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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: disgaeniac on July 03, 2014, 09:22:35 am

Title: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 03, 2014, 09:22:35 am
Semper Fidelis

- Got a competitive nature?

- Enjoy extending, accepting, rising to, and completing challenges?

- Talking the 'talk' or walking the 'walk'?

- Pwn-er or Pwn-ee?

- All talk?

- Financially secure enough to put your money where your mouth is?

Well...if any of the above have kept you reading this far w/o losing your interest (read: scaring you away:); you might - just mii-iight be in the right place  ;)

I've had this...kind of...'partial' idea floating around in my head -and- I've realized that if I wait until I've got *everything* figured out to start's just not going to happen.


the idea is (since many of us here already enjoy going after & collecting trophies/achievments) to have a user/community-based place to issue, accept, complete, and/or phail (and live with the well-deserved humiliation of having done so) "challenges" from each other :o

The starting/tentative "rules" will be pretty few & simple (they can also be worked-on, added to, refined, etc) as time & practicality allow/show need for.

Da Rulez

1).  If you're going to issue a challenge, it must be something that you've done yourself.

2).  The person who issues the challenge & the one who accepts it can work out the 'rewards' / 'costs of failure' right here.

3).  No money is needed!

For an example, I'll issue the 1st Challenge!

Challenge # 1  Attain a Platinum trophy for the PS3 game Cross Edge!

Now, I've done this (as a quick look at my PSN profile can verify).

Say that Brad or Greg (or both, or more) accept...

We would then discuss & decide on the details; such as:

what the prize/reward for doing so will be + what the cost/consequence of failure will be, the time frame for doing so, etc.

Prizes/Costs can be anything from (say someone fails) putting something in their sig for a week about getting their ass kicked by ___ game to the person who issued the challenge sending a small, inexpensive, surprise (or otherwise) item...

That's enough for you all to see where I'm going with this, so any interest, thoughts, ideas, or takers?!
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: soera on July 03, 2014, 10:45:28 am
I like the thought of this. :D
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: argyle on July 03, 2014, 10:56:20 am
I like the idea, and I still can't find Cross Edge anywhere around here.  :P 
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: karyann on July 03, 2014, 11:06:12 am
I don't have any idea to start with, but this seems fun!  :D
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 03, 2014, 11:14:32 am
Yeah, I was thinking that it could be fun, give bragging/making-fun-of rights, and maybe, even give a little bit of an extra reason/initiative to get games/clear-out backlogs  ;D

Is CE rare/costly now Greg?

I haven't checked on it in a long time -but- I was thinking that it was pretty cheap & common now; no?
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: argyle on July 03, 2014, 11:29:17 am
It's $20 used from Gamestop...if your Gamestop has it in stock.  Closest one to me that does is almost 50 miles away.  :-\  Goes for about $30-$35 complete on ebay, but I've been trying to save up some money for the Fall gaming rush so I haven't bit yet.  I need to do so soon tho, before the price does start going up. 
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 03, 2014, 12:09:28 pm
It's $20 used from Gamestop...if your Gamestop has it in stock.  Closest one to me that does is almost 50 miles away.  :-\  Goes for about $30-$35 complete on ebay, but I've been trying to save up some money for the Fall gaming rush so I haven't bit yet.  I need to do so soon tho, before the price does start going up.

Won't your closest GS have it shipped to them from another store for you to pick it up?

I know that they'll do that around here...

I *think* that it must already be going up, because I remember seeing them (used) in GS for ~$10 for a pretty long time  :-\
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: argyle on July 03, 2014, 12:16:15 pm
Sometimes, depends on if the manager at the other store wants to do it or not.  You also run the risk of it being disk only, in bad condition, etc. 

I see someone selling a complete copy described as "like new" on Amazon for $21 - might just bite on that. 
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 03, 2014, 12:55:24 pm
Sometimes, depends on if the manager at the other store wants to do it or not.  You also run the risk of it being disk only, in bad condition, etc. 

I see someone selling a complete copy described as "like new" on Amazon for $21 - might just bite on that.

Knowing your tastes + Brad's pretty well; I'm confident in recommending the game to both of you guys.

Also, although he hasn't been with us as long, I'm thinking that ABE might also enjoy it...
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: soera on July 03, 2014, 01:48:58 pm
Ill be on the lookout for this one now.  8)
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 05, 2014, 12:54:27 pm
Challenge to Greg!!!

(since he's already playing it anyways:)

Match my trophies for GFP (SO...Nope - You Don't Even Need To Plat It -and- I'll bet that I could have gotten each & every one of them with one hand tied behind my back:)

for a prize of:

A CIB copy of Cross Edge  ;)

FAIL  :-\

And suffer the eternal humiliation & derision from the VGC Non-Failers  :'(
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: argyle on July 05, 2014, 01:18:51 pm
Challenge to Greg!!!

(since he's already playing it anyways:)

Match my trophies for GFP (SO...Nope - You Don't Even Need To Plat It -and- I'll bet that I could have gotten each & every one of them with one hand tied behind my back:)

for a prize of:

A CIB copy of Cross Edge  ;)

FAIL  :-\

And suffer the eternal humiliation & derision from the VGC Non-Failers  :'(

Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 05, 2014, 01:25:04 pm
Challenge to Greg!!!

(since he's already playing it anyways:)

Match my trophies for GFP (SO...Nope - You Don't Even Need To Plat It -and- I'll bet that I could have gotten each & every one of them with one hand tied behind my back:)

for a prize of:

A CIB copy of Cross Edge  ;)

FAIL  :-\

And suffer the eternal humiliation & derision from the VGC Non-Failers  :'(


I suspected as much!

Since it's a bit of a time sink...any time that you do it is cool - I won't burden you with a time limit.

Since we're already friends on PSN...just "Compare trophies";

iirc - I got all but 3 or 4 of them.

Luckily for you...the ones that I don't have will, undoubtedly, be the ones that you'll be the happiest about not having to get  ;)
Title: Re: *Officially* (Unofficial:) VGC Challenge Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on July 05, 2014, 01:50:37 pm
To make it more specific & clear, I just checked out my GFP trophy list and I only have 40/45 trophies.

The following (5) trophies are the ones that I didn't get/you don't need to get:

"Defeated Prince Yamato",

"Divine Release Observer",

"Holy Artifact God",

"Obtained All Items", and

"Thou Art God" (the Platinum).
