Semper Fidelis
Got a competitive nature?
Enjoy extending, accepting, rising to, and completing challenges?
Talking the 'talk' or walking the 'walk'?
Pwn-er or
All talk?
Financially secure enough to put your money where your mouth is?
Well...if any of the above have kept you reading this far w/o losing your interest (read: scaring you away:); you might - just mii-iight be in the right place

I've had this...kind of...'partial' idea floating around in my head -and- I've realized that if I wait until I've got *everything* figured out to start's just not going to happen.
the idea is (since many of us here already enjoy going after & collecting trophies/achievments) to have a user/community-based place to issue, accept, complete, and/or
phail (and live with the well-deserved humiliation of having done so) "challenges" from each other

The starting/tentative "rules" will be pretty few & simple (they can also be worked-on, added to, refined, etc) as time & practicality allow/show need for.
Da Rulez
1). If you're going to issue a challenge, it must be something that you've done yourself.
2). The person who issues the challenge & the one who accepts it can work out the 'rewards' / 'costs of failure' right here.
3). No money is needed!
For an example, I'll issue the 1st Challenge!
Challenge # 1
Attain a Platinum trophy for the PS3 game Cross Edge!
Now, I've done this (as a quick look at my PSN profile can verify).
Say that Brad or Greg (or both, or more) accept...
We would then discuss & decide on the details; such as:
what the prize/reward for doing so will be + what the cost/consequence of failure will be, the time frame for doing so, etc.
Prizes/Costs can be anything from (say someone fails) putting something in their sig for a week about getting their ass kicked by ___ game to the person who issued the challenge sending a small, inexpensive, surprise (or otherwise) item...
That's enough for you all to see where I'm going with this, so any interest, thoughts, ideas, or takers?!