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Topics - gonif

Pages: [1]
General / I just watched a documentary
« on: February 19, 2020, 10:52:11 pm »
Not for Resale (2019). It makes you think about when you might want to consider jumping ship as a collector and recouping your expenses while you can.

General / The worst people on Ebay are the ones who buy video games
« on: March 06, 2019, 10:16:15 pm »
No matter what I sell on there, I always cringe when I list a video game. The people who bid on them are by far the most immature and annoying people I have ever dealt with. Not all of them are, but on the whole I know that I'm about to deal with some real a$$ clowns every time I list a video game.

I always want to reply to them with "Are you 14 years old or do you just act like it?" Music, movies, electronics, baseball cards...all of them are better to deal with than the video game buyers. And many of them try to rip you off but they always go away quietly when you provide the tracking number with delivery confirmation for the game they "didn't receive."

I'm sure none of you fall into this category, but as a seller I always know I'm about to deal with a bunch of garbage every time I list a video game.

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