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Topics - thecrypticodor

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Hardware and Tech / Non black PS1 Disc?
« on: February 21, 2017, 08:31:43 pm »
I recently obtained a copy of Spider for the PS1, and upon expection I noticed the disc wasn't black more blueish or gray depending on the light level. At first I concluded it must a bootleg, yet I tried it anyway in a couple different non-chipped Playstations and it booted perfectly fine. As far as I know pirates have never been able to create a self booting PS1 disc yet so I'm thinking it has to be real. Has anyone ever seen something like this?

A friend of mine was looking through my collection earlier and he asked me as to why I have so many duplicates of certain consoles. I tried explaining to him it was for a couple of reasons. That some of them I play almost on a daily basis so they'll naturally experience a lot of wear and a backup will eventually be needed. So I get them whenever I find them cheap. Also for older systems if I'm gonna shell out top dollar for some of the rarer expensive titles especially ones for older systems I like the feeling that I'll always have a working unit to play them on. He didn't really seem satisfied with my answer and said that I'm just obsessive and a hoarder.  :(

What are your guys thoughts on this is owning multiples of consoles a obsessive or hoarding behavior?
Your thoughts

Lets see if any of you can beat my 1982 Sony Trinitron KV-1913. It's RF only so I currently only use it for second and third gen gaming. Got it a few weeks back for $5 at a Goodwill since it's tag color was half off. :)

Second gen would include such consoles as the 2600, 5200, Intellivsion, ColecoVision, Vectrex and the Odyssey 2.

Here's mine
Moonsweeper – 2600
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons – Intellivision
Burgertime – Intellivision
Venture – Intellivison (The ColecoVision version gets all the love but IMO the Intellivision version is superior.)
H.E.R.O. – 2600/ColecoVision
Mr Do! - ColecoVision
Ptifall II – 2600/ColecoVision
Donkey Kong Jr – ColecoVision
Crystal Castles -2600
Gravitar – 2600

I picked up a copy at a Goodwill recently and the only reason I did so was mostly because of it's namesake and that alone. I've heard nothing but bad things about it throughout the years. So should I sink time into it or should I just skip it. What did you guys think of it?

I do from time to time and I notice some weird looks from people. Especially when It's an enormous Game Gear with the Master System Converter attached. ;D I think it's mostly stupid people that are so ''new'' obsessed that any old tech is deemed valueless and inferior to them.

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