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Messages - thecrypticodor

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I have two oldie Commodore 1702 monitors, and I absolutely love them for 8- to 32-bit consoles. Their built-in speakers make C64 and NES audio sound great.
Yeah I've been toying around with the ideal of getting a Commodore 1702 monitor for some time now. Haven't had much luck finding one locally. I'm sure I could find one on ebay but to ship a CRT monitor would cost a fortune. Those things are pretty sweet though so I may just break down and do it one day.

Oldest TV i own is a small B&W 10" form the 70's, it's only used for a couple older game consoles that have issues running on newer TV's. It's in storage in my basement and I really don't wanna dig it out atm to take pic's lol
Yeah people you don't have to post pictures you can just post the model number. Or just Google search the model number and post a stock photo.

I remember being at a garage sale and some lady had a huge TV that was in cased in carved wood and had a screen that was maybe 10-15" looked like it was from the early 60's (maybe 50s) and it worked in beautiful B&W and she just wanted to get rid of it and offered it to me for free. But I really couldn't figure a place to put it so I passed. lol
The chances of a pre 70's tv working correctly or at all aren't very good. Even if it was still brand new and was never used all of those ancient wax paper capacitors would have dried up and failed by now. TV's from the 60's 50's and older usually have to be completely restored just for them to produce high voltage and display a raster.

Lets see if any of you can beat my 1982 Sony Trinitron KV-1913. It's RF only so I currently only use it for second and third gen gaming. Got it a few weeks back for $5 at a Goodwill since it's tag color was half off. :)

I personally think disc rot is a myth started by people that don't take care of their discs or bought bad discs. Like has already been mentioned by others, I have CDs that came out in the early-to-mid 80s that work perfectly fine and that's about as old as discs get. And these are CDs I've listened to A LOT (I'm big on the 80s).
Same here I tons of early 80's CD that are absolutely perfect not a single one has any read errors. I've only ever heard of disc rot happening to laser disc's and that's even rare. It's only CD/DVD-R that has a 20-30 year shelf life. As long as you have a drive to read it optical media will last a hell of a lot longer than a hard drive will.

General / Re: A place to get blank game cases?
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:16:33 pm »
Try looking on ebay, or buy a bunch of ultra cheap ps2 games and use those boxes.
Goodwills are also good place to find old PS2 sports titles. They usually just sit there because nobody wants them. Just grap em up and cannibalize their cases.

Classic Video Games / Re: Atari 2600 best boxarts
« on: April 21, 2014, 10:04:54 pm »
Here's a some of my favorites.

Acitvision's box art is generally very good, and for the most part they were actually reflective of what the game inside was actually like.

Came across a bunch of Intellivision stuff this weekend for a pretty good price, considering there's some harder to find titles in there.  Here's what I picked up:

- Intellivision system (boxed, in decent condition)
- White Water
- He-Man
- Kool Aid Man
- Zaxxon
- Mission X
- Motocross
- Atlantis
- Beauty and the Beast
- BurgerTime
- NASL Soccer
- Tron Maze-A-Thon (CIB)
- Space Spartan (CIB - Intellivoice game)
Awesome pickups especially Zaxxon. It's getting harder to find that one at a decent price. The Intellivsion version of Zaxxon IMO is much more playable than the one for the 2600. In both versions it's nearly impossible to judge altitude but at least the Intellivision version the enemies are color coded to the altitude meter.
Beauty and the Beast, Burgertime and Atlantis are awesome and some of the best games for the system. I despise Tron Maze a Tron however very overly complicated game that just isn't much fun.

Most PS2's are already 10+ years old in another 20 they'll be 30 and over. A lot of the optical pickups will inevitably fail within that time. I doubt there's gonna be many if any companies making replacement laser's for 30+ year old systems. So it's not gonna be like the second and third gen consoles where they'll be a ton of units still functioning at 30 years of age. This should surely help even out the demand for PS2 media.
You think the PS1's prices will go crazy in the next 3 years? My counter point would be if it was the cartridge based systems that were driving the prices, and that the same conditions couldn't be met with a disc based system. Will ps2 discs even work in 10 years? The disc as good storage has never been tested.
I have CD's released as early as 83 that still work just fine.

Marketplace / Re: Game Gear Repair Service
« on: April 09, 2014, 11:35:20 pm »
Even if you have to pay someone to do it a recapped Game Gear is a wonderful thing. Here's what mine looks like after I replaced EVERY single capacitor in it.

What a Game Gear is supposed to look like.  :)

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 09, 2014, 03:12:32 am »
I'm playing Ace Combat 4 Shattered Skies. Never got around to playing any of Ace Combat series outside of the early PS1 tittles. Gotta say I'm surprised at how solid the game is. Just ripped through the first ten missions in one sitting. I also acquired Ace Combat 5 somewhat recently so that's definitely gonna be moving up my gaming queue.

Yeah gauntlet is one of those games that usually isn't compatible with NES clone hardware.

General / Re: New Retro Systems Any Good?
« on: April 06, 2014, 03:26:45 pm »
I'd be surprised if you're actually able to use a Power Base Converter on a Retron 5. They're very specifically shaped to fit over a Model 1 Genesis only. I mistakenly bought one, because the Wikipedia entry says that it's compatible with the Model 2 Genesis. Technically the technology is, but the back lip of it goes over the power port of the Model 2, so you can't really play it if there's no power. I ended up buying a Model 1 Genesis just to use it.
You should be able to use this. It even says it will work in a Retron 5.

Hardware and Tech / Re: Rust
« on: April 06, 2014, 03:16:15 pm »
I use CLR for rust and corrosion and it works very good. It requires some scrubbing and patience but it will remove rust. A very fine sandpaper will also work but I generally save that as a last resort.


Very cool. I've been eyeing one of those models myself at a local used video game shop. She wants $50 for it. The problem I'm having is that I'm not sure it's worth $50 for me, since I'm not that big on the classic arcade-style of gaming. There are other games I want on it, though, like the Masters of the Universe, D&D games, that surgery game, and the pre-Civilization sim game (can't remember the name of it right now).
$50 isn't a bad price assuming it has both controllers and the power supply. Although I'd recommend the first model over the model II as the controllers are better especially the keypad. Also the model II won't play Donkey Kong, Carnival and Venture.
Arcade style games are what the vast majority of it's library is comprised off. So if you don't enjoy those kind of games it'd be tough for me to recommend it. Although Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (the first one) and the Intellivision version of Burgertime are worth owning the system for right there.


I think I officially lost my mind because this now makes the fourth Intellivision that I now own. I really wanted a model II and it was up for a decent price so I said screw it. Also picked up some ColecoVision games the best among them being Frenzy the sequel to Berzerk.

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