General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: htimreimer on May 30, 2013, 05:39:12 pm
Title: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 30, 2013, 05:39:12 pm
people here like to talk about music and instead of have thread made for certain genre/niche, here is thread for all genres and music news.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on May 30, 2013, 10:08:42 pm
Well to get something started
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: sin2beta on May 30, 2013, 10:38:46 pm
I love me some Ramones.
Here is a guy who is a legend from the old NEStabs community and now vgTabs. KabukiBear. He arranges a lot of video game music for classical guitar. If anyone plays, his arrangements are surprisingly not hard to play. But they sound so beautiful and complex. Check him out, here is radical dreamers from Chrono Cross.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on June 01, 2013, 12:03:24 pm
You guys won't be seeing me much on this thread, just the metal one.
I do like some classic rock, but other than that it's pretty much metal only. But I do listen to wide variety and wide-range of eras of metal.
Call me narrow-minded.
Title: Re: Music thread classic rock
Post by: htimreimer on June 01, 2013, 01:33:20 pm
You guys won't be seeing me much on this thread, just the metal one.
I do like some classic rock, but other than that it's pretty much metal only. But I do listen to wide variety and wide-range of eras of metal.
Call me narrow-minded.
this is thread is for all genres of music including metal and classic rock
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on June 01, 2013, 09:05:21 pm
well here's a topic.
What does everyone think of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park taking over the vocals for Stone Temple pilots?
Personally I'm kind of on the fence.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on June 01, 2013, 09:23:13 pm
Uhhh. What?
I mean, I guess he could pull it off. I do enjoy Linkin Park's older stuff, but I'm not sure if I could handle him singing some of STP's classics. :\
On completely different genre, I was listening to my iPod today and a song called "Heroes Come Back!!" by nobodyknows+ popped on. I guess it's the title track for Naruto: Shippuden. I didn't know it was even in there, but I really am digging it. I might need to find a way to import their cds. Between this and Rip Slyme, I'm on a strange Japanese hip hop kick at the moment. haha
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: stethebubble on June 03, 2013, 12:11:56 pm
What does everyone think of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park taking over the vocals for Stone Temple pilots?
Personally I'm kind of on the fence.
if they have a new name then sure they can have whoever they want. just dont pretend to be STP. its like Rome being the singer of sublime. NO its not sublime, call yourself something different.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on June 03, 2013, 08:28:10 pm
What does everyone think of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park taking over the vocals for Stone Temple pilots?
Personally I'm kind of on the fence.
if they have a new name then sure they can have whoever they want. just dont pretend to be STP. its like Rome being the singer of sublime. NO its not sublime, call yourself something different.
but the only person who is an original member is chester and the new song still has a STP fell to it, so I really don't see a problem with keeping the name. It's kind of funny that post reminds me of one friend who i let barrow my Black Sabbath album Heaven & Hell and he said it sucked because it wasn't Ozzy singing on it
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: slothingXPIG on June 04, 2013, 04:28:42 am
What does everyone think of Chester Bennington of Linkin Park taking over the vocals for Stone Temple pilots?
Personally I'm kind of on the fence.
if they have a new name then sure they can have whoever they want. just dont pretend to be STP. its like Rome being the singer of sublime. NO its not sublime, call yourself something different.
Lol its called sublime with Rome... ever since Rome joined its been called sublime with Rome.. as far as chester... Nah I kinda think that's dumb link in park is linkin park that's just gonna make STP sound like linkin park which would suck
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on June 16, 2013, 04:05:46 pm
i've been listening to a lot of legendary singer odetta, she sings folk,blues, old fashion R&B,jazz and gospel music and shes been call the voice of the civil Rights movement. she influenced bob dylan in to doing folk music instead of rock. she also influenced janis joplin, maya angelou, harry belafonte, joan baez, mavis staples and carly simon
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: sin2beta on June 16, 2013, 04:23:46 pm
i've been listening to a lot of legendary singer odetta, she sings folk,blues, old fashion R&B,jazz and gospel music and shes been call the voice of the civil Rights movement. she influenced bob dylan in to doing folk music instead of rock. she also influenced janis joplin, maya angelou, harry belafonte, joan baez, mavis staples and carly simon
Very nice. The long gospel vocals kind of remind me of Nina Simone's music. Nina is a little bit more Jazz. But something you might be into...
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on June 17, 2013, 11:56:39 pm
i've been listening to a lot of legendary singer odetta, she sings folk,blues, old fashion R&B,jazz and gospel music and shes been call the voice of the civil Rights movement. she influenced bob dylan in to doing folk music instead of rock. she also influenced janis joplin, maya angelou, harry belafonte, joan baez, mavis staples and carly simon
Very nice. The long gospel vocals kind of remind me of Nina Simone's music. Nina is a little bit more Jazz. But something you might be into...
i like this, i like this a lot also here is one from odetta that's just haunting
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: sin2beta on June 18, 2013, 09:15:22 pm
I have a confession. I really like Michael Jackson. I recently rediscovered the song Dirty Diana. Man, I love that song. I might have to play me some sonic 3 and hunt down Moonwalker.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on June 18, 2013, 09:55:09 pm
I showed parts of Sony's E3 conference to the GF and she recognized the song they played when Jack Trenton came out to announce all the goodness about the PS4 console. So she had me youtube the music video... it's kinda awesome.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: soera on June 18, 2013, 10:51:54 pm
My wife's church did a rendition of this song for Easter. Was pretty cool. I dont mind that song at all.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: turf on June 19, 2013, 12:22:29 am
I have a confession. I really like Michael Jackson. I recently rediscovered the song Dirty Diana. Man, I love that song. I might have to play me some sonic 3 and hunt down Moonwalker.
No need to confess. I don't trust a man who can honestly say they don't like 1980's Michael Jackson.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on June 19, 2013, 08:42:24 am
i found the most confusing lyrics probably in all of music, its a song by the band a-ha and its called sun always shines on tv, here is the lyrics
"please don't ask me to defend the shameful lowlands of the way i'm drifting gloomily through time"
what the h@ll does that even mean?
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: ffxik on June 19, 2013, 09:36:47 am
I have a confession. I really like Michael Jackson. I recently rediscovered the song Dirty Diana. Man, I love that song. I might have to play me some sonic 3 and hunt down Moonwalker.
No need to confess. I don't trust a man who can honestly say they don't like 1980's Michael Jackson.
And this is coming from a complete metal-head.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on June 23, 2013, 01:20:18 pm
I'm really digging Slash's latest radio single, with Myles Kennedy (of Alter-Bridge) singing:
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on July 04, 2013, 10:35:55 pm
this one my favorite singers and she doesn't even speak english
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on July 04, 2013, 11:50:56 pm
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: azure on December 15, 2013, 07:35:18 pm
Pop punk anyone?
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: georose on December 15, 2013, 11:15:30 pm
How about a lil post-rock??
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 17, 2013, 04:47:09 pm
Anyone here like Queensryche?
I loved the 80s and 90s years of the band. I haven't heard a lot in the last decade that has wowed me, though.
The reason I ask is because I read that there are now 2 bands touring and releasing albums under the name Queensryche. Apparently frontman Geoff Tate and the rest of the band had a falling out. However, neither side is letting go of the band. So Geoff Tate is touring with a new set of guys, and the rest of Queensryche is touring with a new lead singer (also named Jeff, ironically enough). Crazy situation.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: disgaeniac on December 18, 2013, 10:27:07 am
I like Quennsryche!
Actually, my old guitar teacher (foolishly, in retrospect) turned down an offer to be 1 of their guitarists :o
Another school friend of mine (Paul Crook) wound up playing w/ Anthrax...small world.
So as not to re-type all of this again, if you want to, read this: ==>
Also coming from a metal-lover...I Love/get chills sometimes listening to Bette Midler singing "The Rose"; it's...just...beautiful :'(
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 11, 2014, 07:37:02 pm
I've loved Eurobeat/Italo Disco music for years now, and I've really been listening to a lot of it within the past 2 months.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 13, 2014, 07:37:23 pm
So, the band shirts I ordered came in this morning. I was torn on whether to put this in the Metal thread or this thread, but it probably belongs here more because the only metal shirt is the Sunn shirt.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: thecrypticodor on February 13, 2014, 09:38:04 pm
Any of you guys dig progressive rock?
King Crimson's Red is one of my personal favorite albums of the genre as well as one of my all time favorite albums in general.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 04:00:27 pm
Speaking of progressive rock/new prog, look at what I picked up today: (
I'm dead shocked that they were in stock at my local (barely urban) music trader, let alone the Coheed and Cambria albums. $30 well spent.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on February 14, 2014, 04:44:10 pm
Yay Coheed! I do love them, I have a playlist on my ipod of all their albums in "chronological" order.
Did you pick up The Afterman albums yet? I really enjoyed them, far more than Year of the Black Rainbow and No World for Tomorrow.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 04:54:27 pm
Yay Coheed! I do love them, I have a playlist on my ipod of all their albums in "chronological" order.
Did you pick up The Afterman albums yet? I really enjoyed them, far more than Year of the Black Rainbow and No World for Tomorrow.
Loving the air quotes around chronological ;) "What do you mean 'you don't start your discography with 2?'" I've listened to Ascension and Descension, and they're absolutely amazing. In fact, I'm really considering reading the Amory Wars one of these days. Honestly, all of their albums are up to here in quality to me but I'd have to say Silent Earth: 3 and Second Stage Turbine Blade are tied for my personal favorite. I can't seem to find a copy of anything else around here, and for the time being I have no method of buying online (and even if I could, shipping to Canada? Yikes. Cheap Canadian retailers are few and far between.) But I'll get them all sooner or later.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on February 14, 2014, 05:12:22 pm
Agreed. I listen to Second Stage Turbine Blade constantly. I meant "chronological" by saying my playlist starts with Ascension and ends with No World for Tomorrow. Rather than release date.
I have some of the comics and trade paperbacks, wish I had the TPB of IV: Vol 1. though... I was also able to snag the special edition of Black Rainbow with the novel bundled with it. I haven't read it yet though.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 14, 2014, 05:56:15 pm
Agreed. I listen to Second Stage Turbine Blade constantly. I meant "chronological" by saying my playlist starts with Ascension and ends with No World for Tomorrow. Rather than release date.
I have some of the comics and trade paperbacks, wish I had the TPB of IV: Vol 1. though... I was also able to snag the special edition of Black Rainbow with the novel bundled with it. I haven't read it yet though.
I'd have to say Devil in Jersey City is my favorite song from Second Stage Turbine Blade, and Al The Killer and Cuts Marked In The March of Men are tied for my favorite on Silent Earth 3. But the best way of listening to them is by the full album, of course. And oh, I'm silly. I forgot about the chronology of the canon.
Also, I'm so jealous about the novel and comic.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on February 14, 2014, 09:09:11 pm
Ya I got super lucky on the Novel. I think I picked it up shortly after release for like $20 on Amazon? I guess it's spendy now a days.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 17, 2014, 05:54:39 pm
So.... I'm starting to really appreciate Madonna. I started listening to her while completing my SG-1000 game list of 1983. I decided to listen to some music and watch some movies of that year. And, honestly, Borderline may be in contention for my favorite song of that year.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: MJMaranan on February 18, 2014, 02:48:58 am
Raised in a rock-heavy household, although we do listen to different genres and are pretty flexible. Also, I'm more of an alternative listener with a very limited taste for country and hip hop.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 18, 2014, 10:05:17 pm
Picked up I Mother Earth's first album, Dig, and Ignite's Our Darkest Days for $3 each!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: bobster on February 19, 2014, 09:46:03 am
Man Ignite is so good! Nice pickup!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on February 19, 2014, 11:35:51 am
Agreed! :D I Mother Earth is really good as well. They're more of an alt rock band (especially in their later releases), but some of their earlier songs are really good funk metal, much like Snot or Primus. ALSO THEY'RE CANADIAN OHHHH CANADAAAAA
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on March 07, 2014, 10:03:40 pm
I recommend anyone here who likes hip-hop to pre-order Death Drive by my favorite emcee while you can! -
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: maw2k on March 07, 2014, 10:13:57 pm
u like dark progressive electronic music sound? check out this guy:
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 07, 2014, 11:59:42 pm
Hrmmm, I see some metal here, but I think more is needed!
The chorus for this song is so catchy lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: teck on March 14, 2014, 04:54:28 am
Well I'm usually big on Japanese Rock.... Not so much pop, more like Miyavi, MUCC, Girugamesh, etc.... But recently I've been really into Capsule for some reason....
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 14, 2014, 05:03:14 am
Well I'm usually big on Japanese Rock.... Not so much pop, more like Miyavi, MUCC, Girugamesh, etc.... But recently I've been really into Capsule for some reason....
I'm into some Japanese stuff too. Some of it is anime related like BECK, Detroit Metal City, or the soundtrack from Guilty Gear X2, but for straight up bands I like, Miyavi has a couple songs I've liked, there's Sex Machineguns, Loudness, and one of my favorites is Maximum the Hormone.
Favorite Miyavi song I've come across is probably Selfish Love, those slapping guitar skills are wonderful.
His "Are You Ready to Rock" is great also. I love the scaled back acoustic stuff.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: teck on March 14, 2014, 05:05:55 am
Picking a Miyavi favorite is TOO hard for me.... His slap style accoustic stuff is fantastic and a fresh sound that you don't get to hear much anywhere else.... I also love Sex Machineguns~! I don't even recall how I first heard them, but all their albums are great.... I only have one Maximum the Hormone CD.... To be honest, I haven't really kept up with them....
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 14, 2014, 05:11:20 am
Picking a Miyavi favorite is TOO hard for me.... His slap style accoustic stuff is fantastic and a fresh sound that you don't get to hear much anywhere else.... I also love Sex Machineguns~! I don't even recall how I first heard them, but all their albums are great.... I only have one Maximum the Hormone CD.... To be honest, I haven't really kept up with them....
I love Maximum the Hormone, they are just a crazy mixture of styles. I need to get their newest album, but it doesn't seem like they are gonna release it in America which saddens me. Not paying import prices for the cd lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: teck on March 14, 2014, 05:20:42 am
Picking a Miyavi favorite is TOO hard for me.... His slap style accoustic stuff is fantastic and a fresh sound that you don't get to hear much anywhere else.... I also love Sex Machineguns~! I don't even recall how I first heard them, but all their albums are great.... I only have one Maximum the Hormone CD.... To be honest, I haven't really kept up with them....
I love Maximum the Hormone, they are just a crazy mixture of styles. I need to get their newest album, but it doesn't seem like they are gonna release it in America which saddens me. Not paying import prices for the cd lol
I've dropped thousands of dollars on imports.... It kills me, but its a hobby like no other.... Locally I have not heard of a single person who is into it.... Though there seems to be a small Visual Kei following online, I haven't bumped into any at local cons either.... Miyavi's last album that I got in December ran me like 50 bucks for the LE version with shipping.... I'd love a cheap place to buy locally, but that is totally not going to happen.... I'd love to run my own hybrid Japanese culture store.... A place with a strong showing for music and film and not just anime.... Hell, even manga seems to get burned most of the time.... I only ever see manga for established anime franchises usually....
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jellysauce on March 14, 2014, 02:55:51 pm
King Crimson's Red is one of my personal favorite albums of the genre as well as one of my all time favorite albums in general.
i like progressive rock, king crimson being my favorite band in the genre, red is definitely one of my favorite albums by the band. i also really like ITCOTCK (of course), larks tongues in aspic, discipline, and three of a perfect pair. bill bruford is one of my favorite drummers. he's incredible.
also i got the privilege to see yes this last year in concert. they played the yes album and close to the edge, just wish they would have finished up the trio and played fragile too. oh well, it was still an awesome concert.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 24, 2014, 05:27:58 am
Dammit, Gwar singer just passed away yesterday. Big loss for the metal scene. That's gotta be real rough for the band after losing their guitarist 2 years ago. RIP up there in Metal Metal Land.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scott on March 24, 2014, 10:41:39 am
Dammit, Gwar singer just passed away yesterday. Big loss for the metal scene. That's gotta be real rough for the band after losing their guitarist 2 years ago. RIP up there in Metal Metal Land.
I just heard this. Super devastating, GWAR is one of my all time favorite bands too. I wonder if they'll attempt to move forward without Brockie, he was their main driving force. :'(
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 24, 2014, 04:04:13 pm
I don't think they will. Like you said, he was the driving force, the big face, he's been there since the beginning, he's the voice of the band. Smoot, as sad as it was him passing, he was newer to the band. I feel that they are gonna end Gwar and move on. I don't think I'd want to hear a Gwar without Oderus.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on April 07, 2014, 01:10:59 am
one of my favourite covers of classic rock songs, what do you guys think of it
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on April 07, 2014, 10:52:35 pm
Halestorm is a love/hate band for me. When I first hear a song from them, I usually like it. But then the radio station here usually runs it into the ground until I'm sick of it. And when I'm in my car, I usually just leave the radio on instead of trying to play D.J. while driving.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: MJMaranan on April 08, 2014, 01:07:09 am
The vocals are okay in the beginning to middle but the instrumentals are off-putting all the way. I know I'm being too much of a critic, it's just very difficult for me to like covers. I can only think of a few that I enjoyed.
In my neck of the woods, it's mostly hip-hop that radio stations constantly run to the ground.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on April 11, 2014, 01:30:50 am
God damn, this is one hell of an album opener, I need to finally get an album from them...
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on April 11, 2014, 08:57:44 pm
:o Weird Al doing an Actual Cover???
I know he'll play this at concerts if there are technical difficulties, but it's nice to have a clear sounding version of it now. I really like his cover of this song.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: exonerator on May 08, 2014, 08:24:42 pm
Paging @scott:
All aboard the mystery hype train! Will it be a repress of Silent Earth: 3? A first-time pressing of Good Apollo I? The Amory Wars movie? A tour? A new album? I'm pulling my hair out to find out!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 20, 2014, 02:14:53 am
i love this song and i want to know what you guys think
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: starscream on May 27, 2014, 01:18:00 am
I'm currently liking neon trees, paramore, dave matthews band, the fray, and revis
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on May 27, 2014, 09:13:03 pm
I'm currently on a Chevelle kick. I recently picked up La Gargola, and it's a good album. These guys have been so solid over the years, they're really much better than many of their contemporaries and unlike so many bands of the past decade, have remained stable and focused on their art. Somehow they've maintained their contract with a major label when so many others have gotten the boot as of late and went indie.
Anyhow, I have to recommend them. So many good albums from them. They've very accessible and catchy, but also a very talented and interesting band within the scope of the mainstream.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: bobster on May 28, 2014, 09:35:11 am
I'm currently on a Chevelle kick. I recently picked up La Gargola, and it's a good album. These guys have been so solid over the years, they're really much better than many of their contemporaries and unlike so many bands of the past decade, have remained stable and focused on their art. Somehow they've maintained their contract with a major label when so many others have gotten the boot as of late and went indie.
Anyhow, I have to recommend them. So many good albums from them. They've very accessible and catchy, but also a very talented and interesting band within the scope of the mainstream.
I haven't listened to them since vena sera, but they're always a good time. I might have to pick up the albums I've missed.
Their one downfall is they're terrible live. I've seem them like 6 times opening for other bands and they tend to disappoint.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on May 28, 2014, 12:55:17 pm
I'm currently on a Chevelle kick. I recently picked up La Gargola, and it's a good album. These guys have been so solid over the years, they're really much better than many of their contemporaries and unlike so many bands of the past decade, have remained stable and focused on their art. Somehow they've maintained their contract with a major label when so many others have gotten the boot as of late and went indie.
Anyhow, I have to recommend them. So many good albums from them. They've very accessible and catchy, but also a very talented and interesting band within the scope of the mainstream.
I haven't listened to them since vena sera, but they're always a good time. I might have to pick up the albums I've missed.
Their one downfall is they're terrible live. I've seem them like 6 times opening for other bands and they tend to disappoint.
I think the main problem is the vocalist isn't so great at multi tasking his vocals and guitar playing. He comes up with really cool riffs and excellent vocals, but his performance of both at once tends to be a bit sloppy. Not always, but sometimes its a bit too rough around the edges.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: bobster on May 28, 2014, 01:26:58 pm
I'm currently on a Chevelle kick. I recently picked up La Gargola, and it's a good album. These guys have been so solid over the years, they're really much better than many of their contemporaries and unlike so many bands of the past decade, have remained stable and focused on their art. Somehow they've maintained their contract with a major label when so many others have gotten the boot as of late and went indie.
Anyhow, I have to recommend them. So many good albums from them. They've very accessible and catchy, but also a very talented and interesting band within the scope of the mainstream.
I haven't listened to them since vena sera, but they're always a good time. I might have to pick up the albums I've missed.
Their one downfall is they're terrible live. I've seem them like 6 times opening for other bands and they tend to disappoint.
I think the main problem is the vocalist isn't so great at multi tasking his vocals and guitar playing. He comes up with really cool riffs and excellent vocals, but his performance of both at once tends to be a bit sloppy. Not always, but sometimes its a bit too rough around the edges.
That sounds about right. My complaint was always the vocals during the shows.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: htimreimer on May 28, 2014, 09:07:54 pm
here is another good song cover from one of my favorite bands, its not as good as fleetwood mac but it vary good cover nonetheless
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on May 28, 2014, 09:28:11 pm
i swear the more I hear this woman's voice the more I believe she might be my favorite singer
Also random Jazz-style Breakdown
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on May 29, 2014, 12:58:45 pm
I like Chevelle, too. They're not like a top 10 band, but I enjoy them.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: teck on June 09, 2014, 05:11:46 pm
thanks to a panel at Phoenix Comicon, I'm on a crazy K-Pop kick....
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on June 14, 2014, 05:16:25 am
What happens when you mix classic heavy metal with another classic heavy metal singer? MAGIC.
thanks to a panel at Phoenix Comicon, I'm on a crazy K-Pop kick....
Some of this stuff, more J-Pop leaning, is kinda my guilty pleasure lol I hate pop, but asian pop always seems to be a lot more entertaining to me and I really like when it gets mixed with metal or rock like Babymetal or Hatsune Miku in Supercell lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: lastr18 on June 25, 2014, 01:06:57 am
digging the music thread here.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: maximo310 on June 26, 2014, 01:10:14 am
I've been diggin' this lately in music interests.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on July 12, 2014, 08:36:36 am
Let me post one, Urban Dance Squad.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on July 13, 2014, 10:58:22 pm
Now I'm on a Deftones kick. Man, I missed a lot of great albums by these guys!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: thekosmickollector on September 18, 2014, 01:16:44 pm
Found this song recently and it's honestly my new favourite :P
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: maximo310 on September 24, 2014, 04:09:56 pm
I really want to get this soundtrack at some point, because of that instrumentation:
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: maximo310 on October 09, 2014, 01:39:25 am
This just got airred on the Late Show with David Letterman:
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on October 09, 2014, 01:52:35 am
This just got airred on the Late Show with David Letterman:
This is just crazy to see. They've done events with her in America, but to see them put her on television is pretty cool lol Next we are gonna see Babymetal for sure lol
As for new music, I'm stoked for the new Ziltoid album from Devin Townsend.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on December 14, 2015, 05:29:45 pm
So I'm resurrecting this thread because, I dunno, I like to babel about things related to music I like.
I don't know why so many bands I enjoy tend to be so unstable. I've been waiting for like 8 years for a new album from the band Band New. They're one of those bands that kind of wants to be a band, but they kind of don't. The vocalist obviously hates fame and wasn't cut out for the mainstream, but he writes good songs. So he comes out and says they'll have a new record soon but basically he doesn't want to do it anymore. Which is the same thing he did with the last record, it came out, they toured for like two weeks, then disappeared for years without any explanation. I can understand though somewhat. I've always enjoyed creating music, but I never really had any desire to be a musician, the lifestyle just never appealed to me.
I've been attempting to rekindle my love for playing, as I was recently given a proposition to play drums with some guy to start up a band. I dunno if I'll take it or not. I've also been going through a pretty nostalgic period myself, listening to some of my old stuff that my friend and I did back in the day. I can't believe how long it's already been. I'm feeling a bit rusty too, trying to pick it back up. I've been thinking of putting up a Bandcamp page for it, since it's basically going to waste now as I'm the only one who still has any of it. We were studio only project for the most part, though we played a few live sets, once just to record it and then no one ever saw that either. It was great times though, and for me thats what it's all about.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: scarface88fg on December 14, 2015, 08:49:01 pm
I just rediscovered this band and figured I should share it with y'all... This is also my favorite song based on a video game.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: turf on December 15, 2015, 09:36:23 am
Have y'all heard the Stone Sour/Lzzy Hale cover of Gimme Shelter? So stinking good!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: gf78 on December 15, 2015, 11:43:37 am
Have y'all heard the Stone Sour/Lzzy Hale cover of Gimme Shelter? So stinking good!
Haven't heard it, but Stone Sour rocks and Lzzy Hale is a beautiful, magical creature so I'm gonna have to find this! Speaking of that Turf, have you heard the Adrenaline Mob/Lzzy Hale cover of Duran Duran's Come Undone? Fantastic! David Draiman's Device side project also has a duel with Lzzy covering Lita Ford's Close My Eyes Forever. Another great track!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: gf78 on December 15, 2015, 11:44:39 am
My nephew and I are going to see Iron Maiden in Chicago in April! Can't wait as I've been dying to see them live!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on December 28, 2015, 08:02:32 pm
Blast Some Motorhead tonight guys RIP Ian ‘Lemmy’ Kilmister
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 28, 2015, 08:22:37 pm
R.I.P. Lemmy
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on December 28, 2015, 08:23:38 pm
I recently got "Chevelle - Wonder What's Next" CD off of
I've always liked this band from the songs I've heard on the radio ("Send the Pain Below", "Red", and "Jars"). But I hadn't heard an entire album by them until I just got this.
I missed out on a great band! It's like Staind and Tool had the sex, and a beautiful rock baby named Chevelle came out.
Give these guys a chance beyond just their normal radio hits. At least the first album I can vouch for. You won't regret it if you like that bass-y, progressive, melodic with an edge; hard to describe Tool sound.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: turf on December 28, 2015, 10:11:22 pm
I recently got "Chevelle - Wonder What's Next" CD off of
I've always liked this band from the songs I've heard on the radio ("Send the Pain Below", "Red", and "Jars"). But I hadn't heard an entire album by them until I just got this.
I missed out on a great band! It's like Staind and Tool had the sex, and a beautiful rock baby named Chevelle came out.
Give these guys a chance beyond just their normal radio hits. At least the first album I can vouch for. You won't regret it if you like that bass-y, progressive, melodic with an edge; hard to describe Tool sound.
And they're a really good live band. I wasn't a fan until I saw them live. They are one of those bands that sound studio good in person.
I'm not a huge Motorhead fan, but damn shame losing one of the last "Rock Stars". Dude chain-smoked and drank whiskey until the day he died. 70 years of being badass. You had a good run, dude.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: gf78 on December 29, 2015, 09:12:44 am
I recently got "Chevelle - Wonder What's Next" CD off of
I've always liked this band from the songs I've heard on the radio ("Send the Pain Below", "Red", and "Jars"). But I hadn't heard an entire album by them until I just got this.
I missed out on a great band! It's like Staind and Tool had the sex, and a beautiful rock baby named Chevelle came out.
Give these guys a chance beyond just their normal radio hits. At least the first album I can vouch for. You won't regret it if you like that bass-y, progressive, melodic with an edge; hard to describe Tool sound.
And they're a really good live band. I wasn't a fan until I saw them live. They are one of those bands that sound studio good in person.
I'm not a huge Motorhead fan, but damn shame losing one of the last "Rock Stars". Dude chain-smoked and drank whiskey until the day he died. 70 years of being badass. You had a good run, dude.
Saw Chevelle a few years back doing a USO tour. They sound great in concert.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on December 29, 2015, 07:02:18 pm
I recently got "Chevelle - Wonder What's Next" CD off of
I've always liked this band from the songs I've heard on the radio ("Send the Pain Below", "Red", and "Jars"). But I hadn't heard an entire album by them until I just got this.
I missed out on a great band! It's like Staind and Tool had the sex, and a beautiful rock baby named Chevelle came out.
Give these guys a chance beyond just their normal radio hits. At least the first album I can vouch for. You won't regret it if you like that bass-y, progressive, melodic with an edge; hard to describe Tool sound.
For sure. I am a big fan of them. If you like Wonder What's Next, then there are a lot of other records by them you need to also check out. They've remained very solid and true to their sound over the years. Plus there is a new album currently in the works for this spring, the last I heard.
I am currently hooked on a album I got this Xmas by another band I really like a lot and miss called Fear Before The March of Flames, the album entitled Fear Before and it was their last release. These guys are hard to explain, but they were rooted in hardcore punk, yet they are heavily influenced by progressive rock, it is sometimes heavy and sometimes melodic. This album was their most tame release.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on January 07, 2016, 01:59:26 am
I'm really digging Aesthesis by Dead Letter Circus right now, which is another album I recently got this holiday. I think it might be my favorite album from them. There is a pinch of melancholy in this one that contrasts and adds an interesting component to their sort-of spacey, almost bouncy style of music. I'm really hooked on this right now, and I feel like more people need to know about this band.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: bperry731 on January 18, 2016, 10:45:08 am
Any Phish fans here?
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: JamesGoblin on February 02, 2016, 08:38:47 am
I have it on repeat:
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: romanticore on February 03, 2016, 06:42:00 am
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on April 10, 2016, 11:33:06 pm
This song is my jam as far as American Idiot.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 07, 2016, 08:16:49 am
Loving it.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 08, 2016, 03:21:08 pm
Urban Dance Squad
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: gf78 on August 08, 2016, 03:40:00 pm
I'm not a country music fan by any stretch, that's the realm of my wife and daughters. But....this past Friday, my wife won two tickets from the radio station 93.7 the Bull in St. Louis to see Brad Paisley with Tyler Farr and Maddie & Tae. We drove up Friday when I got off work and she was then told she won the grand prize. So what she really won was two lawn tickets, two pit tickets, two "bar stage" tickets and two meet & greet tickets. Our daughters used the lawn seats and we went to the pit. When Paisley came on, they took us backstage. Us and about 18 other people were then led on stage where there were two bars set up with kegs. We were sitting on the stage with the musicians playing all around us, drinking free beer. After the show, we went back and met Brad Paisley and got our picture taken with him and got autographed 8x10's.
I have to say I had a really good time, even if the music wasn't my style. And there's not a damn thing wrong with some free beer! :P
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 09, 2016, 01:14:29 pm
Thats what its about, having a great time.
Like this song, i don't know any italian, but i like this song.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 10, 2016, 01:42:22 pm
Lets do another one 8)
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: gf78 on August 10, 2016, 02:12:22 pm
I'm a huge fan of Rammstein, Oomph!, Megaherz, Elis and Eisbrecher. Don't have much of a clue what they are singing about, but the music is fantastic (for me) and they are entertaining to see live. Though sadly, my "live" experience has been limited to DVD, Blu-Ray and online video clips. :'(
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 10, 2016, 02:28:49 pm
German is a little easier for me. I spend a year there as a soldier for the dutch army.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: turf on August 11, 2016, 01:06:33 pm
I'm not a country music fan by any stretch, that's the realm of my wife and daughters. But....this past Friday, my wife won two tickets from the radio station 93.7 the Bull in St. Louis to see Brad Paisley with Tyler Farr and Maddie & Tae. We drove up Friday when I got off work and she was then told she won the grand prize. So what she really won was two lawn tickets, two pit tickets, two "bar stage" tickets and two meet & greet tickets. Our daughters used the lawn seats and we went to the pit. When Paisley came on, they took us backstage. Us and about 18 other people were then led on stage where there were two bars set up with kegs. We were sitting on the stage with the musicians playing all around us, drinking free beer. After the show, we went back and met Brad Paisley and got our picture taken with him and got autographed 8x10's.
I have to say I had a really good time, even if the music wasn't my style. And there's not a damn thing wrong with some free beer! :P
Country isn't my style either, but Brad Paisley can play the shit out of a guitar. He's underrated. Sounds like a heck of time.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 11, 2016, 02:47:15 pm
A dutch band for a change ;D
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jupiter on August 12, 2016, 01:20:23 pm
^Good song.
This one might be a bit much for those who can't do heavier music, the guitar work is fantastic and catchy though. Dude's voice is a bit unpolished, but it's ok I guess.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on August 12, 2016, 07:54:20 pm
This one might be a bit much for those who can't do heavier music, the guitar work is fantastic and catchy though. Dude's voice is a bit unpolished, but it's ok I guess.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on August 17, 2016, 10:09:01 pm
What does everyone's playlist loop look like right now? Top ten songs currently?
Mine are :D
Q Lazzarus- Goodbye Horses - Joe Budden- Making a Murderer- Led Zeppelin- Stairway to heaven - Iggy Azalea - Team - Michael Jackson- Billie Jean- The Ramones- Blitzkrieg Pop- Drake- Pop Style - Selena Gomez- Kill em with kindness - Rice Gum- Faze Blaziken Diss track- Mike Posner- I took a pill in Ibiza -
I cant get these out of my head lately :D. What do you guys play lately?
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on August 18, 2016, 12:36:45 pm
What does everyone's playlist loop look like right now? Top ten songs currently?
I don't usually keep a playlist, though I probably should give it a try. I usually listen to an entire album until I get sick of it.
Currently, I have"The Resistance" by Muse, and more recently "Stir The Blood" by The Bravery on repeat.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 18, 2016, 02:02:16 pm
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on August 18, 2016, 03:47:58 pm
Brand new Metallica out of nowhere. I like the stealth release. Straightforward tune, but I like it. I thought Death Magnetic had too many songs that were meandering, length for the sake of length, so to get something right off the bet be quick and concise, I'm cool with that. I'm fine with some songs, but I'd rather have it be a better mix. Long when they have something to show off.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jupiter on August 18, 2016, 10:56:19 pm
^ Oh shit, that was unexpected. Bit bland but nice and heavy. Good to see those guys still going.
On another note, always love when metal bands do covers of non-metal songs.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: fazerco on August 19, 2016, 02:26:52 pm
loving it.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: sin2beta on August 20, 2016, 09:44:43 pm
Picked up Daft Punk's Discovery again. God that is a great album.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jupiter on August 21, 2016, 03:51:23 am
Brand new Metallica out of nowhere. I like the stealth release. Straightforward tune, but I like it. I thought Death Magnetic had too many songs that were meandering, length for the sake of length, so to get something right off the bet be quick and concise, I'm cool with that. I'm fine with some songs, but I'd rather have it be a better mix. Long when they have something to show off.
I like it, because it's a step in the right direction, away from St. Anger.
However, it feels a little amateurish by Metallica standards, at the same time. I know Metallica can do much better. This sounds like a filler-song on one of their earlier albums.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on September 03, 2016, 08:37:05 pm
The problem is that I don't think Metallica knows how to really write music anymore. I still think James is a good singer and rhythm player, Rob is the best musician in the band, but Kirk can't solo anymore and Lars sounds is so stripped down and basic, which is saying something as he was never a very intricate drummer compared to a lot of the others of the time.
I'll take it because they aren't bad, but I also am not a huge fan of their current sound. They are one of the biggest metal bands ever, but I've seen Youtubers with better production quality than these guys.
I say that, but I'm still quite interested in the band, especially after this, so I at least hope it's better than Death Magnetic, which had a few good ideas, but was kinda marred by production quality and sorta aimlessly long songs.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jupiter on September 04, 2016, 08:10:08 pm
\m/ >:( \m/
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: jupiter on September 04, 2016, 08:35:28 pm
Metal Bonus: Double Feature!
"Enemies of metal, your death is our reward Triumphant victory when you bring the steel to life"
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on September 04, 2016, 11:17:24 pm
people here like to talk about music and instead of have thread made for certain genre/niche, here is thread for all genres and music news.
I am aware of the other music threads but this one started off as a more of an education music band thread, and then later turned into another what are you listening to now thread. I wanted to revive this one instead of making another thread.
Anyway. (my own writing about Journey the classic rock band)
I have all the Joruney albums from when they first stared in 1975 and till they released their "Eclipse album in 2011" Has anyone like or listened the classic rock band called Journey lately?
and know the fact that Stave Perry was not the original singer for Journey the band? believe it or not the band Journey's original singer was Gregg Rolie and the band started out as a rock band in 1975. and had a completely different sound then when Steve Perry joined. they started their debut album in 1975 about 2 years before Steve Perry joined the band in 1977., as some may know Steve Perry also left Journey to start a solo carrier (I think) then he the returned, left, and I guess now he's back, Apparently hs is 71 years old today, and according to what I just saw, he's back with the band again. in 2020
I like Steve Perry as a singer, but since I figure not too many people heard Journeys first three albums. I think you should give them a shot to see if you like them or not. I'd thought I'd bring these guys up since they even had their own video game called Journey Escape for the Atari 2600, they are not a metal band but they sounded like a complely other band when they first debuted in 1975 so give these albums a listen if you have not already.
Greg Rolie on vocals Album's 1:Journey's: Journey album 2: Journey's: Look Into The Future Album 3: Journey's: Next Album
Steve Perry On Vocals 4: Infinity 5: Evolution 6: Departure 7: Escape 8: Frontiers 9: Raised On Radio 10: Trial By Fire
Steve Augeri, vocals 11: Arrival
Band shifted between vocals 12: Generations album
Arnel Pineda. on lead vocals 13: Revelations Album 14: Eclipse Album
other past members (wiki) Prairie Prince Gregg Rolie George Tickner Aynsley Dunbar Robert Fleischman Steve Perry Steve Augeri Deen Castronovo Jeff Scott Soto
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on September 29, 2020, 11:24:35 pm
I'm not sure what exactly this thread is, it looks like video links don't work anymore but here are a few songs I've heard this summer listening to XM that I've come to like...
Matt Meason - Hallucinogenics Caamp - By and By Twenty One Pilots - Level of Concern Little Hurt - Alaska
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: andyz on October 11, 2020, 12:24:42 pm
Dua Lipa - Physical
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: joyfreak on December 06, 2020, 11:57:31 am
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on January 29, 2021, 01:11:40 pm
Love this band, at least the 80s and 90s album. Very unique style, talented musicians, and an amazing vocalist in Geoff Tate. It's a shame Tate and the rest of the band split ways.
Operation Mindcrime in particular is a masterpiece of a concept album, my favorite by them.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on January 29, 2021, 05:09:19 pm
Love this band, at least the 80s and 90s album. Very unique style, talented musicians, and an amazing vocalist in Geoff Tate. It's a shame Tate and the rest of the band split ways.
Operation Mindcrime in particular is a masterpiece of a concept album, my favorite by them.
I am! I got 5 of their albums by them their pretty good I have "Rage For Order" Operation Mindcrime" "Promise Land" "Tribe" And "Hear In Now frontier"
if anyone liked to hear the album "@burningdoom" mentioned I recommend checking out "Rage for Order" album also by the band called Queensryche I assume some people might confuse the band "Judas Priest" because Queensryche and Judas Priest sound alike to me.
I also recommend "Hear In The Now Frontier" if anyone likes a more modern type of alternative. Queensryche is a great band the first album I heard of them was "Hear In The Now Frontier" but my mom got me into Rage For Order album as well
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on January 29, 2021, 05:46:53 pm
That's some good stuff you own. 8)
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on January 29, 2021, 08:02:56 pm
thanks, I have a lot of good music from multiple genres I've been a music collector 7 years before I officially became a video game collector :)
hank God that music CD's are still being released physically new as well as second hand
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dakooldood on January 30, 2021, 04:46:38 pm
Anyone listened to the new Weezer album? I’m loving it so far. Definitely one of their best in recent memory.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on February 15, 2021, 01:02:22 pm
Last I head was the "black album" and man, it was terrible. I thought they'd gotten over their phase of trying to make cringe pop, but apparently not.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 01, 2021, 12:12:10 am
Andrew WK released some new music with "Babalon" and it's really good and completely different than anything he did before, I think I've listened to this song a bunch of times now. He just seems like the coolest, nicest, most high energy dude, who seems to be all about being as feel good as possible, but here with Babalon, it's a much darker and more outright metal riffing and lyrics, the title confusing me at first as I learned "Babalon" is different from "Babylon" and has occult origins, and it seems like Andrew did all the music himself which he didn't do before and he kills it. I knew he could do piano, it's a big thing he's known for in his music, but not everything else which is pretty awesome. Even the piano stuff in this is more synthy than what he usually goes for. If this is what the new album is going for, I'm all on board. It's very different than any of his previous stuff, but you can still feel that energy he has through the music and those final notes, hitting that falsetto, it's impressive. I remembered hearing it before on his previous album, but it's very buried in the mix, so it's not nearly as noticeable as it here.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on March 01, 2021, 09:04:35 pm
Andrew WK released some new music with "Babalon" and it's really good and completely different than anything he did before, I think I've listened to this song a bunch of times now. He just seems like the coolest, nicest, most high energy dude, who seems to be all about being as feel good as possible, but here with Babalon, it's a much darker and more outright metal riffing and lyrics, the title confusing me at first as I learned "Babalon" is different from "Babylon" and has occult origins, and it seems like Andrew did all the music himself which he didn't do before and he kills it. I knew he could do piano, it's a big thing he's known for in his music, but not everything else which is pretty awesome. Even the piano stuff in this is more synthy than what he usually goes for. If this is what the new album is going for, I'm all on board. It's very different than any of his previous stuff, but you can still feel that energy he has through the music and those final notes, hitting that falsetto, it's impressive. I remembered hearing it before on his previous album, but it's very buried in the mix, so it's not nearly as noticeable as it here.
I like the song more then the video personally, it reminded me a lot of the band called "Domine" and their "Dragonlord (Tales Of Nobel Steel) album. It's good to know metal is going back to it roots now these days. I am tired of all the grunge and alternative metal that still plays constantly on the modern radio stations from the 2000's and 1990's I am tired of grudge bands I am sick grunge and I never liked Pearl Jam, I bought 3 or 4 Pearl Jam Albums and I never saw why people thought they were so great.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on March 02, 2021, 11:49:13 am
Can anyone recommend me some good, new metal? I've had a hard time finding good, new metal.
I'm into melodic death metal, metalcore, 80s thrash, classic metal, and hair metal. A little of the 90s/early 2000s nu-metal stuff, too, but not the rap-infused bands. Even a little progressive like Queensryche, Savatage, and Nightwish.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 02, 2021, 04:37:35 pm
Evile has a new album coming out and they are a a modern thrash band.
Nuclear Power Trio is a killer prog metal group who is sort of a "supergroup" I believe with the musicians involved, though I don't remember who they are, no vocals though, but awesome instrumentation.
KOSM is one of my favorite newer bands, a prog metal band with a mixture of clean and harsh vocals, who have a Cthulu-esque/Bloodborne influence to their lyrics and even just released a Bloodborne inspired EP abit ago.
One of my most listened to songs from last year was Spiritbox "Holy Roller", and I dig them though I haven't gone too much into the songs, also could be sorta similar to KOSM with clean and harsh vocals, though this song is all harsh, but man it's a headbanger.
This is some of their clean vocal stuff.
I just noticed that Amorphis put out some new music and I liked one of their albums from before, it's like progressive/folk/power, so might lean into the bands you brought up towards the end, though they mix in some growling vocals too.
And for just kicks, Gloryhammer is that very not-serious power metal fun to have lol
There's probably a few other things I listened to over like the past year or two, I'll add them when I think of them.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on March 02, 2021, 05:45:21 pm
Thanks. I'll check those out. I do know, and love me some Amorphis. \m/
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on March 02, 2021, 07:54:09 pm
Can anyone recommend me some good, new metal? I've had a hard time finding good, new metal.
I'm into melodic death metal, metalcore, 80s thrash, classic metal, and hair metal. A little of the 90s/early 2000s nu-metal stuff, too, but not the rap-infused bands. Even a little progressive like Queensryche, Savatage, and Nightwish.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on April 07, 2021, 11:49:02 pm
What are folks most uncommon or sort out of place music genre they listen to? Not to say that it's weird to like more than a few certain things, but I'm generally a metalhead, give me something loud, fast, and heavy, I'm golden, it's 80% of what I listen to with rock and punk and some other stuff peppered in depending on my mood. I think the most out of place genre I'm into, when it's not like synthwave (Though I prefer heavier sounding synthwave with driving guitar, like Dance with the Dead or Carpenter Brut), would be Japanese City Pop. If I want something super chill, this is something I really enjoy. I don't know tons of it, but basically the music for the Bubblegum Crisis OVA's is great and I've found some good playlists on Youtube. Not sure why I love it, they usually have pretty great bass going on and just overall a nice band with smooth Japanese vocals, it just hits right.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: covfefe2020 on April 08, 2021, 09:37:06 am
What are folks most uncommon or sort out of place music genre they listen to?
Historical rebel music lol Black and Tans (Irish) Rhodesians never die (Rhodesian) Dixies Land (Confederate) Green Mountaineer (Vermont)
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on April 08, 2021, 02:57:58 pm
What are folks most uncommon or sort out of place music genre they listen to?
I listen to a little of everything even 1940's and 1950's music is inside my primary playlist. My favorite is light metal and hard rock, but I even dig rock 'n' roll, pop, grunge, soul, R&B some gospel I love inspirational hard rock a lot, I like new wave, new age,
Favorite instrument style of metal Bass guitar grind, I don't like screamo, death metal, black metal, or anything that leads towards honoring Satan or with hateful lyrics, and
defiantly not torcher soundtracks believe it or not this was a thing apparently I once bought a used copy of a "Noise Reduction soundtrack" I had not a clue what the fuck it was when I picked it up .every song was someone screaming bloody murder with one song call gasoline. I was not music it was just people screaming for their lives from what I remember, I didn't listen to it.
I immeditly got rid of it and broke that CD in pieces and put it into the trash.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dhaabi on April 08, 2021, 05:28:22 pm
Amon Amarth Iron Maiden Garth Brooks Weird Al Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on April 27, 2021, 02:54:35 am
What are folks hooked on lately? I've been going through a late 90's/early 00's punk playlist I put together which is great when I gotta head to the store, but I've been finding myself putting Primus on and just letting the albums roll through. They have such a weird and funky sound that I can both chill with or bop to lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Cartagia on April 27, 2021, 09:40:39 am
I've mostly been podcasts lately, but when I have gotten the itch for music it has generally been the Breathe / Firestarter era of Prodigy.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: pzeke on April 27, 2021, 12:37:51 pm
I've been going through a late 90's/early 00's punk playlist I put together [...]
Punk? Isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and knives?
That's Emo you're thinking of.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on May 20, 2021, 05:55:11 am
While they haven't gone out of style at all, I feel like getting a soundtrack for a movie is much less common these days than they use to be, especially since CD's aren't as big of a thing as they use to be, but what were movie soundtracks you were into? I had nostalgia spurred by something recently thinking about this and I know one of the top of my head right away was I'd walk around my town listening to the Gone in 60 Seconds soundtrack. It's kind of abnormal for what I was even listening to at the time, with like hip hop, alt rock, and electronic stuff, but particularly the more electronic stuff kinda hooked me, like Stop the Rock, Flower, and Busy Child.
I know there is another one or two from around this time that hooked me, but my dumb brain is struggling to remember, I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.
Also randomly, all this electronic music reminded me of that popular Fatboy Slim song from that time with Christopher Walkens dancing in it and turns out they re-released in 4k and it's crazy to think I'm looking at it in better quality now than I did online years ago in the early 00's lol Also it's funny watching this now in such high quality, because you can clearly see the stunt doubles way more clearly now when Walken has to like jump off stuff lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on May 21, 2021, 08:51:33 pm
I've been going through a late 90's/early 00's punk playlist I put together [...]
Punk? Isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and knives?
That's Emo you're thinking of.
Screamo is another subgenre of Emo according to what I read, I probably never heard any Emo before but I've heard Screamo, and it's basically just guys in their teens and 20's just shouting and yelling (at the top of their lungs) out lyrics that only some people are able to understand what they are even saying.
Death metal and Black metal is the vary next step down the Screamo latter. Only Death Metal has more of a growling like screamo type of lyrics, and Black metal is pretty much the same as Death only it's more for hard core fans of the Death and Screamo/Emo latter. My sister used to listen to all of the above AND just about everything I listen to as well. Except I don't think she ever listened to any torcher soundtracks AND NO not she is not a Satan worshiper either, she just used to like growling metal for some reason.
I'm guessing that people listen to that kind of metal because it lets out their aggression and frustration, but that only my guess on the take. :-\
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on May 21, 2021, 08:58:51 pm
While they haven't gone out of style at all, I feel like getting a soundtrack for a movie is much less common these days than they use to be, especially since CD's aren't as big of a thing as they use to be, but what were movie soundtracks you were into? I had nostalgia spurred by something recently thinking about this and I know one of the top of my head right away was I'd walk around my town listening to the Gone in 60 Seconds soundtrack. It's kind of abnormal for what I was even listening to at the time, with like hip hop, alt rock, and electronic stuff, but particularly the more electronic stuff kinda hooked me, like Stop the Rock, Flower, and Busy Child.
I know there is another one or two from around this time that hooked me, but my dumb brain is struggling to remember, I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough.
Also randomly, all this electronic music reminded me of that popular Fatboy Slim song from that time with Christopher Walkens dancing in it and turns out they re-released in 4k and it's crazy to think I'm looking at it in better quality now than I did online years ago in the early 00's lol Also it's funny watching this now in such high quality, because you can clearly see the stunt doubles way more clearly now when Walken has to like jump off stuff lol
Purple Rain's the movie soundtrack is another movie soundtrack that is actually vary good in my opinion, it was made by the famous Pop/Rock 1980's Singer and band called "Prince And The Revolution" If any of you grew up listening to the radio in the 1980's, or 1990's and so on.
Might have heard the famous song "When The Doves Cry" or the Song called " Purple Rain" I'm sure if you heard the song I'm sure anyone might have heard them before on the radio.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: 98dgreen on May 22, 2021, 03:45:37 pm
I've been going through a late 90's/early 00's punk playlist I put together [...]
Punk? Isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and knives?
That's Emo you're thinking of.
Screamo is another subgenre of Emo according to what I read, I probably never heard any Emo before but I've heard Screamo, and it's basically just guys in their teens and 20's just shouting and yelling (at the top of their lungs) out lyrics that only some people are able to understand what they are even saying.
Death metal and Black metal is the vary next step down the Screamo latter. Only Death Metal has more of a growling like screamo type of lyrics, and Black metal is pretty much the same as Death only it's more for hard core fans of the Death and Screamo/Emo latter. My sister used to listen to all of the above AND just about everything I listen to as well. Except I don't think she ever listened to any torcher soundtracks AND NO not she is not a Satan worshiper either, she just used to like growling metal for some reason.
I'm guessing that people listen to that kind of metal because it lets out their aggression and frustration, but that only my guess on the take. :-\
Black and Death metal came before Screamo and neither had much influence on Screamo.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: pzeke on May 24, 2021, 05:04:22 am
Anyway, I guess my post continues to fly over everyone's head...and I'm actually content with it.
I agree with you! I don't like Screamo either, I never understood why so many people like it :-\
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on May 25, 2021, 10:16:23 am
Screamo (and emo) while not technically a genre, is a label which encompasses a lot of things, most of which are rooted in some fashion from the hardcore punk scene and having almost nothing to do with heavy metal. It's some of the best music produced by my generation and frankly if you don't like it, you are probably lame. Aside from the technical death metal scene, there's been relatively little else that's even notable to come out of gen Y. Our pop music was absolute garbage, our rock music was terribly cookie cutter crap, our hip-hop was comically abysmal, and our country the most embarrassing yet.
Of course, music is one of the most subjective things ever. Everyone has their own take on it and that's just fine. My take is your favorite band is crap, and screamo for the win.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: pzeke on May 25, 2021, 12:39:36 pm
It's some of the best music produced by my generation and frankly if you don't like it, you are probably lame. Aside from the technical death metal scene, there's been relatively little else that's even notable to come out of gen Y.
As a Gen Y according to it ranging back to 1981, I do not support this statement lol
I'm just poking fun, I actually tried to find some screamo bands to see if I ever listened to them, but it seems like a lot of people think "screamo" are just metalcore or post-hardcore bands, and even then, I've barely listened to that genre outside of a couple bands, so I'm pretty sure I've listened to no screamo. Mid-2000's, I was listening to older bands doingstuff or I was listening to other bands that had put out stuff in the 2000's like Dragonforce, 3 Inches of Blood, Lamb of God, etc...
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on June 01, 2021, 09:26:19 pm
It's some of the best music produced by my generation and frankly if you don't like it, you are probably lame. Aside from the technical death metal scene, there's been relatively little else that's even notable to come out of gen Y.
As a Gen Y according to it ranging back to 1981, I do not support this statement lol
I'm just poking fun, I actually tried to find some screamo bands to see if I ever listened to them, but it seems like a lot of people think "screamo" are just metalcore or post-hardcore bands, and even then, I've barely listened to that genre outside of a couple bands, so I'm pretty sure I've listened to no screamo. Mid-2000's, I was listening to older bands doingstuff or I was listening to other bands that had put out stuff in the 2000's like Dragonforce, 3 Inches of Blood, Lamb of God, etc...
If born in 1981, an aspiring musician likely would not have not have bore fruit until at least the late 90s. By that point they'd be in their late teens which is usually when most start their music careers and that sounds about right. I dig a lot of music from the late 90s through the late 2000s and into the 2010s. If you're talking bands that were already performing or peaking in their careers from the 80s and through the 90s, those weren't millennials they were the gen X'ers.
But yeah, a lot of what gets labeled screamo is essentially post-hardcore of some fashion. You have the more avant-garde variety like The Number Twelve Looks Like You, Blood Brothers, Fear Before, Rolo Tomassi.... the pop-infused variety like Pierce the Veil, Senses Fail, Silverstein, and then the more orthodox post-hardcore like Title Fight, Sunny Deal Real Estate, Pianos Become The Teeth, etc. I kinda like all of that sort of stuff. Never could get into the "metalcore", although that scene in itself was freaking HUGE... I've always struggled to get into most things metal, outside of some progressive.
Check out the song Grandfather by The Number Twelve Looks Like You. It's an awesome blend of screamo with some progressive.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Flashback2012 on June 02, 2021, 12:32:52 am
As an old fart, enjoy this song from 1970... Give Me Just A Little More Time by the Chairmen of the Board ( :P
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on June 02, 2021, 01:59:19 pm
I like it. I actually enjoy a lot of pop music from the 60s and 70s, that was probably the golden age for pop music. It's hard to fathom an era when turning on the radio resulted in hearing pleasant songs.
Today's pop music is like you don't know if it's meant to make you laugh at the absurdity, cry, or cringe on behalf of all humanity.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on June 02, 2021, 02:00:38 pm
Double post.... but I just found this ( and thought it was pretty rad.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: seether on June 02, 2021, 06:12:21 pm
late night vibes... calm chillhop beats click (
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: weirdfeline on June 02, 2021, 08:12:44 pm
I recently started listening to Kenny G. Sounds like being inside of a Kmart!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on June 02, 2021, 11:41:40 pm
Discovered this band through an ad on YouTube while listening to Insomnium.
Pretty damn cool Metalcore song. I will be exploring them more. Just wanted to share in the awesomeness. \m/
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on June 15, 2021, 05:09:15 am
I'm absolutely hooked on the Happy Turtle battle theme from the Yuffie DLC in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I unironically love this and another similar song with "Crazy Chocobo" from back with FFXIII-2 lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: telly on June 29, 2021, 10:39:07 pm
Listening to Hiatus Kaiyote's Mood Valiant. After 6 years it's great to hear a new project from them. Really digging the record right now, feels like a more polished and mature follow up to Choose Your Weapon. :)
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on July 02, 2021, 10:20:59 pm
Jimmy Eat World is one of those bands I wrote off for ages because I didn't care for "The Middle" and would hear it played over and over again. Then I sort of realized, I actually like every other song I've heard by them. Why not start at the beginning? So I picked up "Static Prevails", debut album. Raw, noisy, volatile, a bit on the amateur side. Good stuff, actually.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on July 28, 2021, 09:34:14 pm
Joey Jordison (46) - Drummer of Slipknot
Dusty Hill (72) - Bassist ZZ TOP
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on July 28, 2021, 09:54:52 pm
Dusty Hill is a real bummer, I grew up listening to ZZ Top on the radio all the time. In particular, while Gibbons does most of the vocals, Dusty Hill was a solid singer himself, in particular Tush maybe could be his most well known song he was lead on and is a great tune. He will certainly be missed.
Joey was a surprise just because he was only in his 40's, which real rough. It's sad he never got to seemingly sort things out with Slipknot, do some stuff with them again.
Another to add to this was Mike Howe, he was singer for Metal Church in the 90's and then reunited with them in the 2010's. I don't know him as much from that stuff, I listened more to their first two albums and their 2000's output, but I listened to some of the stuff from the 2010's and its a bummer for him to have passed after only having reunited a few years back.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: burningdoom on October 29, 2021, 08:20:06 pm
Anyone here like the band In This Moment?
Just wondering. Love the band. Great music, and Maria Brink (the lead singer) is sexiest woman in metal.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on October 29, 2021, 09:34:19 pm
Just wondering. Love the band. Great music, and Maria Brink (the lead singer) is sexiest woman in metal.
I tried to get into them abit, but mostly I dug the song Roots, their cover of Call Me, and Black Wedding is great with Rob Halford.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on October 30, 2021, 03:04:33 am
Where does everyone shop for music? My mom is giving me some rock/metal CD's she found at Doller Tree for $1 USD a piece, she found one CD with the lead singer for Great White band in it.
Personally I have not hd enough money to by any music for my radio station latly but I do have over 16,000 songs in the stream playlist at the moment, personally I like to shop at Walmart for music, when I get the chance I am going to buy some more music for my radio station. The listeners have dwindled to maybe 5-7 per day since VLC decided to take my station off their playlist and put others in rotation instead :( it was fun to get 1000 listeners in one day while it lasted VLC is currently one of the only apps that has listeners only people who have not updated VLC can see my broadcast on VLC in which sucks.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: weirdfeline on October 31, 2021, 11:49:58 am
Limp Bizkit's first new album in over a decade is finally here!!!!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on February 20, 2022, 07:35:33 pm
I developed some huge musical taste changes in my life recently so thought of this thread, noticed nobody is posting as much in here.
Does anyone like Green Day or System Of A Down in here?
Anything 21 guns or newer loses it's appeal to me but Dookie and American Idiot were just such perfect pop punk albums and damn near every song has been taking me down a trip of remembering the simpler times. I reccomend holiday, and of course their mainstream songs.
Also system of a down seems to sound different with every song they made, their are no two alike. A very talented singer.
So as someone who mostly listens to pop and rap. That is my shift :)
I knew that Dookie was reissued, but I was unaware that the cover was given a face-lift. I must say, not my cup of tea, in all honesty. The original may have outdated references, but it's definitely leagues ahead of the modernized, vainglorious redesign.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dhaabi on August 15, 2023, 10:30:18 am
I've decided to post a follow-up post of sorts to my previous post (,11869.msg196214.html#msg196214) in another topic. I'm thinking that this general topic is perhaps more suited to the content.
So, I've been maintaining a music log since May 19, 2022. Throughout that time up to July 31, 2023, I listened to 1,124 albums. It reads like a lot, but that's an average of 2.84 albums/day. Since I've been tracking the stat in February 2023, I've listened to artists of 36 different nationalities.
Here is a post on imgur ( of my favorite albums during that 15-month span which were all first listens. I didn't put in the effort to organize the content in numerous ways this time like before, so I settled on alphabetical organization. All of the same data type collected from before is still visible aside from genre. I'm pretty open to most musical styles, though, so what I really liked from this period reflects that.
Here is a breakdown of some stats for my 60 favorites: AU: 2 AR: 1 BR: 1 CA: 2 DE: 1 ES: 1 FR: 3 IN: 2 JP: 9 KR: 1 MX: 2 MY: 1 UK: 10 US: 23 ZA: 1
Like before, I'd be happy to receive any recommendations.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 05, 2024, 06:30:06 pm
Bit of a random topic to bring this thread back to life with, but I started delving into AFI's 90's output because I sorta realized that other than the All Hallows EP, I never got into the band, because when I got into that EP for being involved with Tony Hawk and then when they got more popular with their early 00's output with songs like Miss Murder, and it was more...emo and dropping the more punk vibe, I just had no interest in the band and otherwise never listened to anything else other than that single EP.
Finally started diving into their stuff and basically everything from their first album to The Art of Drowning is great, short of Very Proud of Ya (Production isn't as good as the album before and after for some reason and it doesn't work as well alongside everything else to me). Kinda surprised I never tried to delve deeper honestly, especially with how much I was into punk in the late 90's/early 00's as a teen.
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: betelgeuse on February 05, 2024, 07:27:06 pm
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol
I use to buy CD’s and just listen to the few songs that got on the air. I find myself just playing the whole album now. So much good songs I skipped over throughout the years!!!
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dhaabi on February 08, 2024, 11:51:27 am
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol
In a sense, yes, but it's more that I'm aware there is more good music from artists I like available which I just haven't listened to yet. Back during Limewire days, the only two albums I ever listened to from MF Doom were Operation: Doomsday and Mm..Food. I enjoyed them a lot, but that was the extent of my time listening to MF Doom for over ten years. I still haven't listened to everything from his discography, but there's a clear reason why MF Doom is popular. In the rare moment I ever do feel like listening to something not yet experienced from his catalog, it's never disappointing. I'm just taking it slowly.
Another artist, although to a lesser extent, is Kate Bush. Close to fifteen years ago, I listened to her singles and enjoyed them, but it wasn't until she regained popularity as an artist in recent years did I feel feel like visiting her collective work.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dhaabi on February 08, 2024, 12:19:13 pm
Growing up in a college town on the near outskirts of a music city hub, I was around a lot of people involved with music. I still have friends going at it, but I've just found out that someone who's more of an acquaintance of mine has started breaking ground after losing tabs on him after he started performing under the stage name Dan Spencer ( That said, he's now signed to a small label run by Post Malone of all artists, plays frequently at events for larger artists, and is gaining a following. It's always nice when, after years of work just plugging away at something, things start happening.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Warmsignal on February 09, 2024, 11:59:40 am
Had a bit of a score yesterday at Goodwill. Typically my luck is rotten, I always check the CDs for anything even slightly tolerable. Often come up empty handed as there are of course, known resellers in my area who scarf up anything that's not holiday/children/gospel/country/soundtrack/oldies. Apparently this time I beat them to a fresh batch. For $1.50, I'll pick up anything that's listenable, doesn't have to be a favorite. I'm a lot more open to the array of different bands now, than I was in my youth where it had to be a super specif sound, or I'd write it off. Think I grabbed about 7 or 8 CDs. Should be a good time.
We haven't had a proper record store in my area for over at least 5 years now. I miss the luxury of dedicated physical media shops already, just a cool nostalgic experience most of us won't ever be getting back. I don't miss paying $18 for a CD, but just browsing physic media was always a treat.
Finally started diving into their stuff and basically everything from their first album to The Art of Drowning is great, short of Very Proud of Ya (Production isn't as good as the album before and after for some reason and it doesn't work as well alongside everything else to me). Kinda surprised I never tried to delve deeper honestly, especially with how much I was into punk in the late 90's/early 00's as a teen
In my early teen years, I was obsessed with their 90s back catalog. I remember browsing FYE and they had like every 90s LP/EP from them. I think I eventually bought most all of them. Still have those in my collection. Seems a lot of those bands that started out in the 90s would play a very different style at first, and then adapt to a more mainstream sound later on. I'm sure you've heard of 90s alt band Goo Goo Dolls? You know, the band behind radio hits like Iris, Black Baloon, Slide, etc? Check out their self-titled first album from 1987 and see if it sounds like the same band at all. Yeah I was obsessed with their back catalog as well, as a kid.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: pzeke on February 26, 2024, 10:24:41 am
Bit of a random topic to bring this thread back to life with, but I started delving into AFI's 90's output because I sorta realized that other than the All Hallows EP, I never got into the band, because when I got into that EP for being involved with Tony Hawk and then when they got more popular with their early 00's output with songs like Miss Murder, and it was more...emo and dropping the more punk vibe, I just had no interest in the band and otherwise never listened to anything else other than that single EP.
Davey destroyed the punk scene.
I'm being facetious, of course. Early AFI was and still is the shit, with their horror punk–oriented albums being my absolute favorites; however, I stopped listening after "Decemberunderground", which I liked if I'm being honest, but I drifted away from the band and didn't bother to listen to anything else from them. Actually, with the aforementioned and "Sing the Sorrow", they're the only "emo" band I've ever listened to. And mind you, that's not a dig at them, as I find those two albums worth a listen.
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol
I've obsessed over bands for sure, especially when it comes to certain albums or songs, but never to the point where I focus on one thing from them and ignore the rest; on the contrary, I tend to try and get as much from their output as possible, especially when discovering them for the first time. Or at least I did back then, when I was more active when it came to music, as nowadays I rarely go out of my comfort zone, as hardly anything entices me to do so.
Non sequitur, or maybe not given the context of the conversation, but this reminded me of a time long ago when my mother threw away a Bad Religion t-shirt I had, the black one with just their logomark/emblem, because, you know, a prohibition sign pressed against a "crucifix" must mean my son is a satanist or something. I remember asking her about it because I wanted to wear the shirt one day and couldn't find it, to which she replied with the ever-so-trite "I don't know what you're talking about", which I knew without a doubt was bovine manure. So, given that I knew that she knew what I was indeed talking about, but since I didn't want to go through the whole ordeal that is "mother discussions over nothing" while still feeling a bit snarky, I simply told her to let me know next time she wanted to throw anything else that I had paid for so that I could then charge her the money I spent first before the trashing. Granted, saying that didn't exactly go well because "nothings" were in fact discussed, but she understood what I meant. That was ages ago. Growing up, she was never a restrictive parent, and she on occasion loses even her own things, which one could say is what happened, but given she's quite religious—albeit not overly, for clarity's sake—I'm sure having seen the shirt gave her the wrong impression, even though the way she went about it was antipodal to her whole persona.
By the way, and this is just an observation, so there's no need to take it to heart or anything, but you type "lol" quite a lot. ...Well, I guess we could mark that as the actual non-sequitur.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 26, 2024, 02:59:16 pm
By the way, and this is just an observation, so there's no need to take it to heart or anything, but you type "lol" quite a lot. ...Well, I guess we could mark that as the actual non-sequitur.
It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet. Been on the internet for way too long lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: pzeke on February 27, 2024, 03:02:49 am
It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet. Been on the internet for way too long lol
I get it; old habits die hard. Like I said, it was just an observation. I actually had a friend in high school who spent so much time playing online games that he would say "lol" whenever he found something funny or amusing. It was kind of weird at first, but we eventually got used to it, although another one of our friends would say something along the lines of, "Why are you saying it? Just chuckle or something!"
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 27, 2024, 04:36:13 am
It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet. Been on the internet for way too long lol
I get it; old habits die hard. Like I said, it was just an observation. I actually had a friend in high school who spent so much time playing online games that he would say "lol" whenever he found something funny or amusing. It was kind of weird at first, but we eventually got used to it, although another one of our friends would say something along the lines of, "Why are you saying it? Just chuckle or something!"
Oh yeah, I've seen that before too, I'm definitely not someone to do it in real life, it just works well in a shorthand way online. I always found it weird to otherwise type "Haha" or anything like that, to get a laugh across online, as for some reason, that just reads awkward to me, no clue why.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: oldgamerz on May 12, 2024, 07:04:50 am
I have many CD and even vinyl and also cassettes as well over 2000 albums of mix genres and slightly over 28,000 songs but I am maxed out for my own radio station because any more music and My app would not work anymore correctly. my music is mix. I got regular rock, pop, Classic Rock Alternative, Classic Metal, R&B, and Soul, as well as gospel and Christian rock with some Hip Hop, and Blues music as well oh and also some Classic Country music as well. When it comes to music I am not too picky of a DJ but? I did delete certain songs and albums in the past because they are not good songs in my own opinion to say the least of text.
Dookie is good I have that album among my base that was a Green Day band Album. also got the American Idiot album by them as well.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: alligo on May 24, 2024, 03:08:34 am
My favorite albums for this year :
Blue Lips Dark Times We still don't trust you
A good year for rap.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: stealthrush on September 29, 2024, 03:10:33 am
My favorite albums for this year (so far) :
VERITAS - P.O.D. OMNI, Part 2 - Project 86 Finally!- The Aquabats! When We Were Kings - Stryper The Fall - Trapt
Call the Devil - Mushroomhead The Surface Seems So Far - Seether Victim 1 - A Killer's Confession Project: Regeneration Vol. 2 - Static-X Let Go - KMFDM
Live album, OMNIFEST - Project 86 Deluxe album, Confessions of the Fallen - Staind
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on October 01, 2024, 06:05:51 am
If you want something to really bang your head to, Maximum the Hormone came out with a new version of their old song "Shimi", doing it with the pop group Atarashii Gakko! and it's great. I love the original, but this is such a fun take that works perfectly with their usual mixing of styles. I love in particular when a band re-records old stuff, especially if they are just as good, if not better than what they use to be and Maximum can still go hard. Maximum is just an absolute favorite band of mine.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on October 15, 2024, 04:38:30 pm
If wanting a good rock/heavy metal album, check out "Rebirth - Greatest Hits" from Old Gods of Asgard. It's a collection of the music they've done for Alan Wake 1/2 and Control, but it all works together as like one great rock album. Don't even have to know the games, only one song is actively talking about story stuff from the game, and that's Herald of Darkness, but even then, it's a good song to listen to on its own, I probably heard it a dozen times before I actually got around to playing Alan Wake 2 lol
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: redblaze57 on November 04, 2024, 12:57:02 pm
As of right now I think the worst album this year is Incubus - Morning View XXIII
The re-recording of this Album is just... Bad. Brandon Boyd just sounds off to me. The bass is almost non-existent and whenever you do hear it, it's very muted. Unless they aren't allowed to make money off that album due to some weird copyright BS, I think it was a bad idea to remake this album.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: cygnusjaklynn on November 06, 2024, 11:50:31 pm
My Top 20 favorite bands/artists (
Nightwish JAM Project DragonForce Celldweller Lacuna Coil HIM Kouji Wada Spineshank Static-X Subway to Sally Iris LiSA Faun Rhapsody of Fire Essenger Scandroid The Birthday Massacre Ghost Shoko Nakagawa KANA-BOON L'Arc En Ciel
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: Cartagia on November 07, 2024, 04:27:35 am
Spineshank? Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: dhaabi on November 09, 2024, 08:02:01 pm
You may find these items in the database interesting.
Light My Fire: L’Arc-en-Ciel ( Don't Be Afraid: L'Arc-en-Ciel (
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on December 09, 2024, 11:50:25 am
Anyone here like My Chemical Romance or Evernescence?
Title: Re: Music thread
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 09, 2025, 01:14:31 am
This might be one of the very few pop albums I've ever listened to nearly all the way through, but Lady Gaga's new album "MAYHEM" has some pretty good tunes lol There's definitely a few songs I'm not super into, but there's a lot of that works for me, that whole "Dark Pop" vibe she has, some kinda throw back synthy stuff, it just has more to it that works for me compared to most pop.
I've liked a couple songs of hers in the past like Judas, but generally never listened to much since. The real standouts are definitely Disease and Abracadabra, but there's some other good bops too. It's mostly the first half of the album that I think works for me, the latter half not so much, but as someone who rarely listens to pop songs, that's pretty good.