someone from mexico like me

Bienvenidos a VGCollect, amigo!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: loganwx2003 on August 26, 2013, 05:45:03 pm
hello my name is jorge and i started collecting seriously like alf a year ago, basically nintendo stuff but also dream cast, i`m from mexico so excuse me if i didn't spell something right.
i also recently star a youtube channel so if you speak spanish or just want to take a look to my collection i welcome you to check it out.

i expect to know many of you and your collection and also i hope to find someone from mexico like me

...well crap, guess I'm not the only Mexican here anymore. :P

i guess not jajaja gracias por la bienvenida disgaeniac n_n
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 27, 2013, 08:45:05 am
hello my name is jorge and i started collecting seriously like alf a year ago, basically nintendo stuff but also dream cast, i`m from mexico so excuse me if i didn't spell something right.
i also recently star a youtube channel so if you speak spanish or just want to take a look to my collection i welcome you to check it out.

i expect to know many of you and your collection and also i hope to find someone from mexico like me

...well crap, guess I'm not the only Mexican here anymore. :P

i guess not jajaja gracias por la bienvenida disgaeniac n_n

You're welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Oathkeeper42 on September 04, 2013, 03:25:39 pm
Hello one and all.

I'm Lee. I hail from the beautiful state of Colorado. I'm slowly adding my collection since I just found this site. Hopefully I get to chat here and there with y'all. Anyhow, don't know what else to say but, I'll let my collection speak for itself.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 04, 2013, 03:36:19 pm
Welcome aboard, Oathkeeper42!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on September 04, 2013, 11:35:14 pm
Hello one and all.

I'm Lee. I hail from the beautiful state of Colorado. I'm slowly adding my collection since I just found this site. Hopefully I get to chat here and there with y'all. Anyhow, don't know what else to say but, I'll let my collection speak for itself.
Welcome to the site!

Do you have a favorite system to collect for?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Oathkeeper42 on September 05, 2013, 02:59:34 am
Hello one and all.

I'm Lee. I hail from the beautiful state of Colorado. I'm slowly adding my collection since I just found this site. Hopefully I get to chat here and there with y'all. Anyhow, don't know what else to say but, I'll let my collection speak for itself.
Welcome to the site!

Do you have a favorite system to collect for?

I'd have to go with PS2 since there's plenty more titles I want for that console.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jvan on September 07, 2013, 04:56:06 pm
Howdy, just dropping by here.  I check these boards sometimes, so I figured I might as well post some, too.

I used to be really into gaming until around 2004 or so, then dropped the hobby (got burned out, I suppose?), but eventually came back into the hobby around a year ago.  Luckily I never sold a *single* game from when I was a kid, so I was fortunate enough to have a decent collection from around that point.  Just been playing catch-up with a lot of the titles I missed since that period, especially PS2 games.  I have a 360 that I play sometimes, but I feel compelled to play the last generation before I jump into the current (bad timing, with the PS4/One coming so soon), oh well.

Plus, I'm cheap.  Can't afford to put down 60 bucks so often.

Glad to be here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 08, 2013, 09:40:40 am
Howdy, just dropping by here.  I check these boards sometimes, so I figured I might as well post some, too.

I used to be really into gaming until around 2004 or so, then dropped the hobby (got burned out, I suppose?), but eventually came back into the hobby around a year ago.  Luckily I never sold a *single* game from when I was a kid, so I was fortunate enough to have a decent collection from around that point.  Just been playing catch-up with a lot of the titles I missed since that period, especially PS2 games.  I have a 360 that I play sometimes, but I feel compelled to play the last generation before I jump into the current (bad timing, with the PS4/One coming so soon), oh well.

Plus, I'm cheap.  Can't afford to put down 60 bucks so often.

Glad to be here.

Glad to have ya'!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: DarknessSavior on September 23, 2013, 09:09:37 pm
Greetings, all.

I've never actually registered for a place like this before. But I figured I might as well eventually. A buddy of mine (foxhack) mentioned it on his FB, and I figured it couldn't hurt. I figure I'd like to get a decent list together before I head off to Japan. Nice to meet all of you! :D

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 24, 2013, 08:58:57 am
Greetings, all.

I've never actually registered for a place like this before. But I figured I might as well eventually. A buddy of mine (foxhack) mentioned it on his FB, and I figured it couldn't hurt. I figure I'd like to get a decent list together before I head off to Japan. Nice to meet all of you! :D


Welcome to the 7th circle of Hel...I mean...VGCollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: spoung45 on September 29, 2013, 06:40:03 pm
Hello from Chicago been logging my collection on here for a while and this is my first time in the forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 30, 2013, 10:26:31 am
Hello from Chicago been logging my collection on here for a while and this is my first time in the forums.

Glad to see you branching-out :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on October 22, 2013, 02:54:22 pm
Hi everyone, great site and community by the way. I'm Marcus, been collecting games since an early age and still going strong. I'm from Hawaii but moved to Asia 3 years ago and now I'm in Singapore. Glad to be a member here and share collections with other people.

- mark1982
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 22, 2013, 03:10:00 pm
Welcome to the forums new people!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 22, 2013, 04:06:08 pm
Welcome to the site, mark1982!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 03:07:49 pm
Hi I'm Andy but everyone online knows me as flatapex, I am mainly a master system and mega drive/genesis collector

I am 32 years old and from Manchester.....thats right I am British  ;D

I was introduced here by soera, we know eachother on sega8bit, the other sites I am on are predominantly UK ones.

I have about 130 games in total, the vast majority are for the ms/genesis.

Forgive me if I mention mega drive instead of genesis or mention prices in £'s, and if you want any help with pal region stuff for those systems, let me know as I know a fair bit
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 03:42:20 pm
Hey good sir, glad to see you decided to join up. Once you use the collection tool here, you will see its so much nicer and easier to use than the other one you have. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 10, 2013, 03:52:20 pm
Hi I'm Andy but everyone online knows me as flatapex, I am mainly a master system and mega drive/genesis collector

I am 32 years old and from Manchester.....thats right I am British  ;D

I was introduced here by soera, we know eachother on sega8bit, the other sites I am on are predominantly UK ones.

I have about 130 games in total, the vast majority are for the ms/genesis.

Forgive me if I mention mega drive instead of genesis or mention prices in £'s, and if you want any help with pal region stuff for those systems, let me know as I know a fair bit

Welcome to the site!

Always nice to see this thread getting some use :)

(*Protip*) = *Never* admit to knowing/liking soera...ya' lose points here for that  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 04:00:55 pm
Hey good sir, glad to see you decided to join up. Once you use the collection tool here, you will see its so much nicer and easier to use than the other one you have. :D
I will get round to sorting that asap, I could probably add loads of it from memory so might try it on my breaks at work
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 04:12:50 pm
Hi I'm Andy but everyone online knows me as flatapex, I am mainly a master system and mega drive/genesis collector

I am 32 years old and from Manchester.....thats right I am British  ;D

I was introduced here by soera, we know eachother on sega8bit, the other sites I am on are predominantly UK ones.

I have about 130 games in total, the vast majority are for the ms/genesis.

Forgive me if I mention mega drive instead of genesis or mention prices in £'s, and if you want any help with pal region stuff for those systems, let me know as I know a fair bit

Welcome to the site!

Always nice to see this thread getting some use :)

(*Protip*) = *Never* admit to knowing/liking soera...ya' lose points here for that  :o

on the majority of gaming forums you lose points for defending the master system against the nes  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 04:25:59 pm
This is one of those forums that has a fair share of both Sega and Nintendo people combined. I have both myself but I definitely prefer the SMS over the NES even though my NES collection is over 700 titles but my SMS is almost 100.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on November 10, 2013, 04:28:50 pm
Welcome to the site flatapex! We will try not to hold the fact the you know soera against you  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 04:30:36 pm
This is one of those forums that has a fair share of both Sega and Nintendo people combined. I have both myself but I definitely prefer the SMS over the NES even though my NES collection is over 700 titles but my SMS is almost 100.
awesome, on one of the other ones there are about half a dozen that own and play master system, it has got to the point where we are constantly on the look out for stuff for eachother because no-one else helps us. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 04:35:24 pm
Welcome to the site flatapex! We will try not to hold the fact the you know soera against you  ;D
haha, at this rate I am getting away with being british on what I guess is a mainly american forum?

are there any more of us on here or am I one of the few with pal region consoles?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 04:40:37 pm
Honestly cant think of anyone else that posts regularly from the UK region. Its mostly US/Canadian based with the silly guy in the Mexico area.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 04:41:31 pm
We will try not to hold the fact the you know soera against you  ;D

You guys know this place wouldnt be the same without me!  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on November 10, 2013, 04:44:55 pm
Honestly cant think of anyone else that posts regularly from the UK region. Its mostly US/Canadian based with the silly guy in the Mexico area.

Kimimi is probably our more prolific poster from the UK.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 04:52:11 pm
I thought Kimimi was stateside with just a JP collection.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: flatapex on November 10, 2013, 04:53:31 pm
Honestly cant think of anyone else that posts regularly from the UK region. Its mostly US/Canadian based with the silly guy in the Mexico area.
i've noticed most sites seem to have one nationality as a majority and thats it, I moderate elsewhere and its an international site

in reality every system's collector needs to know people from worldwide

I wont mention that I saw a complete master system lucky dime caper for $6 in a shop today  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sin2beta on November 10, 2013, 05:20:39 pm
I thought Kimimi was stateside with just a JP collection.

Just to be sure I checked her profile. It says UK. I figured that because I see her on RetroCollect a fair amount (It's like us but very UK centric).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on November 10, 2013, 05:22:18 pm
Honestly cant think of anyone else that posts regularly from the UK region. Its mostly US/Canadian based with the silly guy in the Mexico area.

Wait, who the heck is in Mexico and silly?

And yes, kimimi's British. Her collection focuses heavily on Asian (China / Japan) items though.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 10, 2013, 06:06:48 pm
Honestly cant think of anyone else that posts regularly from the UK region. Its mostly US/Canadian based with the silly guy in the Mexico area.

Wait, who the heck is in Mexico and silly?

And yes, kimimi's British. Her collection focuses heavily on Asian (China / Japan) items though.
Didn't you hear?  Soera moved to Mexico last week!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 10, 2013, 06:59:21 pm
Welcome to the site. I would have left out the part about soera though. He didn't touch you, did he?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kimimi on November 10, 2013, 09:03:54 pm
Just to confirm/clarify - I'm British, female, and I live in the UK :)

Welcome to the site flatapex :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 10, 2013, 10:10:42 pm
Well, I was wrong then! I assumed you were stateside just totally interested in JP stuff.

Of course I didnt touch him. Hes in UK !
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kimimi on November 11, 2013, 12:57:01 am
No harm done :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on November 11, 2013, 10:26:07 pm
Wait, who the heck is in Mexico and silly?

I'm not sure who he's talking about... You're totally Mr. All-Business. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: MJMaranan on November 22, 2013, 03:10:57 am
Was looking for a "Newbie Corner" like they did in SquareInsider where new people introduced themselves.

Anyway, I am enjoying VGCollect as I've been looking for a new Video Game Collections Listing since IGN destroyed their once-epic member listings and replaced it with Twitter-esque features and such.  Will try to make good relations with anyone and everyone.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on November 22, 2013, 08:48:49 am
Was looking for a "Newbie Corner" like they did in SquareInsider where new people introduced themselves.

Anyway, I am enjoying VGCollect as I've been looking for a new Video Game Collections Listing since IGN destroyed their once-epic member listings and replaced it with Twitter-esque features and such.  Will try to make good relations with anyone and everyone.

Welcome! It's pretty great here.

As a side note, I never properly introduced myself either. Hi, I'm Bob! I found this site through /r/gamecollecting and I liked it a lot. You guys are all rad :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 22, 2013, 10:05:18 am
Was looking for a "Newbie Corner" like they did in SquareInsider where new people introduced themselves.

Anyway, I am enjoying VGCollect as I've been looking for a new Video Game Collections Listing since IGN destroyed their once-epic member listings and replaced it with Twitter-esque features and such.  Will try to make good relations with anyone and everyone.

Welcome! It's pretty great here.

As a side note, I never properly introduced myself either. Hi, I'm Bob! I found this site through /r/gamecollecting and I liked it a lot. You guys are all rad :D

Was looking for a "Newbie Corner" like they did in SquareInsider where new people introduced themselves.

Anyway, I am enjoying VGCollect as I've been looking for a new Video Game Collections Listing since IGN destroyed their once-epic member listings and replaced it with Twitter-esque features and such.  Will try to make good relations with anyone and everyone.

Welcome to both of you guys :)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on November 22, 2013, 01:24:35 pm
Was looking for a "Newbie Corner" like they did in SquareInsider where new people introduced themselves.

Anyway, I am enjoying VGCollect as I've been looking for a new Video Game Collections Listing since IGN destroyed their once-epic member listings and replaced it with Twitter-esque features and such.  Will try to make good relations with anyone and everyone.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: daveit on November 29, 2013, 12:44:07 pm
Hello, my name is David and I'm new :D
I'll do my best and I hope my adds and edits will benefit this database.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 29, 2013, 12:50:26 pm
Welcome to the site, David!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on November 29, 2013, 01:27:53 pm
Welcome to the community David!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: daveit on November 29, 2013, 02:38:27 pm

Forgot to mention: I mostly collect anything Nintendo, but there are some exceptions :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on November 29, 2013, 06:12:47 pm
Welcome to VGCollect David!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: banky on December 25, 2013, 05:15:13 am
hello, new here. Long time gamer (since 2600 days) with some gaps here & there. A frequenter on gamefaqs as "banky" until they changed formatting and that username was gone forever.

I like the collection database but widsh it were more sortable/customisable. Sorry if that's an old common complaint.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on December 25, 2013, 06:51:26 am
I like the collection database but widsh it were more sortable/customisable. Sorry if that's an old common complaint.
any new features will come in the future, the site has recently been updated and there is still bugs and some basic features have not been added yet

welcome to the site banky
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 25, 2013, 09:17:41 am
hello, new here. Long time gamer (since 2600 days) with some gaps here & there. A frequenter on gamefaqs as "banky" until they changed formatting and that username was gone forever.

I like the collection database but widsh it were more sortable/customisable. Sorry if that's an old common complaint.

Welcome to VGCollect Banky!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on December 25, 2013, 09:11:32 pm
Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs. Merry Christmas.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 7thLeveLReviews on December 27, 2013, 11:21:39 am

What's folks, 7th here.

Most people know me from my Youtube channels, The7thLevl (which is now an archive) and 7thLeveLReviews. I'm also on Twitter @The7thlevel.

I'm a console gaming collector. My collection is not as big as it once was. It used to stretch all the way back to the Fairchild Channel F but due to several boxes of stuff being mistakenly sold in a yard sale whilst I was doing fieldwork on the other side of the state, I lost a good chunk of my collection in 2004 and didn't start buying the stuff back until 2009. I got to looking through what I have on the shelf last night (a good chunk of my collection is in a Uhaul storage unit) and decided I needed to find a good place where I could catalog everything I had on display so I could keep better track, and show it off to people who are constantly asking me for videos updating my collection.

Right now my biggest issue is I want to do retro reviews of TG16 games, but I don't have a PVR that'll handle RF, and the prices for TurboPros add-ons and TurboDuos are ridiculous.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 27, 2013, 11:30:06 am
Hey 7th!

Welcome to the 7th circle of Hel...

...I mean VGCollect  ;D

Sounds like you'll fit right in w/ the rest of us!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 7thLeveLReviews on December 27, 2013, 11:39:01 am
As for PSN, my id is The7thLevel. I'm a level 23 at 95% with over 5000 trophies and 42 plats. I don't keep track of my XBL score because I own those more for the collection than for actual playing. I'm mostly a Sony guy XD
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on December 27, 2013, 11:40:59 am
Welcome 7th!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Warmsignal on December 29, 2013, 01:00:39 am
Sssgoin' on everyone? Been itching to find a new home for my collection cataloging. Mostly due to the lack of reliability in terms of your competition. You probably know who I'm talking about. The video game database site that's almost always down or severely gimped. Can't even use that place anymore it's gotten so bad.

Have been gaming since the early 90s and collecting obsessively a good 4 or 5 years. I'm not the game-room type, nor one to collect trinkets or memorabilia. I mostly focus on just games, and just games that honestly appeal to me. I've got most of the hardware I'll ever want, aside from some of the recent. Basically all of the mainstream units and few of the more obscure ranging from 2nd gen to 8th gen, and I collect games for virtually all of them, I have no biases and enjoy them all. Lately I've been on a modern games collecting kick. I've recently acquired a 3DS, Vita, and Wii U.

I have a game buying addiction, sometimes I buy more than I have time to play. I'm fan of rpgs, platformers, action & adventure, and hack n' slash among many genres. You can catch me playing about anything console wise aside from sports, mmo, or shovelware.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on December 29, 2013, 07:40:22 am
Welcome to the site Warmsignal! I hope you haven't come here to get help with your game buying addiction because hanging around here will only cause you to get more games :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 29, 2013, 09:57:39 am
Sssgoin' on everyone? Been itching to find a new home for my collection cataloging. Mostly due to the lack of reliability in terms of your competition. You probably know who I'm talking about. The video game database site that's almost always down or severely gimped. Can't even use that place anymore it's gotten so bad.

Have been gaming since the early 90s and collecting obsessively a good 4 or 5 years. I'm not the game-room type, nor one to collect trinkets or memorabilia. I mostly focus on just games, and just games that honestly appeal to me. I've got most of the hardware I'll ever want, aside from some of the recent. Basically all of the mainstream units and few of the more obscure ranging from 2nd gen to 8th gen, and I collect games for virtually all of them, I have no biases and enjoy them all. Lately I've been on a modern games collecting kick. I've recently acquired a 3DS, Vita, and Wii U.

I have a game buying addiction, sometimes I buy more than I have time to play. I'm fan of rpgs, platformers, action & adventure, and hack n' slash among many genres. You can catch me playing about anything console wise aside from sports, mmo, or shovelware.

HI Warmsignal!

Welcome to VGAnonym...Collect...Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on December 29, 2013, 02:59:37 pm
Sssgoin' on everyone? Been itching to find a new home for my collection cataloging. Mostly due to the lack of reliability in terms of your competition. You probably know who I'm talking about. The video game database site that's almost always down or severely gimped. Can't even use that place anymore it's gotten so bad.

GameFAQs? :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Warmsignal on December 29, 2013, 11:16:59 pm
Sssgoin' on everyone? Been itching to find a new home for my collection cataloging. Mostly due to the lack of reliability in terms of your competition. You probably know who I'm talking about. The video game database site that's almost always down or severely gimped. Can't even use that place anymore it's gotten so bad.

GameFAQs? :P

Not sure if serious. Starts with an RF and ends with a Generation.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stethebubble on December 30, 2013, 06:33:56 pm
welcome Warmsignal and 7thLeveLReviews
hope you find this site as useful as i have.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 31, 2013, 07:57:43 am
Sssgoin' on everyone? Been itching to find a new home for my collection cataloging. Mostly due to the lack of reliability in terms of your competition. You probably know who I'm talking about. The video game database site that's almost always down or severely gimped. Can't even use that place anymore it's gotten so bad.

GameFAQs? :P

Not sure if serious. Starts with an RF and ends with a Generation.

Could be serious - I don't know who/what you're referring to, either...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on January 05, 2014, 12:31:44 pm
Hello everyone!

I've been gaming since 1992 when I got a Sega Genesis for my 5th birthday, but really became addicted when I got an N64 on XMAS 96. Like most on here, I sold or traded most of my childhood games for newer games or other stuff over the years, and began collecting again in 2008. Aside from having to sell my NTSC Saturn collection back in 2010 to fund a summer semester of school, I have held onto my games and am currently at about 1200 games (have not put all my games in as of the time of this post).

I collect current gen games all the way back to NES, however my favorite games to collect for are 5th (PS1, N64, Saturn) and 6th gen (PS2, Dreamcast, XBOX, Gamecube) games. I mostly hunt all my games in the wild at thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and places like that, although I do break down and get stuff on Ebay sometimes. I also trade with various other collectors in my area to get harder to find stuff. I have, however, recently slowed down with my collecting, partially out of choice, but also because most of the stuff I want but don't have is harder to find. Instead I am focusing more on playing all the games in my current collection rather than buying more new ones.

A little extra: My favorite games are Shenmue and Shenmue II, my favorite console is the Dreamcast followed by the PS2, and my most wanted game at the time of posting this is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the PS1.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you and being apart of a vibrant online gaming community! :D

PS. Going to try and get pics of my game room today (or tomorrow).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on January 05, 2014, 01:22:00 pm
Hello everyone!

I've been gaming since 1992 when I got a Sega Genesis for my 5th birthday, but really became addicted when I got an N64 on XMAS 96. Like most on here, I sold or traded most of my childhood games for newer games or other stuff over the years, and began collecting again in 2008. Aside from having to sell my NTSC Saturn collection back in 2010 to fund a summer semester of school, I have held onto my games and am currently at about 1200 games (have not put all my games in as of the time of this post).

I collect current gen games all the way back to NES, however my favorite games to collect for are 5th (PS1, N64, Saturn) and 6th gen (PS2, Dreamcast, XBOX, Gamecube) games. I mostly hunt all my games in the wild at thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and places like that, although I do break down and get stuff on Ebay sometimes. I also trade with various other collectors in my area to get harder to find stuff. I have, however, recently slowed down with my collecting, partially out of choice, but also because most of the stuff I want but don't have is harder to find. Instead I am focusing more on playing all the games in my current collection rather than buying more new ones.

A little extra: My favorite games are Shenmue and Shenmue II, my favorite console is the Dreamcast followed by the PS2, and my most wanted game at the time of posting this is The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the PS1.

Looking forward to getting to know all of you and being apart of a vibrant online gaming community! :D

PS. Going to try and get pics of my game room today (or tomorrow).

Welcome to the community! Glad to have you :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on January 05, 2014, 06:17:58 pm
Welcome to VGCollect. It's a nice, close-knit community with a surprising amount of video game knowledge.

Just a heads up, watch out for a guy named soera.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stethebubble on January 05, 2014, 08:02:34 pm
bikingjahuty welcome. hope you like the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 05, 2014, 09:06:52 pm
Welcome to VGCollect. It's a nice, close-knit community with a surprising amount of video game knowledge.

Just a heads up, keep an eye out for a hero named Soera.

Aww thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Veilor on January 26, 2014, 06:57:21 am
Well maybe I should introduce myself, joined like a week or so ago. Found the link on on some status update and decided I'd check it out, liked the site from start :D. About myself I'm 24 years old, lives in Sweden, alone atm. Been playing video games since I can remember. Mostly played on NES and consoles coming after that.  I like all kind of video games, the only kind of games I have a hard time playing is Sports and big RPG games like FF, DQ and the like, though I recently told myself I'd complete FF13,13-2 & Tales of Vesperia before the end of this year. Nowadays I mostly play on Xbox 360 or PC (steam) and when I feel like it I plug in any of the old consoles.
My collection isn't that big, but I do keep the games I buy, I just can't sell any. I have about 50-60 360 games that I have and a lot of them not completed. I'm also a big Pokémon fan, whenever I get a console with Pokémon games I try to get every game released on it. Have all games for N64 (excluding hey you pikachu as it wasn't released in EU) & Wii. GBA, GB & DS I'm working on slowly and I've yet to get a 3DS as I don't feel the hurry to get one now (nintendo will redesign it more times anyway). I'm also not a perfect collector as I don't mind not having boxes, manuals and the like, if I just have the game it's enough for me.

Well that's me, ask away if there's anything you wonder :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 26, 2014, 08:17:18 am

Just curious, since you say that you don't really like RPG's - and then say that you really like Pokemon & that it's one of your you not consider Pokemon games as RPG's, or do you kind of just classify Pokemon as in a class/genre all its own?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on January 26, 2014, 12:00:33 pm
Seeing this topic in my "unread posts" and not in "replies to your posts" made me realise that I have never introduced myself  :o

So... Hi all! I've been collecting for 4 years, but more seriously for around 2 years. I live in Quebec (Canada) and study computer science. I only collect on Nintendo, Sony and Sega consoles, because first I hate Microsoft  :P and second because there aren't enough exclusives that appeal to me on any xbox system to justify me buying one. My favourite system is the Nintendo DS, but it's kinda in a tie with the 3DS now. I love handheld gaming a lot. I sometimes play computer games, but I don't count them in my collection because it's not my focus at all.

I'm a year late, but they say it's better late than never, right?  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 26, 2014, 12:38:12 pm
Seeing this topic in my "unread posts" and not in "replies to your posts" made me realise that I have never introduced myself  :o

So... Hi all! I've been collecting for 4 years, but more seriously for around 2 years. I live in Quebec (Canada) and study computer science. I only collect on Nintendo, Sony and Sega consoles, because first I hate Microsoft  :P and second because there aren't enough exclusives that appeal to me on any xbox system to justify me buying one. My favourite system is the Nintendo DS, but it's kinda in a tie with the 3DS now. I love handheld gaming a lot. I sometimes play computer games, but I don't count them in my collection because it's not my focus at all.

I'm a year late, but they say it's better late than never, right?  :P

(A Hearty & Belated) WELCOME to VGCollect then...

...Carry-on Karyann!

(Geddit?)  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Veilor on January 26, 2014, 01:22:55 pm

Just curious, since you say that you don't really like RPG's - and then say that you really like Pokemon & that it's one of your you not consider Pokemon games as RPG's, or do you kind of just classify Pokemon as in a class/genre all its own?

Thanks! Yes, I consider Pokémon another type of RPG game than what Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and the like are. They are in my opinion bigger, longer and requires much more time to complete, also much more complex as they have equipment, stat points and all those stuff. With Pokémon you don't really have to pay attention to stats unless you do a lot of VS battles, which I don't.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on January 26, 2014, 03:18:39 pm
Welcome to the site Veilor!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on January 27, 2014, 06:26:18 pm
Thanks! Yes, I consider Pokémon another type of RPG game than what Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and the like are. They are in my opinion bigger, longer and requires much more time to complete, also much more complex as they have equipment, stat points and all those stuff. With Pokémon you don't really have to pay attention to stats unless you do a lot of VS battles, which I don't.

I like you way of thinking  ;) Though I love both Pokémon and other RPGs. And welcome in the group! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on February 02, 2014, 04:55:13 pm
I was looking for a place to catalog my collection, and I discovered this delightful place! Now to figure out how you link to your collections in your sig like most of you do....

I've recently turned 30, I started playing NES at around 4-5 years old, and while I only buy the occasional video game these days (mostly RPGs or strategy) I still like to keep up with things. My collection largely consists of games I bought new, including NES & SNES games. I have sold off a few things I knew I'd never use again, but besides that, I tend to hold onto things.

I've been known on Dragon's Den for my ridiculous collection of Dragon Quest stuff (plushies and slimes particularly, dishes and CDs as well) which three years in Japan certainly helped along. I've still got friends sending me things.  ::) It was the first RPG I ever played, and even my father jokes that between the RPGs and the Nintendo Powers, it really helped our early reading skills!

While I'm never the most active forum member, it's lovely to meet you all!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on February 02, 2014, 04:58:27 pm
I was looking for a place to catalog my collection, and I discovered this delightful place! Now to figure out how you link to your collections in your sig like most of you do....

I've recently turned 30, I started playing NES at around 4-5 years old, and while I only buy the occasional video game these days (mostly RPGs or strategy) I still like to keep up with things. My collection largely consists of games I bought new, including NES & SNES games. I have sold off a few things I knew I'd never use again, but besides that, I tend to hold onto things.

I've been known on Dragon's Den for my ridiculous collection of Dragon Quest stuff (plushies and slimes particularly, dishes and CDs as well) which three years in Japan certainly helped along. I've still got friends sending my things.  ::) It was the first RPG I ever played, and even my father jokes that between the RPGs and the Nintendo Powers, it really helped our early reading skills!

While I'm never the most active forum member, it's lovely to meet you all!
Welcome to the forum! I know myself, and I'm sure Soera, would love to see your Dragon Quest collection. There's a game room pics thread here (,271.0.html) if you're interested in sharing!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on February 02, 2014, 05:07:58 pm

Welcome to the forum! I know myself, and I'm sure Soera, would love to see your Dragon Quest collection. There's a game room pics thread here (,271.0.html) if you're interested in sharing!

A decent amount of stuff of mine is in storage until I can find alternate dwellings, but I think I have some pictures I shot for a Dragon's Den contest that would work in the mean time... :) Thanks!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on February 02, 2014, 05:45:47 pm
Welcome, anruiukimi! I'm sure you'll have a great time here, it's the most wonderful place on the internet  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: inheritancedpa on February 02, 2014, 08:20:03 pm
Hi guys!
My name is Diego, I'm from Barcelona and i'm 28 years old. I've been playing video games since i can remember. First platform i've ever played was a ZX Spectrum, followed by PC, Commodore Amiga, SNES, Gameboy, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3.
Yesterday i was using google to find a way to catalog my collection, so i ended here. Cool website & forum and of course a very nice and clean design.
Excuse me if my english is not the best one out there, blame the spanish education system if you want! Actually my english vocabulary came from reading texts in videogames :-)
So that's me guys, now i'm focus on collecting for my SNES which is my favorite platform along with Dreamcast and PS1.
My top 5 favorite games of all times are Zelda: A Link to the past, Chrono Trigger, Shenmue and FFVII.
Take care and i'm looking forward to know some of you!
Greetings from Barcelona!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on February 02, 2014, 09:15:11 pm
I was looking for a place to catalog my collection, and I discovered this delightful place! Now to figure out how you link to your collections in your sig like most of you do....

I've recently turned 30, I started playing NES at around 4-5 years old, and while I only buy the occasional video game these days (mostly RPGs or strategy) I still like to keep up with things. My collection largely consists of games I bought new, including NES & SNES games. I have sold off a few things I knew I'd never use again, but besides that, I tend to hold onto things.

I've been known on Dragon's Den for my ridiculous collection of Dragon Quest stuff (plushies and slimes particularly, dishes and CDs as well) which three years in Japan certainly helped along. I've still got friends sending me things.  ::) It was the first RPG I ever played, and even my father jokes that between the RPGs and the Nintendo Powers, it really helped our early reading skills!

While I'm never the most active forum member, it's lovely to meet you all!

Whats your Den handle? Im on there as Soera as well. Id like to see your plushie collection. I havent branched out to plushies as I have a pretty full room but my collection DQ wise is pretty in depth!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 03, 2014, 12:13:09 am
Welcome new folks!

inheritancedpa, if there are any categories you need added for that part of the world feel free to it us up on the Missing Consoles (,74.0.html) thread. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 03, 2014, 09:44:35 am
Welcome, anruiukimi and inheritancedpa! I'm sure you'll have a great time here, it's the most wonderful place on the internet  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on February 03, 2014, 11:47:37 am
Welcome, anruiukimi! I'm sure you'll have a great time here, it's the most wonderful place on the internet  ;)

Thank you! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on February 03, 2014, 09:12:06 pm
Hi guys!
My name is Diego, I'm from Barcelona and i'm 28 years old. I've been playing video games since i can remember. First platform i've ever played was a ZX Spectrum, followed by PC, Commodore Amiga, SNES, Gameboy, PS1, Dreamcast, PS2, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3.
Yesterday i was using google to find a way to catalog my collection, so i ended here. Cool website & forum and of course a very nice and clean design.
Excuse me if my english is not the best one out there, blame the spanish education system if you want! Actually my english vocabulary came from reading texts in videogames :-)
So that's me guys, now i'm focus on collecting for my SNES which is my favorite platform along with Dreamcast and PS1.
My top 5 favorite games of all times are Zelda: A Link to the past, Chrono Trigger, Shenmue and FFVII.
Take care and i'm looking forward to know some of you!
Greetings from Barcelona!
I'm not the only native Spanish speaker anymore? I'm sad. ;_;

¡Bienvenido y todo eso! Rediez. O lo que digan por allá. :p
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on February 03, 2014, 09:19:18 pm
Nunca has sido el único
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on February 03, 2014, 10:04:52 pm
Welcome to all the newbs!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: inheritancedpa on February 05, 2014, 09:11:00 pm
Thank you all guys!  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on February 06, 2014, 02:47:47 am
welcome to all who are new
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on February 06, 2014, 11:30:57 am
Hi to all the new peeps. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 06, 2014, 12:50:49 pm
I'm not the only native Spanish speaker anymore? I'm sad. ;_;

¡Bienvenido y todo eso! Rediez. O lo que digan por allá. :p

Nunca has sido el único

Siempre estabo a su nivel...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on February 06, 2014, 01:22:18 pm
I'm not the only native Spanish speaker anymore? I'm sad. ;_;

¡Bienvenido y todo eso! Rediez. O lo que digan por allá. :p

Nunca has sido el único

Siempre estabo a su nivel...

I'm a liar. I was just using google translate. I only had t 2 years of high school Spanish 15 years ago.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nadozza on February 14, 2014, 05:56:03 pm

I was just looking for a good way to catalog my collection (as small as it is) and after trying a few services VGCollect is easily my favorite.

I'm @animemew on Twitter and love AKB stuff, so if anyone else likes them I'd love to chat!

Everyone in the forum seem super nice and open, so I'm hoping to be chatting with you all often  ;)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on February 14, 2014, 06:43:02 pm
welcome to the site nadozza
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on February 14, 2014, 06:47:35 pm
Hope you like it here. It's a pretty great place. Don't be afraid to jump right in.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on February 14, 2014, 06:51:32 pm

I was just looking for a good way to catalog my collection (as small as it is) and after trying a few services VGCollect is easily my favorite.

I'm @animemew on Twitter and love AKB stuff, so if anyone else likes them I'd love to chat!

Everyone in the forum seem super nice and open, so I'm hoping to be chatting with you all often  ;)

Hi! I've only been here a few weeks myself, but welcome! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 14, 2014, 09:56:52 pm
Ah! Another Canadian! HIIIISSSSSS!

Kidding, welcome to VGCollect nadozza! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 10:21:23 pm
Another Canadian? From our fair land of post-rock and high shipping prices?

Welcome to the site. I like your collection!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nadozza on February 14, 2014, 10:49:47 pm
Thanks everyone!

Another Canadian? From our fair land of post-rock and high shipping prices?

Welcome to the site. I like your collection!

What's up with our shipping prices? It's ridiculous. Also, EB has lost a customer in me raising their prices. The dollar down 10 or 11 cents? Better raise the price 5~10$!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 10:59:12 pm
Thanks everyone!

Another Canadian? From our fair land of post-rock and high shipping prices?

Welcome to the site. I like your collection!

What's up with our shipping prices? It's ridiculous. Also, EB has lost a customer in me raising their prices. The dollar down 10 or 11 cents? Better raise the price 5~10$!
I fear for our American brethren even more. Minimum wage might go up, and even though that's a good thing on paper, a lot of companies are going to inflate prices on things.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scott on February 14, 2014, 11:16:32 pm
It's actually a bad thing on paper as well. Minimum wage goes up, prices of good goes up to compensate for the mandatory wage increase.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: DreamsDied13101 on February 14, 2014, 11:27:37 pm
Thought I would finally post in this thread.

I just joined a little bit ago after watching this site for a long time. I have way too much stuff to catalog currently, but I'm slowly adding stuff and marking that I own it. Maybe in the next few years I'll catch up.

Name is Stephen (pronounced like Steven) and I live in Arizona. I'm 34.

I have been collecting since the Atari 2600 and my newest console is the Xbox One (I have almost everything in-between).

Also I'm relieved to see that people understand simple economics from the posts above mine.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 11:34:15 pm
It's actually a bad thing on paper as well. Minimum wage goes up, prices of good goes up to compensate for the mandatory wage increase.
Well, that's my point. The part where I said it was good on paper is because people immediately think "Yay, more money!" and "the 99% is winning", but they forget that the companies are thinking the exact same thing. Except the 1% are winning. A $3 fast food item might cost $1 - $1.50 more within the next 2 years because a lot of people who work at fast food eat there as well, and fast food restaurants control a huge part of American employment, as well as daily revenue.

Anyways, back on topic: Welcome Stephen, even though you've received a warm welcome in the weeks past. :p Can't wait to see your full collection logged.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 15, 2014, 08:40:56 am
Ah! Another Canadian! HIIIISSSSSS!

Kidding, welcome to VGCollect nadozza! :D


Welcome to the community - we've got a great group here -and- it's always nice to meet new members & get to know them :)

On a brighter note (than Canada:) - I've noticed that I'm now up to having at least 4-5 brother "Parkway Exit #'s" here on the site!

Jersey representing *STRONG*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: DreamsDied13101 on February 15, 2014, 11:25:29 am
Well, that's my point. The part where I said it was good on paper is because people immediately think "Yay, more money!" and "the 99% is winning", but they forget that the companies are thinking the exact same thing. Except the 1% are winning. A $3 fast food item might cost $1 - $1.50 more within the next 2 years because a lot of people who work at fast food eat there as well, and fast food restaurants control a huge part of American employment, as well as daily revenue.

Anyways, back on topic: Welcome Stephen, even though you've received a warm welcome in the weeks past. :p Can't wait to see your full collection logged.

I agree with both points. Everyone has been very nice and welcomed me! Also every time minimum wage is raised the companies don't just say, "Oh Well - we are just going to pay more to our employees and make less money this year." Just as you said Exonerator - they pass that cost down to the customers. This happens across the whole market. Grocery stores start charging more, fast food charges more, any retail store. Even companies you wouldn't think about have minimum wage employees like shipping companies, warehousing companies, video game companies. All of these companies are going to pass that cost back to the consumers.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 02, 2014, 08:26:41 pm
Hey folks.  Stumbled across this place browsing to see if there was a better mobile app to use on my phone as the only one I have is NES Hunter Pro, which is only Nintendo related and only up to Gamecube, so this place seemed way better for keep track of my overall collection.  I'm a relatively new collector though I've done it off and on over the years, but now I've really begun trying to collect on the cheap when I can, primarily Nintendo related, though I'm a pretty varied gamer.  My main collection right now is trying to get all the Zelda titles, of which I have a reasonable chunk so far, but a ways to go.  Also trying to collect alot of Nintendo 64 games, of which I have around 30 with nearly zero boxes for them, though I am lucky to still have my original Zelda N64 games in the boxes.

Looking forward to hanging out here.  I've also in the past few months started into Perler Bead art, usually retro gaming related, so maybe I can start a thread for that around here, of which you can find my deviantart at .

Now to spend forever cataloging my games lol
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on March 02, 2014, 08:55:57 pm
Let me be the "Welcome Wagon". Nice to have you. Don't be scared to jump right in and be part of the community. It's a good group here. Nice to have you.  And keep an eye out for a dude named soera. Nothing but trouble.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 02, 2014, 09:01:31 pm
Thanks, Turf.  I'll keep my eyes peeled lol
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 02, 2014, 09:27:36 pm
Welcome Kamikaze :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on March 03, 2014, 12:35:45 am
Let me be the "Welcome Wagon". Nice to have you. Don't be scared to jump right in and be part of the community. It's a good group here. Nice to have you.  And keep an eye out for a dude named soera. Nothing but trouble.

Lies! Soera is only a little of trouble. I'm far worse (when it comes to enabling, anyway.) :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 03, 2014, 07:05:10 am
And keep an eye out for a dude named soera. Nothing but trouble.

Second this   ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 03, 2014, 10:15:05 am
And keep an eye out for a dude named soera. Nothing but trouble.

Second this   ;)

Third ... oh wait, wut? :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jellysauce on March 03, 2014, 03:11:28 pm

hello! my name is austin and i've been a lifelong video game enthusiast. started with super nintendo and nintendo 64 growing up. got a ps1 and then a 2. unfortunately i struggled with a drug addiction for 3-4 years and ended up selling my entire collection of games from my childhood for drugs. it really hurts to think about, especially now that snes and n64 games are so inflated at the moment. but it has given me a fresh start to start collecting from scratch.

i decided to collect for NES, Gameboy and Sega Genesis and its been going great.titles aren't to expensive and these three platforms are like uncharted territory for me so its been a blast exploring all these "new" games

im 24 going on 25 and i plan on keeping this hobby to the grave, i love it so. i've had a hard time transitioning from new generations of consoles though so i don't have any plans to buy anything past the 5th gen anytime soon. i've only been collecting for about a year now, but im quite proud of what i've accumulated so far.  once i have all that i want for the nes and genesis i think ill move on to the playstation. but i guess we'll see what happens.

i mainly spend my time on 4chan, but i've really been looking for a good old fashion forum to spend some time on and meet some new e-friends and i think this might be just the place. its great knowing you all.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 03, 2014, 03:41:30 pm
Welcome to the site Austin - it's great to have you here  ;D

Also, thanks so much for your honest & candid me brother, you're not alone  ;)

In fact, you've made me a bit jealous by getting your shit together at such a young age!

See, in my "Other Life" - I also struggled on & off w/ my own drug addiction(s)...for a long, hard, miserable, lonely, alienated & isolated time (this "Other Life" ended for me a little over 10 years ago).

However, instead of getting it together in my early 20's like you did (which, in & of itself is admirable and no mean feat) 'War with Myself' took me to 50+ rehabs & detoxes, a 13 month "therapeutic community", dozens of outpatient programs, 10 years on parole and/or probation, 5 years in jail & prisons in 10 different counties spread over 3 different states, took my driver's license, killed a best friend of mine (watched him OD & die right in front of me - helpless to do anything about it...he was about your age when he died, etc, etc, etc.

I said all of that to say this:

After & in spite of all of that...I eventually went back & got my GED, worked full time, went to college & got my CADC (Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor) -and- wound up working in a rehab; helping others that were just like I used to be - it was very gratifying.

Shit, selling *MY* gaming collection was easy to forgive myself was selling everyone else's that *really* pissed everyone off   :o

So...yeah, congratulations on giving up that 'High Cost of Low Living' sooner & younger than I did   8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Reckoning on March 05, 2014, 11:28:26 am
I just realized I've been adding and editing the database but I haven't even introduced myself yet to you guys.


I'm Ian!  I live in Pierce County WA.

I play guitar poorly though if that counts (used to play cello, but currently don't have one), I make silly voices usually when nobody else is around, and I want to eventually make my own games.
I have a custom google map of locations I'd like to visit in my life which I add to all the time.  It's mostly all old ruins.

I listen to all sorts of music, but spend more time listening to podcasts currently.

Anywho I think this is long enough, so HI!
Glad to be here =)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 05, 2014, 12:19:54 pm
I just realized I've been adding and editing the database but I haven't even introduced myself yet to you guys.


I'm Ian!  I live in Pierce County WA.

I play guitar poorly though if that counts (used to play cello, but currently don't have one), I make silly voices usually when nobody else is around, and I want to eventually make my own games.
I have a custom google map of locations I'd like to visit in my life which I add to all the time.  It's mostly all old ruins.

I listen to all sorts of music, but spend more time listening to podcasts currently.

Anywho I think this is long enough, so HI!
Glad to be here =)

Welcome to VGC, Ian!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on March 05, 2014, 01:43:09 pm
Welcome guys! I hope you will enjoy it here in our friendly neighbourhood :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jellysauce on March 06, 2014, 02:21:40 am
Welcome to the site Austin - it's great to have you here  ;D

Also, thanks so much for your honest & candid me brother, you're not alone  ;)

In fact, you've made me a bit jealous by getting your shit together at such a young age!

See, in my "Other Life" - I also struggled on & off w/ my own drug addiction(s)...for a long, hard, miserable, lonely, alienated & isolated time (this "Other Life" ended for me a little over 10 years ago).

However, instead of getting it together in my early 20's like you did (which, in & of itself is admirable and no mean feat) 'War with Myself' took me to 50+ rehabs & detoxes, a 13 month "therapeutic community", dozens of outpatient programs, 10 years on parole and/or probation, 5 years in jail & prisons in 10 different counties spread over 3 different states, took my driver's license, killed a best friend of mine (watched him OD & die right in front of me - helpless to do anything about it...he was about your age when he died, etc, etc, etc.

I said all of that to say this:

After & in spite of all of that...I eventually went back & got my GED, worked full time, went to college & got my CADC (Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor) -and- wound up working in a rehab; helping others that were just like I used to be - it was very gratifying.

Shit, selling *MY* gaming collection was easy to forgive myself was selling everyone else's that *really* pissed everyone off   :o

So...yeah, congratulations on giving up that 'High Cost of Low Living' sooner & younger than I did   8)

thank you so much for such a warm welcome, and im so glad everything worked out for you in the end. gives me hope for some of my friends...dope is absolutely a living nightmare. i was in a constant state of superficial happiness, just lying to myself the entire time that everything was okay. you just keep reaching new lows. i had to get out, i just wasn't doing anything with my life and i felt completely miserable. it made me grow up fast, i feel like i've been through the ringer, i can only imagine the pain you've had to go through.

with that said, retro games have been a means to cope and recover and i love it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 06, 2014, 05:33:56 am
Heh, yeah - that's the thing about "bottoms"...they Always have trap doors  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on March 10, 2014, 09:38:02 pm
Welcome all noobies!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blodwast on April 05, 2014, 04:06:20 pm

Just thought I'd drop a little message here to say hi. I've been lurking for a few weeks already and started putting my collection on here. It's pretty neat and the community seems nice! I've been looking for a forum like this for a while and I'm glad to be part of this community (where it's not only people bragging about how their collection's worth 10 millions haha).

If you guys are wondering, I've been seriously collecting for about a year now. I've been gaming since I was a kid and kept all my games (which I'm really happy about now!). What really started me into collecting seriously was my job at a video game store. I started buying more and more games as some rares came in and we were selling them for cheap, so I bought them. I eventually bought a large amount of games when the boss decided to put all Xbox, GameCube and PlayStation 2 games for $0.99. (Yeah, EVERYTHING for 99 cents) Radiata Stories for 99 cents? HELL YEAH. One of my coworker got Skies of Arcadia Legends for 99 cents aswell. I was soooo jealous haha.
So yeah, I'm collecting pretty much everything, if it's a good deal, I'll take it. I rarely buy new games and when I do, I'm getting them for cheap when they have a rebate or a promotion. I don't buy new games for $60.

At the moment, I've got games for these systems :
 - NES
 - Nintendo 64
 - GameCube
 - Wii

 - GameBoy
 - GameBoy Color
 - GameBoy Advance
 - Nintendo DS
 - Nintendo 3DS

 - PlayStation
 - PlayStation 2
 - PlayStation 3
 - PSP
 - PS Vita

 - Xbox
 - Xbox 360

 - Sega Game Gear
 - Sega Genesis

So yeah, that's about it I guess. If you guys got any questions, feel free to ask!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 07:04:03 am
Welcome to VGC!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on April 06, 2014, 07:28:01 am

Maybe this thread is for you  ;D,4705.0.html (,4705.0.html)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 08:45:11 am

Maybe this thread is for you  ;D,4705.0.html (,4705.0.html)

I was thinking the same thing about the timing of that thread & his Introduction  ;D

(didn't wanna potentially scare anyone off, though)  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on April 06, 2014, 09:46:26 am

Just thought I'd drop a little message here to say hi. I've been lurking for a few weeks already and started putting my collection on here. It's pretty neat and the community seems nice! I've been looking for a forum like this for a while and I'm glad to be part of this community (where it's not only people bragging about how their collection's worth 10 millions haha).

Welcome to the family! :D
Don't be scared off by the thread fazerco linked, by the way :P I also started my collection thanks to my work in a video games store (I could trade all my greatest hits/player's choice for black labels, that was awesome :P ). And I have to say you've got some taste in consoles!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on April 06, 2014, 10:34:12 am
There's nothing to be scared off. If i worked in a videogame store i would do the same.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on April 06, 2014, 10:41:39 am
Welcome!  ;D 

And yeah, despite what anyone says I doubt there's anyone here who wouldn't have jumped on something like Skies Legends for .99.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 11:19:45 am
There's nothing to be scared off. If i worked in a videogame store i would do the same.

It's not really that so much as stuff like:

"can eat my ass"

isn't the warmest, coziest, friendliest, and most welcoming 1st impression/sentiment to a new site member  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: okay on April 06, 2014, 02:10:06 pm
Hi there;

My name is Oliver - when I'm not slaving away at work, spending time with my wonderful wife of nearly two years, or at church - one can find me in front of my video games.

I don't care for the status quo - in fact, it's something I ignore completely. Thats' why, in a city where pickup trucks are ridiculously popular, I drive a 2009 Smart ForTwo. I watch NASCAR, WWE, Pro Wrestling, and Super Sentai on TV. My dream girl (after my wife) is the girl who plays Amy on Big Bang Theory. I'm an energy drink addict.

Thats me in a nutshell. I'm on Xbox Life - if one is interested in chatting or whatever, feel free to hit me up.

Take care and keep gaming!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 02:14:28 pm
Hi there;

My name is Oliver - when I'm not slaving away at work, spending time with my wonderful wife of nearly two years, or at church - one can find me in front of my video games.

I don't care for the status quo - in fact, it's something I ignore completely. Thats' why, in a city where pickup trucks are ridiculously popular, I drive a 2009 Smart ForTwo. I watch NASCAR, WWE, Pro Wrestling, and Super Sentai on TV. My dream girl (after my wife) is the girl who plays Amy on Big Bang Theory. I'm an energy drink addict.

Thats me in a nutshell. I'm on Xbox Life - if one is interested in chatting or whatever, feel free to hit me up.

Take care and keep gaming!

Welcome to the7thcircl...erm VGCollect!

Don't worry; okay?!

It's gonna be ok, OKAY  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blodwast on April 06, 2014, 03:10:15 pm

Maybe this thread is for you  ;D,4705.0.html (,4705.0.html)

Hahaha don't worry guys, this will not scare me!
I've read a couple of posts there and there're some good comments but I'll respond there if I find it necessary as this is not the place!

Welcome to the family! :D
Don't be scared off by the thread fazerco linked, by the way :P I also started my collection thanks to my work in a video games store (I could trade all my greatest hits/player's choice for black labels, that was awesome :P ). And I have to say you've got some taste in consoles!

If I'm not mistaken, I think you're from Canada? I've seen a video, if I remember right, from you and you sounded like your first language is french (with your accent). I don't want to feel like a creepo invading your privacy haha but I'm from Canada also and speak french! So I was wondering if you were close to me or something. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 03:46:35 pm
If I'm not mistaken, I think you're from Canada? I've seen a video, if I remember right, from you and you sounded like your first language is french (with your accent). I don't want to feel like a creepo invading your privacy haha but I'm from Canada also and speak french! So I was wondering if you were close to me or something. :P

No worries!

If there's one thing that there's not a lack of here ==>

  ==>it's Canadians; eh  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: htimreimer on April 06, 2014, 04:07:53 pm
If I'm not mistaken, I think you're from Canada? I've seen a video, if I remember right, from you and you sounded like your first language is french (with your accent). I don't want to feel like a creepo invading your privacy haha but I'm from Canada also and speak french! So I was wondering if you were close to me or something. :P

No worries!

If there's one thing that there's not a lack of here ==>

  ==>it's Canadians; eh  :P
as a canadian, i find eh offensive :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 06, 2014, 04:56:10 pm
If I'm not mistaken, I think you're from Canada? I've seen a video, if I remember right, from you and you sounded like your first language is french (with your accent). I don't want to feel like a creepo invading your privacy haha but I'm from Canada also and speak french! So I was wondering if you were close to me or something. :P

No worries!

If there's one thing that there's not a lack of here ==>

  ==>it's Canadians; eh  :P
as a canadian, i find eh offensive :P

Sorry; eh  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on April 06, 2014, 05:10:55 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 06, 2014, 06:13:18 pm
Blodwast Welcome to the site.  Don't let anything around here scare you off.  This is a good bunch of folks.  We have fun, even if we have strong opinions from time to time.  Enjoy your stay and feel free to jump in with both feet.

... and I stand by my "eat my ass" comment.   8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on April 06, 2014, 11:17:06 pm
If I'm not mistaken, I think you're from Canada? I've seen a video, if I remember right, from you and you sounded like your first language is french (with your accent). I don't want to feel like a creepo invading your privacy haha but I'm from Canada also and speak french! So I was wondering if you were close to me or something. :P

Well, that's not creepy, but it sure surprised me  :P Yep, I'm from Quebec, my native language is French, but I speak English pretty fluently, I guess. Where are you from exactly?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: blodwast on April 07, 2014, 09:06:28 pm
No worries!

If there's one thing that there's not a lack of here ==>

  ==>it's Canadians; eh  :P

Hahaha great!

Blodwast Welcome to the site.  Don't let anything around here scare you off.  This is a good bunch of folks.  We have fun, even if we have strong opinions from time to time.  Enjoy your stay and feel free to jump in with both feet.

... and I stand by my "eat my ass" comment.   8)

Haha thanks and don't worry, I won't be scared! And you all look like pleasant people around here, I'm sure I'll have fun hanging around as I am already having fun! Eh, and strong opinions? I may have some from time to time aswell!

Well, that's not creepy, but it sure surprised me  :P Yep, I'm from Quebec, my native language is French, but I speak English pretty fluently, I guess. Where are you from exactly?

I'm from Quebec aswell! :D

Salut! Je suis à Québec, en fait sur la rive sud et toi?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on April 08, 2014, 05:33:15 pm
Welcome, new people! Sorry, I always forget to come in here...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Bwigdahl on April 11, 2014, 12:09:36 am
Hey all, name's Ben and I'm just a nobody from Kansas who loves video games. Mostly collect SNES and PS2 games but always just on the lookout for cool/interesting games on all consoles (at least the ones I own). This place is really cool though, glad I stumbled across it here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 11, 2014, 11:17:17 am
Hey all, name's Ben and I'm just a nobody from Kansas who loves video games. Mostly collect SNES and PS2 games but always just on the lookout for cool/interesting games on all consoles (at least the ones I own). This place is really cool though, glad I stumbled across it here.

Glad you found us.  Welcome to our little slice of the interwebs. 

What's your favorite thing in your collection?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Bwigdahl on April 11, 2014, 11:44:24 am

Glad you found us.  Welcome to our little slice of the interwebs. 

What's your favorite thing in your collection?

I know they're not ultra rare or anything, but since they're probably my favorite games my CIB copies of DKC1 and 2. That or my CIB japanese import of Castlevania Dracula X.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 11, 2014, 12:32:55 pm
Hey all, name's Ben and I'm just a nobody from Kansas who loves video games. Mostly collect SNES and PS2 games but always just on the lookout for cool/interesting games on all consoles (at least the ones I own). This place is really cool though, glad I stumbled across it here.

Welcome to VGC!

I'm another big fan/collector of all things RPG's & PS2 ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 11, 2014, 02:05:26 pm

Glad you found us.  Welcome to our little slice of the interwebs. 

What's your favorite thing in your collection?

I know they're not ultra rare or anything, but since they're probably my favorite games my CIB copies of DKC1 and 2. That or my CIB japanese import of Castlevania Dracula X.

Don't worry about stuff being "ultra rare".  Just worry about what you like.  If a loose copy of Gyromite makes you smile, enjoy it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 11, 2014, 02:16:28 pm
Beware of the Soera...he leads all astray!  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on April 11, 2014, 02:31:19 pm
Soera is the evil one! OMG!  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on April 11, 2014, 02:41:10 pm
Soera is the evil one! OMG!  8)

Yes, such evil
many slimes
much master system

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 11, 2014, 03:47:24 pm
Soera is the spawn of the evil one! OMG!  8)

Fix'd diddly-fixed  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 11, 2014, 06:40:12 pm
Beware of the Soera...he leads all astray!  :P

We're going to tell every new person this. One day, someone will be scared of him. Until then, we warn the masses.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on April 11, 2014, 08:05:52 pm

Glad you found us.  Welcome to our little slice of the interwebs. 

What's your favorite thing in your collection?

I know they're not ultra rare or anything, but since they're probably my favorite games my CIB copies of DKC1 and 2. That or my CIB japanese import of Castlevania Dracula X.

Don't worry about stuff being "ultra rare".  Just worry about what you like.  If a loose copy of Gyromite makes you smile, enjoy it.

Welcome Ben!

And what turf said, completely.  One of my favorite things in my Chrono Cross clock that according to the 'bay is worth a whopping $30.  But you couldn't have MINE for $30.  ;) 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: alpha on May 11, 2014, 12:13:59 am
Hi everyone. I've been a gamer since 1996, when I received a Game Boy Pocket for my 7th birthday. I've always been a "Nintendo kid", but I do have some love for the PlayStation. Gaming has been good to me over the years, so I will continue to enjoy what this industry has allowed me to do: enjoy the best form of entertainment.

That's all I'm going to say. I'm not very good at introducing myself, so I apologize for keeping this short.

Game on!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 11, 2014, 07:27:07 am
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 11, 2014, 09:07:38 am
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P

What he said.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 11, 2014, 09:26:45 am
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P

What he said.

The Soera is here to lead all!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 11, 2014, 12:09:52 pm
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P

What he said.

The Soera is here to lead be laughed at & avoided by all!


Giggity  :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: anruiukimi on May 11, 2014, 01:36:43 pm
"Game on", indeed!

Welcome to VGC ;D

Beware of the soera  :P

What he said.

The Soera is here to lead be laughed at & avoided by all!


Giggity  :P

Pffft :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: beng76 on May 25, 2014, 10:08:27 pm
Hi, I am BenG76 on most of the gaming and some other forums. Found this place from a link on DP. Hoping to checkout the collection tool here and possibly give it a try.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on June 01, 2014, 02:15:11 pm
I'm Wesley from the Netherlands and try to collect everything game related  where I can get my hands on.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on June 01, 2014, 07:59:11 pm
Hi, I am BenG76 on most of the gaming and some other forums. Found this place from a link on DP. Hoping to checkout the collection tool here and possibly give it a try.

I've tried a lot of different collection tools before landing here, and vgcollect is my personal favourite by a long shot. I hope you'll like it too :)

Welcome to both of you!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on June 02, 2014, 08:57:41 am
Welkom Wesley  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on June 02, 2014, 09:12:11 am
Hi, I am BenG76 on most of the gaming and some other forums. Found this place from a link on DP. Hoping to checkout the collection tool here and possibly give it a try.

I've tried a lot of different collection tools before landing here, and vgcollect is my personal favourite by a long shot. I hope you'll like it too :)

Welcome to both of you!

Ditto, it's the first one I've found that does pretty much exactly what I want it to.  And the ease in which anyone can edit the database is a huge bonus as well.  :) 

And welcome to all newcomers! 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on June 04, 2014, 10:07:11 am
Hi, I'm Abe and I've been a member of this site for nearly 3 years, yet have only just started to post on the forums. My favorite console is the SNES despite not actually owning one. Series I love include Mega Man, Earthbound/Mother, Disgaea, and most JRPGs in general.
I hope I can start to fit in nicely.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 04, 2014, 10:51:32 am
Hi, I'm Abe and I've been a member of this site for nearly 3 years, yet have only just started to post on the forums. My favorite console is the SNES despite not actually owning one. Series I love include Mega Man, Earthbound/Mother, Disgaea, and most JRPGs in general.
I hope I can start to fit in nicely.  :)

I'm sure that you'll do just fine  ;)

Also...Welcome from out-of-the-Shadows into the community of VGC (IMO, one of the strongest & best parts of the site:)

As long as you diligently follow the same unwritten rules as the rest of us and...ABOVE ALL...

Avoid, Beware of, and Don't Feed the SOERA...

...all will be well!   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 04, 2014, 11:10:39 am
As long as you dont feed the SOERA after midnight, everything goes okay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on June 04, 2014, 11:13:29 am
Welcome all newcomers to VGCollect  :) :) :) :)    Fear the Soera and his pizza  :D  Follow those two rules and everything will be okay
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: olly88 on June 16, 2014, 03:56:55 pm
Hi everyone, joined last night so thought I should say hello. I'm Olly from England, I'm 25 years old and my favourite console in the SNES :) I'm not very good at introductions so I'm not sure what else to say, so I'll leave it there  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 16, 2014, 04:27:29 pm
Hi everyone, joined last night so thought I should say hello. I'm Olly from England, I'm 25 years old and my favourite console in the SNES :) I'm not very good at introductions so I'm not sure what else to say, so I'll leave it there  ;D

Welcome to VGC!

(You did just fine w/ your intro:)


"Beware of and Avoid the SOERA" warning/alert, and...'re good to go  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 16, 2014, 04:52:13 pm
Hi! Dont listen to the others, feed the SOERA and you will do okay here. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 16, 2014, 05:51:28 pm
Hi! Dont listen to the others, feed the SOERA and you will do okay here. :D

Hey man, what are the 3 newest pics/games in your siggie?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 16, 2014, 06:55:09 pm
Soundtracks! Thanks to Denniedarko. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 22, 2014, 01:36:41 am
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on June 22, 2014, 01:57:16 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 22, 2014, 02:36:35 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on June 22, 2014, 03:30:03 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 22, 2014, 03:33:40 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 22, 2014, 03:55:44 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

It's true - as such a big fan of jrpg's, I've certainly developed a *preference* for Sony platforms


I can enjoy & appreciate any rpg's on any other systems too  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on June 22, 2014, 03:56:29 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

Which NES RPG might that be?!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 22, 2014, 04:30:09 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

Which NES RPG might that be?!

Well I was thinking of either playing Earthbound or Super Mario RPG.
Both would please Bob. I am working my way to FFVI. I beat FFIV in April and haven't played FFV yet.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on June 22, 2014, 04:43:30 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

Which NES RPG might that be?!

Well I was thinking of either playing Earthbound or Super Mario RPG.
Both would please Bob. I am working my way to FFVI. I beat FFIV in April and haven't played FFV yet.

Don't forget about Chrono Trigger. I don't even like RPGs and I love that game.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 22, 2014, 04:46:39 pm
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

Which NES RPG might that be?!

Well I was thinking of either playing Earthbound or Super Mario RPG.
Both would please Bob. I am working my way to FFVI. I beat FFIV in April and haven't played FFV yet.

Don't forget about Chrono Trigger. I don't even like RPGs and I love that game.

I actually said that to Bob after I posted that. I played it on the DS but never got to the complete end of it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Bwigdahl on June 23, 2014, 12:13:12 am
Hi all!
I'm Courtney (Bobsters better half!)

For the most part I created this to keep track of all the games that we have that I have actually played. So my collection only looks poor because of that, his collection is actually my collection as well. Whether he wants to admit that or not.  :)
I honestly don't know what my favorite system is. I think I have to say a PS2. It's the first system I personally ever owned. Well I guess I will just leave it at that for now!
Don't worry guys, I'm showing her how awesome the Super Nintendo is!

PS2 does what Nintendoesn't!  ;)
hahaha It doesn't surprise me you're a PS2 fan. Being a fan of JRPGs, it makes sense. But man do I love me some SNES RPGs.

Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

Which NES RPG might that be?!

Well I was thinking of either playing Earthbound or Super Mario RPG.
Both would please Bob. I am working my way to FFVI. I beat FFIV in April and haven't played FFV yet.

Don't forget about Chrono Trigger. I don't even like RPGs and I love that game.

I actually said that to Bob after I posted that. I played it on the DS but never got to the complete end of it.

Don't forget Secret of Mana! the great thing about that is that you guys could play it together too. The only SNES RPG I know of that has a multiplayer option.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on June 23, 2014, 08:42:49 am
Don't forget Secret of Mana! the great thing about that is that you guys could play it together too. The only SNES RPG I know of that has a multiplayer option.
That's a good suggestion! I recently played through that game a couple months ago, and it was a lot more brutal than I remembered. But playing multiplayer might make it easier!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 23, 2014, 10:28:03 pm
Don't forget Secret of Mana! the great thing about that is that you guys could play it together too. The only SNES RPG I know of that has a multiplayer option.
That's a good suggestion! I recently played through that game a couple months ago, and it was a lot more brutal than I remembered. But playing multiplayer might make it easier!

I didn't even realize that it was multiplayer, don't think Bobster told me about that. That will be on the list as well to play soon.
So many RPGs not enough time.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 23, 2014, 11:20:43 pm
Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

First off, hi ... I am the SOERA that has been mentioned all over. No need to fear me and actually hero worship is not only permitted but accepted as norm in here.

Second, I hate to say it but if you are going to follow Ni no Kuni with anything, you will be disappointed. Everyone knows how I feel about the game so no need to say anymore on that. :)

If you are going to play some SNES RPGs, I would suggest FF VI, Chrono Trigger, Breath of fire and SMB RPG (and on a smaller level, Tecmo secret of the stars). FF Mystic quest is too basic, FF IV is good but doesnt quite reach VI levels, Earthbound was not appealing to me gameplay wise at all. Breath of fire II is good but the original is the best. Ys III is a horrible example of the series. The Ultima games dont hold a candle to Ultima IV. Ogre battle is a tactical RPG and not my style. I also could not get into the action RPG style of the Lufia/Mana/Gaia games. Not much else to mention.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 23, 2014, 11:24:47 pm
I also noticed you mention the PS2. Definitely one of the greatest systems ever. With the ability to play PS1 and PS2 RPGs all on one system, you can fill your time with nothing else and be occupied for months on end. Just dont over look the hack and slash games like Baldur's gate and Champions of Norrath series. Awesome awesome games to play co-op and it already sounds like you have a partner to do that with!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on June 24, 2014, 12:20:50 am
Soera is being very moddest  ;)  It's clear he forgot to mention his wonderful love for the Nintendo 64 and Sega Dreamcast.  He has always been highly supportive of those two systems especially for multi-player 8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: MJMaranan on June 24, 2014, 12:29:39 am
Definitely agree with soera on most of his recommendations, although I actually enjoy tactical RPGs.  Time-suck though they are.

Also, Secret Of Mana is at least easier compared to Secret Of Evermore.  Multi-player or not, you'll eventually have 2 assisting characters that can do more than just attack enemies, although you won't have a treasure sniffer like your dog companion.

Anyway, welcome to VGCollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on June 24, 2014, 08:16:30 am
Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

First off, hi ... I am the SOERA that has been mentioned all over. No need to fear me and actually hero worship is not only permitted but accepted as norm in here.

Second, I hate to say it but if you are going to follow Ni no Kuni with anything, you will be disappointed. Everyone knows how I feel about the game so no need to say anymore on that. :)

If you are going to play some SNES RPGs, I would suggest FF VI, Chrono Trigger, Breath of fire and SMB RPG (and on a smaller level, Tecmo secret of the stars). FF Mystic quest is too basic, FF IV is good but doesnt quite reach VI levels, Earthbound was not appealing to me gameplay wise at all. Breath of fire II is good but the original is the best. Ys III is a horrible example of the series. The Ultima games dont hold a candle to Ultima IV. Ogre battle is a tactical RPG and not my style. I also could not get into the action RPG style of the Lufia/Mana/Gaia games. Not much else to mention.
We don't currently own Breath of Fire sadly. Those games are amazing. Maybe I'll bump those up on priority so she can play them :D

I did enjoy what little I played of the Lufia games though. That was back in my emulating days in high school. I played through Gaia, again, not too long ago, I don't think it interested her.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on June 24, 2014, 11:00:40 am
Breath of Fire 1&2 are also available on the GBA which should be cheaper and more available. 3&4 is on the PS1.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on June 24, 2014, 11:24:43 am
Don't forget Secret of Mana! the great thing about that is that you guys could play it together too. The only SNES RPG I know of that has a multiplayer option.
That's a good suggestion! I recently played through that game a couple months ago, and it was a lot more brutal than I remembered. But playing multiplayer might make it easier!

I didn't even realize that it was multiplayer, don't think Bobster told me about that. That will be on the list as well to play soon.
So many RPGs not enough time.

The curse of every RPG fan...

Breath of Fire 1&2 are also available on the GBA which should be cheaper and more available. 3&4 is on the PS1.

3&4 are also available as PSN downloads - well, I *know* 4 is, I'm pretty sure 3 is as well.  I've never played the first two, but 3&4 are both awesome games.

And of course, I could rattle off killer PS2 RPGs all day...Dragon Quest VIII, Suikoden V, SMT Nocturne, Persona 3/4, Dark Cloud 2, FFX/X-2, Wild Arms 3, Shadow Hearts, that was such a great system.   ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rentgirl on June 24, 2014, 07:32:50 pm
Once I am done with Ni No Kuni I might actually take a stab at my first SNES RPG.

First off, hi ... I am the SOERA that has been mentioned all over. No need to fear me and actually hero worship is not only permitted but accepted as norm in here.

Second, I hate to say it but if you are going to follow Ni no Kuni with anything, you will be disappointed. Everyone knows how I feel about the game so no need to say anymore on that. :)

If you are going to play some SNES RPGs, I would suggest FF VI, Chrono Trigger, Breath of fire and SMB RPG (and on a smaller level, Tecmo secret of the stars). FF Mystic quest is too basic, FF IV is good but doesnt quite reach VI levels, Earthbound was not appealing to me gameplay wise at all. Breath of fire II is good but the original is the best. Ys III is a horrible example of the series. The Ultima games dont hold a candle to Ultima IV. Ogre battle is a tactical RPG and not my style. I also could not get into the action RPG style of the Lufia/Mana/Gaia games. Not much else to mention.

Hi Soera!
I am thinking I might just play FFV so then I can play FFVI since I am trying to play them in order so I can get to FFX HD (I <3 that game and haven't played HD version yet)
I guess I really just have to take a look at what Bob and I have as well to figure out what to play. He is my biggest influence and he loved Earthbound which is why it was on my list.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maximo310 on July 01, 2014, 10:32:47 pm
FFV is pretty-time consuming depending how long you want to develop your jobs, but I'd recommend a playthrough of the game. Not the best story(depending what version you play, the story can be really boring and flat), but the gameplay and music makes up for that.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ferchokyzer on July 02, 2014, 10:43:32 am
Hello guys,

New dude here, i just found out about this page like a couple of weeks ago and fall in love right away. I used to manage my collections first in IGN and then with the "Shelves" application in my ipod that for some reason crashed and loose all the data ¬¬. So this is a new attempt to manage my collections.

Please be aware that it is my intention to add more items to the overall list. Like downloadable versions of some retail/classic games. If that is ok with you. Please let me know. Also i would like to ask if it's ok to add to the list some DLC?

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 02, 2014, 11:25:53 am
Hello guys,

New dude here, i just found out about this page like a couple of weeks ago and fall in love right away. I used to manage my collections first in IGN and then with the "Shelves" application in my ipod that for some reason crashed and loose all the data ¬¬. So this is a new attempt to manage my collections.

Please be aware that it is my intention to add more items to the overall list. Like downloadable versions of some retail/classic games. If that is ok with you. Please let me know. Also i would like to ask if it's ok to add to the list some DLC?


Welcome to VGC New DooD!

While it is okay to add things here (we are always happy to have NEW items added), be careful about (and familiar with) using our (un)stylish "Style Guide" (in link below) AND be certain that you're not adding duplicates of items that are already in the database :),22.0.html
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 02, 2014, 11:51:07 am
Hello guys,

New dude here, i just found out about this page like a couple of weeks ago and fall in love right away. I used to manage my collections first in IGN and then with the "Shelves" application in my ipod that for some reason crashed and loose all the data ¬¬. So this is a new attempt to manage my collections.

Please be aware that it is my intention to add more items to the overall list. Like downloadable versions of some retail/classic games. If that is ok with you. Please let me know. Also i would like to ask if it's ok to add to the list some DLC?


Welcome!  I think disgaeniac christened you with a new name.  You're New DooD now.   ;)

We all appreciate you folks adding new stuff to the database.

Again, welcome.  It's great to have new folks.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gomi321 on July 04, 2014, 10:45:26 pm
Hello all. I'm Gomi and I've been collecting everything and anything for some time now. I really have no idea what to put here except thanks to everyone that works on this site. You've saved me from buying quite a number of duplicates.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on July 05, 2014, 12:16:20 am
Hello all newcomers.  :) 

Feel free to add to your heart's content, just make sure you post good hi-res images with no white space around them, or my eye will start to twitch and...bad things will happen.   ;) :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thekosmickollector on July 15, 2014, 04:15:50 pm
I've been here a couple days and I've posted before but I haven't properly introduced myself so, without further ado;
Hello, I'm TheKosmicKollector! I recently started collecting once I finally got some space and I found a bunch of old PS2 games from when I was younger. Since I'm probably one of the youngest here and I've only recently started collecting, my collection's one of the smaller ones. But regardless, I love gaming and my collection and I like to collect a bit of everything (Whatever I can find on my pretty tight budget really). I've got a long way to go until I have a really awesome collection like a lot of you guys do, and there are a whole bunch of systems I really want to get but just haven't found yet for cheap (i.e NES, SNES, Saturn etc) :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on July 15, 2014, 05:32:17 pm
I've been here a couple days and I've posted before but I haven't properly introduced myself so, without further ado;
Hello, I'm TheKosmicKollector! I recently started collecting once I finally got some space and I found a bunch of old PS2 games from when I was younger. Since I'm probably one of the youngest here and I've only recently started collecting, my collection's one of the smaller ones. But regardless, I love gaming and my collection and I like to collect a bit of everything (Whatever I can find on my pretty tight budget really). I've got a long way to go until I have a really awesome collection like a lot of you guys do, and there are a whole bunch of systems I really want to get but just haven't found yet for cheap (i.e NES, SNES, Saturn etc) :)

I think it is really cool when people who were either really young or not even born when certain platforms were around can go back and appreciate them still. Welcome to VGcollect and thanks for the comment on my room tour video :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on July 15, 2014, 05:32:29 pm
I've been here a couple days and I've posted before but I haven't properly introduced myself so, without further ado;
Hello, I'm TheKosmicKollector! I recently started collecting once I finally got some space and I found a bunch of old PS2 games from when I was younger. Since I'm probably one of the youngest here and I've only recently started collecting, my collection's one of the smaller ones. But regardless, I love gaming and my collection and I like to collect a bit of everything (Whatever I can find on my pretty tight budget really). I've got a long way to go until I have a really awesome collection like a lot of you guys do, and there are a whole bunch of systems I really want to get but just haven't found yet for cheap (i.e NES, SNES, Saturn etc) :)

Your collection's still bigger than mine. :'( I-I-mean welcome to VGCollect! What sort of games do you play now/what genres do you prefer? If you use PSN often, feel free to add me, I'm online quite often :) (My ID is AvocadoGazpacho, the same one in my sig).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kuribo on July 15, 2014, 07:30:47 pm
I just realized I jumped into the thread about best RPGs without posting here, so I'm going to correct that now.

While I haven't thought of myself as a collector until recently, I've always bought, played, and kept any video games I liked.  I mostly play and collect RPGs and platformers, although I like adventure and action games a lot too.  My goal in collecting right now is to buy and play all of the best games for all of the consoles I already own which includes all Nintendo home consoles from N64 and up and all versions of the Game Boy and DS as well as every Playstation home console.  I've been focusing on Wii and DS lately since those games are pretty cheap to buy right now.  I look forward to talking to everyone here and hopefully finding some awesome new games to buy too!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on July 15, 2014, 07:55:44 pm
Another welcome to other new guy! I somehow feel obligated to post what I was told upon introducing myself. :P

As long as you diligently follow the same unwritten rules as the rest of us and...ABOVE ALL...

Avoid, Beware of, and Don't Feed the SOERA...

...all will be well!   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 16, 2014, 12:50:52 am
Another welcome to other new guy! I somehow feel obligated to post what I was told upon introducing myself. :P

As long as you diligently follow the same unwritten rules as the rest of us and...ABOVE ALL...

Avoid, Beware of, and Don't Feed the SOERA...

...all will be well!   :P

But ... but ... but ... The SOERA is awesome! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 16, 2014, 09:11:25 am
Another welcome to other new guy! I somehow feel obligated to post what I was told upon introducing myself. :P

As long as you diligently follow the same unwritten rules as the rest of us and...ABOVE ALL...

Avoid, Beware of, and Don't Feed the SOERA...

...all will be well!   :P

But ... but ... but ... The SOERA is awesome to avoid! :D

Welcome to the newer members/posters  ;D

You all might not know it yet -but- you've all stumbled into a pretty awesome site & community (*even Soera*...on his better daze)  ;)

Some quick thougts/notes:

- "Large" collections are relative (they all pale in comparison to the Flea's)  :o

- Quality > Quantity (I've built/shaped my collection over the years), and wouldn't trade it for many collections w/ 5x the amount of items; to each their own!

- If you're wondering/uncertain about something...don't hesitate to ask for help.

and - check out the link below to avoid confusion while confusing yourselves even more:),22.0.html

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kuribo on July 16, 2014, 04:20:17 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!  I totally agree about quality over quantity when it comes to collecting.  I only buy games that are well-reviewed or I think I will really enjoy playing, because I don't want to accumulate too much stuff!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thekosmickollector on July 16, 2014, 05:34:46 pm
I've been here a couple days and I've posted before but I haven't properly introduced myself so, without further ado;
Hello, I'm TheKosmicKollector! I recently started collecting once I finally got some space and I found a bunch of old PS2 games from when I was younger. Since I'm probably one of the youngest here and I've only recently started collecting, my collection's one of the smaller ones. But regardless, I love gaming and my collection and I like to collect a bit of everything (Whatever I can find on my pretty tight budget really). I've got a long way to go until I have a really awesome collection like a lot of you guys do, and there are a whole bunch of systems I really want to get but just haven't found yet for cheap (i.e NES, SNES, Saturn etc) :)

Your collection's still bigger than mine. :'( I-I-mean welcome to VGCollect! What sort of games do you play now/what genres do you prefer? If you use PSN often, feel free to add me, I'm online quite often :) (My ID is AvocadoGazpacho, the same one in my sig).

I pretty much enjoy whatever games aren't broken glitchy messes (a-la Ride To Hell). I tend to find myself veering more towards the  hack n' slash, fighting, horror and sandbox genres, although there really isn't any genres I have much of a dislike for, although I'm not too keen on Sports games, but other than that I really enjoy whatever comes my way! (Also I've been growingly interested in racing games recently). As for the PSN thing, I'll be sure to add you whenever I decide to get off my lazy ass and download the PSN update :P May name on there's danny-21_, so that's who that is if you get a request!

Oh and also, as Kuribo said, thanks for such a warm welcome, everyone! You all seem a lovely community to be a part of :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: BBowles on July 16, 2014, 11:35:01 pm
Figured I should introduce myself as well since I've started posting recently. I'm Billy, 29, from Illinois. I've been playing games as long as I can remember, starting with NES when I was 3-4 in 1988/9. Since high school, I've started actually collecting games, although there have been a handfull of purges over the years in order to acquire a little cash (and I regret every one of them -_-). Currently, Xbox 360 games make up the largest console in my collection (150ish out of 400 items), but am looking forward to getting back the oldies that I either sold or have never had the joy of playing.

It's nice to meet everyone and I look forward to getting to know the community here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on July 17, 2014, 09:02:35 am
Welcome to VGcollect, ferchokyzer, kuribo, thekosmickollector and BBowles!  :D Hope you enjoy your stay!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dalanimilbus on July 21, 2014, 12:50:09 am
Hello peoples! I'm Elijah. I'm 20 and am addicted to da gamez. I've collected games for a while, since i was maybe 15. I recently started to get some direction in my collection by focusing on the PS1 and PS2 systems. My goal now is to amass the entirety of the first two Sony system's catalogs. This site seems great for keeping track of what I got, because I traffic in mainly disc-only games as of late. I already have over 500 items logged in, and I'm not even close to being done! Did not know I had that many games. Looks like a cool community so I just wanted to introduce meself while it was on my mind.

Sorry for the ramble, see you on da forum.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 21, 2014, 01:15:42 am
Welcome to all the new users! I love seeing the new names :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: eliandra on July 21, 2014, 04:36:38 am
Hello everyone^^ I've stumbled across this site a few day ago and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm Sina, 25 years old and I'm from Germany (so sorry for any mistakes with the language). I've been playing since the age of 5 and I still do it very passionately. I've never been a big collector, because of not having much space and money but since me and my husband have moved to our new house and having more cash to spend, I've started collecting games recently.

My favourite genres are RPGs, rhythm games, platformers and visual novels. Since I'm serously trying to learn japanese ( and having experience with playing japanese RPGs, though not understanding a word^^), those are the games I want to collect mainly.

My collection is still small, but it will grow steady, because I'm having a lot of fun. And I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun on this site, too ;)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on July 21, 2014, 09:47:20 am
Hello everyone^^ I've stumbled across this site a few day ago and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm Sina, 25 years old and I'm from Germany (so sorry for any mistakes with the language). I've been playing since the age of 5 and I still do it very passionately. I've never been a big collector, because of not having much space and money but since me and my husband have moved to our new house and having more cash to spend, I've started collecting games recently.

My favourite genres are RPGs, rhythm games, platformers and visual novels. Since I'm serously trying to learn japanese ( and having experience with playing japanese RPGs, though not understanding a word^^), those are the games I want to collect mainly.

My collection is still small, but it will grow steady, because I'm having a lot of fun. And I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun on this site, too ;)

If you like Japanese stuff I'm going to shamelessly promote my thread for upcoming Japanese imports here:,5077.0.html (,5077.0.html) :P

Welcome to VGCollect newcomers!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on July 21, 2014, 02:22:14 pm
Hello everyone^^ I've stumbled across this site a few day ago and I think it's time to introduce myself. I'm Sina, 25 years old and I'm from Germany (so sorry for any mistakes with the language). I've been playing since the age of 5 and I still do it very passionately. I've never been a big collector, because of not having much space and money but since me and my husband have moved to our new house and having more cash to spend, I've started collecting games recently.

My favourite genres are RPGs, rhythm games, platformers and visual novels. Since I'm serously trying to learn japanese ( and having experience with playing japanese RPGs, though not understanding a word^^), those are the games I want to collect mainly.

My collection is still small, but it will grow steady, because I'm having a lot of fun. And I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun on this site, too ;)

Welcome!  :D I hope you will enjoy it here as much as we do.

I'm also learning Japanese, and am starting to import a few Japanese games! If you want to chat about Japanese games or culture or anything, feel free to PM me! I still have much to learn, and I always love to talk about everything around Japan :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: eliandra on July 21, 2014, 03:47:51 pm
Thanks for the welcome^^ It's cool to see that there are others who share my interests.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 21, 2014, 04:13:08 pm
Many others w/ similar interests here!

Just "Flee" should a "Soera" show up in a random encounter here  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 21, 2014, 04:17:27 pm
Many others w/ similar interests here!

Just "Flee" should a "Soera" show up in a random encounter here  ;D

That's a good one.  I like it!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 21, 2014, 04:19:41 pm
Many others w/ similar interests here!

Just "Flee" should a "Soera" show up in a random encounter here  ;D

That's a good one.  I like it!

A Wild Soera Appears...

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 22, 2014, 12:11:12 am
I heard a DQ reference and I had to see what it was!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pordox on July 24, 2014, 09:31:11 am
Ahoy VCG! I’m prox - Liechtenstein-born - living, working (designing and developing games and stuff), rocking, drinking and collecting in Zürich (Switzerland).

I used to collect everything for every game console. But due to the limited space in my appartement, I recently sold a lot of the random games that I've never played or never would have played. The focus lays now on the (CIB, "good and playable" ;)) SNES games - THE console of my childhood before I completely switched to PC gaming in the mid 90s (damn you id Software).

Since switzerland is a multilingual place, surrounded by countries like Germany, France and Italy and where Spain and Netherlands is basically around the corner -
we got all sorts of different language version from all around the PAL region. For that, a lot, if not most, of the games in my collection aren’t in the VGC database. But that’s ok, I probably will submitting new entries for quite a while then ::)

I was always looking for a good looking platform (and most importantly with a nice community ;)) to keep track of my collection. Beside that, posting in the forum is a good way to practice some english xD (corrections are appreciated)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 24, 2014, 10:00:16 am
Ahoy VCG! I’m prox - Liechtenstein-born - living, working (designing and developing games and stuff), rocking, drinking and collecting in Zürich (Switzerland).

I used to collect everything for every game console. But due to the limited space in my appartement, I recently sold a lot of the random games that I've never played or never would have played. The focus lays now on the (CIB, "good and playable" ;)) SNES games - THE console of my childhood before I completely switched to PC gaming in the mid 90s (damn you id Software).

Since switzerland is a multilingual place, surrounded by countries like Germany, France and Italy and where Spain and Netherlands is basically around the corner -
we got all sorts of different language version from all around the PAL region. For that, a lot, if not most, of the games in my collection aren’t in the VGC database. But that’s ok, I probably will submitting new entries for quite a while then ::)

I was always looking for a good looking platform (and most importantly with a nice community ;)) to keep track of my collection. Beside that, posting in the forum is a good way to practice some english xD (corrections are appreciated)

Welcome to VGC!  ;D

How many languages do you know?

Oh yeah...beware of the poster directly above your Intro. post  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pordox on July 24, 2014, 11:48:44 am
Welcome to VGC!  ;D


How many languages do you know?

Only german (and the local dialects) and english. In europe you get along with english, most of the time. In SNES times many of the games had english texts. This is where we've learned our first english words xD

Oh yeah...beware of the poster directly above your Intro. post  :o

The almighty "soera"? I've read about him, urban legends... or not.

Klaatu barada nikto!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on July 24, 2014, 12:01:00 pm
Welcome to VGC!  ;D


How many languages do you know?

Only german (and the local dialects) and english. In europe you get along with english, most of the time. In SNES times many of the games had english texts. This is where we've learned our first english words xD

Oh yeah...beware of the poster directly above your Intro. post  :o

The almighty "soera"? I've read about him, urban legends... or not.

Klaatu barada nikto!

Welcome Pordox!   :)

And you got it right about the Soera.  He is a legend, or was a legend or maybe a myth?????  I'm still trying to figure that one out.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: GrooDWanderer on July 24, 2014, 04:22:05 pm
Just found this thread and thought I would intro myself. I'm Groo ( John ), I'm a video editor for TV ( company does advertising, sports programs and a few music videos), musician ( guitarist ) and gamer. I've been slowly (re)growing my collection as time and money allow. I started a YT channel last year (L1GamingChannel) where I record some stuff. It's not monetized ( except for a couple of old videos just so I could do custom thumbnails). I do it just for fun and want to use it to keep track of what games I have completed. I'm not looking to be PewDiePie or anything. I got a great face for radio but not the voice.

I was looking for a video game data base site and VGCollect was recommended to me by Zenimus, so here I am!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 24, 2014, 07:41:24 pm
Welcome to the site Groo!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: GrooDWanderer on July 24, 2014, 10:24:36 pm
Welcome to the site Groo!

THANKS! Just got back from "rhymes with LameShop". I stopped by after going to the bank to see if they had any spare PSP cases. They said "No", (probably a lie) so I just bought a couple of their used 89¢ PSP games that come with no manuals or cover art. Oh well.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on July 25, 2014, 12:33:34 am
Welcome to the site Groo!

THANKS! Just got back from "rhymes with LameShop". I stopped by after going to the bank to see if they had any spare PSP cases. They said "No", (probably a lie) so I just bought a couple of their used 89¢ PSP games that come with no manuals or cover art. Oh well.
It's hard to get too upset when you can pick up a game for less than a buck :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on August 21, 2014, 12:25:15 am
Hello everyone,
              My name is Chris. Or you can just call me Critter (nickname since I was young my grand mom could not pronounce Christopher it came out Crittopher  everyone dropped the opher and started calling me Critter). I have been searching for a collection database/community/place to remember all the games I have/want for a long time now. I finally stumbled on this site... I have to say for the little bit of time I have used this site, it's really great. People are nice and most of all everyone generally loves gaming as much as I do.  ;D I have been gaming since I was about 4 or 5 years old.. My favorite console at that time was the NES. Nowadays I am definitly a playstation player. But I do like to play retro consoles. I do like xbox 360 just cant stand that damn controller. If anyone is interested my psn name is Critter7405. I will try my best to answer and post as much as I can to the forums.
              Besides gaming I went to college for computers... I repair, custom build and diagnose pcs. I can also fix PS3 YLOD and XBOX 360 RROD. I have done a few of xbox and ps3 repairs already and they are still running great today.  :P
              I wouldn't be a DAD if didn't say that my two kids and wife are getting more involved in gaming. My son has been next to me from the time he was able to put his head up watching me play. Now he is playing games like Super Mario Galaxy and many others which he is actually beating. My daughter is 5 and she is getting really into the DS and just starting out on the Wii. My wife is always looking for the deals from Facebook, eBay and Craig's list. Also just an open ear to anyone talking about gaming, so we can increase the collection. My wife does play the Wii but I have been trying to convince her to play the PS3. It will happen one day I am sure.
              Sorry it took a while to introduce myself. I wanted to get a feel for the community and input as much as my collection I could as fast as possible.
              Although at the moment I am not doing to much gaming I do keep up with it. The last game I played was uncharted 1 and 2.. I pretty much will play everything and anything.

      I would also like to say Thank You to those that put up with all my edits as I was going through inputting my collection.
Big thanks to FOX for putting up with me.  :P
Thanks again and hopefully you will see me post more.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 21, 2014, 08:27:35 am
Hello everyone,
              My name is Chris. Or you can just call me Critter (nickname since I was young my grand mom could not pronounce Christopher it came out Crittopher  everyone dropped the opher and started calling me Critter). I have been searching for a collection database/community/place to remember all the games I have/want for a long time now. I finally stumbled on this site... I have to say for the little bit of time I have used this site, it's really great. People are nice and most of all everyone generally loves gaming as much as I do.  ;D I have been gaming since I was about 4 or 5 years old.. My favorite console at that time was the NES. Nowadays I am definitly a playstation player. But I do like to play retro consoles. I do like xbox 360 just cant stand that damn controller. If anyone is interested my psn name is Critter7405. I will try my best to answer and post as much as I can to the forums.
              Besides gaming I went to college for computers... I repair, custom build and diagnose pcs. I can also fix PS3 YLOD and XBOX 360 RROD. I have done a few of xbox and ps3 repairs already and they are still running great today.  :P
              I wouldn't be a DAD if didn't say that my two kids and wife are getting more involved in gaming. My son has been next to me from the time he was able to put his head up watching me play. Now he is playing games like Super Mario Galaxy and many others which he is actually beating. My daughter is 5 and she is getting really into the DS and just starting out on the Wii. My wife is always looking for the deals from Facebook, eBay and Craig's list. Also just an open ear to anyone talking about gaming, so we can increase the collection. My wife does play the Wii but I have been trying to convince her to play the PS3. It will happen one day I am sure.
              Sorry it took a while to introduce myself. I wanted to get a feel for the community and input as much as my collection I could as fast as possible.
              Although at the moment I am not doing to much gaming I do keep up with it. The last game I played was uncharted 1 and 2.. I pretty much will play everything and anything.

      I would also like to say Thank You to those that put up with all my edits as I was going through inputting my collection.
Big thanks to FOX for putting up with me.  :P
Thanks again and hopefully you will see me post more.

Good to have you & hope to see more posting & interaction w/ the community here; your impression was a good one - we've got a pretty awesome group of gamers & collectors here...

...just beware this one poster/moderator named Soera - he's bad news!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: britconsolegamer on August 21, 2014, 09:14:31 am
What's going on guys?

I am Matt, but also go by Brit Console Gamer.

I was born in England but live in Ireland with my wife. I am currently waiting for a large majority of my collection to arrive from Australia (where we lived for the last 2 years), but have already started making additions to it.

I do have a YouTube channel which can be found here:

I have an Instagram account, under the name @britconsolegamer and I use this to show pickups and other cool stuff I find on my travels

I also have an obligatory FaceBook account, which can be found at:

And finally Twitter which I rarely use but if you fancy following look up @britconsolegame

Both PSN and XBox gamertags are BCGMatt so add me if you want

As of the post, the games in this collection are ones that I have in the house at the moment. I can add to this as the rest arrives.

I am looking forward to speaking to some of you in the forums, and don't hesitate to shout if you want to ask some questions.

Until next time, have fun and take it easy!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on August 21, 2014, 01:26:57 pm
Hi all new people! Welcome to the forums. Ive noticed mentions of avoiding that in which is SOERA ... but if you feed the SOERA many games, it stays calm. Sounds like good advice honestly. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on August 21, 2014, 02:10:48 pm
Hi all new people! Welcome to the forums. Ive noticed mentions of avoiding that in which is SOERA ... but if you feed the SOERA many games, it stays calm. Sounds like good advice honestly. :)

Don't listen to what he says.  Be careful with soera.  Nothing but trouble.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on August 21, 2014, 04:37:12 pm
Welcome Brit Console Gamer! Hope you enjoy the site! :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on August 21, 2014, 11:33:59 pm
Hello everyone,
              My name is Chris. Or you can just call me Critter (nickname since I was young my grand mom could not pronounce Christopher it came out Crittopher  everyone dropped the opher and started calling me Critter). I have been searching for a collection database/community/place to remember all the games I have/want for a long time now. I finally stumbled on this site... I have to say for the little bit of time I have used this site, it's really great. People are nice and most of all everyone generally loves gaming as much as I do.  ;D I have been gaming since I was about 4 or 5 years old.. My favorite console at that time was the NES. Nowadays I am definitly a playstation player. But I do like to play retro consoles. I do like xbox 360 just cant stand that damn controller. If anyone is interested my psn name is Critter7405. I will try my best to answer and post as much as I can to the forums.
              Besides gaming I went to college for computers... I repair, custom build and diagnose pcs. I can also fix PS3 YLOD and XBOX 360 RROD. I have done a few of xbox and ps3 repairs already and they are still running great today.  :P
              I wouldn't be a DAD if didn't say that my two kids and wife are getting more involved in gaming. My son has been next to me from the time he was able to put his head up watching me play. Now he is playing games like Super Mario Galaxy and many others which he is actually beating. My daughter is 5 and she is getting really into the DS and just starting out on the Wii. My wife is always looking for the deals from Facebook, eBay and Craig's list. Also just an open ear to anyone talking about gaming, so we can increase the collection. My wife does play the Wii but I have been trying to convince her to play the PS3. It will happen one day I am sure.
              Sorry it took a while to introduce myself. I wanted to get a feel for the community and input as much as my collection I could as fast as possible.
              Although at the moment I am not doing to much gaming I do keep up with it. The last game I played was uncharted 1 and 2.. I pretty much will play everything and anything.

      I would also like to say Thank You to those that put up with all my edits as I was going through inputting my collection.
Big thanks to FOX for putting up with me.  :P
Thanks again and hopefully you will see me post more.

Good to have you & hope to see more posting & interaction w/ the community here; your impression was a good one - we've got a pretty awesome group of gamers & collectors here...

...just beware this one poster/moderator named Soera - he's bad news!

Thank you hope to post more  :P
I have heard this a lot to keep away from Soera ... Lol what did he do that was so wrong?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 22, 2014, 08:38:34 am
the very existence of a soera is wrong enough in itself  :P

he's the harbinger of the 4 horse-men of the apocalypse  :'(

'ware & ward!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on August 22, 2014, 09:40:56 am
the very existence of a soera is wrong enough in itself  :P

he's the harbinger of the 4 horse-men of the apocalypse  :'(

'ware & ward!

I was going to say "He was born", but this was put so much better.

He did do this one thing with a live chicken, a weed eater, and a large Slurpie. It wasn't pretty.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on August 22, 2014, 09:43:29 am
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on August 22, 2014, 09:58:18 am

It's like a family portrait from hell.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jcalder8 on August 22, 2014, 10:04:20 am
Welcome to all the new users!

Please don't listen to the fear mongers, Soera is about as evil as a kitty katt. Anyone who is that into Dragon Quest can't be all that evil.... now maybe if he was obsessed with Castlevania or something.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 22, 2014, 10:04:57 am

It's like a family portrait from hell.

'Soera spawn'...yikes!

Absolutely can *NOT* get Megadeths' "Mechanix" or Metallica's "4 horse-men" (hint: they're the same thing) outta' my mind now  :-\

"Under the dead of night", etc...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on August 22, 2014, 10:22:14 am
The Metallica song was my first choice but I couldnt seem to get a stupid video to embed so I just went with the pic.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on August 22, 2014, 10:29:52 am
Welcome to all the new users!

Please don't listen to the fear mongers, Soera is about as evil as a kitty katt. Anyone who is that into Dragon Quest can't be all that evil.... now maybe if he was obsessed with Castlevania or something.

So now your as harmless as a kitty
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 22, 2014, 11:10:01 am
Welcome to all the new users!

Please don't listen to the fear mongers, Soera is about as evil as a kitty katt. Anyone who is that into Dragon Quest can't be all that evil.... now maybe if he was obsessed with Castlevania or something.

So now your as harmless as a kitty

No need to be's okay to call a pussy a pussy here!   :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on August 23, 2014, 12:12:06 am
I will have to say Soera is not that evil but this guy named Turf is who you should really fear!!   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: doafan on August 23, 2014, 01:49:21 pm
Registered myself a couple of weeks ago, as almost everybody here started playing when I still had hair at my head and haven't lost the touch at least not yet, my collection is not the big the big deal since am just trying to get all those game that I use to play when I was a kiddo and damn some of them are pretty rare now anyway it's nice to be here.

Greetings from Mexico  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 23, 2014, 01:59:35 pm
Registered myself a couple of weeks ago, as almost everybody here started playing when I still had hair at my head and haven't lost the touch at least not yet, my collection is not the big the big deal since am just trying to get all those game that I use to play when I was a kiddo and damn some of them are pretty rare now anyway it's nice to be here.

Greetings from Mexico  8)

Bienvenido a VGC amigo! 


"Soera" es el niño del Diablo¿¡

Lo siento, Español no es mi lengua primera   :-[
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: alocer on August 24, 2014, 05:45:39 am
Started to add things to my collection in order keep from buying duplicates. It has helped slightly, but I still buy good deals for trading. Looking forward to being a quiet lurker. Thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mightymeowmixcat on August 25, 2014, 05:19:51 pm
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on August 25, 2014, 05:55:31 pm
Welcome to VGCollect!  I started collecting around your age as well a few years ago and I did a couple of things that helped start my collection:

1. Ask friends and family if they have any old games in the attic they are not using.
---This is how I got a large chunck of my Atari collection as I bought it from an uncle.
2. Stop into the thrift shops and pawn stores every once in a while.
---Most of them are picked over any more, but you can still find good deals at some of them.
3. If you do buy online try to get your games in lots.
---I don't do this anymore as I like to only collect games I will actually play now, but this can help you get commons when you start collecting.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mightymeowmixcat on August 25, 2014, 09:14:46 pm
Thank you for these tips!

My uncle recently gave me a NES Action Pack (without the box) with games like SMB / Duck Hunt and RBI Baseball 2 (the cartridge barely works) plus a SNES (I already own that) which had a copy of SMW and a turbo controller.
About thrift shops, some people were selling some overpriced stuff and even counterfeit cartridges (Kirby : Red Diamond). At least I could find some good deal (three games for 20$, seems like a good price).
And for online purchases, I don't do that. If I stand correct, eBay is a good place to start but my parents don't trust that website in particular (they are a bit paranoiak about online stores).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: doafan on August 27, 2014, 10:19:34 am
As a collector let me said that your uncle just gave you the best gift that you can receive, about the cartridge it probably only need some cleaning, at this point of my life haven't seen a NES cartridge that doesn't work anyway welcome to the forum is nice to see youngest people that like retro games ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on August 27, 2014, 03:34:36 pm
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.

Bienvenue!  ;D Plus de Québécois, hourra! J'espère que tu apprécieras le forum autant que moi, la communauté est super ici :) Ma recommandation serait de fouiller les ventes de garages et les marchés aux puces, je trouve rarement des jeux, mais quand j'en trouve c'est des bons prix en général!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 27, 2014, 04:00:18 pm
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.

Bienvenue!  ;D Plus de Québécois, hourra! J'espère que tu apprécieras le forum autant que moi, la communauté est super ici :) Ma recommandation serait de fouiller les ventes de garages et les marchés aux puces, je trouve rarement des jeux, mais quand j'en trouve c'est des bons prix en général!

Bon mots, mon petit chou chou, Karyann   :-*

Ah shit, this is now VGC's (what?) TRI-lingual introduction thread   :o

voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce sois + les yeux (sp?) sans visage are both tough to get out of my head once I've heard them    :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on August 28, 2014, 11:11:32 am
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.

Bienvenue!  ;D Plus de Québécois, hourra! J'espère que tu apprécieras le forum autant que moi, la communauté est super ici :) Ma recommandation serait de fouiller les ventes de garages et les marchés aux puces, je trouve rarement des jeux, mais quand j'en trouve c'est des bons prix en général!

Bon mots, mon petit chou chou, Karyann   :-*

Ah shit, this is now VGC's (what?) TRI-lingual introduction thread   :o

voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce sois + les yeux (sp?) sans visage are both tough to get out of my head once I've heard them    :P

I don't know about Les yeux sans visage, I'll have to google that at home later  :P More languages are more fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: druaga on August 28, 2014, 11:15:21 am
Hello, I'm new here, how's everyone doing?

As you can see, I am a huge fan of Namco and their Druaga series. It's sadly pretty niche so I don't meet people often who know about the games. But at least I play all the Namco classics so I'm sure people will know at least SOME of them!

Some of my favorites include Toypop, Pole Position, Rally X and others.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on August 28, 2014, 11:25:46 am
Uhh, been here for a little over a month. I like games. Nice to meet you.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on August 28, 2014, 12:29:27 pm
I'm just a 14 years old autistic kid from Québec who really enjoy Nintendo stuff. Since I am too young, I can't have a job and get some beautiful plastic bills to buy some cartridges (I must be 16 to do that).
Just to know, what are the best ways for starting a little collection of retro games? I would really like to know.

So I think this is all I have to say.

Bienvenue!  ;D Plus de Québécois, hourra! J'espère que tu apprécieras le forum autant que moi, la communauté est super ici :) Ma recommandation serait de fouiller les ventes de garages et les marchés aux puces, je trouve rarement des jeux, mais quand j'en trouve c'est des bons prix en général!

Bon mots, mon petit chou chou, Karyann   :-*

Ah shit, this is now VGC's (what?) TRI-lingual introduction thread   :o

voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce sois + les yeux (sp?) sans visage are both tough to get out of my head once I've heard them    :P

I don't know about Les yeux sans visage, I'll have to google that at home later  :P More languages are more fun!

it's from the Billy Idol song that's (as you already know) called Eyes w/o a Face   8)

welcome to all new members!

We should really just sticky this, add it to the Style Guide, and/or add it to the site's registration page, but:

Avoid & beware of the SOERA!    :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on August 28, 2014, 02:56:39 pm
The SOERA is a Mogwi in disguise.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: badATchaos on August 28, 2014, 03:42:37 pm
Uhh, been here for a little over a month. I like games. Nice to meet you.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on August 28, 2014, 03:45:26 pm
Uhh, been here for a little over a month. I like games. Nice to meet you.


Looks like I came to the right forum then.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on August 28, 2014, 05:46:48 pm
Uhh, been here for a little over a month. I like games. Nice to meet you.

Best intro ever haha  :) Welcome to vgcollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on August 28, 2014, 05:56:26 pm
The SOERA is a Mogwi in disguise.

I was actually thinking, "Don't feed him after midnight and don't ever get him wet"
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on August 28, 2014, 10:30:36 pm
Hello, I'm new here, how's everyone doing?

As you can see, I am a huge fan of Namco and their Druaga series. It's sadly pretty niche so I don't meet people often who know about the games. But at least I play all the Namco classics so I'm sure people will know at least SOME of them!

Some of my favorites include Toypop, Pole Position, Rally X and others.
Welcome to the site!  I have tried Tower of Druaga many times, but have never been able to get into it like other Namco classics like Pac-Man, Galaga, Pac and Pal, etc.  It does interest me though and it looks like the sequels are pretty cool as well.  I personally own the game on Namco Museum DS and the Japan GameCube release.  I might enjoy it more if there was a level select or something and the secret items were easier to find.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on September 02, 2014, 10:25:27 pm
Hello all new here, just starting to get my games and systems listed on here. SInce its fun going to a game store and trying to figure out what games i have or don't sometimes...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on September 02, 2014, 10:26:50 pm
Hello all new here, just starting to get my games and systems listed on here. SInce its fun going to a game store and trying to figure out what games i have or don't sometimes...
Hi, nice to meet you. I'm assuming you like games too. If you do then we'll get along.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 02, 2014, 10:36:42 pm
Hello all new here, just starting to get my games and systems listed on here. SInce its fun going to a game store and trying to figure out what games i have or don't sometimes...

Welcome to our quirky, little corner of the interwebs. Jump right in, but be wary of soera. Don't feed him after midnight; and whatever you do, don't get it wet.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dashv on September 02, 2014, 10:47:33 pm
I'm DashV for reasons that become obvious after you've read some of my posts.

:) At some point I will wax poetic about my gaming life story in this thread:,5225.0.html

Also I seem to like having hyperlinks in my posts and I never find spelling/grammar mistakes until after I've clicked "save" no matter how much I preview.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on September 02, 2014, 10:49:06 pm
Hello all new here, just starting to get my games and systems listed on here. SInce its fun going to a game store and trying to figure out what games i have or don't sometimes...

Welcome to our quirky, little corner of the interwebs. Jump right in, but be wary of soera. Don't feed him after midnight; and whatever you do, don't get it wet.

Thanks! I do have a question. Is it Midnight my timezone or some other time zone, since it is just about midnight all the time somewhere on Earth.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Bwigdahl on September 02, 2014, 11:18:33 pm
at the top of the page click 'profile' and then under the 'modify profile' tab click 'look and layout' and you should be able to change the display time to your timezone.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 03, 2014, 12:23:43 am
Hello all new here, just starting to get my games and systems listed on here. SInce its fun going to a game store and trying to figure out what games i have or don't sometimes...

Welcome to our quirky, little corner of the interwebs. Jump right in, but be wary of soera. Don't feed him after midnight; and whatever you do, don't get it wet.

Thanks! I do have a question. Is it Midnight my timezone or some other time zone, since it is just about midnight all the time somewhere on Earth.

Midnight Central time. Right now it's 11:23 central. Adjust accordingly.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: landi on September 05, 2014, 12:10:37 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on September 05, 2014, 12:14:28 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Nice to meet you Landie and sorry I dont know you from forums. Nice collection. Im glad you're here too. Welcome to VGC.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: landi on September 05, 2014, 12:23:40 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Nice to meet you Landie and sorry I dont know you from forums. Nice collection. Im glad you're here too. Welcome to VGC.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on September 05, 2014, 12:26:21 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Welcome! Your choice in a username shows that you have very good tastes in games ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on September 05, 2014, 01:08:18 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Welcome! Your choice in a username shows that you have very good tastes in games ;)

Well we finally found out where Landi been hiding this entire time! ;). Welcome to the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on September 05, 2014, 10:11:01 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Welcome! Your choice in a username shows that you have very good tastes in games ;)

Well we finally found out where Landi been hiding this entire time! ;) . Welcome to the site


Why Sega!!!! Why must you torture us!!!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on September 05, 2014, 10:19:42 am
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Welcome to the fun.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on September 05, 2014, 02:07:17 pm
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Yay another conversion! Join Melf, although I haven't seen him post on the forum.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ravhyn on September 12, 2014, 09:38:28 pm
I just realized I haven't done this yet. Wanted to say Hi to everyone! I started logging my collection on here, but we are in the middle of a move and then I ended up buying a bunch of auctions off of ebay so now I have to wait till next month before I can go thru and re-organize my collection (it's a chaotic mess) . Both me and my husband collect video games he started collecting NES games while he was deployed overseas and I began collecting with Xbox360 and NES games both before we met. It was actually our game collections that brought us together! It's also our favorite thing to do.  (We've now been collecting for about 3 years together, and several years before that seperately)

We now collect from the Atari on up, and I'm about to start looking at how to repair game systems because we have just stacks and piles of game systems laying around some working and some not..

So really thats about it..he's in his late 20's and I'm in my early 30's.  I'm the one usually on here, and I'm here to learn and chirp in when I can.  I'm friendly down to earth and hoping to make some good internet friends on here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on September 12, 2014, 09:50:44 pm
I just realized I haven't done this yet. Wanted to say Hi to everyone! I started logging my collection on here, but we are in the middle of a move and then I ended up buying a bunch of auctions off of ebay so now I have to wait till next month before I can go thru and re-organize my collection (it's a chaotic mess) . Both me and my husband collect video games he started collecting NES games while he was deployed overseas and I began collecting with Xbox360 and NES games both before we met. It was actually our game collections that brought us together! It's also our favorite thing to do.  (We've now been collecting for about 3 years together, and several years before that seperately)

We now collect from the Atari on up, and I'm about to start looking at how to repair game systems because we have just stacks and piles of game systems laying around some working and some not..

So really thats about it..he's in his late 20's and I'm in my early 30's.  I'm the one usually on here, and I'm here to learn and chirp in when I can.  I'm friendly down to earth and hoping to make some good internet friends on here.

Hello, Ravhyn

Welcome to VGC

Nice to meet you
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on September 12, 2014, 10:57:50 pm
I just realized I haven't done this yet. Wanted to say Hi to everyone! I started logging my collection on here, but we are in the middle of a move and then I ended up buying a bunch of auctions off of ebay so now I have to wait till next month before I can go thru and re-organize my collection (it's a chaotic mess) . Both me and my husband collect video games he started collecting NES games while he was deployed overseas and I began collecting with Xbox360 and NES games both before we met. It was actually our game collections that brought us together! It's also our favorite thing to do.  (We've now been collecting for about 3 years together, and several years before that seperately)

We now collect from the Atari on up, and I'm about to start looking at how to repair game systems because we have just stacks and piles of game systems laying around some working and some not..

So really thats about it..he's in his late 20's and I'm in my early 30's.  I'm the one usually on here, and I'm here to learn and chirp in when I can.  I'm friendly down to earth and hoping to make some good internet friends on here.

Hello to you! You guys sound like me and my Girl, shes in her mid(LATE don't tell her I said that) 20's and I am in my early mid 30's...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 12, 2014, 11:09:33 pm
Hello to all you fine new folks. What brings you to VGCollect?  I mean, where did you hear about it. We've had a influx of new people recently. It's really great. I'm just curious, why?

Again, welcome. And a piece of friendly advise: Steer clear of soera. It's for your own good.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on September 12, 2014, 11:13:50 pm
I just realized I haven't done this yet. Wanted to say Hi to everyone! I started logging my collection on here, but we are in the middle of a move and then I ended up buying a bunch of auctions off of ebay so now I have to wait till next month before I can go thru and re-organize my collection (it's a chaotic mess) . Both me and my husband collect video games he started collecting NES games while he was deployed overseas and I began collecting with Xbox360 and NES games both before we met. It was actually our game collections that brought us together! It's also our favorite thing to do.  (We've now been collecting for about 3 years together, and several years before that seperately)

We now collect from the Atari on up, and I'm about to start looking at how to repair game systems because we have just stacks and piles of game systems laying around some working and some not..

So really thats about it..he's in his late 20's and I'm in my early 30's.  I'm the one usually on here, and I'm here to learn and chirp in when I can.  I'm friendly down to earth and hoping to make some good internet friends on here.

Welcome to a strange and obsessive family :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 13, 2014, 11:05:01 am
I just realized I haven't done this yet. Wanted to say Hi to everyone! I started logging my collection on here, but we are in the middle of a move and then I ended up buying a bunch of auctions off of ebay so now I have to wait till next month before I can go thru and re-organize my collection (it's a chaotic mess) . Both me and my husband collect video games he started collecting NES games while he was deployed overseas and I began collecting with Xbox360 and NES games both before we met. It was actually our game collections that brought us together! It's also our favorite thing to do.  (We've now been collecting for about 3 years together, and several years before that seperately)

We now collect from the Atari on up, and I'm about to start looking at how to repair game systems because we have just stacks and piles of game systems laying around some working and some not..

So really thats about it..he's in his late 20's and I'm in my early 30's.  I'm the one usually on here, and I'm here to learn and chirp in when I can.  I'm friendly down to earth and hoping to make some good internet friends on here.

Welcome to a strange and obsessive family :)

...and very diverse yet closely knit  ;D

you & your husband will both fit right in w/ the many other gaming couples here  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cassiel on September 15, 2014, 06:07:11 am
Hello to all in the VGCollect community!

I signed up to the site a while ago, but it's only now I've found the time to start getting stuck in (to the forum at least).

My name may be familiar from 'around', especially on ROM Shepherd and as the project lead of TOSEC. I've been collecting various systems for years, especially Sega, though sadly my collection has been thinned significantly the last few years, I am still actively collecting and enjoying.

Looking forward to contributing to the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on September 15, 2014, 08:03:46 am
Hello to all in the VGCollect community!

I signed up to the site a while ago, but it's only now I've found the time to start getting stuck in (to the forum at least).

My name may be familiar from 'around', especially on ROM Shepherd and as the project lead of TOSEC. I've been collecting various systems for years, especially Sega, though sadly my collection has been thinned significantly the last few years, I am still actively collecting and enjoying.

Looking forward to contributing to the community.

Hello Cassiel

Nice to meet you

Sorry,  Im not familiar with you from Rom Shepherd but I have heard about Project TOSEC. Thats great you love Sega and Im sorry to hear your collection has been thinning out .

Welcome to the VGC family
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: whiteyfox on September 28, 2014, 08:50:20 am
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on September 28, 2014, 08:58:24 am
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Welcome and enjoy your stay! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 28, 2014, 09:40:06 am
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Welcome to la familia VGC!

...Another FOX   :o

*shudders*   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on September 28, 2014, 09:56:15 am
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Don't worry about collection size, the only important thing is that you like it :) It's hard to make your collection grow when you're a student. And welcome to vgcollect!  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: whiteyfox on September 28, 2014, 11:58:45 am
Welcome and enjoy your stay! :)

Thanks abe. :D

Welcome to la familia VGC!

...Another FOX   :o

*shudders*   :P

Are there more foxes around? :o

Don't worry about collection size, the only important thing is that you like it :) It's hard to make your collection grow when you're a student. And welcome to vgcollect!  :D

Yup. I wish I could work as well while studying (looking into it lately) but stuff are a bit hard over here. Trying hard to keep up with the new stuff.  :-\

Once again. Thanks everyone. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 28, 2014, 12:54:04 pm
yeah, there's another character here that goes by "FOX"(hack)!

Keep an eye out for this rare encounter...he's topped by only Soera on the VGC "Watch & Beware of" list  :P


Beware of them nicely & be civil in your dealings & interactions w/ both of em though...they're both equipped w/ a Hammer-o-the-Ban   :-\
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maximo310 on September 28, 2014, 03:19:23 pm

Yup. I wish I could work as well while studying (looking into it lately) but stuff are a bit hard over here. Trying hard to keep up with the new stuff.  :-\

Once again. Thanks everyone. :D
Hey man, don't worry about work to much about working while studying academics. I'm studying mech engineering as well, and you'll need the time for studying and doing homework for those core classes; working during the summer is the easiest time in my opinion. Get/play the games you'll enjoy the most for your collection, and you''ll be set!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on September 28, 2014, 04:57:01 pm
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Hi Fox

Nice to Meet you

I'm 19 too and studying for Electrical Engineering.

Welcome to VGC

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on September 28, 2014, 04:59:31 pm
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Sorry, but you're whitey from now on. I'm the only Fox around these parts. :p

Welcome and whatnot.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: whiteyfox on September 28, 2014, 06:48:31 pm

Hey man, don't worry about work to much about working while studying academics. I'm studying mech engineering as well, and you'll need the time for studying and doing homework for those core classes; working during the summer is the easiest time in my opinion. Get/play the games you'll enjoy the most for your collection, and you''ll be set!

Thanks for the advice Maximo. :)

Hi Fox

Nice to Meet you

I'm 19 too and studying for Electrical Engineering.

Welcome to VGC

Thanks for the welcome davifus. It's nice to see people studying similar stuff.

Sorry, but you're whitey from now on. I'm the only Fox around these parts. :p

Welcome and whatnot.

B..Bu..But.. :< Haha alright, Whitey it is. Thanks for the welcome.  ;D
*runs and uploads avatar saying "The Fox"*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 28, 2014, 09:18:56 pm
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Hi Fox

Nice to Meet you

I'm 19 too and studying for Electrical Engineering.

Welcome to VGC

Good luck with that Electrical Engineering.
                Sincerely, Your Friendly Neighborhood Civil Engineer.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on September 29, 2014, 06:14:38 am
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Hi Fox

Nice to Meet you

I'm 19 too and studying for Electrical Engineering.

Welcome to VGC

Good luck with that Electrical Engineering.
                Sincerely, Your Friendly Neighborhood Civil Engineer.  ;)

He's really not very civil...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on September 29, 2014, 04:01:36 pm
Hey there. I just found out about this nice little site because I wanted to keep track of the games I own and it turns out my collection is not as big or as great as yours guys.
Anyway, I'm 19 and I study Electronic Engineering aaaand that's pretty much it I guess.  Oh, and feel free to call me Fox. Even people in real life call me that way.   :D

Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: evilnick on September 30, 2014, 12:09:35 pm
Here is my standard "what's up, here's me" introduction post.  I've only done too many of these over the years online.  Not sure how deeply I'll partake in this forum, but I'm always interested in cataloging and ogling my small, but burgeoning game collection.  After this, I'll do the typical n00b thing by immediately posting a new topic to something that has probably been talked about, but I can't find in the forum.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 30, 2014, 01:05:17 pm
Here is my standard "what's up, here's me" introduction post.  I've only done too many of these over the years online.  Not sure how deeply I'll partake in this forum, but I'm always interested in cataloging and ogling my small, but burgeoning game collection.  After this, I'll do the typical n00b thing by immediately posting a new topic to something that has probably been talked about, but I can't find in the forum.

You're a smartass.  I like your style.  Welcome to The Forums of
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: SmartSped on October 03, 2014, 10:30:45 pm
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 03, 2014, 10:57:56 pm
Well my friend, be sure to hang around the forums a little bit. Get to know this weird group. It'll be time well spent.

Welcome to VGCollect
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 04, 2014, 07:22:31 am
Well my friend, be sure to hang around the forums a little bit. Get to know this weird group. It'll be time well spent.

Welcome to VGCollect

i got nuthin' to add to dat...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on October 04, 2014, 07:56:47 am
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Welcome, newcomer! ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 04, 2014, 08:00:49 am
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Welcome, newcomer! ;D

*Pot meets Kettle*   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on October 04, 2014, 08:25:37 am
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Welcome, newcomer! ;D

*Pot meets Kettle*   :P

Says the guy who signed up in 2012. :P ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 04, 2014, 09:23:24 am
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Welcome, newcomer! ;D

*Pot meets Kettle*   :P

Says the guy who signed up in 2012. :P ;)

...and *showed himself* in '12     :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on October 04, 2014, 01:50:54 pm
...and *showed himself* in '12     :P

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 04, 2014, 01:54:49 pm
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 04, 2014, 02:08:07 pm
...and *showed himself* in '12     :P


But, you promised that pic would be for your eyes only   :-[

*Is betrayed*   :'(
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 04, 2014, 03:37:35 pm
...and *showed himself* in '12     :P


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: xuso on October 07, 2014, 09:30:02 am
Hello guys!

I'm a newbie here. I was trying different sites to catalog my collection, but I finally decided yo stay here in VGcollect. Looks good, works fine and the forum people seems nice :)

I'm from Spain and I collect mostly Nintendo stuff. Nowadays I'm playing 3DS, but the system that lives in the core of my heart is the N64. I also have some Steam stuff, but sadly, most of them remain unplayed (damn you Humble Bundles, you are so tempting!).

See you around!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 07, 2014, 09:33:29 am
Hi new peeps. Im the Soera and Lord high Lord of VGCollect. Hope you enjoy your stay as a member of my ever growing flock. It is well rewarding.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on October 07, 2014, 11:47:43 am
Hello guys!

I'm a newbie here. I was trying different sites to catalog my collection, but I finally decided yo stay here in VGcollect. Looks good, works fine and the forum people seems nice :)

I'm from Spain and I collect mostly Nintendo stuff. Nowadays I'm playing 3DS, but the system that lives in the core of my heart is the N64. I also have some Steam stuff, but sadly, most of them remain unplayed (damn you Humble Bundles, you are so tempting!).

See you around!

Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 07, 2014, 11:59:36 am
Sup guys.

I've had an account on here for a little while now but I've only just started adding things to my collection. Still a work in progress. Anyway, my name is Joshua. I'm 30 and I live in Ohio. Been collecting pretty much since I was a kid. I also do repairs as a side job and help admin a local FB Buy/Sale/Trade group here in OH/WV/KY. I'll have to upload some pics of my collection one of these days. Nice meeting everyone.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 07, 2014, 12:41:02 pm
Hi new peeps. Im the Soera and Lord high Lord of VGCollect. Hope you enjoy your stay as a member of my ever growing flock. It is well rewarding.

Don't drink this guy's Kool Aid; it's bad, mmmkay?

Honestly, 'ware the Soera in each one of his many guises - it's safer   :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 07, 2014, 01:15:10 pm
Hi new peeps. Im the Soera and Lord high Lord of VGCollect. Hope you enjoy your stay as a member of my ever growing flock. It is well rewarding.

Don't drink this guy's Kool Aid; it's bad, mmmkay?

Honestly, 'ware the Soera in each one of his many guises - it's safer   :o

If you don't, you'll be pointing to a spot on the doll where the bad man touched you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on October 10, 2014, 10:46:27 pm
Hello New Folks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 10, 2014, 11:56:13 pm
Hello guys!

I'm a newbie here. I was trying different sites to catalog my collection, but I finally decided yo stay here in VGcollect. Looks good, works fine and the forum people seems nice :)

I'm from Spain and I collect mostly Nintendo stuff. Nowadays I'm playing 3DS, but the system that lives in the core of my heart is the N64. I also have some Steam stuff, but sadly, most of them remain unplayed (damn you Humble Bundles, you are so tempting!).

See you around!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Warmsignal on October 17, 2014, 11:30:01 pm
Greetings everyone. This is my first post. Some of you may know me from the forums. I just got done submitting my collection. I'm glad to be here.

Hey Landi. Totally missed your intro. Sega-16! Legendary forum. Welcome, I call this home away from home. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 18, 2014, 06:33:04 am
Hello guys!

I'm a newbie here. I was trying different sites to catalog my collection, but I finally decided yo stay here in VGcollect. Looks good, works fine and the forum people seems nice :)

I'm from Spain and I collect mostly Nintendo stuff. Nowadays I'm playing 3DS, but the system that lives in the core of my heart is the N64. I also have some Steam stuff, but sadly, most of them remain unplayed (damn you Humble Bundles, you are so tempting!).

See you around!

Bienvenido a VGC amigo¡

Señor Soera es sospechosa y pelligroso; cuidado con el...siempre   ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on October 19, 2014, 03:10:43 pm
Hey guys, new to the site, I have always wanted to collect retro-to-modern gaming, mostly stuff I remember from my childhood and stuff I regret selling when I was younger. About 3 years ago I found my NES and also  bought a SNES... and had to buy a new N64 since my old one burnt out and had lots of games for it already. N64 being my fav system as a kid, I never sold it.

In the last year, I have taken it very serious and started to buy systems I needed a little at a time.

I now have. Atari 7800, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS 1/2/3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Gameboy (gray one), Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DSI, Sega Game Gear.

All I am missing that I want is, atari 2600, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3ds. And of course games.... Lots and lots of games.

Also looking for ideas on how to set up/display/ my systems, to make them look nice, but also make it easier so I can play any system I want, without having to always set it up....
Looks like a great website, and I love how I can browse each system and see all the games So I can add more to my wish list.

I am also in Southern California.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 19, 2014, 03:41:17 pm
Hey guys, new to the site, I have always wanted to collect retro-to-modern gaming, mostly stuff I remember from my childhood and stuff I regret selling when I was younger. About 3 years ago I found my NES and also  bought a SNES... and had to buy a new N64 since my old one burnt out and had lots of games for it already. N64 being my fav system as a kid, I never sold it.

In the last year, I have taken it very serious and started to buy systems I needed a little at a time.

I now have. Atari 7800, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS 1/2/3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Gameboy (gray one), Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DSI, Sega Game Gear.

All I am missing that I want is, atari 2600, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3ds. And of course games.... Lots and lots of games.

Also looking for ideas on how to set up/display/ my systems, to make them look nice, but also make it easier so I can play any system I want, without having to always set it up....
Looks like a great website, and I love how I can browse each system and see all the games So I can add more to my wish list.

I am also in Southern California.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maximo310 on October 19, 2014, 03:55:45 pm
Hey guys, new to the site, I have always wanted to collect retro-to-modern gaming, mostly stuff I remember from my childhood and stuff I regret selling when I was younger. About 3 years ago I found my NES and also  bought a SNES... and had to buy a new N64 since my old one burnt out and had lots of games for it already. N64 being my fav system as a kid, I never sold it.

In the last year, I have taken it very serious and started to buy systems I needed a little at a time.

I now have. Atari 7800, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, PS 1/2/3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Sega Genesis, Sega CD, Gameboy (gray one), Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DSI, Sega Game Gear.

All I am missing that I want is, atari 2600, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3ds. And of course games.... Lots and lots of games.

Also looking for ideas on how to set up/display/ my systems, to make them look nice, but also make it easier so I can play any system I want, without having to always set it up....
Looks like a great website, and I love how I can browse each system and see all the games So I can add more to my wish list.

I am also in Southern California.
Cool, another fellow Southern Californian joins the site! Welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on October 20, 2014, 11:27:28 am

Cool, another fellow Southern Californian joins the site! Welcome!

Sweet, are there a lot of So Cal folks here?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 20, 2014, 12:26:52 pm

Cool, another fellow Southern Californian joins the site! Welcome!

Sweet, are there a lot of So Cal folks here?

There's too many.   
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faffa on October 21, 2014, 04:42:55 pm
Hello everyone

Just joined today and loving it! By far the best game database site I've been to and looking forward to spending time here. I'm from Caledon a town close to Cape Town in South Africa. I only recently started collecting even though I've been gaming most my life. Would like to get into collecting some of the older systems like nes,snes and N64 but it's a bit difficult to get a hold of the consels not to mention the games without shipping them from other countries so it's mostly xbox 360 and pc for the time being.

Glad to be here
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 21, 2014, 05:00:25 pm
Hello everyone

Just joined today and loving it! By far the best game database site I've been to and looking forward to spending time here. I'm from Caledon a town close to Cape Town in South Africa. I only recently started collecting even though I've been gaming most my life. Would like to get into collecting some of the older systems like nes,snes and N64 but it's a bit difficult to get a hold of the consels not to mention the games without shipping them from other countries so it's mostly xbox 360 and pc for the time being.

Glad to be here

Welcome to VGC

Sucks you dont have any place convenient to acquire the retro console and games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cobraseph on October 21, 2014, 05:51:41 pm
hello everyone! just saying hi and introducing myself. Name is Joseph.. gamer and collector. currently collecting ps1 games and game related merchandise. i been browsing the site for a whole day. pretty cool collections among the senior members. hope we can help each other in the futures. very open to sell or trade among my duplicates if anyone is interested. so... HI!  ;D and i hope to meet some of you guys and talk about games and collections. lml

sorry.. i did not saw there was an introduction thread. my apologies  :-[
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: faffa on October 21, 2014, 06:05:10 pm
Hello everyone

Just joined today and loving it! By far the best game database site I've been to and looking forward to spending time here. I'm from Caledon a town close to Cape Town in South Africa. I only recently started collecting even though I've been gaming most my life. Would like to get into collecting some of the older systems like nes,snes and N64 but it's a bit difficult to get a hold of the consels not to mention the games without shipping them from other countries so it's mostly xbox 360 and pc for the time being.

Glad to be here

Welcome to VGC

Sucks you dont have any place convenient to acquire the retro console and games.

Thaks Davifus.  :D ja does suck a bit but iets all good will get there slowly but surely
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on October 22, 2014, 06:49:26 am
Hello everyone

Just joined today and loving it! By far the best game database site I've been to and looking forward to spending time here. I'm from Caledon a town close to Cape Town in South Africa. I only recently started collecting even though I've been gaming most my life. Would like to get into collecting some of the older systems like nes,snes and N64 but it's a bit difficult to get a hold of the consels not to mention the games without shipping them from other countries so it's mostly xbox 360 and pc for the time being.

Glad to be here

Welcome to VGC

Sucks you dont have any place convenient to acquire the retro console and games.

Thaks Davifus.  :D ja does suck a bit but iets all good will get there slowly but surely

Welcome to VGC!

Always room for more PS1 fans & collectors ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hybrid on October 23, 2014, 12:35:15 pm
hy everyone just joined today

i collect for all systems have over 2,000 games
but my main system is PS1 over 800 ps1 games
i also run a website which is a database of misprints and errors

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 23, 2014, 02:14:38 pm
hy everyone just joined today

i collect for all systems have over 2,000 games
but my main system is PS1 over 800 ps1 games
i also run a website which is a database of misprints and errors


Very cool website
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: seanmacys on November 04, 2014, 07:33:41 pm
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on November 04, 2014, 07:56:15 pm
Hi Sean

I'm David

Welcome to VGC

I like RPGs too  8)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 04, 2014, 11:54:03 pm
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

I haven't been in this thread in forever... but anyway - welcome Sean!  :)  How do you feel about the Disgaea style?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 08:21:43 am
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

I haven't been in this thread in forever... but anyway - welcome Sean!  :)  How do you feel about the Disgaea style?


My ears *were* ringing!

Welcome to VGC new members!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on November 05, 2014, 08:29:05 am
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

Welcome! I also enjoy SRPGs, but can't get into FF Tactics or Tactics Ogre. I find their pace to be a bit slow, even for an SRPG.
If you're getting a PS3 and like SRPGs, I would recommend starting with Disgaea D2. Tears to Tiara II also came out recently, and I've heard good things about it. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to start it yet, but it should be really good. Also, feel free to add me on PSN. My PSN ID is the same as the one in my sig. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 05, 2014, 08:32:52 am
I'm sure I missed some folks, so I'll welcome all of them in one giant welcome.


A few things to clarify: I'm fabulous, I'm an RPG player, I'm breathtaking and I'm modest. That last one is the most important.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 08:56:41 am
I'm sure I missed some folks, so I'll welcome all of them in one giant welcome.


A few things to clarify: I'm fabulous, I'm an RPG player, I'm breathtaking and I'm an habitual liar. That last one is the most important.

you don't say...

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 05, 2014, 10:29:36 am
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

Sean, I'm going to be honest.  I don't like RPGs.  There, I said it.  Now that that's out of the way, I do like people.  Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs.  Pull your shoes off, kick up your feet, and make yourself at home.

One word of warning: Watch out for soera... Don't ask why.  Just steer clear of him.  He can't be trusted.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on November 05, 2014, 10:34:31 am
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

Welcome, fellow RPG fan!  ;D I hope to see you around!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 10:36:24 am
Hey guys my name is Sean and I'm 17, located in New York. I've had an account for a few months now but have never posted here, and I want to make some friends. I found out about this site thanks to MetalJesusRocks on YouTube. I love RPGs, especially Fire Emblem and other strategy rpgs, though I can't get into anything in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance of Tactics Ogre Knight of Lodis. I collect for many different systems, and just went from being in a gamecube collecting mood to a more general one. I'm getting a ps3 in the mail soon, and I'd like to hear your favorite games that you'd recommend on the system as well.  8) Feel free to pm me and we can chat about games.

Sean, I'm going to be honest.  I don't like RPGs.  There, I said it.  Now that that's out of the way, I do like people.  Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs.  Pull your shoes off, kick up your feet, and make yourself at home.

One word of warning: Watch out for soera... Don't ask why.  Just steer clear of him.  He can't be trusted.

...and with that, you've taken over my job of "official soera-warner"   :P

Thanks, Turf!

As you'll soon see for yourself - it's a thankless task that'll quickly grind you down  :'(
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 05, 2014, 01:59:22 pm

...and with that, you've taken over my job of "official soera-warner"   :P

Thanks, Turf!

As you'll soon see for yourself - it's a thankless task that'll quickly grind you down  :'(

I don't think of it as a title.  I think of it as a duty to be taken on by each and every VGC'er.  It has to be done.  No one person is responsible.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 02:15:31 pm

...and with that, you've taken over my job of "official soera-warner"   :P

Thanks, Turf!

As you'll soon see for yourself - it's a thankless task that'll quickly grind you down  :'(

I don't think of it as a title.  I think of it as a duty to be taken on by each and every VGC'er.  It has to be done.  No one person is responsible.

Fair enough   ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 05, 2014, 02:16:50 pm
I'm sure I missed some folks, so I'll welcome all of them in one giant welcome.


A few things to clarify: I'm fabulous, I'm an RPG player, I'm breathtaking and I'm an habitual liar. That last one is the most important.

you don't say...


darkypoo, editing my post to your liking isn't tantamount to gentlemanly behavior.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 03:08:49 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 05, 2014, 03:57:02 pm
Is there a intro thread, lol ^^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thom on November 06, 2014, 02:43:20 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 06, 2014, 02:51:18 pm
Welcome! Brazil seems like a fabulous country. It's one of the many places I'd love to visit.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bobster on November 06, 2014, 03:48:34 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.
This'll probably sound random, but I was at Disney World last week, and got a chance to try the beer Xingu in Epcot from Brazil. It was quite good!

Also, welcome to the site! We're a pretty laid back group.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on November 06, 2014, 04:06:04 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.

Hi Thor

I'm David

Nice to meet you

Welcome to VGC

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 06, 2014, 04:16:51 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.

Welcome to VGC!


Maaaan, am I jealous  :'(

Carnivale FTW; Mardis Gras pales in comparison   ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 06, 2014, 04:46:00 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.

Welcome, my friend.  Feel free to jump right in.  You don't have to have a huge collection to be part of this crowd.  We have members with 10,000 games all the way down to 10 games.  We all share that love for games. 

I have this preconceived notion that every Brazilian is into Jiu Jitsu.  I think that because every Brazilian I have ever met has been in a Jiu Jitsu setting.  So, thanks to you and your people for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Brazilian Barbeque, and Brazilian women. 

Again, welcome! And enjoy  May I ask how you found us?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on November 06, 2014, 04:51:58 pm
and Brazilian women. 

I can't disagree with that

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 06, 2014, 05:53:59 pm
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.

Welcome Thom,
Brazil you say, intresting, you might be able to get your hands on some of those sweet Tec-toy games for the master system ^.^
Brazil sounds awesome tough ^^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pushedstartin85 on November 13, 2014, 07:06:56 pm
Hi everyone, my name is Adam. I've been gaming since the NES and owned just about every system up to the PS3. I would usually just sell my old system and games whenever I got something new. Lately I've been wanting to play some of the older games I used to have. Just bought a Genesis this week and hope to get a PS2 soon. Looking forward to using the site and meeting some cool people.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on November 13, 2014, 07:12:17 pm
Hi everyone, my name is Adam. I've been gaming since the NES and owned just about every system up to the PS3. I would usually just sell my old system and games whenever I got something new. Lately I've been wanting to play some of the older games I used to have. Just bought a Genesis this week and hope to get a PS2 soon. Looking forward to using the site and meeting some cool people.

Hi Adam

Im David

Nice to meet you

Welcome to VGC

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: matt on November 13, 2014, 07:25:53 pm
Hi everyone, my name is Adam. I've been gaming since the NES and owned just about every system up to the PS3. I would usually just sell my old system and games whenever I got something new. Lately I've been wanting to play some of the older games I used to have. Just bought a Genesis this week and hope to get a PS2 soon. Looking forward to using the site and meeting some cool people.

Welcome Adam!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 13, 2014, 07:46:39 pm
Hi everyone, my name is Adam. I've been gaming since the NES and owned just about every system up to the PS3. I would usually just sell my old system and games whenever I got something new. Lately I've been wanting to play some of the older games I used to have. Just bought a Genesis this week and hope to get a PS2 soon. Looking forward to using the site and meeting some cool people.

DUDE!!! You just started this week???  Awesome!  I'll tell you first that this bunch of folks will lead you down a path of hoarding collecting like no other.  Hope you have plenty of room.   ;)

I'm kidding.  Good to have you.  Feel free to jump right in.  One word of warning though, beware of soera.  He's... shifty.

Since you've been playing games since back in the day, I'm sure you have some favorites.  What kind of stuff are you into?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on November 14, 2014, 12:28:31 am
My name is Thom. I'm a 33 year old journalist/musician from Brazil. I own some consoles - Atari 2600 NES, Master System, SNES, Genesis, PSX, Dreamcast and PS2 - but I'm not a heavy collector. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute in some way to these forums.

Hello Thom,

Welcome to the forums!

Have any questions feel free to ask don't hesitate...

VGCollect has a great group of people willing to help you out in anyway we can.. ;)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on November 14, 2014, 12:31:12 am
Hi everyone, my name is Adam. I've been gaming since the NES and owned just about every system up to the PS3. I would usually just sell my old system and games whenever I got something new. Lately I've been wanting to play some of the older games I used to have. Just bought a Genesis this week and hope to get a PS2 soon. Looking forward to using the site and meeting some cool people.

Hello Adam,
 Welcome to VGCollect ... Hopefully you can get some of the retro games you use to play back in your hands... Have fun and glad to see more new members!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gallio on November 16, 2014, 12:04:08 pm
Hello world!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 16, 2014, 12:09:54 pm
Hello world!

Hello Lamppost, how ya doing?

Welcome to VGC!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gallio on November 16, 2014, 12:33:45 pm
I've come to watch your flowers growin'!  ;)

Thank you! What should I do first?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 16, 2014, 01:12:57 pm
Hello world!

I'm going to admit I'm a little confused by ya'll greeting.

Welcome to the party.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 16, 2014, 02:06:28 pm
Hello world!

I'm going to admit I'm a little confused by ya'll greeting.

Simon & Garfunkel song  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: critter7405 on November 16, 2014, 10:28:58 pm
Hello world!

Hello welcome to VGCollect!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 17, 2014, 01:06:06 am
Sorry I havent welcomed all of you peasants into my flock. I am the Soera, the Lord high Lord of VGCollect. I accept all forms of sacrifices especially CIB copies of Magic Knight Rayearth.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gallio on November 17, 2014, 03:37:30 am
Great regards to the Lord high Lord! With due surrender do we salute your eminence!

...*discreetly searches for a hiding spot for his CIB Master Chu and The Drunkard Hu*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 17, 2014, 07:09:14 am
Sorry I havent welcomed all of you peasants into my flock. I am the Soera, the Lord high Lord of VGCollect. I accept all forms of sacrifices especially CIB copies of Magic Knight Rayearth.


was gonna send ya a MKR -but- it's sealed & you said you want cib   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 17, 2014, 07:59:01 am
Welcome all new members! I am fabulous, glamorous and modest!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 17, 2014, 10:06:40 am
Welcome all members which i haven't welcomed yet, you should watch out with Soera, ones you send something you only have to blink and your shelves are all empty ^^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on November 17, 2014, 10:32:53 am
Welcome all new members! I am fabulous, glamorous and modest!

he is being modest   ;D

he didn't mention being cuddly & snuggle-licious   :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on November 17, 2014, 10:49:15 am
Sorry I havent welcomed all of you peasants into my flock. I am the Soera, the Lord high Lord of VGCollect. I accept all forms of sacrifices especially CIB copies of Magic Knight Rayearth.


was gonna send ya a MKR -but- it's sealed & you said you want cib   :P

.......................  :o :o :o :o Sealed can be opened!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sworddude on November 17, 2014, 04:57:12 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on November 17, 2014, 05:09:02 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2

Welcome to our little corner of the interwebs.  Enjoy your stay.  Feel free to jump right in. 

Word of caution though.  Beware of soera...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 17, 2014, 05:10:31 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2
Welcome to the forum, you got a nice amount of Nintendo handheld games ^^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sworddude on November 17, 2014, 05:22:55 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2
Welcome to the forum, you got a nice amount of Nintendo handheld games ^^

thanks I'm still working on the list many titles left to go.

only collect titles that I like and it has to be cib in excellent upwards condition

might be done in a day or two probably tomorrow
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 17, 2014, 05:54:10 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2
Welcome to the forum, you got a nice amount of Nintendo handheld games ^^

thanks I'm still working on the list many titles left to go.

only collect titles that I like and it has to be cib in excellent upwards condition

might be done in a day or two probably tomorrow
Allright i shall check your collection out again, follow me back so i can find your name easier ^^
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sworddude on November 17, 2014, 06:12:27 pm
hi I am new on this forum.

joined this forum since the data base is great.

collect for Nintendo sega and ps1 and 2
Welcome to the forum, you got a nice amount of Nintendo handheld games ^^

thanks I'm still working on the list many titles left to go.

only collect titles that I like and it has to be cib in excellent upwards condition

might be done in a day or two probably tomorrow
Allright i shall check your collection out again, follow me back so i can find your name easier ^^

I have one question is there some way to chance more titles at ones if they have manuals boxes etc or do I have to do it one at a time
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 17, 2014, 06:25:46 pm
I think you can only change one at a time, you could best fill that in when you add it to your collection
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 18, 2014, 08:00:45 am
Welcome, Sworddude! Others will tell you that I'm fabulous and glamorous. They're partially right. I'm also modest.

Cool avatar. Marth has always been my go-to character in Smash.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sworddude on November 18, 2014, 10:17:52 am
Welcome, Sworddude! Others will tell you that I'm fabulous and glamorous. They're partially right. I'm also modest.

Cool avatar. Marth has always been my go-to character in Smash.

also my fav go to character in the smash series.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on November 18, 2014, 10:29:50 am
Welcome, Sworddude! Others will tell you that I'm fabulous and glamorous. They're partially right. I'm also modest.

Cool avatar. Marth has always been my go-to character in Smash.

also my fav go to character in the smash series.

We all know roy's our boy
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sworddude on November 18, 2014, 05:01:27 pm
I think you can only change one at a time, you could best fill that in when you add it to your collection

done with adding stuff finally don't have that many games but I do only collect games that I like in the end I might have a decent amount of games

I must say that this database is pretty handy also to add stuff.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: opalhat on December 13, 2014, 01:11:36 am
Hi there, I'm Bobby and I'm 16 years old, and I'm really interested in collecting video games ^^
Right now my collection is mostly 6th/7th gen stuff, but I'm building up my Wii U/3DS collections.
Once I get a job, I'll look into more retro stuff. I love NES, SNES and N64 games and would love to own physical copies.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on December 13, 2014, 01:32:38 am
Welcome to VGCollect Opalhat!  You will be surprised how fast your collection starts to grow once you have a job ha.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maximo310 on December 13, 2014, 01:48:49 am
Hi there, I'm Bobby and I'm 16 years old, and I'm really interested in collecting video games ^^
Right now my collection is mostly 6th/7th gen stuff, but I'm building up my Wii U/3DS collections.
Once I get a job, I'll look into more retro stuff. I love NES, SNES and N64 games and would love to own physical copies.
Welcome to the club!
3DS and Wii U are both great systems for collecting, and I also see you have good xbox/gamecube collections as well!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on December 13, 2014, 11:28:43 am
Hi there, I'm Bobby and I'm 16 years old, and I'm really interested in collecting video games ^^
Right now my collection is mostly 6th/7th gen stuff, but I'm building up my Wii U/3DS collections.
Once I get a job, I'll look into more retro stuff. I love NES, SNES and N64 games and would love to own physical copies.

Hi Bobby
Nice to meet you
Welcome to VGC
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: keegs79 on December 30, 2014, 10:22:07 pm
I just started adding games on this site. I founded this place through which is an awesome site for game art. I will list more games later. Its going to take me a lot of time. This site seems pretty cool. I hope to stick around to debate, share excitement for gaming announcements, and gaming experiences.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: badATchaos on December 30, 2014, 10:33:03 pm
Welcome partner
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: proskier on December 30, 2014, 10:51:58 pm
Welcome, this site is awesome, as is the community.  Nothing like having your collection in your pocket when you are at the flea market/goodwill/garage sale/etc. :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on December 31, 2014, 01:08:47 am
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: keegs79 on December 31, 2014, 06:32:40 am
It's nice to find this place. I used to be consistent blogger on 1up but that site is sadly gone. I just post blogs every once in awhile at pixlbit and use Twitter strictly for video game socializing.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 31, 2014, 07:14:54 am
Hi there!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: redrowz on December 31, 2014, 07:53:26 am
There's something strangely addictive about it! And also quite helpful, once you have over 100 games and can't remember what you've got.

What's your PSN name?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: keegs79 on December 31, 2014, 12:02:38 pm
My gamertag is Keegs79. I threw a hundred games on there last night. I like this site has listings for European and Japanese title and that I can browse and simply add without having to type every title.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 31, 2014, 12:08:47 pm
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on December 31, 2014, 01:22:23 pm
My gamertag is Keegs79. I threw a hundred games on there last night. I like this site has listings for European and Japanese title and that I can browse and simply add without having to type every title.

This is exactly why I joined VGCollect and use it for my games. I can add my crazy Japanese titles with no problems! (Although the databases have gotten so much better I haven't had to add anything in forever!)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retroone on December 31, 2014, 01:43:45 pm
Howdy! Welcome to VGCollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 31, 2014, 02:24:46 pm
My gamertag is Keegs79. I threw a hundred games on there last night. I like this site has listings for European and Japanese title and that I can browse and simply add without having to type every title.

This is exactly why I joined VGCollect and use it for my games. I can add my crazy Japanese titles with no problems! (Although the databases have gotten so much better I haven't had to add anything in forever!)

*Smacks self upside the head*

For a second there...I *thought* I saw an Amauriel slip-in a stealth post :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on December 31, 2014, 02:29:46 pm
My gamertag is Keegs79. I threw a hundred games on there last night. I like this site has listings for European and Japanese title and that I can browse and simply add without having to type every title.

This is exactly why I joined VGCollect and use it for my games. I can add my crazy Japanese titles with no problems! (Although the databases have gotten so much better I haven't had to add anything in forever!)

*Smacks self upside the head*

For a second there...I *thought* I saw an Amauriel slip-in a stealth post :o

And I *thought* maybe it was your fault I did so.  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 31, 2014, 02:35:54 pm
My gamertag is Keegs79. I threw a hundred games on there last night. I like this site has listings for European and Japanese title and that I can browse and simply add without having to type every title.

This is exactly why I joined VGCollect and use it for my games. I can add my crazy Japanese titles with no problems! (Although the databases have gotten so much better I haven't had to add anything in forever!)

*Smacks self upside the head*

For a second there...I *thought* I saw an Amauriel slip-in a stealth post :o

And I *thought* maybe it was your fault I did so.  8)

Well then, I've got news for you, missy -

I'll be glad to take & be the one at fault ;)

How's Ronalopis?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: amauriel on December 31, 2014, 02:43:32 pm
Ronalopolis is great, actually. He started a new job  back in March and it's keeping him super busy but he really likes it. We've both been super busy, now that I mention it. He's gotten into Warhammer 40K and that seems to be taking most of his free time.  :P

How have you been?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stuntman64 on December 31, 2014, 05:18:39 pm
Welcome to the site. BTW the growth of the site is going at the rate of the shinkansen (original bullet train).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on December 31, 2014, 05:49:03 pm
Hello im reasonably new to welcome ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: MJMaranan on December 31, 2014, 11:09:36 pm
Welcome to the site, keegs79 and wartoy!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: foxhack on January 01, 2015, 04:39:17 pm
*merge abuse*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 05, 2015, 08:26:20 am
There's a new person on board? Welcome!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: riogho on January 14, 2015, 08:50:34 pm
Hello everyone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on January 14, 2015, 10:09:07 pm
Hello everyone!

welcome to VGC
Jackie Moon
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on January 20, 2015, 10:24:45 am
Hello!  My name is Steve, but gf78 here.  I also go by GamerFrom78 on various forums, my PSN ID and I've used that since back around '97 when I started posting on the website which is long since defunct.  I've been gaming since 1978, but GamerSince78 didn't sound as good.

I've actually sold off the bulk of my collection over the last few years as raising two growing girls who needed their own bedrooms was more important than a mini-museum of gaming goodness.  I used to collect anything and everything, but now focus on PlayStation stuff only.  PlayStation holds a special place in my gaming heart for many reasons.

I frequently end up buying every game in a series as my OCD will not permit me to own Dragon Age Inquisition (for example) without also currently owning Dragon Age Origins, awakening and II.   :o  Most recently, I picked up Tekken 1 and 3 at a used game store and have systematically hunted down every other single Tekken game relentlessly.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 20, 2015, 11:26:36 am
Welcome to VGC, Steve ;D

In my book - you've already got 3 things going in your favor towards fitting right in with the rest of us & feeling the "kicking off your shoes, putting up your feet, and sticking around for awhile" kind of relaxation & comfort here:

1st = you're far, far, far from alone here in loving & focussing on all things 'PlayStation',

2nd = in general, our regulars here are older than the average gaming site (hell - even our younger members are/act pretty mature for their ages), so...many of us will know what you're talking about (and have used & played games on) things that you may mention concerning  "The Ancient Things", even when you speak/write of them in their now long-dead, ancient, & forgotten  'native' tongue...things like a 2600, C64, Jaguars that you don't drive or run away from, Apples that you can't eat, rotary & (waiting in line to use a) pay phones, rabbit ears & antennas, slugs, floppy discs, and - even tv's that you'd have to make physical contact with to work, and

3rd = we've ALL gots to "catch em all" here...only the definition of all (ie systems, series, genres, etc) changes ;)

A cautionary, yet sadly necessary (pro)tip, warning, bit of friendly advice to all new members here:

Go to ANY & ALL lengths to avoid & stay away from the indescribable entity, known only as...

...The Soera :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on January 20, 2015, 01:53:31 pm
Welcome to the family all you new folks. 

Don't be a dick and you'll fit in just fine.  ;D

Oh, and avoid the Soera
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on January 21, 2015, 10:19:45 am
Welcome to VGC, Steve ;D

In my book - you've already got 3 things going in your favor towards fitting right in with the rest of us & feeling the "kicking off your shoes, putting up your feet, and sticking around for awhile" kind of relaxation & comfort here:

1st = you're far, far, far from alone here in loving & focussing on all things 'PlayStation',

2nd = in general, our regulars here are older than the average gaming site (hell - even our younger members are/act pretty mature for their ages), so...many of us will know what you're talking about (and have used & played games on) things that you may mention concerning  "The Ancient Things", even when you speak/write of them in their now long-dead, ancient, & forgotten  'native' tongue...things like a 2600, C64, Jaguars that you don't drive or run away from, Apples that you can't eat, rotary & (waiting in line to use a) pay phones, rabbit ears & antennas, slugs, floppy discs, and - even tv's that you'd have to make physical contact with to work, and

3rd = we've ALL gots to "catch em all" here...only the definition of all (ie systems, series, genres, etc) changes ;)

A cautionary, yet sadly necessary (pro)tip, warning, bit of friendly advice to all new members here:

Go to ANY & ALL lengths to avoid & stay away from the indescribable entity, known only as...

...The Soera :P

Thanks for the warm welcome.  I had to laugh about the television comment.  My first television in my room as a kid was a small black & white with rabbit ears and a separate UHF dial with a zillion little numbers on it.  Good times!   8)

Not trying to poo-poo Nintendo's significant contributions to gaming, but Sony really brought it home for me with PlayStation.  Before the PS1, there were no games (in significant measure) on a home console like Resident Evil, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Soul Blade (Edge) and Tomb Raider.  Old series like Castlevania, Metal Gear and Final Fantasy simply exploded into blockbusters on PlayStation.  Gran Turismo was the first sim racer and Ape Escape remains one of my all-time favorites with it's unique (at the time) use of the dual-analog control setup which is commonplace today, but completely revolutionary for it's time.  PlayStation(s) have innovated with playing CD's, DVD's and BluRay's as well.  PS2 was the first modern day (post Atari & Genesis) system with true backward-compatibility with no add-on needed. 

Well, rambled on long enough.  Look forward to "building" my collection here and having lots of future conversations.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 21, 2015, 11:40:05 am
Welcome to VGC. The PlayStation era is probably my favorite, so I think you'll feel right at home 'round these parts.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on January 21, 2015, 02:00:37 pm
Nice collection.  Once upon a time many moons ago, I had many of the same PS1/PS2 RPG's.  One of my most recent finds was Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance II.  Some kid went into the local Gamestop to try and trade this and some other PS2 games in about a month ago.  When they told him they don't take PS2 games any longer, he wanted to pitch it.  My buddy Mike bought it from him dirt cheap and I paid $10 for it.  Complete with everything and just some minor scratches on the back of the disc that would buff out easily.  Since I never had that game and always wanted it without paying a ridiculous premium to obtain it, I was quite happy.  Now if I can just lay my hands on a really nice, reasonably priced copy of Dark Cloud 2..... :'(
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on January 22, 2015, 10:35:31 am
Hello!  My name is Steve, but gf78 here.  I also go by GamerFrom78 on various forums, my PSN ID and I've used that since back around '97 when I started posting on the website which is long since defunct.  I've been gaming since 1978, but GamerSince78 didn't sound as good.

I've actually sold off the bulk of my collection over the last few years as raising two growing girls who needed their own bedrooms was more important than a mini-museum of gaming goodness.  I used to collect anything and everything, but now focus on PlayStation stuff only.  PlayStation holds a special place in my gaming heart for many reasons.

I frequently end up buying every game in a series as my OCD will not permit me to own Dragon Age Inquisition (for example) without also currently owning Dragon Age Origins, awakening and II.   :o  Most recently, I picked up Tekken 1 and 3 at a used game store and have systematically hunted down every other single Tekken game relentlessly.

Welcome to our little online family :p

It's nice to see another Playstation enthusiast. The PS2 is my second favorite console of all time and I'm currently focusing on obtaining the rest of the PS1 games on my want list.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on January 22, 2015, 11:39:17 am
I've got about 50 more PS1 games I am working on.  Unfortunately, they seem to be the more expensive titles for the most part.  Who would have thought that stuff like Jersey Devil, Tomba, Jumping Flash and Twisted Metal (among others) would be so expensive these days?  Other pricey titles are Resident Evil games and anything Squaresoft put out. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: asmodean on January 29, 2015, 09:15:05 am
Hi all,

I'm Asmodean from Sweden. I'm currently in the process of adding my collection here, which mainly consists of Sega and Commodore games this far. My main interests in collecting is mainly the Sega consoles and the early home computers we had here in Europe (Commodore 64/128, Amiga (all flavours), Atari ST/STE etc). Altough I have had computers/consoles for a long while, I haven't really been into collecting as much as I have been the last months.

Anyway, great site! I also collect vinyl records so I was looking for something like discogs, but for video games, and this site seems to be almost that :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on January 29, 2015, 11:07:44 am
Hi all,

I'm Asmodean from Sweden. I'm currently in the process of adding my collection here, which mainly consists of Sega and Commodore games this far. My main interests in collecting is mainly the Sega consoles and the early home computers we had here in Europe (Commodore 64/128, Amiga (all flavours), Atari ST/STE etc). Altough I have had computers/consoles for a long while, I haven't really been into collecting as much as I have been the last months.

Anyway, great site! I also collect vinyl records so I was looking for something like discogs, but for video games, and this site seems to be almost that :)

Welcome to VGC!  I'm pretty new here myself and I have to say not only is the site pretty sweet, but the folks are really nice and great to discuss games and just about everything else with.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 29, 2015, 01:03:15 pm
A cautionary, yet sadly necessary (pro)tip, warning, bit of friendly advice to all new members here:

Go to ANY & ALL lengths to avoid & stay away from the indescribable entity, known only as...

...The Soera :P

Oh, and avoid the Soera

The Soera is a great experience!!! Im not sure why people recommend against worshipping the Soera.  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shezon on January 30, 2015, 05:22:47 am
Hi everyone
long time lurker from the UAE here, this site has been my main source for cataloging my collection for a long while now.
I focus on collecting the Playstation family games and Nintendo games from gen 5 and forward
I also like to collect Dreamcast games and Xbox exclusives
 hope to have nice time with everyone here  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 30, 2015, 07:53:08 am
Welcome, welcome! I hope you enjoy your time on this lovely site.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: funeria on February 07, 2015, 05:03:03 pm
Didn't see this here before... Yoroshiku onegaishimasu! Funeria desu. I'm not fluent, but I know a bit. Anyway, I'm glad to be here! Coming off of a tough 2014 and trying to get things back in order, as well as make new connections. I've been a gamer most of my life and I've owned pretty much every major system at one point or another. Currently I have a Wii U and the Black & White NeoGeo Pocket. Very into music, making clothes, drawing/painting, etc. Anyone that would like to know more about me is free to check out my blog or Twitter, Hope to be a regular around here! :3

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on February 12, 2015, 05:10:22 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retroone on February 12, 2015, 05:39:30 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.
Hey Turf! Welcome back to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on February 12, 2015, 06:01:47 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

Welcome back Tuff
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on February 12, 2015, 06:09:47 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

Welcome back turf, and remember:

A cautionary, yet sadly necessary (pro)tip, warning, bit of friendly advice to all members here:

Go to ANY & ALL lengths to avoid & stay away from the indescribable entity, known only as...

...The Soera :P

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on February 14, 2015, 02:12:02 am
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

Welcome to VGCollect Turf! 
Remember to feed The Soera and you should do fine here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on February 14, 2015, 08:41:27 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

Welcome to VGCollect Turf! 
Remember to feed The Soera and you should do fine here.

Fo reelz! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jimepcotbarrelroll on February 16, 2015, 09:20:38 pm
howdy brrrp
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on February 18, 2015, 02:38:00 pm
Welcome to all the new people here who have joined, since that last time i was on here. And that was a long time ago.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: richvgs on February 26, 2015, 01:42:08 pm
Hi everyone.  My name is RichVGS and I'm new here.  I host a podcast called The Video Games Show and I've been an avid gamer since 1982 and have been collecting pretty hardcore for the last ten years.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on February 26, 2015, 06:27:34 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by turf or turf1218 out here on the interwebs.  I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

Welcome back!  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 26, 2015, 07:32:31 pm
Hi Everyone.  My name is Jason, but I go by TURF or the TURFSTER; whilst stalking, roaming, and meandering, navigating, and negotiating my way through the interwebz - adventuring...hoping that one day...that I'll remember having been to each & every location possible  :o

The World is Mine!

Disregard & ignore any of that vocal, verbal, textual, etc verbiage espowsed & noxioussly-spewed by that soeraloser; aka the sora; as the insecure & jealous ramblings & mantra of HE...He who's had nothing else to mumble, repeat, rant,

==> repeat, rant, and mumble ==>,

and ==>

rant, mumble, and repeat

I've been MIA from an online family for a couple of months.  I'm looking to rectify this and get back into the fold. 

I'm very much into the NES.  I am shooting for a complete set.  I'm hoping that that can happen in 2015.  I only have 40 to go!

I started a YouTube series call The Complete NES Review, but that format has been changed by forces outside my control.  I do plan on bringing it back, but I'm going to have to make some serious changes. 

I also collect just about any system there is.  I may have too much stuff.  I hope to make lots of new friends here.

1stAvoid the soera!, (just a quick, refresher course there for you, brother J)  ;)

2nd: Experience and know - on an intimate level - all that there is to be known & experienced, regarding Delight,

3rd:  Whilst *revelling* in your Delight...

...Look to and *Revile* all of those others - that big-ass group of the 'generics'; wishing that (like us), the had more Delight & less Despair -

"for it is written; nay...not *merely*written...yeah & verily 'tis engraved - deeply scored into the stone covenants, pacts, and tablets...unalterable, unchanging, eternally omnipotent & omniscient...un-knowable & (above) beyond all sooth how (and who) would there to judge the judger of all - the truths, proofs, and revelations have all been made...if thou wouldst have eyes: SEE & if thou wouldst have ears: HEAR...

there can be naught else expected, deserved, earned, and/or ever deemed warranted, just, and fair for those christened as "the rest" or "the others"...

...for them - the time & chance for redemption has come & gone

There's naught else...only




"Disgaeniac's Disciples"...

...or bust!  :'(
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on February 27, 2015, 01:25:50 am
 :o ::)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on February 27, 2015, 02:39:37 am
Welcome to all the new guys!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 27, 2015, 08:49:42 am
I'll come down in a couple of daze... ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gio on March 01, 2015, 03:25:30 am
Hi everyone! Signed up as soon as I found this website. It's nice to be around other collectors, since I don't know anyone here in my country. I started buying games 2 months ago and I hope to keep going for years to come.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on March 01, 2015, 05:55:26 am
Hi Gio, welcome to VG. Which country are you from?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gio on March 01, 2015, 06:11:39 am
The Philippines! Much harder to find games here. Our Gamestop equivalent jacks up the prices quite a bit so I mostly rely on secondhand sellers.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrnikon on March 01, 2015, 09:41:05 am
Welcome to the fun Gio!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kraussndhouse on March 05, 2015, 09:51:56 pm
Hello Everyone,

I just joined the site.  I'll start by saying a little bit about myself. My name is Richie and  I have always loved video games and am a computer science major at the University of Wisconsin.  Before that I was in the Army.  When I left for the Army, my video game collection was stolen out of storage while I was in Iraq.  So needless to say, I missed out on any opportunity to amass a great collection by paying below current market value.  My favorite system is PS1, but I just started delving into Dreamcast collecting! (How did I completely miss this console?)  I am an avid RPG lover, and once I get a chance to add my entire collection to the database, you will see that.  Also a big SCHMUP fan.  Anyways, I don't want ramble on, just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone in the community. 

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on March 05, 2015, 09:58:01 pm
Welcome Richie! and thank you for your service!

Too bad about your stuff being stolen.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kraussndhouse on March 05, 2015, 10:35:11 pm
Just introduced myself in another thread, so here is the link to that.,5965.0.html
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on March 05, 2015, 10:37:36 pm
Just introduced myself in another thread, so here is the link to that.,5965.0.html

Just merged it into this thread as you were posting here.  Welcome to the site!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kraussndhouse on March 05, 2015, 10:40:16 pm
Thanks, I'm really looking forward to getting to know everyone and finding another median to boost my collection / share the wealth. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: MJMaranan on March 06, 2015, 12:57:57 am
As with fighterpilot562...  Thank you for your service!  Also:

My favorite system is PS1, but I just started delving into Dreamcast collecting! (How did I completely miss this console?)  I am an avid RPG lover, and once I get a chance to add my entire collection to the database, you will see that.

Awesome!  Would also be interested to know what you're thinking of adding to your collection.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 06, 2015, 06:40:32 am
Hello Everyone,

I just joined the site.  I'll start by saying a little bit about myself. My name is Richie and  I have always loved video games and am a computer science major at the University of Wisconsin.  Before that I was in the Army.  When I left for the Army, my video game collection was stolen out of storage while I was in Iraq.  So needless to say, I missed out on any opportunity to amass a great collection by paying below current market value.  My favorite system is PS1, but I just started delving into Dreamcast collecting! (How did I completely miss this console?)  I am an avid RPG lover, and once I get a chance to add my entire collection to the database, you will see that.  Also a big SCHMUP fan.  Anyways, I don't want ramble on, just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone in the community. 


A.  Welcome to VGC  ;D

B.  Lots of us PS & RPG fans here  ;)

C.  Sorry about your collection  >:(

D.  Beware of and avoid the soera :o :P

E.  Coming from grandfathers in both the Bataan Death March, & WW II, my dad in the Tet Offensive, and a long, long, line of military family members...

thanks for your service,

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 06, 2015, 09:03:16 am
Hello Everyone,

I just joined the site.  I'll start by saying a little bit about myself. My name is Richie and  I have always loved video games and am a computer science major at the University of Wisconsin.  Before that I was in the Army.  When I left for the Army, my video game collection was stolen out of storage while I was in Iraq.  So needless to say, I missed out on any opportunity to amass a great collection by paying below current market value.  My favorite system is PS1, but I just started delving into Dreamcast collecting! (How did I completely miss this console?)  I am an avid RPG lover, and once I get a chance to add my entire collection to the database, you will see that.  Also a big SCHMUP fan.  Anyways, I don't want ramble on, just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone in the community. 


A.  Welcome to VGC  ;D I will second this

B.  Lots of us PS & RPG fans here  ;) I will second this also!!

C.  Sorry about your collection  >:( I never had my collection stolen, just tossed away or sold out from under me while I was at work so I understand your pain. Starting over sucks.

D.  Beware of and avoid the soera :o :P The SOERA is the greatest thing ever!!! Show it respect and offerings of cash/games and it will make your life so much better.

E.  Coming from grandfathers in both the Bataan Death March, & WW II, my dad in the Tet Offensive, and a long, long, line of military family members...

thanks for your service,

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on March 06, 2015, 10:02:58 am
Hello Everyone,

I just joined the site.  I'll start by saying a little bit about myself. My name is Richie and  I have always loved video games and am a computer science major at the University of Wisconsin.  Before that I was in the Army.  When I left for the Army, my video game collection was stolen out of storage while I was in Iraq.  So needless to say, I missed out on any opportunity to amass a great collection by paying below current market value.  My favorite system is PS1, but I just started delving into Dreamcast collecting! (How did I completely miss this console?)  I am an avid RPG lover, and once I get a chance to add my entire collection to the database, you will see that.  Also a big SCHMUP fan.  Anyways, I don't want ramble on, just wanted to introduce myself and get to know everyone in the community. 


A.  Welcome to VGC  ;D I will second this

B.  Lots of us PS & RPG fans here  ;) I will second this also!!

C.  Sorry about your collection  >:( I never had my collection stolen, just tossed away or sold out from under me while I was at work so I understand your pain. Starting over sucks.

D.  Beware of and avoid the soera :o :P The SOERA is the SECOND greatest thing ever!!! The Soera is and will always be inferior to TURF in every conceivable way   Show it respect and offerings of cash/games and it will make your life so much better.

E.  Coming from grandfathers in both the Bataan Death March, & WW II, my dad in the Tet Offensive, and a long, long, line of military family members...

thanks for your service,

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on March 06, 2015, 10:20:49 am
LMAO, the Turf!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 06, 2015, 12:02:48 pm
LMAO, the Turfster's sounding a bit butt-soer  :P

See what I did there & how it's done?!  :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on March 06, 2015, 12:04:58 pm
LMAO, the Turfster's sounding a bit butt-soer  :P

See what I did there & how it's done?!  :o

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on March 06, 2015, 12:06:51 pm
Haha, you are too funny turf
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 06, 2015, 02:04:33 pm
LMAO, the Turfster's sounding a bit butt-soer  :P

See what I did there & how it's done?!  :o


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on March 23, 2015, 03:29:00 pm
Hi everyone! Signed up as soon as I found this website. It's nice to be around other collectors, since I don't know anyone here in my country. I started buying games 2 months ago and I hope to keep going for years to come.

Welcome to VGCollect Gio!  I've only been here since right after Christmas, but everyone is great.  Lots of fun discussions, and of course, the best place to track your game collection!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ghostsweeper on March 24, 2015, 11:42:53 pm
Hello everyone, happy to of signed up. This looks a friendly place and it seems easy to keep track of my games. The main interest is Super Nintendo/Super Famicom but generally I like most games and consoles, especially from the 90's.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on March 25, 2015, 07:54:50 am
Hello everyone, happy to of signed up. This looks a friendly place and it seems easy to keep track of my games. The main interest is Super Nintendo/Super Famicom but generally I like most games and consoles, especially from the 90's.  :)

I ain't 'fraid of no ghosts ;)

Seriously though, welcome to VGC!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: theyellowcub on April 13, 2015, 03:11:38 pm
Hi guys! Have been thinking about joining for a long time aaaand... here I am!

I love playing and collecting videogames and I've got a soft spot for Nintendo. I haven't uploaded my full collection yet but will do some more uploading on sunday ;)

Hope to have some good times in the forum with everyone.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retroone on April 13, 2015, 03:47:37 pm
Hello! Welcome to the site!

(Needs to be moved to:,78.0.html)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: argyle on April 13, 2015, 06:10:15 pm
Hi guys! Have been thinking about joining for a long time aaaand... here I am!

I love playing and collecting videogames and I've got a soft spot for Nintendo. I haven't uploaded my full collection yet but will do some more uploading on sunday ;)

Hope to have some good times in the forum with everyone.


Welcome!  I really like that avatar, did you draw it by chance?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: devancowan on April 13, 2015, 10:58:02 pm
Opps, Wrong thread!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fourty9erfan1 on April 29, 2015, 10:32:37 pm
Hi guy's. I just found this site searching on google looking for an online place to keep track of haves and wants. I am 43 and have been gaming off and on since I was about 7. I remember my Mom taking me to pick up the 6 switcher Atari 2600 from a place called Zody's in Southern California. Used to be a huge chain. This site looks great and seems like a ton of nice people here! Count me in!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: maximo310 on April 30, 2015, 01:35:33 am
Hi guy's. I just found this site searching on google looking for an online place to keep track of haves and wants. I am 43 and have been gaming off and on since I was about 7. I remember my Mom taking me to pick up the 6 switcher Atari 2600 from a place called Zody's in Southern California. Used to be a huge chain. This site looks great and seems like a ton of nice people here! Count me in!
Welcome to the VGC Club! We're glad to have you here! This place is near perfect for all of your collecting needs.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: weirdfeline on May 01, 2015, 09:10:37 pm
I probably should have posted here first.. whoops.

My name is -redacted-. I collect 3DS games, most of them I keep factory sealed. I mostly just play 3DS and PS4 games.

I found out about this site from a Twitch stream by SeeJayAre.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: komidore64 on May 05, 2015, 11:48:32 am
Hello folks, I'm Adam!

I've been a gamer since I was little guy, saving up money to get my next game or console. I've grown up playing consoles like the N64, Playstation, Dreamcast, and Xbox to name a few. Within the last year, I've started getting very interested in checking out games before my time and also what games I've missed on consoles I have. I wouldn't really consider myself a "collector" because I only want games that I would find interesting. I'm not after completing any system's library. Not yet anyways ;) . At the end of high school I got into PC gaming also, so I've since spent far too much money on a graphics card. I feel like my collection is fairly small, but after watching lots of Game Sack and Classic Game Room my wishlist has been growing at an alarming rate!

My favorite series/franchises:
- Metal Gear Solid
- Phantasy Star Online
- Oddworld

Outside of video games, I collect mechanical keyboards and key caps along with Gundam anime. I have an ErgoDox ( that I built myself and customized which I'm very proud of. I also recently acquired a fairly rare IBM Model M SSK (Space Saver Keyboard) manufactured 27 November 1989 that I was excited to find. It's in good condition aside from a couple sticky keys that I need to fix. As for Gundam, I think (?) I have all the Gundam DVD/Bluray collections that released in the U.S. aside from small one-release episodes. I'm starting to look into importing other Gundam series that never made it over the pond, but that's going to be expensive :)

VGCollect is a great site! I know my collection isn't huge, but it is really nice to have it all cataloged with notes. I just started running into instances where I think, "Wait, do I own this game?" I started looking for cataloging software, and VGCollect looked like nicest one. I'm looking forward to having VGCollect along for the ride on growing my collection!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 08, 2015, 10:40:44 am
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Beware the Soera.  He's a weiner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send me your games.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 08, 2015, 01:06:15 pm
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Befriend the Soera.  He's a winner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send Soera your games.  ;D

Fixed your obvious type errors. Glad I could help.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 08, 2015, 01:23:16 pm
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Befriend the Soera.  He's a winner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send Soera your games.  ;D

Fixed your obvious type errors. Glad I could help.

Yeah, those were obviously typos. :o
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on May 08, 2015, 02:17:11 pm
Welcome to all the new guys, and remember, new guy buys a round of drinks for the other members. Ill take a Stone IPA please.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on May 10, 2015, 10:35:44 am
Welcome Komidore64!!!

It seems like we have similar tastes when it comes to consoles/games ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: woahsweetgreyphix on May 16, 2015, 09:09:46 pm
Hey all, hows it hangin'?

My name is Asa (ace-uh), and I only really started seriously collecting about a year ago, though I've been gaming for most of my life. There's still a TON of consoles, games, etc. that I would like to get at some point, but I'm still quite the n00b. I'm an upcoming senior in college too (nursing is my other passion alongside video games), so my time and money to spend on video games is also limited somewhat.

Regardless, it seems like this is a great site with some really great users, so I'm glad to get things started here!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 16, 2015, 11:39:56 pm
Welcome Asa. You found a sweet spot on the interwebs.

Don't worry about being new to this. No one here cares. If it's what you want, it's your collection. Enjoy it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on May 17, 2015, 01:19:58 am
Don't worry about being new to this. No one here cares. If it's what you want, it's your collection. Enjoy it.

Exactly. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: woahsweetgreyphix on May 17, 2015, 10:21:37 pm
Don't worry about being new to this. No one here cares. If it's what you want, it's your collection. Enjoy it.

Exactly. :)

Thanks! 'preciate it.  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turom on May 18, 2015, 07:08:35 am
Nice to meet you, fellow collectors :)

I've been using VGC for quite some time, and it's about time I show up in the forums..

I'm a gamer from France and I collect mainly retro NTSC games and hardware - not a easy task in our PAL territories. I have a retrogaming room project that I'll be able to start by 2016 when my house construction will be over, I'll post some updates on my progress if you like !

I'm working in IT engineering as a front-end developer and I'm running a small blog ( about my hobbies, it's written in french though.. ;)

In advance I apologize if my english is a bit flawed, it's not my native language  :-X
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: madmax on May 18, 2015, 07:58:03 am

It's great to see fellow French speaker! I understand your woes of collecting NTSC in a PAL territory. Although I am Canadian, I moved away for a few years into a PAL territory (that has no retro gaming culture) and finding games in next to impossible.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turom on May 19, 2015, 03:32:12 am

It's great to see fellow French speaker! I understand your woes of collecting NTSC in a PAL territory. Although I am Canadian, I moved away for a few years into a PAL territory (that has no retro gaming culture) and finding games in next to impossible.

Merci! ;)

For most games I have to import them as well but luckily there are some cool online sellers with fair prices in UK and Netherlands that got a lot of NTSC stuff, when available it saves me the import taxes. It's usually harder to get US than JP though...
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stealthrush on May 20, 2015, 08:48:50 pm
As you may have noticed my specific taste in video-games are primarily from 1980-2005. I have been a gamer as long as I can remember. My first console being the Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1990s shortly after Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Being an only child I was spoiled to a point of playing most releases for these consoles at launch either from rental or store purchase. Besides console gaming, arcade games also are a favorite of mine. Personally I enjoy playing titles that didn't reach the mass audience and/or that were shelved away from either lack of exposure or from an over-saturated market on a specific formula at the time. Original, genre-breaking titles are also very captivating to me.

I'm a video gamer that was born in the 1980s. I would consider the new generation of gaming more of a ponzi scheme; recycled game play with content deliberately removed so the consumer is forced to shell out more cash for it. The whole Download content, micro-transactions, pay-as-you-play method is atrocious - more or less the elephant in the room for contemporary gamers. Although I consider myself a gamer I have very little interest in the seventh, and current generation of systems and games. The last console I bought was the Microsoft Xbox 360 solely for arcade ports of my favorite series.

In 2004 I contributed to a dozen of p2p communities one of them being the private 'Sega Saturn Torrents'. I've done so weekly for a year until one-by-one the websites were shut down or discontinued. I'm also the administrator of a retro video game website entitled 'Special-Attack' that was online from 2005-2012 that featured reviews of obscure games, articles, opinions, composed by myself. Special-Attack is temporarily shut-down but all the posts were saved+encrypted and will return to the net in the coming future.

As of 2010 to present I've sold much of my collection to focus on primarily two Japanese systems; NEC PC Engine CD and Sega Saturn. You can view my gallery @imgur NEC1989 X SEGA1994 (

■ Fan of classic Sega / Hudson / Compile
■ Enjoys Fighter / Platform / Puzzle / Shmup genre
■ Dislikes FPS / Sport / Racing / GTA-esqe genre
■ Dislikes emulation / M.U.G.E.N

I'm also active member & contributor on Unikgamer ( defunct), Favslist ( community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 21, 2015, 09:44:17 am
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Beware the Soera.  He's a whining-weiner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send disgaeniac your games.  ;D

QFT, baby! ;) ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on May 21, 2015, 11:00:15 am
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Beware the Soera.  He's a whining-weiner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send disgaeniac your games.  ;D

QFT, baby! ;) ;D

Yeah, that's what we were working toward. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 21, 2015, 11:35:33 am
I haven't posted in here in a while. 

Welcome to all you fresh new faces/avatars!  It's good to see this community grow. 
Jump right in an make yourself at home.  Just remember one thing: Beware the Soera.  He's a whiny-weiner.

And if you really want to stand out here, send disgaeniac your games.  ;D

QFT, baby! ;) ;D

Yeah, that's what we were working toward. 

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: theroyalbluths on July 09, 2015, 02:14:04 pm
Hello all! My name is Matt. I have just really started getting back into collecting and building up my game library. I focus more on Nintendo games, as I find those not only hold their value, but also in most cases age the best. I also like to write so I started a blog where I write reviews for the Nintendo games that I have played. It's just getting off it's feet so please feel free to check it out:

This is only my second post or so, but I am hoping to get a bit more active on these forums as I like what I have seen so far  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 09, 2015, 03:01:34 pm
Matt, my man.  It's good to see you.  Glad you stopped by the grooviest place on the interwebs. 

Jump right in.  This is a good group of folks. 

One piece of advice: Stay away from soera.  Nothing but a trail of blood and broken hearts with that one.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on July 09, 2015, 09:17:50 pm
Welcome newcomer!

Avoid the soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 09, 2015, 10:19:45 pm
Worship the Soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: eternia on July 12, 2015, 01:34:57 pm
Hello all! I thought I might actually post here finally. I have been around for a few years, but I never really posted anything. I absolutely love collecting games! My goal really isn't to collect games for every system out there, but I want to get any games that are interesting/good games, no matter what system or generation they are from. My main interest is collecting RPGs, however, I do like other genres as well and collect for them too.

I have basically been collecting games my whole life. It started when I was a little girl, my dad would always sit and play the NES and SNES, and I adored watching him. One day he handed me the controller for the original Super Mario Bros and told me to play. Ever since that day, gaming has been my thing.

My collection is around 350 physical games at the current moment, according to my list. This does not count a huge amount of digital games I own as well across different consoles that I have not entered into this site. I only use this site to help keep track of my physical copies of games. I wish I could have saved every game I have ever gotten, but sometimes I have to get rid of games for various reasons. If I still had every game I ever owned, my collection would probably be been 400-500 games, lol.

Anyway, nice to be with my fellow collectors! Feel free to check out my collection if you are curious, btw.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on July 12, 2015, 01:43:02 pm
Welcome Matt and eternia! It's nice to meet you both :) Enjoy the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on July 12, 2015, 02:06:31 pm
Welcome to VGC


Shun the soera!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 90snostalga on July 12, 2015, 05:31:28 pm
Bow down to the Soera!!!!!! He is King!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on July 12, 2015, 07:44:47 pm
Welcome eternia. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: redblaze57 on July 13, 2015, 06:39:07 pm
Welcome Newcomers
Avoid the Sorea
Avoid Drinking the Water
And most of all

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 14, 2015, 05:21:23 pm
Bow down to the Soera!!!!!! He is King!!!! 8)

Where the hell is my like button?  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: scarface88fg on July 30, 2015, 05:54:59 pm
Hi everyone, my name's Alex. I'm 26, and I'm from Orlando, Florida. I mostly collect PS2 right now, but I plan on eventually expanding into Nintendo stuff. My collection is pretty small, but most of it has been acquired in the past 6 months or so. I started a bit late (both with gaming and collecting, the first console I ever owned was a PS1), but I kept something like 85-90% of everything I ever purchased, but I didn't keep the boxes. So now I have to go back and either buy another copy or track down manuals and case art. I mostly collect racing and FPS games, but I'm trying to branch out from that and try different genres. Anyway it's nice to formally introduce myself, and I'll see y'all later.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on July 30, 2015, 06:39:37 pm
Welcome Alex
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dondetti on August 04, 2015, 06:53:58 pm
Thought I'd drop by and say hello. I'm from Germany, 28. I started out at an early age in around '92/'93 with the C64, SNES, Mega Drive and Game Boy, continued later on with the PSX and N64, GC and a bit of PS2 and Wii then. Only played a few older PC/DOS or Amiga titles back then. The 16/32/64 bitters are still my main interest to this day though I occassionally check out new major titles and indies as well. I do plan on expanding on my NES and C64 stuff though.

During my teens I had a silly moment and sold a sizeable chunk of my SNES collection for peanuts. Then I got seriously into vinyl & demo tape collecting and other music related stuff which consumed most of my disposable incoming for over 12 years. Means I checked up on games very sparsely most of the time. A couple of months ago my old love somehow was revived again and I painfully bought those childhood games back as well as PSX ones of which I only had burnt copies of (yeah who didn't do this?). Most of these weren't very rare or really expensive titles, but compared to what I sold them for it hurt quite a bit...

Well and by thinking - if I already catalogued my music collection on the net, why not do the same with my game stuff - I found this place and signed up some weeks ago. Anyway, I think I really like this forum and hope my english isn't too off-putting for the appearantly mostly american based people here (I'm trying!). Cheers!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on August 04, 2015, 09:23:55 pm
Thought I'd drop by and say hello. I'm from Germany, 28. I started out at an early age in around '92/'93 with the C64, SNES, Mega Drive and Game Boy, continued later on with the PSX and N64, GC and a bit of PS2 and Wii then. Only played a few older PC/DOS or Amiga titles back then. The 16/32/64 bitters are still my main interest to this day though I occassionally check out new major titles and indies as well. I do plan on expanding on my NES and C64 stuff though.

During my teens I had a silly moment and sold a sizeable chunk of my SNES collection for peanuts. Then I got seriously into vinyl & demo tape collecting and other music related stuff which consumed most of my disposable incoming for over 12 years. Means I checked up on games very sparsely most of the time. A couple of months ago my old love somehow was revived again and I painfully bought those childhood games back as well as PSX ones of which I only had burnt copies of (yeah who didn't do this?). Most of these weren't very rare or really expensive titles, but compared to what I sold them for it hurt quite a bit...

Well and by thinking - if I already catalogued my music collection on the net, why not do the same with my game stuff - I found this place and signed up some weeks ago. Anyway, I think I really like this forum and hope my english isn't too off-putting for the appearantly mostly american based people here (I'm trying!). Cheers!

Welcome to the site/ forums! I personally think your English is really good, would have never guessed you weren't from an English speaking country! :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stealthrush on August 07, 2015, 01:40:25 am
Thought I'd drop by and say hello. I'm from Germany, 28. I started out at an early age in around '92/'93 with the C64, SNES, Mega Drive and Game Boy, continued later on with the PSX and N64, GC and a bit of PS2 and Wii then. Only played a few older PC/DOS or Amiga titles back then. The 16/32/64 bitters are still my main interest to this day though I occassionally check out new major titles and indies as well. I do plan on expanding on my NES and C64 stuff though.

During my teens I had a silly moment and sold a sizeable chunk of my SNES collection for peanuts. Then I got seriously into vinyl & demo tape collecting and other music related stuff which consumed most of my disposable incoming for over 12 years. Means I checked up on games very sparsely most of the time. A couple of months ago my old love somehow was revived again and I painfully bought those childhood games back as well as PSX ones of which I only had burnt copies of (yeah who didn't do this?). Most of these weren't very rare or really expensive titles, but compared to what I sold them for it hurt quite a bit...

Well and by thinking - if I already catalogued my music collection on the net, why not do the same with my game stuff - I found this place and signed up some weeks ago. Anyway, I think I really like this forum and hope my english isn't too off-putting for the appearantly mostly american based people here (I'm trying!). Cheers!

Hey welcome aboard, I too recently joined myself.

I can relate to most of your introduction;

I'm 27 from United States. Also started out playing at an early age, around 1990 with the MS-DOS, NES, eventually SNES and Game Boy Pocket continued with SAT and PSX, never cared for N64 (still dont) PS2, GC, and a bit of X360. Im also fond of 16/32 and 8-bit era games. At one point during my childhood my friend literally gave me his entire SNES collection of loose cartridges, around 45 or so. I eventually traded them in, or sold them which I also regretted. As for burnt copies I had/have many and which took up most of my time around 2004-2009 playing copied games for Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. Decided to buy actual games for those consoles 2013-Present since I wore down my lens from reading poor quality CD-R in time.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dondetti on August 07, 2015, 12:51:19 pm
Welcome to the site/ forums! I personally think your English is really good, would have never guessed you weren't from an English speaking country! :P

Thanks! Well I never had much real life exchange so I don't really know if my english is maybe weird or something.

Hey welcome aboard, I too recently joined myself.

I can relate to most of your introduction;

I'm 27 from United States. Also started out playing at an early age, around 1990 with the MS-DOS, NES, eventually SNES and Game Boy Pocket continued with SAT and PSX, never cared for N64 (still dont) PS2, GC, and a bit of X360. Im also fond of 16/32 and 8-bit era games. At one point during my childhood my friend literally gave me his entire SNES collection of loose cartridges, around 45 or so. I eventually traded them in, or sold them which I also regretted. As for burnt copies I had/have many and which took up most of my time around 2004-2009 playing copied games for Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. Decided to buy actual games for those consoles 2013-Present since I wore down my lens from reading poor quality CD-R in time.

A lot of people trade in stuff and regret it later and like I said, pirating was rampant as it was super easy to do so yeah I think we are in good company :).
Maybe take a peek at some N64 games though. I know its graphics look super ugly for the most part today but there are still some gems. Rare had its peak time and released a lot of enjoyable games that are still fun today. Blast Corps f.ex. stood the test of time amazingly well IMO! Also there is the awesome Doom spin off if you enjoy old fashioned FPSs with an intense atmosphere. And both Zelda games & Mario 64 of course.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on August 07, 2015, 03:30:23 pm

Hey welcome aboard, I too recently joined myself.

I can relate to most of your introduction;

I'm 27 from United States. Also started out playing at an early age, around 1990 with the MS-DOS, NES, eventually SNES and Game Boy Pocket continued with SAT and PSX, never cared for N64 (still dont) PS2, GC, and a bit of X360. Im also fond of 16/32 and 8-bit era games. At one point during my childhood my friend literally gave me his entire SNES collection of loose cartridges, around 45 or so. I eventually traded them in, or sold them which I also regretted. As for burnt copies I had/have many and which took up most of my time around 2004-2009 playing copied games for Sega Saturn and Sony PlayStation. Decided to buy actual games for those consoles 2013-Present since I wore down my lens from reading poor quality CD-R in time.

I'm 27 from United States. Also started out playing at an early age, around 1990
Overstatement on the early age  :o

And welcome everyone. Good to see more Europeans.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dondetti on August 08, 2015, 05:54:41 am
Re: early age. I kind of remember pissing myself because I could not figure out how to pause the game in Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts to go take a leak. Mom was super angry of course ;). We both took turns on Super Metroid and beat it together though - I was good at most bosses but Crocomire and both self destruction countdowns made me freak out completely so these were her professions. Good times :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gitaroo on October 02, 2015, 05:25:56 pm
Hey, I'm Eli, or gitaroo! I'm a bit on the younger side, but I've been seriously collecting since I was 15. I'm a huge fan of fighting games, JRPG's, and rhythm games and you can definitely see that in my collection. Besides collecting games, I also collect figures and other merch. My collection is at MFC: gamagooru (

My top 10 favorite games are probably Persona 4, No More Heroes, Gitaroo Man, any BEMANI game, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Street Fighter, E.X. Troopers, and Kirby Super Star.

On the more professional and personal side, I'm going to school to become a freelance graphic designer. I used to be a huge music major, but after 6 years, including 5 years of going to an arts school, I decided it wasn't really my thing. Speaking of music, I'm also super interested in music production and management.
I hope to post more here, as well as get to know some of you guys!  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: davifus on October 02, 2015, 06:02:08 pm
Hey, I'm Eli, or gitaroo! I'm a bit on the younger side, but I've been seriously collecting since I was 15. I'm a huge fan of fighting games, JRPG's, and rhythm games and you can definitely see that in my collection. Besides collecting games, I also collect figures and other merch. My collection is at MFC: gamagooru (

My top 10 favorite games are probably Persona 4, No More Heroes, Gitaroo Man, any BEMANI game, Pokemon, Animal Crossing, Street Fighter, E.X. Troopers, and Kirby Super Star.

On the more professional and personal side, I'm going to school to become a freelance graphic designer. I used to be a huge music major, but after 6 years, including 5 years of going to an arts school, I decided it wasn't really my thing. Speaking of music, I'm also super interested in music production and management.
I hope to post more here, as well as get to know some of you guys!  :D

Welcome to vgc
Wooeee that's a lot figures. I only got like 10-15 atm and 5-7 ordered. 

Great game p4. I been listening to the reincarnation album for p4 lately so jazzy.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lisitsa on October 05, 2015, 11:03:15 pm
Hey guys, figured I would do one of these things finally. Just got into this forum thing.

I'm Mike. I'm 23 from New York City. I'm in the Navy right now in Connecticut. I started playing with my brother's copy of the original Zelda. Eventually I got a Gameboy and got hooked in by Pokemon Red/Blue. Since then I loved almost all handhelds. I have a hectic collection of whatever I feel like getting at the time. I mostly stay in the Sony or handheld areas for now. I look forward to getting to know some more of you guys around here. Cheers!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on October 06, 2015, 07:27:07 am
Welcome new people!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on October 06, 2015, 08:12:44 am
Welcome to both lisitsa and gitaroo!

@lisitsa: You're in the Navy now? Thanks for all of your service.

@gitaroo: Gitaroo Man is a fantastic game; I'm digging your username!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kmacdw on December 11, 2015, 04:10:44 am
Howdy! I'm new, had been looking for a nice way to catalog my collection and this site offers just that :)

Been gaming since I was three, starting with the good old C64 but I was never much of a collector for the most part. I committed just about every sin known to collectors; sold my old consoles when I got new ones, sold the guts of my PS2 library to buy a 360, and regularly traded in games to get new ones. I'd say I started collecting about three years ago when I realised I'd stopped trading in games and had amassed about 80 titles for my 360 which was console of choice; around that time I also decided I wanted a handheld, something I hadn't owned for years so I asked for a 3DS for Xmas. The following year I re-bought a PSP, got a PS3, replaced my broken PS2 and started buying games for the Wii that was collecting dust in the family room. I haven't looked back since :) I'm not a hardcore collector in that I have no plans for a complete SNES library for example (I don't currently own a single SNES cart :D); I more so stick to collecting for series/franchises that I love, in particular RPGs.

So yeah, happy to be here :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rayne315 on December 11, 2015, 01:44:46 pm
Welcome kmacdw!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: downtimejapan on January 08, 2016, 01:41:23 am
  Hello! Retro gamer living in Japan. I am originally from New York. My collection thus far includes games from Famicom, Super Famicom, GB, GBA, Virtual Boy (Finally found one boxed, working, and at a good price), Sega Genesis, SS, PCE(turbo gfx), Playstation, and Playstation 2. I do have games after that and play current gen as well but wont include those (everything non xbox basically). Since I live in Japan obviously my collection is all Japanese releases! Although I do have my old SNES games and such back home but thats all boxed up in NY :(.

  Hope to start adding my collection to the database soon which is going to take a long time! My famicom collection is probably my largest collection but I find more for super famicom and ps2 more now a days. Sifting through the same pachinko games and repeats got tiring for famicom haha.

  If there are any other collectors based here in Japan let me know =D 宜しくお願いします!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rayne315 on January 08, 2016, 01:35:46 pm
welcome DownTimeJapan!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kmacdw on January 09, 2016, 09:44:35 am
  Hello! Retro gamer living in Japan. I am originally from New York. My collection thus far includes games from Famicom, Super Famicom, GB, GBA, Virtual Boy (Finally found one boxed, working, and at a good price), Sega Genesis, SS, PCE(turbo gfx), Playstation, and Playstation 2. I do have games after that and play current gen as well but wont include those (everything non xbox basically). Since I live in Japan obviously my collection is all Japanese releases! Although I do have my old SNES games and such back home but thats all boxed up in NY :(.

  Hope to start adding my collection to the database soon which is going to take a long time! My famicom collection is probably my largest collection but I find more for super famicom and ps2 more now a days. Sifting through the same pachinko games and repeats got tiring for famicom haha.

  If there are any other collectors based here in Japan let me know =D 宜しくお願いします!
I envy you, living in Japan  ;D Can't wait to see your collection.

Welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 09, 2016, 01:28:19 pm
  Hello! Retro gamer living in Japan. I am originally from New York. My collection thus far includes games from Famicom, Super Famicom, GB, GBA, Virtual Boy (Finally found one boxed, working, and at a good price), Sega Genesis, SS, PCE(turbo gfx), Playstation, and Playstation 2. I do have games after that and play current gen as well but wont include those (everything non xbox basically). Since I live in Japan obviously my collection is all Japanese releases! Although I do have my old SNES games and such back home but thats all boxed up in NY :(.

  Hope to start adding my collection to the database soon which is going to take a long time! My famicom collection is probably my largest collection but I find more for super famicom and ps2 more now a days. Sifting through the same pachinko games and repeats got tiring for famicom haha.

  If there are any other collectors based here in Japan let me know =D 宜しくお願いします!

Welcome to VGC!

Beware of the Soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on January 11, 2016, 06:22:41 pm
  Hello! Retro gamer living in Japan. I am originally from New York. My collection thus far includes games from Famicom, Super Famicom, GB, GBA, Virtual Boy (Finally found one boxed, working, and at a good price), Sega Genesis, SS, PCE(turbo gfx), Playstation, and Playstation 2. I do have games after that and play current gen as well but wont include those (everything non xbox basically). Since I live in Japan obviously my collection is all Japanese releases! Although I do have my old SNES games and such back home but thats all boxed up in NY :(.

  Hope to start adding my collection to the database soon which is going to take a long time! My famicom collection is probably my largest collection but I find more for super famicom and ps2 more now a days. Sifting through the same pachinko games and repeats got tiring for famicom haha.

  If there are any other collectors based here in Japan let me know =D 宜しくお願いします!

Welcome aboard! We don't have many collectors living in Japan as far as I know, so you will probably own a lot of items not currently in the database.  :) I can't wait to see your collection!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on January 12, 2016, 12:20:18 am
  Hello! Retro gamer living in Japan. I am originally from New York. My collection thus far includes games from Famicom, Super Famicom, GB, GBA, Virtual Boy (Finally found one boxed, working, and at a good price), Sega Genesis, SS, PCE(turbo gfx), Playstation, and Playstation 2. I do have games after that and play current gen as well but wont include those (everything non xbox basically). Since I live in Japan obviously my collection is all Japanese releases! Although I do have my old SNES games and such back home but thats all boxed up in NY :(.

  Hope to start adding my collection to the database soon which is going to take a long time! My famicom collection is probably my largest collection but I find more for super famicom and ps2 more now a days. Sifting through the same pachinko games and repeats got tiring for famicom haha.

  If there are any other collectors based here in Japan let me know =D 宜しくお願いします!

Welcome to VGC!

Worship the Soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bperry731 on January 12, 2016, 04:33:13 pm
Hey there,

My name's Ben.  Been playing games for about 21 years now and there's no end in sight.  Born and raised in Rhode Island, still living here today.  I'm sure i'm in the same boat as some of you when I say i sold my collection when I was younger without thinking twice about it.  Now, for the past year or so i've been trying to rebuild my collection of old games (everything pre 2005.)  Making decent progress, but this site will definitely help.  Glad to join.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 12, 2016, 05:22:06 pm
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on January 12, 2016, 05:31:27 pm
Welcome to VGCollect Ben! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: andoru90 on January 31, 2016, 12:11:24 am
hello to everybody on this site. I have been new to this site for about a few days now, after I decided to start cataloging all my games collection that keeps on growing (Currently at 632 games). I currently live in Maryland and I am currently 25 years old. I have been playing video games since I was little, but only got started collecting since 2012. I currently have in my possession a Super famicom, SNES, N64, PSX (english and japanese), GB, GBA, PS2 (english and japanese), GameCube, Dreamcast, Wii, Ps3, Nintendo ds, PSP, Nintendo 3ds, and a wii u.   
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on January 31, 2016, 01:45:20 am
hello to everybody on this site. I have been new to this site for about a few days now, after I decided to start cataloging all my games collection that keeps on growing (Currently at 632 games). I currently live in Maryland and I am currently 25 years old. I have been playing video games since I was little, but only got started collecting since 2012. I currently have in my possession a Super famicom, SNES, N64, PSX (english and japanese), GB, GBA, PS2 (english and japanese), GameCube, Dreamcast, Wii, Ps3, Nintendo ds, PSP, Nintendo 3ds, and a wii u.

Welcome ! Hope you enjoy the site and become a regular poster.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on January 31, 2016, 08:19:54 am
Welcome new folks!

Now for the obligatory

BEWARE of The SOERA._._.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: romanticore on February 03, 2016, 10:40:17 am
Dear vgcollectors!

My name is David and I used to be more of a hardcore gamer. Nowadays, I seldom find the time to play games at all... so I've mostly turned toward collecting games I'd like to play in the future. As a father, most of my spare time is consumed together with my two year old daughter. I'm born in Stockholm but I've spent most of my life in the northern parts of Sweden. I currently reside in Umeå, home of Refused and Meshuggah.

I missed the whole DS era, so that's something I first set out to change when I started collecting (again). Now I've turned toward japanese releases of games that I've enjoyed in the past. In the future I'd like to pick up a PS Vita and a new 3DS.

Oh... and I'd love to get my hands on a complete PAL Kid Icarus short box for the NES... and the Metroid / Kid Icarus split 7" vinyl single!

Thank you for the opportunity to be a member of such a fine forum!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on February 06, 2016, 03:34:07 pm
Hey there, romanticore! Welcome aboard; happy to have you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: karyann on February 07, 2016, 03:13:14 pm
Dear vgcollectors!

My name is David and I used to be more of a hardcore gamer. Nowadays, I seldom find the time to play games at all... so I've mostly turned toward collecting games I'd like to play in the future. As a father, most of my spare time is consumed together with my two year old daughter. I'm born in Stockholm but I've spent most of my life in the northern parts of Sweden. I currently reside in Umeå, home of Refused and Meshuggah.

I missed the whole DS era, so that's something I first set out to change when I started collecting (again). Now I've turned toward japanese releases of games that I've enjoyed in the past. In the future I'd like to pick up a PS Vita and a new 3DS.

Oh... and I'd love to get my hands on a complete PAL Kid Icarus short box for the NES... and the Metroid / Kid Icarus split 7" vinyl single!

Thank you for the opportunity to be a member of such a fine forum!

Welcome aboard! I've seen your username pop in edit queues, glad to see you're joining the community side of things too :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on February 07, 2016, 04:04:45 pm
Welcome! Enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shfan on February 19, 2016, 10:36:16 am
I've been here a few weeks now, I think, and finally managed to get over the 1000 items listed on VG Collect point last night.

I'm British, have been gaming for 30 years and have been collecting for at least 20, on and off, after having a massive clearout several years ago I have mostly replaced what I foolishly sold or traded away and have built on the collection even further, having above 2000 individually boxed video games from the typical 8-bit and 16-bit home computers which dominated the gaming scene in the UK during the 80s and early 90s through to PC games of all ages and consoles/games from the NES/Master System through to current-gen systems. The collection also contains several strategy guides and a smattering of soundtracks and promotional art books.

I'm old fashioned and consider games that don't come on physical media to be un-owned, so the long overdue re-emergence of console budget games and indie titles offering physical releases is extremely welcome.

My main goals as of now are filling up gaps in the collection from the PS2, DS, PS3 and 360 libraries while picking up random retro games of interest, particularly PC games. I don't go for full sets, only games I would actually play, which typically fall into the action and RPG side of things and away from deep strategy or sports. I rarely pay anything more than a few pounds for an individual game unless it's a modern title or I've used finds to trade with retailers - I like 'the hunt' and hate the idea of paying market price for games.

Yeah, so hi guys, looking forward to chatting and rifling through your collections :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 19, 2016, 12:24:40 pm
Welcome SHfan!

Obligatory Beware the Soera post and...

..."SH" = Shadow Hearts, by any chance?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on February 19, 2016, 01:16:32 pm
Wuv the Soera!  :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shfan on February 19, 2016, 04:30:25 pm
Welcome SHfan!

Obligatory Beware the Soera post and...

..."SH" = Shadow Hearts, by any chance?

Thanks :) Nearly - love Shadow Hearts but the SH is for survival horror (and, pleasingly, Silent Hill). ZOMG, a Soera! 0.0
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on February 19, 2016, 04:48:39 pm
Welcome SHfan!

Obligatory Beware the Soera post and...

..."SH" = Shadow Hearts, by any chance?

Thanks :) Nearly - love Shadow Hearts but the SH is for survival horror (and, pleasingly, Silent Hill). ZOMG, a Soera! 0.0

That would have been my 2nd guess  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: southernstargamer on March 04, 2016, 05:41:46 pm
Hello everyone my name is Cliff I go by southernstar gamer on most social media.
I was introduced to the site by the great guys on the Retro Reload Podcast ( thanks guys)
I'm not experienced in forums so please excuse while I stumble though this till I
gain  my footing.  I collect pretty much anything but I'm a lover of role playing games
and love the 8-16 bit era. Lately I've been getting into shoot-em up and trying to expand my
Sega Saturn & Sega CD library. My passion is hunting down games/systems at flea markets, yard sales
and thrift stores. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and thanks for having me a a great site such as
this and hope to get to know many more great folks like the few I've started to get to know from here, thanks

Keep on gaming!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fighterpilot562 on March 04, 2016, 05:48:38 pm
Welcome cliff! Glad you finally were able to join.

southernstargamer is a great dude and has been on the podcast before, he also has his own channel, so be sure to check it out along with seeing him on tuesday.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on March 29, 2016, 02:37:54 pm
Hello everyone my name is Cliff I go by southernstar gamer on most social media.
I was introduced to the site by the great guys on the Retro Reload Podcast ( thanks guys)
I'm not experienced in forums so please excuse while I stumble though this till I
gain  my footing.  I collect pretty much anything but I'm a lover of role playing games
and love the 8-16 bit era. Lately I've been getting into shoot-em up and trying to expand my
Sega Saturn & Sega CD library. My passion is hunting down games/systems at flea markets, yard sales
and thrift stores. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and thanks for having me a a great site such as
this and hope to get to know many more great folks like the few I've started to get to know from here, thanks

Keep on gaming!

Welcome, Cliff!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrfoxhound on April 12, 2016, 08:54:49 pm
Just joined today and came from the Backloggery site. Wanted to try something new.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: abe on April 12, 2016, 09:38:43 pm
Just joined today and came from the Backloggery site. Wanted to try something new.

Welcome! :)

Backloggery is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on April 13, 2016, 08:03:58 am
Just joined today and came from the Backloggery site. Wanted to try something new.


Always great having more tri-staters.

Beware of the Soera!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gf78 on April 13, 2016, 11:56:32 am
Hello everyone my name is Cliff I go by southernstar gamer on most social media.
I was introduced to the site by the great guys on the Retro Reload Podcast ( thanks guys)
I'm not experienced in forums so please excuse while I stumble though this till I
gain  my footing.  I collect pretty much anything but I'm a lover of role playing games
and love the 8-16 bit era. Lately I've been getting into shoot-em up and trying to expand my
Sega Saturn & Sega CD library. My passion is hunting down games/systems at flea markets, yard sales
and thrift stores. I just wanted to say hello to everyone and thanks for having me a a great site such as
this and hope to get to know many more great folks like the few I've started to get to know from here, thanks

Keep on gaming!

Welcome southernstargamer!  You won't find a better gang of folks to talk games with than this site.   :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on April 13, 2016, 01:26:08 pm
Just joined today and came from the Backloggery site. Wanted to try something new.

Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on April 13, 2016, 01:29:32 pm
Welcome to VGCollect, Cliff!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bubsystation on May 18, 2016, 11:46:44 am
Hi there, I'm new here. I am Bubsystation.

Of course true to my name I have all the Bubsy (and have promptly added them to my collection) Bubsy 1 and II (and SUper Bubsy) are pretty decent games. I fell 3D, which itself was ambitious just came out after two better games, kind of gave the series a bad rep, it was a pretty popular series to.

I play modern and classic games, though the upcoming ideas for how modern consoles will work like PS4K for example have me questioning where I'll go. I may go PC. Or if Xbox doesn't actually copy them I may just stick with only 1 console.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on May 18, 2016, 12:53:12 pm
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kmacdw on May 24, 2016, 03:44:00 am
Hi there, I'm new here. I am Bubsystation.

Of course true to my name I have all the Bubsy (and have promptly added them to my collection) Bubsy 1 and II (and SUper Bubsy) are pretty decent games. I fell 3D, which itself was ambitious just came out after two better games, kind of gave the series a bad rep, it was a pretty popular series to.

I play modern and classic games, though the upcoming ideas for how modern consoles will work like PS4K for example have me questioning where I'll go. I may go PC. Or if Xbox doesn't actually copy them I may just stick with only 1 console.
You must be the only person I've ever come across who is so into Bubsy that they'd name themselves after him.

For the record I've never played the originals but I have played 3D; and a friend and I used to joke it was the worst game he owned.

Anyways welcome :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jsgd241 on May 25, 2016, 03:34:24 pm
Hello, My name is John I've been playing and amassing games the majority of my life but have been actively collecting for 7-8 years. I was looking for a good way to catalog what I have when I came upon the site (still working on getting everything on here haha). I've been lurking for awhile but decided I might start posting so here I am to say my Hello Worlds.   
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: disgaeniac on May 25, 2016, 03:59:23 pm
Welcome John!

Obligatory Beware of the Soera post!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cloud1771 on June 06, 2016, 10:34:34 pm
Hi, my name is Matt and my daughter(Novi) and I are going to start collecting cartridge games and game systems. We plan to start with NES and SNES.

I plan to get at least 80% of our collection in person, for example trade someone locally, pawn shop, thrift stores, flea markets, or meet up with someone in a parking lot i found on craigslist. I want to avoid ordering on Ebay or stuff like that because again its something i want to get my Daughter, and starting young at 5yrs old and eventually my 2yr old daughter as well. Kinda a father/daughter bonding thing. That is the hope at least.

Look forward to shareing with all of yall what we find and maybe even trading with yall once we start getting duplicates.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kmacdw on June 07, 2016, 04:33:05 am
Hi, my name is Matt and my daughter(Novi) and I are going to start collecting cartridge games and game systems. We plan to start with NES and SNES.

I plan to get at least 80% of our collection in person, for example trade someone locally, pawn shop, thrift stores, flea markets, or meet up with someone in a parking lot i found on craigslist. I want to avoid ordering on Ebay or stuff like that because again its something i want to get my Daughter, and starting young at 5yrs old and eventually my 2yr old daughter as well. Kinda a father/daughter bonding thing. That is the hope at least.

Look forward to shareing with all of yall what we find and maybe even trading with yall once we start getting duplicates.

Welcome. That's a nice idea, getting them locally is much more exciting for your daughter :D

Novi, that's a very unique name, not sure I've ever heard of it before; what's the origin?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cloud1771 on June 07, 2016, 04:58:29 am
HAHA its Novillee, my wife got it from the movie Where the Heart Is (2000) from Natalie Portman's char name... just changed the spelling a bit.
We always get "well thats a southern name."
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on June 07, 2016, 09:00:11 am
Welcome, Cloud!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on June 07, 2016, 10:39:04 pm
Welcome to VGCollect Cloud!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tehabyssfucker on June 18, 2016, 08:33:16 pm
Hi guys!!,
               My name is Nicholas, I'm a Chilean video game player since I was 4 years old (My brother gave me his Atari 800XE as birthday present and screw up my life  ;D). I started collecting video games since 2015 mainly Gamecube (JP), PSP and PS3 games to recover the games which I spent a lot of time playing through my life. I hope to spend a great time here in the forum and share all my treasures with all of you  ;D

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: keikuina on June 25, 2016, 06:11:01 pm

I joined recently, and so far I'm really enjoying the site! Really nice to see so much content in the database, and I love adding information when I come across games missing artworks or information.

I go by the username Keikuina everywhere on the internet (except Twitter, where it's Keikuiina because someone took it for some reason D; ), and my name's Olivier. I'm from Canada, and I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old, erasing my dad's save files in NHL Stanley Cup on the SNES.

Now, I've been collecting games since around 2008, slowly and steadily, and it's a lot of fun! But it's an expensive hobby. A few months ago I got started on my Youtube channel, and have been updating my video game pick-ups weekly, which will now change to biweekly. When I have more time, I'm planning on doing Let's Plays! Mostly of games I've never played before, but there are games I have played and didn't finish, and this whole channel gives me more reasons to play that huge backlog of games!

I collect for pretty much every consoles from Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, and the original Xbox. This includes the Famicom and Super Famicom. There are still consoles I want to get, but I can't at the moment, so that will have to wait.

So far, my biggest collection is my PS2 library with 192 as of now (or 201 if I count duplicates and some games I wanna sell).

While I probably won't be very active on the forums, I'll still look around if I need information for one thing or another. I hope we get along :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: revelation23 on June 25, 2016, 07:56:16 pm
Greetings and salad dressing. 

Joined a while back, still sorting through what I have to add to my collection here, plus a few things that aren't here yet.  Plus, I keep adding games to my collection, making my backlog of games even longer than it should be.  Doesn't help that there's a store with used games at the mall I maintain - I have spent way too much on consoles and games there.  I have a few oldies, but nothing older than an Intellivision or a few games on 5.25" floppy at the moment.  Also, I've nothing I consider rare yet, just a couple imports and an Atari board with a Road Blasters ROM installed to take home at some point.

Been gaming since the pre-NES era and even got to play some computer games at school on an Apple II (complete with green monochrome monitor), stuff like Castle Wolfenstein, Montezuma's Revenge, plus I got to play Karateka and Elevator Action on the IBM that had a color monitor.  Good times.  My first console was an Intellivision (which I still have), then we had a Magnavox Odyssey 300.  My mom later bought me an NES (still have the orange zapper, but that's it) in 1990 and I bought my first two games after renting some games at a video store - Final Fantasy and Gauntlet II. 

Now, 25 years or so later... I'm still playing games.  Just wish I had more time to finish them before moving on to another; it's bad habit of mine to start playing games while I have yet to finish others.  I may learn to stop doing that some day.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: stlgamer75 on July 02, 2016, 09:41:26 am
Hi all, new member to this forum. Just a quick intro to who I am. I'm a middle aged retro gaming enthusiast from St. Louis. Grew up with the NES and SNES but started collecting all systems in the late 90's/early 2000's thanks to ebay. Own nearly every home console from late 70's to the early 2000's from Atari to Intellevision to Coleco to Nintendo to Sega to Sony. NES is my favorite system due to the iconic games and nostalgia but also enjoy collecting for TG-16, Sega Genesis/CD, Saturn and Dreamcast consoles. What I'm playing and looking for is constantly changing but this allows me to play all the consoles I own.

I'll slowly be uploading my collection to the database as I go, so far I have only uploaded my Genesis/32X/CD collection since that is what I'm playing. Thanks for the great layout of the database and the forum to discuss retro gaming with others.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: necrosexual on July 03, 2016, 08:32:56 pm
never made a post here cause intro forums usually aren't my jam but ye

ahhh i got into collecting around... idk, age 15 or so? around 2008/2009.
i'm 23 in a week now... but collection is pretty small because life circumstances over time makes me have to sell some games here and there, you know.
(especially when i was younger, now it's last resort type deals)
i'll admit i'm more of a modern collector, if only because retro games are hella expensive and i can't afford them

i got into collecting due to feelings of 'inadequacy', tbh. i'm not good at games, but i enjoy them, and being a gamer who sucks at games with nothing to back up their cred kinda sucks, so instead of being all 'imma git gud' i was just like
*pours a fountain of cash into game stores and flea markets lmao*
i guess i suffer from inadequacy complex lmao, but i like collecting them (probably more than playing... oops)

i live in poverty these days, and no one buys me games, so it's slow coming but i persist. i have to be choosy, i guess, i miss out on a lot of CEs and stuff i'd love to have, but that's all right.

as for games i do like, i like games with cute things in them. usually when i have to answer 'what's your favourite kind of game' my response will usually be 'if it doesn't have cute girls i don't play it'.
i also like chill games.
i don't play multiplayer and i don't play online.


also my psnprofile is lacking a lot because most of my trophies synced to the wrong account when i hooked back up to the internet after months of no internet, so a lot of them got lost to the void, haha.

my, eh, proudest purchase so far is the hyperdimension neptunia re;birth 1 collector's edition... 1/1000, and i love it. very happy i nailed that one. gone in a few seconds that night.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sithsylar on July 14, 2016, 01:16:33 am
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 14, 2016, 10:00:59 am
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.

Australians.... An entire country of criminals.  Hold on to your wallets, folks.   ;)

I'm kidding man.  Welcome to the site.  I hear things are tough to find down there.  Are you into old stuff, new stuff, or what?  Any cool finds?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: azure on July 14, 2016, 10:34:53 am
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.
Welcome to the site, always nice to see more Anime/Manga fans.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sithsylar on July 14, 2016, 03:35:06 pm
Hi people i decided to join this website as i was looking for something to keep track of all the games i have.  Thankfully i have come across this website and couldn't be more happier with it :D.  Im 31 years old and have been playing video games since i was a kid!  I am also from Australia.  Cheers.

Australians.... An entire country of criminals.  Hold on to your wallets, folks.   ;)

I'm kidding man.  Welcome to the site.  I hear things are tough to find down there.  Are you into old stuff, new stuff, or what?  Any cool finds?

New stuff mostly man if i got into old stuff i could really go down the rabbit hole haha.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Link on July 16, 2016, 11:57:34 pm
Hi all!
New member from Italy, 30 years old and playing videogames for 29 years  :P

I grew up with NES, amiga and game boy, but i fall in love with retrogaming two years ago, when i found my old game boy pocket in a drawer and start to search new cartridge for it.
Now the situation gets a bit out of hands, and i can't stop to expand my libraries   :-[

I like to collect rare and limited consoles&games.
Usually playing RPGs, platform and adventures.

Hope i can help with your great database, surely it will help me keeping track of my games  ;D

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on July 17, 2016, 11:00:20 am
Welcome, Link! Great to have you.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rayne315 on July 18, 2016, 02:36:34 pm
welcome to the site Link!

side note: I am surprised that user name has not already been taken.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: undertakerprime on July 19, 2016, 12:47:54 pm
Hey all
I've been a member of this site for a couple of years, but only to keep track of my game collection. Finally decided to join the discussion, mainly because my family and I recently moved to a larger house in Indiana and I now have a retro-gaming area where I can get most of my old consoles and games out of storage.

I grew up during the golden age of arcades, playing classics like Ms Pac Man, Dig Dug, and Q*Bert, my all-time favorite game. My first home console was the Atari 2600, which was given away a few years later. Eventually got an NES, and I have kept every system I've acquired since then. I enjoy about every genre except for sports games; action, adventure, beat-em-up, platformer, RPG, shmup, FPS, I have favorites in each category. My personal top-10 games is a mixture of genres and eras, from Q*Bert to arcade TMNT to Final Fantasy VI to Shadow of the Colossus to Bioshock Infinite. I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Glad to be here, I just enjoy discussing classic games with people who know what I'm talking about :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on July 19, 2016, 01:04:55 pm
Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on July 19, 2016, 02:50:04 pm
I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Well done.  I'm impressed

Welcome to our little corner of the internet.  Kick off your shoes.  Get comfortable.  Beware the soera.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: undertakerprime on July 19, 2016, 06:05:43 pm
I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Well done.  I'm impressed

Welcome to our little corner of the internet.  Kick off your shoes.  Get comfortable.  Beware the soera.

It was not even something I was trying to do. I just happened to be good enough at Contra do get through it with minimal deaths, and I just felt like continuing after finishing it. I didn't realize what I had done until it was over.

And I'm sure not claiming to be some gaming god, I just happened to be good at that one game. There's a number of games that I wasn't able to finish that many others did, like Zelda II and Final Fantasy. Hell, in FF I couldn't get past the first fiend; I would keep grinding for ages and felt like I never got any stronger, and just got tired of grinding so much.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on July 19, 2016, 06:41:34 pm
I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Well done.  I'm impressed

Welcome to our little corner of the internet.  Kick off your shoes.  Get comfortable.  Worship the soera.

It was not even something I was trying to do. I just happened to be good enough at Contra do get through it with minimal deaths, and I just felt like continuing after finishing it. I didn't realize what I had done until it was over.

And I'm sure not claiming to be some gaming god, I just happened to be good at that one game. There's a number of games that I wasn't able to finish that many others did, like Zelda II and Final Fantasy. Hell, in FF I couldn't get past the first fiend; I would keep grinding for ages and felt like I never got any stronger, and just got tired of grinding so much.

Ive always needed the 30 man code and I usually still dont beat the game. I did beat Zelda II and FF though. Different skill sets I guess. :) Thats why there are so many different games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pacpix on July 19, 2016, 10:36:43 pm
Hey all
I've been a member of this site for a couple of years, but only to keep track of my game collection. Finally decided to join the discussion, mainly because my family and I recently moved to a larger house in Indiana and I now have a retro-gaming area where I can get most of my old consoles and games out of storage.

I grew up during the golden age of arcades, playing classics like Ms Pac Man, Dig Dug, and Q*Bert, my all-time favorite game. My first home console was the Atari 2600, which was given away a few years later. Eventually got an NES, and I have kept every system I've acquired since then. I enjoy about every genre except for sports games; action, adventure, beat-em-up, platformer, RPG, shmup, FPS, I have favorites in each category. My personal top-10 games is a mixture of genres and eras, from Q*Bert to arcade TMNT to Final Fantasy VI to Shadow of the Colossus to Bioshock Infinite. I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Glad to be here, I just enjoy discussing classic games with people who know what I'm talking about :)

Anybody cool enough to have a Q*Bert avatar is welcome here.  Welcome to VGCollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: undertakerprime on July 20, 2016, 08:14:45 pm
Hey all
I've been a member of this site for a couple of years, but only to keep track of my game collection. Finally decided to join the discussion, mainly because my family and I recently moved to a larger house in Indiana and I now have a retro-gaming area where I can get most of my old consoles and games out of storage.

I grew up during the golden age of arcades, playing classics like Ms Pac Man, Dig Dug, and Q*Bert, my all-time favorite game. My first home console was the Atari 2600, which was given away a few years later. Eventually got an NES, and I have kept every system I've acquired since then. I enjoy about every genre except for sports games; action, adventure, beat-em-up, platformer, RPG, shmup, FPS, I have favorites in each category. My personal top-10 games is a mixture of genres and eras, from Q*Bert to arcade TMNT to Final Fantasy VI to Shadow of the Colossus to Bioshock Infinite. I still consider my best gaming accomplishment to be finishing NES Contra twice consecutively without dying; at the time, I never needed the 30-man code :D

Glad to be here, I just enjoy discussing classic games with people who know what I'm talking about :)

Anybody cool enough to have a Q*Bert avatar is welcome here.  Welcome to VGCollect!

Rarely have I ever been called "cool," especially not because of Q*Bert, so I appreciate the sentiment  :D

First time I played Q*Bert, I did what I bet most people did: promptly jumped off the pyramid :)
Ended up obsessed with it; had the board game, card game, Coleco tabletop game, storybook, and watched the Saturday Supercade segment all the time. It's the only classic arcade game I feel like I could be record-breakingly good at if I had the time and patience to practice for hours a day. However, that won't happen. I met George Leutz a couple of years ago, the world record holder, and he had also set the marathon arcade gaming record at the same time (40-something hours straight). There's no way in Hades I'm capable of that :p

I asked him how he has time for bathroom breaks, and apparently once you get a bunch of extra lives you can just leave the game for a break, as it takes 10-20 seconds for the bad guys to kill you each time you respawn.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mathijs on August 01, 2016, 01:02:37 am
Hi, I'm Mathijs

I am a Dutch guy who lives in Finland and I'm 39 years old. I grew up on the NES and Sega Genesis.
Nowadays I collect PS3 games.

My other hobbies are old school hip-hop (I can't stand the current hip-hop scene) and I also like horrorcore (hip-hop with a horror twist)

The games I like are action shooters and I prefer third person games over first person games

The reason why I registered at VGcollect was that I was searching for a free application to organize my games online. I didn't find any downloadable software but I did find this site and I figured I could at least give it a try. There are a ton of games I could add to my wish list and with VGcollect I think memorizing these games might go easier.

On a side note, I'd love to see share buttons to share your collection with social media, and an option to make a gallery of all the titles that you added to the vgcollect-list

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jupiter on August 02, 2016, 05:28:43 am
Hiya, Jupiter here.

I joined a week or two ago when I stumbled upon this site while looking for collection management stuffs. I forgot to introduce myself at that time, what an ass!

26 years young, feeling 50 something. Time is the worst thing.

I've been gaming heavily since my grandparents bought me an snes at 4 or something. I had played nes before that but I suppose I was too young for it to truly click. We were not very well endowed monetarily, so I usually traded in all my games for newer ones. Typical story, now I'd like to get my hands back on my favorite games from youth.

I'm into rpg's of all varieties, whether story driven or more random, both japanese and western (my favorite are the lootfests, Diablo etc.) Also 2D fighting games - though I'm not very good at them, hack n' slash action, squad-based tactics, and over the top sports titles (like Blitz). As a new collector I don't have much, but I'm aiming to establish a decent starting ps1/ps2/original xbox/gamecube collection in the coming months. Looking forward to picking up titles like Def Jam, KOTOR, Bushido Blade 2, Jade Empire, Wind Waker, etc etc. Lordy, I'm drooling!

I'm also a huge metalhead, audiophile, and newb musician. I'll listen to pretty much anything heavy, cranked to the edge of distortion but never sacrificing quality, it tends to piss off people around me....Really sucks living in a place with paperthin walls when I've got vintage pioneers just begging to blow the place down. Some day, my darlings, some day....

Last but not least, I'm a part-time anime fan. Part-time? Well, I only truly enjoy testosterone fueled badass shounen battles. While these get my blood pumping, I'm not so vain as to go without noticing that they generally lack the substance of some of the other anime genres, though there are exceptions.

Well...this has gone on way too long. My apologies.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on August 02, 2016, 08:41:54 am
Welcome to both mathijs and jupiter!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: edomaden on August 13, 2016, 05:40:10 pm
Hello and well met!
I am Edomaden. I've been a collector since college, but a gamer since I was knee high. I have games for every system from Intellivision up to PS4, but the bulk of my collection is from NES to Playstation generations.
I'm a rather OCD collector and try to get as close to everything complete in box as I can. If I'm missing something like the registration card, I typically don't sweat it, but everything else has to be in box for it to feel truly complete to me.
To that end, I've had a difficult time negotiating NES CIB and have for several months, been putting together a spreadsheet of everything that has come packaged in those boxes. It's been a very exhaustive experience, luckily the work done by 'the_wizard_666' on gamefaqs has gone a long way to completing this journey. In one of my multiple internet searches I came across this site and immediately fell in love with it. Since joining I've been added my spreadsheet of packaged items to Nintendo games. 
So if you're browsing NES and find 'Came Packaged With' under Description, that's me. I'm very thankful for the admins approving my edits to that so far. It's at the least a note to collectors on what to expect with a complete packaged game.  I've also been filling out other missing fields as I make my way through my collection.  I'm enjoying contributing to the site so I'm in no rush to finish my is over 1000 games now....
I also have a Youtube page of video game endings:
I am also looking to perhaps one day publish a book about game collecting- the experience, gaming history, and the notes from my bloody complete in box spreadsheet.

So if anyone wants to chat games, I'm a great source of pointless trivia, history and knowledge. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rayne315 on September 06, 2016, 02:35:42 pm
Welcome edomaden!! hope you find your stay with us to be a very enjoyable one!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hawk767 on October 25, 2016, 12:51:56 am
Hey folks!

Just found this site after thinking I should begin keeping track of the games I'm now collecting and having those as well as a wishlist in one site seemed to be a solid idea so here I am.

My collection is still pretty small at this point as I'm one waiting to be able to move before I really start dedicating both money and more importantly space to the collection, but I have been getting games here and there when the opportunity arises. I actually just attended the Portland Retro Gaming Expo and bolstered my ps1 game collection quite a bit, also picked up an N64, something I missed out on during my childhood, so I'm extremely excited to get some of the titles I loved on that but never actually owned.

The systems I'm most interested in collecting for at this moment are PS1 through PS3, the Wii U, 3DS and DS, Big Box PC games, as well as Original Xbox and probably 360 at some point soonish as well. Really any of the modern consoles. I've an interest in older consoles like Dreamcast, Saturn, Genesis, SNES, and possibly the NES, but again it comes down to space and even with the consoles I have I lack the room to properly store them or have them all connected to a tv for use.

Hope to meet and get to know people on this forum though!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on October 25, 2016, 08:30:28 am
Welcome to the fun, hawk!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Agozer on November 22, 2016, 12:44:03 pm
Hi, I'm Agozer. Been here for a good while now, adding my own stuff to the database. Finally found a video game collection site that wants accurate data.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Flashback2012 on November 22, 2016, 01:11:21 pm
Hi, I'm Agozer. Been here for a good while now, adding my own stuff to the database. Finally found a video game collection site that wants accurate data.

Accurate to a fault sometimes but otherwise harmless.  ;)

At any rate, welcome!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rsin94 on November 25, 2016, 11:30:14 am
Hi everyone! I was recommended this site to track the upkeep of my collection but I'm now coming around the forum portion of the site.Some of my favorite games are from Nintendo,square Enix,capcom, and sega with zelda being my all time favorite video game series from nintendo. I only started taking game collecting a little more seriously a couple years ago and even though I have plenty of consoles my library of games is a little on the small side.

I share most of my collection with my brother so here are the consoles we try to collect for.
Wii U
Gameboy Color
Original Xbox
Xbox 360
Xbox one
PS Vita

I also collect Big box pc games but I'm more for collecting for consoles and as for the sega saturn I only plan to have a few titles for obvious reasons.But other than those two,my main focuses are some of the newer consoles and mostly the N64,Dreamcast,Gamecube,and playstation 2.

If you wanna know anymore,feel free to chat with me!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on December 14, 2016, 10:55:15 am
Hi everyone! I was recommended this site to track the upkeep of my collection but I'm now coming around the forum portion of the site.Some of my favorite games are from Nintendo,square Enix,capcom, and sega with zelda being my all time favorite video game series from nintendo. I only started taking game collecting a little more seriously a couple years ago and even though I have plenty of consoles my library of games is a little on the small side.

I share most of my collection with my brother so here are the consoles we try to collect for.
Wii U
Gameboy Color
Original Xbox
Xbox 360
Xbox one
PS Vita

I also collect Big box pc games but I'm more for collecting for consoles and as for the sega saturn I only plan to have a few titles for obvious reasons.But other than those two,my main focuses are some of the newer consoles and mostly the N64,Dreamcast,Gamecube,and playstation 2.

If you wanna know anymore,feel free to chat with me!
Welcome to the Vgcollect family
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on December 14, 2016, 11:03:18 am
Welcome to this corner of interwebs.  Enjoy your stay. 

Just as a friendly word of wisdom, Beware the Soera
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mulciberxp on December 29, 2016, 06:09:05 pm
Hi, just joined a few days ago to start tracking my collection. Thought I'd drop into the forum and say hi. I used to play games all the time, but since having 3 kids, I mostly just collect now. Cheers.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: 05sonicblue on January 09, 2017, 01:12:33 pm
Hi, just officially joined today, but I have been browsing the forums for the past few months. I have been collecting for quite some time. I currently have a little over 1,500 games ranging from Atari 2600-XBOX One, as well as some other systems like the Odyssey 4000 and Commodore +4. I currently track everything in an excel file, but will be uploaded that data on vgcollect soon.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on January 09, 2017, 04:42:56 pm
Hi, just officially joined today, but I have been browsing the forums for the past few months. I have been collecting for quite some time. I currently have a little over 1,500 games ranging from Atari 2600-XBOX One, as well as some other systems like the Odyssey 4000 and Commodore +4. I currently track everything in an excel file, but will be uploaded that data on vgcollect soon.

Good to have you here.  It's always nice to see fresh faces. Enjoy your stay and jump right in the discussion.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chrismb on February 04, 2017, 08:02:50 pm
Hey y'all =) I'm Chris, 17 from France. I'm obviously a video game collector, I also collect toys/dolls =) I've never really "started" collecting since I always loved video games! Usually the way I collect is if I think a game might be interesting i'll try to get it! I like to have a lot of different genre of games too =)
I have around 300 games rn, and about 12 systems. I don't really have a favorite system to collect for, I think every systems has their great and unique games, I do however usually prefer games after the 3rd generation of consoles. I'm also a big fighting game fan! =D
A bit more about me, i'm currently home schooled (I used to be in a catholic school were people didn't really like the fact that i'm gay so i just left), I want to become a special fx make up artist for film or whatever, I'd love to work in the video game industry tho! (shit at math tho lol).  I also love music and drawing =)
Idk what else to say lol

Hopefully i'll get to know some people here, feel free to message me  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on February 04, 2017, 09:00:40 pm
Hey Chris! Nice to meet you :) Welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chrismb on February 04, 2017, 09:51:21 pm
Thank you   :D :D !
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: metshael on February 05, 2017, 02:35:48 pm
Hey y'all =) I'm Chris, 17 from France. I'm obviously a video game collector, I also collect toys/dolls =) I've never really "started" collecting since I always loved video games! Usually the way I collect is if I think a game might be interesting i'll try to get it! I like to have a lot of different genre of games too =)
I have around 300 games rn, and about 12 systems. I don't really have a favorite system to collect for, I think every systems has their great and unique games, I do however usually prefer games after the 3rd generation of consoles. I'm also a big fighting game fan! =D
A bit more about me, i'm currently home schooled (I used to be in a catholic school were people didn't really like the fact that i'm gay so i just left), I want to become a special fx make up artist for film or whatever, I'd love to work in the video game industry tho! (shit at math tho lol).  I also love music and drawing =)
Idk what else to say lol

Hopefully i'll get to know some people here, feel free to message me  :)

Yeah a new frenchie join the VGC community 8) ! Welcome Chrismb, i hope you will like it here ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chrismb on February 05, 2017, 05:33:21 pm
Haha thank you   :D :D ! I'm sure I will :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: crystaldan on February 20, 2017, 05:41:34 pm
I'm Crystal, half of the CrystalDan name. 30s couple enjoying gaming on all aspects. We have a small small collection due to space right now but we plan on slowing expanding over the years.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on February 21, 2017, 09:31:58 am
I'm Crystal, half of the CrystalDan name. 30s couple enjoying gaming on all aspects. We have a small small collection due to space right now but we plan on slowing expanding over the years.

Cool to have couple join us here.  Hope y'all enjoy your stay.  Jump right in and enjoy the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: epicninjask123 on March 16, 2017, 05:51:02 pm
Hey everyone. Don't know any of you yet, but isn't that the point of an introductions thread?

Anyway, I'm epicninjask123 (or on some other sites I'll shorten this to eninjask123) and I've been meaning for some time to electronically compile my game library. A friend recommended I use an online database, and lo and behold I've got an account here. Though I'll tell my friends I'm a collector, I wouldn't say I have anything particularly brag-worthy, but I don't personally know many people with as much physical games as me so I've got that on them.

Right now I'm a college sophomore in computer science, which takes about as much time as most expect, so I've got quite a backlog stocked up. And since food, school, and games cost money, I'm trying not to buy too much games right now, let alone recent releases (though I really want Nier Automata and Horizon: Zero Dawn... and many others). That said, I'm hoping I could get involved with the community more. Welcome me, and nice to meet whoever responds! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on March 17, 2017, 08:59:59 am
Hey everyone. Don't know any of you yet, but isn't that the point of an introductions thread?

Anyway, I'm epicninjask123 (or on some other sites I'll shorten this to eninjask123) and I've been meaning for some time to electronically compile my game library. A friend recommended I use an online database, and lo and behold I've got an account here. Though I'll tell my friends I'm a collector, I wouldn't say I have anything particularly brag-worthy, but I don't personally know many people with as much physical games as me so I've got that on them.

Right now I'm a college sophomore in computer science, which takes about as much time as most expect, so I've got quite a backlog stocked up. And since food, school, and games cost money, I'm trying not to buy too much games right now, let alone recent releases (though I really want Nier Automata and Horizon: Zero Dawn... and many others). That said, I'm hoping I could get involved with the community more. Welcome me, and nice to meet whoever responds! :)

I'll be the first to say, Welcome.  Kick off your shoes and hang out a while.  This is a really chill place on the internet where folk really don't bicker and fight too much.  If you have a giant collection, cool.  If you have a tiny collection, groovy.  What makes is cool is that it's yours.  Collect anyway you want.  Enjoy every game or compile masses of carts for every system.  It's your hobby.  Just do you. 

Again, good to have you here.  Jump right in and join they conversations.  They get a little weird sometimes, but it's a real good group of folks.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zephyria on April 02, 2017, 04:21:27 am
Hi!  I've been making use of the site to catalog the combined video game collection with my boyfriend.  I'm a somewhat lapsed gamer for new stuff, but lately I've been rediscovering my love for retro games, both playing and collecting!

I grew up with the NES and Game Boy but because I was a poor kid I was left out of the 16-bit era for a long time.  SNES, and to some extent Genesis, are the focus of my collecting right now because there are so many gems that I didn't get to experience.  Ultimately though I'm just grabbing up anything I don't have!  ;D

I'm 30 years old and work as a telecommunications technician in the US.  See you guys around.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on April 02, 2017, 03:18:49 pm
Hi!  I've been making use of the site to catalog the combined video game collection with my boyfriend.  I'm a somewhat lapsed gamer for new stuff, but lately I've been rediscovering my love for retro games, both playing and collecting!

I grew up with the NES and Game Boy but because I was a poor kid I was left out of the 16-bit era for a long time.  SNES, and to some extent Genesis, are the focus of my collecting right now because there are so many gems that I didn't get to experience.  Ultimately though I'm just grabbing up anything I don't have!  ;D

I'm 30 years old and work as a telecommunications technician in the US.  See you guys around.

Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: zephyria on April 03, 2017, 02:19:18 am
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the site :)

Thanks!  Seems to be a pretty chill place, so I'm enjoying myself so far.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fogboundturtle on April 04, 2017, 10:49:54 am
I just sign up yesterday. I own over 155 original xbox games and I am showing no sign of slowing down. I know it's not as cool as the NES/SNES but I think it will be the next big retro thing.  I also have have a lot of Xbox One, PS4 and PC games. Mostly digital.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on April 04, 2017, 11:20:23 am
I just sign up yesterday. I own over 155 original xbox games and I am showing no sign of slowing down. I know it's not as cool as the NES/SNES but I think it will be the next big retro thing.  I also have have a lot of Xbox One, PS4 and PC games. Mostly digital.

Welcome! I'm the same way - didn't feel as cool as others since I don't own much before Game Boy Advance, and even then, it's few. Most of my titles when I started were DS and PS2 games. Still the case now, but hopefully some of the coolness has rubbed off on me!  8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: guilty0fbeing on April 27, 2017, 09:08:34 am
I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dustin, an educator from Texas. I'm 33 and started "collecting" about a year ago. I typically only buy what I would play, though I do buy every LRG release I can... (I'll get you, Breach and Clear!) I'm currently buying NES, SNES, Wii, Wii U, Game Boy, GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS, Genesis, Master System, Game Gear, PS1, PS3, PS4, PSP, and Vita. I do plan to move into N64, Game Cube, and PS2 in the future. Lastly, I'm pretty active on Instagram: "guiltyofbeing."
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chrombart on April 28, 2017, 10:50:11 am
Hi collectors of all that is gaming !

My name is Chrombart and i am from germany.
I am bold, bearded and DANGEROUS...ok, maybe not dangerous but very grumpy if i dont get my morning coffee  ;D
I like everything gaming related, collect for new and retro systems and do the occasionally cosplay.

Hope that the site makes cataloging my gaming library a bit easier and more pleasant for the eye. I also like to share my
waste knowledge of videogames and had already added some games into the database.

Wish you all a good day and happy game hunting 8)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on April 28, 2017, 10:52:33 am
Hi collectors of all that is gaming !

My name is Chrombart and i am from germany.
I am bold, bearded and DANGEROUS...ok, maybe not dangerous but very grumpy if i dont get my morning coffee  ;D
I like everything gaming related, collect for new and retro systems and do the occasionally cosplay.

Hope that the site makes cataloging my gaming library a bit easier and more pleasant for the eye. I also like to share my
waste knowledge of videogames and had already added some games into the database.

Wish you all a good day and happy game hunting 8)

VGC is worldwide!  Internationally know and know to rock a microphone.

Welcome to the site.  This is a good bunch of people.  Jump right in and enjoy the community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: justin8301 on April 29, 2017, 03:51:37 pm
Hello again everyone! I figured I'd stop in here and reintroduce myself since its been a while. My name is Justin and I was fairly active here several years ago but kinda took a small break from collecting. I'm back now and its time to reorganize my collection. I'll be adding stuff over the next few months since a have way to much to do in one sitting. looking forward to getting back into the scene and see how things have changed. I'v really been into playing NES and PS1 lately but I find myself picking my PSP back up a little more often now. Besides gaming I'm into Music (Ska/Punk/and 90's alternative) and yoyos.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on May 02, 2017, 04:11:16 pm
Welcome back, Kotter! Er...justin8301!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vanelo on May 02, 2017, 10:23:43 pm
I'v really been into playing NES and PS1 lately but I find myself picking my PSP back up a little more often now. Besides gaming I'm into Music (Ska/Punk/and 90's alternative) and yoyos.

I <3 90's alternative.

Oh hello!  This would be my first post on this forum, wouldn't it?  I'm vanelo, AKA Cloudslash if you're coming here from gamefaqs.  I made an account at kashell's recommendation. 

Anyone who wishes to may view my collection here, at least until I figure out a way to import it or something:

I also love anime, movies, music (faves are, like I said, 90's alternative, but I'll generally try to give anything besides country music and certain recent artists a shot), and I used to read a lot.  But none of that compares to my video gaming these days.  Work has a way of weeding out your lesser interests.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on May 03, 2017, 08:00:15 am
Cloudie!!!!! <3 <3 <3

So glad you're on here! Feel free to jump right into any conversation and join the fun.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on May 03, 2017, 10:38:55 am
Welcome, Vanelo! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: vanelo on May 03, 2017, 08:04:25 pm
Thanks both of you!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on May 07, 2017, 01:02:09 am
Welcome, new folk! Good to see new names/faces in the forums :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: theravenfreak on May 23, 2017, 10:10:33 pm
Hey everyone my name is TheRavenfreak! Feel free to call me Raven for short if you wish. I've been obsessed with video games since the age of four, with my favorite video game franchise being Sonic the Hedgehog. I also like to ROM hack for fun, but I mainly just modify the Master System/Game Gear Sonic games. I've been meaning to keep track of my growing video game collection for a while, and finally started working on keeping track of it today. Since I also love forums, I've decided to join the forums as well. My favorite video game console is the Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, with Sonic 3K being my favorite game on the console. I also love cartoons, with Teen Titans being my favorite. Anyways I've rambled on for too long, nice to meet everyone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: doctordestiny on June 25, 2017, 10:38:35 pm
Might as well pop in and say hi to everyone. I haven't been collecting seriously for that long and I'm more on the PC side of things, which doesn't seem to be that common in most collecting circles. Such a shame. PC has so much to offer. Anyhow, I have a large and fairly extensive collection centered around Command & Conquer as it's my favorite RTS franchise and I've been a fan for a long time. Shame that so much of my collection is missing from the database. :( I also dig on SimCity cause it's... just... y'know... awesome. :p

Anyway, just wanted to say hi!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lordjenkins on August 11, 2017, 09:01:14 am

My name is Adam but you can just call me Lord Jenkins. Or simply, Jenkins. Just please don't yell that - I get that a lot! :P

I am video games fan since the old days. I barely remember my older brother's Atari - but my first true love was Amiga 500 Plus. I think it really had a lot of influence on me in terms of my video games tastes. So, probably that's why I'm an indie games enthusiast now - those games very often have the special 'vibe' that I just love. But I sometimes like to go back to those old titles as well. I decided to join a bunch of retro gaming forums recently - to become part of this great community!

Glad to be here!

Your Humble Lord, Jenkins
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on August 11, 2017, 10:22:32 am
Welcome to the fun, Jenkins!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: doafan on August 11, 2017, 10:53:42 am
My name is Adam but you can just call me Lord Jenkins. Or simply, Jenkins. Just please don't yell that - I get that a lot! :P

Welcome to the forum Adam, hope that you enjoy your time here  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: xnblank on August 14, 2017, 11:09:40 pm
Hi everyone. I'm Blank, or xnblank if you want to call me that. Ive been gaming since i was a kid and started getting interested in collecting a small amount of my favorite games, classic and new. I've gotten a good head start just over that past couple of months, acquiring both a Nintendo 64 with 19 titles from a friend, and a PS1 with a couple of games that I've owned for a long time but could never play. I also own a GC, NDS and Wii in the older department, and a PS4 and Switch as my recent consoles.

I'll probably be mostly lurking in the shadows unless something in the forum piques my interest, but I thought I'd come say hello.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on August 15, 2017, 09:40:18 am
Hi everyone. I'm Blank, or xnblank if you want to call me that. Ive been gaming since i was a kid and started getting interested in collecting a small amount of my favorite games, classic and new. I've gotten a good head start just over that past couple of months, acquiring both a Nintendo 64 with 19 titles from a friend, and a PS1 with a couple of games that I've owned for a long time but could never play. I also own a GC, NDS and Wii in the older department, and a PS4 and Switch as my recent consoles.

I'll probably be mostly lurking in the shadows unless something in the forum piques my interest, but I thought I'd come say hello.

Hey there Blank.  I want to welcome you to this shindig we call VGCollect. 

Don't lurk in the shadows.  This is a good place with good people.  Jump right in and enjoy your time around here. 

Oh yeah, watch out for this guy named soera...  Just trust me on that one.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on August 15, 2017, 10:41:18 am
Welcome to the fun, Blank!! Hop in and enjoy the site and its people!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: DreamsDied13101 on August 15, 2017, 11:45:12 am
Welcome, Xnblank!  I see you put Wii in the "older department" I think my local Target still sells a Wii bundle somewhere. :) I couldn't find a Wii U to save my life though.

Hope you have fun here!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: guygus09 on September 14, 2017, 06:07:07 am
Hello, I'm Gus and I've recently started to see the value in older games, and started my own collection. Needing a place to catalog them all, I ran into this site after trying others and not being satisfied. I love how organized and expansive of a database you have here.
I've been playing since birth when I was plopped in front of an SNES one day. I missed most of the older generations, and was devastated to hear all the games my siblings gotten rid of before my time.  ::)

I started when I tried hunting down some handhelds I had in my childhood that I had lost for memory's sake. Then I felt how charming owning old things and feeling the history and attitude with the years, and the feelings have snowballed from there, to deciding to grow a collection for cataloging and safeguard reasons. I have interests in anime, television, cinematography, music, card games, and basically any media and toy collectives, as well as interests in geology and mineralogy. I have a few gems and rock samples laying around the house because of this :) (it drives my family mad, they always ask me "why do you bring home so many rocks?") I hope to also start a card game and physical media collection, too, with my best friends, if life permits it.

Although, currently, I don't exactly have access to retro titles, space to display anything, or the financial status to grow too much, I hope to one day have a complete game library of all consoles and handhelds, enough that it could be considered a small museum of VG history. I've studied about the history, controversies, and graphical/hardware techniques and achievements that I'm basically obsessed at this point. Mostly, I only have titles I can afford to play, and the mass of my collection comes from hand me downs from family and friends. I appreciate any experience and advice anyone has, as well as a peek at your collections as examples.

Happy playing!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on September 14, 2017, 09:34:22 am
Welcome, Gus! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shadowzero on September 14, 2017, 09:19:35 pm
My name is Jay and I'm an addict.  Its really nice to meet all of you.  I'm in my late thirties going back to get the stuff I had as a kid (as well as the stuff I wanted but never got) and "share" it with my loved ones.  My first system was a Turbo Grafx 16 but ended up trading for an NES during its mighty reign.  Truth is if I had never sold/traded anything I would need another room in the house.  Rather than look back in regret I remind myself that I also gave others the opportunity to own some gems....right?  right guys?  guys?   Anyway.  A few years ago I started a small collection but quickly became overwhelmed trying to grab everything.  Fast forward to now and I am focused on NES, SNES, and I just dipped my toes back into the Sega market with my recently acquired Saturn.  This method of focus and consistent growth has proven effective for me and I would encourage it for those feeling overwhelmed. 

I have been searching for searching for a video game community as well as collection management and I am happy to find both here. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on September 15, 2017, 12:36:45 am
Heya Jay!

I've seen Blank and Gus already up and active elsewhere in the forum, so hello officially!

Great to see some new names in the forums, and I hope you all have a good time here :)

Great comments, Jay. A few folks over the years have mentioned needing a purge and discussing general tactics on keeping collecting at a steady (and not overwhelming) clip. Whether that means to quit cold turkey for a bit or what, we all know it can be easy to let the collecting urges run away from us ... along with our money  ::)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chewiemonster on October 08, 2017, 09:58:26 am
Hey what's up folks! I'm Vicki but y'all can call me Chewie if you want!

And I guess I'm new to this whole forum thing, I've never really posted in one before. And I'm also new to VGCollect. I'm just trying to get the hang of things and update my collection as I go. I've been playing video games since I was like maybe 3 or 4. I don't really have a big collection but I'm sure it'll expand over the years.

Yeah so I'll be around, you might see me popping up now and again in various places! And it's great to be here!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on October 08, 2017, 10:39:31 pm
Welcome Chewie! Nice to meet you :) Have fun on the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: nexttheflex on October 09, 2017, 03:00:30 am
Hello Fam!
Im Paul, 28 years old funny guy from Poland. Im wit games since when im was around 2,5 years old (older brother and his commodore). My first own console was PSX 7502, parents gave me a birthday present in summer of 2002. In my Whole life i got many consoles (famicom, psx, ps2, ps4, nintendo 64, nintendo gamecube, gameboy advance, sega saturn, sega dreamcast, sega mega drive II) but im played for few months and sold them all one by one on ebay or local polish emarket In August 2016 in found my first and only console what i got in my parents old house. And im fall in love again :) Ive got 3 consoles and thats all what i need and want. For me this trio represent the best games and best times in whole generation of consoles.
I come here because im try to find site where i can add and catalog my game collection. Peace
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on October 09, 2017, 08:11:25 am
Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gibgirl on October 09, 2017, 02:11:33 pm
Hi everyone, I'm Angela. I got started on gaming at age 5, when my parents picked up an Atari 2600, and haven't stopped since. Whether on the Atari, TI-99/4A we had in the mid-80s, the 286 PC the family got when I was in high school, the SNES and Jaguar I had in College, or the variety of systems since. I even spent 5 years working at Microsoft as part of the Xbox console team, developing updates for the Xbox 360 software.

I had started to dabble in game collecting in around 2004-2005, but didn't really do much then other than pick up a few classic consoles and games. Ended up selling off a bunch of games in 2010, which I now very much regret - as not only did I sell of an Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Genesis, and PS1, but also a Sega Saturn with about 10 games, and my Atari Jaguar collection, including the JagCD, all in box. :(  That's right there with the Vectrex and 10 games I had bought from a friend and later sold around 1990 in regards to things I wish I still had.

This jump into game collecting is different though. Our housemate moved out, leaving an empty bonus room in our house, which has become my game room. And with the dedicated space, I'm going big - a new 4K tv, an Xbox, 360, PS2, Gamecube, and Wii, all currently connected and playable, with an Xbox One X Scorpio Edition coming in November. The Wii is a new purchase, picked up a few PS1 games, over doubled my PS2 collection, but really am focusing on the Xbox 360, since I already had over 100 games. I'm also going to find chances to start dabbling in the older stuff, including going back to my roots with the Atari 2600.

I also have a pinball machine, Demolition Man, an empty Golden Tee cabined to turn into a MAME machine, and an Atari Gauntlet cabinet that I've started restoring.

Looking forward to some chances to trade games with everyone here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on October 09, 2017, 02:48:55 pm
Welcome! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 10, 2017, 10:33:13 am
Chewie, NextTheFlex, and Gibgirl; welcome to the show!  Hope y'all like it here and join right in on the fun.  We have a pretty good time. 

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ignition365 on October 10, 2017, 11:14:53 am
Hi everyone, I'm Angela. I got started on gaming at age 5, when my parents picked up an Atari 2600, and haven't stopped since. Whether on the Atari, TI-99/4A we had in the mid-80s, the 286 PC the family got when I was in high school, the SNES and Jaguar I had in College, or the variety of systems since. I even spent 5 years working at Microsoft as part of the Xbox console team, developing updates for the Xbox 360 software.

I had started to dabble in game collecting in around 2004-2005, but didn't really do much then other than pick up a few classic consoles and games. Ended up selling off a bunch of games in 2010, which I now very much regret - as not only did I sell of an Atari 2600, NES, SNES, Genesis, and PS1, but also a Sega Saturn with about 10 games, and my Atari Jaguar collection, including the JagCD, all in box. :(  That's right there with the Vectrex and 10 games I had bought from a friend and later sold around 1990 in regards to things I wish I still had.

This jump into game collecting is different though. Our housemate moved out, leaving an empty bonus room in our house, which has become my game room. And with the dedicated space, I'm going big - a new 4K tv, an Xbox, 360, PS2, Gamecube, and Wii, all currently connected and playable, with an Xbox One X Scorpio Edition coming in November. The Wii is a new purchase, picked up a few PS1 games, over doubled my PS2 collection, but really am focusing on the Xbox 360, since I already had over 100 games. I'm also going to find chances to start dabbling in the older stuff, including going back to my roots with the Atari 2600.

I also have a pinball machine, Demolition Man, an empty Golden Tee cabined to turn into a MAME machine, and an Atari Gauntlet cabinet that I've started restoring.

Looking forward to some chances to trade games with everyone here.
Shameless plug, but if you decide you want some 2600 games I've got a ton I've been trying to get rid of, I'll make you a heck of a deal.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gibgirl on October 10, 2017, 11:55:35 am
Shameless plug, but if you decide you want some 2600 games I've got a ton I've been trying to get rid of, I'll make you a heck of a deal.

I have yet to pick up another console, but I may get in touch with you soon about that deal.  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: st3althse7en on October 22, 2017, 07:40:34 pm
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 23, 2017, 10:24:13 am
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome to the party!  Enjoy it.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 23, 2017, 07:03:29 pm
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome! I like your avatar :) I've been here for many years now and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Do you think you'll focus on one genre of the PS1 or just generally all of them?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: st3althse7en on October 24, 2017, 01:22:37 am
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome! I like your avatar :) I've been here for many years now and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Do you think you'll focus on one genre of the PS1 or just generally all of them?

Thank you for the warm welcome! I really appreciate it. From the looks of it, I think I’ve found my new long term home. The community feels close and helpful. Huge qualities that I wanted in a forum. Not to mention a solid database to boot! For PS1, I plan on an array of games. I’m going to be focusing on my childhood games first. Once I have those, I’ll probably focus on the horror and rpg genres.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 24, 2017, 11:30:49 am
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome! I like your avatar :) I've been here for many years now and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Do you think you'll focus on one genre of the PS1 or just generally all of them?

Thank you for the warm welcome! I really appreciate it. From the looks of it, I think I’ve found my new long term home. The community feels close and helpful. Huge qualities that I wanted in a forum. Not to mention a solid database to boot! For PS1, I plan on an array of games. I’m going to be focusing on my childhood games first. Once I have those, I’ll probably focus on the horror and rpg genres.

Nice! Yeah, my collecting started with gathering up items I remembered fondly from childhood. Now that I think about it, I think my first eBay purchases were to replace games that had been stolen, so maybe that's how it all started, ha. There are quite a few horror and RPG fans here, so I think you'll have good company :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ignition365 on October 24, 2017, 11:39:35 am
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome! I like your avatar :) I've been here for many years now and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Do you think you'll focus on one genre of the PS1 or just generally all of them?

Thank you for the warm welcome! I really appreciate it. From the looks of it, I think I’ve found my new long term home. The community feels close and helpful. Huge qualities that I wanted in a forum. Not to mention a solid database to boot! For PS1, I plan on an array of games. I’m going to be focusing on my childhood games first. Once I have those, I’ll probably focus on the horror and rpg genres.

Nice! Yeah, my collecting started with gathering up items I remembered fondly from childhood. Now that I think about it, I think my first eBay purchases were to replace games that had been stolen, so maybe that's how it all started, ha. There are quite a few horror and RPG fans here, so I think you'll have good company :)
I really wish I could remember what kickstarted my collecting.  I already had a moderate sized collection before I had graduated college.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Warmsignal on December 11, 2017, 02:35:14 pm
Hey all!

I've recently decided to jump back into retro video games after a long lay off. I've been looking for a community where I could call home (outside of reddit) and I think I found the place! In the past, I was an avid collector of all games from my childhood. I'm starting from a blank slate all over again, as I sold off my prior collection a few years back to help with a downpayment of a home. This time around, I'm looking to narrow in on Playstation One.

I hope to see all of you in the forums!


Welcome! I like your avatar :) I've been here for many years now and hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Do you think you'll focus on one genre of the PS1 or just generally all of them?

Thank you for the warm welcome! I really appreciate it. From the looks of it, I think I’ve found my new long term home. The community feels close and helpful. Huge qualities that I wanted in a forum. Not to mention a solid database to boot! For PS1, I plan on an array of games. I’m going to be focusing on my childhood games first. Once I have those, I’ll probably focus on the horror and rpg genres.

Nice! Yeah, my collecting started with gathering up items I remembered fondly from childhood. Now that I think about it, I think my first eBay purchases were to replace games that had been stolen, so maybe that's how it all started, ha. There are quite a few horror and RPG fans here, so I think you'll have good company :)
I really wish I could remember what kickstarted my collecting.  I already had a moderate sized collection before I had graduated college.

I'd tinkered with buying old games before, but for me it seriously began from a desire to delve into the Sega CD. I wasn't playing modern games at all at this point. It was 09, and the last I had played was PS2. At flea markets then, stuff was so cheap I figured I'd start picking up anything that looked good and it went from them there. But I'd say even then, YouTube is primarily what inspired me.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: alzorath on December 24, 2017, 02:52:47 pm
Lol, pretty buried here on page 87...

I go by Alzorath most places (though I have noticed a couple places where my name is getting used where it's not me - including a couple people using it to get on servers, if you are ever wondering if it's me, poke me on here, twitter, or my yt channel and I can confirm or deny it).

My collection history? I actually used to have a decent NES collection, as well as an assortment of RPGs and Strategy titles for a variety of systems - though due to moving a lot, a dry spell with gaming, and a few other things - I'm basically having to start over from scratch, and I decided to use VGCollect to track it this time because the community seems like a good one.

Most of my current console collection was gathered over the course of this year (with a few exceptions that I happened to have in a box that got overlooked).

What Spurred my return to collecting? My youtube channel oddly enough, I've been fiddling about with different types of PC games over the years, and felt the urge to go back and show off a number of classic, interesting, or notable games from the past (and try some oddities I never had the opportunity to play) - with the plan currently to do proper walkthroughs and reviews of them in 2018.


What do I Collect?
- Gaming-wise: Classic or Oddity RPGs & Strategy games are my primary focus, but I honestly collect from every genre (just saving sports for last or during a slow period due to how common they are). My current system focus is PS1, PS2, and Gamecube - and I will be expanding to PS3 and Wii/WiiU next year (focusing on RPGs and Strategy titles of course). I don't collect for value, but rather gameplay (and I favor games I can record so it can help fund expanding my collection). My goal is two-fold, preservation of the original medium, but also (and more importantly) preservation of the gameplay through video archives.

- Non-Gaming: Textbooks, Art Books, and Reference Books (smaller than my gaming collection, but it is something I make regular trips to Half-Price books for, since it's a cheap way to get old text books) - while most my books are related to Art, Psychology, and Photography - I'm at a point where I'm comfortable expanding it to include pretty much any subject that interests me (I'm thinking Electrical Engineering next lol). Due to collecting Art books, I also have small bits of comic book and graphic novel collecting floating about. (I'm sitting at a bit over 100 textbooks, out of about 200-300 books total, that have survived the last 3 moves intact)

I've also collected MtG cards twice in my life... each time getting fed up with it and abandoning it (even gave my old collection to a friend as a wedding gift since I couldn't take it in a move... wish I would've kept in touch with him - I'd have told him to get some specific cards in cases now since they've spiked in value)... my newer collection is still with me, but far less valuable. I think the main reason I keep falling out with it is that I don't feel the desire to play it enough to justify it - so it just collects dust and doesn't bring me joy. (and if you can't tell, I can't stand "collecting for value's sake" - the value to me is in the enjoyment of the pieces, not the shelf-count).

I'm waiting for the steam importer to really do my PC collection, since manually putting that in would be a nightmare (I need to put in most of my physical PC game collection still too, as of posting this, but I need to unpack it from storage to do so accurately) - my collection might also change after I get done going through some old family storage... since I might find more odd boxes in there with interesting stuff.


Why VGCollect? Community. Frankly, I could track my stuff on a spreadsheet if all I wanted to do was track what I had, but having a community to enjoy the hobby with makes it immensely better - and the community is what makes this stand out above other places.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: arkaneer on January 10, 2018, 06:30:59 am
Hi there

Been lurking here a while and decided to join as it seems like a great community.

Thing is, I have a collection with the grand total of zero games! I realised recently I have been playing games for forty years (yes, I am fairly old) and other than some great memories, I have nothing physical to show for it. I have always sold games on when I am done with them.

Why now? I have recently converted our garage into an office/man cave :)  I have the means and the room, so why not.

I like most types of game, with a soft spot for a good turn based RPG.

I have bought a shiny new PS4 Pro and a copy of Wolfenstein 2 to be getting on with. I'll most likely get a Switch later in the year, especially if Metroid Prime 4 is confirmed for 2018.

Thanks for reading!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on January 23, 2018, 11:49:10 am
Good to see some fresh faces... er... avatars and usernames!  Good to see some new avatars and usernames!

Welcome to the best little corner I've found on the interwebs.  Enjoy it here.  We all do. 
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: elecks on February 02, 2018, 02:07:51 pm
Hi there,

I am Elecks (Alex) and I'm fairly new to collecting. My favorite consoles are NES, N64 and PS 1,2,3,4. I live in Poland, sadly due communism it is really hard to find older games, but thanks to the internet i can always try to grow!

I have this small collection, yes it is really small as i just started to collect.

I hope you like my start and i hope to increase my collection fast.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: boozeburger on April 05, 2018, 09:56:28 am
Hello!  I love Metroidvanias, 2D beat-em-ups, yard sales, and dogs.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: boozeburger on April 05, 2018, 02:34:02 pm
Good to see some fresh faces... er... avatars and usernames!  Good to see some new avatars and usernames!

Welcome to the best little corner I've found on the interwebs.  Enjoy it here.  We all do.

(*I won’t assume that your warm welcome was directed at me, as this was posted months before I even found the place, heh, but moving right along...)

Curious: What’s with the ‘Pro Supporter’ title I keep seeing?   Assuming it’s some sort of paid membership/Patreon situation?
For that matter, is this place privately owned or part of a larger conglomo?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: azure on April 05, 2018, 02:43:52 pm
Hello!  I love Metroidvanias, 2D beat-em-ups, yard sales, and dogs.

You kool in my books, welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: boozeburger on April 05, 2018, 02:57:44 pm
Hello!  I love Metroidvanias, 2D beat-em-ups, yard sales, and dogs.

You kool in my books, welcome to the site!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: greenman on July 06, 2018, 06:21:22 pm
Hello! New to the site! Was looking for a video game version of Discogs. Stumbled upon this site and Mobygames. Chose this site because I like the design and look of it. From NYC. Collect pretty much anything from NES to PS2. Nothing too old nothing too new. Don't like selling or buying. Looking to collect, trade, and have fun posting up my video game collection. Nice to be a part this community!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on July 09, 2018, 03:13:35 pm
Wrong thread. Fixed. @.@

Also, welcome greenman!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kawaiigirl2004 on October 17, 2018, 11:02:13 pm
Hello. I am Naomi. I am new at game collecting and it seems like a fun hobby. i have absolutely no idea where to start  :P  so I hope to learn a lot here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: soera on October 18, 2018, 12:24:29 am
Well, what are you into game wise? While it may seem like a fun hobby, it can also be both stressful and expensive.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 18, 2018, 01:12:05 am
Well, what are you into game wise? While it may seem like a fun hobby, it can also be both stressful and expensive.

Yeah, depends on how seriously you take it. I try to keep it not too serious by just browsing game stores and search around for games I really enjoyed in the past (and still enjoy). Welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shatterstar69 on October 21, 2018, 03:09:07 am
Hey there!  I'm Bruce.  I've been playing video games since I was 7 years old starting with an Atari 2600.  I have owned many systems through the years but my favorite has to be the PlayStation 2 with the Xbox 360 a close second.  I love turn based RPG's, platformers, survival horror and any kind of stealth action game.  Glad to find this site so I can track my collection.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on October 21, 2018, 12:55:12 pm
Welcome! PS2 master race, lol. But seriously, welcome to the site :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mike24rules on November 04, 2018, 06:37:03 am
hello fellow collectors my name is mike24rules and im new to this place, ive been gaming since 1995 and since then i own over 5 consoles 200 plus games and ive only been collecting for 3 years now.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dashv on November 04, 2018, 02:46:27 pm
hello fellow collectors my name is mike24rules and im new to this place, ive been gaming since 1995 and since then i own over 5 consoles 200 plus games and ive only been collecting for 3 years now.

Welcome aboard!

Look forward to hearing more about your adventure in collecting and contributions to various topics here in the forums!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on November 06, 2018, 07:57:15 pm
Hello and welcome
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on November 07, 2018, 02:28:29 am
Welcome to VGCollect :) Nice collection of PS3 games you have there.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oldgamerz on November 07, 2018, 05:36:14 am
hello :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: desocietas on November 07, 2018, 12:27:08 pm
Welcome to the site! You've collected a lot in 3 years! How do you go about getting your stuff - through friends, eBay, local shops?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: PaleManInBlack on November 15, 2018, 03:00:53 pm
How do you do fellow collectors?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on November 16, 2018, 05:31:53 am
How do you do fellow collectors?

Type his/her name after the vgcollect/ url, like this: ( and click the follow button.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bunnybear on December 10, 2018, 11:35:11 pm
Hi, I'm bunnybear. Early 40s, married. Child. Been playing games on and off since I was probably six. Started with Apple IIe and then DOS games, but once I got a taste of console gaming, I never went back.

Although I remember playing on my friends' Atari 2600s, my oldest console is an NES. I had a small collection throughout the ages until more recently, when I got back into it and decided to go after all the stuff I missed. I still have a lot of NES, SNES, and DS titles to hunt down.

I just want a site to talk games and chill. I like the database, hoping I'll enjoy the forums as well.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: korvus on December 22, 2018, 11:19:17 am

I am finally recovered from a broken wrist that stopped me gaming for 10 months (!) and want to start a small collection.

Based on it's exclusives, I just bought myself a PS4 Pro + PSVR and a handful of cheap games. It cost a bit, but I felt like I'd earned it this year!

I'll be adding games slowly as I finish them.

Hope to see around the forums  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: snyderec3 on January 01, 2019, 03:09:46 pm

I've been lurking here for a little bit, using the site to track my collection. I figured maybe I'd try getting involved on the forum and see if I can learn a thing or two.

I'm pretty new to collecting, only deciding to expand my collection after realizing that my childhood collection of SNES games had a few rarities in it. I suppose I could have sold them off to make a few bucks, but there was too much nostalgia there to give up on them. Most of my stuff is pretty old as I picked up a Switch over the holidays, but before that, my last console was a SNES that I got in 1992. Because of the nostalgia for that system, SNES is what I'm primarily collecting for. I'm a long ways off, but my end goal is to have a complete North American collection of SNES titles. There's a lot of them, and some of them are terribly expensive, so I don't expect it'll be a quick collection, but I like to have a goal in mind.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on January 04, 2019, 10:05:17 pm

I've been lurking here for a little bit, using the site to track my collection. I figured maybe I'd try getting involved on the forum and see if I can learn a thing or two.

I'm pretty new to collecting, only deciding to expand my collection after realizing that my childhood collection of SNES games had a few rarities in it. I suppose I could have sold them off to make a few bucks, but there was too much nostalgia there to give up on them. Most of my stuff is pretty old as I picked up a Switch over the holidays, but before that, my last console was a SNES that I got in 1992. Because of the nostalgia for that system, SNES is what I'm primarily collecting for. I'm a long ways off, but my end goal is to have a complete North American collection of SNES titles. There's a lot of them, and some of them are terribly expensive, so I don't expect it'll be a quick collection, but I like to have a goal in mind.
hello and welcome to vgcollect happy hunting while building your collection
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on January 04, 2019, 10:10:44 pm
Hi, I'm bunnybear. Early 40s, married. Child. Been playing games on and off since I was probably six. Started with Apple IIe and then DOS games, but once I got a taste of console gaming, I never went back.

Although I remember playing on my friends' Atari 2600s, my oldest console is an NES. I had a small collection throughout the ages until more recently, when I got back into it and decided to go after all the stuff I missed. I still have a lot of NES, SNES, and DS titles to hunt down.

I just want a site to talk games and chill. I like the database, hoping I'll enjoy the forums as well.
welcome I've found everyone here to be very helpful and friendly hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on January 04, 2019, 10:12:29 pm

I am finally recovered from a broken wrist that stopped me gaming for 10 months (!) and want to start a small collection.

Based on it's exclusives, I just bought myself a PS4 Pro + PSVR and a handful of cheap games. It cost a bit, but I felt like I'd earned it this year!

I'll be adding games slowly as I finish them
welcome to  vgcollect
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: borntoulouse on January 12, 2019, 02:29:20 am
Hey there, I stumbled upon this fine site through another forum and I hope to get to know a few fellow collectors with whom to talk retro games and trade a few duplicates :).
As for myself, I am coming from Germany and currently 37 years old, started gaming with my dad in 1984 with the VCS 2600 (sweet memories of Space Invaders  ;) ), and then went on to the C64, NES and SNES. I focus on collecting NES- and Famicom-games, but I also pick up Genesis/Mega Drive, SNES, Gameboy and Game Gear-games on my trips to flea markets and the like.

Besides that I collect Transformers, like to scribble caricatures, doing various art projects, listening to music (mainly Punkrock, Hardcore, Psychobilly, Rock N Roll, Singer/Songwriter-stuff) and playing music myself (bass guitar). So well, hope it‘ll be a fun time on here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 12, 2019, 11:07:31 am
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on January 12, 2019, 12:06:37 pm
Hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: azotam on January 12, 2019, 12:14:37 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retroraideraustin on February 22, 2019, 11:19:33 pm
Hi everyone.  I'm new to VGCollect.  Decided on making a digital inventory of my game collection so I can keep track of what I own and don't own as I'm starting to expand my collection.  Feel free to check out what I own.  I got quite an interesting collection.  Looking forward to getting more games! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retromangia on February 23, 2019, 12:03:08 am
Welcome aboard Retro!  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on February 23, 2019, 07:03:52 am
Hello and Welcome to VGCollect, nice collection of Sonic games you have there.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oxymoronclaws on February 23, 2019, 07:53:43 am
Welcome aboard, Austin! I'm also semi-new to the forum, so always good to see a fellow budding collector! I'll give you a follow - you already have some great titles in your collection, so looking forward to seeing it expand  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on February 23, 2019, 08:51:41 am
Hey! Welcome to the forums! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on February 23, 2019, 08:57:37 am
Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on February 23, 2019, 01:28:28 pm
Hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oldgamerz on February 23, 2019, 09:04:05 pm
Hi, Welcome to the VGCollect site, and forum :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mastafafik on February 24, 2019, 05:01:23 am
Hi! Welcome to the VGCollect!
If you want to know how our database works, how to make new entries and edits, you can check our Style Guide,22.0.html
Have fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on February 24, 2019, 04:19:41 pm

Obligatory .gif outta the way, enjoy your stay and best of luck with your collection.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pitomba on March 06, 2019, 02:09:52 pm
Hello, Everybody,

I would like to introduce myself.

I am Pitomba, new member. Gamer since Atari 2600 era.

I do not consider myself a collector but a very enthusiastic gamer. 829 games and a giant backlog, unfurtunely. Not much time to play.

If you would like to follow me, i promise i will follow you too.

Another places to follow:

Playstation Network: Pitomba
Xbox Live Gamertag: PitombaOne
Nintendo Network: Pitomba

See you,


P.S.: Sorry for any language mistakes. English is not my mother tongue.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: topspot123 on March 06, 2019, 02:58:09 pm

a giant backlog, unfurtunely. Not much time to play.

You'll fit right in!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kypherion on March 06, 2019, 03:08:57 pm

a giant backlog, unfurtunely. Not much time to play.

You'll fit right in!  ;D

Ain't that the truth
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rayne315 on March 06, 2019, 03:12:44 pm
Welcome Welcome its always nice to see new faces
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oxymoronclaws on March 06, 2019, 03:40:55 pm
A very warm welcome from the UK! We're certainly a friendly bunch here, and I'm sure all of us also have a massive backlog. I'll give you a follow - I'm looking forward to seeing how your collection grows  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on March 06, 2019, 03:42:08 pm
Welcome to VGCollect and the forums! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: aliensstudios on March 06, 2019, 04:54:03 pm
Welcome pitomba! I hope you enjoy your time here. It's a pretty awesome site with tons of great people and the mods are awesome too.
I do not consider myself a collector but a very enthusiastic gamer. 829 games and a giant backlog, unfurtunely. Not much time to play.
... We have a guy who thinks he is a collector with 23 games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on March 06, 2019, 05:08:55 pm
Hello I'm Wartoy also a gamer from the Atari 2600 era welcome to vgcollect.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oldgamerz on March 06, 2019, 05:17:19 pm
hello @pitomba I hope you enjoy your experience with VGcollect like all of us or at least most of us :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hatkid on March 06, 2019, 08:55:29 pm
Hello! That sounds like quite a few games. Good luck with all that!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on March 07, 2019, 01:58:24 am
Welcome to VGCollect pitomba! :)  Nice collection you have there, plenty of X360 games.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on March 07, 2019, 08:02:56 am
Welcome to the party! It's always great to have new faces.

P.S.: Sorry for any language mistakes. English is not my mother tongue.
You'll fit right in!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on March 07, 2019, 08:20:34 am

Welcome to the forums. Like kashell said, it's nice to see a new face around here.

Hope you enjoy your stay.

I do not consider myself a collector but a very enthusiastic gamer. 829 games and a giant backlog, unfurtunely. Not much time to play.

The games come first, collecting them comes second.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ferraroso on March 07, 2019, 08:23:31 am
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: supernovashirley on March 08, 2019, 07:24:36 pm

My name is Shirley and I recently found out about this site because I needed to keep track of my games. I'm always browsing gamestop, bestbuy or random stores and I forget what games I have and don't have. I enjoy mostly playing rpg's and platform type games and I like to collect Nintendo games. It's more of a nostalgia thing for me. I love Kirby and collecting Kirby items. It's the inspiration for my username lol I don't have a very big collection but hopefully it'll grow overtime.

Shameless plug: @supernovashirley on IG
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on March 09, 2019, 08:32:46 am
Welcome aboard! I'm a huge Kirby fan, too.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pitomba on March 09, 2019, 09:00:38 am
Thank you all.

One question: how to put the vgcollect image in the signature? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on March 09, 2019, 10:18:18 am
Thank you all.

One question: how to put the vgcollect image in the signature? Thanks in advance.

( (

Quote me
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on March 09, 2019, 10:33:10 am
Welcome to the forums Shirley!  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on March 09, 2019, 11:26:00 am
Thank you all.

One question: how to put the vgcollect image in the signature? Thanks in advance.

Like so:
Code: [Select]
Welcome aboard, Shirley.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mike24rules on April 14, 2019, 04:29:10 am
Welcome to the site! You've collected a lot in 3 years! How do you go about getting your stuff - through friends, eBay, local shops?
manly gamestop, ebay and people wanting to get rid of their games
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on April 14, 2019, 09:39:51 am
Welcome to the forums!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on April 15, 2019, 08:13:43 am
Welcome to the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: revdave31337 on April 20, 2019, 08:24:44 am
Hey Guys,

Just joined VGCollect today so thought i'd pop on and say hello. My Name is Dave and i'm a retro gaming fanatic from the UK. I currently have a C64 that is modified for HDMI and a SNES I have modded with a SwitchlessCIC Mod and HDMI Upscaling.

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on April 20, 2019, 03:56:19 pm
Welcome to the forum!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on April 22, 2019, 09:41:15 am
Welcome to VGCollect! Always great to see new members. I think you’ll fit right in since a lot of us are retro gaming fanatics ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oldgamerz on April 22, 2019, 06:28:37 pm
Welcome to the Forum Dave :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on April 24, 2019, 07:31:50 am
Hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on April 24, 2019, 06:11:19 pm
Hello and welcome to vgc
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ethancw on April 25, 2019, 10:33:48 am
New here.
Have a fairly small library that's filled with gems and some big boys. I pretty much go for quality but i like to experiment too.
Pretty much only Nintendo; Gameboy/Color/Advance, DS, N64, GC & Wii, so all the stuff i grew up with.
I'll poke my head around the topics and updating my library so take a look.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ysssk on June 27, 2019, 01:41:02 pm
Been Here awhile, but never said anything about myself.
I'm James
Living in Kentucky USA
Artist and craftsman by trade
(Just ask if anyone wants a link to see my stuff)

Mainly Collect NA PS2, but dabble with the PS3 collection.
Trying for a red set and it's been a bit trying to find them complete.
I tend to go over the database and send error fixes a lot (Sorry about that,
but i'm a bit particular, Hope i dont create TOO much work)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: buffelvis on September 11, 2019, 10:22:37 pm
Hey Guys. Buff Elvis here. Found this site while searching for a way to better keep track of my collection. And Just got to say this site is great!! I am 26 years old and currently located in Idaho. I've had a lot of consoles and hundreds of games through the years but sadly had to sell my collection before I moved here. So over the last couple of years I've been rebuilding my collection. This site has been a life saver!!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on September 14, 2019, 02:00:34 pm
Welcome folks! 
Good to see new faces around here.
Y’all enjoy the community. These are good folks.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on September 15, 2019, 08:05:58 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on November 13, 2019, 02:59:10 pm
Hey Guys. Buff Elvis here. Found this site while searching for a way to better keep track of my collection. And Just got to say this site is great!! I am 26 years old and currently located in Idaho. I've had a lot of consoles and hundreds of games through the years but sadly had to sell my collection before I moved here. So over the last couple of years I've been rebuilding my collection. This site has been a life saver!!!

Welcome to VGcollect!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sakurajima1981 on November 23, 2019, 06:34:14 am
New here.

Sup y'all?

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on November 24, 2019, 11:19:49 am
Welcome to the site!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: shawndude82 on December 12, 2019, 10:29:56 am
Hey fellow gamer dudes and dudettes (I will never say that again.)

So, first I guess I should tell you my name.  I'm Shawn.  I'm 37 years old, I have high (very high)functioing Aspbergers, and I've been a gamer for as long as I can remember. 

My first system was the NES.  Well, okay, if I'm being honest, it was actually an old pong thing, but I have little to no memory of it.  Just that it only worked if you flicked it on and off a few times first.  But the first game I truly remember playing is Duck Hunt.

Despite this, I didn't have a happy life.  My dad was an asshole and mom and I had to endure him for 35 years.  I'm not going to go into to much detail (I don't mind, it's just too much to post here and I feel it's too off-topic)  So gaming always gave me an escape.  But every old game I didn't play anymore would be sold.   We didn't know better back then.  And then in 2005 we had a house fire.  Most of my games survived thanks to my storage system, but every other valuable object we had needed to be tossed out.  (My Mighty Max and Masters of the Universe collection, sadly, was part of that trash heap.  Including Snake Mountain)

My mom passed away in 2017.  I think after realizing what dad had been doing to us all these years, she lost the will to go on.  Doctors took her off life support and she died 5 days later.  I was evicted from the family home when my dad's attorneys decided they needed to sell it to pay for his medical treatments.  So for a year I was living in a cheap hotel.  I didn't get to keep much, but my games were fortunately allowed to come with me.  Finally, I was granted an apartment in a nice state funded community where I currently reside.

I am now on the path to mental health recovery, and it's a very long one.  I hold no illusions that it will be easy, and will slip into despair often, so to keep myself focused, I decided to make it my personal goal to collect as many old games and hardware as I can.  I always loved seeing those features in gaming magazines about collectors who have an entire room of the house dedicated to classic games.  I loved the pictures of Atari, Nintendo, and Sega cartridges sitting on shelves along the walls.  I won't lie, I may have drooled a little. 

I am a beginner, and while I am pretty knowledgeable, I am willing to learn more.  Are there any specific places that I can look for older games/systems?  I know about garage sales, but they're pretty sparse in the winter ;)  There is also a pawn shop with a handful of classics nearby.  But I like to have different leads.

I am so happy to have found this site.  I'm mostly using it as a makeshift list to remind myself of what I have/don't have.  Therefore everything is getting wishlisted.  Oh, I do want to ask, should I add homebrews?  I know they're made by regular people and therefore unique, but are there any I should look out for?  I've mostly just been adding the ones that look like fun.
I am staying away from computer systems like the Apple II for now.  I just don't have the desire or, let's face it, the space to keep them.  Same with Arcade cabinets.  PC games are also off my radar (for now).  When I move into a nicer space, that will probably change.

That's the gist of it, my story, what I want to do, etc.  I look forward to meeting everyone!

OH!!!  Wait, one last thing!  Okay, so while I do not have the money right now, I am fully planning to get the gold cart 1990 Championship cartridge for the NES.  I can hear you laughing right now.  Yes, you.  Stop it.  After what I've gotten away from, I feel nothing is impossible.  Among those that have one, whether they bought it off the winner, or are the winner themselves, I figure at least one of them would be willing to sell for the right price.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on December 12, 2019, 12:34:09 pm
Oh, I do want to ask, should I add homebrews?

Homebrews that are actually sold as a physical item. We do not track roms in the database. Also, entries for homemade items is not permitted either.

Welcome to VGCollect!  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gamewarden on February 02, 2020, 08:40:39 pm
Hello my name is JD and I am 35 years old. I live in the complete middle of nowhere in southern Illinois.Second cornfield to the left. U.S. You know the type of place that has no game stores in a 30 mile radius and few outside of that. The perfect place for a collector..However it does afford me to be the first and sometimes only person to ask about, see, and buy from yard sales attics and other places of hidden treasure in my area. I collect and for just about every console post Atari. Although my favorites are...all the things... Now even though my semi advanced age would suggest I've used a lot of forums in the past. I have not and I worry about posting threads that have already been posted, because I didn't see the info I needed. Sorry in advance to that one guy who absolutely freaks out when that happens. There is always at least one. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on February 02, 2020, 09:09:19 pm

Welcome to the forums. While definitely not the first new member of 2020, you're certainly the first to make an introduction, so it's nice to see a new face around here.

Anyway, as long as you don't break anything, go wild. Enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: aliensstudios on February 03, 2020, 07:47:49 pm
Welcome gamewarden! Hope you enjoy your time here.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: retroraideraustin on February 08, 2020, 07:01:40 pm
Hi everyone on VGCollect!  Just want to share my collection for you guys to check out.  Would love to hear your feedback and I wouldn't mind checking your collections out too!  I also have a friend named Darkvice1 who got me into collecting Retro Video Games.  We started up a YouTube Channel called Retro Raiders if you would like to check it out.  He would also love to share his page with you guys.  Feel free to stop by his page!  Hope to get to know you all more and we're both very glad to be part of the VGCollect Community!

My Page:

Darkvice1 Page:

Retro Raiders YouTube Channel:
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on February 08, 2020, 07:35:13 pm
As Obi-Wan would say, "Hello there".

Very nice video. Best of luck with the channel, and both of your collections as well.

Welcome aboard, hope you enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: weirdfeline on February 09, 2020, 12:51:51 am
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on February 09, 2020, 07:38:55 pm
Hello I'm Wartoy I hope you enjoy vgcollect as much as I have.Everyone here has been really friendly and helpfull to me.If your interested you can view pics of my collection in my gallery. Welcome to vgcollect.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gamewarden on February 10, 2020, 12:30:22 pm
Hi everyone on VGCollect!  Just want to share my collection for you guys to check out.  Would love to hear your feedback and I wouldn't mind checking your collections out too!  I also have a friend named Darkvice1 who got me into collecting Retro Video Games.  We started up a YouTube Channel called Retro Raiders if you would like to check it out.  He would also love to share his page with you guys.  Feel free to stop by his page!  Hope to get to know you all more and we're both very glad to be part of the VGCollect Community!

My Page:

Darkvice1 Page:

Retro Raiders YouTube Channel:

  Hi there! Liked the videos. Happy to see some other new people here and starting out on youtube. Hope to get to know you as well
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: crazyfox on April 08, 2020, 12:06:27 am
Hi my name is Christopher.
I live in Vienna (Austria).
31 years old.
Lover of platformers, metroidvanias and pixelart (before the hype started a few years ago).  ;)
Mostly play indies.
My favorite console is the SNES.
I can't tell you how happy I am to organize all this gaming stuff here super easy on one site. Nice. :)

Hope for a nice time here!
Best wishes. See you around.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on April 12, 2020, 11:59:15 am
Welcome to vgcollect crazyfox and best wishes to you also.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on April 26, 2020, 10:52:57 pm
Welcome to the site crazyfox and enjoy organizing your collection ;D

You must love the Switch console at the moment with the amount of retro-inspired games coming out. I sure am, most played console currently.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: theconsolecollector on May 03, 2020, 05:56:28 am
Hi everybody,

Just signed up to the site so thought I'd drop a quick message on this forum. I'm probably not the only person but I used to use Retrocollect to track my games but have realised that the site doesn't seem to be returning and I have a lot of new games stacking up that need recording. This site looks nice and the forums seem active so I'm looking forward to getting involved.

I've been collecting for almost 20 years so it's going to take me some time to record everything!  :)

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on May 04, 2020, 09:45:16 am
I still don't have my whole collection documented properly.  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on May 04, 2020, 10:43:40 am
Welcome Steve! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: theconsolecollector on May 04, 2020, 01:50:43 pm
Welcome Steve! :)

Thanks :-)

Quick question I'm hoping you can help with, maybe I'm doing something wrong but when I try to add games to my collection there are some that aren't listed? For example, Microvision, I have the items in the attached photo bit only some of them are listed on this site? Also there are some that have the German/Dutch version but not the UK version? Am I looking in the wrong place?  ???

( (
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on May 05, 2020, 10:06:54 am
Welcome Steve! :)

Thanks :-)

Quick question I'm hoping you can help with, maybe I'm doing something wrong but when I try to add games to my collection there are some that aren't listed? For example, Microvision, I have the items in the attached photo bit only some of them are listed on this site? Also there are some that have the German/Dutch version but not the UK version? Am I looking in the wrong place?  ???

( (

Here is the Microvision EU category for the carts:

The database is build as we go, and items are added by users. With few exception, users typically will only add items they own or want and very few users actually go and add missing items. Consider the large amount of games that exist, it is a lot of work and our database is still missing a lot.

You can add any items we don't have, but don't put [UK] in the title of an item in an [EU] category unless there is an English, non-UK release already present. In other words, any English titled item in an [EU] category is presumed to be UK already, same as for any English titled item in an [NA] category is presumed to be US.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on May 05, 2020, 06:05:45 pm
Hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tidus79 on May 09, 2020, 03:54:08 am
Hello there! My name is Davide and I come from Bordighera (Italy), I'm 40 years old and I collect Vg since 1986.

Been playing games a long time, so it's kind of hard to list out everything I'm into but I'll put forward a few of my absolute series: Zelda, Final Fantasy, Streets of Rage, Phantasy Star, Mega Man, Castlevania, Mario, Metroid, Senran Kagura, Street Fighter, Doom, Diablo, Monster Hunter, Forza, Gears of War, Halo, Ninja Gaiden, Metal Gear, Contra, Lunar .....haha, yeah it just goes on.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on May 11, 2020, 09:02:13 pm
Welcome to the site
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on May 12, 2020, 01:38:26 am
Welcome Tidus. I see you enjoy the PC Engine ;D Excellent console.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ericsnes on May 25, 2020, 09:21:10 pm
Hi everyone,

I just discovered this database/ forum today. I made my way here from coming across SNES HUB a few nights ago. I'm glad I finally  found a place where I can catalog my games. I collect to play, and my favorite system to collect for is the Super Nintendo. I was born in 1993 and grew up with so many great memories from the 16-bit era. Super Mario World was my introduction to Nintendo, and video games in general.

I look forward to seeing new collections, and I am excited to start some discussions with you all!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dakooldood on May 25, 2020, 09:31:12 pm
Welcome! I'm pretty new here myself, I made an account a couple years ago but wasn't really active until recently. I love this place, a lot of nice people and plenty to talk about. Hope you enjoy the place!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ericsnes on May 25, 2020, 09:33:42 pm
Thank you! I'm slowly (but surely) learning the layout. Starting to add some of my games into my collection tab. :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: droaa on May 25, 2020, 09:54:57 pm
Howdy, welcome to the forums.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: snyderec3 on May 25, 2020, 10:26:46 pm

 I collect to play, and my favorite system to collect for is the Super Nintendo.

You are a man of culture, I see.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: ericsnes on May 25, 2020, 10:30:09 pm

 I collect to play, and my favorite system to collect for is the Super Nintendo.

You are a man of culture, I see.

Hahaha. I try!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jason on May 26, 2020, 07:47:41 am
Welcome! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telekill on May 26, 2020, 08:03:30 am

Come to list. Stay to chat.

I just joined up a few months ago myself primarily for the ability to have a good list of my games. I discovered after a few days that there was a forum. Everyone seems pretty reasonable on here, in comparison to other gaming sites, which is pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: oxymoronclaws on May 26, 2020, 08:46:17 am
A warm welcome indeed! I'll give you a follow - looking forward to seeing your collection grow  :D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrkonasoni on May 27, 2020, 04:23:53 am
Hello I am Mister KonaSoni but most people call me Mister Konami or just Kona, a friend told me about this forum and since I don't know about more places for talk about gaming I wanted to give it a chance.

First of all, I need to mention I have a pretty broken english and humble grammar, I studied english like 5 years ago and pretty much I passed the final course with a 70 of 100.

I like the language but there quite a lot of stuff that I don't understand at all, anyway reading a lot and visiting multiples websites I have learned new words and a more proper grammar.

About myself, I have always liked to be educated and kind with everyone, because when I was young a lot of people treated me poorly and I know it feels devastating, so I hope we can be friends and support each other when we get to know better.

About videogames I have always loved videogames and I have spent most of my life playing, my favorite videogame company is Konami and my favorite video character is Sonic.

I have never liked to shame someone for what they like, I have always say that if you like a videogame or company even if you are the only one that likes while it's not doing damage to anyone, who cares, if you like something and no one does, you shouldn't be ashamed of like it.

I love a lot of games that the noisy opinion of the internet consider bad and I couldn't care less, and if you like a game that I don't, I am glad you like it and found out something good for that game that I couldn't see.

But to be honest, I always like to see the good points of a game, and I spend a lot of time trying to analize the subject, that's because I don't like journalist and most videogame reviews, so I tried my best trying to make a proper review.

Anyway I have more to say but I will end for now.

In resume, I like to be friendly, I love Konami (I have 110 Konami games and I will buy a PS5 only for they if they put games in the console), I love Pizza with Pepsi, I dont like to shame or make negative comments, I barely know english.

I hope we can be friends and thank you for accepted me in this place.

I love to talk a lot and I hope I can create a lot of topics in this place.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mark1982 on May 27, 2020, 07:41:35 am
Hello and Welcome to VGCollect :D

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on May 27, 2020, 11:01:54 am
Welcome!  ;D
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on May 27, 2020, 11:02:21 am
Welcome to VGCollect! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: mrkonasoni on May 28, 2020, 02:51:56 am
Thank you for accepting me, I will follow the guidelines and keep the good enviroment.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: xtempo on September 06, 2020, 02:13:10 pm
I need to come to the forums more otherwise I've been here a while.

I've been enjoying this since i was born in '82 and my favorite system of all time is the Sega Saturn even though I haven't got many games for it since I bought it at the end of its life. I have regretted selling some games I have had for various systems over the years and now I'm slowly trying to get back into it. I've pretty much stopped with the PS3 and nothing newer as those don't interest me much.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: heffalumpeater on September 28, 2020, 04:38:30 pm
hello! my name is alice, i'm 18, and my two biggest passions are video games and music! my favorite consoles are the WonderSwan and Swan Color, Sega Pico and Beena, Casio Loopy, Famicom Disk System, Famiclones, Game Boy Color and Advance, NeoGeo Pocket Color, and  PlayStation 1 and 2. i'm also super into bootleg game collecting, mainly for the GBC. my favorite genres of video games are monster collecting, cute 'em up, and rpg. my favorite music genres are screamo/skramz, appalachian folk, grindcore, electropop, and harsh noise. So yeah that's about me, thanks for readin'!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on September 28, 2020, 04:57:10 pm
Welcome! Hope to see you around :) I'm a big fan of the GBC myself, it was my first video game console.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: smudgy on October 05, 2020, 03:42:57 pm
Hey there everyone. I've been using the database for a while now but haven't ventured into the forums yet. I've been collecting a few years now, and it's accelerated a bit more recently. I'm a big fan of game hunting and finding games in the wild (thrift stores, pawn shops, yard sales, etc.). I have a number of systems, but for some reason I've put it in my head that I'm going to try to have a complete NA PS2 collection. We'll see how that goes.  :P Anyway, hello!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on October 05, 2020, 08:59:11 pm
Hey there everyone. I've been using the database for a while now but haven't ventured into the forums yet. I've been collecting a few years now, and it's accelerated a bit more recently. I'm a big fan of game hunting and finding games in the wild (thrift stores, pawn shops, yard sales, etc.). I have a number of systems, but for some reason I've put it in my head that I'm going to try to have a complete NA PS2 collection. We'll see how that goes.  :P Anyway, hello!

A complete PS2 collection?  That’s a big undertaking!  What biggies have you knocked off already? 

Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your time.
Just a friendly heads up, steer clear of soera.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: smudgy on October 05, 2020, 10:20:02 pm
A complete PS2 collection?  That’s a big undertaking!  What biggies have you knocked off already? 

I know it is, but I guess that's part of the fun of it. And every game is attainable (except that Silent Hill 2 Pack). I'm about 400 games deep so far, but the biggest ones I have so far are Silent Hill 2 and 3 and Suikoden V.

Welcome to the forums. Enjoy your time.
Just a friendly heads up, steer clear of soera.

Did I tick someone off here already? I see they're a high ranking official, so that can't be good. :P
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: joyfreak on December 06, 2020, 11:54:47 am
Hi, I found this site on Google looking for a marketplace. Thought I'd drop by and say hi!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: lex2000 on December 08, 2020, 04:54:54 pm
Hey all, Lex here. Found this site after browsing around for decent ways to keep up with my collection and this so happened to be the first result that popped up and it looks very promising. Turns out there's also a forum! I've been having an itch for a new forum that isn't completely dead and this one looks to be going pretty well at first glance. Looking forward to meeting you all.

As far as collections go, I'm at around the 200 mark in physical copies. I'll have to send a picture of my shelves sometime. I own quite a few systems, as well, hoping to get the PS5 in January.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: turf on December 08, 2020, 05:55:39 pm
Good to see you fresh faces around here!

Lex, joyfreak, welcome to the party. It’s a pretty good group you’ve stumbled upon. Jump right in and enjoy yourself.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on December 09, 2020, 02:18:25 pm
Hey all, Lex here.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on December 09, 2020, 06:18:48 pm
Hey all, Lex here. Found this site after browsing around for decent ways to keep up with my collection and this so happened to be the first result that popped up and it looks very promising. Turns out there's also a forum! I've been having an itch for a new forum that isn't completely dead and this one looks to be going pretty well at first glance. Looking forward to meeting you all.

As far as collections go, I'm at around the 200 mark in physical copies. I'll have to send a picture of my shelves sometime. I own quite a few systems, as well, hoping to get the PS5 in January.
Welcome to VGcollect! I'll be checking out your collection if that's okay :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: freddykrueger1969 on January 02, 2021, 01:56:01 pm
Hi folks just checking in - UK collector and just stumbled across this site.  First impressions really good and have just started to try and upload my collection.  I have went through several iterations over the past couple of decades.....collecting, selling, regretting, buying again then selling when needs must.  I am currently firmly in the collecting again - I just love the history, nostalgia and most of the games.....although like me some haven't aged well :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on January 02, 2021, 05:18:36 pm
Welcome to the forum and the fun!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kazumn on January 04, 2021, 04:38:40 am
Hello, i'm seb from belgium, i just stumbled on this forum by google since i see some familiar nicknames from the limited run board (rip) i decided to join the forum.

I'm meanly into collecting japanese region games/hardware chasing full sets, currently going for a complete ntsc-j xbox and xbox 360 set and a little gameboy, gamecube and saturn on the side.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: doafan on January 04, 2021, 07:07:15 am
Hello, i'm seb from belgium, i just stumbled on this forum by google since i see some familiar nicknames from the limited run board (rip) i decided to join the forum.

I'm meanly into collecting japanese region games/hardware chasing full sets, currently going for a complete ntsc-j xbox and xbox 360 set and a little gameboy, gamecube and saturn on the side.

Welcome to the forum, really hope that you can feel just like home.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: freddykrueger1969 on January 04, 2021, 01:54:54 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome.....ok stupid question time.  How do I look at other people's collections and sell lists etc - I like to window shop :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dhaabi on January 04, 2021, 02:11:56 pm
How do I look at other people's collections and sell lists etc - I like to window shop :)

Welcome to VGC!

Each user's home screen directs them back to their own personal collection with unique url, with your collection being here ( So, for instance, if you were wanting to visit my collection, simply replace your username with mine ( However, some users have private collections which is controllable via account settings.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: freddykrueger1969 on January 05, 2021, 04:35:14 am
How do I look at other people's collections and sell lists etc - I like to window shop :)

Welcome to VGC!

Each user's home screen directs them back to their own personal collection with unique url, with your collection being here ( So, for instance, if you were wanting to visit my collection, simply replace your username with mine ( However, some users have private collections which is controllable via account settings.

Fantastic - thanks for the help/guidance!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: thebaadman on January 28, 2021, 05:51:34 am
Hello to you all!

I only signed up here a couple of weeks ago as I was looking for some place to keep track of my collection  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sodapop18x on February 04, 2021, 10:48:15 pm
Howdy ya'll!! I'm Soda! I joined a few months ago, but figured I'd actually stop being a lurker and post something. The struggle of being antisocial, lol

Anyways, I'm 24, and have been collecting games since I was like 4 years old, starting with the PS1! Now that I'm an adult with actual income, I've gotten more serious about it, and I'm currently sitting at almost 1700 titles. It definitely helped that I worked at GameStop from 2014-2016, so my heaviest sets currently are Xbox 360 and Wii (don't judge, I secretly love the Wii's library :P). I also love collecting for the Nintendo DS, Nintendo 64, and PS1.

I'm absolutely loving my time on here so far! This site is like, the most accurate database for games that I have ever come across. I'm currently in the process of moving my inventory from Google Sheets to here, so it'll be a little bit before its totally up to date. The scan feature on Android has been SUPER helpful though, so I'm excited to scan all my non-cartridge stuff soon!

Looking forward to connecting with y'all and seeing everyone's collections! <3
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: telly on February 05, 2021, 07:47:12 am
Welcome to the forums! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: sodapop18x on February 06, 2021, 01:19:30 am
Welcome to the forums! :)

Thank you!! <3
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: chexmixbreath on February 11, 2021, 04:58:48 am
Hello, all.

Born in 1991, earliest systems I had (or my family had) were the ol' grey brick Game Boy and a Sega Genesis/Sega CD combo. I'll never forget how I felt during my first playthroughs of Ocarina of Time and Metal Gear Solid around the time both were released (it helped that I had older brothers who were way older than me). I read, and then re-read over, and over, and over my ever growing stack of EGM issues cover to cover, from the late 90's onwards 'till around 2008. Been stupidly obsessed with video games as far back as I can remember basically.

That being said, I have been out of the collecting game for several years, but I'm back baby. I've been enjoying this website for cataloging my shit, because unlike MobyGames, the database here is more comprehensive by having individual entries for specific region versions, different printings, special editions, etc.

Ok, that's enough!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: neonpanda on March 12, 2021, 09:08:32 pm
Hey all!

NeonPanda here, I've been looking for a swell group to talk collecting with and be a part of an awesome community and it looks like I've found one!

I'm at about 1200 games from everything from NES to PS5, I often sit in front of my collection and look at it for hours on end as entertainment. Other than that, I'm from the Boston area in Massachusetts, I work in hospital IT which is very volatile right now so video games have certainly kept me sane now more than ever.

Lastly the PS Vita is the best handheld of all time *Drops gloves in preparation for fights*

Go easy on me senpai's!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: droaa on March 12, 2021, 10:29:24 pm
Hey all!

NeonPanda here, I've been looking for a swell group to talk collecting with and be a part of an awesome community and it looks like I've found one!

I'm at about 1200 games from everything from NES to PS5, I often sit in front of my collection and look at it for hours on end as entertainment. Other than that, I'm from the Boston area in Massachusetts, I work in hospital IT which is very volatile right now so video games have certainly kept me sane now more than ever.

Lastly the PS Vita is the best handheld of all time *Drops gloves in preparation for fights*

Go easy on me senpai's!

Welcome but also *drops gloves* we about to throw hands
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: jeiyu on March 21, 2021, 09:19:58 pm
Hello everyone. I'm Jeiyu. Been a gamer for pretty much my whole life. I have a decent collection going over a span of many consoles. RPGs I'd say make up the majority of my collection, or at least they're what have the most value lol.
As for my main focus on collecting, I'd definitely again say RPGs. Playstation and Ps2 have been what I've collected for most recently. Along with some DS and PSP games as well.
I'm slowly adding to the collection in here. I do have it fully cataloged for the most part on pricecharting. Hoping to maybe do some buying here at some point.
Otherwise I'm always up for a chat. Even if it's non rpg gaming, there's still plenty of titles I've played.
Happy to be a part of the group. Thank you all for having me. And happy gaming everyone!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on March 24, 2021, 08:52:15 pm
Hello everyone. I'm Jeiyu. Been a gamer for pretty much my whole life. I have a decent collection going over a span of many consoles. RPGs I'd say make up the majority of my collection, or at least they're what have the most value lol.
As for my main focus on collecting, I'd definitely again say RPGs. Playstation and Ps2 have been what I've collected for most recently. Along with some DS and PSP games as well.
I'm slowly adding to the collection in here. I do have it fully cataloged for the most part on pricecharting. Hoping to maybe do some buying here at some point.
Otherwise I'm always up for a chat. Even if it's non rpg gaming, there's still plenty of titles I've played.
Happy to be a part of the group. Thank you all for having me. And happy gaming everyone!
Hello, welcome and happy gaming to you also.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: masterofholland on June 17, 2021, 08:53:57 am
Hello guys im new to the website and hope to meet like minded people that love collector editions of games looks like great site and a nice Community

i collect all collector editions i dont mind witch platform it is feel free to share your collection with me i love talking about it also sorry for my bad english typining im more of a speaker

thank you :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on June 17, 2021, 09:32:44 am
Make sure to read the Style Guide before adding items. From the few you have added already, some notes:

1. If you add a game into an EU category with the US box art, the entry you made will be merged with the US entry or moved into the [NA] category.

2. Do not put images that have watermarks onto the entry at all. Those images will be removed.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on June 17, 2021, 09:38:41 am
Hello Masterofholland,

Welcome to the website, I hope you will meet many fellow collectors.
Are you from the Netherlands? I am!'
If you have any questions, feel free to pose them!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: masterofholland on June 17, 2021, 10:00:52 am
Make sure to read the Style Guide before adding items. From the few you have added already, some notes:

1. If you add a game into an EU category with the US box art, the entry you made will be merged with the US entry or moved into the [NA] category.

2. Do not put images that have watermarks onto the entry at all. Those images will be removed.

i do my best!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: masterofholland on June 17, 2021, 10:02:08 am
Hello Masterofholland,

Welcome to the website, I hope you will meet many fellow collectors.
Are you from the Netherlands? I am!'
If you have any questions, feel free to pose them!

jup 100% Dutch :) and thamk you :) maybe we can chill on discord sometime!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: gummo on June 17, 2021, 11:59:32 am
Hello ! I don't have many collector's editions , mostly the common steelbooks . I'm too cheap to pay the prices I'm afraid .
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: masamune on June 17, 2021, 03:50:56 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on June 22, 2021, 08:07:07 pm

Welcome to the forums. As long as you don't break anything, go wild, and enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on June 22, 2021, 08:11:54 pm
Just wanted to say hello and welcome.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: kashell on June 23, 2021, 08:13:09 am
Hey there hi there! Enjoy your stay.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: fazerco on June 23, 2021, 01:16:40 pm
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: leynos on July 06, 2021, 01:44:27 am
Hello. I'm migrating from RF generation after 10 years there. It's all but dead and no more submissions. . Also, is it at all possible to import a list to this website? It's some weird CSV or something.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on July 06, 2021, 09:45:09 am
Also, is it at all possible to import a list to this website? It's some weird CSV or something.

No, we do not have a way to be able to match up IDs from other websites to here. Our CSV import is just for CSV exported from here. It seems like a weird function to have, but I know if you try to import a CSV from somewhere else you'll end up with all the wrong things in your collection. Also, since we track variations, it is not a simple task of matching up to other sites. RF Generation does a decent job at tracking variations, but only in certain circumstances (such as say... Japanese Saturn games) would it be possible to match up to what we have here and I think that still would not be 100%.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on July 06, 2021, 12:01:53 pm
Hello. I'm migrating from RF generation after 10 years there. It's all but dead and no more submissions. . Also, is it at all possible to import a list to this website? It's some weird CSV or something.

Unless you have nothing better to do and want to add everything in one go, then by all means. I don't know how big is your collection, but you could add a set amount of items on a daily, say, 50 a day. Unfortunately there's no workaround, so you'll have to add your stuff one by one.

Anyway, welcome to the fold.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: leynos on July 08, 2021, 11:12:02 pm
Thank you. I added them. I didn't search for everything I own, just games mainly and didn't bother adding details. Maybe another time.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: okami88 on August 21, 2021, 02:04:20 pm
Hello i just joined the site to catalogue my collection. i love collecting video games and Amiibo and happy to find the right place for it!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: weirdfeline on August 21, 2021, 05:52:01 pm
Hello i just joined the site to catalogue my collection. i love collecting video games and Amiibo and happy to find the right place for it!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rockleevk on October 09, 2021, 08:43:21 pm
Hi here, mostly a kind of "oddware" collector and a huge fan of NEC and all they did in the late 80s to the late 90s.

Been mostly involved in preservation forums, but thought this site could be interesting to trade and add items that have never been listed in the site DB.
Once I am more active, following the rules established by mods, will be hanging around the Marketplace, as I think collectors in the end are also looking to keep expanding new horizons, and their collections, of course, haha.

Anyway, glad to start around here and lets hope for the best.

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dhaabi on October 09, 2021, 09:51:18 pm
Hi here, mostly a kind of "oddware" collector and a huge fan of NEC and all they did in the late 80s to the late 90s.

Been mostly involved in preservation forums, but thought this site could be interesting to trade and add items that have never been listed in the site DB.
Once I am more active, following the rules established by mods, will be hanging around the Marketplace, as I think collectors in the end are also looking to keep expanding new horizons, and their collections, of course, haha.

Anyway, glad to start around here and lets hope for the best.


Welcome! Glad to see new members who are drawn to more obscure subsets with an interest in contributing to the database. In case you missed it, here are our community's two style (,22.0.html) guides (,10837.0.html).
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on October 13, 2021, 06:45:33 am
Hi here, mostly a kind of "oddware" collector and a huge fan of NEC and all they did in the late 80s to the late 90s.

Been mostly involved in preservation forums, but thought this site could be interesting to trade and add items that have never been listed in the site DB.
Once I am more active, following the rules established by mods, will be hanging around the Marketplace, as I think collectors in the end are also looking to keep expanding new horizons, and their collections, of course, haha.

Anyway, glad to start around here and lets hope for the best.


Welcome to VGcollect! :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rockleevk on October 13, 2021, 07:09:06 pm
Welcome! Glad to see new members who are drawn to more obscure subsets with an interest in contributing to the database. In case you missed it, here are our community's two style (,22.0.html) guides (,10837.0.html).

Thanks both for the warm welcome!
Will take those guides in mind in any case, thanks for that too.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superecwfan1 on July 26, 2022, 01:25:30 pm
  Hi , my names SUPERECWFAN1 ....(big time wrestling fan of a certain company in 1990s)

 I really love this site and more. Its nice to see it and forums. I'm a big Playstation 3 fan (I am adding games to my personal collection deal as i go today. Gonna take a long while LOL) . Anyhow the PS3 really got me back into playing games and the games like Batman : Arkham City is a big reason I play video games today.

Its one of my favorite things to do on off days. Right now I'm rocking through Tales of Arise on PS5. I'm a big RPG fan and have played a great number. My favorites with that is Arise , Trails of Cold Steel , Final Fantasy's at times , Persona series.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wolff242 on July 26, 2022, 09:01:05 pm
  Hi , my names SUPERECWFAN1 ....(big time wrestling fan of a certain company in 1990s)

 I really love this site and more. Its nice to see it and forums. I'm a big Playstation 3 fan (I am adding games to my personal collection deal as i go today. Gonna take a long while LOL) . Anyhow the PS3 really got me back into playing games and the games like Batman : Arkham City is a big reason I play video games today.

Its one of my favorite things to do on off days. Right now I'm rocking through Tales of Arise on PS5. I'm a big RPG fan and have played a great number. My favorites with that is Arise , Trails of Cold Steel , Final Fantasy's at times , Persona series.

Welcome, Love me some PS3!!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superecwfan1 on July 26, 2022, 10:10:06 pm

Welcome, Love me some PS3!!

Its one I'm currently collecting for. Trying to hunt down the "big ones" now like the Spider-Man PS3 games and 3D Dot Game Heroes. I started for it back in 2015 and for awhile it was easy to find games for it really cheap at flea markets etc. Now its gotten a lot harder due to the PS3 store nearly being shut down last year. lol
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wolff242 on July 26, 2022, 10:40:28 pm

Welcome, Love me some PS3!!

Its one I'm currently collecting for. Trying to hunt down the "big ones" now like the Spider-Man PS3 games and 3D Dot Game Heroes. I started for it back in 2015 and for awhile it was easy to find games for it really cheap at flea markets etc. Now its gotten a lot harder due to the PS3 store nearly being shut down last year. lol

I remember seeing at least 6 copies of 3D Dot Heroes at my local Best Buy when they used to sell used games. They were like 5-8 bucks and never sold. Kinda kicking myself. I took for granted how easy it was to find PS3/360 games before Covid. Prices shot up when people had free time and wanted to relive memories. Luckily, I had *most* of what I wanted before that...but a few mistakes were made!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superecwfan1 on July 26, 2022, 11:00:37 pm

I remember seeing at least 6 copies of 3D Dot Heroes at my local Best Buy when they used to sell used games. They were like 5-8 bucks and never sold. Kinda kicking myself. I took for granted how easy it was to find PS3/360 games before Covid. Prices shot up when people had free time and wanted to relive memories. Luckily, I had *most* of what I wanted before that...but a few mistakes were made!

Same here , at GameStop back then I'd see it and Splatterhouse on shelves not selling at all from 2014-2017. I kick myself on not getting them both then. I did get lucky and make a nice trade at a local thrift shop to get Splatterhouse for system. But the fact I'd see those games like 3D Dot Game Heroes and Spider-Man games and not get them then....kick myself on that.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: djgdave on July 28, 2022, 03:04:58 am
Ive been here for a little while but didn't know there was an intro thread.

First I must say I love it. The site (and the app) is a great way to track the collection. I pretty much only collect CIB Japanese games, mostly SFC, PSX-PS3 and some Xbox.

One thing Id like to ask. I have quite a few JP Xbox 360 games that aren't in the database but I don't have access to a scanner. Is it ok to create new items without adding pictures or is it generally frowned upon?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dhaabi on July 28, 2022, 09:37:00 am
One thing Id like to ask. I have quite a few JP Xbox 360 games that aren't in the database but I don't have access to a scanner. Is it ok to create new items without adding pictures or is it generally frowned upon?

While there are no rules that say submitting images is required, we certainly encourage it if a user is able to provide that information.

With that said, even users without a scanner have the means to submit quality images. GameFAQs and MobyGames are generally good sources to lift images from (especially the latter), but there is nothing wrong with finding photos online to crop and rotate for our needs.

If you're wanting to submit Japanese entries with artwork, I would recommend visiting these sites which are collected in the International Classified Sites Research Archive thread (,11439.0.html):

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on July 28, 2022, 09:58:17 am
If you have to make an entry without pictures but have the item in hand, at least put in the barcode and item numbers into the entry. That way it will be easier for when someone eventually adds a picture to the entry and/or staff need to verify the art is correct.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: djgdave on July 29, 2022, 09:43:59 am
One thing Id like to ask. I have quite a few JP Xbox 360 games that aren't in the database but I don't have access to a scanner. Is it ok to create new items without adding pictures or is it generally frowned upon?

While there are no rules that say submitting images is required, we certainly encourage it if a user is able to provide that information.

With that said, even users without a scanner have the means to submit quality images. GameFAQs and MobyGames are generally good sources to lift images from (especially the latter), but there is nothing wrong with finding photos online to crop and rotate for our needs.

If you're wanting to submit Japanese entries with artwork, I would recommend visiting these sites which are collected in the International Classified Sites Research Archive thread (,11439.0.html):

If you have to make an entry without pictures but have the item in hand, at least put in the barcode and item numbers into the entry. That way it will be easier for when someone eventually adds a picture to the entry and/or staff need to verify the art is correct.

Thank you for the clarification. I'll keep it a rule for myself to provide cover art when adding a new entry then.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: conduit on July 31, 2022, 07:16:16 pm
Hello VGCollect, just dropping by to introduce myself and thank those involved in keeping this site up and database updated.

I've started to take game collecting seriously over these last few years, especially with retro games. In looking for a tool to help catalogue everything I own this site stood right out to me. Getting everything registered was painless and easy on both the website and mobile app. Honestly wish I found this site sooner, it's great.

I typically stick to shooters, fighting games, platformers and survival horror. Games with darker themes and aesthetics really jive with me. So I tend to hold series like Castlevania, Quake, and Silent Hill in high regard. The Castlevania games are the crème de la crème of my collection. Minus Dracula X for the SNES I've acquired every 2D Castlevania released in NA complete in box, plus the original PC-Engine Rondo of Blood. Very proud of that.

Look forward to contributing to the database and engaging with the community!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: superecwfan1 on August 01, 2022, 07:40:36 pm
Hello VGCollect, just dropping by to introduce myself and thank those involved in keeping this site up and database updated.

I've started to take game collecting seriously over these last few years, especially with retro games. In looking for a tool to help catalogue everything I own this site stood right out to me. Getting everything registered was painless and easy on both the website and mobile app. Honestly wish I found this site sooner, it's great.

I typically stick to shooters, fighting games, platformers and survival horror. Games with darker themes and aesthetics really jive with me. So I tend to hold series like Castlevania, Quake, and Silent Hill in high regard. The Castlevania games are the crème de la crème of my collection. Minus Dracula X for the SNES I've acquired every 2D Castlevania released in NA complete in box, plus the original PC-Engine Rondo of Blood. Very proud of that.

Look forward to contributing to the database and engaging with the community!

I really wish I had discovered this site sooner as well. Its taking me awhile to list mine as I do so many each day I'm able to lol.

One of my questions is for site mods. Why does each reply I have to put in a code and Nintendo's mascot ? Do I have to get to a certain post limit before that ends or is that for good ?
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on August 02, 2022, 09:27:00 am
Do I have to get to a certain post limit before that ends or is that for good ?

It is an anti-spam measure.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: depressor on January 25, 2023, 08:36:49 am
OK... Probably I need to presenting to everyone)

HI! My name is ****** aka Depressor) Fan of old consoles, computers, etc... Collector of PC games (bootlegs mainly)... Archivist for old console manuals... IDK why i here only now, because i knew about this site for long time...

For now i have two PS2, two XBOX360 with tons of bootleg discs, some Sega's stuff, Bandai stuff and lots of PC discs)))
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on January 25, 2023, 10:31:09 am
I have a large amount of PC software including games that I can't/don't track on here. Have to use a spreadsheet for that, did start one some time ago but forgot to update it. I am an accidental archivist when it comes to Microsoft software, having inherited a company's MSDN/Technet library as well as being the one who manages all of the Channel media.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: depressor on January 25, 2023, 04:13:43 pm
@tripredacus i use wiki page on one friendly site) At least for sorted things....
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: bolt9236 on April 19, 2023, 10:24:02 pm
Hi Folks, Josh Here.

I just stumbled onto this site somewhat recently really impressed with what the site offers for collectors. I wanted to introduce myself and hopeful become involved in the community. I am a 23 year old gamer who basically grow up on the GameCube and Nintendo consoles. Right now I'm primarily collecting for the Sega Dreamcast and Wii U.

I'm primarily starting to collect games to be part of collecting and sharing gaming history. There are so many classic gems that are basically lost to time because nobody talks about them and they have never been ported to modern systems. Well that is about it, I hope you guys have a great day.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on April 21, 2023, 09:29:31 am
Hello I’m Brian aka Wartoy welcome to the site  :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: rogerwilco2 on July 02, 2023, 12:55:25 pm
Hello, I'm Roger.

This is going to sound a bit weird, and I'm sorry if this isn't the right place, but I actually joined this sight some time back. For the life of me, I can't remember the email or password I used and I made this second account to see if I could get help accessing it. I actually couldn't even remember my username and ended up just browsing a game I know I had and then found the name I used.

I couldn't find a help thread anywhere, so I made this second account and posted to the forum hoping there was someone who could help me out. Is there a mod or someone who could give me back my original account? The collection is private, but I can list a number of games (including some unusual ones) in the collections as 'proof' since only the owner would know what was on there. It wasn't a terribly big collection but I would have to hate to need to redo everything. If it's not possible to give me back the old account, is it possible to copy and paste the contents of the old one to the new one so I don't have to redo everything?

Just wondering, thanks for your time.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: koemo1 on July 05, 2023, 04:11:08 am
Hi Folks, Josh Here.

I just stumbled onto this site somewhat recently really impressed with what the site offers for collectors. I wanted to introduce myself and hopeful become involved in the community. I am a 23 year old gamer who basically grow up on the GameCube and Nintendo consoles. Right now I'm primarily collecting for the Sega Dreamcast and Wii U.

I'm primarily starting to collect games to be part of collecting and sharing gaming history. There are so many classic gems that are basically lost to time because nobody talks about them and they have never been ported to modern systems. Well that is about it, I hope you guys have a great day.

Welcome :)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cloud76 on August 26, 2023, 08:23:58 am
Hello , I'm new here .

I have been a lifelong fan of Square-Enix particularly the Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts,Dragon Quest series.

I grew up playing and adoring the Pc Engine and SNES,I really have good memories of these consoles.

My fav JRPG games are: FF VII (Psx) , Vagrant Story and Xenogears

Happy to be here!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on August 28, 2023, 08:13:31 pm
Hello , I'm new here .

I have been a lifelong fan of Square-Enix particularly the Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts,Dragon Quest series.

I grew up playing and adoring the Pc Engine and SNES,I really have good memories of these consoles.

My fav JRPG games are: FF VII (Psx) , Vagrant Story and Xenogears

Happy to be here!

Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: cloud76 on August 29, 2023, 09:13:27 am
Thanks!  ;)
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: legend886 on September 08, 2023, 07:30:51 pm
Hey y'all, I've never really done forum posts, so I thought I might as well start somewhere, right?

It has been a couple of months since I joined, and I am not turning back. This place has helped me keep good track of all my games and helped me find different variants that I didn't know existed. It helps a lot whenever I find myself at a convention and have to ask myself whether or not I have something.

I have a little bit to go before I get my whole collection cataloged, but in the meantime, I plan to help out where I can!
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on September 10, 2023, 08:00:37 pm
I'm Wartoy nice to meet you hope you continue to enjoy the site.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: Skarnivorous on October 02, 2023, 01:17:09 am
I signed up and the website immediately crashed. Sorry.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: spyro on October 09, 2023, 02:45:18 pm
Hey all. I've seen this site around on my travels, and finally decided to join.

Although I do have other videogames, I really wanted a place to mark off my Spyro games specifically, and this site seems perfect with the amount of regional variations that have been added.

I hope I'll be able to contribute in the future, especially since I own a couple of Spyro box variants that aren't currently uploaded. I might have a few other box variants for other games too, which I also hope to upload.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: tripredacus on October 10, 2023, 11:01:09 am
I'm sure there are a bunch we are missing. It seems like there are always games that aren't on the site we have to add, like it will never end.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hellobion on February 04, 2024, 07:50:16 pm
My name is hellobion and happy to have found good collecting community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: wartoy on February 20, 2024, 09:27:16 pm
My name is hellobion and happy to have found good collecting community.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: pzeke on February 26, 2024, 09:57:07 am
My name is hellobion and happy to have found good collecting community.

The number two greatest gamer in the world‽
Yes, I took a gander at your Backloggery page.


Cool username, by the by.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: hellobion on June 11, 2024, 10:52:49 am
Hello I am hellobion,
I have spent a lot of money collecting games and focus on steam more now and adding my pshical collection to this site.
Title: Re: Intro thread
Post by: dhaabi on June 11, 2024, 08:07:00 pm
Hello I am hellobion,
I have spent a lot of money collecting games and focus on steam more now and adding my pshical collection to this site.

Hello (again).

The number two greatest gamer in the world‽
Yes, I took a gander at your Backloggery page.

And here I was hoping to find a claim even half as bold, featuring interrobang usage or not, from your Backloggery page.
