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Topics - theflea

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Modern Video Games / Retro City Rampage DX for Switch
« on: October 09, 2017, 12:08:51 pm »
Pre-Orders are up on this site.

General / My Local Game Store
« on: September 04, 2017, 09:58:54 pm »
I always talk in my finds about my local used game store.
I took some pic's a few weeks ago and thought I'd show you guys their set up.
I stopped in today and found a rare gaming console and it was priced the same as a normal one.  :o
I'll show it to you guys in the next pick up post.  ;)
Sorry if some of the pictures are a little out of focus, hard to take a quality shot when there's people all around you.
If you guys want to share pic's of your favorite gaming store please do in this forum. :D

Their huge selection of XB360 & XBone games. I did take a pic of the PS4 & PS3 aisle but the picture was too blurry.

As you can see they have a ton of Wii, 3DS and DS games. Sorry if a few of the pics are a little blurry hard to take pics when a lot of people are around.  :P
I forgot to take a pic of the Wii U & Gamecube area.

Think they got enough PS2 games? lol
They had a sale on PS2 games buy 3 get 3 free this weekend.

Also have a ton of OG XBox games.
Also on sale this weekend B3G3 Free

Their PSP & PS1 section.

Their Sega and other odd system cabinet.

They had a pretty good deal on a Gundam for Dreamcast. (sorry it was sold)

Their N64 and other Nintendo stuff Cabinet.

And last the NES & SNES (also Atari and other 80s games) Cabinet. Lots of games to look through. lol

Hope you guys enjoyed this peek into my local used game store. Again sorry a few pic's are not the best kinda weird trying to time it right to take a picture with people around.  :P
It's so far the best used game store I've found in my area. Their prices are at or under the going value. Look hard and you'll find a deal. (like what I picked up today) I'm always finding deals and they get in new stuff on a daily basis.
When I talk about "My local used game store" this is what I'm talking about.
Please share pic's of your favorate local used game store, I'd love to see them.  :D

I might update this forum with new pic's when I see something ether at a good deal or just something you don't see everyday.

General / Well... This happened.
« on: June 04, 2017, 12:16:47 am »
This weekend I was invited to sell some of my extras at a Pokemon Con in Madison.
It was mainly for Pokemon Card players and vendors but there where a few selling video games.
A youtuber rented a small booth to promote their channel and invited me to sell my extras.
I priced them a little under the going value because well I want to get money to get something else for my collection.
I was hit by the large resellers who bought a lot of my stuff. I checked their booths and good lord where they over priced. $55 for a gold NES Zelda? $50 for FF7 GH? ouch. Anyway after they bought what they wanted they contacted the people running the show upset I was selling games so cheap and where threatening to leave to show unless I was gone. They tried to iron out the issue but in the end they asked me to leave.  :(
My Youtube friends where more mad about it then I was, and they ended their booth as well. I told them they didn't have too, but they didn't want to be at a con where a larger vendor got their way just because they can pay for more space.
I never thought this was a thing at cons, that bigger vendors can muscle out the little ones so they don't have competition. What BS.  :(

Marketplace / Come meet me in Madison.
« on: June 03, 2017, 03:16:33 am »
I will be in Madison Wisconsin this weekend June 3rd & 4th at the Monona Terrace for Ohana-Con selling many of my extra games.
It's a Pokemon Event where people come to play the Pokemon Card game, but there's also few vendors selling video games. I will be one of them, I have my games marked under going value. If your in the area come on out and say "Hey Flea". I'll be against the back wall with a local Youtuber selling his Deaderson's DVDs and merch.
Maybe I'll see ya there and make ya a deal.  ;)

General / All my pick ups for 2016
« on: January 08, 2017, 02:41:51 am »
I thought I'd share all my pickups I got in one year again.
Going through all the pictures I'm always surprised just how much I get in one year.
Many new game consoles where added to my collection and I get my first arcade cabinets this year.
There's a lot of pic's so enjoy this recap of all my pic ups in 2016.

A fellow collector sold me this Atari Computer for cheap and I finally got Magic Girl which I pre-ordered 2 years ago.

Finally was able to find a copy of Rodland and thank god I picked up Devils Third at the time.

This was that day I found a stack of CIB games at my local used game store for the price of a loose game.

A rare Japanese game console entered my collection and many cool homebrews.

2 more rare and obscure consoles entered my collection, (still love that Wondermega) and this is when I found Streets of Rage 2 and Castlevania Bloodlines for only $2 at a thrift store. Also got the last Dreamcast game I needed to complete my collection.

So glad I pre-ordered Fire Emblem Special Edition and got the first of the Limited Run Games.

Finally broke down and bought a Retron 5, why? because it was on sale for $80. Still never used the thing. lol

Thrift store fines galore, the day I found a stack of Dreamcast games at a thrift store for $2 a piece. Also picked up a ROB box from a local game store. It's in rough shape but I still love displaying it in my game room.

The same week I find even more great games at that same thrift store.  :o

MORE games I picked up that day from that same thrift store. I have NEVER found so much games fro one thrift store in my life.

Some random pick ups. A few NIS collector's editions.

The cool Anniversary Pokemon 3DS and the Hitman Collector's Edition. This game never did get a Physical Release.  :-\

Found a Gizmondo for cheap so I could have both versions. I kinda regret buying all the Animal Crossing Amiibos.

When I bought 150 Super Famicom game lot for $100.

More to the Super Famicom Lot, I'm thinking of trying this again in the future.

Last of the Super Famicom lot, even though many of the games where not in the best shape, can't beat under a dollar a game.

That neon is hanging in my game room and those weird Japanese porn games. I love the reactions I get when people see the cover to the one game. Yet the game itself is almost impossible to play. (maybe that's a good thing) lol

Another one of those weird Japanese porn games and I finally find a Giant Yoshi Amiibo. lol

The first finds from a garage sale, I Wii U box full of Nintendo toys. lol Also picked up a silver Gameboy Advance player.

This was from a add on a resell app, if I recall I got everything in this photo for $60.

My pickups from the MGC. I loved that I found bunch of MVS carts. They guy gave me quite a deal.

My first Arcade Cabinet.  :D

Some cool Collector's editions and at this time the last PSP game released.

Garage sale finds and had a huge clearance on Wii U and 3DS games.

Garage sale finds and a homebrew I had to buy just because of the name. lol

Found all three of these at a garage sale, I got all 3 for $600. I have been offered 1500.00 for that Simpson's Arcade alone. (yes I still have it, not selling it) lol

Some awesome garage sale finds.

I think the only thing in this picture not from a garage sale was Dead or Alive Xtreme 3.

an AWSOME SNES lot I picked up from a garage sale.  ;D

This was from that 90+ subdivision garage sale event. This came from one sale.

Just when I think I'm done buying arcades, I get a chance to buy these for about $400 a piece. I couldn't say no. lol

Some cool collector's editions and some random pickups from clearance tables and garage sales.

Found a PS3 (slim) for $25 and found Xenosaga III at a garage sale.

The NES/SNES game lot came from a guy who just heard me ask about games at a garage sale, I went to his house and he sold them all for like $25. Also Titanic on the NES... Yes this exists. lol

More random garage sale finds, People love that sweet tooth truck. lol

Even more random games picked up for random garage sales.

This was from one garage sale. He was a Genesis collector who was getting rid of his collection. He sold it all on Ebay and what he couldn't sell he sold at this garage sale for $1 a piece.

Another great garage sale haul. A cool SNES lot for cheap, but that N64 lot was one of the best I found this year.

This NES lot was from a garage sale where I asked about games, she told me to come back tomorrow she might have something and when I went back I see a giant stack of games and she only asked for .50c a piece.  :o

Some more nice random garage sale finds, and a collector's edition to one of the worst games of the year. lol

A nice NES lot from a garage sale and I finally find the last two .Hack games I was missing from my local used game store and they had them way under priced.

Most all of this (except the 2 RPGs) came from a discount book store that had a sale for $1 for everything in the store.

Bunch of random Wii and DS garage sale finds and a cool handheld space invaders.

More Garage sale finds.

Two nice N64 lots I picked up from a Garage sale.

More random garage sale finds and Odin's Shire Collector's Edition.

Some garage sale finds including a Legend of Zelda Famicom cart that opens up to be a Calculator and a nice lot of Xbox games.

A great SNES lot from a garage sale.

Ah that collector's edition from the UK I picked up that the statue was broken in several pieces because they didn't pack it right. Thank god that shipped me a new one.

A few decent handheld lots from garage sales. Also a set of Burger King Gameboy toys.  :P

A lot of mostly SNES goodness, everything in this picture was in one bag at a garage sale for $30.

A bunch of random goodness from garage sales. Even a Wii for $5. lol

A nice garage sale find. A HUGE Colecovision lot for $30. I remember this guy was really on the fence about selling it but his wife was pushing him to get rid of it. lol

This was a surprise find from a garage sale. A lady told me to come back the next day and when I came back her husband wouldn't sell his SNES or any of the games, but he did show me this I could have for $5.  ;D

More garage sale finds and some other cool collector editions.

A great Atari and an awesome N64 lot from a garage sale.

Pickups from the VGS and I can't believe I found a Tiger R-Zone at a garage sale. lol

Disney Infinity was on clearance EVERYWHERE.

Some garage sale finds and my local used game store got in some Saturn games I needed.

More random garage sale finds, more Disney Infinity clearance and Limited Run games.

A nice NES lot from a garage sale (Ninja Gaiden III) and I finally get a PC Engine Duo-RX in my collection.

Some cool Collector's editions (I remember everyone wanted the No Man's Sky CE. now no one wants the game. lol)

I finally find a deal on a Select-A-Game Machine. Also found some Saturn games I needed from my favorite used game store.

Everything in this picture was in one box at a garage sale for $25.

some CE's and some random garage sale finds. Those mats where in a free box. lol

This was the Genesis lot I had to out race a Reseller for. He wasn't happy with me. lol

This was one of the finds of the year. At a garage sale I talked to a lady about my collection and showed her pics, she asks her husband and he brings out a bag FULL of random retro games, I asked a price not even knowing what was all in this bag and she says $20. I pay her and find Chrono Trigger, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Contra Hard Corps and Splatterhouse 3 just to name a few. Also got a NES lot that I again had to beat a reseller too and thanks to my long arms I got it.

Some cool deals, Limited run games and some cool Collector's editions.

General / Does this ever happen to you trading games.
« on: November 18, 2016, 01:03:26 am »
I've been trading games with fellow collector's / gamers for years. On this site for the most part i don't have many issues when it comes to trading. I always try and trade value for value. Some use ebay others price charting etc. Well I've been on many facebook game selling / trading sites and many times when I contact one to trade they quote me high end ebay prices and when I quote back ebay prices and tell them I will trade close to value. (Long as its close i dont care) They get upset telling me I overprice and think i'm trying to rip them off.

Today i had a guy who had a $60 game full ebay value (he quoted me its value first) and wanted to trade for a game I had that at full ebay value is going for $130. I tell him i can't do it and he had nothing else I wanted and then he gets upset. Saying my game was only worth $80. He wanted full ebay for his game but low end for mine. I feel these people want full price for their games but want reseller trade in prices for my games. If i'm doing that i'll trade it in at my local used game store.

I'm one who loves a deal and I try and work with fellow collector's when I trade, I try and trade value for value.
If you quote me high end ebay expect high end ebay back. 

Am I wrong thinking this way?

Classic Video Games / Midwest Gaming Classic anyone going?
« on: April 02, 2016, 04:57:14 am »
Anyone else going to the Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee?

General / All my pick ups 2015 in pictures
« on: January 09, 2016, 11:39:09 am »
Thought you guys would like to see just how much I picked up in just one year.
There's a lot of pic's (lol) also added comments to each pic, it was fun reliving a year in gaming.
Hope you enjoy it as well.  8)

Finally got Nightmare Busters, I pre-ordered this about two years in advance. Also a weird Colecovision homebrew.

Early this year I was going Dreamcast crazy.  ::)

I traded a copy of Clock Tower to get those two Xbox games.

OMG elf bowling sealed! lol

Ugh I remember this when I was supposed to pick up Lucario Amiibo and Toys R Us sold all the pre-orders to one reseller.
The Manager gave me any game I wanted at a discount so I picked up GTAV on XBone.

I finally got a Vita, A friend sold me his at a good price.

More added from my Dreamquest. Did I mention I was going crazy for completing Dreamcast for a while. lol

More Dreamcast, a GBA game and some other game no one cares about.  ::)

Ahh the night I waited outside a Target at 3AM and had the cops called on me to get this prize.

I had to sell a lot of my extras to get that Wild Guns.

This was the week I game hunted out in Madison and I finally got my Lucario.

Another rare game I got by selling a lot of extras. Also won Actraiser II in a contest.

I nice DigiBlast lot I picked up cheap and more to my Dreamcast fetish.  ::)

During this time I was also Hunting down many of the rarer Wii titles before they disappeared.

Had to have my brother wait in line at Wal-Mart to help me get a Gold Mario. Castlevania X on PCECD  :D

Got a nice deal on Bravely Default CE and TOAD AMIIBO!!! lol

This was my first garage sale finds of 2015, a NDS XL for $1. And got Popful Mail.  :)

Mostly pick ups from Midwest Gaming Classic day 1.

I originally wasn't planning on going back to WGC but a friend wanted me to come and I ended up buying more.  ::)

Big lot of Genesis goodness from a garage sale.  :D

MORTAL KOMBAT X!!! I beat this game into the ground. (no pun intended)  ::)

I missed out pre-ordering the Borderlands Clap Trap in a Box Edition, I figured well at least I saved $400. Then I saw one left over at a Gamestop that someone didn't pick up. Fine I'll break. lol  :P

A Nice NES and Gameboy lot from a Garage sale.  ;D

Found a rare Game console at a small resale shop for cheap, also picked up another rare Japanese console.

A Zone 60 CIB oh ya baby. lol

This was a nice find, A NES Power set box (with a few extras inside) for $10.

Found that boxed NES Zoomer controller at a church sale mixed up with some books.

Some garage sale finds and I picked up a rare T16CD game from a local game show. The guy was nice enough to give me a great deal on it.

Some more garage sale finds, Skyrim hardcover guide for 50c.

My first of many N64 lots I picked up this year. Also a nice lot of boxes.  :D

More Garage sales, and OMG a Hannah Montana PSP!!  :o

My second N64 lot, and a great SNES lot with Kirby's Dreamland 3.

Some decent Gamecube garage sale finds.  :)

A blue Game Gear garage sale find.  :D Too bad it didn't work.  :(

More random garage sale pick ups. Lot of Skylanders.

A Local game store gave me this Blue Dev PS1 for $15, and two box full of those weird PS1 teacher school games.

Found a box full of Strategy Guides at a sale, I remember it took awhile for us to come to a price.

It's a Wii Stand.... What can I say? lol

That same store that gave me a deal on the Dev PS1 gave me a deal on the Target GBA and the Pokemon Mini.

Witcher 3!! I still gotta finish that game. lol

Some more random Garage Sale pick ups.

This was a nice find, A nice old man took me into his basement and I woke up later to get this. lol  :P
All kidding aside, it was one of those the guy was almost not wanting to sell it to me, but after I talked to him how I was a collector and showed him pic's of my collection he then felt like it was going to a good home he was happy to give me a deal.

Some okay garage sale finds, the black GBP has a messed up screen but it was just given to me in the rest of the GB lot.

AMIIBO DAY!!! Got all but Robin & Lucina (still missing them) also Wii Punch Out Sealed for $2!  ;)

Another nice Genesis lot, plus other garage sale goodness.

Another sell many extras and get Power Blade II, also a nice CIB NES lot.

My 3rd N64 lot, and great SNES lot (no Star Fox 2 I bought online)  :P

Lord, this was that sale where the guy was rummaging through box after box and pulling out some great PS1 & GC games.

A lot of PS2, Xbox and Wii games from garage sales and even a couple PC games for $1 a piece, ended up trading for credit to get other games I wanted.

A Halo 3 cat helmet complete from a Garage sale for $10. My cat wears it all the time.  :P

A huge Wii lot and Mario is happy.

A huge Xbox lot and for some reason a PAL PS2 game.

This was a sale that the guy had a huge box full of CIB NDS games, got a nice deal on all the games I needed.

This was that sale that a guy had a box full of random NES accessories and Wild Gunman.

I found a ton of Wii games in 2015.

Picked up a ton of NDS games too.   ::)

A nice NES lot and my 4th N64 lot.

An awesome SNES lot and a few games I bought from a collector I met at a sale, he was nice enough to show me his game collection. He loved his Amiga games.

It's Batman and the weird Japanese PS4 game that has the longest title ever!!

Here's something I don't find too often at garage sales, Long Box PS1 games!!!

One day I might be in that book...  ;) (DuckTales... Whoo Hoo!!)

My 5th and 6th N64 lot this year. Why can't I ever find colored ones around here.  ::)

A nice CIB 3DS lot, I want to say it was like $20 for all of it.

My 7th N64 lot (2nd boxed) and gasp!! A Dreamcast!!! lol

I finally got a Halo Xbox and another broken Game Gear, I swear These never work. lol

A gaming oddity but so retro and cool looking (also cheap as hell) lol

Some random garage sale goodness, a cool fighting stick and a Halo Xbox 360 for cheap.

Part of an awesome Suikoden Lot from a garage sale. All though one of the games I know I bought went missing.  :-\

More from the Suikoden lot and the 8th N64 lot this year.

A huge SNES lot (console in last pic) and the 1st Nintendo console ever made... A Pong clone.

I finally found a Blue Wii and oh wait its just the box. More Skylanders and Infinity geez these things are everywhere!

My 9th N64 lot (kinda) no games but had a spiffy case. Did I already say I find a ton of Wii games?  :P

I still can't believe someone took the time to remake Beat em & Eat em on the NES... I had to get it. lol

My 10th N64 lot and IT'S NOT CHARCOAL GREY!!! lol Also my 3rd boxed N64 this year.

A nice Odyssey 2 lot, had both versions of the console. Also a nice Sears 6-Switch Heavy Atari 2600.

General / August 2015 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« on: August 01, 2015, 05:27:42 pm »
Looks like I'll start a new thread for pick ups.  ;)

Had a great luck at the garage sales, and found 1 game that sells for well over $100.  :o

First the store/online buys...

- Dark Pit
- Palutena

These where all on sale for $10-$15 brand new.
- NBA 2K14
- Lords of the Fallen
- The Walking Dead: Season One

- Skylanders Giants (Starter set) ($5)

- Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend (sealed $5)

Saw this at a used game store for $30 and couldn't saw no.  :P
- Tatsunoko VS. Capcom Arcade FightStick

Did a trade with a fellow VGcollector.
- Super Smash Bros. Melee (JP)

I've been hunting for this for a while but they always where going for way more for then I wanted to spend. It's in great shape, Box is a little beat up and it has an adapter. It's the first Nintendo Game System made in 1977.
- Nintendo Color TV Game 6

Now on to the garage sales...

The first sale I went to on Thursday advertised Super Nintendo, I got to the sale almost an hour early but the sale already opened and two of the resellers already got there and took everything. sigh...

After I left the very next sale I stopped at had a bunch of Nintendo DS games and one Wii Game. Was able to buy everything for $20.
- Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
- Nintendo DS Lite (white) with charger
- Nintendo DS Lite (pink) with charger
- Nintendo DSi (pink) with charger
- Nintendo DSi (blue) with charger
- Imagine: Rock Star
- Imagine: Family Doctor
- Imagine: Fashion Designer
- Art Academy
- Brave
- Legends of the Guardians
- Barbie the Island Princess
- Lego Battle Ninjago
- Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Found this one GG game for $1.
- Scratch Golf

Found two random PS1 games in a box full of movies. Nothing great but they are both sealed.
- Jeremy Mcgrath Supercross 98 ($1)
- Marble Master ($1)

Stopped at a sale that had a stack of PS2/Wii sport games, they originally wanted $3 a piece but I got them for $1 a piece. SO I grabbed what I was missing in my collection.
- NHL 2K9
- NHL 2K10
- NHL Slapshot
- Major League Baseball 2K9
- Major League Baseball 2K8
- Major League Baseball 2K5
- Karaoke Revolution Presents American Idol Encore

Found these 2 games with in with a bunch of movies for .50c each.
- Crazy Mini Golf 2
- Star Wars Battlefront II

Saw an ad for "Video Games" at a sale but when I got there those same 2 resellers beat me to it, so I jumped in my car and hurried to the other sale that advertised Video Games and it was mostly PS3 and PS4 games at prices I could go to Gamestop and pay. But I did see three games worth picking up.
- Warhawk ($1)
- Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain ($1)
- Resident Evil 3 ($1)

Found these 3 games at one sale.
- Dogz Fashion ($1) (not shown, got left in the car.)
- Hotel Transylvania ($2)
- Ice Age: Continental Shift Arctic Games ($2)

Found 2 Legend of Zelda Strategy Guides just sitting on a table for $1 each.

On Friday another sale advertised Super Nintendo and I got there super early and waited til they opened. Wasn't a whole lot but still was a good deal. Got this whole lot for $25.
- Xbox 360 Halo Edition (had all hook ups, seller said the system had issues playing, but I mainly wanted it for the outer shell and harddrive.
- A Super Nintendo with 2 controllers and adapter. Yellowed really bad.
- NBA Live 95 (CIB)
- NFL Quarterback Club
- Spider-Man/Venom: Maximum Carnage
- Mega Man X Collection
- Star Wars The Clone Wars
- Soul Caliber II
- Sonic Mega Collection
- Sonic Adventure DX
- Super Mario Sunshine
- Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

On Thursday stopped at a sale and asked about games and the guy said he had some Wii games and goes inside, he brings out a box with a Wii and 3 games. I only saw one game worth getting, then pulls out two canvas bags, I open the first one and it's FULL of N64 goodness, the second had a bunch of NDS, Gameboy, GBC, and a GBA game. Most all the GB games had their plastic cases. I got everything listed here for $40.
- Super Mario Galaxy
- Rayman DS
- Animal Crossing
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Final Fantasy III
- Pokemon: Platinum Version
- Wheel of Fortune
- Animaniacs
- Choplifter II
- Chase H.Q.
- Skate or Die: Bad 'n Rad
- Tiny Toon Adventures: Babs' Big Break
- Dr. Mario
- Donkey Kong
- TMNT: Fall of the Foot Clan
- Super Mario Land
- Pokemon: Red Version
- Unlabeled cart (it turned out to be Super Mario Land)
- A Nintendo Gameboy Color (clear)
- Army Men 2
- Deja Vu I&II
- WWF Betrayal
- Shadowgate Classic
- Pokemon Trading Card Game
- Pokemon: Silver Version
- Duel Masters
- A N64 grey system with all hookups and a Purple Controller.
- Watrix
- Road Rash 64
- Mario Golf
- Goldeneye 007
- Donkey Kong 64
- Mario Tennis
- Mario Kart 64
- Super Mario 64
- Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Super Smash Bros.

On Saturday I was passing by that same sale I got that GB/N64 lot and decided to stop by again, He said he might have more on Thursday. I asked him if he found anymore games and he said he thinks he did and goes inside. He pulls out a huge tote Full of gaming goodness. I got the whole thing for $35.  :o
- A Stack of N64 and SNES Manuals
- Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland
- WCW/NWO Revenge
- 1080 Snowboarding
- Wipeout 64
- Starfox 64
- Star Wars Episode I Racer
- F-Zero X
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Goemon's Great Adventure
- Harvest Moon 64
- SNES Cleaner (CIB)
- SNES Game Genie
- Super Game Boy
- Clayfighter Tournament Edition
- Primal Rage
- Spawn
- Super Pinball
- Mario Paint
- Toy Story
- Wheel of Fortune
- Vegas Stakes
- Tetris 2
- Tetris Attack
- Sim City
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Killer Instinct
- Street Fighter II
- Street Fighter II Turbo
- HyperZone
- Robocop vs. Terminator
- Super Gradius
- Civilization
- Pilot Wings
- Starfox
- F-Zero
- Super Ghouls & Ghosts
- Super Mario World
- Unknown Cart (it turned out to be Super Mario World)
- Super Mario World / Super Mario All-Stars
- Super Mario All-Stars
- Donkey Kong Country 2
- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island

On Friday I only hit about 10 sales, and this last sale I hit before going to go stand in line to get Dark Pit. It was the classic "Little Old Lady sale" I asked about games and the lady said her husband had a Sega. She goes in to ask him and she comes back out and says sorry it wasn't a Sega it was PS3. Then her husband comes out (a little old man) asking me if I was interested in PS3 games? I told him "sure, I'll take a Look" and he comes out with a box. I look inside and it's full of PS1 games and Strategy guides, there was a few PS2/PS3 games too. I pick out many games/guides and we agree to $25. I only had $10 on me so I had him bag it up and I was going to rush to the bank. But at the last second he said he had more, but he wasn't sure he wanted to sell them. He goes inside and brings out a stack of PS1 and PS2 games. He first shows me a bunch of Final Fantasy games but he said he was a huge fan of them and acted like he didn't want to sell them. Then I saw the stack of Suikoden Games.  :o I had to really offer a lot to get him to sell them, he agreed to sell the 5 games for $55. So I left to get the $80 and when I get back I hand him the money and was happy to get out with these games & guides.
- A Mario Paint Guide
- Beyond the Beyond (with guide)
- Wild Arms (with guide)
- Wild Arms 2 (with Guide)
- Dragon Valor
- Arc the Lad (Complete)
- Suikoden II (with Guide)  ;D
- Arc the Lad (with Guide)
- Suikoden III
- Suikoden IV (with Guide)
- Suikoden V (with Guide)  ;D
- Suikoden Tactics Guide
Now when I made this deal Suikoden Tactics was in this deal, I remember putting it in the bag before I left to get the money. But when I looked through the bag today, The Guide was there, but the game was missing. I looked everywhere, In the car, the house, you name it and it's nowhere to be found. I'm thinking he took it out of the bag when I got the money. (sigh) At least it was the cheapest of the Suikoden games that went missing.  :-\

Modern Video Games / Shenmue 3!!!
« on: June 16, 2015, 05:14:30 am »
There's a Kickstarter for Shenmue 3, I was about to make a pledge til I saw it was only going to have a Physical release on PC.  :-[
They are making a PS4 digital but no physical, I will be watching this and as soon as I see a Physical Console version of any kind from maybe a stretch goal I will but my money down. They are already close to making their goal, so stretch goals I hope are next and I see a Physical Console version.  :)

Here's the link If you want to back it.

Classic Video Games / Fridge full of Jurassic Park games? lol
« on: May 25, 2015, 08:16:16 pm »
A friend sent me these photos of a foreign Ebay Auction and I thought I'd share it with you guys.
Evidently some guy is selling a refrigerator full of SNES Jurassic Park's.
Might be a joke, but still the idea made me laugh. lol


General / Midwest Gaming Classic
« on: April 08, 2015, 05:54:43 am »
Anyone going to the Midwest Gaming Classic in Milwaukee Wisconsin this weekend?

Hardware and Tech / Cant get a Gamecube game to play. Any suggestions?
« on: February 12, 2015, 10:07:11 pm »
I have a rare Gamecube game and it's having issues playing.
It's not the gamecube it self, I ran it in several GC and all the GC's play other discs fine.
The game will start then give me a disc error. I have gotten the game to play a couple times but most of the time I get the error.
The disc is in great shape, no cracks or damage on the top. It was bought used. I even took it to a professional to have cleaned and still wont read. The disc looks almost new.
If anyone has any tips to get a gamecube game like this to work, let me know. Kinda hate to see this rare game go to waste.  :-\

General / February 2015 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« on: February 01, 2015, 01:45:11 pm »
Looks like I'll start out February's finds. (even though many of this was the end of January)   ::)

I went out on a game quest and traveled all over to many game stores, thrift shops and gamestops.
Also a game came in the mail. Bought a lot of stuff this trip.

Saw these in a bargain bin and I've heard they might become obscure so WTH.
- Stick it to the Man
- Putty Squad

Got a heavy discount on this brand new, read about amiibos to find out why. lol
- Grand Theft Auto V

Got this in the mail.
- Hyperdimension Neptunia Re:Birth 2 - Limited Edition

Picked up these real cheap, I remember seeing a video saying this game was hard to find so wth.
- We Cheer 2
And this was only $2.
- Trauma Center New Blood

Last day I could use a coupon for a decent discount at my local used game store so i picked out.
- Pokemon Platinum Version

Saw this cheap Complete with PSP Camera so I grabbed it.
- Invizimals

- Wild Arms 4

Brand new sealed for $2... Sure why not.
- Unfabulous

Continuing my Dreamquest, Found a few more games I was missing.
- Dragon Riders
- Namco Museum
- Tee Off
- Iron Aces

Found a couple titles I was still missing in my PS1 collection cheap.
- FIFA Soccer 2003
- Golden Nugget

Found a couple Mint condition Saturn games cheap so I nabbed them.
- Andretti Racing
- Crime Wave

One of the places I stopped at a asked about GB/GBC games and he pulled out a huge book filled with games and they where only $2-$4 a piece and I picked out a few.
- Bionic Commando
- Magi Nation
- Crystalis
- Donkey Kong Land III

Stopped at about five different Saver Thrift Stores and most had nothing but one had some games that caught my eye. For $3 each i got.
- Cliffhanger
- Ecco the Dolphin

Found a couple games I was missing priced right.
- Power Moves
- Liberty of Death

First I stopped at Target (waited 2 hours before they opened in a snow storm) and got...
- Rosalina
Stopped at Gamestop and picked up...
- Bowser
- Toon Link
Then stopped at Toys R Us to get lucario that I pre-ordered....
And i they sold them all last Friday to ONE GUY. not kidding here. Some idiot didn't hold any for the pre-orders. I was not happy and the Manager Took my info and will make sure the next batch will go to pre-orders. As an apology she gave me a heavy discount on any game I wanted so I got GTAV on XBone.
Then I go to Best Buy to see about Meta Knight, and the guy said oh we had those a month ago and they already sold out. Now I think he might have been mistaken because there's no US Meta Knights flooding EBAY so I think it just got Delayed. (I hope) lol
So I went to another Target and picked up 2 more Rosalina's JUST IN CASE i need em for trade to get the 2 I need.  :-\
If you have Lucario or Meta Knight and want to trade for Rosalina send me a PM. I'd rather trade and know i get one then wait and hope i get one. lol

Only 5 more items and I hit 10,000!!!!  :o

Marketplace / Going on a DreamQuest (complete DC collection)
« on: January 10, 2015, 02:03:56 am »
I saw a YouTuber I watch talk about completing his Dreamcast collection and he and I where missing about the same amount of games, so I thought I'd join him and try and complete my collection with him.
I already hit up many EBAY "Make Offers" and ended up with about 10 games added to my collection. Got most of them way below what most where asking. Most of the games I'm missing are not rare or expensive games but thought I'd ask VGcollecter's if they had any of the games I'm looking for at a good price. (or trade)
I'm looking for a good deal, maybe a package deal.

here's the one's I'm missing....

18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker
Conflict Zone
Deep Fighter
Donald Duck Goin' Quackers
Ducati World Racing Challenge
ESPN International Track & Field
ESPN NBA 2 Night
Gundam Side Story
Hidden & Dangerous
House of the Dead 2
Monaco Grand Prix
Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
NFL Blitz 2000
Psychic Force 2012
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2
Red Dog
Resident Evil 3
South Park Rally
Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles
Striker Pro 2000
Super Runabout
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Urban Chaos

All games MUST be complete and in good shape (disc/Book/Back art) Case can be damaged.
PM me if you have any of these games.

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