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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: Oheao on September 27, 2013, 07:52:33 am
Does anyone else hear like learning languages? I am currently learning French, German, Greek, and Mandarin Chinese. I'm also taking Spanish next semester, and am planning n learning Japanese.
I am learning Japanese, but I have to focus on marching band and school as of right now.
I'm learning Japanese right now, too. But work/school is taking up a lot of time. And there's no time for gaming, either!
How can you learn so many at the same time? I'd worry I'd get them mixed up.
How can you learn so many at the same time?
I know; right :o
I'm fluent in 2 languages, ~ 1/2 fluent in 2 more, and know 100 words or so in 2 or 3 more...and that shit wasn't easy!
Some people just have a gift for them, I guess...
How can you learn so many at the same time?
I know; right :o
I'm fluent in 2 languages, ~ 1/2 fluent in 2 more, and know 100 words or so in 2 or 3 more...and that shit wasn't easy!
Some people just have a gift for them, I guess...
Well, I try to be dedicated to them. I'm only really fluent in English, and kind of fluent in French (not really though), so I have a long way to go. What languages do you know?
Fluent in English & Spanish
Know (varying amounts up ~ 1/2 fluent (or less)) = Arabic, Portuguese, Italian, Latin, German, and French.
Keep in mind that I'm only "fluent" in 2 & just know bits & pieces of the rest :)
learning new languages has always been difficult for me, Hell my dad is from Mexico and I can barely speak spanish. I have tried sooooo many different programs to learn (would be nice to be able to talk with my grandma she still lives in Mexico) but just can't learn it. I understand better than I can speak it but it is no where where it should be. Growing up my dad only spoke english to us because he was trying to learn english himself. I wish he would have taught us spanish first then english second :'(
learning new languages has always been difficult for me, Hell my dad is from Mexico and I can barely speak spanish. I have tried sooooo many different programs to learn (would be nice to be able to talk with my grandma she still lives in Mexico) but just can't learn it. I understand better than I can speak it but it is no where where it should be. Growing up my dad only spoke english to us because he was trying to learn english himself. I wish he would have taught us spanish first then english second :'(
Yeah, I can get why it's hard for some people. The only way to learn really is by practising, practising, and practising.
I know english and french. Started learning spanish, hated it so I stopped after my high school class.
A few years back I started japanese but also stopped for no real reason, but I'm a lot more competent in japanese than I ever was at spanish. I can't speak a whole lot of it, but I can understand it relatively well, and read it fine as long as kanji doesn't start appearing (I only know a handful of those).
I used to study Hebrew (current and old tongue) and it was very fun trying to read a Hebrew version of the Bible! Got older and when I did not have to use Hebrew and every day life, I kind of forgot most of what I learned. I want to get back into it again. I want to learn Arabic as well after hebrew ;) Anyone on here speak Hebrew???
I know english and french. Started learning spanish, hated it so I stopped after my high school class.
A few years back I started japanese but also stopped for no real reason, but I'm a lot more competent in japanese than I ever was at spanish. I can't speak a whole lot of it, but I can understand it relatively well, and read it fine as long as kanji doesn't start appearing (I only know a handful of those).
Pourquoi tu détestais l'espagnol? Je veux apprendre le japonais, mais je ne sais pas si j'ai le temps. J'ai peur à propos les kanji. J'apprends les sinogrammes pour chinois, et c'est très difficile!
I used to study Hebrew (current and old tongue) and it was very fun trying to read a Hebrew version of the Bible! Got older and when I did not have to use Hebrew and every day life, I kind of forgot most of what I learned. I want to get back into it again. I want to learn Arabic as well after hebrew ;) Anyone on here speak Hebrew???
Do you have an interest in Israel? My brother wants to learn Arabic, but I'm not sure if he will. That's pretty cool that you used to be able to read Hebrew! I hope that I won't forget any of my languages.
learning new languages has always been difficult for me, Hell my dad is from Mexico and I can barely speak spanish. I have tried sooooo many different programs to learn (would be nice to be able to talk with my grandma she still lives in Mexico) but just can't learn it. I understand better than I can speak it but it is no where where it should be. Growing up my dad only spoke english to us because he was trying to learn english himself. I wish he would have taught us spanish first then english second :'(
Yeah, it's definitely much better/easier when 2 different languages are spoken at home & can be learned/used/practiced while you're still young. I didn't have good luck with that :(
The Arabic I've learned, was mainly, from dating a Palestinian girl for a year or so. Not only did I get to hear/learn a lot of the curses (damning my father for 'creating' me, etc:), but also, going out of my way to get her to teach me.
Also, for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic...I've worked at places where I was lucky enough to get the people working for me to help out & teach me (while I'd do the same for them).
Funny story:
I once told a Portuguese girl working for me to "go get ___ from around the corner".
She was still pretty weak w/ her English -and apparently- out of my whole sentence...the word "corner" stood-out to her, caught her attention, and reddened her face :-[
That's how I learned (and remember to this day) that "corner" sounds just like the Portuguese equivalent of "pussy" (and not the animals) :o
Just like "cabron" in Spanish.
To some Spanish-speaking people/'s a blatant insult -while- to's a compliment.
Gotta' be careful & watch yourself w/ that kind of shit!
Aside from English, I took 3 years of German in High School and 1 year of German in college. I also know a little Japanese from when we my dad was stationed there and self study. But I know very little. I can read signs enough to make my way around and can ask for basic guidance. This is something I want to work on though. I care less about speaking it than reading it. I would like to be able to play import games, read manga, and watch Japanese subbed shows. I don't care how much of an accent, how much I mispronounce things, or how stupid I sound.
Aside from English, I took 3 years of German in High School and 1 year of German in college. I also know a little Japanese from when we my dad was stationed there and self study. But I know very little. I can read signs enough to make my way around and can ask for basic guidance. This is something I want to work on though. I care less about speaking it than reading it. I would like to be able to play import games, read manga, and watch Japanese subbed shows. I don't care how much of an accent, how much I mispronounce things, or how stupid I sound.
That's a great point! I wanted to play some of the Dragon ball and DBZ games on the Famicom and Super Famicom and I seen some cool Saturn games in Japanese, but it sucks when you cannot read them >:(
I used to study Hebrew (current and old tongue) and it was very fun trying to read a Hebrew version of the Bible! Got older and when I did not have to use Hebrew and every day life, I kind of forgot most of what I learned. I want to get back into it again. I want to learn Arabic as well after hebrew ;) Anyone on here speak Hebrew???
Do you have an interest in Israel? My brother wants to learn Arabic, but I'm not sure if he will. That's pretty cool that you used to be able to read Hebrew! I hope that I won't forget any of my languages.
Yes! ;D I al ways had a dream to visit Israel and check out all the great attractions!! I want to get back into it but I dont have the software. I used to have this great cheap software to help learn but lost it and haven't had the time. that was when i was about 19 or so . forever ago
I'm learning Japanese right now, too. But work/school is taking up a lot of time. And there's no time for gaming, either!
School and marching band is taking up my time. I used to learn hiragana and katakana on my free time. like in the cafeteria and some times in class. How ever I do not know kanji. I am going to learn my radicals after marching.
I'm learning Japanese right now, too. But work/school is taking up a lot of time. And there's no time for gaming, either!
School and marching band is taking up my time. I used to learn hiragana and katakana on my free time. like in the cafeteria and some times in class. How ever I do not know kanji. I am going to learn my radicals after marching.
I haven't learned katakana yet, but I've learned hiragana and am making my way through hundreds of kanji at the moment... It's pretty tough, but so rewarding when I recognize characters. I, too, want to be able to read and understand written and spoken Japanese for games and movies... not sure if I'll ever be able to speak it, but who knows.
I also took 3 years of Spanish in high school; apparently I did well but I don't remember a lick of it outside of a few vocab here and there.
I'm learning Japanese right now, too. But work/school is taking up a lot of time. And there's no time for gaming, either!
School and marching band is taking up my time. I used to learn hiragana and katakana on my free time. like in the cafeteria and some times in class. How ever I do not know kanji. I am going to learn my radicals after marching.
I haven't learned katakana yet, but I've learned hiragana and am making my way through hundreds of kanji at the moment... It's pretty tough, but so rewarding when I recognize characters. I, too, want to be able to read and understand written and spoken Japanese for games and movies... not sure if I'll ever be able to speak it, but who knows.
I also took 3 years of Spanish in high school; apparently I did well but I don't remember a lick of it outside of a few vocab here and there.
I'm surprised that you have learned hiragana, and are learning kanji, but haven't started katakana yet.
I'm surprised that you have learned hiragana, and are learning kanji, but haven't started katakana yet.
Yeah, I'm using a few things for self-learning. One of them is like a textbook for making sense of sentence structure, etc., and will teach me katakana in the next chapter. The other is a web app for vocabulary only and, while there is some katakana here and there, it's mainly focusing on hiragana and kanji.
I'm surprised that you have learned hiragana, and are learning kanji, but haven't started katakana yet.
Yeah, I'm using a few things for self-learning. One of them is like a textbook for making sense of sentence structure, etc., and will teach me katakana in the next chapter. The other is a web app for vocabulary only and, while there is some katakana here and there, it's mainly focusing on hiragana and kanji.
I want to learn Japanese a lot, but I want to make enough progress in Chinese first. I will try to find a way to squeeze it in!
I want to learn Japanese a lot, but I want to make enough progress in Chinese first. I will try to find a way to squeeze it in!
Cantonese is my next language in line, but I'm terrible at tonal stuff. But my parents speak it, so I'd be able to further embarrass myself in front of them during visits... Also, I'm worried the Japanese will confuse me when I learn Chinese. But I'll cross the bridge when I get to it...
I want to learn Japanese a lot, but I want to make enough progress in Chinese first. I will try to find a way to squeeze it in!
Cantonese is my next language in line, but I'm terrible at tonal stuff. But my parents speak it, so I'd be able to further embarrass myself in front of them during visits... Also, I'm worried the Japanese will confuse me when I learn Chinese. But I'll cross the bridge when I get to it...
I read that just because you learned Japanese doesn't mean you will be able to understand chinese, but Chinese uses simplified characters and Japanese uses mostly traditional.
I read that just because you learned Japanese doesn't mean you will be able to understand chinese, but Chinese uses simplified characters and Japanese uses mostly traditional.
Oh yeah, I wouldn't assume that at all. There are maybe a few characters that I recognize between the two languages, but I wouldn't assume as much.
I am a fair speaker of English and mixed Tagalog and Bisaya dialect (Filipino). Learned Japanese for 3 year in high school, my knowledge level is minimal considering the lessons I learned regarding formalities, culture, and how to use the different sets of katakana, hiragana, and kanji writing.
Also in response to the relativity of Chinese and Japanese, I've seen that they use certain similar characters but they are either not the same meaning or different pronunciation.
I know english and french. Started learning spanish, hated it so I stopped after my high school class.
A few years back I started japanese but also stopped for no real reason, but I'm a lot more competent in japanese than I ever was at spanish. I can't speak a whole lot of it, but I can understand it relatively well, and read it fine as long as kanji doesn't start appearing (I only know a handful of those).
Man, almost exactly the same as me. I know French and English, I took Spanish courses in college and hated it so I stopped. I've been learning Japanese by myself, started 6 years ago, then stopped for about 4 years. But I just got to it again recently, and I'm planning on getting fluent as soon as possible, because I want to play a lot of Japanese games!
Well, I'm in learning process with the english language xD, I need to practice my spelling part and also my grammar and way to write. I would love learn japanese because one of my dreams is live there at least one year or stay there on vacations, any of those. By the way, my first language is spanish :)
I know English and French (probably because I'm french :p ), currently learning Japanese and I can barely speak Spanish.
I saw a lot of people here are learning French, don't hesitate to ask any questions. :)
I know english and french. Started learning spanish, hated it so I stopped after my high school class.
A few years back I started japanese but also stopped for no real reason, but I'm a lot more competent in japanese than I ever was at spanish. I can't speak a whole lot of it, but I can understand it relatively well, and read it fine as long as kanji doesn't start appearing (I only know a handful of those).
Man, almost exactly the same as me. I know French and English, I took Spanish courses in college and hated it so I stopped. I've been learning Japanese by myself, started 6 years ago, then stopped for about 4 years. But I just got to it again recently, and I'm planning on getting fluent as soon as possible, because I want to play a lot of Japanese games!
I would love to play jp games, and watch their anime. I learned Hiragana and katakana but I stopped. I really want to be fluent, but don't know what is my best resource. My be i should use Textfugu, then go to college?
My mom got me textfugu on the 7th and I think it will really turn around my japanese learning.
aw that's awesome. i hope you like it!