learning new languages has always been difficult for me, Hell my dad is from Mexico and I can barely speak spanish. I have tried sooooo many different programs to learn (would be nice to be able to talk with my grandma she still lives in Mexico) but just can't learn it. I understand better than I can speak it but it is no where where it should be. Growing up my dad only spoke english to us because he was trying to learn english himself. I wish he would have taught us spanish first then english second :'(
Yeah, it's definitely much better/easier when 2 different languages are spoken at home & can be learned/used/practiced while you're still young. I didn't have good luck with that

The Arabic I've learned, was mainly, from dating a Palestinian girl for a year or so. Not only did I get to hear/learn a lot of the curses (damning my father for 'creating' me, etc:), but also, going out of my way to get her to teach me.
Also, for Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Arabic...I've worked at places where I was lucky enough to get the people working for me to help out & teach me (while I'd do the same for them).
Funny story:
I once told a Portuguese girl working for me to "go get ___ from around the corner".
She was still pretty weak w/ her English -and apparently- out of my whole sentence...the word "corner" stood-out to her, caught her attention, and reddened her face

That's how I learned (and remember to this day) that "corner" sounds just like the Portuguese equivalent of "pussy" (and not the animals)

Just like "cabron" in Spanish.
To some Spanish-speaking people/areas...it's a blatant insult -while- to others...it's a compliment.
Gotta' be careful & watch yourself w/ that kind of shit!