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Topics - viktokai

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Classic Video Games / Carts loosing saved games
« on: February 08, 2014, 11:48:05 pm »
Hey Peeps,

Just wondering which point to attack first and what your opinions are on the subject. NES/SNES games loosing their saved games onto them... I'm sure everyone has been down that road before but here is my question...

I am to blame for loosing my save states to fighting with the game itself and ejecting them to fight to get them fired up... I know the golden rule is to hold reset but in the heat of the moment you forget sometimes and well the rest is history...


Should I crack 'em open and change the batteries in them. I got to say it's a little strange that Sim City, Super Mario World and Super Conflict won't remember a saved game for crap... but it always seems to be after I fought to get the dang thing going. So guys and gals... what do you think. Oh by the way... anyone know the battery sizes for SNES and NES games?

I only wish people took better care of their games but some of these titles come in rough shape and need some TLC, LOL!

Thanks and happy gaming!

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