Author Topic: Music thread  (Read 53711 times)


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Re: Music thread
« Reply #210 on: April 22, 2022, 11:48:59 pm »
-Figure Number Five
-Stabbing the Drama

Soilwork is good stuff.

Me and the wife saw Rise Against and Pennywise last night. Great show!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2022, 11:50:55 pm by burningdoom »


Re: Music thread
« Reply #211 on: April 23, 2022, 05:23:23 pm »

I knew that Dookie was reissued, but I was unaware that the cover was given a face-lift. I must say, not my cup of tea, in all honesty. The original may have outdated references, but it's definitely leagues ahead of the modernized, vainglorious redesign.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!


Re: Music thread
« Reply #212 on: August 15, 2023, 10:30:18 am »
I've decided to post a follow-up post of sorts to my previous post in another topic. I'm thinking that this general topic is perhaps more suited to the content.

So, I've been maintaining a music log since May 19, 2022. Throughout that time up to July 31, 2023, I listened to 1,124 albums. It reads like a lot, but that's an average of 2.84 albums/day. Since I've been tracking the stat in February 2023, I've listened to artists of 36 different nationalities.

Here is a post on imgur of my favorite albums during that 15-month span which were all first listens. I didn't put in the effort to organize the content in numerous ways this time like before, so I settled on alphabetical organization. All of the same data type collected from before is still visible aside from genre. I'm pretty open to most musical styles, though, so what I really liked from this period reflects that.

Here is a breakdown of some stats for my 60 favorites:
AU: 2
AR: 1
BR: 1
CA: 2
DE: 1
ES: 1
FR: 3
IN: 2
JP: 9
KR: 1
MX: 2
MY: 1
UK: 10
US: 23
ZA: 1

1960s: 2
1970s: 12
1980s: 2
1990s: 11
2000s: 11
2010s: 10
2020s: 12

Like before, I'd be happy to receive any recommendations.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 10:39:59 am by dhaabi »

Re: Music thread
« Reply #213 on: February 05, 2024, 06:30:06 pm »
Bit of a random topic to bring this thread back to life with, but I started delving into AFI's 90's output because I sorta realized that other than the All Hallows EP, I never got into the band, because when I got into that EP for being involved with Tony Hawk and then when they got more popular with their early 00's output with songs like Miss Murder, and it was more...emo and dropping the more punk vibe, I just had no interest in the band and otherwise never listened to anything else other than that single EP.

Finally started diving into their stuff and basically everything from their first album to The Art of Drowning is great, short of Very Proud of Ya (Production isn't as good as the album before and after for some reason and it doesn't work as well alongside everything else to me).  Kinda surprised I never tried to delve deeper honestly, especially with how much I was into punk in the late 90's/early 00's as a teen.

Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol

Re: Music thread
« Reply #214 on: February 05, 2024, 07:27:06 pm »
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol

I use to buy CD’s and just listen to the few songs that got on the air. I find myself just playing the whole album now. So much good songs I skipped over throughout the years!!!


Re: Music thread
« Reply #215 on: February 08, 2024, 11:51:27 am »
Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol

In a sense, yes, but it's more that I'm aware there is more good music from artists I like available which I just haven't listened to yet. Back during Limewire days, the only two albums I ever listened to from MF Doom were Operation: Doomsday and Mm..Food. I enjoyed them a lot, but that was the extent of my time listening to MF Doom for over ten years. I still haven't listened to everything from his discography, but there's a clear reason why MF Doom is popular. In the rare moment I ever do feel like listening to something not yet experienced from his catalog, it's never disappointing. I'm just taking it slowly.

Another artist, although to a lesser extent, is Kate Bush. Close to fifteen years ago, I listened to her singles and enjoyed them, but it wasn't until she regained popularity as an artist in recent years did I feel feel like visiting her collective work.


Re: Music thread
« Reply #216 on: February 08, 2024, 12:19:13 pm »
Growing up in a college town on the near outskirts of a music city hub, I was around a lot of people involved with music. I still have friends going at it, but I've just found out that someone who's more of an acquaintance of mine has started breaking ground after losing tabs on him after he started performing under the stage name Dan Spencer. That said, he's now signed to a small label run by Post Malone of all artists, plays frequently at events for larger artists, and is gaining a following. It's always nice when, after years of work just plugging away at something, things start happening.


Re: Music thread
« Reply #217 on: February 09, 2024, 11:59:40 am »
Had a bit of a score yesterday at Goodwill. Typically my luck is rotten, I always check the CDs for anything even slightly tolerable. Often come up empty handed as there are of course, known resellers in my area who scarf up anything that's not holiday/children/gospel/country/soundtrack/oldies. Apparently this time I beat them to a fresh batch. For $1.50, I'll pick up anything that's listenable, doesn't have to be a favorite. I'm a lot more open to the array of different bands now, than I was in my youth where it had to be a super specif sound, or I'd write it off. Think I grabbed about 7 or 8 CDs. Should be a good time.

We haven't had a proper record store in my area for over at least 5 years now. I miss the luxury of dedicated physical media shops already, just a cool nostalgic experience most of us won't ever be getting back. I don't miss paying $18 for a CD, but just browsing physic media was always a treat.

Finally started diving into their stuff and basically everything from their first album to The Art of Drowning is great, short of Very Proud of Ya (Production isn't as good as the album before and after for some reason and it doesn't work as well alongside everything else to me).  Kinda surprised I never tried to delve deeper honestly, especially with how much I was into punk in the late 90's/early 00's as a teen

In my early teen years, I was obsessed with their 90s back catalog. I remember browsing FYE and they had like every 90s LP/EP from them. I think I eventually bought most all of them. Still have those in my collection. Seems a lot of those bands that started out in the 90s would play a very different style at first, and then adapt to a more mainstream sound later on. I'm sure you've heard of 90s alt band Goo Goo Dolls? You know, the band behind radio hits like Iris, Black Baloon, Slide, etc? Check out their self-titled first album from 1987 and see if it sounds like the same band at all. Yeah I was obsessed with their back catalog as well, as a kid.


Re: Music thread
« Reply #218 on: February 26, 2024, 10:24:41 am »
Bit of a random topic to bring this thread back to life with, but I started delving into AFI's 90's output because I sorta realized that other than the All Hallows EP, I never got into the band, because when I got into that EP for being involved with Tony Hawk and then when they got more popular with their early 00's output with songs like Miss Murder, and it was more...emo and dropping the more punk vibe, I just had no interest in the band and otherwise never listened to anything else other than that single EP.

Davey destroyed the punk scene.

I'm being facetious, of course. Early AFI was and still is the shit, with their horror punk–oriented albums being my absolute favorites; however, I stopped listening after "Decemberunderground", which I liked if I'm being honest, but I drifted away from the band and didn't bother to listen to anything else from them. Actually, with the aforementioned and "Sing the Sorrow", they're the only "emo" band I've ever listened to. And mind you, that's not a dig at them, as I find those two albums worth a listen.

Anyone else had that? You got obsessed with something specific from a band, maybe a song or one album, and you just never realized they had a bunch of other great stuff till later on? I often have the thing where I'll get hooked on a single song or two, but the rest of the band's output does little for me and that's just how it stays, but never have I just been like "Oh, there's like 4 sick albums I just never got into for no real reason" lol

I've obsessed over bands for sure, especially when it comes to certain albums or songs, but never to the point where I focus on one thing from them and ignore the rest; on the contrary, I tend to try and get as much from their output as possible, especially when discovering them for the first time. Or at least I did back then, when I was more active when it came to music, as nowadays I rarely go out of my comfort zone, as hardly anything entices me to do so.

Non sequitur, or maybe not given the context of the conversation, but this reminded me of a time long ago when my mother threw away a Bad Religion t-shirt I had, the black one with just their logomark/emblem, because, you know, a prohibition sign pressed against a "crucifix" must mean my son is a satanist or something. I remember asking her about it because I wanted to wear the shirt one day and couldn't find it, to which she replied with the ever-so-trite "I don't know what you're talking about", which I knew without a doubt was bovine manure. So, given that I knew that she knew what I was indeed talking about, but since I didn't want to go through the whole ordeal that is "mother discussions over nothing" while still feeling a bit snarky, I simply told her to let me know next time she wanted to throw anything else that I had paid for so that I could then charge her the money I spent first before the trashing. Granted, saying that didn't exactly go well because "nothings" were in fact discussed, but she understood what I meant. That was ages ago. Growing up, she was never a restrictive parent, and she on occasion loses even her own things, which one could say is what happened, but given she's quite religious—albeit not overly, for clarity's sake—I'm sure having seen the shirt gave her the wrong impression, even though the way she went about it was antipodal to her whole persona.

By the way, and this is just an observation, so there's no need to take it to heart or anything, but you type "lol" quite a lot. ...Well, I guess we could mark that as the actual non-sequitur.

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: Music thread
« Reply #219 on: February 26, 2024, 02:59:16 pm »
By the way, and this is just an observation, so there's no need to take it to heart or anything, but you type "lol" quite a lot. ...Well, I guess we could mark that as the actual non-sequitur.

It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet.  Been on the internet for way too long lol


Re: Music thread
« Reply #220 on: February 27, 2024, 03:02:49 am »
It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet.  Been on the internet for way too long lol

I get it; old habits die hard. Like I said, it was just an observation. I actually had a friend in high school who spent so much time playing online games that he would say "lol" whenever he found something funny or amusing. It was kind of weird at first, but we eventually got used to it, although another one of our friends would say something along the lines of, "Why are you saying it? Just chuckle or something!"

I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!

Re: Music thread
« Reply #221 on: February 27, 2024, 04:36:13 am »
It's abit of a bad habit that I have to get across that I'm being more lighthearted about stuff since it can be hard to get across certain tones on the internet.  Been on the internet for way too long lol

I get it; old habits die hard. Like I said, it was just an observation. I actually had a friend in high school who spent so much time playing online games that he would say "lol" whenever he found something funny or amusing. It was kind of weird at first, but we eventually got used to it, although another one of our friends would say something along the lines of, "Why are you saying it? Just chuckle or something!"

Oh yeah, I've seen that before too, I'm definitely not someone to do it in real life, it just works well in a shorthand way online.  I always found it weird to otherwise type "Haha" or anything like that, to get a laugh across online, as for some reason, that just reads awkward to me, no clue why.


Re: Music thread
« Reply #222 on: May 12, 2024, 07:04:50 am »
I have many CD and even vinyl and also cassettes as well over 2000 albums of mix genres and slightly over 28,000 songs but I am maxed out for my own radio station because any more music and My app would not work anymore correctly. my music is mix. I got regular rock, pop, Classic Rock Alternative, Classic Metal, R&B, and Soul, as well as gospel and Christian rock with some Hip Hop, and Blues music as well oh and also some Classic Country music as well. When it comes to music I am not too picky of a DJ but? I did delete certain songs and albums in the past because they are not good songs in my own opinion to say the least of text.

Dookie is good I have that album among my base that was a Green Day band Album. also got the American Idiot album by them as well.
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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Re: Music thread
« Reply #223 on: May 24, 2024, 03:08:34 am »
My favorite albums for this year :

Blue Lips
Dark Times
We still don't trust you

A good year for rap.

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: Music thread
« Reply #224 on: September 29, 2024, 03:10:33 am »
My favorite albums for this year (so far) :

OMNI, Part 2 - Project 86
Finally!- The Aquabats!
When We Were Kings - Stryper
The Fall - Trapt

Call the Devil - Mushroomhead
The Surface Seems So Far - Seether
Victim 1 - A Killer's Confession
Project: Regeneration Vol. 2 - Static-X
Let Go - KMFDM

Live album, OMNIFEST - Project 86
Deluxe album, Confessions of the Fallen - Staind