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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: htimreimer on February 28, 2013, 10:25:38 am

Title: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on February 28, 2013, 10:25:38 am
what movie's do you think are overpraised?

there is many movies that i can say are overpraised like the blair witch project (it's boring),back to the future (decent family film) and dark knight rises (it has good action scenes) but the one that piss me off the most was napoleon dynamite, the biggest problem with this move is also the reason why people like it, its a pilot episode for MTV stretch out to movie length, its directed like tv show and comedy could of been cut out of the movie and nothing would of change, the characters are either douchebags or just plain annoying and the music is crap as well

Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: soera on February 28, 2013, 11:36:51 am
I will agree with Napoleon Dynamite. Not too long after it came out here, all the radio stations used to try to talk like that moron.

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is another.

Any movie with Will Ferrell fits this as he just sucks balls.

The Twilight series is an abomination on vampire/werewolf movies.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: scott on February 28, 2013, 12:50:17 pm

Any movie with Will Ferrell fits this as he just sucks balls.

I would say that Stranger Than Fiction wouldn't count in this. Its seriously underappreciated.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: foxhack on February 28, 2013, 01:43:14 pm

Any movie with Will Ferrell fits this as he just sucks balls.

I would say that Stranger Than Fiction wouldn't count in this. Its seriously underappreciated.
This, I CAN'T STAND WILL FERRELL but holy crap he is good in this movie.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: soera on February 28, 2013, 01:49:16 pm
I havent seen that so I will take your word on it. :)
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on February 28, 2013, 02:47:18 pm
I'm going to expose my snobbery a bit here, but I consider American films in general to be pretty overrated and sub-par. Virtually no grasp of subtlety, unnatural dialog that comes off more as a series of proclamations and sound bites ("You can't handle the truth!"), formulaic plotting, a constant need to spell out every single little detail, non-existent emotional depth... the last 10 years or so have been particularly bad, especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.

We've had our share of exceptional films over the years, and there's still the rare standout, but for the most part, it's been a pretty steady deluge of disingenuous crap.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: pacpix on February 28, 2013, 06:08:25 pm
Hey Napoleon Dynamite is awesome!
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on February 28, 2013, 07:04:15 pm
especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.
there is a sad but true reason behind it, a lot of people especially my generation that will not see a foreign or old films unless they are dub or remade and hollywood takes advantage of it
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: burningdoom on February 28, 2013, 07:06:18 pm
especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.
there is a sad but true reason behind it, a lot of people especially my generation that will not see a foreign or old films unless they are dub or remade and hollywood takes advantage of it

I don't see why remaking a foreign movie is a bad thing. A lot of stuff is lost in translation, and a lot of the acting is underappreciated because we don't know the language. And those that aren't quite as fast as others at reading miss some of the onscreen stuff.

A remake addresses those issues.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: sin2beta on February 28, 2013, 07:39:41 pm
I really like Napolean Dynamite.

I'm going to expose my snobbery a bit here, but I consider American films in general to be pretty overrated and sub-par. Virtually no grasp of subtlety, unnatural dialog that comes off more as a series of proclamations and sound bites ("You can't handle the truth!"), formulaic plotting, a constant need to spell out every single little detail, non-existent emotional depth... the last 10 years or so have been particularly bad, especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.

We've had our share of exceptional films over the years, and there's still the rare standout, but for the most part, it's been a pretty steady deluge of disingenuous crap.

I honestly think these criticisms are true for most foreign films as well. I went through a pretty pretentious film snob period, but essentially found that everything is formulaic. Most foreign films don't seem formulaic because we have not seen them enough. I remember Japanese cinema being a breath of fresh air. But my god, Japanese cinema is the most formulaic ever. German films all have the same formula/rhythm as does Russian cinema, French cinema, English cinema, etc.

It is the rare film that breaks the mode. The country of origin seems to matter little. What matters is digging deep for great movies.

I used to think that soundbites were annoying. But honestly, most of these are quotable for a reason. "I could of been a contender" is remembered from On the Waterfront because the scene and the line are masterfully crafted. While not always true, I found this to be the case a lot more times than the cynic in me would have liked.

I do tend to agree on not remaking foreign films. I would like to see more focus on marketing the original here, but understand that the business side of it will be more profitable for both parties (foreign and domestic) if they localized the whole thing.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: redblaze57 on February 28, 2013, 08:34:36 pm
I'm in the Napoleon Dynamite is overrated camp
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: darko on February 28, 2013, 10:49:17 pm
I'm going to expose my snobbery a bit here, but I consider American films in general to be pretty overrated and sub-par. Virtually no grasp of subtlety, unnatural dialog that comes off more as a series of proclamations and sound bites ("You can't handle the truth!"), formulaic plotting, a constant need to spell out every single little detail, non-existent emotional depth... the last 10 years or so have been particularly bad, especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.

We've had our share of exceptional films over the years, and there's still the rare standout, but for the most part, it's been a pretty steady deluge of disingenuous crap.

3 words for you: Lost in Translation

My favorite movie of all time.

Also made in America:

Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Royal Tennenbaums (Or almost everything directed by Wes Anderson)
Blood Simple (Or almost everything directed by the Cohen brothers)

Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on February 28, 2013, 11:03:06 pm
I honestly think these criticisms are true for most foreign films as well. I went through a pretty pretentious film snob period, but essentially found that everything is formulaic. Most foreign films don't seem formulaic because we have not seen them enough. I remember Japanese cinema being a breath of fresh air. But my god, Japanese cinema is the most formulaic ever. German films all have the same formula/rhythm as does Russian cinema, French cinema, English cinema, etc.

It is the rare film that breaks the mode. The country of origin seems to matter little. What matters is digging deep for great movies.

I tend to view originality as a myth, as it's about as empty a term as the circle jerk over innovation in gaming, and focus instead on execution and style. Natural or captivating dialog, interesting cinematography, inventive ways of telling a story, not pushing and pawing at your emotions like a dumb puppy... it all makes a big difference. It's just been my observation that American filmmakers rarely attempt or achieve anything particularly interesting.

On the rare occasion that they do, we get stuff like Taxi Driver, so it's not all bad :)
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: ffxik on February 28, 2013, 11:06:57 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

As far as it goes I hate Napoleon Dynamite

I have two films I particularly do not care for.  One being Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  The other being The Rocky Horror Picture Show.  All my friends think I'm weird for not liking them.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on February 28, 2013, 11:11:38 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

I still think Aliens, Predator, and Conan the Barbarian are totally amazing. I don't think many share my love of Bloodsport, though :(
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: ffxik on February 28, 2013, 11:18:06 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

I still think Aliens, Predator, and Conan the Barbarian are totally amazing. I don't think many share my love of Bloodsport, though :(

I friggin love Bloodsport.   8)
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: scott on February 28, 2013, 11:21:04 pm
LOVE Bloodsport here as well! That movie was kick ass, when we were kids we had it taped and wore the tape out watching it so much.

When the one dude gets his leg broken and the bone pops out. That was one of the moments that made me love conventional special effects.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: sin2beta on February 28, 2013, 11:25:00 pm
I'm going to expose my snobbery a bit here, but I consider American films in general to be pretty overrated and sub-par. Virtually no grasp of subtlety, unnatural dialog that comes off more as a series of proclamations and sound bites ("You can't handle the truth!"), formulaic plotting, a constant need to spell out every single little detail, non-existent emotional depth... the last 10 years or so have been particularly bad, especially now that everyone's fixated on trying to remake and whitewash foreign films.

We've had our share of exceptional films over the years, and there's still the rare standout, but for the most part, it's been a pretty steady deluge of disingenuous crap.

3 words for you: Lost in Translation

My favorite movie of all time.

Also made in America:

Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Royal Tennenbaums (Or almost everything directed by Wes Anderson)
Blood Simple (Or almost everything directed by the Cohen brothers)

Lost in Translation is FANTASTIC. It is in my top 5.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on February 28, 2013, 11:42:04 pm
3 words for you: Lost in Translation

My favorite movie of all time.

Also made in America:

Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Royal Tennenbaums (Or almost everything directed by Wes Anderson)
Blood Simple (Or almost everything directed by the Cohen brothers)

Lost in Translation is FANTASTIC. It is in my top 5.

I wouldn't rate it quite that high, but it's definitely a favorite, as are the others Darko mentioned... with the exception of Donnie Darko. Loved it the first time I saw it, but it just hasn't held up for me.

Did either of you see The Science of Sleep? I actually liked that even more than Eternal Sunshine.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: stethebubble on March 01, 2013, 12:09:21 am
3 words for you: Lost in Translation

My favorite movie of all time.

Also made in America:

Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
The Royal Tennenbaums (Or almost everything directed by Wes Anderson)
Blood Simple (Or almost everything directed by the Cohen brothers)

Lost in Translation is FANTASTIC. It is in my top 5.

I wouldn't rate it quite that high, but it's definitely a favorite, as are the others Darko mentioned... with the exception of Donnie Darko. Loved it the first time I saw it, but it just hasn't held up for me.

Did either of you see The Science of Sleep? I actually liked that even more than Eternal Sunshine.

loved the science of sleep
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: turf on March 01, 2013, 11:22:43 am
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

I still think Aliens, Predator, and Conan the Barbarian are totally amazing. I don't think many share my love of Bloodsport, though :(

There's a reason those movies are on TBS all the time.
Someone I work with made a pretty awesome comment about the Oscars and award winning movies.  "In 10 years when you're flipping through the channels, which movie are you going to stop on: The Dark Knight Rises or Argo?" 

People can say what they want about blockbuster movies being shit, but there's a reason they make bajillions of dollars.  Movies are made to entertain.  I'll take Happy Gilmore over Gone With the Wind any day.

And Bloodsport is awesome.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on March 01, 2013, 12:35:47 pm
Action and horror movies - easily two of the most criminally underrated, overlooked genres on the planet because they aren't overtly artistic or "deep" enough. The 70's and 80's are a freaking goldmine.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: burningdoom on March 01, 2013, 01:17:43 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

BLASPHEMY!!! The 80s produced some of the greatest action movies off all-time:

-The Beastmaster
-Back to the Future Trilogy
-Conan the Barbarian & The Destroyer
-The Empire Strikes Back
-Ghostbusters 1 & 2
-The Lost Boys
-Return of the Jedi
-Universal Soldier

And I could go on and on.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 01, 2013, 01:20:14 pm
i'm gonna quickly address those other movies i talk about

blair witch project (82% on rt ( nothing happens in this movie, it 79 minutes of walking around,vary little character development and occasionally something scares cast but not audience because it doesn't show the scares

back to the future (97% on rt ( not a bad film but its not this end all be all of film ,its a silly family film with time travel plot, it has a few quotable lines and one or two memorable characters and most of the praise that this movie gets come from rose colored glasses (

dark knight rises (87% on rt ( i agree with most of what this guy says, so watch this video (
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: ffxik on March 01, 2013, 01:56:50 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

BLASPHEMY!!! The 80s produced some of the greatest action movies off all-time:

-The Beastmaster
-Back to the Future Trilogy
-Conan the Barbarian & The Destroyer
-The Empire Strikes Back
-Ghostbusters 1 & 2
-The Lost Boys
-Return of the Jedi
-Universal Soldier

And I could go on and on.

I never blasphemed.  80's through to the mid 90's were the best.  After that, it went down hill.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: burningdoom on March 01, 2013, 02:03:40 pm
I like a lot of 80's-mid 90's action movies.  They didn't need to make sense, just entertain.

BLASPHEMY!!! The 80s produced some of the greatest action movies off all-time:

-The Beastmaster
-Back to the Future Trilogy
-Conan the Barbarian & The Destroyer
-The Empire Strikes Back
-Ghostbusters 1 & 2
-The Lost Boys
-Return of the Jedi
-Universal Soldier

And I could go on and on.

I never blasphemed.  80's through to the mid 90's were the best.  After that, it went down hill.

Yeah, after re-reading that, I realize I misread that. For some reason my brain thought you were saying they were overpraised.

The Star Trek movies should be on my list, too, BTW.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: gecko101 on March 01, 2013, 04:43:40 pm
I much as I think it's a good series, Star Wars is very overrated to me. I can't understand why people love it so much. It's alright, but not something that I think should be praised as much as it is.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: soera on March 01, 2013, 06:23:51 pm
The original movies were awesome for the time they were released. Even now its tough to tell it wasnt made later in time. The newer movies, however, are pathetic and just a waste of film. All that was wanted was to suck some more out of the name and it did just that .. suck.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: sin2beta on March 01, 2013, 06:49:20 pm
i'm gonna quickly address those other movies i talk about

blair witch project (82% on rt ( nothing happens in this movie, it 79 minutes of walking around,vary little character development and occasionally something scares cast but not audience because it doesn't show the scares

back to the future (97% on rt ( not a bad film but its not this end all be all of film ,its a silly family film with time travel plot, it has a few quotable lines and one or two memorable characters and most of the praise that this movie gets come from rose colored glasses (

dark knight rises (87% on rt ( i agree with most of what this guy says, so watch this video (

Overall, I agree. Although it has been so long since I saw the Blair Witch Project that I can't comment on it. However, I don't remember it being good.

For Back to the Future, I view it as one of my favorite movies, but not because it is a particularly good movie. It is good. But more than that, it embodies an entire genre of movies that existed only in the 80s. Seriously, we just don't get those movies any more (Super 8 was pretty close in that it was a love letter to these movies).

I really liked the Dark Knight Rises. However, I am not too sure how well it will age. Most superhero movies don't. But I think it gets the same acclaim that Return of the King did. It may not be the best of the movies. But it wrapped up a very good and celebrated (rightfully imo) trilogy.

I also have to put Batman in the context that Bruce Campbell put superhero movies in... they are B movies. It does not matter what the budget is, it is about a dude who dresses in an animal-inspired suit to fight crime. That's a B movie. It isn't Citizen Kane, nor is it trying to be. It is a B action movie, and it does this job exceedingly well.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 01, 2013, 08:14:19 pm
i'm gonna quickly address those other movies i talk about

blair witch project (82% on rt ( nothing happens in this movie, it 79 minutes of walking around,vary little character development and occasionally something scares cast but not audience because it doesn't show the scares

back to the future (97% on rt ( not a bad film but its not this end all be all of film ,its a silly family film with time travel plot, it has a few quotable lines and one or two memorable characters and most of the praise that this movie gets come from rose colored glasses (

dark knight rises (87% on rt ( i agree with most of what this guy says, so watch this video (
For Back to the Future, I view it as one of my favorite movies, but not because it is a particularly good movie. It is good. But more than that, it embodies an entire genre of movies that existed only in the 80s. Seriously, we just don't get those movies any more (Super 8 was pretty close in that it was a love letter to these movies).
but other then what you said, what else dose it do, how dose it elevate the family & time travel films be on what it was at the time?
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: sin2beta on March 01, 2013, 10:19:41 pm
i'm gonna quickly address those other movies i talk about

blair witch project (82% on rt ( nothing happens in this movie, it 79 minutes of walking around,vary little character development and occasionally something scares cast but not audience because it doesn't show the scares

back to the future (97% on rt ( not a bad film but its not this end all be all of film ,its a silly family film with time travel plot, it has a few quotable lines and one or two memorable characters and most of the praise that this movie gets come from rose colored glasses (

dark knight rises (87% on rt ( i agree with most of what this guy says, so watch this video (
For Back to the Future, I view it as one of my favorite movies, but not because it is a particularly good movie. It is good. But more than that, it embodies an entire genre of movies that existed only in the 80s. Seriously, we just don't get those movies any more (Super 8 was pretty close in that it was a love letter to these movies).
but other then what you said, what else dose it do, how dose it elevate the family & time travel films be on what it was at the time?

I don't think it does do much of anything else. It is just charming and quintessentially 80s. I do however think it covers the enjoyable by adults and kids. This helps in the nostalgia as it is not horrible when rewatched.

I always put Back to the Future in the same category as Karate Kid, Ferris Beuller, and such. There are better movies out there. For instance, Karate Kid is essentially Rocky for kids. Rocky is the better movie. But Karate Kid captures a viewer as both a kid and doesn't really disappoint as an adult. This kind of helps put it on a pedestal.

To add to my overrated movies list. I would put the Avengers down. It was a good movie. But hardly great. Personally, I think Cabin in the Woods was the better Joss Whedon movie last summer.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: burningdoom on March 01, 2013, 10:21:48 pm
The Back to the Future movies are some of the greatest films ever made. And there's a lot more going on there than "just a family movie". Great sci-fi story that does a great job of connecting all the time-travel dots. Fantastic cast and acting in the film by some of the greatest of that era. Mind-blowing special effects for the time. And just enough humor injected into the action-story to keep EVERYONE interested.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 02, 2013, 12:03:33 am
The Back to the Future movies are some of the greatest films ever made. And there's a lot more going on there than "just a family movie". Great sci-fi story that does a great job of connecting all the time-travel dots. Fantastic cast and acting in the film by some of the greatest of that era. Mind-blowing special effects for the time. And just enough humor injected into the action-story to keep EVERYONE interested.
i can say that towards lot of other films but dose that make those other films deservant of the some amount of insane praise that this movie gets?
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: burningdoom on March 02, 2013, 01:57:56 am
The Back to the Future movies are some of the greatest films ever made. And there's a lot more going on there than "just a family movie". Great sci-fi story that does a great job of connecting all the time-travel dots. Fantastic cast and acting in the film by some of the greatest of that era. Mind-blowing special effects for the time. And just enough humor injected into the action-story to keep EVERYONE interested.
i can say that towards lot of other films but dose that make those other films deservant of the some amount of insane praise that this movie gets?

Really? That involve time-travel?
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: theflea on March 02, 2013, 03:36:36 am
The movies I think are way to overpraised are these CGI heavy movies that make billions of dollars.
These films I like to call CGI Porn.

Transformers (especially 2 & 3)
X-Men Last Stand
Spider-Man 1 & 3
Independence Day
Star Wars Episode's 1-3
Total Recall (remake)
Fast and Furious movies
GI Joe
Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull
Clash of the Titans (1 & 2)
Twilight movies

to name a few... I know people who LOVE these movies and defend these as great films. Sure some can be watched if you leave your brain at the door and think of them as your watching a silly cartoon and they are not supposed to make sense. 
Then there's the films that people love to death and I could never get into these films, always thought they where overrated movies. But most people include these as a great classic movie. 

The Lost Boys
Top Gun 
Pretty Woman
Dirty Dancing

I'm sure I could go on, oh and The Back to the Future Films are one of the best fun films ever made. While yes there's a few flaws in it's sequels but I can watch these over and over and still love them. Are they "family friendly" for the most part yes. But does a movie have to be not family friendly to be good? It's story is so well thought out especially the first one, the sequels you can punch a few holes into if you wanna get nit-picky. It's the characters are what really sell these movies.
And speaking of time travel, I'll watch Back to the Future 1-3 any day over that overrated Looper.

Nuff said.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 02, 2013, 04:25:21 am
most of my anger for the back to the future films comes from insane people calling it an all time classic, i'm fine with people liking the film because the movie is good but to say this bttf is an all time classic is giving it more credit than it deserves, lets move on

monster vs aliens (72% on rt ( i usually stay way from modern day dreamworks animation for one reason, pop culture references, i hate pop culture references in movies because its lazy comedy and pretty much every movie they have released pass 2005/06 has relied on pop culture references when they can come up with a good joke and this is becoming a problem with animated comedys in general (except for pixar for the most part), look at the trailer and other then screaming and food puns, how much comedy is here,

Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: scott on March 02, 2013, 10:55:41 am
I don't know how you can say Back to the Future isn't and all-time classic.

Hell, I can't put it in the DVD player without watching them in order. That's how good they are. I can honestly say that I can't do that with any other trilogy. They flow together nearly seamlessly, there are tons of minor touches that you only catch after multiple viewings. And the whole return to the Enchantment Under the Sea Dance section in Back to the Future II, the way everything comes together in that section of the movie is amazing.

Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: foxhack on March 02, 2013, 01:56:38 pm
I had never realized just how... synced up the movies were. Wow.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: jobocan on March 02, 2013, 11:06:35 pm
I don't know how you can say Back to the Future isn't and all-time classic.

This. BttF is one of the greatest trilogies ever. It has everything. It's funny, there's exciting action scenes, the writing is great, there's some sci-fi stuff... It's all very well done, and I'd even say timeless.

Despite them never planning to make sequels in the first place, they put a lot work into the timeline stuff between the movies and there's lots of great little details everywhere, and revisiting scenes from the first one was really imaginative and quite well done (as demonstrated by the video Scott posted).
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: soera on March 02, 2013, 11:40:46 pm
The Saw movies really sync up well together too. Just ask Darko. :D
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 07, 2013, 06:26:00 pm
dose anyone remember that sam raimi movie drag me to hell, that movie was stupid and had an awful ending
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on March 07, 2013, 06:38:13 pm
I see people occasionally mention that Drag Me to Hell is cheesy or stupid... but it's Sam Raimi. Everything he does is pretty tongue-in-cheek, and that's part of the appeal.
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: htimreimer on March 07, 2013, 06:53:54 pm
I see people occasionally mention that Drag Me to Hell is cheesy or stupid... but it's Sam Raimi. Everything he does is pretty tongue-in-cheek, and that's part of the appeal.
the problem is that the movie took it self a bit too serious for the tongue-in-cheek moments like the nosebleed scene to work
Title: Re: Overpraised Movies
Post by: insektmute on March 09, 2013, 03:26:03 pm
I dunno about that. Even Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness have that kind of ping-ponging between seriousness ("the book awoke something... dark in the woods") and slapstick stupidity. I think those serious moments are why the comedic elements work - it legitimizes them instead of turning the entire thing into an Adam Sandler movie.