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Topics - DreamsDied13101

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Classic Video Games / Factory Sealed Game Gear
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:48:55 am »
Just found a really good deal on a factory sealed Game Gear. I have been meaning to pick one up for awhile because I like all of my collection to be factory fresh when I get it. (That is my strange collecting quirk)

So my question is what are the odds this thing will actually power on when I open it up? (sorry for those of you who get freaked out that I am opening a sealed Game Gear) With all the issues that the Game Gears can have with capacitors and different things it makes me think it might be DOA.

It isn't a deal breaker either way because I already own a working unit. It was my wife's (she has been the only owner) and it works great without any refurbishment. Only issue is last year the speaker stopped working, but the headphone jack is still good. I've probably been a little wild with it over the years for it being nearly a 25 year old system. I take it on business trips with me and use it a lot.

General / Favorite E3 Memories
« on: March 03, 2015, 05:40:31 pm »
I'm hoping some others here have been to E3 and can share and relive their favorite memories from the Electronic Entertainment Expo!

Personally my favorite memory was Sega's last hurrah in the console market in 2000. (Sad to see their booth be invite only the following year...)
They had dance shows, tons of games, a cool looking area in the big players room (shared with Nintendo and Playstation)
I spent half of a day there just being amazed. I realize I am probably biased, but there was something magical with the prospect of gaming going in to the 2000's.
Online gaming, 3D gaming, controllers that were the size of a basketball.

Runner ups in no particular order:

1. Playstation 2 reveal (it was exciting to see and know it was coming, but the presentation Sony did at E3 was kind of lame)
2. Xbox reveal (I got to see bouncing ping ping balls everywhere!!!!)
3. Final Fantasy XI reveal (online Final Fantasy!?!?!)
4. Winning the Dead or Alive 2 tournament - I was sweating bullets in the final fight and one of the guys who lost went crazy on me and my tag team partner)

I have tons of more memories like meeting Gary Coleman....  ::) , but I'm hoping others share. I loving reliving this stuff in my mind. I'm a sucker for the nostalgia.

Hardware and Tech / Dreamcast Silencing
« on: March 03, 2015, 02:50:56 pm »
Has anyone tried doing any mods like what is described at this site?

I'm sometimes scared my Dreamcast is going to wake up my kids when they are sleeping because it is so noisy in my house.

Classic Video Games / Canadian Dreamcast Games
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:51:50 am »
I haven't collected many Canadian games over the years so I'm hoping to rely on the gaming genius of the community!

I recently came across a sealed Dreamcast game that is from Canada. It appears to be the exact same game that was released in USA except with a English/French instruction manual shrinkwrapped in with the game. The instruction manual was on the back of the case and had the back artwork printed on it. So when viewing the instruction manual the very back page was the artwork for the back of the game.

So my questions are:

1. Is this a legitimate sealed game?
2. If so, was this common practice for Canadian Dreamcast releases?

I'll try to get some pictures uploaded in case someone is curious to see it.

Modern Video Games / Dragon Heroes Coming West
« on: February 25, 2015, 10:10:49 am »
Square Enix announced that Dragon Quest Heroes is coming west in 2015!

Now if only we could get the Special Edition Dragon Quest PS4.... dreams....

Not to mention all of the other DQ games we have missed in the past years....

I have to stop before I can't see through my tears. Tears of joy mixed with tears of sadness. 

Site Feedback / Private Collection
« on: October 11, 2014, 01:28:07 am »
Not sure if this is just happening tonight or if it is something weird on my end, but when I try to view anyone's collections they just show as private collection.

Video Game Database Discussion / Platform Standardization Discussion
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:08:17 am »
Not sure if there is a way for an admin to merge pertinent data from the "Dreamcast Category?" thread, but I started this new topic so we could continue discussion on standardizing the platforms used in the database.

Some ideas I have read so far:

1. Use the production company's name before the console name for all consoles (Nintendo Entertainment System) (Nintendo Family Computer)
2. Remove the production company's name from all consoles (Entertainment System) (Family Computer)
3. Use the marketed name for the console (Nintendo Entertainment System) OR (NES) / (Family Computer) OR (FAMICOM)

My opinion (this is probably dreaming big) is that there would be categories by manufacturer that then show subcategories of their consoles. Or my other idea would be to categorize systems by their generation or years active. This somewhat avoids any naming confusion since there are other variables you are using to associate the system with.

Video Game Database Discussion / Multiple Disc Images
« on: February 12, 2014, 04:59:17 pm »
I tried searching, but didn't find anything. Is there any way to add a second disc image for a release, or is that not a current option or the database?

I was just curious because I was going to add the images or Vitua Fighter 3tb [JP] and it comes with Project Berkley (Shenmue) as the second disc.

General / What Games Have You Played the Most
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:55:55 pm »
I thought this would be a cool topic. What games have you logged the most hours on in your lifetime?

My list (not in any particular order). Also the strangest part is that I don't even think I would label these as my top 10 games of all time, but as I look over the list I definitely have a fondness for these games that I didn't even remember until I started writing them down. I think I played them so much that I probably got burned out on some of them.

1. Baseball Stars (NES)
2. Super Mario World (SNES)
3. Pinball FX2 (XBOX 360)
4. Monopoly Deal (NOKIA N8 - SYMBIAN)
5. Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
6. F-Zero (SNES)
7. Sim City (PC - DOS)
8. Doom (PC - DOS)
9. Super Mario All-Stars (SNES)
10. Mega Man (NES)

Video Game Database Discussion / Dreamcast Category?
« on: February 08, 2014, 10:32:08 pm »
Just curious is there a reason why the Dreamcast category is just "Dreamcast" instead of "Sega Dreamcast"? I realize that originally Sega wanted to drop their name from the console, but they chose to release it with the Sega name in the end.

Video Game Database Discussion / Editing Database Item - Adding Picture
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:56:34 pm »
From what I have come to understand most edits are approved or denied within 24 hours. (This could be an incorrect assumption on my part)

I uploaded a new picture to an existing item a few nights ago and the picture is still not showing up. The picture might have been denied for some reason, but I was curious if there is a way I can find out if the edit has not been processed or if and why it was denied.

I do realize the picture I submitted is not professional material, but I thought it looked pretty good especially for how small the pictures show up on the site. I'm open to criticism though!

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